#Mob speaks
acepsychic100 · 1 year
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*weapon of choice noises play*
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the-final-sif · 10 months
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Hello, if you also love the minecraft Axolotl and would like to help preserve their real life equivalents, then you can go to here to adopt your own! You can learn more about the campaign on their website or here in an NPR interview. I've adopted one of my own named Cecil!
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girlboyburger · 11 months
i was extremely sleep deprived yesterday when i discovered the dragon survival mod which was LIFE CHANGING when you're on three hours of sleep so of course i made a whole custom forest dragon texture in one day about it. and. just for fun, some concept art i made for it:
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minecraft-sex-mod · 18 days
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it came to me in a vision
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jadeacereigen · 9 months
I think an underrated aspect of Separation Arc and why it works so well is that once Mob finally stands up for himself and stops going to work, we think we can expect the following to happen:
Reigen quickly flounders at work but stubbornly denies he's incapable without Mob's help
Reigen eventually runs into a client who truly needs the help of psychic powers (e.g. the client is haunted by an evil spirit who cannot be exorcised with salt)
Reigen realizes that he truly needs Mob to not be seen as a fraud and that he shouldn't have taken him for granted
Reigen seeks out Mob and apologizes, Mob accepts his apology and agrees to work for him again
Except... that's not what happens. Reigen does get upset and lonely without Mob, but his business runs fine—in fact, Reigen's own ambition and smart thinking actually allow him to find greater success as a psychic. The only reason Reigen's public downfall even happens is because he was maliciously tricked by Jodo, he'd figured out on his own that the kid wasn't possessed! This and the fact that Jodo is seeking petty revenge for Reigen "humiliating" him (when Reigen actually saved his life no less) really makes us feel like Reigen's public mockery is unfair and unjustified... even though we've always known from the beginning that Reigen is a fraud.
Isn't that a strange turn of events?
Then we get to the press conference. It's possible that even if Mob hadn't helped him at the end, Reigen could've still managed to salvage some of his public image. He was calmly answering people's questions and answering truthfully, pointing out that they had no evidence he was a fraud and that no one had ever had an issue with his work before the show. But all of that stops mattering to Reigen when he realizes that despite all his efforts from childhood, he's still just a lonely, lonely man who has never had any idea what he wants to do in life. The only reason he kept running his psychic business in the first place was because Mob showed up in his dull life and brightened it up with his vivid color.
It is finally here, after all this time we've been spending with Reigen, that we both figure out the truth: Reigen needs Mob not because of his powers, but because Mob is his friend and inspires him to be better. And this full understanding of Reigen's complex character and deep connection with Mob is what hits all of us so hard in this episode, it's so painfully human and real and we would not have gotten all of this had the story just played out as expected.
Thus culminates the genius subversions of Separation Arc: despite having the world's attention all focused on him, Reigen only makes one honest apology to one boy. This boy might not even watching this at all—if he is, he's probably watching this with spiteful bitterness—but it's still important that this boy knows...
You've grown up so much. You know that?
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doctorsiren · 2 months
Hi there! I love your art and do see most of the things you post, but I’m not exactly well versed in EVERYTHING. So I’ve never known, what’s the hand thing that Reigen does? Is it just a way to show how he gestures when he talks?
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yeah he’s very expressive with his hands when he talks, pretty sure this man’s got ADHD like me
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 7 months
Little Girl Gone
So I Heard You're Back in Town (1)
Mob Boss!Natasha x Mob Boss!Fem!Reader, Wanda Maximoff x Mob Boss!Fem!Reader
warnings: 18+ Violent themes, Guns, mentions of killing, mentions of thr*wing up, smoking, Dark Natasha word count: 2231 a/n: Wrote this first chapter over the course of a day. It is proofread, but I am only human~
“Shoot him.” Her voice didn’t waver. It was demanding as she stood tall behind you, casting a shadow over you. Your hand shook with the revolver in your hand. “Y/N. Shoot him.” Her hand on your shoulder in a death grip.
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“Shoot him.” Her voice didn’t waver. It was demanding as she stood tall behind you, casting a shadow over you. Your hand shook with the revolver in your hand. “Y/N. Shoot him.” Her hand on your shoulder in a death grip.
You slowly, shakily pulled back on the trigger until the loud BANG reverberated. The body in front of you thudding to the ground, a pool of blood forming. The smell of metal and sulfur fill your nose as bile rises from your stomach.
Dropping the gun as you stumble away. You don’t make it far before the bile finds it’s way in your mouth as you clutch your ribs as your throat burns and ears ring out. You weren’t made for this, but she kept saying you were. Her hand on your back, rubbing soothingly. “Such a good little girl Y/N.” She assures you that it took less convincing this time and you didn’t get sick until after killing them this time.
You push her hand away as you stumble away. “I don’t need your praises Natasha.” You grumble wiping your mouth and head back upstairs to your room. The one you share with Natasha the head of the Russian mob around here.
You keep saying you’re going to leave. Get out of here, but if she caught you, you’d be on the other end of her gun so you wait and plan. Get everything in order before leaving in the middle of the night. Leaving behind not only Natasha, but the city for a long time.
5 years later
BANG! You didn’t give them a chance to try and explain as the other two men beneath you try to scramble backwards. Placing the gun back in it’s holster you grab both of them, “Where do you two think you’re going?” Both of them trying to get out of your hold only for you to grip tighter. “I still have questions for you two and I suggest you answer them.”
“A-anything! We’ll tell you anything you want!” One of them managed out. A smirk crossing your face.
“Good boy. Now tell me. Where is Natasha Romanoff?” You voice and eyes go icy it’s a question, sure, but it’s also a demand.
A snap of your fingers and your right hand woman, Carol, comes over. Taking out the two men once they’ve given you the information you required.
You walk over to two girls, recent additions, Kamala Khan and America Chavez. “Girls I need you to follow up on the information we were just given and please be careful. Natasha is ruthless. Stay a good distance and if you spot her at all contact me immediately. Am I understood?” You look between the two of them. Kamala a smile on her face.
“Yes Ma’am! We won’t let you down.” You smile, ruffling their hair before seeing them off. You too could be ruthless with outsiders and that was all thanks to Natasha unfortunately, but the heart you had before wasn’t gone. Not one bit, just buried a lot further. You still taste bile, but it no longer comes up.
“Carol when you’re done here meet me back at the house with the others.” You let her know as she starts disposing of the bodies.
“You got it boss.”
You’re lounging when the text comes through,
“Boss we’ve got a surprise for you!” It was from Kamala.
“What is it?”
“One of Natasha’s.” Your heart dropped.
“Bring them here. Now.”
Another twenty minutes goes by before Kamala and America are bringing in a girl who looks not much older than them. They were smart enough to blindfold her at least. They bring her over to you and set her on her knees in front of you.
Even without seeing her eyes you can tell she’s terrified. Leaning over you take the blindfold off, green eyes almost matching Natasha’s and red hair.
“Are you Natasha’s sister?” You ask. She shakes her head frantically. “Who are you?” You ask, softly.
“W-Wanda. Wanda Maximoff.” The name didn’t ring any bells. You study her face and the genuine terror that fills it.
“I’m not going to hurt you Wanda. Are you one of Natasha’s?” You lean back against the couch, keeping one hand in your lap the other stretching the back of the couch. She shakes her head and you eye Kamala. Who throws her hands up defensively.
“S-she offered me a loan...I’m a single mom I have twin boys and when I couldn’t pay her back she took me and told me I’d work for her, but...but...” Wanda started to cry and you leaned back over gently cupping her cheek, wiping her tears away as you shush her gently.
“I was once were you were. Natasha took me, changed me. I won’t let her do that to you. We’re gonna pay back that loan of yours. You’re under my protection now, understood?” She nods frantically. “I don’t want anything in return except to see you happy with your boys. I won’t let her hurt you or them.”
“T-thank you...thank you...” You kept your composure around Wanda. Leaving her for a moment to discuss with Carol what was going on.
“I’m going to stay with her, make sure Natasha or her people don’t get close.” You tell Carol who wants to disagree, you can see it in her eyes. “You’re in charge until I get back from this.” Her attitude changes after those words. “If you do anything I wouldn’t then you’ll be digging your own grave and laying in it.” I tell her with no emotion to give as she gulp's, eyes widening.
“Yes Ma’am.”
When you arrive at Wanda’s house the two of you entering are met with her boys running down the hall to meet her both hugging her tightly. Then another face comes around the corner and your hand is on your gun in an instant, Wanda holding a hand out to you.
“Y/N. This is Darcy. My friend and she was watching the boys while I was at work.” Wanda informs you, you loosen up, plastering a smile to your face.
“Hello Darcy. It’s nice to meet you.” You hold out your hand for Darcy who hesitantly takes it.
“I met Y/N through work and I invited her over for some coffee and cookies.” Wanda lies and you have to admit it isn’t half bad. She doesn’t give away an telltale signs of lying.
“Okay. Do you need me to stay?” Darcy asks.
“No. Sweet girl you’ve done enough. You watched them almost all day so thank you. Go rest. Please.” Wanda hugs Darcy tightly before the girl leaves.
Wanda makes her way to the kitchen and you hear her start up the coffee pot. Oh maybe she wasn’t lying about the coffee and cookies.
You look around the house. The boys are in the living room, playing video games and remind you of yourself when you were younger. A smile on your face before carrying on through the house, checking all windows and entry points. You look out the back door, checking the perimeter of the backyard when Wanda comes up behind you.
“I don’t mean this in any offensive way, but will you be enough?” She asks and you can’t help, but chuckle, looking over at the mom you’ve found yourself protecting from your ex.
“Natasha was the one who trained me. I know all the tricks she has, but I’ve learned more tricks after I left her. She doesn’t know what I’m capable of anymore. So don’t worry. I’ll be all you need.” You smile at the redhead, a soft smile belying just what you’re capable of.
“Well thank you and I do have coffee and cookies. Homemade of course.” Wanda smiles, her nose wrinkling up as she does so.
“How could I say no?” You follow her to the kitchen island, sitting down while she stands across from you. Conversation flowing between you as the boys make their way out at some point asking if they could have some cookies and ice cream so they could make ice cream sandwiches. Wanda allows it and as she grabs the bowls and ice cream the boys bring their attention to you.
You give the two boys a small smile. “How do you know our mom?” Little interrogators.
“We met at work.” I tell them.
“How long have you worked together?”
“Long enough.”
“What are your intentions with our mom?” You almost choke on the cookie you were swallowing at that question.
“Tommy!” Wanda shriek's at her son. “Enough questions. Unless you don’t want cookies and ice cream?” Wanda walks over with the bowls.
“Sorry mom...” Wanda gives a cheeky grin pulling her son in, giving him a kiss on top of his head.
“I know you’re just trying to protect me, but I’m your mom. I protect you and your brother.” Wanda pulls her other son, Billy, you had learned was his name. Hugging both of them before getting the ice cream and cookies, sending them back off to the living room.
“I’m sorry about that.” Wanda apologizes and you can see the faint blush on her cheeks.
“No need. They obviously care and worry about their mother so I’m glad that I’m here. I won’t allow Natasha to break you guys apart.” You tell her, sipping on her coffee, your eyes flicking over to her and you can see the wetness in her eyes. She wants to cry, but won’t allow herself right now. She shakes her head, dismissing the tears from her eyes.
“So will you be staying? We have a guest room.”
“I will, but I probably won’t sleep.” Wanda nods in response.
“Well you can always stay in the living room?”
“I’ll need to be close to you. If they come here. They’ll come for you.” You remind her and a tint of red finds it’s way to her cheeks once again.
“Y-you can stay in my room then?” She offers and you smile with a nod.
“Are you sure you won’t sleep or change at least?” You were still dressed in a suit from work. You’d taken off your jacket, tie and vest.
“I need to be ready if she sends anyone.” You sit on the bed next to Wanda, cupping her cheek. “I promise I won’t let her do what she did to me.”
“You keep saying that, but you still seem to have a lot of humanity to you.” A small, dry chuckle leaves you.
“I didn’t let her, but I can be rather ruthless when it comes to protecting those I love and care about. You just haven’t seen it.” You look into her eyes and she’s searching yours as if they’ll answer her questions that go unspoken. “Get some rest Wanda. I’ll be here.” You let your hand slip away as you stand up, moving to the other side of her room. Looking out the window.
Wanda laid back onto the bed, taking longer than usual to sleep, but eventually it came and you smiled at her sleeping form.
“I won’t let her touch you.” You whisper before making a round around the house, checking everything once again. It was going to be a long night.
You stepped outside for a smoke, letting out a cloud when something caught your eye, just in the corner. You snap your head; gun in hand ready in an instant.
“Come out. Now.” You called and the figure came to the moonlight. Natasha. You didn’t falter though it being her threw you off and not Yelena or Kate or even Clint.
“You and I both know you won’t shoot.” Natasha says in a condescending manner. Your eyes narrow at her,
“You’re right I won’t, but not for the reason you’re assuming. I don’t want to wake up and scare the boys.” She laughs at your remark.
“Oh you’re funny Y/N. We both know you’ve never had the stomach. That’s why you ran away little girl.” You tilt your head to the side, neck cracking.
“That little girl’s gone. Honey I’ve changed so much since you last saw me.” She takes a few steps towards you.
“I think you’re in a little too deep sweetie, don’t you?” She says, but stops when you hold out the cash. “What’s that?”
“This is half of what Wanda owes you. You’re going to leave here right now with it and tomorrow I’ll give you the rest with interest and you’ll leave her alone. No more innocent lives need to ruined because of you Tasha.” She takes the money counting through it and laughs.
“You haven’t changed.” She said before turning on her heel. “Tomorrow. Noon. Our usual spot.” Once she was gone you could breath a sigh of relief as you headed back inside.
Softly carrying your tired body up the stairs. Stopping to check on the boys first before slipping into Wanda’s room. You slipped out of your pants and unbuttoned your top leaving you in just a tank top and panties.
You hadn’t shared a bed with someone since Natasha. You find yourself hesitating a moment before slipping in keeping as close to the edge with your gun just under the pillow. Wanda either had a really comfortable bed or you were just that exhausted because sleep took you almost instantly.
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cowardlybean · 2 months
my controversial take on Mob Psycho found family is that labels are unimportant
for example: Reigen canonically views Mob as a little brother, but I don’t think the feeling is exactly reciprocated. Yes, Mob views Reigen as familial, but because he sees Reigen as such a responsible figure ever since meeting him, it kind of distorts how Mob perceives Reigen’s age (Reigen’s too young to be a dad ok). I feel like Mob doesn’t have a label for what kind of family Reigen is.
Don’t get me wrong though I LOVE dad Reigen content please keep it coming I need to see more content of it always!!! I’m the biggest found family fan ok
With Dimple the same applies, he’s family just not with any traditional label you’d put on family. He’s Dimple and Reigen’s Reigen!!!!!!
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mothric · 5 months
mob psycho 100 has impressed me on multiple counts but one thing that keeps standing out to me is the way Mob fills the role of Shonen Hero.
I love me a classic shonen protag. I love the hinata shoyos and the ash ketchums and the gokus, the spunky go-getters who are a little rough around the edges but want to be The Best at the Thing, or Save the World, or Win the Championship. I also love the protags who are reluctantly shoved into the role of Hero and must stumble their way into accepting it, whether or not they actually wanted it at first.
Mob isn't any of those. he doesn't start out as a bundle of boundless energy and optimism. his goal is not to be a hero or to subvert the trope by Resisting the Call. in fact, in the beginning, there isn't a Call. there is no Grand Quest for him to set out on. he's just... a kid, who happens to have psychic powers, and his goal is just to figure out who he is and what he wants and where his place is in the world. that's his hero's journey, really.
Mob doesn't come prepackaged with ambition; he has to work to unearth it. he has to figure out that he has any agency in the first place, and then use that agency to figure out what he wants. he has to handpick his own goals, and he has to choose growth. and he does choose growth, over and over. that in itself is a heroic feat. man, there are whole adults who won't do the internal work this kid does to figure himself out and adapt to new information! we constantly see him meet people who act and think so differently from him, and really think about the things they say and do, and learn something valuable in the process. we continually see him waking up to various aspects of himself, and clarifying his convictions, and adapting the ways he moves through the world, and taking on a more solid shape as a person. we continually see him choosing.
his growth is so organic, and natural, and marked by an increasing sense of self-possession, that by the time he gets to do Big Impressive Heroic Shonen Things, it feels earned. Mob Shigeo Kageyama has come into himself, and he must face some truly terrifying things, but he reaches out to meet them with both hands because he's already learned to meet his own personal challenges and the people in his life in the same way.
Mob doesn't start out as a Shonen Hero, but by the end of season 2 he IS one, because he earned it. he chose it, worked for it, grew into it, and it looks incredible on him.
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rockmonopoly · 8 months
I’m being contacted by spirits
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acepsychic100 · 2 years
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Ok so i'm catching up on @homosexual-fanfiction 's serirei fic 'The negligible self' and I just can't stop drawing these two because how much I enjoy the writing in it.....
Anyways after reading the scene in chapter 7 I couldn't help but think of a moment where Serizawa's patience actually snapped a little lol
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the-final-sif · 1 year
I think we should pick penguins for the minecraft mob vote because they speed up boat travel and that's going to be extremely funny.
A very popular method of travel is ice roads on the nether roof traversed by boat, and penguins would increase boat speed, this would logically lead to people luring penguins into the nether and trapping massive numbers of penguins alongside their ice roads to speed up their roads. Creating a horribly unethical method of travel fueled by trapping penguins in hell.
I think this would be incredibly funny and we should all work to make it happen.
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fokron · 6 months
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pk-freezer-burnt · 1 year
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jadeacereigen · 1 year
Losing my shit at the Reigen screencaps the official MP100 Twitter chose for his birthday post
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It's either him being gross or lame or full of relief that he won't starve to death all alone in a hell dimension
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doctorsiren · 1 month
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Vacuum-sealed away forever (at least until I move into my dorm Thursday night)
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