#Micah x Danny
confusedhomicidalrage · 6 months
@thornonthevine @brains4ne
Mordecai x Jeremiah
1. Morjer
2. jercai
E. Moriah
4. jermor ("Official" one)
5. Caiiah
6. Iahcai
7. Jeor
8. Orje
9. Remo
10. Demia
11. Miade
12. Rede
Vicky x Scarlett
1. Vilett ("Official" one)
2. Vicar
3. Scarcky
4. Scarlvi
5. Ckylett
6. Ckarl
7. Cornflower
Burt x Adam (Visibly struggling)
1. Burad
2. Adurt
3. Adbu
4. Adart
5. Buda
6. Applecorn ("Official" one)
Abel x Ezekiel
1. Abez
2. Ezel
3. Ezab
4. Elez
5. Abekiel
6. Eliel
7. Ezabek
8. DogDemon ("Official" one)
Danny x Micah
1. Danmi
2. Nycah
3. Danah
4. Midan ("Official" one)
5. Cahdan
6. Miny
7. Dami
8. Mianny
9. Ahdan
Gabriel x Hannah x Matt
1. Gahatt ("Official" one)
2. Brienahma
3. Ielnaat
4. Abhanma
5. Rielhamat
6. Gaannatt
7. Abrianma
8. Rihanmat
9. Gabrihanma
10. Brielnahatt
11. Ganama {Sounds like a state tbh}
12. Brhama
(Don't ship it, didn't take off, but idk, take it) Eli x Josiah
1. Eliah
2. Lisiah
3. Josli ("Official" one)
4. Eljo
5. Joel
6. Iahli
7. Liiah
8. Josel
Kit x Malachai
Mit ("Official" one)
2. Kalachai
3. Maki
4. Malit
5. Kichai
6. Kimal
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Children Of The Corn II boils down to whether Danny Garret wants to get with Micah/He Who Walks Between The Rows or Lacey Hellerstat (he should’ve chosen Micah). Jokes aside, I actually think this film is better handled than its predecessor. The story taking place in the aftermath of the devastation at the end of the 1984 movie makes for a more eerie opening. It’s made all the better because there’s a longer build up to the moments of violence against the adults in this installment. Whereas you immediately see what the children do to the adults of Gatlin in ‘84, there’s greater room for the narrative to develop events in Hemingford. Of course COTC II had to tie things into Native American spirituality/religion this time around which was kind of eh, not least because it telegraphed how the Native American character had to be the one to die... sigh. Whatever. The Corn Kid Clique was entertaining as expected, and Possessed Micah was great. He deserved to be with Danny goddamnit! Minus a point for no Eldritch God gay disciple couple. 6.5/10
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lalathemelody · 6 months
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Hello! as you can see this a cotc fanfic blog I made this since there are barely any fanfics for cotc on here!
¡here are the rules and boundaries!
no nsfw request reminder half the characters in cotc are well..CHILDREN. This includes kinks as well.. and besides I’m acesexual so writing about that stuff makes me uncomfortable
WNO PROSHIPPING/DARKSHIPPING I can’t believe I have to say this but no I won’t be writing that kind of stuff and if you like that shit please leave.
Please add a story and context to your request
I don’t always make x reader type stuff I can also make stuff where the reader just hangs out with the character
Please specify the gender of the reader in your request
that’s all I can think of.
“Where’s-“ idk…I don’t know.
Anyways that’s it! Happy reading:3!
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thornonthevine · 7 months
Okay, because Lesbian Anon is slowly becoming a regular;
I want everyone's opinion on her cuz yeah!
Also, for Malachai; pls force Isaac to take his meds
Oh, and Gabriel: What do you and Matt do when Hannah's not around?
Isaac: NO NOOO-
Malachi: *chasing Isaac with a pill bottle in his hand* GET BACK HERE!
Vicky: she’s cute!..
Micah: she’s something!
Danny: shes cool
Lacy: don’t know her but she seems nice
Eli: I don’t know
Josh: uhh hang on *reads all those Vicky x lesbian anon post* ship..is that the name?
Maria: she’s cute!..Burt is a little weird at times
Malcom: glad she’s trying to get her away from Burt
Joseph: ??
Ezekiel: she’s okay..
Allison: didn't know vicky likes girls but im here for it!..they seem like a nice couple!
Greg: yeah they seem like they’d make a nice pair
Kir: I hope im invited to the wedding.
(Btw they like lesbian anon)
Hannah: she’s nice i guess
Gabriel: well she's nice and me and Matt just hang out your know..
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tayarthur · 1 year
Is Media Biased?
In my opinion mainstream media, in all platforms, has a slant. I think that this stems from local and hyper local communities that these platforms cater to, to survive. In America we like to think of the media as being free from the sway of politics or ideologies etc… but the heart of it, media actually stems from strong philosophical beliefs put into writing to sway large swaths of communities one way or another. For us originally, this was to sway the colonies towards American independence. Nowadays, the media is definitely used to inform objectively. We look towards reporters to dissect large un-sexy reports and statistics about topics that will affect local communities. We look towards reporting to uncover dark truths about government officials, people and entities - for example the Catholic Church. However, in the age of MAGA politics and fake news, media organizations can also be used to inflame rhetoric vis-á-vis national political organizations or people. Cough, cough, former President Donald Trump - or liberal talk show hosts like Rachel Maddow. I would argue that when we consume this kind of media we are choosing to swallow our own pill of choice and that decision is largely made without reason, analysis or informed consent of the general public. As a journalism student, I am constantly reminded of what media organizations are present in our world, what they stand for, how they survive and why it is or isn’t important to value them. My neighbor, who is about my age 25-27 years old, thinks that it is thrilling and amazing that I work for the Los Angeles Times. However, I often wonder when was the last time she read an article from my “thrilling” and “amazing” media organization? And if she did read, even a single article, did she have thoughts about it? Was it anything other than an acknowledgement of the crazy photo that we got of a goat on a surfboard in Huntington beach? Maybe, Maybe not. As mentioned in the “What do the numbers say about U.S. web/news sites & social media” presentation by Aileen Rayas, Danny Solano, Guadalupe Garibay and Jessica Phan, the top news site for generally all consumers is Twitter (X). This platform, which is highly chaotic and unfiltered, can and does address newsworthy topics that a wide range of people can access. However it’s followed by The New York Times, arguably the most prestigious and trustworthy news organization still operating that stems from the western world. This saddens me greatly. Especially because Twitter (X) has also become a safe haven for racist, hateful speech, egged on to continue by its most recent owner Elon Musk. One of my best friends had to make his profile private because QAnon conspiracy theorists began harassing him online because his nickname is Q. Q as in Q from Star Trek, not the head of a right-wing conspiracy theory from the dark web. Other organizations, not holding extreme views, are also losing viewership in steady numbers. As stated in the presentation by Jose Fraire, Lauren Hannah, Micah Hall and Emylie Avelar, PBS’s viewership declined by a staggering 1 million viewers from 2021-2022. I think this speaks to the platform not being able to reach viewers where they will consume the media and the network's ability to rise out of extreme rhetoric and be relevant to those viewers. 
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Which ones are single?
Sam and Danny both have girlfriends that they're in long term relationships with, Jake might have a girlfriend idk if it's still Jita or someone else or no one, and no info on Josh. He might be single, he might be dating a girl (or guy I guess) on the down low... Yeah! That's all I know lol, I honestly so not keep up with their relationship statuses and shit all the info I get is from confessors. And I'm sorry if this itself was supposed to be a confession, but it didnt look like one
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tagged by the lovelies @littleferal and @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa
I’ve honestly been in such a writing fuck that I haven’t been writing barely anything for the past few month but these are the most recently added to wips 
Surrogate- A story about a queen seeking out a demon to get her pregnant so she doesn’t reach the same sad fates her previous husband’s “Barren” wives did before her. Unsure if I want it to be a Demon!Pero Tovar or Oberyn x Reader yet or just an Oc x Reader
As the cold winds curled at your naked body and nipped at your skin, your thoughts began to spiral. 
What if somebody sees you?
What if a guard comes looking for you? 
What if your husband wakes to find you missing? 
What if-
“Your majesty” A low voice echoed and the winds stopped howling. A man, though you knew he was more than such a simple definition, stepped out from the shadows. 
You have heard stories. Of women seeking out deals with other creatures, of fae and demons alike for riches, safety, children. You heard of their silver tongues and nimble fingers and cunning voices that would trick you just as fast as they would kiss you. 
“It’s an honor.”
But you didn’t think he’d be so broad.
 “I need a child.” 
He lowered his eyes to your bare body and the dark curls between your legs. The corner of his lips turned up into a small smile. “So it would seem.” 
The Antichrist Wears Spidermanbandaids (placeholder title)- Novel Iv’e begun for my next semester starting in a month. Focusing on single mom Lillian taking care of her son Micah as sudden change causes them to move back into her grandparents home after their death. Francisco Morales x Lillian. 
“You’ll be able to find a new tenant just fine! This is a great apartment! It’s got good heating, its close to town, great lighting-”
“You forgot to mention it comes with a fucking body count, thanks to you and-”
Lillian stood up suddenly, chair screeching against the linoleum floors. In a second, her demeanor had changed, before she was shrunk back, desperate and bargaining, but now she stood tall, rigid and angry. 
“Don’t.” She warned him lowly. “Don’t blame that on him.” 
He at least had the decency to look ashamed. “You're..you’re right Lil’. I’m sorry I didn't mean.. It’s just. Anybody who looks into this place is gonna see that news article the moment they put the address into a search bar. You know it, I know it.” 
“And we both know that every goddamn house, apartment, and public restroom has some random crime or accident that just so happened to occur in it. That hotel up the street? Some girl was found dead in the freezers.” she told him. “Back in the 70’s, decapitated and everything. But they still get plenty of business!” 
Danny frowned, tilted his head to the side and raised his brows in a way that reminded her of her mother when she was caught in a lie as a child. “Yeah, in the fucking seventies, Lillian. Not a year and a half ago.”
“That murder wasn’t always forties years ago, Danny. If they can rebuild from a headless college girl, you can rebuild from one accident.” 
Of Rusted Rings and Shallow Graves- Marcus Pike struggles with the loss of his wife while somebody watches him grieve and suffer from afar. Marcus Pike x Reader
“It won’t be easy, son.” Your uncle told him, voice a dim murmur that moved through the murky waves of Marcus’ head. “But she’d want you to keep living. Find a reason to keep going, no matter how big or small.” 
He was a widow himself of twenty five years. A man who knew of sadness and grief more than anybody else in the room, his own cuts of grief scabbed and scarred over through years of living and grieving and ‘getting through it’, setting an aged hand on the shoulder of a young husband whose wound was still bleeding.     
Slowly, his voice began to melt away, as did his body. Everything around Marcus was distant
Untitled one shot surrounding The Triple Frontier crew as a group of mercenaries in a Wrong place Wrong time setting and how it all goes down- 
“You don’t need to worry about that, lovebug.”You wiggled your fingers against his stomach and that bright smile you love so much finally began to peek out. “All you need to know is that three days from now, we're gonna be meeting spiderman and eating so much funnel cake it’ll be coming out of your ears.”
Elliot shrieked with laughter while trying to wriggle his way out of your grasp as you tickled and poked him. “Gross!” 
“You hear me right, little man!” As your son continued to laugh and shimmy in your arms, you noticed movement across the lawn. A shadowed figure moving quick and low across the front yard. 
A trick of the light, you told yourself. It’s dark outside after all. 
But three shadows follow it in a tight formation as the first kicked open the front door of your home. 
Elliot noticed your change of demeanor, how you had fallen silent and hands no longer poking his stomach and sides with joy, but gripping his little shirt with trembling hands. “Mama?” He asks softly, staring up at your face that is still fixated on the house. 
Tagging: Whoever wants to join in!!!!
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writermuses · 2 years
Thread Tracker
last updated: 11 June 2022
Note 1: I only went back a month or to whatever was on the last thread tracker, so if you want to keep something that is older than that, please let me know. I will still and forever be the slowest replier in all of time, so I’m happy to keep threads. I also probably missed something in the process of making this tracker, so just lmk.
Note 2: I know some of the threads are finished, I plan to go back and cross more of them off. I just like having them linked so I can go back to them as a reference due to my memory loss. Seriously, don’t think I expect you to respond to the older shit, I just love our bebes 💙
Note 3: Click here to find my open starters, which are open for all eternity.
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Nate x Aubree - 01
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Hannelore x Caitlin - 01
Nate x Adelaide - 01 - 02
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Luca x Camila - 01
Resna x Roux - 01
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Teague x Celine - 01
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Lilith x Damien - 01
Mason x Ella - 01
Pem x Raj - 01
Vincent x Alexandria - 01
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Drew x Cassandra - 01
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Drew x Melina - 01
Octavius x Davina - 01
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Emirhan x Ceren - 01
Hannelore x William - 01
Luca x Özgür - 01
Nate x Seraphina - 01 - 02
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Luca x Elle - 01 - 02
Tadgh x Serena - 01
Taney x Luca - 01
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Vincent x Amelia - 01 - 02
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Andrew x Prudence - 01
Hannelore x Abel - 01
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Micah x Vera - 01
Octavius x Julianna 01
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Charlotte x Sloan - 01
Luca x Andrew - 01
Luca x Maddie - 01
María Elena x Kerem - 01
Matthias x Jameson - 01
Micah x Diana - 01
Nate x Diana - 01
Pem x Tiberius - 01
Resna x Jameson - 01
Solena x Ilya - 01 - 02 - 03
Tadgh x Maddie - 01
Vincent x Azra - 01
Will x Emine - 01
Yana x Eren - 01
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Aurélie x Jude - 01 - 02
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Alina x Xavier - 01
Drew x Kai - 01
Hazel x Jamie - 01
Lilith x JJ - 01
Nate x Danny - 01 - 02 - 03
Tomlin x Leah - 01 - 02 - 03
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Donovan x Aurora - 01
Solena x Alex - 01
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Matt x Lauren - 01
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Nate x Rylee - 01
Taney x Will - 01
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Pembe x Percival - 01
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Emirhan x Ramona - 01 - 02 - 03 - 04
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thy-lover · 4 years
•|Ask of Me Darling|•
A list of who I write for, I have my limits though. Request are open. Boy x Boy and Girl x Girl are fine! LGBTQ+ Safe blog. There are limits to what kinks ill write about. This blog is strictly 18+ ‼‼ If you're Not comfortable with depictions of Homosexuality this blog ain't for ya sweets
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(include but are not limited to)
• Jason Voorhees - Friday the 13th
• Thomas Hewitt - Texas Chainsaw Massacre
• Bubba Sawyer - Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
• Michael Myers - Halloween
(2007-R. Zombie)
• Jeepers Creepers - Jeepers Creepers
• Billy Loomis - Ghostface
• Stu Macher - Ghostface
• Bo Sinclair - House of Wax
• Vincent Sinclair - House of Wax
• Art the Clown - Terrifier
• Pyramid Head - Silent Hill
• Hannibal Lecter - Hannibal
(Mads Mikkelsen-TV)
• Asa Emory/The Collector - The Collector
• Charles Lee Ray/Chucky - Child's Play
(Human Only)
• Yautja(s) - AvP/Predators
• Brahms Heelshire - The Boy
• Harry Warden - My Bloody Valentine
• Freddy Krueger - A Nighmare on Elm Street
• Patrick Bateman - American Psycho
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(Include but are not limited to)
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• Damon Salvatore
• Stefan Salvatore
• Jeremy Gilbert
• Bonnie Bennett
• Mason Lockwood
• Tyler Lockwood
• Caroline Forbes
• Katerina Petrova/Katherine Peirce
• Kai Parker
• Klaus Mikealson
• Elijah Mikealson
• Rebekah Mikealson
• Kol Mikealson
• Marcellus Gerard
• Lucien Castle
The Peaky Blinders
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• Thomas Shelby
• John Shelby
• Arthur Shelby
• Finn Shelby
• Bonnie Gold
• Alfie Solomons
• Michael Gray
The Sopranos/The Many Saints of Newark
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• Peter-Paul "Paulie Walnuts" Gualtieri
• Silvio Dante
• Tony Soprano
• Meadow Soprano
• Salvatore "Big Pussy" Bonpensiero
• Furio Giunta
• Uncle Sally
• Dickie Moltisanti
• Johnny Soprano
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• Porter Gage
• Piper Wright
• Preston Garvey
• Cait
• Nick Valentine
• Robert MacCready
• Danse
• Arthur Maxson
• Strong
• Conrad Kellog(NPC)
• Mason(Nuka World DLC NPC)
• Mags Black(Nuka World DLC NPC)
• Old Longfellow
• Allen Lee(Far Harbor DLC NPC)
Red Dead Redemption 2
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• Arthur Morgan
• John Marston
• Micah Bell
• Charles Smith
• Sadie Adler
• Hosea Matthews
• Lenny Summers
• Bill Williamson
• Sean MacGuire
• Javier Escuella
• Kieran Duffy
• Tilly Jackson
Mafia 2-3
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• Lincoln Clay - Mafia III
• Vito Scaletta - Mafia II and III
• Danny Burke - Mafia III
• Thomas Burke - Mafia III
• John Donovan - Mafia III
• Joe Barbaro - Mafia II
• Giorgi Marcano - Mafia III
Game of Thrones
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• Sandor Clegane
• Jon Snow
• Daenerys Targaryen
• Tormund Giantsbane
• Tyrion Lannister
• Tywin Lannister
• Cersei Lannister
• Arya Stark
• Sansa Stark
• Jaime Lannister
• Brienne of Tarth
• Theon Greyjoy
• Joffrey Baratheon
• Eddard Stark
• Ramsay Bolton
• Bronn
• Oberyn Martell
• Khal Drogo
• Night King
• Roose Bolton
Mortal Kombat
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• Shao Kahn
• Baraka
• Mileena
• Raiden
• Fujin
• Sub-Zero - Kuai Liang
• Noob Saibot - Bi Han
• Scorpion - Hanzo Hisashi
• Kintaro
• Johnny Cage
• Ermac
• Quan Chi
• Shang Tsung
• Jax - Jaxson Briggs
• Jacqui Briggs
• Erron Black
• Frost
• Jade
Ask and I shall write. Your imagination is the limit.
thy lover
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colin-therightstuff · 4 years
‘The Right Stuff’: Nat Geo’s Mercury 7 Drama Series Moves To Disney+ For Fall Premiere
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EXCLUSIVE: National Geographic Channel’s upcoming series The Right Stuff will become a Disney+ original. The period drama, starring Patrick J. Adams and Jake McDorman, will premiere in the fall under the Nat Geo brand on the SVOD platform. Adapted from Tom Wolfe’bestselling nonfiction account of the early days of the U.S. space program, The Right Stuff is produced by Leonardo DiCaprio’s Appian Way and Warner Horizon Scripted Television.
The first Nat Geo Disney+ show, docu series The World According to Jeff Goldblum, also had been greenlighted for the linear cable network before migrating to Disney+ to become one of the platform’s original offerings at launch. The Right Stuff marks Nat Geo’s first scripted original series for Disney+. It will provide the platform with a high-end original drama series in the fall when streamers will feel the effects of the current coronavirus-related production shutdown with a dwindling volume of new originals.
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The eight-episode The Right Stuff examines what would become America’s first “reality show,” as ambitious astronauts and their families become instant celebrities in a competition that could kill them or make them immortal. The two men at the center of the story are Major John Glenn (Adams), a revered test pilot and committed family man with unwavering principles,, and Lieutenant Commander Alan Shepard (McDorman), one of the best test pilots in Navy history.
At the height of the Cold War in 1959, the Soviet Union dominates the space race. To combat a national sentiment of fear and decline, the U.S. government conceives of NASA’s Project Mercury, igniting a space race with the Soviets and making instant celebrities of a handful of the military’s most accomplished test pilots. These individuals, who come to be known as the Mercury Seven, are forged into heroes long before they have achieved a single heroic act. The nation’s best engineers estimate they need several decades to make it into outer space. They are given two years. (Watch below a behind-the-scenes video featuring footage from the series.)
The rest of the Mercury Seven includes Lieutenant Gordon Cooper (Colin O’Donoghue), the youngest of the seven who was selected to everyone’s surprise; Wally Schirra (Aaron Staton), a competitive pilot with a gift for pulling pranks; Scott Carpenter (James Lafferty), a soulful man who was dubbed “The Poet” by the other astronauts; Deke Slayton (Micah Stock), a taciturn but incredibly intelligent pilot and engineer; and Gus Grissom, (Michael Trotter), a no-nonsense test pilot who eventually becomes the second man in space.
“This true story of scientific innovation and human perseverance could not be more timely,” said Courteney Monroe, president, National Geographic Global Television Networks. “National Geographic’s The Right Stuff is an aspirational story about exploration, ambition, determination and resilience and reminds us that human beings can achieve the extraordinary when united by a common purpose. This series provides a compelling behind-the-scenes look at the flawed, but heroic Mercury 7 astronauts and we are thrilled that it has found its perfect home on Disney+.”
The rest of The Right Stuff‘s ensemble cast includes Nora Zehetner as Annie Glenn, the wife of John Glenn and his childhood sweetheart who has a speech impairment that can sometimes make communication difficult; Eloise Mumford as Trudy Cooper, Gordon Cooper’s wife and an accomplished pilot herself, with her rocky marriage to Gordon providing conflict throughout the season; and Shannon Lucio as Louise Shepard, Alan Shepard’s devoted and long-suffering wife.
Patrick Fischler plays Bob Gilruth, a soft-spoken rocket scientist who is the partner of the more brash Chris Kraft, who is portrayed by Eric Ladin. They are critical members of NASA’s Space Task group. Danny Strong  plays John “Shorty” Powers, NASA’s omnipresent PR man, constantly taking the astronauts on glad-handing trips; Josh Cooke plays Loudon Wainwright Jr., LIFE Magazine’s star reporter, who is tasked with writing the biographies of all seven astronauts and has the keenest look at what’s really transpiring.
“As our audiences around the world turn to Disney+ to find inspiration and optimism, we believe the true-life heroism of the Mercury 7 will showcase the tenacity of the human spirit and inspire a new generation to reach for the stars,” said Ricky Strauss, president, Content & Marketing, Disney+. “The wonderful team of storytellers at National Geographic, Warner Horizon Scripted Television and Appian Way have crafted a compelling and entertaining tale and we are honored to give it a global home as the first scripted Disney+ original series from National Geographic.”
DiCaprio and Jennifer Davisson are executive producers, along with showrunner Mark Lafferty. Chris Long directed and executive produced the first episode. Will Staples and Howard Korder are also executive producers. Thelma Schoonmaker and Danny Strong are consulting producers. Michael Hampton shepherded this project on behalf of Appian Way and is co-producer.
“Tom Wolfe’s book brilliantly captured a critical moment in American history that really resonated with all of us at Appian Way and Nat Geo,” said Davidson. “Disney+ is the perfect partner to bring forth this story of what it takes to truly achieve something extraordinary, but also the personal costs of that ambition.”
Added Lafferty, “The Right Stuff evokes the wonder and awe of the moment we first escaped the bounds of our only home and ventured into the unknown. But the show is as much about who we are today as it is about our historic achievements. At a time when the world is confronted with significant challenges, this story reminds us that what seems impossible today can become the triumph of tomorrow.”
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dcminicheizer · 5 years
* 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: gender-neutral names !
under the cut you will find 128 unisex names separated by letter. enjoy and like or reblog if this helped. 
payton / peyton.
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almostnormalcomics · 3 years
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After That! No. 62 https://afterthatmini.wordpress.com/ is a 32-page, black and white (with color covers), mini-comic size, mini comix anthology. Edited and published by Micah Liesenfeld.
This issue of After That! features the prolific comic creator Delaine Derry Green! Micah gives us a marvelous mashup interview combining chats conducted with Delaine from M. Jacob Alvarez, and Micah himself. The dual interview reads seamlessly as the two interviewers get the inside info on Delaine’s long running series My Small Diary and Not My Small Diary. The trio discuss the challenges and rewards of editing, self-publishing, and comic creating in general. They also talk about Delaine’s early interest in comics, growing-up/living in the south, music, and painting! In addition to the interview this issue also includes several comic pages by Delaine and contributors to her comic, and unrelated art by M. Jacob Alvarez, Danny Houk, Mike Hill, Bob X, Adam Yeater, Peter Bangs, and Billy McKay!
After That! is a great publication serving the mini comics community! You can get your copy and get involved at https://afterthatmini.wordpress.com/
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thehomemadehooligan · 5 years
List of everything in my drafts for my own purposes
1. agron/nasir @malsrp 2. alastairyork/noah @malsrp 3. alastairyork/noah @malsrp 4. aleksandrlubomirksi/dominik @malsrp 5. aloncrisanto/kieran @cvntboys 6. andreasvasilescu/destin @malsrp 7. archieandrews/jughead @malsrp 8. austindisantos/danni @femmeshavemorefun 9. avicallahanconstantine/nivaan @jigglypuffwrites 10. babygrant/koda @malsrp 11. balancegrant/kian @malsrp 12. beatriceporter/ivy @malsrp 13. beattycres/issy @malsrp 14. bellamyblake/murphy @rebellhearted 15. bellamyblake/murphy @rebellhearted 16. bellamyblake/murphy @rebellhearted 17. bellamyblake/murphy @rebellhearted 18. bellamyblake/murphy @rebellhearted 19. bellamyblake/murphy @sarcasiisms 20. benfrench/harry @malsrp 21. benfrench/harry @thehearbreakprinces 22. benfringe/liam @svnliqhts 23. benkilmartin/felix @malsrp 24. betsyshrivatsa/giselle @malsrp 25. bettycooper/veronica @malsrp 26. biggrant/kade @malsrp 27. billyhargrove/cal @pinkestlyps 28. billyhargrove/hildr @hildr-daughter-of-loki 29. billyhargrove/murphy @rebellhearted 30. billyhargrove/nancy @hawkinssleuth 31. billyhargrove/nancy @hawkinssleuth 32. billyhargrove/puck @losingluck 33. billyhargrove/puck @losingluck 34. billyhargrove/steve @halefirewarrior 35. billyhargrove/steve @jocksitter 36. billyhargrove/steve @jocksitter 37. billyhargrove/steve @semicanonfuckboys - don't know new url 38. bosseljung/alan @ecclecticgays 39. bridgetbarker/dorothea @malsrp 40. cainedunbar/cynthia @beaconwhores 41. cainedunbar/liam @malsrp 42. carlgallagher/kammy @malsrp 43. carlgallagher/kammy @malsrp 44. caspianlance/seth @lewdlegion 45. cherielewis/toni @malsrp 46. cherokeecash/emily @wickcdcreations 47. chibstelford/juice @malsrp 48. ciaranbyrne/alyx @malsrp 49. claryhelstrom/bentley @malsrp 50. connormacmanus/murphy @malsrp 51. damonsalvatore/laurie @cvntboisandfems4u 52. derekhale/stiles @malsrp 53. diegohargreeves/klaus @malsrp 54. diegohargreeves/klaus @malsrp 55. diegohargreeves/klaus @malsrp 56. diegohargreeves/klaus @malsrp 57. diegohargreeves/klaus @malsrp 58. dixieenger/quinn @malsrp 59. donovantorrance/jas @ecclecticgays 60. edriclange/kiran @malsrp 61. edwardbrock/peter @ohnosmallknives 62. edwardbrock/peter @semicanonfuckboys - don't know new url 63. edwardbrock/peter @wallcrawlparker 64. eliotwaugh/quentin @q-makepeace 65. elodieirvine&jadetonnick/sophia @malsrp 66. enzoferris/hunter @malsrp 67. enzoferris/hunter @malsrp 68. erasylmaier/austin @malsrp 69. evgenishankarov/casper @breedables 70. eviegrimhilde/mal @malsrp 71. fangsfogarty/kevin @malsrp 72. fievelvoelkel/skylar @malsrp 73. finleonidus&arikalongan/amadej @malsrp 74. fionnlagh&dubhlaghpfdunbroch/orion @malsrp 75. fpjones/archie @theheartbreakprinces 76. georgiagarth/hayley @malsrp 77. georgiagarth/poppy @malsrp 78. glassbaldwin/robin @ahoy-dingus 79. greysonrutherford/dmitry @malsrp 80. griffin/riaan @malsrp 81. gryphontrent/sascha @malsrp 82. hanseoul-oh/sean @jigglypuffwrites 83. harleykeener/peter @ohnosmallknives 84. harleykeener/peter @ohnosmallknives 85. harleykeener/peter @ohnosmallknives 86. harleykeener/peter @ohnosmallknives 87. harleykeener/peter @wallcrawlparker 88. harryosborn/peter @ohnosmallknives 89. harryosborn/peter @ohnosmallknives 90. harryosborn/peter @ohnosmallknives 91. harryosborn/peter @ohnosmallknives 92. harryosborn/peter @wallcrawlparker 93. hayleygold/carlos @jigglypuffwrites 94. hecate/quinn @malsrp 95. hecate/venus @malsrp 96. iangallagher/mickey @glassmenagerieofmuses 97. iangallagher/mickey @malsrp 98. ianto&iefanmumbles/leon @malsrp 99. ianton&iefanmumbles/leon @malsrp 100. illyiadbarakan/kit @malsrp 101. inkmarburg/bobbi @malsrp 102. issaclawson/kai @malsrp 103. ivamalone/kira @malsrp 104. ivamalone/kira @malsrp 105. ivamalone/kira @pinkestlyps 106. jacelightwood/alec @malsrp 107. jakobyellis/joshua @malsrp 108. jaxlakota/lola @malsrp 109. jeanmoreau/veronica @malsrp 110. jefferson/killian @malsrp 111. jeremiahfenrirson/mihai @malsrp 112. jettmccreightonhill/adam @tannderandthesociety 113. jettmccreightonhill/xavi @malsrp 114. jimimars/lucas @svnliqhts 115. jimmymalone/blaine @jigglypuffwrites 116. joaquindesantos/fangs @not-helpfcl 117. joaquindesantos/jughead @theheartbreakprinces 118. joaquindesantos/kevin @theheartbreakprinces 119. john&jrmurphy/felix @malsrp 120. johnmurphy/bellamy @malsrp 121. jonsnow/robb @dangerousbeasts 122. joshwheeler/wesley @strawbcrryfanta 123. jrmurphy/felix @malsrp 124. jugheadjones&sweetpea/joaquin @malsrp 125. jugheadjones/archie @theheartbreakprinces 126. jugheadjones/archie @theheartbreakprinces 127. jugheadjones/joaquin @malsrp 128. jumpcutjones/archie @malsrp 129. kelleenacrighton/clarke @malsrp 130. kelleenacrighton/tabitha @malsrp 131. keriannagraves/xavi @malsrp 132. keriannegraves/april @jigglypuffwrites 133. kerryholt/caleb @malsrp 134. kitrook/ty @malsrp 135. kostiakomtrikru/lexa @malsrp 136. Lavrentycomescu/nora @beaconwhores 137. lilahsanderson/ava @malsrp 138. lorelaivierra/isis @malsrp 139. lorelaivierra/lola @malsrp 140. lykaiosgodfrey/jude @malsrp 141. lyriaofleah/caty @malsrp 142. madriganhatter/kam @malsrp 143. magnusbane/alec @malsrp 144. makenakysely/shane @malsrp 145. matildazolnerowich/corey @malsrp 146. mikaelawhistler/dorian @wickcdcreations 147. mileso'shaughnessy/hephaestus @galahadsrp 148. mileso'shaughnessy/joaquin @malsrp 149. moosemason/kevin @theheartbreakprinces 150. nathanielspooner/casey @malsrp 151. niabradbury/rory @ovcrtly-sexual 152. nickscratch/harvey @dangerousbeasts 153. nova/phoenix @malsrp 154. nova/phoenix @malsrp 155. nova/phoenix @malsrp 156. pamelaisley/harley @malsrp 157. pawcavanagh/mackenzie @malsrp 158. peilanisalvatore/kade @pinkestlyps 159. peterburke/neal @malsrp 160. peterhale/liam @malsrp 161. peterparker/bucky @ofmenofsins 162. peterparker/wade @bootymaster-420 163. peterparker/wade @bootymaster-420 164. philippearson/trevor @jigglypuffwrites  165. philippearson/trevor @jigglypufwrites  166. pollyrise/isis @malsrp 167. prudencenight/sabrina @malsrp 168. quentin&quinlancruikshanks/carmen @pynkcandiies 169. quentincoldwater/eliot @malsrp  170. radovanzivkovic/noah @svnliqhts 171. ravenreyes/octavia @malsrp 172. ravenreyes/octavia@malsrp 173. raylanbernice/spencer @malsrp 174. reggiemantle/jughead @theheartbreakprinces 175. remingtongoldwyn-mayer/arlan @malsrp 176. remingtongoldwyn-mayer/arlan @malsrp 177. remingtongoldwyn-mayer/arlan @malsrp 178. renaddington/taylor @malsrp 179. revolver/blake @malsrp 180. rikovelli/shayne @malsrp 181. roankomazgeda/clark @canonbcys 182. romangodfrey/peter @malsrp 183. rooksmith/kade @pinkestlyps 184. rooksmith/river @tabboboys4u 185. rooksmith/xavi @malsrp 186. rosaleelette/celeste @malsrp 187. rosaleelette/mia @malsrp 188. sam&sebshankarov/logan @tcnebris 189. sam&sebshankarov/robert @maleshaven 190. samosetavanyu/rout @jigglypuffwrites 191. scottmccall/isaac @not-helpfcl 192. sebastianmichaelis/ciel @malsrp 193. shelbykiyaya/ilia @malsrp 194. simonlewis/jace @dangerousbeasts 195. simonlewis/jace @jigglypuffwrites 196. spotconlon/race @malsrp 197. stanrotor/michael @fxxlssxcxld 198. steffenvigo/jericho @malsrp 199. steffenvigo/jericho @malsrp 200. steveharrington/jonathan @drkrooms 201. stevejinks/claude @malsrp 202. stevewinchell/french @aprilxblooms 203. stevewinchell/french @aprilxblooms 204. stevewinchell/french @jigglypuffwrites 205. stevewinchell/french @jigglypuffwrites 206. stirlingargent/joshua @malsrp 207. stirlingargent/laurie @cvntboisandfems4u 208. sweetpea/jughead @not-helpfcl 209. switchmckenna/blair @malsrp 210. switchmckenna/blair @malsrp 211. tammythompson/robin @ahoy-dingus 212. teasaidhaddams/daemon @jigglypuffwrites 213. templetonpeck/murdock @malsrp 214. theoraeken/louis @tannerandthesociety 215. theoraeken/micah @malsrp 216. tigtrager/abel @sonsoftheking 217. tobiasbourne/kam @malsrp 218. tonymonroe/silas @assfcrdays 219. tonystonem/maxxie @malsrp 220. turbopokaski/wesley @strawbcrryfanta 221. wadewilson/peter @wallcrawlparker 222. walkersimon/beau @malsrp 223. weiryncernonnus/eoin @malsrp 224. willherondale/jem @malsrp 225. wolfgangbogdanow/alcide @ofmenofsins 226. yukimusume/eva @malsrp 227. yukimusume/eva @malsrp 228. zinaidakuznetsova/xavi @malsrp 229. zylafolsom/zoe @malsrp 230. loganhowlett/victor @ofmenofsins
Starters for me to do
Sicario Montoya for @theownerslove
Eddie Brock for @spiderprodigy
Billy Hargrove for @femmantics
Ian Gallagher for @sarcasiisms
Eddie Brock for @speedsterandweedster
Paul Tristan for @theheartbreakprinces
Peter Hale for @theheartbreakprinces
Jon Snow for @theheartbreakprinces
Robin Locksley for @ranodo
Tate Harrington for @everlcstinq
Carl Grimes for @everlcstinq
Carl Grimes for @spiderprodigy
Ron Anderson for @everlcstinq
Randall Carpio for @fvckingmagic
Morbid Kitchell for @malsrp
Dove Finch for @malsrp
Dove French for @diviinitism
Dove Finch for @dangerousbeasts
Dove Finch for @rebellhearted
Cherokee Cash for @theheartbreakprinces
Billy Hargrove for @h010type
Billy Hargrove for @halefirewarrior
Roman Godfrey for @maleshaven
Javan Bengal for @ranodo
Peter Parker for @abreedoftheirown
Fabien Mariani for @touchfelt
Theo Raeken for @hunksrps
wishlist plotting to do
This [x] With @softghostboy
This [x] With @stxrdvstt 
I also have a list of older threads that I’m going to add to my tracker and see if an are my turn. I’ll be crossing things out as I do them, rather than deleting them. I’ll add them to the tracker as I get them posted. 
4 notes · View notes
thornonthevine · 6 months
what ships do we have? (I want *SOMEONE* to make ship names for every single one)
mordecai x jeremiah
Micah x danny
Vicky x scarlett
Burt x Adam
Ezekiel x abel
Gabriel x Hannah x matt
And this one didn’t take off but eli x josiah
0 notes
classyfoxdestiny · 3 years
Premier League predictions 2021-22: BBC Sport pundits pick their top four
Premier League predictions 2021-22: BBC Sport pundits pick their top four
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Defending champions Manchester City have won the Premier League in three of the past four seasons – but can anyone stop them this time?
Manchester United were City’s nearest rivals last time out but finished 12 points back and have still not sustained a serious title bid since they were last champions in 2013.
Will United challenge for top spot until the end in 2021-22? How will Liverpool respond after their title defence imploded at the start of the year? Can Chelsea be contenders again domestically after conquering Europe? And will Leicester, Arsenal, Tottenham or anyone else break into the Champions League places?
We asked 20 BBC TV and radio pundits to pick their top four, with explanations for their selections.
Alan Shearer Chelsea Man City Man Utd Liverpool Fara Williams Chelsea Man City Man Utd Liverpool Sue Smith Chelsea Man City Man Utd Liverpool Chris Sutton Chelsea Man City Liverpool Man Utd Rachel Brown-Finnis Chelsea Man City Liverpool Man Utd Matthew Upson Chelsea Man City Liverpool Man Utd Rob Green Chelsea Liverpool Man City Man Utd Martin Keown Man City Chelsea Liverpool Man Utd Micah Richards Man City Chelsea Liverpool Man Utd Stephen Warnock Man City Chelsea Liverpool Man Utd Danny Murphy Man City Liverpool Chelsea Man Utd Mark Lawrenson Man City Liverpool Chelsea Man Utd Ashley Williams Man City Chelsea Man Utd Liverpool Clinton Morrison Man City Chelsea Man Utd Liverpool Michael Brown Man City Chelsea Man Utd Liverpool Pat Nevin Man City Chelsea Man Utd Liverpool Leon Osman Man City Chelsea Man Utd Liverpool Nedum Onuoha Man City Man Utd Liverpool Chelsea Lindsay Johnson Man City Man Utd Chelsea Liverpool Jermaine Beckford Man City Chelsea Man Utd Leicester
Five teams feature in the forecasted top fours, but only City, United and Chelsea feature in all 20.
In terms of who will win it, City are favourites, with 13 votes. Chelsea get seven, while the highest anyone thinks United or Liverpool will finish is second. The overall predicted ranking gives a similar outcome.
1. Man City 2. Chelsea 3. Man Utd 4. Liverpool 5. Leicester 72 pts 62 pts 33 pts 32 pts 1 pt
(using system of 4 pts for a 1st place, 3 pts for 2nd, 2 pts for 3rd and 1 pt for 4th)
Which transfer would affect three pundits’ title predictions?
The predictions were made on Thursday, 12 August, with just under three weeks to go before the transfer window closes on Tuesday, 31 August.
Alan Shearer: Some major signings have already happened, but there are more to come that will affect the title race. I’m expecting it to be much tighter at the top than last time, with four teams in with a chance of being champions, not just City and Chelsea.
Alan Shearer joins Ian Wright and Gary Lineker on Match of the Day this Saturday at 22:20 BST on BBC One and the BBC Sport website for highlights of seven Premier League games.
Chris Sutton: If Harry Kane goes to Manchester City, then he is the perfect fit for them and I would fancy them. If he doesn’t, I think Chelsea will nick it, because they are getting Romelu Lukaku. I don’t think City will win the title without signing a centre-forward. I know they won it last season largely playing without one, which was remarkable. I don’t see it happening again.
Matthew Upson: As things stand, I’d back Chelsea. It looks as if Lukaku is definitely going there, while things are very different with City and Kane – who knows if that will happen? It’s a big ask for them to win the league again without a new striker but, if they do get Kane, that turns that problem position into a massive positive – and I’d change my prediction.
Sue Smith: Chelsea will have massive confidence from winning the Champions League but if City can get Kane, then I’d put them on top instead.
Guardiola was a ‘massive factor’ in Grealish joining Man City
Pat Nevin: City have already added Jack Grealish, who is exactly the right player for them and there is the possibility of Kane, who is perfect too because he is so creative and adaptable. Arguably he’s the player that Pep tried to turn Sergio Aguero into, and I can’t think of many strikers so well suited to City’s style.
If they get him, they are big favourites. If they don’t, they are just marginal favourites.
Man City – ‘A team of Galacticos’
This is the sixth season running where Manchester City have featured in everyone’s forecasted top four. It’s also the fourth successive year where no-one thinks they will finish below second.
Micah Richards: It’s tougher than ever to call it this season but I am still going to say City, even if they don’t get Kane. John Stones has signed a new deal and, with him and Ruben Dias, the defence is sorted. When you look at their options in midfield and going forward, it’s just not fair on the other teams and, with the form that Raheem Sterling was in at the Euros, they still have to be favourites.
Micah Richards and Dion Dublin are the guests on Football Focus on BBC One and the BBC Sport website at 12:00 BST on Saturday.
Danny Murphy: My gut feeling is that City are going to be really difficult to knock off their perch. They and Liverpool will just about have the edge on everyone but not by much – the top four will be really tight.
Nedum Onuoha: I look at how good City were defensively last season and think they will be strong enough to win the title again. But I think this year will be the first time in a while where there will be more than two teams in with a shout at the very end. City have made an excellent signing in Grealish but their rivals have strengthened well too.
Jermaine Beckford: They are so powerful. Stones and Dias have formed a brilliant relationship and City don’t really have a weakness any more.
Michael Brown: My only doubt is if they don’t get Kane, or another striker.
Ashley Williams: City are the best team and squad in the league. They have added Grealish and if they get Kane then the title is done. Even without Kane, or another top-class striker, as a team they have got goals everywhere and their style of play doesn’t need a recognised centre-forward. I’m expecting a more productive season from Sterling too.
Martin Keown: What I am really excited about is seeing how Grealish will play under Guardiola, after seeing the effect Pep has had on Sterling and Phil Foden already. Now we have another talented English player in his hands, and Grealish has a team of Galacticos around him.
Chelsea – ‘The depth in their squad is scary’
Last season, no-one thought Chelsea would win the title and only two out of 25 pundits thought they would make the top two. This time, seven out of 20 pundits think they will be champions and 80% think they will make the top two.
Pat Nevin: I’ve been at all their pre-season games and have looked at the depth they have got in their squad and it is actually scary – and that’s before Lukaku has arrived. If you add him on top of Kai Havertz, who could be, certainly over the next few years, one of the great players in the world, and look all the way through their squad, then they have got so much quality.
Fara Williams: We saw the impact Thomas Tuchel made in the second half of last season and how hard Chelsea are to beat. Lukaku’s goals will turn a lot of draws into wins.
Rob Green: Their squad is stronger than everyone else’s, even City. Then you add Lukaku, who will bring the best out of everyone else.
Martin Keown: Lukaku is a player you have to keep hungry so I think this is the perfect move for him, going back to a club where he has something to prove.
Ashley Williams: Chelsea made big improvements last season and I think they will be better again. I played with Lukaku at Everton so I know him quite well – his goal record for us was incredible but having seen him play for Inter Milan and Belgium, he’s even better now. It’s as if he has recognised his own ability and strengths more than he did before, and he knows when and where to use them. I still speak to him a lot and he has worked hard on his game – it’s mentally where he has got stronger, because he has always been a beast physically.
Ashley Williams joins Dion Dublin and Jason Mohammad on Final Score on Saturday, from 14:30 BST on the red button and the BBC Sport website and from 16:00 on BBC One.
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Chelsea boss Thomas Tuchel celebrates winning the Champions League with his family
Stephen Warnock: Tactically, they are so well organised under Tuchel, and it looks a happy camp too. He has created the perfect environment of having the authority that means no-one steps out of line, but the players like him too.
Michael Brown: They have got the belief now too, which is massive. They have gone from wondering ‘where will we finish?’ to thinking ‘we’ve got every chance’. They will be right in the mix.
Rachel Brown-Finnis: Tuchel consolidated at first and made them difficult to break down, now he is adding more firepower as well. If Lukaku clicks with their creative players, they will just be awesome but I just feel they will have the edge because of how hard they have been to beat.
Chris Sutton: Tuchel has not just sorted them out defensively, he has added a really nice balance to their team. Timo Werner will benefit from his first year in England, and Havertz also came into form at the end of the season. If there was a criticism of Chelsea last time, it was that they possibly weren’t ruthless enough but with Lukaku they will have a guy in who is an absolute glutton for goals.
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Jadon Sancho joins an already fearsome United attacking line-up for the new season. Also in their squad are (left to right) Marcus Rashford, Anthony Martial, Mason Greenwood and Edinson Cavani
Man Utd – Will Sancho give them the ‘X-factor’?
Last season, 24 out of 25 pundits thought they would make the top four although 17 of the votes they received placed them in fourth. This time, 100% think they will finish in the top four and 11 out of 20 think they will finish third or higher, although only two people have backed them to finish second.
Chris Sutton: United missed a great opportunity to win the Europa League last season, which would have taken the pressure off Ole Gunnar Solskjaer by ending his wait for a trophy. They still had a good season but there is something missing – they have to show greater consistency and be able to take the game to the opposition. The other three top teams have a better balance about them but maybe Jadon Sancho will give them that X-factor.
Nedum Onuoha: If Sancho’s game can translate to the Premier League, then that is a huge coup for United. I can’t wait to see how he gets on.
Micah Richards: United have shown that they can beat anyone but they seem to have too many off-days over the course of the season and for me they are a couple of players short of being a title-winning side – including a centre-forward. Edinson Cavani is 34 and at the stage of his career where he needs looking after. He can’t play every week and they don’t have another striker like him.
Pat Nevin: It feels like Manchester United have been trying to sort out that centre-back position forever and, finally, by getting Raphael Varane in alongside Harry Maguire it looks right. I suspect it will turn out that way too, but let’s hold fire slightly to see – Varane was always lightning quick when he was younger but I have watched him a few times recently and wondered if he had lost half a yard of pace. I will only find out by watching him in the Premier League.
Matthew Upson: There is a lot of guesswork involved here until the season starts but Varane looks a really good signing, and one they needed to make. He and Harry Maguire are a world-class pairing at the back and that is going to make a huge difference for them.
Ashley Williams: You can’t ask for more from a centre-half partnership. My only question is whether Varane hits the ground running or does he need time to settle in. I’ve never played in La Liga so I am not saying there are easy games there but in the Premier League you are tested even by the poorer teams, and in different ways. Varane is vastly experienced but I’m not sure he will have come up against many teams like Burnley who have really physical strikers such as Chris Wood and Ashley Barnes. It doesn’t sound glamorous but they make your life difficult for 90 minutes. He has won everything there is to win, though, so I am sure he will cope with that.
Stephen Warnock: I see it as a four-horse race this year but the only difference between United and the other three is with their manager – I don’t think Solskjaer is the man to win the title. He’s done well tactically in some games but there have been times when something is not quite right and if you had given United’s squad to Jurgen Klopp, Guardiola or Tuchel last season, I think they all would have won the league. I am not sure he is the right man to take United to the next level.
Martin Keown: I have United down as finishing fourth but this title race is as open as it will ever be. They have made two brilliant signings, and they mean business. I am only picking this order because I have been asked to – and if they were to win it, I wouldn’t be surprised.
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Liverpool’s only signing so far this summer saw France centre-back Ibrahima Konate join for £36m from RB Leipzig
Liverpool – A strong team but how deep is their squad?
Last season, 52% of the BBC pundits thought Liverpool would defend their title, while 21 out of 25 thought they would finish in the top two. This season, no-one thinks they will be champions, and only three out of 20 think they will make the top two.
Mark Lawrenson: A big factor for Liverpool is hunger after what happened last season. Yes, they had a lot of injuries but by their high standards it was a poor campaign – so they have a point to prove, especially in front of their fans at Anfield where they had such a poor run at the start of the year.
Danny Murphy: It is hugely important that Liverpool get Jordan Henderson’s contract situation sorted out. They have already lost Georginio Wijnaldum, who has been under-rated for the past few years. I do expect Henderson to stay, because he has been so pivotal to their success, but they need to put those concerns to bed quickly. Losing both now would be unthinkable.
Danny Murphy joins Ashley Williams and Mark Chapman for MOTD2 this Sunday at 22:30 BST on BBC One and the BBC Sport website for highlights of Newcastle v West Ham and Tottenham v Manchester City.
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Georginio Wijnaldum left Liverpool in June and signed for Paris St-Germain on a free transfer. “He is seriously under-rated,” says Danny Murphy. “He is brilliant defensively but great on the ball too and he doesn’t get enough credit for how good he is technically.”
Stephen Warnock: They are still a very strong team and I just think the style of football will be back to what it was a couple of years ago, with the team playing that high press again. Sadio Mane and Mohamed Salah look fresh after a break over the summer but it is a concern what happens when they both go to the Africa Cup of Nations in January.
Martin Keown: I know people are saying they haven’t really bought but there was nothing really wrong with Liverpool before their injury problems last season. I am backing Klopp to get back the perfection that was there in the two seasons before that, and they can challenge again, no doubt about it.
Pat Nevin: Liverpool still don’t look like they have a big enough squad to win the league, but then I’ve said that about them before. They have got Virgil van Dijk back now, which makes a massive difference, but I kind of think they need another serious striker.
Micah Richards: Diogo Jota did really well last season, and his injury came at a bad time for them. It might take a while for them to work out their best combination in attack, or what system to go with.
Chris Sutton: Ibrahima Konate looks like a decent defensive signing but the issue with Van Dijk is how fit is he? How has he been affected by being out for so long and the injury? We will find out.
Matthew Upson: It is hard to remember Liverpool at full throttle because they had such a disastrous time from the start of the year. Even though they have got Van Dijk fit, I had the same cruciate ligament injury and I’d say you are looking at several months from when he plays his first competitive game to him being back at his best. Joe Gomez is in the same boat really, and that’s the reason I have them down as third.
Rachel Brown-Finnis: I hope Van Dijk gets back to his best because he is such a wonderful player. They need him to perform individually but he also lifts the whole team. I don’t think it will happen for Liverpool without him, because of that knock-on effect. When they are in full swing, they are fantastic to watch.
Leicester – fighting it out with Arsenal, Tottenham and West Ham for the top six?
Last season, Arsenal were the only other team to feature in the picks – two out of 25 pundits thought they would finish fourth or higher. This time, Leicester get a mention – but only one pundit thinks they will finish in the Champions League places.
Jermaine Beckford: I am going with Leicester to finish fourth. They are a breath of fresh air in terms of how much they invest in their squad compared to the teams who finished above them last season. They still spend some money of course, but they spend it so well. Their recruitment is absolutely brilliant, and I am a huge fan of the way Foxes boss Brendan Rodgers sets up his teams and gets everyone working hard together.
Ashley Williams: It’s going to be tough for anyone else to crack the top four, and I don’t think Arsenal or Spurs can do it. If anyone can wriggle in there, it is Leicester. They are a really good team and can beat any of the leading teams on their day but as they have already found out after finishing fifth twice, it is tough for them to sustain those standards for the whole season.
Martin Keown: Leicester will push again and they will definitely have a say in who will win the title. Arsenal and Spurs can too, but it still feels more like they are both in transition at the moment. There will be some pressure on Arsenal early on, because they have got some very difficult early fixtures against Chelsea and City in the first couple of weeks. I just want to see some more convincing performances from them, because I think we can see the club has tumbled down the league, and there are other clubs with more resources than them now. They need to be more competitive in games to get up the table, and they also need Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang to have a smile back on his face.
Danny Murphy: If anyone might surprise a few people it’s Arsenal – they are not in Europe, and they have got some fantastic forward players. People forget that last season was the first in Aubameyang’s career where he didn’t score a bagful of goals, and nothing suggests to me that is going to continue. They have a tough start but their young players are going to keep getting better.
Pat Nevin: Just purely if you look at the finances and size and experience of squads, it is going to be very hard for anyone outside the top four to get up there again. After the top four, it is Arsenal, Spurs, Leicester, and maybe West Ham who will all basically be trying to be the best of the rest.
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0 notes
kynky · 7 years
2 MUCH (feat. 24hrs) – Flosstradamus, 24hrs
All I Want – Franky Nuts
Audible Edibles - GRiZ Remix – Freddy Todd, GRiZ
Bad Vibes – MineSweepa
Bang – Fransis Derelle, Mikey Ceaser
Bass War – Downlink
Be Ok Again – What So Not, Daniel Johns
Beast – Reach, Jupe
Betraid VIP – Mashok
Big Boss - Pierce Remix – Doctor P, Pierce
Bleed Black (feat. Cruz Patterson) – ShockOne, Cruz Patterson
Bleed No More – Whyel
Blockchain Corruption – Evol Intent
Bring Me Joy – Pegboard Nerds, lug00ber
Broken Bellz – K Theory
By My Side – MitiS, Tedy
Casket – Mastadon
Chak Chel – Ganja White Night
Champion Sound – Ninja Kore, Kalis
Champion Sound – Gent & Jawns
Chopper – Guillotine
Clash I – Jakes
Coco Puffs – Borgore
Colorblind – Getter
Cook It Up – K Theory
Cool – Ookay
Crash over Me (feat. Amidy) – Sikdope, Amidy
Damage – Krimer, Mikey Ceaser
Defy the Odds (feat. Elle Vee) – Bear Grillz, Elle Vee
Deluge – hélix
Devastate – ZEKE BEATS
Devil's Drop - Radio Edit – Danny Byrd
Dollars - Crankdat x Ray Volpe x Gammer Remix – Crankdat, Gammer, Ray Volpe
Dubplate Champion – AxH
Flashing Lights (Kilian & Jo Mix) – Brookes Brothers, Kilian & Jo, Shezar, Bossman Birdie
Fortress – Rogue
Frankenstein – Dylan Taylor
Freak – Borgore, Gentlemens Club, Watson
Frostbite (Ice Cold) - Vorso Remix – Arbee, Vorso
Get Ready – xKore, Erotic Cafe'
Going Nowhere – Modestep, Dion Timmer
Heart – LAXX, GG Magree
Higher (Oliverse Remix) – Modestep, Oliverse
The Hood – TLZMN
How Could This Be Wrong (feat. Tula) – The Glitch Mob, Tula
I Need You – Delta Heavy
Join Me – LAXX, Dion Timmer
keygen – Nitro Fun, Trinergy
Knuckles – Protohype
Krishna – Dropgun
Laidback – LeKtriQue
Levelz – Jaguar Skills, Double S
Light Up – Hatcha
Lighter Crew – FineArt
Look Out! – Rusko
Madness – Black Tiger Sex Machine, Sullivan King
The Moon – Truth
Move – Tsuruda
Move Mint - VIP – Herobust
Moves – Michael White
MSHPT feat. Sullivan King – CYBRPNK, Sullivan King
My Cloud – Grabbitz
New Dragon – HOUNDTRACK, Premes
New Order – M4SONIC
Nightmare – Badjokes
Omen – KUURO
OMG – Spock, Oolacile
One By One - Hunter Siegel Remix – GG Magree, Hunter Siegel
Oni – Champagne Drip
oozin – Tvboo
OVERLOAD – Kayzo, Micah Martin
Pedigrief – Chee
Psychosis – Benga
Ready to Rumble – Vlado, Tjen
Reasons To Run – Crankdat
Sacrifice – Bare, Armanni Reign
Salt – Dubloadz
Samurai – Zeds Dead, Ganja White Night
Seismic Toss – Uber
Servo – Kompany
She Ruins – Jackal
Show Up – Virtual Riot, Virus Syndicate
Sludge Womper – Boarcrok, Boogie T, Monxx
Stay (feat. Holly) – Delta Heavy, Dirty Audio, HOLLY
Strayed Up Ft. Armanni Reign – Spag Heddy, Armanni Reign
Supersonic (feat. Chimeric) – Pegboard Nerds, Chimeric
Svddengore – Borgore, SVDDEN DEATH
Swisher – Badrapper, NXSTY
Sword Art – Hebbe
Talkin' Bout – Dyro, GTA
Tell Me – Receptor
The Ting Goes – N-Gine
Turn The Clocks Back – LAXX
Want U - Orkid Remix – Diskord, Orkid
Warriors of the Night – Datsik, Virtual Riot
Watch Me – Jphelpz
Waved – Foreign Beggars, Flux Pavilion, OG Maco, Black Josh
We Would Never Do – Taska Black, Nevve
Wild West – Nato Feelz, Blaqout
Wonky Kong – Dirt Monkey 
13 notes · View notes