#Mick Campbell
fruitedsnack · 5 months
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I have been watching house of Anubis, obsessed is an understatement!! I love it!!
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yackers · 4 months
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TOP FAVOURITE EPISODES OF HOUSE OF ANUBIS (2011) as voted by my followers
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mask-of-anubis · 6 months
one of my favorite parts of hoa ep. 1 is mick reading the hell out of fabian by guessing he was into to the girl who just moved in. took mick less than 0.2 seconds.
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flamingfalcon3 · 11 months
Season 1 of HoA, basically:
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ironicsopsychotic · 4 months
sometimes i think about how mara expected jerome to just get back together w her on her terms, because it doesn't match jerome's behavior really. jerome did what he could to apologize and win her back, he meant it, and she STILL said no, so he gave up and moved on. and, yeah, he didn't tell her that, but why should he when she wasn't giving him the time to even hear him out?
it's interesting to me bc what she expected wasn't jerome's way of being in a relationship--it was mick's. she expected the same breakup/makeup/continue-the-cycle as she'd had before. she wanted groveling and more time and the toxic side.
and on one hand i understand this, bc it's learned behavior and if it "worked" (that's a different post, and not one i can even begin to formulate anyway) in a relationship before then she's going to lean into it again. but on the other hand, she hasn't done enough soul-searching or experimentation to grow out of that behavior yet, and jerome was never going to match what she was used to. likewise, he had his own journey to deal w that never would've worked w mara's pressing expectations, either.
her just assuming he'd take her back after he tried again and again and again has always been odd to me, and now that i'm undoing the toxic mindsets my ex put me through, i get it: she just wanted jerome to be like mick.
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ambersgiantpanda · 22 days
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 2 months
Mick, on the phone: Hello, Fabian? My hands are stuck in Pringles tubes. Both hands, yes.
Mick: Look, it doesn’t matter how I dialed the number, can you please just come help me?
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parkiiinson · 5 months
house of anubis as cocktails; sincerely, a bartender
nina: margarita (will order a margarita tower) (either original, mango, or strawberry)
fabian: old fashioned, knowledgeable about whiskey but prefers rye. will talk with the bartender for hours about the history of blah blah.... blah... bla....
amber: a cosmopolitan with a specific vodka. she likes feeling fancy whilst being a tad particular. plus it's pink!
alfie: orders a cosmo to be cool, but really just wants a vodka cran. really just there for the party.
mick: "do you have a normal beer list?" he says in a craft brewery.
jerome: orders the most expensive scotch to impress someone; he does not enjoy it, but pretends to.
eddie: orders the most expensive gin and tonic to impress patricia; he's never had alcohol in his life.
patricia: rum and coke, she makes fun of eddie's $34 gin and tonic. pretends to hate clubbing.
joy: manhattan or black manhattan, served up with three cherries. and specifically that way. or there will be consequences.
kt: lemon drop martini, salt rim. only cocktail she will have that isn't a margarita tower with nina. only goes out with the promise is dancing.
mara: sensible glass or red or white. always dry. a sauvignon blanc/vinho verde for whites, or pinot noir/sonoma valley cab sav. she does her budget plan at a quiet bar on thursdays.
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ofsapphicambers · 7 months
does it bother anybody else that when nina is trying to break into victor’s safe she LITERALLY HAS THE COMBINATION IN HER FUCKING HAND BECAUSE FABIAN WROTE IT DOWN FOR HER AND SHE STILL GETS IT WRONG??
or is it just me.
because it drives me fucking insane - girlie pop!!! read the numbers right in front of your goddamn face??
“oh i hope you got this right fabian” HE DID BUT YOU CANT READ APPARENTLY.
rant over lol
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disney-creations · 15 days
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Part dos of characters as demigods
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My first time watching House of Anubis. Overall I enjoyed the episode, I liked the mystery element. Patricia pissed me off the entire episode 😂 I get your friend is missing but taking it out on Nina wasn’t the way. I already sense a love triangle between amber, Mara, and Mick. If the video does well I’ll do the whole series.
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she-is-miller · 4 months
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New Anubis' memes
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yackers · 1 year
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winniewells · 1 year
unpopular HOA opinions
*edited to remove ableist language i.e word crazy*
Nina is not an asshole for being bitchy/apprehensive of Joy. Joy wanted her man, like why would Nina be nice??? Be fr
On that note, Fabian is 100% the asshole when it comes to his relationship with Nina and Joy. Mf led Joy on and flirted with her in front of his girlfriend. Nina and Joy should have collectively beat the crap out of them.
Mara is wild and not the moral compass the show paints her to be. Don't get me wrong, I love Mara but oh my god??? She sent pictures of Ms. Robinson and Mick to Mr. Sweet to make it seem like they had an inappropriate relationship and was just like "im sorry lol Mick u deserve better im just a mathlete"
Patricia in season one deserves to be smacked. Like I know that she was being gaslit like crazy, but she bullied the shit out of Nina and she should have paid for it a little bit.
Season three isn't bad because Nina isn't there. It just carries a less serious vibe and is more comedic. The mystery is also being shown to use through Eddie's lens who completely accepts the Osirian status while Nina never wanted to be the Paragon.
Victor had every right to hate Sibuna. Mf worked his whole for this shit only to have it all unraveled by the British knock off Mystery Inc.
Jerome Clarke is an AWFUL human being and he doesn't actually become decent until Mara dumped him. He might be funny but quit acting like he's a genuine person.
I love Jeroy but it SHOULD HAVE BEEN JARA
Amber deserved better.
Patricia is a bad friend for not noticing how badly Joy was hurting and for not helping her transition. Girl got KIDNAPPED dammit quit acting like things are supposed to be normal and don't let your friend act that way.
I love Fabina but they were never going to be endgame
Joy and Nina DESERVED to have a friendship with each other and we were ROBBED
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flamingfalcon3 · 10 months
This fucking show…
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mask-of-anubis · 6 months
the men of hoa
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