#Miqo'te papers
toadeyes-miqote · 8 months
Big cat little cats 1 / 2
A meeting of cats.
Our red cat who switches between being hyper and placid. And our annoying tabby.
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GREEN EYES!!!!! Big Cat had green eyes!!!!!! How many blue eyes has it been since Wedge who covered his green eyes with his shades?
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Is G'raha getting a rival in the fangirling deparment? Or is he wary of the whole looking for a hero thing now(got stuff for cat boy, getting notions from his exarch days and the further development of his relationship with Hylnyan. Please let me upgrade him from close ally to good friend(Took over a year of playing time to get a grasp on how their relationship goes.). I am curious to see how things develop here.
Wuk Lamat seems to have no idea of her own strength. Would also have to see how she treats G'raha and the younger/shorter ones.
Ummm.... the woman speaks Hylnyan's language. although can we not dip in Zenos hunt territory? Sadu's overzealousness yes. But Zenos type puts Hylnyan on alert. Can we introduce her to Sadu and Estinien?
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Bespectacled Machinist Cat dude might be her adopted brother
This thing about Scions eating rats needs to becomes a cutscene now. I am reminded of my late ginger cat who's very vocal around feeding time
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Would there come a scene where Wuk Lamat is challenge for being afraid or the Giant colibri is it? Cat getting eaten by birds is weird karma
LOL!!! The return of the wisdom of Exarch. I don't mind if we have Alisaie mk ii learning to be a decent leader.
In hopes of Krile's own pictomancr journey has a story to come as well so as to not steal her thunder during MSQ
Oh we're in wordless communication territory now? That thing about G'raha synching with Exarch tempering his youthful hyperness. I'm not expecting him to be 100% Exarch but just less hero worshippy. I like G'raha calmer as it put less burden on Hylnyan having to put on her game face all the time.
He does seem to get triggered into fanboy mode with Wuk Lamat.
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Everybody's learning stuff. The irony of Hylnyan learning the healing arts in case G'raha isn't the main healer and Y'shtola's healing style was scary.
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Continuing tomorrow. For now its a wait and see attitude before openly supporting Wuk Lamat just because cat (unless there's no choice in this matter?)
Max height fem Miqo'te for reference... Barely reach her shoulders.
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Bonus - With Aymeric and Artorial for reference. Keeping my word of freeing Aymeric from his office..... only for him to be stuck in church...
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picturesofashe · 9 months
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Followed by Cat Behavior
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mizaryroku · 11 months
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I want to introduce you Alys, she's my main character in FF14. Mainly a Dancer, she can be reaper, sage or even ninja and pistosaber~
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Here's one of the best screenshots I made with her and Meteion (no spoil I promise) her friend
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shionxion · 4 months
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Greatness has finally been delivered to my house! (There was a bit of a delay) TTYD my beloved! You are no longer stuck on the Gamecube! This feels soooo nostalgic! TT○TT I really am just gonna be in RPG City before Dawntrail hits. First Yakuza: Like a Dragon. Then Paper Mario TTYD Remake. And lastly SMTV: Vengeance! Also, I hope I like SMTV: Vengeance. The vanilla game felt empty.I guess you can say I was one of the beta testers lol Anyway, I'm off to play TTYD Remake! :D
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moon-keepers · 8 months
"It always ends up like this... running away.
From my family,
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from Lito...
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and now you all..."
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crouteann · 2 years
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Custom WOL character design commission I finished this summer! Aryah's a neat red mage/dark knight fusion with some astrologian inspiration in the design. My jumping off point was the Edenchoir casting tunic from the last tier, with inspiration from regency stays for his custom binder. He/Him ✨
artstation | twitter
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kilmiel · 2 years
DAY 10: Crabby.
I think we all met such teammate at least once. Intempered and complainig about everything.
The funny thing that yesterday after I drew this one, we got the most awful normal raid run ever! (For those who knows it was P4) So my picture predicted my pain XD and it was me who was almost screaming because ppl kept dying in the same mechaniks XD
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ubejamjar · 5 months
This in response to @uldahstreetrat ‘s ‘what would be your wol/oc's perfect date?’ post. I wrote a whole thing and I didn’t want to just throw it under a reblog (I’ll still reblog the post, don’t you worry!)
Caution: This vignette is 100% indulgent, day-dreamy, wolmeric, marshmallow fluff. It’s so sweet it makes my teeth hurt.
[Original Post Here]
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The Perfect Date
Aymeric and Ajisai would meet for tea and sweets at the café hidden in an alleyway. It’s a small building; its windows open up to the Sea of Clouds and it’s like being lost in the sky. It is perfect because the owner, Nata’li, knows of the Warrior of Light and the Lord Commander, but he has never seen their faces, so here, they are simply Aymeric and Ajisai.
They’ll sit at a little table by the window, a cracked blue cup filled with Halone Gerbera at its center. The flowers’ soft, white petals open wide to cheery, yellow centers that beam at them like old friends. Aymeric will tell her the story of how they came to be known as the ‘Fury’s favored flower’ as he pulls out a chair for her. He’ll laugh when she pulls out his chair with theatrical flair.
Nata'li will bring them a pot of tea; it’s a Far Eastern blend—a black tea, slightly smoky, with a citrusy edge. Ajisai likes it best with steamed milk and a bit of vanilla; Aymeric will add a few drops of birch syrup. They’ll take their tea with lavender shortbreads, sweet crumbs clinging to their fingers as they chat about nothing and everything all at once.
When their teacups are emptied and the shortbreads are long gone, they’ll linger as if ignoring time will preserve this dream in amber. They’ll trade little pieces of themselves in stories and laughter until Nata’li shoos them out.
“I open in the morning,” the Miqo'te will say with exasperated affection, “Go, be in love elsewhere and tomorrow I welcome you back, hm?”
But they won’t want the night to end, so they’ll stretch it out a bit longer, take the long way back to Ajisai’s little house. When they get there, she’ll open the door and ask if he’d like to come in for a moment, just to warm up before heading home. Aymeric will, because he always does, and they both know he’ll stay the night.
Ajisai’s home always smells of cinnamon sticks and evergreen, like a kitchen at Starlight. Books, notes, and sketches crowd every available surface, a trail of daydreams and research captured in charcoal and ink. They’ll both drink wine—too much wine.
Aymeric will carefully move her papers and books out of harm’s way. Then, he’ll ask her to dance, insistent even when she complains she doesn’t know how. When her eyes find his, gold lost in blue, he smiles, and she crumbles.
So they dance.
It’ll start with a simple waltz, a gentle, fairytale thing that sways to a song they feel rather than hear. It’ll end with the two of them holding each other close, spinning, and giggling until they’re too dizzy to keep going.
Then they’ll lay on the plush rug in her living room, fingers intertwined. Dreams will be traded between them like secrets—glimpses of a future they’re not sure belongs to them. It’s full of things like sleepy mornings wrapped in each other’s arms, handholding in the sunshine without fear of reproach, and the comfort of knowing their hearts’ home.
It’s so wonderful, so tangible they’ll start to think of how they could make it so. However, before either of them will find an idea, they’ll drift into spiced wine sleep, warm and content in a present that is already theirs.
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koko-mochi · 4 months
scholar — for the single-word drive!
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"Wait," the archon hummed a small sound of disbelief, "don't tell me the vaunted Warrior of Light doesn't know how to read!"
R'koko sucked on her bottom lip, her brow creased in concentration as she stared at the pages in front of her. Raw text--no pictures or diagrams--filled the paper. When her friend had invited her to spend an afternoon in the Noumenon together, R'koko had assumed that all Y'shtola wanted was some company--something to break up the monotony of reading book after book on opening voidgates and navigating the rift; perhaps some of R'koko's insight based on the times that she had spent traversing the rift. R'koko had not been expecting Y'shtola to put a book in her hands and ask her to read it aloud.
It was easy to forget the cloudy-eyed Scion was blind. For the most part, she moved through the world as well as anyone else, using aethersight to find her way. And while she was not forthcoming about the toll that aethersight took on her body, there was no denying the benefit that it provided her. Her limitations did, however, make themselves known when it came to books. In a tragic twist, the scholarly miqo'te could not see the words on a page unless they were written in enchanted ink or embossed into the paper. Stone tablets were easier, because letters were carved into their surface, but if they were worn and weathered Y'shtola struggled with them.
Regardless, Y'shtola was never one to let her struggles show, so R'koko didn't think twice about whether her friend would be able to read books on her own with aethersight.
In this case, however, it would seem not. R'koko's heart had hammered in her chest as Y'shtola put the book in her hands. The Warrior of Light had opened the cover and been disappointed and a bit panicked to find no pictures. At least pictures would have helped R'koko fake it, keep her best friend believing that she could read, staving off pity and disappointment and deep embarrassment.
Instead line after line of strange characters stretched out across the page. And about a minute into her halting and labored attempt to read the book aloud, Y'shtola had stopped her, her face a mix of surprise and amusement. The Warrior of Light couldn't read.
"I never had reason to learn back home," R'koko murmured. And it was true. She had shown tremendous talent and skill as a hunter from a young age, and the leaders of her village cultivated those skills in her, rather than literacy or other more traditional elements of classroom education.
Y'shtola smiled gently. R'koko didn't want to look, didn't want to see the pity on her friend's face. But when the archon spoke there was no pity there, only kindness and intimacy. "I wish I could teach you. I wish I had known when we had first met in La Noscea." She stifled a chuckle. "Maybe I did know, could tell, by the way you stared at that memorial stone in Seasong Grotto, with such a perplexed look on your face."
R'koko's shoulders sagged. "Your memory is too good, you know."
Y'shtola leaned forward, whispering into R'koko's ear, "Maybe you're just too memorable."
R'koko blushed, but the comment disarmed her. "Just," she stammered, "don't let the twins know I can't read, okay?"
"My lips are sealed," Y'shtola said, the corner of a smile creeping into her words. "Can you imagine though? You would never hear the end of it from Alphinaud."
R'koko rolled her eyes. "I know." They both laughed, and R'koko relaxed. Y'shtola really was her dearest, most important friend, and as the two miqo'te laughed together R'koko wondered why she had ever hidden this from her, because of course Y'shtola wouldn't judge her for her illiteracy.
"As for the matter at hand," Y'shtola nodded towards the book R'koko was holding, "shall we fetch G'raha? He'll be able to read that. And I have a feeling your secret will be safe with him."
"Right," said R'koko, "G'raha it is."
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scholars-of-nym · 19 days
2. Horizon
While there were quite some volunteers helping them with rebuilding Nym, occasionally they all run against a problem they cannot solve on their own. Sometimes, this problem needs a true expert. And, in this case, that true expert was in Thanalan.
They took the ferry from La Noscea to Horizon. It was a cool morning, and Setoto was looking out over the horizon, watching Thanalan come closer and closer. The last time she came to the mainland, she was still a tonberry - desperate for clues about her father.
It wasn't an easy decision - Gods know that Surito had cautioned her against it, multiple times. But she didn't want to listen. She truly needed to do this. When she awoke she was devastated and knowing just how much time had passed did not make it easier. She didn't grab any supplies; as a tonberry, she didn't need to. She didn't need to eat, she didn't need to drink - she simply needed to stay hidden so that her green skin and monstrous features wouldn't alarm anyone. The only thing she brought was a map. She didn't quite steal it - an adventurer visiting Warmwine Sanatorium simply left one, and the wind took it towards the water of Bronze Lake.
She took the path down towards Western La Noscea. As her stubby feet hit the gravel, she hesitated and took out the map. She shone her lantern onto it. The first time she looked at it, she thought it was a map from a different country, a different continent. When she showed it to Surito, however, he confirmed that this was what their country, their home, had become. She frowned, gritting her teeth to hold back tears. She took a deep breath, trying to shake off the feeling. "Stay strong…" Her father would always tell her that their family was a resilient one, and she believed it.
The night was dark, but her eyes were well able to see through the night, having been in the darkness of the Palace for who-knows-how long. She snuck her way past the guards towards Aleport. It was mostly deserted, but a few lights were still on this late. Suddenly, she heard voices, and quickly hid in the shadows, dimming her lantern a little.
"Finally! We got our permit!" One of the sailors waved with a little paper. "By Rhalgr's beard, this was hard to get. You'd think a little route change wouldn't set off the yellowjackets, but noo," he complained, "Those damned paper-pushers need their reassurances!"
"Frankly, better they know where we are than us falling pray to pirates. Or worse yet, other yellowjackets." the second sailor said. "There's a reason why traffic is routed through Lominsa first. Contraband, my friend."
"Aye, but we've got none o' that." the first retorted. "As proven by the paper pushers. In the morning, we're setting off to Horizon, and that's that."
Horizon - that name sounded familiar. Setoto got the map from her pocket as quietly as she could and searched the name. Horizon, there it was - a 'Thanalan' port. Her eyes widened - this was it! If she could stow away there, she could get on the mainland and to Amdapor - or, well, what's left of it, she reminded herself. She nodded to herself and put the map away.
She looked around the corner - the two sailors, a miqo'te man and an Elezen woman, were still talking, walking towards what she assumed was their ship. She took a deep, nervous breath, and followed them quietly. She shot a look towards the guards - they were preoccupied with other things, so she felt safe enough to follow them, from corner to corner, shadow to shadow.
When they went up the bridge to their ship, she followed them up the gangplank. She tried very hard not to look down. The ship smelled like damp wood and seasalt. The deck was dark, and she quickly set about to find a hiding spot. A large Roegadyn man came lumbering towards her - she sqeaked and ran off towards some empty barrels that were stored next to the cabin and hid inside until the footsteps were gone - but they didn't. The Roegadyn was patrolling the ship!
She waited, and waited, but eventually fatigue overtook her and she fell asleep, gently rocked by the waves in the bay. Next time she awoke, it was daylight. When she tried to peek out, she saw that there were a lot of people out and about - tending to the sails, the cargo, cleaning the deck. She also saw that no-one was paying attention to her corner, and she was grateful for that. She then dared to look outward - and she saw land, arid mountains, growing larger and larger. Thanalan, she thought to herself.
I'm almost there, father.
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avirael · 21 days
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FFxivWrite 2024
Day 05 - Stamp
“What are you reading there?”, a familiar voice pulled A'viloh from his thoughts as he browsed through the notebook in his lap. He looked up to find Rael standing beside him.
“Ah, Rael! There you are! Did Rowena have what we need?”
“Fortunately yes!”, the Viera said and tossed a small bag with crafting materials to A'vi while they said down on the stairs beside him. “What kind of book is that?”
“Oh, that!”, A'viloh exclaimed, closed the notebook and handed it to Rael. “Zhloe’s little sister gave it to me while I waited for you!”
Rael took the book an turned it over in their hands. It was a rough leather cover with one leather cord to keep it closed and another one threaded in at th back to keep some rough paper sheets fixed inside. It was clearly self-made and although the workmanship wasn’t the best it seemed to do what it was supposed to do. Wondrous Tails was written in uneven letters on the cover and Rael had to smirk about the funny spelling mistake.
In the inside of the notebook Rael found lots of uneven pages divided by colorful pieces of papers. Most pages were still blank apart from empty grids consisting of wobbly lines and a few words scrawled here and there in the handwriting of a child.
The first few pages however had some notes on them already, written in a familiar small handwriting, that looked at least a tiny bit more clean and practiced, and a few tiny doodles here and there. The content of these texts surprised Rael.
“This one describes Ifrit? Did you write that, A'vi?”
“I did!”, A'viloh nodded. “Zhloe told her sister about us and so Khloe asked me for help because she thought there must be lots of adventurous stories we have to tell! You know, there are quite a few orphans here in Idyllshire and Khloe wants to cheer them up with exciting stories. I found the idea very cute, so I decided to help her. I mean, if it makes these kids happy I can afford a few minutes to write some things down in here, right?”
“Hmmm…”, Rael made and browsed a few more of the pages. “That sound like a very sweet idea to be honest. I just hope our stories are not too exciting for them…”
Excitedly A'viloh’s ears twitched up. “Our? So you want to help too?”
“Maybe”, the Viera shrugged. “Why not?…”
A'viloh beamed. “Great! She’s going to be so happy about this!”
So much excitement made Rael smile faintly too. After a few more pages they paused and pointed to another of these wobbly grids, just that this one wasn’t empty but instead had a few colorful stamps on it. A tiny yellow chocobo baby in one corner, a dancing green cactuar in another and also what looked like a birthday cake on one side of the grid.
“Oh these!”, A'viloh added and pointed at the colorful stamps. “See, for each story we write down Khloe will give us one stamp and once we have a certain number she promised me a reward!”
“A reward?”, with a disbelieving smirk on their face Rael raised an eyebrow. “What kind of reward would a little girl have to offer? Seashells and pebbles?”
“That’s rude!”, the Miqo'te scolded. “She says she sometimes gets some things for free from Rowena, which she wants to trade for stories.”
The look on Rael’s face turned even more incredulous. “Rowena doesn’t give anything useful away for free, you know that A'vi. Better don’t expect much…”
But A'viloh just shrugged. “I would be fine with a pretty pebble or seashell. It’s not really about the reward. I just wanted to help these kids…”
Thoughtfully Rael nodded and browsed back a few pages to look at A'viloh’s entries. On one page they paused and pointed a small doodle that looked like a particularly wrinkled potato with tiny legs and arms as well as an angry face drawn onto it.
“What’s that?”
“What? You can’t tell?”, A'viloh asked and folded his arms in front of his chest. “That’s Titan of course!”
“Titan?”, Rael replied and began to laugh. For a moment A'viloh just stared at them angrily but then he had to laugh too.
“Maybe I will leave the doodles to you next time…”
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toadeyes-miqote · 2 years
Nesting behaviour and what fusion this?
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"Well? what do you think?" "Well… If our OCD can live with how unorthodox it looks." "Weren't there actual Hingan windows? "Hmmm… I fear for us…" "Remember that house we talk about?" "Do we still need one? There's the island."
I question me since there's actual Hingan windows(Fool's threshold). but the chaos gremlims that Azem guides went nuts with the Simple Arched windows..
No major changes except for windows, partitions and colors.
G'raha or even sensible Estinien! Please save them from each other! Thancred and Cid would only spoil them to see how chaotic they get.
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Would G'raha worry if he hears about his hero suddenly shacking up with a male Mqio'te. I would think he be undecided if he should visit out of concern.
Most likely he would voice his concern with Thancred since the Hyur is the closest to her. And from what information he could give the gunbreaker, Thancred would put G'raha at ease, sling an arm over the redhead's shoulder and with a big smile: "Well. It would be time to visit her."
Along the way teasing G'raha if he be jealous or something. To make it more fun, they pick up Estinien for intimidation factor. But why all these housewarming gifts?
It be funny if Jyak'a is the one to open the door and be mildly intimidated by Thancred since the Hyur never met him but has information about him on account of information being shared specifically to Thancred alone.
"The lady owes me a housewarming party."
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eikonoklast · 23 days
Day 3 (Tempest): Your Name
   “What are you reading?”
The young miqo'te sat on the edge of the dingy bed. A fire crackled in the hearth nearby, the popping embers spilling onto the scorched stone at its foot and leaving dusty black smears like the tails of shooting stars on a clear night as they rolled across its smoothed surface. Tonight was anything but, however. Anything but clear and peaceful. A storm rattled the old wooden windows, the winds howling over the cold stone. The glass panels shook and the cold seemed to somehow manage to seep in around it, its icy fingers reaching into the room and climbing into their lungs.
   The figure in the chair closed the book. Turning a covered face towards the window, the nearby flickering candle on the desk glinted off of their dark eyes. “Boy, do you believe in monsters?”
   “We fight monsters. So…yes.”
   “What do you think makes a monster?”
   The miqo'te twitched an ear pensively, his mismatched eyes wandering towards the ceiling as often they did, lost in thought. “That's a really…broad question,” he answered shrewdly after a time. “A monster can be a physical thing. It can be a mental thing. Or it can be a man.”
   The figure in the chair nodded. By the light of the nearby candle one could make out their body; wrapped in thick, dark bandages with discarded plates of armor resting by the wall nearby. It was difficult to tell their age by their voice or covered appearance, but their presence demanded respect. “You think we fight monsters, do you?” they said, shifting and staring into the young man's eyes. The sound of the wind outside punctuated their words with a reedy howl. 
   “Sometimes we fight the ones who make the monsters, too.” Tail flicking anxiously, the boy withered a bit under the hard stare. 
   “Not wrong.” Leaning back in the chair again, the figure picked the book back up, their bandaged hands gliding over the rough leather surface and brushing thoughtfully over the words burned onto its cover. “This is a story about monsters. And the men who make them.”
   “What do they say?” the young man leaned forward, gesturing to the markings. “The words?”
   “It's a title.”
   “What title?”
   The figure laughed, setting the book down again and leaning forward. “Why, it says your name.”
Chiteni started awake, shivering. The wind howled outside, likely having made its way into his dreams. He groaned, rolling off of his back and sitting on the edge of the bed, yawning and stretching. He got up and went to the desk by the window and lit a candle, checking that the shutters were tightly closed before accidentally brushing his hand over a letter sitting nearby. His eyes lingered over it for a moment. 
   “It's a shame you never taught me,” he mused to himself, picking up the paper and turning it in his hand. He ruffled his hair around his ears and sat down with the letter. His fingers traced the edges of the broken, waxen seal and he stared blankly at the text on its surface. “My name.” He touched it carefully, as though he were afraid his fingers might smear the intricate, unique shapes and their meaning right off the page. He liked the way it rose and fell. The curves, the valleys, the hollows. 
   He picked up a quill nearby and tried to follow along with it. Not with ink, just…an exploration of the shapes. The bitter, choking frustration at his own shortcomings clawing their way up his throat until he pushed them down.
   “Man is the one who creates monsters, you said. Funny how we can be distilled into such a simple form.” He put the quill down and looked in the mirror. “A monster is a really fragile thing, isn't it?”
Author's Note: Honestly I struggled with this a lot. I've been sitting here for hours thinking about man and monsters - about the first video recording of a death irl. How we are the ones who sometimes [always] create monsters when we attribute our humanity to them. And how sometimes we see the beauty in something simple and other times overlook it. Chiteni can't read, so the image of his name is…beautiful to him. A special little prison for the self that contains everything you are within that space. A place to keep monsters and humanity. 
‘Tempest’ makes me think of the book, so I thought of writing. And trying to look at something simple like a name in a different way. A curious one, like the first time I wrote my own. I remember misspelling it.
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valdiis · 1 month
door — for the single-word drive!
On the whole, Aeluan did not need to sneak around his own manor. Technically, it was the free company's manor, but it was in his name on the paperwork. Who owned the house didn't really matter in that moment, only stealth. He quietly closed his bedroom door behind him and tiptoed down the residential hallway. Next to his brother's door, he paused, head tilted, until he heard the telltale snores from within. Excellent.
He continued creeping through the house, all the way up the stairs to the meeting kitchen. Unlike many houses, the kitchen was on the second floor and the dining room attached was almost more like a cafe than anything. They had a lot of people to keep fed, after all. Careful of the low tables and cushions on the floor, he made his way into the kitchen.
Aetheryte blue eyes sought out the liquor shelf - a direction that would have surprised anyone who knew him. Aeluan was well-known for ordering milk at bars and water instead of wine. Yet his gaze fell on the rum bottle with "Hinan" scrawled on it. Cautiously, he reached up and took the bottle down.
But it wasn't to drink. No, his prize was behind it. A moment of groping blindly produced a package wrapped in white paper. He withdrew the parcel slowly and cradled it to his chest as he replaced the rum bottle with his other hand.
Filled with illicit glee, he took it to the kitchen counter and leaned a hip against it as he unwrapped the paper. He resisted the urge to hiss a little sound of satisfaction. Though he knew Arli would murder him in his sleep if she knew, he reached for one of her knives on the counter anyway and used it to cut a small square off the prize within the paper.
Aeluan brought it to his lips. Took a bite. Bliss. The craving that had awoken him was eased. He finished that square and cut another. And another. On the fourth piece, he heard the smallest scrape of noise on the floor in the cafe. His head shot up.
"Aeluan!" cried Rhuk, the little Miqo'te who should be sleeping in the same room as his brother - seeing as they were dating. "Are you eating Hinan's fudge?!" he accused.
The Raen swallowed as his guilty hand shot behind his back. "No..."
There was a smear of chocolate on his lower lip.
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mortporter · 4 months
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Info - Mo'rtojhi Porter
See also: carrd
Name: Mo'rtojhi
Nicknames: Mort
Age: Mid 20s
Nameday: 32nd Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon (Oct. 31)
Race: Miqo'te
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bi/Pan (Female preference)
Profession: Porter, courier, arm for hire, taker of odd jobs
Hair: Dusty brown streaked by the sun
Eyes: Pale blue
Skin: Tanned
Tattoos/scars: Tribe marks on face, thin scar on chest, small knicks/cuts in various places from travel/fights
Parents: "Adopted" by Loreta and Hahatere, who run the orphanage where he grew up. Birth mother alive and with the tribe, along with most of the other mothers. Father missing and presumed killed.
Siblings: Mo'rtajha (younger, full blooded sister), Mo'lirani (older sister), and seven other older half sisters, along with a whole gaggle of younger siblings he's barely met
Grandparents: One elder mother (not directly related)
In-laws and Other: A'mune Rah and her sister A'keno, Styrthota Abylfystwyn and her crew, Theo Kisne, Helvetica cen Serif, Alaric Kilgannon
Pets: None yet
Abilities: Melee Weapon Proficiency, Gift of the gab, Good sense of direction and time, Left handed, affinity towards wind aether
Hobbies: Talking to people, sharing stories, eating/drinking, Triple Triad, learning to read
Most Positive Trait: Extroverted, Agreeable, Empathetic, Hard-working, Loyal
Most Negative Trait: Stubborn, Uneducated, Low Self Worth
Colors: Blues of any shade, browns/tans, brighter colors if he could afford them
Smells: On the road: dusty, old paper, sweat, dirt. Cleaned up: Cheap soap, crisp linens, airy
Textures: Light linens, worn leather, well-used but well-maintained metal
Drinks: Coffees, Teas, just about any alcohol (Raki and Ale are favs)
Smokes: Nope
Drinks: A lot, holds his liquor fairly well
Drugs: Dabbled but not generally a fan of how they tend to get him into trouble
Mount Issuance: His own two feet, avoids boats at all costs
Been Arrested: Yes, once for petty theft
Inventory: Sword of Oschon, buckler, backpack, tooth dagger, water rings, crystal earring, rune rock
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liminal-storage · 4 months
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—𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒔 Name: Kuni Muinvel Nicknames: Wildcat, Bosslady, Shadowborn Age: 33 Nameday: 19th Sun of the 6th Umbral Moon Race: Keeper of the Moon Miqo'te Gender: Cis female Orientation: Pansexual Profession: Investigator, Folklorist, serves as a frontliner, stick-it-with-the-pointy-end type for Priarch Enterprises. —𝒑𝒉𝒚𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒍 𝒂𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒔 Hair: Variable, usually white. Eyes: Variable, either blue or red (utilizes glamouring magics depending on her whim) Skin: Pale. Pinkish undertones, overall warm complexion. Tattoos/scars: Clan marks on her cheeks, forehead, arms, legs, and hips, along with asymmetrical blue-ink tattoos on her right arm and left leg. Small scars on her fingers, and a larger scar on her left palm. —𝒇𝒂𝒎𝒊𝒍𝒚 Parents: Tolidir and Edelia Siblings: Lyrin'a Muinvel (brother), Shayl (brother) Grandparents: Unknown In-laws and Other: N/A Pets: Mochi, a white cat with a sooty tail tip. —𝒔𝒌𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒔 Abilities: A dirty fighter when it comes to melee; uses her environment and weapons to her advantage and doesn't play fair. Utilizes blood-based magic to conjure various plants such as vines, thorns, and mossy creatures. This magic has given life and sentience to a number of small creatures that take the form of mossballs. Her magic is ever changing as she discovers more about it and herself, and how it works. She's also very observant and sharp-eyed, able to pick out and piece together important details related to her work. Kuni has quite a creative mind as well, her ability to spin tales feeding into her lifelong love of the study of folklore, as well as serving her well when it comes to writing up articles for her kitschy supernatural tabloid. —𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒕𝒔 Most Positive Trait: Adaptable, self-reliant. Most Negative Trait: Lacks confidence. Underestimates own worth. —𝒍𝒊𝒌𝒆𝒔 Colors: Black, green, purple, most jewel-toned colors, silver Smells: Petrichor, coffee, resinous incense, the ocean, ink on paper Textures: Leather, lace, clean cotton Drinks: Coffee, umeshu, fun mixed drinks —𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒅𝒆𝒕𝒂𝒊𝒍𝒔 Smokes: Rarely Drinks: Occasionally, rarely to excess anymore. Drugs: Sometimes, uncommonly. Mount Issuance: Wallflower, a former racing chocobo. Been Arrested: They'd have to catch her first.
Tagged by: @houserosaire Tagging: I think the usual suspects have already been tagged. This has been sitting in my drafts for ages and I'm so sorry it took me forever to get to it.
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