#Mizuko Takashi
aarcanechaoss · 2 years
I’m not dead
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Me rising from my pile of work
I had a hectic week and needed to finish some assignments
I’m back for a bit LMAO so I will try to finish requests when I can
And ya know what since I’m in the mood please remember
Black Clover, BSD and Higuchi specific requests are open along with BNHA now
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I updated chapter 2 of W.I.T.C.H on @aarcanevillains
You can also ask about my characters and stories because I do enjoy talking about them
Natsuko Higuchi (Ichiyo Higuchi) Bruises
Seiko Fujiwara A New Life
I have yet to introduce them but you can ask about Kayano Oda and Yuki Nakamura if you want
Black Clover:
Elle (Noelle Silva) The Dragon Valkyrie
Ariadne Grimmwolf Cosmik Debris
Iris Blayne That’s How Life Lows
Tahlia Spiridon Burn Butcher Burn
Eto Midoriya Codename: Redemption Arc
Yoru Shimura CN:RA
Mizuko Takashi CN:RA
Kotori Ando W.I.T.C.H
Izumi Midoriya Multiverse of Chaos
Ask me anything about the MoC universe
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aarcanevillains · 2 years
Codename: Redemption Arc
Original Characters
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Name: Eto Midoriya
Alias: The Copy Hero; Omen
Quirk: Snatcher
Can permanently copy quirks with a single touch and can choose to disregard said quirk. EG: if she gained being able to regrow fingers she could remove it from her arsenal as if she’d never copied it.
She cannot take quirks and has unlimited storage but cannot exceed taking more than 5 quirks at once.
Age/ D.O.B: 20-21 / October 31st
4/5 year age gap between her and Izuku
Family: Inko, Izuku and Hisashi aka All for One
Height: 170cm (5’6”)
Eto is Izuku’s older sister and one of his “heroes” - She is an alumni of UA High
Eto as Omen is an underground hero and has been seen during daylight to help as well
Eto has the simmering temper of her father - something Inko always said
Eto, Inko and Izuku are all under the impression that Hisashi is a real-estate agent in America
Omen has on more than one occasion settled fights without physical altercations - how she does it… they can only assume it’s a quirk she’s copied
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Name: Yoru Shimura
Alias: The Rescue Hero; Genesis
Quirk/s: Decay, Restore & Float
Float and Decay are as named and as used by Nana and Shigaraki. Restore can only bring back what she or her brother has decayed.
Due to trauma as a child Restore kicked in far earlier than it should while Float came when she was 9/10
She got Decay the same time Tenko did
Age / D.O.B: 20-21 / April 4th
She and Tenko are twins- he’s older
Family: Tenko Shimura, Nana Shimura, Shimura family, Nedzu (adoptive father)
Height: 176cm (5’8”)
Yoru Shimura is the younger twin sister of Tenko Shimura and close friend of Eto Midoriya
Yoru was left in the ashes of her family after watching her brother be taken away- this trauma triggered Restore after only having Decay for a day with Tenko
Yoru was later adopted by Nedzu after being saved by Gran Torino and Tsukauchi- she is an alumni of UA High
She does have PTSD from the incident at 4yo and often has nightmares
She is a limelight hero but is only a rescue hero who works with natural disasters or similar quirk issues- will help for other jobs when asked
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Name: Mizuko Takashi
Alias: The Serpent Hero; Hush
Quirk: Fear Factor - Serpent
Can create hallucinogens and neurotoxins in her fangs (can control amount and intensity)
Can turn into a giant serpent (giant green snake)
Has all attributes of a snake even as a human (cold-blooded, sleepy after eating, sensitive to vibrations, venomous etc)
Age / D.O.B: 15-16 / September 1st
Family: Mother, Father, Meowskerteer (cat)
Height: 160cm (5’2”)
Mizuko is Inko and Izuku’s neighbour, while she went to a different middle school they are both in the hero course at UA High in 1A
She would rather be an underground hero but might end up in the limelight due to instances with the LoV
Mizuko when too cold will find the warmest person she can and fall asleep on them- often that is Izuku, Eto or anyone she deems warm
Mizuko’s mother is neglectful while her father is the most wonderful man ever. Her mother has the venom quirk that has mixed with her fathers snake quirk to have Mizuko’s
Mizuko has a scar from the USJ incident from Shigaraki in the shape of his hand over her diaphragm
Picrew Images: Here & Here
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aarcanevillains · 2 years
Universe names
Just as a note these are random numbers they have no meaning I just couldn’t be bothered thinking of real names
1163 - “canon” universe - W.I.T.C.H
2234 - Jackal (Izumi), Phoenix & Necrosis
2246 - Codename: Redemption Arc
Yes I will add character info sheets for everyone - 2234 will be in one post and 1163 might have two one for Kotori and one for another pro hero who’s her friend and a UA teacher
And please shoot me ideas and stuff for these projects they are super fun and always interactive!!!
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12 notes · View notes
aarcanevillains · 2 years
Codename: Redemption Arc
Masterlist ~ AO3 Link
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Original characters: Eto, Yoru & Mizuko
Misc: News |
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The HPSC had finally captured both All for One and the LOV and they’ve imposed a new rule... one Eto 'Omen' Midoriya is forced to comply with; take in the League of Villains, help redeem them of their actions, become their hero confidant, bring them back from whatever AFO did to them.... a challenge, how nice.
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aarcanechaoss · 2 years
Hope for All: Masterlist
Masterlist of Masterlists
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Story: One | Two | Three | Four |
Misc.: The OC’s | The Cats |
Kazuya: One |
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A budding quirk analyst, a quirk copier, a brainwasher and a snake woman walk into a hero school… and come out with more than they thought they would.
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aarcanechaoss · 3 years
I know we all know this but Aoyama is self aware
I bet he knows his world is fictional
He’s a shifter and found his way into the show 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Sorry I’m just procrastinating a history essay
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Also I kind of have an idea for a Quirkless Izuku fic BUT for some reason I realllly want him to be friends with Monoma
Like as much as I dislike the energy he brings towards 1A who don’t deserve all the “they think they’re better” bs I can honestly see a friendship with QL Izuku, Monoma and Shinsou
And absolutely I would include Dadzawa (and maybe maybe X Present Mic )
Would you want QL Izuku to go to UA? Or idk lol that’s all I have so far plus I’m trying to decide if I want to add Mizuko to the mix or not… maybe I will she’s fine to make shit for
Anyway yes lol enjoy my bullshit for today
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aarcanechaoss · 3 years
1. Hope for All
In which Izuku never gets a quirk, in which Izuku follows another passion- analysis. In which Nedzu is intrigued and in which Izuku makes some interesting friends.
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UA… Izuku Midoriya had made it into UA however the timetable he had was strange. He was in the same room all day? Tomorrow he would move to a room for English, math and Japanese study but otherwise all his other classes, analysis, history, business and arts are all in one room… and it is suspiciously close to the principals office.
To become the number one hero. That was his dream but being quirkless and having gone through so much… he just can’t see himself being a hero like that. So, with a bit of research he found that UA supplied classes for quirk analysis studies and that made him realise, his passion for quirks was stronger than his passion to be the number one hero.
“Midoriya!” A voice called out, the white and green haired Mizuko Takashi came rushing towards him.
“Takashi!” Midoriya said with wide eyes, not expecting to see his neighbour dressed in the UA uniform… or at UA in general.
Mizuko Takashi had a cool quirk, Midoriya loved it she could turn into an emerald snake with white stripes over the eyes. Her snake form is so pretty but the most unique part, and secretly Izuku’s favourite is her ability to secrete a hallucinogenic like venom from her fangs.
“I’m so glad to see you here.” She said pulling the short male into a tight hug. As per usual Izuku’s face flushes a bright red as he feels her chest squish into his own. “At least I have one person to talk to here.” She sighed.
“I- I didn’t expect to see you here Takashi?” The greenette stuttered.
“Really? Oh well I suppose I never really spoke about wanting to be a hero did I? Got so used to being told that my quirk was scary or too stupid for heroics so just stopped talking about it…. And you? Did you get into the hero course?”
Her silvery eyes seemed to shine in hope and it make Izuku’s heart squeeze. She always believed in his abilities. He shook his head and a pout formed on her pale lips.
“I chose t-to join UA’s analysis course.” He said with a small smile. Her eyes seemed to widen in excitement.
“Really! That’s amazing! Do we have the same lunch breaks? We should try to get lunch together… everyone in 1A seems to be loud…. Especially Bakugou, the asshole sits in front of me.” She seemed to gleam before huffing at the thought of the angry Pomeranian.
“Oh Ka-“ Mizuko gave him a look. “Bakugou got into heroics as expected.”
“Yeah I want to bash my face into the wall… anyway I think my first homeroom will be beginning soon I can feel a teacher coming. Head to your classroom yeah.”
“See you Takashi!”
“You can call me Mizuko dude. Anyway bye Izuku!” The snake quirked girl waved before rushing back into the noisy classroom.
Izuku continued to walk towards his classroom or what he assumed it would be… opening the door it seemed to be a small office. Maybe he had the wrong room?
“Ah hello Mr Midoriya.” The green haired boy jumped looking around the room… slowly he looked up to see- Principal Nedzu?
“Uh hello Principal Nedzu?”
“Please take a seat.” The chimera said as he climbed from the roof into his comfortable chair. Izuku took a seat. “Now you must be confused yes?”
“A little sir.”
“It’s been a while since I had a personal student. Now as much as I would like to get right into telling you about your studies I will need to ask you to leave your things here so I can take you to assembly and after that we can get started is that alright?”
“Personal student?” Izuku asked as he placed his bag under the desk.
“Oh yes- follow me and I shall explain.”
Izuku nodded, following behind the principal.
“When I saw your admittance into the analysis course I was excited. Then I saw your exams and was even more thrilled. You have a brilliant mind Mr Midoriya and I would like to help it to grow.”
“What about my quirklessness?”
“What about it? Miss Takashi doesn’t seemed bothered by it now why would I?”
That made Izuku pause… someone besides Mizuko, her parents and his mother didn’t care that he had no quirk. Biting his lip he holds back tears and continues behind his new teacher and principal.
The assembly was boring but Izuku noticed something, Mizuko wasn’t there neither was the rest of 1A. Nedzu explained once they reached his classroom that Aizawa always did quirk tests to see if they would be fit for heroics. This made Izuku a little nervous, Mizuko already was apprehensive of her quirks capabilities this would surely upset her but the gleam in Nedzu’s eyes told him that she was alright.
“You care for miss Takashi yes?”
“Uh… yeah she was probably my only friend growing up after getting diagnosed-“
“Diagnosed… I don’t like that word you aren’t sick, you aren’t dying. You are just a young man who needs to go the hard way to get where he wants to. I’m sure it’s the same for many students here.” Nedzu interrupted.
“After being told I was Quirkless?” Nedzu nodded, he liked that sentence better. “Mizuko was the one who would still come and play- we went to different schools but she’s been my neighbour as long as I can remember. I had lots of bullies sir but she will never be one of them.”
“Excellent this further expands my plans for this year. You and I, you will be participating, will be creating a small group project for hero and general students alike.”
“What will this project be?”
“Why thank you for asking. We will split students into fours, two general students and two hero students. We will give them a title, hero, vigilante or villain. You technically count as a general studies student but are just my personal one. I would like you and Miss Takashi to be in a group along with Shinsou Hitoshi from 1C and Neito Monoma from 1B as vigilantes.”
“You have my group picked already?”
“Yes Midoriya due to you being my students and helping me organise this.. think of it like an assessment so I picked your group first. Miss Takashi has a similar strategic mind to you going by her exams and you feel comfortable around her, she will also be able to keep any quirkest students away from you and hopefully there are none.” Nedzu gleamed evilly. “Mr Shinsou and Mr Monoma however were just luck of the draw sorry to say as the plan was to keep everyone’s groups random.”
“Oh okay I understand.” Izuku muttered as he began scribbling into his newest notebook. He’d sectioned the first page writing names and leaving room for the barest of information.
“This activity won’t happen for another two to three weeks however.”
“Understood… so what do I have to do?”
“First let’s organise heroes vigilantes and villains. It’s a team effort individually but no one can know who is who. So no one may know that your group are vigilantes but you may be seen as a group to plan- that would be unfair if you weren’t able to plan however you can use this room as you wish. Now let’s get started on what their tasks will be yes?”
“Okay Principal Nedzu.”
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Aizawa felt a shiver go up his spine Nedzu was planning something he could just feel it.
In any case Aizawa was watching the class carefully, they seemed relatively potential worthy as heroes so far. The first task was running which would be simple enough.
One student was overly angry, one seemed to be staring intently at some of the girls- hopefully that won’t be a problem. Some students seemed too eager and some ready for sleep- a mood honestly. Aizawa was shaken from his thoughts as a pale student gently poked his arm.
Aizawa stared at the student, she wasn’t eager like the rest, she clearly understood this wouldn’t be fun or maybe she just had a good poker face like Todoroki does. She did seem a little nervous though which he supposed was fair.
“Yes problem child?” He asked the white haired girl with green streaks framing her face.
“What would you like us to do if our quirks are inapplicable for any of the tasks. For example I may be slightly stronger due to my quirk but it’s in my arms and legs less so my wrists or hands so throwing the ball will purely be at regular strength not with any other part of my quirk same with long jump I can’t make my movement bigger I however can constrict and tighten.”
Aizawa blinked. That was a relatively intelligent question.
“Good question. What is your quirk Takashi?”
“Ah yes Mizuko Takashi that’s me Mr Aizawa.” She said shakily before continuing before he could make a comment. “My quirk is Fear Factor, I have all attributes of a snake including being able to transform into one and I can create neurotoxins and hallucinogens in my fangs.”
He nodded slowly as she briefly flashed her what would be canines. (They are almost vampire like fangs instead)
“What do you mean by constrict and tighten.”
“Like how snakes tighten around their prey they constrict the airflow, break bones etc. I can do that as I am without being a snake but the strength is purely to tighten even with the muscle I do have the most I can do is squeeze someone till I break their ribs. I have a decent punch though?”
She seemed unsure in that last question, probably trying to prove that she isn’t weak, not that she needs to seemingly.
“If your quirk is not applicable either find a way to make it so or continue on though it is a quirk test it will affect your marks minimally if you do well in other areas.”
Mizuko nodded, understanding immediately what he means. Good.
It’s her turn for the race and Aizawa can’t help but be a little unnerved as she slips off her jumper and pants, though she is wearing tights underneath thankfully- he does not need an issue with any unnecessary bullshit today no thanks- his brows furrowed as he watched bones move and snap together till she was a large green snake, with white patches over the eyes. He suppressed a laugh, it’s like the opposite of how her hair sits. The emerald scales shimmering lightly as she moves waiting for the whistle to signal the races start.
“Oh man that’s nasty.” Someone behind him said and that didn’t stop people from agreeing, you could immediately see her curl into herself- though it could be her ready to move.
“What kind of snake is she?” He found himself muttering.
“It’s an anaconda hybrid.” The angry one from before, Bakugou, huffed.
“How do you know?” The pink girl, Mina, asked.
“We live in the same neighbourhood she hung around an extra from my school.” Aizawa raised a brow at the nonchalant shrug Bakugou gave.
The whistle chimed finally and it took perhaps six seconds before Mizuko had crossed the line, she’d coiled and sprung as quickly as she could. Good chance she could use it for the long jump… it’ll have to do.
Aizawa seemed to sigh, finally the last test. They were doing well surprisingly. The ball throw would be interesting to say the least, anti gravity, explosions, tape etc Aizawa would see their potential easily.
Bakugou stepped forward first, an explosion popping loudly making some of the class jump. Next was Mineta who did.. eh. Tokoyami did well. Momo made a small canon, Todoroki used his ice but the ball almost got stuck and Mizuko had an above average throw for a teen her size and age but he could tell as a teacher he’d need to help bring up her morale.
God he wanted to groan extremely loud as he realised that the students actually had potential… Mineta was on this ice.
“It was a logical ruse.” Aizawa said.
“So you lied?” Mina and Uraraka pouted. Aizawa raised a brow.
“Would you have tried so hard if I hadn’t?”
“I thought it was quite obvious it was a ruse.” Momo said.
“It wasn’t.” Aizawa and the rest of 1A snapped their heads towards the snake quirked teen. “It wasn’t a logical ruse Aizawa is known to only teach students with a decent amount of potential… plus you shuffled each time up told us a lie- which was every time you said you’d not expel us.”
“He did?”
“Good eye Takashi.” Aizawa said, slightly unnerved that she’d noticed the shuffle but impressed nonetheless. Momo seemed a little miffed at Mizuko’s statement but nodded along while Bakugo seemed to sneer making her curl her shoulders in.
“Either way.” Aizawa began. “You all did… well welcome to being a hero student. It won’t be easy and there will be hardships but if you work hard you’ll make great heroes.”
He won’t admit it but the fanged grin from Mizuko made some cold dead part of his heart swell with pride, the same way he felt whenever his son (adoptive) would gleam about high marks in class or when Aizawa would ruffle his hair.
He can never tell another soul about this moment…. Never.
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aarcanevillains · 2 years
I will soon have 2 stories running on this blog
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Codename: Redemption Arc which you have two chapters of already out and ready to read where the League of Villains gets a redemption
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W.I.T.C.H - Woman in (not so) total control of herself which is being worked on currently because my brain had this wonderful idea. Think Scarlet Witch in DS: MOM & House of M
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aarcanechaoss · 3 years
4. Hope for All
A little teamwork will go a long way and so will people who hate quirkest actions
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Shinsou let out a large sigh as he snuck into the teachers lounge. Aizawa was already in there doing some finishing work for the day along with a few other teachers.
“Long day little listener?” Hizashi asked.
“No it wasn’t bad Uncle Zashi but we started whatever the Rat lord had been planning today.”
“Rat lord.” Aizawa asked with a raised brow.
“Uh Takashi, in your homeroom called Nedzu that. She and Nedzu’s personal student, Midoriya, are in my group along with Monoma from 1B.” Shinsou said.
“I like that problem child more each day.” Aizawa said fondly.
“Excuse me you like someone other than your son?” Nemuri asked exasperatedly.
“She’s the one that figured out the attack was happening at the USJ.” The bandaged hero said turning his whole body towards Shinsou. “Though she had a small panic attack over it because whatever was going on with her at that moment hadn’t happened to her before.”
“She can sense vibrations right? Those kids crowding your classroom probably made her headache today worse.” Ectoplasm chimed in.
“Yes she can. Pretty sure she’s trained it so she can recognise vibrations too.” Aizawa added.
“Holy shit so she’s got a strong ass quirk yeah?” Shinsou asked.
“Language young man!” Toshinori Yagi tutted.
“Strong yes I would say so.” Ectoplasm said. “Though I do believe she’s faced discrimination for it considering snakes aren’t a very well liked animal and she’s stated to me at least that people really don’t like that she can essentially take someone out with a bite.”
“From the sounds of it everyone in my group has faced quirk discrimination.” Shinsou said. “Well I don’t know about Monoma really but he said people haven’t said nice things about his quirk. With what you said about Takashi and Midoriya being quirkless it’s safe to say we are all a little screwed up.”
“There’s a quirkless student at UA?” Toshinori asked seemingly off put by it.
“Yes Yagi there is.” Nedzu’s voice echoed in the room.
“Is that not dangerous?”
“He isn’t in the hero course.”
“But still.”
“What’s so wrong with me being a student here?” Green eyes seemed to darken as they stared at All Might’s deflated form. “You made sure I wouldn’t be a hero after telling me to be realistic All Might.”
Shinsou’s eyes snapped from Midoriya to Toshinori.
“So he’s the asshole that left you on a rooftop?”
“Yep… oh hey Shinsou how was the rest of your day?”
The terrifying aura Midoriya had been leaking vanished with the friendly and tired aura from earlier returning. However the former aura however seemed to shift to Nedzu.
“Pretty good. You?”
“Yes Nedzu’s a great teacher… speaking of-“ The principal gave a forced cheery grin at his name.
“Ah yes everyone I wanted to officially introduce my personal student Izuku Midoriya and I wanted to have a quick meeting with all the teachers Izuku, Hitoshi would it be alright if you stepped outside. Mizuko is outside anyway just waiting for Izuku.”
“Uh sure.” Hitoshi said shooting his dad a glance- if the hero could shrug he would.
“Excellent as it seems I now need to find out why my personal student was left on a rooftop after being attacked by a villain.”
All Might visibly paled as the rooms atmosphere darkened.
Once the students were outside everyone turned to face All Might.
“… how do you know about the villain attack?”
“Mizuko was kind enough to fill me in on Izuku’s life before UA since he was uncomfortable telling me himself- he asked her she didn’t just tell me. Neither of us however were aware of him being left on a rooftop after the sludge villain incident especially since that same day- according to Mizuko- another student had told him to jump from one… I understand you wouldn’t know that but still All Might why did you not take him to the hospital to be checked?” The intelligent creature asked.
“I was in a hurry I needed to take the villain to the police.”
“And?” Aizawa chimed in. “Still that doesn’t mean you can’t take him to the hospital or better yet to the station to get a statement.”
“We can discuss this another time however we do need to talk about the Sports festival both Mizuko and Izuku brought it up to me.” Nedzu said now ignoring the deflated hero.
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Outside the trio stood quietly. Mizuko leaning on Izuku as she scrolled through her phone.
“Ugh Mum’s home and won’t stop asking where I am…” Mizuko grunted once she answered the text.
“What did you tell her?” The greenette asked.
“At school with you talking to Aizawa about a project.” The snake girl shrugged.
“What’s wrong with your mum being home?” Shinsou asked.
“She’s a helicopter parent and a negligent one you never know which one you’ll get. Dad is anxious as fuck unless he’s mad but he’s usually pretty chill.” Mizuko said resting her head on Izuku’s shoulder. “I’m cold Zu.”
“You can use my jacket if you want.” Shinsou said passing the UA jacket to Mizuko. “I assume it’s the cold blood thing yeah?”
“Yeah cold blooded. It’s a vibe.” Mizuko said tiredly while making the surfer hand gesture. “The thing is though I think some of it is to do with the toxins and stuff. I’m immune to them, at least the ones I make, but I think it makes me at least a bit sleepy, I mean it’s not even actually cold I’m just always cold.”
“Wait so all things snake like… can you unhinge your jaw?” Shinsou said.
Mizuko and Izuku shared a look before the greenette burst out laughing.
“We tested that once. She now gets lockjaw if she stretches her human jaw to much.”
“You exposed my weakness how could you!” She said dramatically making the tired purple haired boy snicker. “Izuku is allergic to dust mites.”
“Hey! It’s not that bad!”
“He has hay fever like every five minutes.” Mizuko snickers before moving to lean against Shinsou. Raising her arm she begins, “Every morning he comes to my home and practically yells where are the drugs I need my antihistamines stat we are out at home oh Mizuko please I can’t breathe give me a tissue.”
Shinsou snorts at her deadpan - near robotic - voice as she tells her tale while leaning against him, muttering something about him being warm under her breath.
“Says the girl who gave herself lockjaw by seeing if she could unhinge her jaw.” Izuku prodded.
“Hey part of that was your fault broccoli head. You asked, we tested.”
“I mean it’s a fair enough question… how did you unlock your jaw?” Shinsou asked.
“Ended up getting dad’s help, he has snake attributes too- mum has all the poisons and things- because dad was home and apparently did the same thing so I didn’t need to go to the hospitals. Warm compress and slow movements do the trick at least for me they do.”
“Oh yeah I remember that. Mr Takashi found it really funny and made fun of you for a week.”
“Shut up Zu.” She huffed pressing herself further into Shinsou, her eyes drooping a tiny bit.
“Miz do you want to lean on me again you see to be getting tired.” Izuku offered.
“But Shin is so warm.” She whined. “Oh sorry you might be uncomfortable.”
Mizuku did not move even after she stated that fact. Shinsou was a little uncomfortable but more in the sense that his bi panic siren was ringing loudly in his brain. (I mean what’s a boy to do when you are with two attractive people and one of which you have already seen partially shirtless.)
“It’s okay Takashi.” Shinsou said giving a small smile. Something flashed across the purple haired boy’s face, a question. He remembers Mizuko mentioning she would be a hypocrite if she thought his quirk was villainous and right now he can’t remember if she ever said why she would be just that people found her quirk a bit gross- at least the shifting part.
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Opening his mouth he goes to ask about it when the teachers lounge opens up with Nedzu trotting out happily.
“I see you three are getting along well. Mizuko has already claimed you Hitoshi.” Nedzu grinned.
“He’s warm sir Rat Overlord.”
“I suppose that makes sense Miss Snake Charmer.” Nedzu nodded, not at all phased by the poked tongue in his direction. Silvery eyes met bright blue ones making a snarl form of the hero in trainings face.
“Oh he’s still here.” She muttered before turning back to Izuku.
“Yes I will be dealing with Yagi when we can no worries he will become a much better teacher by the time I’m done. It won’t erase harsh words but we’ll start by getting him a proper license.” Nedzu gleamed. “Oh Mizuko have we done today’s riddle?”
“No sir.”
“Riddle?” Shinsou asked leaning towards Mizuko and Izuku. Mizuko however had lent forward to gleam at Nedzu so Izuku leaned over the girl to Shinsou.
“Nedzu and Mizuko do a riddle a day. Mizuko always gets them right because she loves riddles and Nedzu likes to challenge her. I have a feeling if I wasn’t here she’d be the personal student.” Izuku shudders before laugh.
“A word I know, six letters it contains, removes one letter, and twelve remains. What am I?” Nedzu asks. It’s obvious from the staff room teachers are watching on carefully, Aizawa too seems to be awaiting an answer.
“Dozens.” She answers with glee. Nedzu’s smile seems to widen as she gets the riddle right.
“Dozens?” Midnight asks.
“Well twelve is a dozen, dozens is more than twelve and it has six letters so when you remove the s you have a dozen instead.” Mizuko says as she passes Shinsou back his jacket.
“I do enjoy our riddle a day.” Nedzu says. “Now you may head home you two I’m sure you have much to discuss with your group now.”
“Sure sir. See you tomorrow everyone, Shinsou.” Izuku bows before tugging Mizuko down the hall.
“Bye Shinsou, bye Mr Aizawa, bye Nedzu and others! Shinsou tell your cats hello from mine yeah!” The snake quirk girl calls out with a laugh, Izuku following in suit. Shinsou feels a faint heat in his cheeks at the sound.
“Ooh does Toshi here have a crush already?” Midnight asks, brows wiggling at him as he re-enters the staff room.
“What? No…” he huffs. “Don’t say weird things Auntie.”
Midnight grins before raising her hands. “I concede for now.”
Silence settled in the room for a minute before Hitoshi turned towards his adoptive father.
“Hey dad did you know about her scar?”
“What scar?” Aizawa asks seemingly alarmed. “The one on her arm is from a training session in All Might’s class if that’s what you mean.”
“No the one from the USJ… Monoma, my other group mate remember- he’s in 1B, was trying to provoke her about your class being attention seeking and she showed us.” The purple haired boy said as he picked at his fingers.
“I wasn’t aware she got a scar at the USJ..” Aizawa said slowly. “Did she say how she got it? I know she got grabbed by Shigaraki at one point but that why by her hair-“
“IS THAT WHY SHE CUT IT!” Hizashi yelled, his quirk not being cut off in time before he continued at a non-deafening volume. “I thought the long hair looked cool on her but short hair looks cool too, especially with those two green streaks framing her face.”
“Oh yeah she said something about a Naruto character and how they did something similar.” Shinsou shrugged as his ears turned pink. “But no it was on her chest from about her diaphragm- lower rib cage to uh.. a bit higher.”
“Oh girls showing off the goods already she likes you Toshi.” Midnight winked before Aizawa let out a grunt of disdain.
“I wasn’t aware of a scar on her chest, Recovery Girl?”
“Yes it’s in the shape of a hand.” The old woman said solemnly. “I assume that villain leader caught her off guard because that’s the only injury she had.”
“Why wasn’t I made aware of it? With her panic attack at the beginning of the attack to getting a scar I feel I should be in the know.”
“She seems fine now young Aizawa.” Small Might said brightly earning a grunt from both Shota and Hitoshi.
“I have an appointment with her next Tuesday I shall ask her about it then.” Hound Dog said. “I would also like to bring up- Nedzu has a personal student are we not terrified or has it not kicked in yet?”
Oh, yes. Hitoshi finally lets it click that the rat demon overlord or whatever he is has a personal student. Hitoshi has lived with Shota long enough to know, that that’s not necessarily a good thing. Midoriya must be terrifyingly smart.
“He’s just a quirkless boy I’m sure he’ll just do to his limit and move on.” Vlad King says, All Might seems to nod too, agreeing (hypocritically) with the 1B homeroom teacher.
“I’ve known Midoriya for a few hours but even I can tell he’s a genius and strong willed.” Shinsou said crossing his arms.
“Protective already I can’t tell who the crush will be on.” Midnight snickered. Hitoshi cast her a pout. “Okay okay I’m sorry I’ll stop it’s just funny alright. Also Vlad that comment was unnecessary.”
“I apologise I didn’t mean it in a quirkist way.”
“Then you didn’t need to call out that he’s quirkless.” Aizawa grunted.
“Anyway dad do you know what Nedzu’s thing is meant to be about? Midoriya and Takashi kind of explained it but I don’t know if they know or can tell us everything.”
“No I know nothing except that it was being planned. What team did you four get?”
“Vigilante’s. Are we allowed to get help?”
“Oh nice Aizawa could give you guys hints since that’s pretty much what Underground heroes do.”
“I’ll check with Nedzu.. later- we however are going home now because it’s nearly Bastard, Biscuit and Butternut’s dinner time.” Aizawa yawned out as he tried to get up slowly, the bandages making it more difficult than normal.
“Oh yes we have to say hello to them for Takashi’s cat.”
“She has a cat! I need pictures now!” Midnight squealed. Aizawa hummed in acknowledgement.
“What’s their name Toshi?” Mic asked.
“Meowskerteer. She said her dad named her and that she’s a demon who climbs ceilings. She’d be friends with out cats.”
“Become friends with Mizuko PLEASE!” Midnight and Mic call out with a laugh. Shinsou laughed too as he waved the teachers goodbye.
Overall a weird and interesting day for Shinsou. And maybe the start of a friendship or three… and maybe an in into the hero course if he plays his cards right.
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aarcanechaoss · 3 years
3. Hope for All
And on this day classes make war and the groups meet and talk about quirks and cats.
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Izuku huffed as he attempted to reach Mizuko’s classroom. The crowd that was forming around the classroom was making his small task of getting his friend for lunch difficult.
“Move out of the way you extras!” Bakugou’s voice filled in for any noise that lacked making the green haired boy tense for a moment. He shook his head and continued on through the crowd. Mizuko wasn’t feeling well today, and he’s pretty sure all the extra vibrations of people crowding the classroom wasn’t going to help.
“Oh perfect little class A. We’ll destroy you.” A voice seemed to cackle. “You think you are all that with meeting villains already well I’ll tell you that it doesn’t make you better.”
Izuku could feel his upper lip curl into a snarl. Did these people really think that? For a top hero school this was just not on.
“Hey! Move!” Izuku found himself yelling. “You are blocking the way for students who actually care about lunch!”
A few students turned to glare at him, a tall purple haired guy being one- said tall purple haired guy may have just been tired but he very much looked like Hitoshi Shinsou- great first impression Izuku.
“It’s war. Some of us actually want to be heroes and not famous.” Shinsou said towards the classroom before walking off. Izuku scoffed before finally pushing through to the classroom.
“Hey Mizuko I have the medicine.” Izuku said loudly, hopefully that would remove the crowd.
“Thanks Zu let’s head to lunch now I’m hungry.” The snake girl said clasping his wrist and slipping through the slowly dissipating crowd.
The two heroes sat comfortably under their lunch tree- away from the large crowd when their phones dinged.
“Oh Nedzu is starting the game.”
“He has our phone numbers?”
“Yeah I’m not even surprised.”
“May as well say hi.” Mizuko shrugged.
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It took a few minutes before two figures made their way towards the two teens. Izuku was right the purple haired student from before was Shinsou but the blond boy he hadn’t quite recognised outside of assuming he was Monoma.
“Welcome to the loners tree where we have no friends and get fee hugs.” Mizuko introduced drolly.
“Takashi and Midoriya I assume.” Monoma huffed.
“That’s us. Monoma and Shinsou I assume.” Izuku said.
“Yep. So what do we do now…” Shinsou asked as he sat beside Izuku. Monoma sighed before reluctantly sitting in front of Mizuko.
“We learn about each other I suppose.” Monoma groaned. “I know at least one of you in in 1A and considering Midoriya here said he is Nedzu’s student that doesn’t narrow you two down.”
“It’s her.” Shinsou said. “She was in the class room when everyone was declaring war.”
“Yeah fuck you by the way we don’t deserve that.” Mizuko grumbled. “Bakugou yeah sure. Mineta he can burn in hell but everyone else didn’t deserve any of those accusations.”
“Of course you’d say that. Your class is attention seeking.” Monoma snapped. “With all your heroic and useful quirks and being able to fight villains. I bet you loved it.”
Mizuko rolled her eyes as she took a bite of her sandwich.
“Monoma that’s not fair to say.” Izuku said gently.
“I just declared war because I want to be in the hero course.” Shinsou interjected.
“Yeah whatever that’s fine just watch it around everyone else. Unlike what some people think the USJ was a terrifying experience. Our teacher almost died and so did many others so if you think for a second that we thought it was fun and good media experience tell me now so I can crush you.”
“Monoma I would suggest not she could actually crush you.” Izuku piped up.
“Oh yeah? What proof do you have that you don’t think you are better than the rest of us?”
With a sigh the snake quirked girl spared a glance to Izuku.
“Hold my food.” She said before unbuttoning her shirt. The handprint that sat against her abdomen stark white in comparison to her ashen skin even her white bra wasn’t enough to hide the fingertips peeking between her breasts. Monoma and Shinsou merely stared at the mark before she fixed herself up.
“Fine… I’ll not mention it in front of you.” Monoma said slightly flustered.
“What happened?” Shinsou asked. “If you want to tell us that is.”
“The leader grabbed me by the hair. I pulled a Sakura Haruno, All Might- the fuck wit- appeared which was a good enough distraction for the leader to do that.”
“I never thought I’d say I wish All Might didn’t show up.” Izuku muttered.
“Not All Might fans?” Shinsou asked.
“Nope. He’s a hypocrite.” The friends said in unison.
“How?” Monoma asked, finding himself intrigued.
“He parades around saying you too can be a hero but the minute I, a quirkless hero hopeful, ask if I can be a hero… he leaves me on a rooftop and tells me to be realistic as if I would have a real chance for anything else.” Izuku said looking at the ground.
“He did what?” Mizuko asked exasperatedly. “Izuku you told me what he said not about leaving you on a rooftop! Considering I know what happened the day he said that I feel like that information was important….”
“Sorry it slipped my mind I was just so upset.”
“Villain origin story right there.” Mizuko joked to lighten the mood. Izuku seemed to find it funny. “Alright no sappiness- quirks tell us now.” She demanded.
“Wait quirkless? I hope this doesn’t come off rude I swear it’s not supposed to but how did you get in if you wanted to be a hero?” Shinsou asked with a seemingly guilty expression in his eyes.
“Oh I didn’t. I did the general exams specifically for the analyst studies.” Izuku gleamed. “Cant be a hero with powers so I’ll be a hero with my mind.”
“Cool. There really isn’t anything saying your couldn’t be a hero though and I mean even I’ve had some not nice things said about my quirk.” Monoma shrugged. “I can copy quirks. It can only last for roughly five minutes at the moment.”
“You would make the second person to ever say that to me- Mizuko is my number one supporter….. anyway- Is the amount varied by training or do you have a set amount?” Izuku asked seemingly pulling a notebook from thin air, the one he’d decided to keep for this exercise just in case.
“Right now I can copy at least three at a time.”
“Single use at a time? Are there any drawbacks?”
“Well for one I need to be able to touch someone even if it’s just a few strands of hair. I can’t activate more than one quirk at a time, once the time limit is up I can’t use the quirk again unless I touch them again. I also can’t replicate any additional attributes like Fatgum for example I can’t use accumulation quirks because it would require that I accumulate their necessities before the five minutes are up… are you writing all this down?”
“This is excellent don’t you think Mizuko. I told you that their quirks would be interesting… oh yes I am so when I’m able to start creating strategies we have an idea of everyone’s quirk and my lack there of.” Izuku grinned. “Now Shinsou.”
“… it’s Brainwashing.”
“Sick.” Mizuko nodded as she pressed herself closer to Izuku.
“You don’t think it’s creepy? Villainous?”
“Now that would make me a hypocrite if I did.” She laughed.
“Finally I’ve wanted to ask you so many questions but I’ll keep them limited!. So is there a time limit? Are there drawbacks for you? What does it feel like? How would you like to try using a voice modifier and how many people can you brianwash at a time?”
Shinsou seemed to blink owlishly at them seeing how excited even Monoma was at hearing about his quirk.
“Uh time limit I have no idea. For me maybe a headache if I brainwash too many people but I can brainwash multiple people just not at once because I need to focus on the person I want to brainwash. I’ve been told it feels foggy I guess. What would I need a voice modifier for?”
“Excellent excellent. The VM is for potentially tricking our fake enemies. How do you trigger the brainwashing? What kind of things can you make them do and how do they get out of the brainwashing?”
“Oh I suppose that’s fair… uh I have to will myself to do it normally I just ask a question and they need to answer me but I really need to focus on the person in question. I can’t make them do anything that requires complex brain activity like making people write down things from memory so commands have to be simple and either by me releasing the brainwashing or a strong physical sense like getting punched in the face.”
“That’s so cool.” Mizuko said in awe her silvery eyes glimmering in excitement with Izuku agreeing vehemently. “Both your quirks are awesome.”
“What about you miss hero?” Monoma asked with a raised brow.
“I have all attributes of a snake… it’s like an anaconda hybrid because I can create neurotoxins and hallucinogens in my fangs. This does include turning into a snake by the way but like I have everything as a snake as a human too.”
“It’s a cool quirk I really don’t see why people called it villainous and creepy.” Izuku huffed.
“Tell that to people to hate how my bones click and clack when I change and ask people who are afraid of snakes… the very first thing said by my class was oh man that’s nasty…”
“Okay wait so attributes of a snake… does this mean you are cold blooded?” Monoma questioned. Mizuko nodded.
“She gets super cuddly in winter or just anytime she feels cold so fair warning you guys may become personal heaters against your will.” Izuku joked.
“I’d defend myself except it’s true…”
Laughter held for a moment before silence fell.
“So anyone like cats?” Mizuko asked wanting to break the tension. Shinsou’s eyes seemed to glimmer. “My cat had started climbing walls like she’s spiderman it’s terrifying.”
“How old? What kind?” Shinsou found himself asking.
“She’s three. Her name is Meowskerteer… don’t ask my dad named her. She’s a Russian Blue. Here’s a picture of her on my ceiling this morning.”
“I personally think she suits her name.” Izuku giggled.
“Meowskerteer sounds like a mouthful though- is she literally on your ceiling?” Monoma asked pulling her phone towards him more.
“Yeah we call her Skert when mum isn’t home and we call her Meowsker when dad isn’t home. I don’t think she knows her name.”
“I think my dad is worse at naming cats.” Shinsou snickered. “He named one Bastard, another is called Butternut and the other now only responds to Fuck-off and Dickhead even though his name is Biscuit.”
“Triple B.” Izuku and Mizuko said in sync before falling into giggles. Shinsou was quick to show the cats. Bastard is a Dragon Li. Butternut is a Ragdoll and Biscuit is a Norwegian Forest cat.
“Oh my god I love them. Please let us become friends I need to meet them.” Mizuko pleaded. “But like obviously when you don’t feel pressured or anything because of the group thing.”
“Only if I can meet Meowskerteer.”
“That’s a fucking deal.” Mizuko said excitedly.
“I have a kitten we got him a couple days ago from the shelter and is currently nameless because he hates all the names we’ve chosen so far.” Monoma added showing off the what seemed to be baby ragdoll.
“I practically share Meowskerteer so I don’t technically have a cat but also that kitten and your three are so cute.” Izuku pouted.
“She loves you… she doesn’t climb onto your ceilings and look like she’ll fucking murder you but hey.” Mizuko added. “What names did you try?”
“Yoshi, Haruki, Kenzo and Fuwafuwa.”
“Man can’t see why he’d hate them. Considering my cats name those ones are good. Pretty sure she was almost one of the Musketeers before getting her name.”
“Mum isn’t really good with names. Pretty sure I was nameless for three days before being Neito anyway.” He shrugged making the other three laugh.
“Nice I was two days.” Mizuko said offering a high-five. “Oh oh what about Tadeo, or Yuuma.”
“Loyal or Leisurely.” Monoma nodded before sending a text. “Let’s see if he responds to either- oh Yuuma okay his name is Yuuma.”
“That was the fastest cat naming I’ve ever witnessed even if it’s been a few days for you.” Shinsou said. “It took dad like a week to land on Bastard who was a street cat but the other two were adopted from a foster and had names that just suited them.”
“Meowskerteer just lives on my ceiling like a demon.”
“You won’t let that go will you Mizu?” Izuku asked.
“Only when she stops doing it to me.” The snake girl huffed making the three boys laugh.
The bell rang startling the teammates and soon to be friends.
“Ugh Izu can you get Nedzu to let me join you instead of doing Math.” Mizuko groaned.
“He’d probably say no.”
“But I’m so bored in that class I already understand everything.”
“Fine I’ll ask. Anyway it was great to meet you both and uh the biggest rule is don’t let anyone know what team we are, people can know who is in the team but not what our team is.” Izuku stated as he packed up his belongings.
“Okay that’s fair I guess but… why is that a rule?”
“Nedzu said so?” Izuku shrugged.
“The Rat lord has much power we mustn’t question him.” Mizuko snorted.
“I’m telling dad that one.” Shinsou said quietly- the group pretended to not hear it though.
“Monoma wanna walk together?” Mizuko asked as she tilted her head like a puppy.
“Uh.. sure why not.” That seemed to please her as she grabbed onto his sleeve and walked them away from the tree.
“See you after school Izu!”
“Bye Mizu.” Izuku laughed as he turned to Shinsou. “Wanna walk together too?”
“Yeah why not.”
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aarcanechaoss · 3 years
Hope for All: OC’s
Just the OC’s who will appear in Hope for All so that when they appear or are mentioned you guys aren’t confused. All three are/ want to be under ground heroes- just cuz I feel like I don’t see many underground y/n’s or OC’s and like those are my favourite types of hero in bnha
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Mizuko Takashi, 16 (Sept 1)
First year at UA in class 1A
Alias: Hush
Quirk: Fear Factor
Has the ability to create hallucinogens and neurotoxins in her fangs and can control their intensity
Can turn into a large green snake (Anaconda mix)
Has all attributes of a snake even as a human- cold blooded, sleepy after eating a lot, vibration feeling, venomous etc
Love interest/s: Izuku Midoriya, Hitoshi Shinsou, Neito Monoma, Mei Hatsume (poly? Maybe)
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Uniform - with emerald green accents and calf high boots - though she’d rather be barefoot thinner clothes make transforming easier
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Kazuya Shiratori, 21 (March 8)
Pro Hero- Underground
Alias: The White Flamed: Phoenix
Quirk: White Blaze
Fire quirk enabling her to manipulate and create white fire
Unlike the Todoroki’s she has complete control over the flames shape ie making it into a lasso or cuffs for example
However her weakness comes with her emotions the more powerful an emotion the less controllable her fire
Love interest: Dabi/ Touya Todoroki
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Uniform - with thigh high boots and thin metal bands around her upper thighs and upper arms. Used to wear baggy pants but they always caught fire no matter how fire proof they were
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Notes: this is as of right now in the story as I haven’t done the time skips yet
Mizuko is the main OC. She’s doing her internship with Ectoplasm (she will join Phoenix on occasion- speaking from 2nd year onward). Ectoplasm chose her because of her intelligence and adaptability to situations plus she’s best friends with Midoriya who has everyone wrapped around his pinky. Mizuko is also very flexible being a snake and all she can curl around someone’s body easily to crush them.
Azami is an exchange from an Australian Hero School (she is half Japanese on her mother’s side), she joined in her second year after moving countries and was immediately grabbed by Midnight to do internships with. Because their quirks can have similar use ie making someone overwhelmingly sleepy. She’s normally very quiet but her hero person is quite flirty thanks to Midnight- sorry Tamaki. Like Mizuko she’s very flexible to be able to use her quirk to the fullest. She wants to go underground
Kazuya is a UA Alumni but grew up with Hawks in the HPSC being trained to perfection. She probably one of the most laid back heroes and tends to be found at safe spots to have breaks or drink to her hearts content (she’s a rum girl). She’s very closed off because of the HPSC and has no problems becoming sober quickly if she needs to put anyone in their place at these safe spots- that’s probably the closest you’ll get to her being emotional. Prefers working alone but doesn’t mind working with vigilantes (or Mizuko or Azami in the future)
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aarcanechaoss · 3 years
2. Hope for All
Izuku can finally tell Mizuko about the teamwork exercise, 1A gets attacked and Mizuko gets a very wanted cuddle.
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A yawn ripped from the snake quirk girls mouth as she waited outside Izuku’s supposed classroom. This was routine now since day one Mizuko would dash from her classroom, avoid her classmates (especially the creepy class perv) and meet Izuku for lunch or to leave for home. Right now they were leaving for home.
“Good afternoon Miss Takashi here for Izuku?” Nedzu asked. Another part of routine.
“Please just Mizuko principal and yes as per usual here to make sure he doesn’t study to death.”
“What a good friend you are.” The principal grinned. “Ready for today’s riddle?”
“As always Nedzu.” She said with a mischievous grin while Izuku laughed.
“You're escaping a labyrinth, and there are three doors in front of you. The door on the left leads to a raging inferno. The door in the center leads to a deadly assassin. The door on the right leads to a lion that hasn't eaten in three months. Which door do you choose?” He gleamed.
“Principal Nedzu that’s far to easy, the door on the right. If the Lion hasn’t eaten for three months I have high doubts it’s still around.”
“Correct Mizuko. Have a good evening you two. Izuku don’t forget you may tell Mizuko of the plans today and you don’t forget either Mizuko about the trip to the USJ tomorrow.”
“Thanks for today’s lessons Nedzu see you tomorrow.” Izuku waved. He truely loved his lessons with the principal.
“We won’t forget. Stay safe Nedzu.” The snake quirked girl smiled before lazily waving and pulling Izuku from the room.
She’s been smart about it, about the way they move through the crowd out the school towards the station and Izuku knows why she picks him up after every lesson. It’s because Bakugou doesn’t know he’s at UA and she knows about every burn, bruise, scrape and open wound he’s ever given the green haired boy.
“Yeah Izu?”
“You know you don’t need to practically throw me over your shoulder to make sure Bakugou doesn’t see me right?” He snickered. Her ashen cheeks darkened for a second before paling again. She gave his hand a squeeze.
“I know it’s just… I don’t want you hurt at a place you feel so safe. We’re friends and I am in no way a sword or shield and you are in no way weak but I just can’t stand that boy he doesn’t deserve to be here.”
“Don’t say that. Kachan can change.”
“Yeah he can change as much as mother and her dislike of me.”
“Your mother is a bitch Kachan was never told he was wrong there’s a difference.” Izuku reasoned.
Mizuko let out a sigh. “Fine. I still don’t like him though.”
“Fair enough.”
“And stop calling him Kachan you aren’t friends he’s a dick you are the sweetest person on the planet.”
“Yes ma’am.” Izuku snorted as he gave a two finger salute. “Come on the train is here.”
“Soooo what did Nedzu want you to tell me?” Mizuko asked as they entered the Takashi apartment right beside the Midoriya home- neither’s parent were home.
“Oh yeah. Nedzu and I made a plan so that we can increase teamwork at the school. First years only as a test dummy as per say. But two hero students and two general students, so a group of four, will be randomly selected and put into categories. Hero, Villain or Vigilante.”
“Oh so kind of like a special version of capture the flag or something?”
“Mmh not really. One of our goals is to gather intel and figure out what team is what. So our group was already picked so that it would be easier for us to go get our teammates and move on.”
“Wait our group?”
“Yes. Nedzu allocated us to basically be joined at the hip and I kind of count as a general student oh and because it would give us too much of an advantage I don’t know what each groups overall goal is.”
“Okay. So who are the other hero and general students in our group then?”
“In hero class 1B we have Neito Monoma, his quirk is called Copy. From a single touch he can mimic certain quirks just not stockpile type quirks but I’d need to ask him what else his quirk does to even start strategising.” Izuku said quickly and excitedly. “In general we have Eraserhead’s son-“
“Sorry my homeroom teacher has a son?”
“Oh uh… don’t tell anyone? I only know because Nedzu told me Aizawa adopted him a few years ago.”
“Yeah I won’t tell anyone. Won’t promise I won’t try to make him tell us about his dad.” She giggled.
“Anyway Hitoshi Shinsou, quirk brainwash-“
“Woah that’s such a sick quirk.”
“I know right. It seems like he can trigger it by asking questions… anyway yeah I think we could be a pretty good team. You brute force, Monoma if we get him to copy specific quirks- unless it has to work a certain way and if we get a voice modifier Shinsou could be our trump card.”
“And you are the brains behind it all. I love it already. If by brute force you mean give you a koala hug to death then sure.”
The two teens fell into a giggling fit- remembering the one time Mizuko clung to one of Izuku’s bullies arms clamped around their upper body with her legs squeezing his chest. If she let the snake part of her really take over he could have said hello to broken ribs.
“Oh Izu what are we? Do you know yet?”
“Vigilante. Which is perfect because it’s practically underground hero which I think the three of you would be perfect for.”
“Alright Oracle. I dibs being Nightwing.”
“Now we just need Batman and Robin.” Izuku added.
“Nedzu is definitely Alfred.”
“Oh my fucking god you are right.”
The teens fell into a fit of giggles again before finally settling down to do homework. This would be an interesting year.
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Mizuko was tired and chilly and in desperate need for her best friends hugs. Summer would be closing in soon so she could practically feel the more snake like side of her getting ready to curl up on a rock and sleep.
To be fair though she was always tired it was a side effect of her body constantly making neurotoxins and hallucinogenics. While they didn’t affect her the same way it would anyone she bit it did make her quite tired and sick looking other than that she really was just one giant snake and had the same wants and needs as one. She’s ectothermic she just likes the warmth other people can offer even if she really only likes a handful of people.
The day started off irritatingly loud, people wouldn’t stop moving which unlike her father only really gave her headaches- he could get really overwhelmed in large groups of people- and Iida’s yelling of
“Get into an orderly fashion”- really made her want to turn and leave. With an eye roll she took the first step onto the bus and claimed a single seat by the front where hopefully no one will want to speak to her.
Soon everyone was on the bus, talking amongst themselves. Mizuko wasn’t paying attention but she’s pretty sure someone- Kaminari- insulted Bakugou.
“Takashi I have a question.” The white and green haired girl turned towards the frog quirked girl.
“I’m a blunt person so I do hope I don’t offend you. Who’s that boy you always walk home with? You seem friendly with him but almost want nothing to do with us.”
“Why do you care?”
“It’s just a question Takashi there is no need to be rude.” Iida yelled waving his arms in the robotic fashion.
Silvery eyes locked with red… his eyes widened.
“The shit nerd isn’t in UA is he?”
“Why. Do. You. Care? It’s not rude I’m just asking a question back I don’t think the fact that I have a friend has anything to do with you. You are all overwhelming, loud and far to boisterous I don’t like it that is all.” Mizuko turned back to face the front of the bus ready to tune out the rest of the class.
“He’s not a hero but why is he here?”
“I don’t see what he has to do with you anymore Katsuki Bakugou.” She nearly spat. “He won’t get in your way anymore- isn’t that what you wanted?”
“Mizu I-“
“We aren’t friends don’t call me that.”
And as if the gods where on Aizawa’s and Mizuko’s side they were at the USJ.
“Is that Thirteen?” Uraraka seemed to glow, must be her favourite hero. “They’re an amazing rescue hero.”
Yep favourite hero. At least it wasn’t All Might.
“Apologies students but All Might will not be here today he ran into some trouble before class.” Thirteen stated before welcoming the students into the building.
Something was off. Mizuko could feel it, like the vibrations weren’t right. She moved her head, long pony-tailed hair flicking into her face in her rising panic. She allowed her tongue to stick out for a moment… something was wrong still. Looking around the room her heart rate was quickening as the feeling of unease began to settle. No one noticed, no one was reacting. She stumbled forward grabbing onto Aizawa’s scarf as she sunk to the floor the vibrations changing again.
“Takashi what’s wrong?” Her teacher questioned, still the others didn’t move. Her silvery eyes widened more, she was afraid.
“Somethings wrong Mr Aizawa.”
“What do you mean?”
“We need to leave now somethings coming and it isn’t good it doesn’t feel good. Predator it’s not even close to being prey.”
“Are you sure? This isn’t a panic attack driven by the class asking questions?”
“We need to leave now.” She almost yelled. This caught everyone’s attention as she clasped tighter to the capture scarf.
Her eyes widened again. It was too late.
“They’re here. Iida run out now get more teachers please go!” Mizuko yelled. Aizawa and Thirteen shared a glance, the teens legs weren’t working it was like watching a puppy being afraid of lightning. Her animal instincts seemed strong… and as concerning as it was she seemed to correct as a black void opened in the middle of the room.
“Iida go now the door is shutting no one else will make it out.” Aizawa demanded. The classes vice representative(Momo was the class representative) nodded before rushing out. “Takashi I need you to breathe what made you collapse?”
“Instinct. The smell, the vibrations, they didn’t feel right and then it felt like getting hit with bricks like I wasn’t going to breathe if I kept standing there. I don’t really know this hasn’t happened before.”
“Is it a quirk factor?” Thirteen asked quietly as they tried to shuffle some students behind them.
“Maybe... I can turn into a snake. I can try and get out another way if it’ll help.”
“Good plan but only if you can move if this hasn’t happened before I need you and everyone here to be okay.”
“It’s fine. I’ll be fine just help me up please.”
Arms looped around her waist lifting her up and helping her balance. She turned a little, it was Sero. He’d been the most respectful towards her discomfort in comparison to most of the class.
“Can you walk?” Sero asked, oh he’d lifted her, she placed a cold hand on his arms and nodded.
“Thanks for helping me up. I got it now.”
The black mass in the room seemed to grow, the alarms had already sounded inside and all doors and other means to escape had become difficult to find from their vantage. Out came people, so many and clearly a mix of villains and angry civilians. Finally out came a man covered in hands and the mass became a man of mist.
“Where is All Might?” The handy man asked.
“Not here it seems.” The black mist man sighed.
“No shit… Oi brats where is All Might we were told he’d be here!”
“Unable to make it!” Thirteen growled.
“Oh…. Well maybe he’ll make it if we hurt a couple of kids.” He laughed. Soon more mist appeared grasping at the unmoving students and whisking them away as Aizawa rushed towards the villains making their way towards the students. Thirteen tried to keep the others safe but to no avail as the black mist- who the hand man called Kurogiri- moved the students about the USJ.
Mizuko was with Tsuyu and Mineta, not a person she’d wish to be stuck with. The flood zone wasn’t the worst place to be stuck in though.
“Get on the boat Mineta stop floating around.” Tsuyu called as Mizuko helped pull the frog hero onto the ship.
“I’m going to die surrounded by beautiful women.” He seemed sigh once pulled on the boat.
“I’m throwing him back into the water.” Mizuko deadpanned.
“No please don’t!”
“Okay we need a plan Takashi.”
“They’re all on the front of the boat right, watching us… Mineta start throwing those… things and Asui get ready to jump as far as you can.”
“What are you going to do? And call me Tsu.”
“If I transform and slip into the water I can at least distract them so you can make it out.”
“But if you get grabbed!” Mineta began to disagree,
“If I get caught I’ll crush them.” She smiled.
It was the first smile either 1A student had ever been given by her and by gods they didn’t want to see it again. Especially after seeing her so frightened before.
Mineta started throwing balls, Tsuyu was crouched waiting, watching as the villains in the water slowly began to stick together making it easier for the two to escape. Mizuko was on the other side of the boat, bones clicking and clacking as she transformed. Slowly, quietly she lowered herself into the water and began to swim.
She started lower than the villains, just watching as some started to get stuck together a few straddlers began swimming towards shore so and swiftly as she could she moved through the water and slid past their legs. She could feel the screaming, and honestly that was a little entertaining especially as the screaming and flailing caused them to get stuck as well.
Tsu bounced across the pool, Mineta hanging limply by her side, his head bleeding profusely as they landed in the more shallow water near the edge… near where the hand covered man was. Mizuko slithered up, startling Mineta especially as she began to turn back.
Amidst her panting the trio hid behind a large rock.
“I’m sorry but those sounds do not sit well with my stomach.”
“You completely morph your body and tell me it’s seamless.”
“Fair enough… Mizuko move-“ the snake haired girls hair was grasped by the end of her ponytail and pulled her from behind the rock towards Eraserhead.
“Aren’t you so cool Eraser? Look at this I have one of your students try and stop me from killing her if you can.” Aizawa growled.
Something felt weird, like her hair was tightening on her scalp but not in the I’m being pulled by the hair kind of way. Wide silvery eyes connect with Aizawa who looks just as scared as she attempts to hit the man holding her by the hair. Something crumbles down her side. With a grunt she got an idea.
One Izuku will very much say is akin to Sakura Haruno in episode 32 of Naruto and won’t let go of if it works. Her hand makes contact with something sharp on the man’s leg- a knife! She tugs it off raising an arm to clasp his wrist and swipe the knife up as she pulls away. Spinning around she bares her teeth and clamps her jaw over the wrist she’d just held.
“Get off me get off me!” The man yelled. “What is happening let me go!” Pulling away she backed off, eyes still wide and hand still gripping the stolen knife.
“Mizuko run!” Aizawa yelled out desperately.
“Mizuko huh? I’m Shigaraki. What’s your quirk brat?” The man seemed to sway, whatever she did when she bit him it was working fast.
“Fuck off and leave us alone.” She growled possessively.
“I don’t think I will brat. Now tell me what you did and I’ll call off the Nomu.”
“Mizuko don’t-“ Aizawa yelled.
“It’s called venom. I don’t have an antidote for it have fun with that.”
“You bitch.”
“I told you what you wanted to know-“
Oh great All Might was here.
And that was the opening Shigaraki needed to press a hand against her diaphragm. With a hiss she pulled away but the hand had already left a mark through her uniform against her ashen skin. The knife in her hand swung downward into his arm.
“Nomu attack All Might!”
And with those words chaos was let through.
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Nedzu was puzzled as to how this instance had even occurred and it was most worrying. Right now they needed to reach the students.
Izuku ran quickly towards the USJ, Nedzu on his shoulders as they raced towards the class. Recovery girl was in sight and that seemed to make the little analyst run faster (even with Nedzu on his shoulders).
“Mizuko!” He yelled tears welling in his eyes as he searched for his friend.
“Izuku!” He heard before being squished into a hug.
“You’re okay. I heard from Nedzu that 1A was getting attacked and I had to see if you-“
“I’m okay. I’m okay.” She whimpered, shoulders shaking as she buried her face into the crook of his neck.
“Miss Takashi, your hair?” Nedzu pointed out as he gave her a pat on the head.
“One of them, the leader had a decaying quirk or something. Don’t make fun of me Izuku but I definitely pulled a Sakura.”
“I’ll make fun of you later for getting into an anime situation right now let me look at you I swear- Mizuko!”
“What’s wrong Izuku?”
“Your stomach. It’s like a handprint was engraved into your skin… does it hurt?” The now short haired girl looked down the palm sat directly over her diaphragm, pinky, ring finger and thumb spread over her lower ribs while pointer and middle sat between her breasts. She seethed.
“Not anymore. Recovery girl got to me and Aizawa first because we had the most injuries… All Might has left already if you needed him Nedzu.”
“No that’s quite alright. I shall go check on everyone, you two may find a place to sit until I come back.” The principal smiled sadly, patting the teens on the heads and climbed down to go seek our other heroes and students.
Izuku brought Mizuko to a nearby step holding her close as they both cried.
Now if that wasn’t the worst possible thing to happen right now.
“Bakugou.” Mizuko warned.
“I’m not going to fight.” The blond said raising his hands. “So what course you in?”
“I’ll allow it I guess. Just stay out of my way extra.” He grumbled before walking back off.
After a moment Mizuko curled herself into her best friends side.
“I’m tired Izu. You’re so warm.”
“That’s fine, go to sleep okay.”
“Okay…. Okay.”
Hey at least one good thing came out of today… she got Izu cuddles.
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aarcanevillains · 2 years
Heya there AARCANECHAOSS here!
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Image from here!
So my acc is currently very busy with the Solider Poet King saga (Black Clover) and the Reapers and Secret Keepers (BSD) and as you know I also have AARCANEHEROES but that’s for marvel & DC lol so I thought why don’t we chill out and have some fun with a good ol Redemption Arc story for our lovely League of Villains
I’ll create a profile for the original characters used and you are all welcome to offer ideas, interact, request oneshots/fic ideas (anything is valid from fluff to smut as long as you are appropriate) ask questions and overall have a good time!
I’ll be using my characters Eto Midoriya, Yoru Shimura and Mizuko Takashi
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Again images made here | and here
Images are in order of Eto, Yoru & Mizuko
Updates will be on Tumblr and AO3
Tumblr: aarcanevillains
AO3: aarcanechaoss
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aarcanechaoss · 3 years
Do you ever- ever feel like this
Ya know have random moments where you are like damn I love Sero Hanta wtf
Mizuko is meant to just vibe with Izuku, Hitoshi, Neito and to be fair I also last minute added Mei lmao now she bout to vibe with Sero too
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If you didn’t get the title reference I’m sorry you missed out on Round the Twist
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aarcanechaoss · 3 years
The Cats!
I couldn’t help myself meet Mizuko (& Izuku), Hitoshi (& Aizawa) and Neito’s cats aka I spent more time than I should have looking for cats to match my purposefully stupid names for them
Mizuko Takashi’s cat - Izuku’s by association
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Meowskerteer (Russian Blue) is definitely some sort of demon since she likes climbing walls and hanging from the ceiling about Mizu’s bed. Her dad named her at work - he’s a vet and apparently had run out of normal names because she didn’t suit any of the musketeers
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Hitoshi Shinsou’s cat’s - Technically Aizawa’s
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Bastard (Dragon Li) this street cat forced his way into Aizawa’s life when he was in his early 20’s and never left he lives up to his name and will not hesitate to be such especially when he wants food
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Butternut (Ragdoll) is a fucking Angel she is truely lazy but she’s also super cuddly just hug her always.. otherwise she will just accidentally fall asleep in the most inconvenient places
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Biscuit (Norwegian Forest Cat) also known as fuck off and dickhead. He would be best friends with Meowskerteer. Biscuit and Butternut were adopted at the same time as best friends but he’s just a demon he will knock your laptop over he will.
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Neito Monoma’s cat - was nameless for a week
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Yuuma (Ragdoll) is still a baby but is such an attention seeker, always give him cuddles or else. I don’t think he’s gotten over being nameless for a week soooo he’s a little shit but purely for the attention that it’ll bring
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aarcanechaoss · 3 years
That quirkless Izuku idea I had
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well I made something while taking breaks from studying for exams.
Which yes I have study week this week and next week is final exams for the year then I am free to create to my hearts content!!!!!
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It’s called Hope for All
It will centre around Izuku, Shinsou, Monoma and my oc Mizuko
I’ll tell you now the first few chapters will be them in first year, then a couple in third and then the rest is them as heroes that’s the only plan I have lmaooo.
Izuku will become a famous quirk analyst for the underground heroes (Shinsou, Mizuko and maybe Monoma haven’t decided on his heroing yet)
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Also I think out of all my OC’s Mizuko is probably the closest in regards to me. Besides like her hair, eyes, fangs and scales lol and I cannot turn into a snake nor create venom or hallucinogens 😂😂
Also in the story Mizuko’s mum is a bitch but just to clarify all my family are absolutely amazing and I love them to the moon and back the only self inserty part is how Mizuko is presented like my body type and my personality for example.
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