#Mitusko Saito
roselyn-writing · 2 years
Mitsuko said goodbye to Selviya and went to play with other kids. Then suddenly, Kya appeared floating with his wings and then he landed next to Mitsuko.
Kya- hey Mitsuko, what are you doing? :3
Mitsuko looked at him with disgust but decides to answer
Mitsuko- nothing much, the game was way better before you arrived 😒
Kid- were are playing hide and seek :D
Kya- that’s cool! Can I join the game
Mitsuko- no
Kids- YESSS!!
Mitsuko- (are u serious?!)
Kya- okay, I’m counting, and the rest of you hide
Kya starts counting the numbers, while Mitsuko and the other kids started to hide themselves. Mitsuko didn’t know where to hide, so she saw Selviya and asked her for help
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Selviya smiled at her then Tells her to come with her to Her home-town moirvdonne, Mitsuko eagerly accepted and goes with her. leaving Kya all alone.
“Hehe i wanna see the look on his face when he realised we’re gone hehe” Selviya chuckled
“Nah he’s too dumb to realise!” Mitsuko added, Laughing with her
Kya Still counting,unaware that Mitsuko is gone and only kids are hiding. He wasn’t playing for the kids, only for Mitusko
*In Selviya place*
Selviya and Mitsuko Happily travelled to another City into another dimension Moirvdonne City.
“Hey! Lets go to my Favourite diner! It has the best Milkshakes!” Selviya Began, Mitsuko nodded
“That seems lovely!” Mitusko innocently added
The two get inside the diner, Unusually it is empty today, nonetheless They’re going to have milkshakes
“Selviya your back!” The Worker said
“Hey! Lance Hows things going!” Selviya asked him
“Better! So.. I suppose the usual?” Lance replied
“Nah i’m here for Milkshakes!, i’m going to have strawberry Milkshake and you Mitsuko?” Selviya muttered
“I’m going to have Chocolate Milkshakes!” Mitsuko uttered
“2 milkshakes coming right up!” Lance Declared
Mitsuko and Selviya sat on the table near the window, Selviya favourite place. Mintues later Lance came with their orders.
“Here you go snowflake!” Lance Says, while looking at Selviya
“Thank you, Sir lancelot” Selviya chuckled, Mitsuko Chuckles
“Ahh You got me! Like the fellas use to call me” Lance happily responded.
“Sure i did, Lancy” Selviya winked, then takes a sip of her Milkshake.
Mitsuko takes a sip too, she is surprised that this Beverage is amazing, beyond her imagination. She loves chocolates and she loved this even more. She loves everything about this place. Moments later people come inside the diner, the bells on the door started ringing , Meaning that people are coming. Mitsuko stopped drinking to look at the window. She saw the people walking, new strange places. She loves this place. The only place she know is the sky temple. But this place is amazing, there are alot of people, Alot of buildings. Even there are pets, Cats dogs and such. This place is Amazing and full of life and energy
“The milkshakes is delicious, and i like this place thank you Selviya!” Mitsuko Said
Selviya smiled at this, She knows that Mitsuko never been to much places like her. Knowing that Mitusko is kid and it’s dangerous to let a kid wander alone with himself/herself.
“Your welcome Mitsuko! I’m really happy that you liked The milkshake!” Selviya Responded, Smiling to her.
They stayed for a while, cleary Forgetting about Kya.
“Lets go Mitsuko! Lets take you home!” Selviya announced. Before Getting out the diner, Selviya paid then took Mitsuko
“Come again snowflake!” Lance yells
“Hehe! Will do Lancelot!” She yells back
They go back to The sky temple, Chuckling Because they remembered they Left Kya waiting, But they forgot about something, the demigods Raiden and Fujin..
“There they are!” Kya yells.
Selviya and Mitusko gave him dirty looks.
“So where were you been you two?“ Raiden asks as he Crosses his arms, Fujin along with him
“We went to have milkshakes!” Selviya Answered truthfully, Mitsuko nodded
“Hmm And when someone go for a beverage They take too long?” Raiden Argued, Cocking up an eyebrow at her
“Yup! Thats me!” She playfully answered.
“Then you must be an easy-going person, Who clearly Lacks self preservation instincts. Its too dangerous when you go out and take too much time, let alone taking a child with you! Selviya levsloky be warned if you want to do this again you may do it alone, leave Mitsuko out of this, she is a child and she is important!” Raiden declares, Clearly being patient with her.
Selviya didn’t reply, she didn’t reply because she is comprehending, what just happened. she knows its a bit risky but they’re making a fuss about it.
“O-okay?, I know you that you worry sometimes, But i’m not the saviour For nothing let alone a piece of a magical, Celestial being you don’t need to worry!” Selviya assured, Fujin Had enough of her, Enough of her arguing, enough of her arrogance, she bores him to death with her being a half Celestial.
“So you are a celestial huh? What do you want us to do? Bow to you? Worship you perhaps? What exactly is your point Selviya, you are arrogant like Frost no! Worst than Frost I don’t know how can Subzero tolerates you, Just leave Mitsuko alone! You can visit her at the sky temple but don’t take her with you. you bratty girl!” Fujin coldly scolded her, Mitusko is a bit scared
“Chill paps, Why are you Angry?” Selviya Asked
“Forget about Taking Mitusko and thats final!” Fujin warned, as he pressed his finger on her. Clearly angry
“Okay i get it get, sheesh, Overreacting much!” Selviya Added, as she slapped his finger off of her.
“Jerks!” She mentally whined, then left
Mitsuko is sad, because They Harshly Judge Selviya And making her leave, Like Arien. she just can’t understand why they are doing this they’re making her lonely by Shoving people out of her way.
Selviya of course didn’t forget Mitsuko, she does not care about the jerks, she will keep visiting her. Its just they misjudged her, they don’t know her that much and they Even lectured her about Lacking of self preservations.
The end! I like Writing about these kinds of chapters.
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roselyn-writing · 3 years
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Chapter 9 of (AU Selviya being Mitsuko mother), Mitsuko belongs to @saito-mitsuko
Obviously no longer.
It had been 7 years, Since Mitsuko left with Raiden to fulfill her destiny. Selviya didn’t forget her first child and so did Kuai.
Kuai Tries to let Selviya forget and busies her with pregnancy to feel like a mother all again. It worked the day Mitsuko left he did it with Selviya and she was pregnant and gave birth to twins ones a girl and ones a boy. They named them Qiang and Liling. After that she give birth to other twins naming them wang and Liu (in honour of Liu kang), and then she gave to the fifth and final one and she is a girl Ai Liang. She still remembers what Raiden told her of Mitsuko how he was so emotional and Expressing regrets
“I’m sorry Selviya levsloky, Apparently my Actions caused you so much pain, forgive me i was only doing the elder gods asked!” Raiden Confessed, Selviya looked at him seeing that he is a capable of emotion.. she is lost in words
“I forgave you along time ago..” She sad, While looking at him in the eyes.
He gulped at her. then left with his Thunder teleportation.
*After years*
“Come here children! Its dinner time!” Selviya lovingly called her children they came hurried to her as they hugged her and kissed her. Then their father came, he laughed purely at the sight in front of him. He looks at his beloved wife, she was gently holding their infant daughter Ai Liang. she took Ai to breastfeed her. She is smiling at her husband until her Infant child bites her hard. She patiently feed her daughter taking bites here and there but she is still smiling and adoring her babygirl.
Qiang and Liling are 5 years old
Wang and Liu are 3 years old
And Ai is only months old.
“She is a beautiful like her mother.” Kuai Flirted with Selviya, She chuckles with amusement afterwards.
“She is indeed!” She responded, while breastfeeding her
“Mummy! The food is hot can we Cool it with our powers?” Wang asked excitedly, Liu nodded
“Sorry but no.. you know what happend when you last time asked that..” Selviya softly refused, reminding them of the snowballs fight while there were “cooling” their food
“Oh! That was a really cool and fun!” Liu laughed at this.
Selviya rolled her eyes, then took a breath
“How did my parents was patient with me.” She thought referring to her adoptive parents (Maria and Aran)
“Now kids! Behave and listen to your mother i will cool your food instead!” their father Said as he came closer to cool their food, Liu looks at Wang giving him the signals to start the snowballs
“Snowballs fight!” Liu and Wang suddenly shout and throws snowballs on everything on the room, on their father on their other sibling and on their mother face (Rofl)
“Stop it!!!” Selviya called, Completely ignorning their mother and continue “playing”
That was the last straw when an ice ball hit their youngest sister on the face. She calmly got up and Uses her frozen gaze on then, They both looked at their mother and Start behaving and continue eating their food. Kuai Brushed the ice ball from his face completely annoyed by his children behaviour.
“So-sorry mother…” They both apologised
“Thats it! Your Visiting Grandpa and grandma Levsloky! After the meal you will change your clothes then get ready, you clearly need some Etiquette to be taught! And hopefully Grandma levsloky would be so happy to provide ” She calmly replied. Liu and wang shriek, apparently they dislike Their grandparents Levsloky. While Liling and Qiang are happy with this.
“No! No! please mother! We will behave we will behave!” They both begged, she still breastfeeding her Babygirl.
“No buts! You promised you will not do snowballs fight in food table! You broke your promise and plus we didn’t see them in a week so!” Selviya Muttered, with her usual soft tone.
“Dad! Say something!” They Turned to their father for help, He is torn between Listening to his wife and his child pleading reaction.
“Kids.. i know its a bit harsh but.. you need to learn!” Kuai Liang Responded with a serious tone.
“Thanks for being a father of nothing!” Liu Cried, Kuai and Selviya sighs.
“Do not talk to your father like that!..” Selviya came to them after she’s done from feeding her daughter. She Puts her hands on her waist sassily.
“Thats unfair! We only wanted to have fun!” Wang argued, Selviya and Kuai Sighs again..
“Anyway i’m ready to Go! Liling and Qiang are you ready!” She softly calls to her oldest Children, they happily Came to them.
“Yes! Mother!” Both replied excited to go to their grandparnets house
“Alright then lets go..” Selviya Uttered happily, Kuai gave a peck on the lips.
“Safe trip!” Their father chuckles. As he give another Final kiss to their mother.
“Thanks Qīn. Stay safe in the clan!” She said, then she put her daughter into A kids stroller
After they arrived to their Car, a silent eye was watching them. The one who’s watching Saw them so happy as a family. She wished that she was with then. Having fun with her brothers and sisters. Its hurts that her mother “forgot” about her and move on in her life.
“I miss you mother but together will see each other soon!..” Mitsuko mumbled to herself
As she is shedding a tear. Mourning her childhood and her mother. How can life be so cruel and unfortunate.
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roselyn-writing · 3 years
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Hey guys! This is my sketch of Married Selviya and Kuai, they Found baby Mitsuko in Arktika and Took her with then
This lovely Headcanon Idea from a friend
Hope you enjoy it! 🥰😃
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roselyn-writing · 2 years
Mitsuko- *yelling while running towers Aliya* ALIYAAAAA!!!!
*jumps and hugs her*
Arien- hey!! I want a hug too!!
Aliyaa Smiles warmly as she hugged Mitsuko back. She gently rubs her back as well. Mitsuko Humms Happily to that.
Arien looks at them both, Feeling a bit left out. “Hey! I want a hug too!” He yells
Aliyaa heard him, she chuckles softly then magically pulling him towards her. As she hugged him too
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roselyn-writing · 3 years
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Both art and Mitsuko Belongs to the lovely
Now for the chapter finale!, But i gotta tell you! There will be two ending in this fantic one is a good one, one is a dark sad one.. and i will keep you guessing xD
Chapter 10 of (Au where Selviya is the mother of Mitusko Saito)
Selviya is driving her car, then she and her childrens arrive in Manchester UK, They went to House of Levsloky’s. Along the way she thought of Raidens word. her first Daughter fate..
“I am sorry, but i only foresee a dark fate for her! A fate you cannot stop for her!” Raiden says, regret in his voice.
“You are the reason that she is in this! So you Accpet me to correct your mistakes Raiden? Please..” Selviya replied mocking him.
She brushed the memory from her head and focused on the trip.
Maria levsloky was the one who opened the door she was surprised and happy.
“Selviya! Darling! And my beautiful grandchildren!” Maria Levsloky happily said
“Hello mother! How are you and dad today? I know its a bit early but i missed mother!” Selviya says as she hugged her mother. The children were happy at this sights. Evn Liu and wang although that they are a bit frustrated.
“Ooh! I missed you too and my grandchildren too! Come inside! I had just Made tea and Sweets!” Maria welcomes them happily
“Thank you mother!” Selviya responded.
“Grandma! How are you doing today!” The children asked, she chuckles and gives each a hug and a kiss.
They enter and they met their Grandfather Aran levsloky.
“Daddy! I missed you so much!” Selviya Greets and hugs her father, he chuckles and rubbs her back
“Ooh me too babygirl, although it only been a week you last visited!” Aran chuckles. She give him a kiss on the cheek.
“Grandpa!!! We missed you!” The children say and all of them hugged him at the same time.
Unbeknownst to them Mitsuko Followed them and she was looking at them from their window.
She felt a twinge of pain in her chest, oh how she wished she were with them and hugging the elderly people. She stills remembers them. How the Grandma used to make delicious food and biscuits, the dad tell amazing stories of his youth. She missed her old life. A life was ripped unjustly from her. She is mad at her mother Selviya for not fighting for her. But she fully knows Selviya cannot win against the older gods. Because she did not reach her full celestial potential. She still a bit mad.
“Thanks mother, did i say your tea and Biscuits are delicious as always?” Selviya praised her mother Offerings tea and biscuits
“Oh hehe! I’m glad you still loved them, as you were such a cute toddler!” Maria says, chuckling afterwards
“Yeah because you made them delicious! Whats your secret recipe?” Selviya Asked, While raising her eyebrow at her mother.
“a chief does not tell her secrets!” Maria kindly refused to tell her.
“Ooh a wonderful chief i see!” Selviya took a sip of her tea
“As you say!, so tell me whats the occasion of visiting did your Bear did something to you?” Maria asked, she take a long sip after that.
“Oh no.. nothing of that! I’m here because i missed you and i need you to teach Want and Liu an etiquette a lesson for they obviously lacked it!” Selviya kindly asked her mother, her mother nodded agreeing for it, Liu and Want gulps at them.
“Sure why not!” Maria agrees, Aran rolls his eyes
“What did they do? Did the start snowball in a Food table?!” Aran asked, a bit annoyed
“Yes! They did!” She related, He chuckles
“Honey you know that they are kids! They cannot differentiate from Fun or seriousness!” Aran said trying to justifiy their doing
“Dad! You don’t get it! They promised me to not do snowball fight in food table!” She replied a bit annoyed
“Well. I know that they are a bit naughty but that does not mean you put them into a heavy etiquette session. Especially with .. you know who!” Aran said
“Fine! Let us agree to disagree!” Maria blurted
“Well … I think i’ve got a better idea! Mother can you tell them what did they do to those who disbehave in your time?” Selviya asked her mother
“Well. They used to spank and Let us write homeowrk many many times. And there are worse punishment that i will not mention!” Maria replied
“Aside from worse punishment.. it does have a a negative impact right?” Selviya muttered.
“Are you kidding? Its leaves a destructive impact!” Maria answered
“I had a very cool idea…” Selviya devilish rubbed her hands together
“and what is it?” Aran and Maria asked
“Liu and Wang! If you misbehave again! I’m going to use Aunt Aliyaa item shears of destiny! That will take away your power!” Selviya threatens them (but not really) all of them gasps
“We will behave we will behave!” Liu and wang replied, Really scared of the threat
“Good! My children” Selviya added, she she hugged their children all.
After hours of talking to their grandparents and They eventually had dinner there and left for the Lin-Kuei clan.
But before Selviya entered her car. She saw someone shadow and she looked at it.. a Sudden realisation caught her.. its someone of their past.. a daughter…
“M-Mitsuko?” Selviya Asked unbelievably.. Mitsuko Came closer. She seems different and older. Her wings spread as they seem larger and more wider.
“Hello mother..” she replied with little emotion.
The children are watching the scene from inside their mother car..
“Mitsuko! My daughter! I missed you so much…” Selviya told, her eyes cannot stop streaming, her tears fall non-stop. Still Mitsuko did not flinch as she looks at Selviya
“What did they did to you? You seem distant! From me!” Selviya added, Still cannot control her tears yet Mitsuko coldly looks at her.
“What had to he done! Training me as an Angel Warrior!, To be a Servant of these damn Elder gods! I don’t blame you mother or my father.. my childhood was stolen from me!! I have no emotions left! No Feelings left! I’m only a Cold angel with no heart at all! A soulles servant to them .. how i hate my fate..” Mitsuko bitterly said
“I’m so sorry..” Selviya said looking at her eyes and understanding her pain.
“So mother.. you forgot about me huh? You build a family of your own.. and these children?.. there you’re biological ones huh? Unlike me!” Mitsuko Says, nearly having her mental breakdown.
“Not blood-related doesnt mean you aren’t my daughter! You are my daughter and in every passing day i think of you! How you were Stolen from my arms.. Mitsuko i love you with every fiber of my being!” Selviya confessed, Mitsuko knew that Selviya doesnt lie and she cannot do anything!
She looked at the children. They seemd a bit terrified of her. Liling opens the car doors and she hurried behind her mother. Mitsuko looks coldly at her.
“Mother.. who is she?” Liling asked
“She is your sister.. my lost lovely daughter..” Selviya replied, as she smiles through her tears. Selviya is really hesitated to hug her or not.. Mitsuko understands this and came to hug her they both hugged each other. And Mitsuko left to the skies..
“I hope i can be with you again.. perhaps in another life..” Selviya muttered to herself, she still continue crying.
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roselyn-writing · 3 years
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Chapter 11 ( a good ending)
Mitsuko belongs to @saito-mitsuko
After Mitsuko left to the skies, While on her way she cries, her tears drops she went to find the truth to Cetrion in the heaven and in the elder gods Place she want happiness or death nothing else!
“I will find out the truth!” Mitusko promised.
After she reached her destination she met Cetrion in front of her. Like she was excpeting her!
“I see that you are trembling Soldier!” Cetrion said in her unsympathetic tone. Mitsuko tsked at her
“Oh i wonder why! Aren’t you an Elder Goddess? Should you not know that?!” Mitsuko mocked
Cetrion is Silent for a bit, Mitsuko kept talking bitterly her tone tell of pain and pure anger.
Mitsuko fingers trembling on the sword, Cetrion understand enough and its time to stop cause it’s enough, their actions had already a negative impact on Mitsuko personality.
*In Selviya place*
Selviya heart had been beating a bit fast. She is really uncomfortable, by this incident Mitsuko Suddenly shows up after years of after she was gone.. Selviya is afraid that Mitsuko would do something bad like attacking people in earthrealm by Taking her “revenge” but .. no Selviya still believe that she is the same Mitsuko a lovely carefree daughter. If only she knew…
She is scared for her children life, not For her own life. but her children, Frost saw everything she is really shocked at what she saw. For the first time she saw Selviya so shaken and worried.
“Kuai! Kuai Liang! My love i came!” Selviya called, Try not to shake in front of her children she is taking a hold of her self.
“Beloved wife! I’m glad you came back home early too!” Kuai Liang says, he came to her kissing her in front of the children.. she kissed back and Moans in the kiss
“Now children! Its time to sleep go brush your teeth and go to sleep!” Selviya orderd, they listened to their mother. And did what she said
After they left she left with Kuai to their shared room.. she is Visibily shaking in front of him
“Whats wrong love?” Kuai asked her. He didn’t see her like this
“Ooh.. Qīn.. its about Mitsuko! She shown when i nearly want to enter the car and drive home. . she looks different, she was carrying a sword,!her hair is short and her eyes seems lifeless and her wings are huge and wide.. Kuai.. i fear that she is coming back.. i fear for my children…” Selviya cried.. Kuai Liang is shocked..
“M-Mitsuko is back? But .. how? What About what Raiden said…” Kuai Liang added trying to calm himself .. as he too fears for his children life.. he hugged his wife
“Dont worry everything will be alright! No need to be scared or Tensed, Calm yourself wife..” Kuai Liang re-assured his wife. She calmed a bit
“We need to talk to Raiden.. this is not up for debate..” Selviya declared and Kuai nodded
“We need answers as well.” Kuai Liang mumbled she nodded
*In Cetrion and Mitsuko place*
“Whats your thoughts my Angel?” Cetrion says with her sweet voice
“I want to see them! Please Cetrion why do i have to born as a stupid Angel! You know how much i hate this life! A life I didn’t ask for!” Mitusko replied, then she continued to talk as Cetrion patiently listening to her
“Please Cetrion! I’m begging you! I want to be a normal girl! Please Cetrion..” Mitsuko begged Cetrion, For the first time in forever her words move Cetrion inside. Cetrion heart started to beat with pity and compassion for the angel in front of her
“If you want to see them! Fine! But there is something i need you to do for me!” Cetrion said
“What is it?” Mitusko asked
“Turn around!” Cetrion replied
Mitsuko looks around her to see that her wings are ripped from her, she is no longer an Angel then she Realized she started to fall down, But luckily Cetrion saved her then she left
“*Gasps* finally! I can be with them! I am normal again!” Mitusko Cries, tears of happiness and joy. finally its about time she feels some happines, then she goes to the Lin-Kuei to be with her family as she always meant to be.
*In Selviya place*
“Kuai.. i cannot calm myself.. you know.. what if i cannot save my children. Or worst what if you die.. you know that I cannot live without you.. “ Selviya started to cry again.. she buried her face in her hands..
“Please Selviya don’t speak of nonsense..” Kuai Liang replied to calm her down again..
*A knock on their door*
“What is it Soldier?” The Grandmaster asked
“Lord Raiden wishes to speak with you Grandmaster!” The member replied
“Lord Raiden?..i’ll come to meet him this instant!” Kuai Liang replied, Not sure it Raiden would come at these hours.
“What’s going on?” Selviya asked
“Its Raiden.” He simply replied, she nodded She accompanied him
They both saw Raiden with someone else..
They didn’t Recognize
“Grandmaster and Grandmistress sorry for coming at such late hours but.. I came with Mitsuko!” Raiden Spoke, shocking them both
“M-Mitusko! .. am i dreaming?” Selviya said, Mitsuko came into sight and they both saw her.
“What happend to your wings?..” Kuai asked, As he saw none behind her back
“Cetrion removed them as I no longer an angel!” She replied smilingly to them
Both Selviya and Kuai looks at each other then hugged Mitusko.
“I missed my daughter” Selviya and Kuai replied together
“I missed you two papa and mama” Mitsuko responded
“Welcome back to the family!” Kuai and Selviya both said in the same time.
And they lived happily ever after
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