#Mi reina
thefetkraken · 3 months
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bullet-prooflove · 3 months
3 items & 1 character
Tattoo gun, ring and poppies
Angel Reyes
Girl, I'm 🔥this morning
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Tagging: @kmc1989 @witches-unruly-heart @fleureeee @Keyweegirlie @infinity-mars @Danzer8705 @anime-weeb-4-life @harperdoodle @Fanfic-n-tabulous @daydreamingbelle @Est1887 @creativitybeware @librarian1002 @mortal--soul @Spookyboogyuniverse @spaghettificationandpretzels @nu1freakshow @justreblogginfics @ravennaortiz @Just-a-throw-away @yousigned-upforthis @Pansexualhailstorm @sisinever @Meera10 @Thump31 @Phoward89 @lokiwife2021 @thegreat-annamaria @fangirling-alert @fallout-girl219 @aallyperkk @hockeyshmockey
@the-hinky-panda It's happening!
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The morning before the wedding Angel sits in Hank’s tattoo chair and sets his palm on the armrest. The design of the ring is already stencilled onto his finger, the indigo outline ready to be inked upon his skin.
“This is your final chance to back out.” Hank smiles as he picks up the tattoo gun, turning it on. The low buzzing emits through the room as he dips the tip into the ink.
“Nah, that’s not what we’re doing today.” He tells the other man, settling back into the seat.
It takes an hour for Hank to tattoo the wedding ring onto Angel’s finger. He can’t wear a regular wedding band, not after he saw a guy’s finger getting ripped off a few years ago when he was working in the yard. The machine had caught on the gold circlet on his hand and he hadn’t been able to pull free. He’s seen some nasty shit in his time but that’s the one that really sticks with him.
He also can’t stand the idea of not wearing one. He wants people to know that he belongs to you, that his commitment to the woman he loves is for life.
It’s later that day that his nerves start to get the better of him. He’s standing in the rose garden at your farm underneath a white archway in his kutte when he starts to wonder what if.
What if you’ve finally seen sense?
What if you’ve decided him and Valeria aren’t worth the trouble?
What if? What if? What if?
He thinks EZ must sense him spiralling because he places his hand on his shoulder and turns Angel’s body towards the bottom of the aisle as Songbird begins to play the fiddle.
The first thing he sees is his daughter. She’s clad in white, toddling down the aisle haphazardly tossing pink rose petals left and right. She’s having great fun being the centre of attention. He bends down to pick her up and she laughs as he smothers her delicate face with kisses before he gently hands her off to EZ.
When he straightens up again he sees you standing there on his father’s arm and the sight…
It blows him away.
You’re wearing a red tea dress that falls to your knee and lace sleeves. Your hair is pinned away from your features, there’s poppies woven into it.
You look like a queen, his queen.
“Mi Reina.” He smiles as you come to stand in front of him.
You respond by taking both his hands in yours.
“My Angel.”
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srbu · 9 months
MAMÁ (2)
Mamá, eres la luz de mi vida
la que me guía con tu sabiduría
la que me abraza con tu ternura
la que me inspira con tu valentía.
Eres incondicional y guapa
elegante y distinguida
con un carácter único y especial
que te hace ser querida.
Eres fuerte y guerrera
formidable en muchos aspectos
has luchado por tus sueños
y has vencido muchos retos.
Eres la esencia de tus hijos
que heredaron tus virtudes
que te admiran y te respetan
que te agradecen tus actitudes.
A medida que pasan los años
afrontas con determinación
los problemas de la vida
sin perder la ilusión.
Mamá, eres un ejemplo a seguir
una mujer admirable y generosa
te quiero con todo mi corazón
y te deseo lo mejor en esta vida hermosa.
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mochie85 · 2 years
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Awe so cute 😍😍😍
@lokisgoodgirl @michelleleewise @springdandelixn @the-lady-amphitrite @chantsdemarins @goldencherriess @ladyofthestayingpower @irishhappiness @fictive-sl0th @muddyorbsblr @sarahscribbles
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3ultimoslatidos · 2 years
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Tengo miedo de perder la memoria y aun recordarte. de olvidar tu rostro, tu olor, tu voz y sonrisa y aun asi extrañarte, porque aun tengo inpregnada en mi alma tu esencia. Extrañarte sin saber quien eres, donde estas o si me estas buscando. Sentir que algo o alguien me falta y no saber que o quien es. Tener un vacío en mi que no puedo llenar. Tengo miedo de morir sin conocerte de nuevo.
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tsupengu · 1 year
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dilo mas alto reina
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smileflowcr · 7 months
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"¿Suyeong, verdad?" pregunta, organizando las diversas armas de fuego sobre una enorme estantería. Cuando no tenía una misión suele quedarse en la guarida y preparar todo en caso de emergencia, o también recorre los distritos en busca de intercambios de información. "El líder dijo que vendrías, ¿Necesitas algo? ¿Armas? ¿Información? ¿O tal vez deseas que espíe a alguien?" no era extraño que otros grupos se acercasen a ella para pedirle ayuda. [ @mikrokosmcs ]
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gabrirod · 11 months
Te dedicaré todas las canciones de amor. Si "todas"
@liza-roy mi hermosura, mi preciosa mía😍
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copped this card from my item store today AGAHAHAHAHAHA
tengo mi bonita mami jajajaja
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plusfuckingultra · 1 year
Why is it so easy for you to love me. Accept me, all of me. When it was so difficult for them, telling me I was being difficult. I was difficult. So why do you act like it’s so easy. With no glimpse of anything but adoration in your eyes, you tell me that loving me is the easiest thing in the world. You tell me that you love my jokes, even in a serious situation, instead of telling me it’s not the time. Or I’m an asshole. Or I’m out of pocket. Or I need to just stop talking because it’s pissing you off. You tell me you love seeing me, even when I haven’t showered in a week and can barely bring myself to eat. You tell me you love how I smell, even tho I cry waking up in the morning/afternoon because I feel gross just existing in my own skin that smells horrid. You tell me you love hearing me talk, even tho I talk way too much when you’re trying to get things done. You tell me you love my body, even tho I can’t even stand to look at myself in the mirror sometimes. You tell me you love the way I hold you even tho I’m terrified that every time I let go, I’ll fall apart again without you to hold me together. Even tho I’m scared that if I hold you too tight, you’d disappear into thin air like you never even happened to me. 
But when we don’t let go, when I hold you, you hold me back. Tighter and closer than I hold you. And you hold me like you never want to let go. Like you’re keeping me to yourself, like you want to pull me into you, our souls intertwined, just to keep me safe from all the bad in the world. You hold me like I matter to you. And I only wish you felt even a fraction of how you make me feel. Because for some reason, you’ve found a way to love me. And you tell me it’s easy. 
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barcaverse · 2 years
Show them how it's done 🤞🏽
So proud of her 💙❤️
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Incoming Matchup for @nanamis-wifey-reye​
Tokyo Revengers
Kakucho Hitto
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Bungou Stray Dogs
Sakunosuke Oda “Odasaku”
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read the tags 💜
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aries-n-gemini · 1 year
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mimi16lps · 1 year
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ksnhye · 1 year
"¿por qué te ves tan pálidx? ¿tienes miedo escénico o algo?" , @svmerk .
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‘ ¿me veo muy mal? ’ cuestiona, en automático presionando sus mejillas para brindarles un poco de color y poder disimular su malestar. ‘ creo que me cayó mal un platillo, es todo. ’ confiesa.
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gabrirod · 1 year
Cuando te conocí en la secundaria siempre supe que tú eras mi amor, me hiciste esperar mucho, valió la pena cada segundo, te veo feliz a mi lado, te daré más mi hermosa, solo no me sueltes y verás cumplir cada promesa como hasta ahora te amo @liza-roy mi mamacita de ojitos preciosos😙
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