#Mlp story
ponyglows · 2 months
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CHRYSALIS: "𝘈𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘈𝘊𝘛𝘜𝘈𝘓𝘓𝘠 𝘤𝘳𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨?" TIREK: "𝘈𝘳𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘈𝘊𝘛𝘜𝘈𝘓𝘓𝘠 𝘕𝘖𝘛?! 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘣𝘶𝘨!" CHRYSALIS: 𝙎𝙘𝙤𝙛𝙛 "𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳! 𝘠𝘰𝘶'𝘳𝘦 𝘤𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘣𝘪𝘨 𝘣𝘶𝘧𝘧𝘰𝘰𝘯, 𝘨𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘪𝘵!" TIREK:"𝘠𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘥𝘦𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘱𝘪𝘦𝘤𝘦, 𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘤𝘩!"
cozy glow fell asleep while doodling and is awoken by some squabbling (as usual) - she's really gotta stop napping in the middle of the house)
just another day in the bughorse centaur evil toddler household!!
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lackablazeical · 5 months
Few years ago I made a (terrible) series of designs of MLP characters who represented the 7 deadly sins and I. Redrew em/reworked em cus I am so so artblocked lmao
Basically they were created by discord to spread chaos but instead just fail and become involved in shenanigans bc they can't work together
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Their little elemental symbols are all real simple shapes for like deep meaning or whateva. Yeah
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I guess they'd probably be more accurately called elements of chaos tho but eh
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starlightmeadowbloom · 2 months
I’ve been watching too many My Little Pony stuff, so…
TJtOP - As Twilight Sparkle about to be crowned ruler of Equestria, the Dark Knight called Blazin’ Rage arrives uninvited and attacked the ponies. Celestia, Luna, Cadance and Twilight tried to stop him, but he able to drain half of their alicorn powers and tear Twilight’s wings in front of everypony.
A week later after her recovery, Twilight had been drifting away from Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Rainbow Dash. Leaving Capper Dapperpaws, who witnessed what happened at the coronation, to look after her.
Celestia asked Discord to unleash the three villains out of their stones, Starswirl the Bearded could asked Lord Tirek to make contact with his younger brother to help and find Blazin’ Rage and soon discover that the Dark Knight was living outside of Equestria called Old Ponyvile.
Together, they’re off to the journey to restore the alicorn powers and maybe finds love along the way!
TFBtW - When everything went horribly wrong as Fireb Flare’s fireworks performance was sabotaged by the three villains, everything was set on a huge fire in the Last Summer Sun Celebration that barely started and cost a life-changing event for Twilight Sparkle as she was burning alive with no-pony to save her.
After the disastrous event, Twilight had lost her wings and refused to take Celestia and Luna’s place as they were about to retire while refusing to see the girls as she believed they ruined everything and left Equestria forever.
15 years later, and we’re going to see Twilight and her new family in the kingdom of Abyssinia with her husband Capper Dapperpaws and their four kids; Sparkling Sappire, Aurora Melody, Radiance Sparkle and Nightsky Dapperpaws as they decided to return to Equestria and Twilight must faced the past if she may wanted to reconnect with her old friends.
MLA - What if Twilight Sparkle was taking something dangerous after finding out that she was going to be a new runner to her coronation day?
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grim40 · 4 months
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{Next Gen}~ Monster?- Part 1
Ben sighed as he sat down in his seat. It was morning, and school hadn't started yet. He could hear the kids outside in the playground but didn't bother to turn around and look. He felt lonely. His only friend, Bitter Bite, was scheduled for Tuesday class and could only see him until Thursday. Even if class hadn't started yet, he wished he could go home now. 
As fillies, foals, and other creatures started filling the classroom, he sat up straight. Ever since the School of Friendship had been inaugurated, many families had come to live on Ponyville. Yaks, griffons, hippogriffs, even some zebras, had now filled the homes of the town. And with it, the school with many children. Mom had been adamant he could stay at home and learn from his father, but giving school a chance, they had enrolled him in Missus Cheerilees school. They told him school would be fun with activities, a playground, and he could make friends. He had done all those things, except the last one. 
Ben listened to Cheerilee's lecture, the four seasons, their types of weather, how each creature is affected by them. All of a sudden he felt something hit his temple. A small piece of balled up paper landed on his desk. He heard quiet giggles behind him by his right side. He knew it were those kids again. Ever since school began, they had been pestering him all the time. Never too harsh, but just things like this. Little balls of paper, a playground ball "accidentaly" going his way, things he thought were normal. At least that's what his mom told him. He took a small glance, and there she was. Agatha, the supposed leader of the group. She raised her arms in a shug motion, motioning as a silly mistake and giggling. He gave a small but weary smile, trying not to think too much about it. He couldn't concentrate on the lecture anymore, so he just stared ahead and hoped lunch would start soon. 
Lunch break had started, and Ben unpacked his small lunch box Dad had packed for him. A couple of apple slices, some oat meal biscuits and a box of apple juice. As he snacked away his lunch, he stared at the playground where the kids ran around, played in the swing-sets and jump ropes. He looked away, again feeling lonely. He wasn't really sure why the other kids didn't like him. From day one, he struggled to make a friend. He wasn't mean, he hadn't done anything weird that he was aware of. When pair projects came up in class, the kids would ignore him. He would otherwise be paired with another foal or filly, they were decent to him throughout the class time, but after it was done he was back to being alone. His ears drooped down, and he laid in the grass for a bit.
He could entertain himself. His father had teached him a magic spell recently, to invoke his own chaos magic. He told Ben that when Draconquui were still around, everyone had their own different magic. Channeling it was a difficult task, so they would need to start young and practice with it. Ben concentrated on the pads of his paws, a spark, then a flare of magic started to form. It was already fairly easy for him, he had practiced so many times. The hard part, was keeping the magic stable. But it was coming along well. 
"Hahahaha sorry, we did not totally see you the- AHHHH!" Agatha screached.
"AHH-" Ben, literally, had been knocked out of his concentration. The magic he had been so carefully holding, burst. 
The kids backed up screaming. The magic had blown some of them back and had temporarily blinded those nearest. Ben breathed rapidly while he held his head. He hadn't meant for that to happen, so he quickly stood up and approached the kids.
"I-I'm so sorry! I just got scared, are you alright?" As he extended a paw towards Agatha, she swatted it away.
"Get back you weirdo! You were trying to eat us! I knew you were evil! That's why no one wants to hang out with you, you monster!"
Ben looked shocked. "I-, I wasn't..."
Hearing the commotion and kids coming to her telling her what happened, Miss Cheerilee came running to their aid. 
"What happened?! Are you guys alright?!"
"Miss he tried to hurt us! We didn't do anything! He just tried to eat and blow us all up Miss! Please get rid of the monster!" Children surrounded Cheerilee, and while she tried to hear everyone out, she saw Ben stiff as a statue. 
She made her way over to where Ben was standing.  "What happened Ben? Did you use magic during school hours? Do you know how dangerous that is?"
"Miss I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt anybody. I just got scared and-"
"You just tried to hurt us, don't lie you weirdo!" Agatha screamed in his face, pointing one of her fingers at him. "Yeah, Agatha just walked over to him and he turned around with a magic ball and shoot it straight towards us!" "Were scared, please take him away!"
The children again started rambling on, not allowing Cheerilee or Ben get a word in. Ben wasn't confrontational, so he just stayed quiet. 
"Nu-uh, that's not what happened!"
Ben recognized the voice. It was Bitter Bites twin sister.
"Sugary Bite what are you doing here? You're not supposed to be in school." Cheerilee addressed Sugary. 
"I saw what happened, they are lying! I came here with mommy for Bitter Bite's homework because he forgot it. They threw a ball at Ben, I saw it!" 
"I didn't throw it!" Agatha exclaimed.
"I didn't say it was you!" Sugary retorted back. 
With that Agatha closed her beak and stayed quiet. 
"All right all right, we will talk about this after school. Please Sugary go back to your mom. Kids it's time to go inside, c'mon."
Kids started to head insde the school, and as Ben started to walk Cheerilee stopped him. 
"We will talk about what happened when your dad comes over, alright? And please, no magic use today, okay?"
She didn't sound angry, though her soothing voice masked a tinge of worry. Ben just shook his head slowly up and down, agreeing. 
As he sat in his desk, the whispering children went quiet. Cheerilee began her lecture, but this time Ben didn't bother to pay attention. 
The school bell rang, and kids gathered outside to meet their parents to go home, with the exception of two. They were still seated in their desks, no words exchanged. Ben felt panicked, like a knot in his stomach had formed and it was just gurgling around. What would his dad say if he knew he was doing magic in school? Would be be mad? He would probably be grounded for ever and be banned from doing magic again. Ben didn't bother looking in Agatha's direction, though he felt eyes on the back of his head. 
"Hello Mrs. Helen, hello Mr Discord, would you please come inside? There was an incident today regarding Agatha and Ben during lunch time."
"Did something happen to Agatha?!"
"What happened to my boy?! Is he okay?!"
At the mention of an incident, both parents asked Cheerilee in a panic. 
"No they aren't hurt, just if you please could come in."
Discord and Helen, Agatha's mother, came in. Agatha quickly ran towards her mother and began pleading with her.
"I didn't do it mom! It was an accident!"
Discord approached Ben who was still sitting and his desk and picking him up to his eye level.
"Are you alright? Did anyone hurt you?"
Ben shook his head at his dad's question, but still didn't speak. 
"Miss Cheerilee, you were looking for us?" Pinkie Pie came in the door, along with Sugary Bite and Bitter Bite. 
"Thank you all for coming. I know its a hassle to be here after school but I know that you guys want to know what happened today. From what I was told, Ben was caught doing magic during school hours without supervision of an adult or unicorn teacher."
"Is that true?" Discord let Ben down gently, and Ben looking down, saying a small audible yes.
"As we have discussed previously during the days prior of school, magic practice is forbidden during school hours without supervision, correct Discord?"
"Ah-, y-yes I know."
"I know you might be teaching Ben magic, but also teaching him the where and when he should be practicing it is a lesson every teacher has to put in place. Right?"
"R-right. I'm very sorry for the incident, whatever it was. I did fail Benny in teaching him to refrain from using magic here at school."
At this, Ben felt guilty, like he was at fault his dad was being scolded for his mistake.
"Although, I was told something else before the incident happened. And, I know Sugary Bite was a witness to all this."
"But how is my daughter related to this?"
"Go on Sugary." Cheerilee told her.
"I saw Ben by the bushes of the playground, but I also saw Agatha and her friends playing ball. But then I saw them throw the ball at Ben. Then his magic went BOOM!"
"Sugary is certain Agatha was the one who threw the ball."
"Did you Agatha?" Helen asked her daughter.
Agatha stayed quiet, and her eyes averting her mother's gaze.
"She is lying. Ben just wanted to hurt us for playing, and when I went to go say sorry he tried to hurt me." Agatha still averting her gaze.
"No you weren't, you were laughing with every pony." Sugary added.
"He also annoys me during class. He just stares at us without saying anything."
"Well you must have done something to him." 
"I do not!"
Sugary and Agatha bickered back and forth, while Ben just looked at them.
"Did she do anything else to you today?" Discord whipered to Ben. 
Then, Ben remembered, the piece of paper that tapped his head. It was Agatha who threw the piece of paper, and the ball. 
"She-" Everyone went quiet when they heard him talk. "She threw a piece of paper at me today. During class."
"HAH! What did I tell you, you DID do something!" Sugary mocked Agatha. "Sugary c'mere." Pinkie said while grabbing and dragging her towards her by her tail.
"Well Agatha, did you?" Cheerilee asked, sternly this time.
Agatha stayed quiet, swallowing saliva and lowering her head. 
"He's a monster."
"Agatha!" Helen yelled angrily at her daughter. 
"He doesn't belong here. He scares all of us!"
"All right all right, quiet down. *Sigh* Discord, Ben, you guys can leave for today. I'll talk with Miss Helen about Agatha's detention."
"Thank you Miss Cheerilee, c'mon kiddo. Let's go home." Discord picked Ben up and carried him on his back. 
"You can also leave Pinkie, and before I forget. Here is your homework Bitter."
"..." "He says thank you!" Sugary answered for her brother, while Bitter only nodded. 
Pinkie, Discord, and along with the kids, they left the school. 
Pinkie and the kids had parted ways, not before telling Ben they would see him later that week at school.  Ben only held tightly to his dad's neck, holding onto him like a koala. 
"You okay there kiddo, you are holding on a little roughly?"
There was a pause, and then heard a sniffle. 
"Benny, what's wrong?" As he grabbed his son and turned him around, Ben had tears running down his cheeks. Discord stopped walking and just held Ben in the air.
"Dad, am I a monster?" As he said it, Ben started to bawl. More tears came, and his sobbing got louder. 
His heart broke when he heard it. He only hugged his son, rubbing his hair. Discord carried on walking holding him in his arms. 
First time I post my Next Gen story here.
To give out context on characters-
-Ben (Benjamin Shy), son of Discord and Flutter Shy
-Sugary Bite and Bitter Bite, Pinkie's and Sky Star's kids
-Agatha, new character of mine, daughter of Helen
I'll later post their refs here~
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cyberpaw-mp3 · 3 months
Showing Kidness
Silence, nothing but silence. It's all twilight could hear besides ringing, loud, loud ringing. Where was she? Why was she here? All she could see was the outline of her yellow friend, fluttershy, all she could see was her friend with the help of a single light bulb. Fluttershy spoke "Y'know, you haven't been so kind recently", twilight was confused. What was Fluttershy talking about? "I'm curious, how kind will you be when the animals are in need" Twilight listened carefully as Fluttershy slowly walked up to her. "They're hungry, I need to feed my babies" Twilights eyes went wide seeing a knife "Fluttershy, what's going on!? What are you doing?!". Fluttershy just chuckled looking up finally turning on more than just the one lightbulb. Twilight let out a shriek seeing the meat of a another pony, the corpse right beside it. "FLUTTERSHY! WHAT'S HAPPENING!?" Twilight had tears in her eyes trying to move, now realizing she was tied up. Fluttershy looked up at her speaking softly "show your kindness Twilight, they animals are hungry.."
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I hope you enjoyed the story and the art. This is for an au I'm still working on, based off infection aus and grimdark fics. Possibly may just make a part 2 to the story
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sweetdreamfallx · 6 months
My little pony (Main 6 re-design) (AU)
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New design of my main 6 is here. Took me few hours to draw, but I finished it. Next will be story. Hope you'll like my MLP OCs.
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ry-studios · 4 months
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Lol redesign 5790000 alert, baby and adult starseer with her father!
Once there was a powerful unicorn mage who spent all his time studying magic. He rose through the ranks and eventually found himself in the courts of the palace, working directly under the Queen.
Eventually, there was a marriage arranged for him by a well known unicorn family to their daughter. He was persuaded to marry the mare and they started a family.
They did not love each other romantically, but they did get along well enough as they co-parented their daughter. He taught his daughter magic as soon as she could speak, and though she was blind, she was gifted like her father, and he developed a sort of Braille in order for her to read like him.
In his studies at the palace, he became a trusted council member for the Queen, they even studied and discussed magic together. He was eager to learn under the Queen, the only known alicorn still living. She taught him much about alicorn magic as they experimented together, writing down their findings and advancements in powerful magic . As time went on He was trusted to go on outings with the Queen and her alicorn daughter, Alexandria, who was just about the same age as his own. Together, he and the Queen tutored her in magic in seclusion.
Eventually, while studying on his own in private, away from other ponies in order to not accidentally cause harm, a troup of changelings approached him. He had never seen such creatures before, but he could feel their dark magic. Weak from his extensive training and experimentation, he fought them fiercely. Due to their numbers and his weakness at the time, and after being ambushed, he was eventually captured by the changelings and replaced.
He was taken for information, and not too long after being taken to the hive, his wife and young fully were taken as well. He was constantly being drained of his magic by the changelings, but as he saw his wife get consumed completely by the starving hive, a burst of emotion sprouted forth, giving him just enough magic to teleport his daughter to safety.
In the palace, the changeling disguised as Him was discovered quickly, as well as the rest of the family, due to the changelings inexperience with the level of magic required of his position. The entire family was assumed dead.
His daughter was teleported to a remote wooded location, and was soon found by a bog witch in the area, whom then took her in as a pupil after noticing her strong aura of magic about her.
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thevioletoracle · 1 year
"Oracle's Wish"
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After a long day of work, the purple unicorn threw her saddle bag onto her bed as she entered her bedroom and walked over to the window on the far wall.
As she got closer to the window, she used the magic of her horn to open the window up, which brought a slight breeze and gentle starlight to enter the darkened room. She takes a deep sigh and she reflects on the struggles of the day which had now passed.
"...Why don't ponies seem to like me? Why do they seem put off by my presence?" She asked herself. "What am I doing wrong?"
Oracle looks up into the star filled sky, watching as each star twinkles like the ones beside it. The breeze running through her lavender grey mane starts to relax her the more she stands there to think.
As she looks out, a shooting star zooms by and illuminates the night sky. But for some reason... The star didn't look like any other meteor. Something about it was different, but Oracle didn't know what. Even so, she took a deep breath and decided to follow the pony tradition and make a wish...
"I wish, I wish, I wish upon this wishing star tonight... For me to have a friend by morning light..."
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rainbowroachies · 7 months
Appledash (Part #3)
The lost sister (Part 2/2)
Applejack gathered a bag full of necessities and hurried out the door. She then stopped in her tracks and yelled out for Rainbowdash. "So you're not gonna help me?" "Ugh... Fine I'll help, Applecrack." "Wha-..? Never mind..." Rainbowdash scooped up Applejack with her wings and flew to the everfree forest. Applejack cried, "Applebloom, Applebloom! Are ya there?"" Eh...We'll never find her. Let's just go back, come on!" Applejack pulled Rainbowdash's leg before she could fly away. "No! We'll find her, and we're not givin' up!" They both scattered the area, finding no clue of Applebloom. "Y- you can go.." Applejack said concerned, she kissed Rainbowdash and trotted away. Rainbow stared back worrily, but knew AJ was strong enough. "I trust you AJ..." Applejack then heard crying in the distance. "A- Applebloom? Please say that's you..!" She looked around her and found Applebloom. "Applebloom! Oh, I'm so glad you're back! Lets go home." They both walked home. "Babe! Guess who I found!""Uh.. What do you mean?..""I found Applebloom! Oh, such a cutie patootie."l- WHAT, HOW? I mean- Cool..! Haha...." Rainbowdash swore to herself that she trapped Applebloom. Anyways, Applebloom is back. Cool.
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ask-luciavampire · 1 year
New mlp pony fanfic I making and working this weekend check it out
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ask-new-world · 2 years
Oh, what's that? Why, that sounds like Timberwolves, don't you think? Calls to find where each other is while they hunt. I wonder what they have in mind for prey.
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New World #10
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ponyglows · 4 months
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"Well you never were the fun one, were you?" "I know, I miss her too." "....I do not know what you're insinuating."
Luna stared at their hooves as the night time crickets sang and gentle breeze flowed through their fur. They could feel the weight of everything on their eyelids, and they wanted so desperately to curl up in their sister's bedsheets and sleep for as long as possible. The midnight symphony was interrupted by a sudden noise, the unmistakable sound of teleportation magic. Luna knew who it was before the figure even spoke. "Well if it isn't my 3rd favourite Princess!" Discord exclaimed, clicking his fingers and appearing right beside the pony with a puff of magic. "Don't tell Twilight she's bottom of the barrel..." He giggled. "Discord." Luna grumbled, brows furrowed, "Aren't there 3 responsibilities you should be watching over right now?" "Luna, Luna, Luna!" Discord tutted, splitting himself in half and morphing both halves into two fully formed Draconequus, "You know I can be two places at once!" The two spoke in perfect unison, before the clone was engulfed, seemingly by nothing, and vanished. "I just came to check up on you! Why, with Celestia off playing hide-and-seek and all!" He grinned, twisting himself around the disgruntled figure, "Say, has our dear self-proclaimed seeker found her yet?" The Alicorn snapped, "You and I both not that is not what has happened." Discord frowned, "Hm yes," He vanished then reappeared beside Luna within a second, "But it would be much more exciting if it was!" He laughed, clapping his mismatched claw and paw together. "This isn't the the time for your jokes, Discord." Luna's teeth were clenched as they tried their best to keep their composure. "Well you never were the fun one, were you?" The Chaos Demon huffed, but there was a slight crack in his voice. Luna's expression softened. "I know. I miss her too." They spoke softly, eyes now staring up at the stars. Discord's ears flattened for a moment, as he sat himself down beside the Princess of the Night. "...I do not know what you're insinuating." He whispered back, gazing at the stars with them.
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lackablazeical · 5 months
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Internet pls I need help I can't remember this fucking mlp AU I used to like and I need help finding it. I drew some of what I remember from the designs so if anyone remembers like names or anything pls help please please PLEASE I'm losing my fucking mind
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mylittlecrimescene · 4 months
As of recently I've just been posting daily on my yansim account until I get to a certain point, but then I rationalized that I could just try posting daily on any of my four accounts and not just one of them. So I remind the folks from my original account that this story is still fresh in my mind with a picture👌
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As for the comic, I'm realizing how difficult it is to come up with new poses, and I wouldn't want the comic to he plain and feature the same four poses throughout the whole thing.
So I've been experimenting, but that's really just left me with messy drafts and inconsistently shaped characters. (It SUCKS to draw a character in a comic and have them look different than their official picture T_T) On the bright side, I AM learning to explore my characters personalities and different angles of their bodies.
I tend to forget that I made this spontaneously one day, so this certainly won't be out in any efficient manner. But I might post more lore esc art for the sake of keeping the idea alive for both others and myself. Practice makes perfect! 👌
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grim40 · 4 months
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Meanwhile I make the thirds part of my story, here is the reference sheet for young adult Ben, son of Flutter Shy and Discord.
I'll be posting more character refs of my characters as I introduce them~
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cracklewink · 6 months
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I have been wracking my brain on my mane 6 redesign for the past week. Here's my ideas for Rarity!! RD is up next >
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