#Missouri attorney
reasonsforhope · 1 year
"Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey terminated his emergency rule on gender-affirming care Tuesday — less than a week after the state legislature sent a ban on minors starting treatment to the governor’s desk.
The ACLU of Missouri filed a lawsuit in late April seeking to block Bailey’s emergency rule, alleging the attorney general didn’t have the authority to use the state’s consumer protection law to block access to puberty blockers, hormone therapy and gender-affirming surgery. A judge put the rules on hold until July, when a hearing is scheduled...
The now-terminated emergency order would’ve affected adults, a step that caused fear in the LGBTQ+ community, advocates told The Independent. Some began preparing to move out of state when they heard about the emergency order...
A spokesperson for the Missouri Secretary of State’s office said he received the termination paperwork around 4 p.m. Tuesday [May 16, 2023].
If Bailey wishes to enact his order, which would set barriers to accessing gender-affirming care, he must restart the process...
The ACLU of Missouri released a statement Tuesday evening, calling the termination a “victory for Missourians’ right to bodily autonomy.”
“After weeks of embarrassing Missouri on the national stage, the Attorney General has finally joined everyone else in recognizing that his hasty attempt to usurp other branches of government cannot withstand scrutiny,” the statement says.
House Minority Leader Crystal Quade, D-Springfield, said in a statement that Bailey “grossly overstepped his legal authority, and everyone knows it.
“So, it isn’t surprising he withdrew his unconstitutional rule knowing another embarrassing court defeat was inevitable,” she said. “Missourians deserve an attorney general worthy of the office, not one who persecutes innocent Missourians for political gain.”
Fischer said, despite uncertain circumstances, the removal of barriers to care is a “win” for transgender Missourians.
“From the conversations we’ve already had with community members and trans leadership, people are thrilled to see the attorney general terminate his rule especially since it targeted the entire trans community: children and adults. In our eyes, this is a win,” he said."
-via Missouri Independent, 5/16/23
It's nowhere near enough, but it's still so important, especially for all the trans adults in Missouri who were being forcibly detransitioned and starting to be denied access to gender-affirming care, including hormones, which they'd often been on for years.
At this point, I will celebrate every bit of respite we can get.
Missouri would've been the first and only state to ban access to transgender care for adults. It's inexcusable that trans kids are still going to be denied care. But if this rule hadn't been withdrawn, there would've been a lengthy court battle over it lasting years, and in the meantime, every red state that could get away with it would be using Missouri as a blueprint and successful precedent to pass their own bans on gender affirming care for adults.
The fact that Republicans have been denied that successful precedent is VITAL.
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meesehands666 · 1 year
Been thinking about bringing back transsexual as a normal term to fight off the government (US) routinely going through bans of transgender everything. Both forcing them to talk about the difference between sex and gender
Here’s the emergency ban that got blocked. Please read how fucking ableist this is. Boutta get my psychologist to remove all of my diagnosis because I can’t afford to move to fucking Colorado.
One of these should work it’s from the Missouri government site
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brydonlaw · 21 hours
Custody Lawyers: Expert Legal Assistance
When facing family legal matters involving child custody, having experienced custody lawyers by your side is crucial. Brydon Law Firm offers dedicated legal representation, ensuring your rights and interests are fully protected. Our custody lawyers understand the complexities of custody cases and are committed to delivering optimal results, view.
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workcompattorney · 3 months
Can I Be Fired for Filing a Workers' Comp Claim in Missouri?
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If you've been injured on the job in Missouri, you may be wondering, "Can I be fired for filing a workers' comp claim?" This is a common concern for many employees who fear retaliation from their employers. Let's explore your rights as an injured worker in Missouri and what protections you have when filing a workers' compensation claim.
The Short Answer: No, You Cannot Be Legally Fired for Filing a Workers' Comp Claim
Under Missouri law, it is illegal for an employer to fire an employee solely for filing a workers' compensation claim. This protection is part of the state's efforts to ensure that injured workers can seek the benefits they're entitled to without fear of losing their jobs.
Understanding Your Rights in Missouri
When you file a workers' compensation claim in Missouri, you are protected by several important rights:
The right to file a claim for work-related injuries or illnesses
The right to medical treatment for your work-related injury
The right to receive compensation for lost wages if you're unable to work
The right to return to your job once you've recovered (with some limitations)
The right to be free from retaliation for filing a claim
What Constitutes Retaliation?
Retaliation can take many forms, not just termination. Other examples of potential retaliation include:
Reduction in pay or hours
Unfavorable shift changes
Harassment or creation of a hostile work environment
Negative performance reviews that aren't based on actual performance
Exceptions and Complications
While it's illegal to fire someone solely for filing a workers' comp claim, there are some situations where an employer might legally terminate an injured worker:
1. Inability to Perform Job Duties
If your injury prevents you from performing your essential job functions even with reasonable accommodations, your employer may have grounds for termination.
2. Violation of Company Policies
If you violate company policies or perform poorly for reasons unrelated to your injury, you could be terminated.
3. Layoffs or Business Closures
If your company undergoes layoffs or closes entirely, you may lose your job regardless of your workers' comp claim.
Steps to Protect Yourself
To protect your rights when filing a workers' comp claim:
Report your injury promptly: Notify your employer as soon as possible after a work-related injury occurs.
Document everything: Keep detailed records of your injury, medical treatment, and any communications with your employer.
Follow medical advice: Attend all medical appointments and follow your doctor's instructions carefully.
Know your rights: Familiarize yourself with Missouri's workers' compensation laws.
Be aware of deadlines: There are time limits for filing claims and appeals in Missouri workers' comp cases.
What to Do If You Suspect Retaliation
If you believe you've been fired or faced other forms of retaliation for filing a workers' comp claim:
Document any actions or communications that you believe are retaliatory.
File a complaint with the Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations.
Consider consulting with an experienced workers' compensation attorney in St. Louis.
Other Considerations in Workers' Comp Cases
While dealing with potential retaliation, it's important to remember other aspects of your workers' comp case:
Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI): This is a crucial concept in determining when you might be able to return to work.
Light Duty Work: Your employer may offer modified duties while you recover.
Permanent Work Restrictions: If your injury results in permanent limitations, this could affect your long-term employment situation.
Workers' Comp Surveillance: Be aware that insurance companies may monitor your activities to verify your claim.
Protect Your Rights with Experienced Legal Representation
Navigating a workers' compensation claim while dealing with potential retaliation can be complex and stressful. It's crucial to have knowledgeable legal representation to protect your rights and ensure you receive the benefits you deserve.
At the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann, we have over 30 years of experience representing injured workers in Missouri. We understand the nuances of workers' compensation law and can help you fight against any form of retaliation.
Workers Compensation Lawyer St. Louis
Free Consultation - Call Us Now at (314) 361-4300
If you've been fired or faced retaliation after filing a workers' comp claim in Missouri, don't face this challenge alone. Contact the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann today for a free consultation. We'll evaluate your case, explain your rights, and fight to protect your job and your right to workers' compensation benefits.
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ashiq1233 · 3 months
Kansas City MO Family Lawyer in Jackson County.
Stange Law Firm, PC is a divorce, family law, child custody and domestic relations law firm in the Kansas City, Missouri Area in Jackson County.
Going through a family law matter can be a very trying experience for most people. We understand that and we understand the importance of your family. When you are faced with any type of family law issues and difficulties in Kansas City, Missouri, you need an empathic attorney on your side.
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At Stange Law Firm, PC, you are the focus. Because we are only dedicated to family law, you can be sure that your attorney has the compassion to guide you through every aspect of your case. From our office in Kansas City, Missouri, we can help when you need someone to fight for you and your family.
We have two offices in Jackson County, MO because we want to be near both courthouses. For example, in Jackson County, there is a courthouse in Independence and in downtown Kansas City. We also feel as if clients shouldn’t have to travel to one central location. Instead, we believe access is easier when we are in more than one location.
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ricketlaw · 4 months
The Ricket Law Firm’s significant knowledge and passion for client advocacy will assist you in holding your loved one’s caregivers and nursing home liable for the harm they caused. For more information contact our Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers and call us today at 816-307-4065.
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filosofablogger · 4 months
Just How Low Will We Go?
I thought I was done snarking at least for a few days when I finished my Snarky Snippets post yesterday, but … then today happened and the steam began building again.  I tell you, my friends, the U.S. is beginning to look like something from a dystopian novel! See this picture?  The man on the right is running for the governor of Missouri, and although the Missouri Republican Party tried to have…
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Before Williams was executed, his attorney, Tricia Rojo Bushnell, issued the below statement: “Tonight, Missouri will execute an innocent man, Marcellus “Khaliifah” Williams. The victim’s family opposes his execution. Jurors, who originally sentenced him to death, now oppose his execution. The prosecutor’s office that convicted and sentenced him to death has now admitted they were wrong and zealously fought to undo the conviction and save Mr. Williams’ life. More than one million concerned citizens and faith leaders implored Governor Parson to commute Marcellus’s death sentence. Missouri will kill him anyway. “That is not justice. And we must all question any system that would allow this to occur. The execution of an innocent person is the most extreme manifestation of Missouri’s obsession with ‘finality’ over truth, justice, and humanity, at any cost."
Edit: he was a poet.
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westbrooklawgroup · 6 months
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william-r-melich · 6 months
SCOTUS Leaning Left? - 03/19/2024
State's Attorney's General from Missouri and Louisiana yesterday gave their oral arguments to the Supreme Court of The United States on that the Biden team breached the first amendment by coercing social media outlets to remove content associated with the 2020 election and Covid-19, claiming it was misinformation. Louisiana's AG, Liz Merrill said that she feels "cautiously optimistic" on the court's upcoming decision. She also said that she believes this case to be "hugely important." Yet the justices overall seemed to be indicating that they are unwilling to restrict the ability of government in pushing social media to censor content that might appear as harmful to the public. Liz Merrill continued to say, "We are engaging in a lot of conversations now about how modern technology adapts to tried and true principles of liberty and justice and freedom that protect us and have protected us since the Constitution was ratified." She continued on about her cautious optimism that the justices will land where she wholeheartedly believes they should land, in favor of protecting free speech: “And that’s some of the concerns that were laid out here with regard to where the line is drawn from encouragement to coercion, that there is a way to sort of determine that that’s what judges do every day … and it will be a fact-based inquiry.”
Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, who was standing with the attorney generals, said this to the Epoch Times: “Clearly, several of the justices grasp what is at stake, they review the evidentiary record carefully, and I’m optimistic that they will do the right thing.” He continued after expressing his belief that social media platforms have censored truthful speech at the behest of the government: “we need not make the case that the speech that was censored was truthful in order to win the legal argument. The reason for that is that the government has no role in deciding what is and what is not truthful speech and policing and forcing that speech to be removed from the public square. The government’s only job is to draw the line between legal and illegal speech, illegal speech being very narrowly defined by the courts, jurisprudence.”
Missouri Attorney General, Andrew Bailey said this: “I think the justices appropriately recognized the level of government activity here and then it was coercive in nature.” Justice Clearance Thomas made the point that sometimes: "the tech companies in question are blurring the lines between private action and public enforcement." - noted Bailey. When questioned whether the censored content was true, he said: “This has never been about truth; it’s always been about power. But the distinction between truth and untruth really exemplifies why the federal government is not in the truth-determining business. If they don’t think something is true, then their authority is to speak out against what they believe is untrue, not to censor speech.”
Mary Holland, President and Gerneral Counsel for the Children's Health Defense, chaired by Robert F. Kennedy Jr, said this: “If the justices decide unwisely, what we wrote in our brief is we are living in a brave new world … We already have a massive censorship complex, and that will get bigger and it will get more entrenched.” She went on, telling the Epoch Times: “It’s incredibly disappointing to me as a liberal that the classical organizations that defended free speech like the ACLU is not involved in this case.” Regarding the pharmaceutical industry, she said: “My colleague told me that 70 percent of Democrats favor censorship today. I can’t fathom that. You know, it used to be that the Left, so-called, was skeptical of big, big, big business. And now they’re embracing emergency use authorization, medical products that have the potential to cause severe harm. I’m flabbergasted.” She's disappointed with the liberal movement, saying: “Historically, it was liberals who stood up for free speech.”
Another party listed in the case, journalist Jim Hoft, opined that the government was "lying" about the reasons for censorship. He believes this is a “very pivotal case,” and if the government is allowed to “get away” with the censorship experienced by the parties in this suit, “it’s only going to get worse.” He continued telling the Epoch Times: “This has to be where they put a stop to this. The government shouldn’t be doing this, especially when they’re wrong, and pushing their own opinion, silencing dissenting voices. Of course, it’s against the Constitution. It’s a no-brainer.”
My own personal opinion, I think the government should only allow social media platforms to censor or remove content that is illegal, obscene as defined by their stated guidelines, defamatory, or that which clearly encourages illegal acts and/or self-harm or suicide. I don't think they should be allowed to alter or remove in any way any content they don't agree with, politically or otherwise. Even if the content in question is not truthful or misleading. The counter to lies should be to post the truth, not to remove them. I also think, in spite the justices appearing to be leaning more to the left and censorship, that they will more likely rule on the side of free speech, but I wouldn't hold my breath...
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qupritsuvwix · 7 months
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brydonlaw · 2 days
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naukrisambad · 8 months
How to Choose a Good Car Accident Lawyer
In the aftermath of a car accident, selecting a proficient car accident lawyer is a critical decision that can significantly impact the outcome of your case. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the key factors to consider when choosing a good car accident lawyer. How to Choose a Good Car Accident Lawyer When faced with the aftermath of a car accident, navigating the…
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workcompattorney · 3 months
Navigating Workers' Compensation for Mental Health Conditions
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Work-related mental health issues can be just as severe as physical injuries, yet they often go unnoticed and untreated. Workers compensation benefits are available not only for physical injuries but also for mental health conditions that arise due to job-related stress, trauma, or an adverse work environment. If you are facing mental health challenges due to your job, it is vital to understand your rights and the process for claiming workers compensation.
What Constitutes Workers Compensation for Mental Health?
Workers compensation is intended to support employees who suffer from work-related injuries or illnesses, including mental health conditions. These conditions might stem from various workplace factors, such as chronic stress, exposure to traumatic events, or ongoing harassment. Addressing these issues through workers compensation can help mitigate their impact on your personal and professional life.
Common Mental Health Conditions Covered by Workers Compensation
Several mental health conditions can be recognized under workers compensation, including:
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): Common among first responders, healthcare workers, and employees exposed to traumatic incidents.
Anxiety Disorders: Resulting from high-stress environments, strict deadlines, or hostile work conditions.
Depression: Often linked to prolonged workplace stress, bullying, or significant changes in job roles.
Adjustment Disorders: Emotional or behavioral reactions to specific stressful workplace situations.
Steps to Strengthen a Mental Health Workers Compensation Claim
Proving a mental health claim requires careful documentation and a structured approach:
Document Your Symptoms: Keep a detailed record of your symptoms and how they interfere with your daily activities and job performance.
Consult a Mental Health Professional: Obtain a professional diagnosis and treatment plan. Their documentation is critical for your claim.
Inform Your Employer: Notify your employer about your mental health issues and how they relate to your job to initiate the claims process.
Collect Supporting Evidence: Gather emails, witness statements, and reports of workplace incidents that contribute to your condition.
Filing a Workers Compensation Claim for Mental Health
The process for filing a mental health claim includes several key steps:
Report Your Condition: Inform your employer promptly about your mental health issues.
Complete Required Forms: Fill out the necessary workers compensation forms from your employer or the state workers compensation board.
Submit Medical Documentation: Provide detailed medical records from your healthcare provider.
Follow Up: Monitor the status of your claim and respond to any additional requests for information or evaluations.
Overcoming Challenges in Mental Health Workers Compensation Claims
Mental health claims can be particularly challenging due to:
Stigma: Mental health issues are often misunderstood, making it difficult to gain the necessary support.
Proof of Causation: Establishing a direct link between your job and your mental health condition can be complex.
Insurance Resistance: Insurers may be more likely to dispute mental health claims, requiring comprehensive evidence and persistence.
The Importance of Legal Support
Handling a workers compensation claim for mental health can be overwhelming. Legal support can be crucial in:
Navigating the Process: Ensuring all paperwork is accurately completed and submitted on time.
Building a Robust Case: Collecting and presenting the necessary evidence to substantiate your claim.
Protecting Your Rights: Representing you in disputes or hearings to secure the benefits you are entitled to.
Contact Us for a Free Case Evaluation
If you are experiencing work-related mental health issues, it's essential to seek help immediately. Understanding your rights and obtaining the benefits you deserve is vital for your recovery and overall well-being. Contact the Law Office of James M. Hoffmann today for a free case evaluation. Our dedicated Missouri workers compensation attorneys are here to help you navigate the workers compensation system and secure the support you need. Call us today at (314) 361-4300 to discuss your case and learn how we can assist you during this challenging time.
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jeppsonlawmo · 9 months
When facing financial challenges in Missouri, a few questions weigh as heavily as “How will bankruptcy in Missouri affect my retirement savings?” It is a concern that resonates with many facing the complexities of navigating bankruptcy. Jeppson Law is a reliable partner in helping you understand the implications, protect your assets, and guide you through bankruptcy with the least possible impact on your financial future.
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ricketlaw · 4 months
We believe nursing home facilities and their employees protect our loved ones. Sometimes, due to age, dementia, or other medical issues, our loved ones require additional monitoring to prevent them from “eloping” away from the institution or its employees.  For more information contact our Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers and call us today at 816-307-4065.
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