#Mochi's otome reviews
otome-mochi · 2 years
I am alive my Mochlings! I'm so sorry for being away so long, life is just life!
New reviews will be on the way! But for now check out my poll I have up! I'm really interested in what you guys think!
I've also made some edits to a few posts so don't fear, I'm not going anywhere! Also there is a link on my pinned post for my lovely mobile Mochlings who need to access the about Mochi page!
See you soon!
Mochi out!
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otome-mochi · 2 years
Mochi here! Recently got some physical games for my systems and I'm interested in what you all use to play?
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otome-mochi · 2 years
Meet Sota, your new boyfriend! Mochi’s Otome Reviews/Updates:  シチュエーションカレシ
Hello, my dearest darling Mochlings, It has been so long! 
I hope you are all doing well and staying healthy! I missed you! (´。• ω •。`)
Today will be a very short update/review on シチュエーションカレシ or if you remember Situation Boyfriend! The Not Otome *Wink* with their newest boyfriend available to swoon your beautiful ears! 
So a little background for all of those who may have never read my original review or any of my later updates, シチュエーションカレシ or Situation Boyfriend is not really a game but a sound experience with several boyfriend options to capture your heart and bring love to your ears. Sounds fun right? 
Our newest boyfriend is the Nosy but Adorable Boyfriend. He is voiced by Voice Actor, Nogami Sho
and the Character Profile is... 
Name: Sota
Age: 17
Personality: (from what I could read) he is described as energetic and bubbly.
Here is his profile picture!
Isn’t he cute?
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When you first access him it will open 19 tracks in one voice pack titled “Going home from school” with 5 other voice packs locked for purchase or using coins.
In my opinion I feel clingy is more appropriate than nosy but either way Sota is very cute and I do enjoy Nogami’s voice. 
The going home from school pack is very casual conversation and easy on the ears, I quite like it! I may try the other pack options at a later time. 
Have you listened to Sota? Do you like Nogami Sho’s voice acting? Let me know! I’d love to hear what you think!
That’s all for this update! 
-Mochi out!
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otome-mochi · 3 years
🌸 Mochi's Otome Reviews 🌸 3-year Anniversary!
Hi Mochlings! 
So apparently this blog is now 3 years old! I didn’t have anything special planned but I did want to say thank you for all the love this past 3 years, I never really thought about an anniversary before but I never planned on making an Otome blog! 
3 years ago I made this blog just to share my love for different otome games and have a space to talk about it, I usually just play them in my free time and I wanted to share it with not only my friends but with others as well. 
It mostly started when I noticed a lot of titles that I enjoyed didn’t have very much discussion around it or not a very large following. I wanted to find out if anyone liked them just as much as I did! My very first post ended up being when Voltage decided to transfer to Love 365 and get rid of Sweet cafe!  (*≧▽≦)ノシ))
I’m sorry this post is all over the place but I’m very grateful! (‐^▽^‐)
 Overall I just want to say thank you, for kind words, suggestions and just enjoying my posts. 
Here’s to another 3 years!
-Mochi out!
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otome-mochi · 4 years
About Mochi!
(Mobile Post version!)
Hello there! Welcome to my blog! I’m Mochi and I have been an Otome player since 2012. Now you may ask, what is Otome? Well Otome, Otoge or “Maiden Games” are story-based games, also referred to as visual novels in some areas, where the objective is you, the MC, fall in love with characters of that game. There are many types of Otome in many different genres, such as Fantasy, Sengoku, Modern, etc. . If you are an active Otome player and need new suggestions, then welcome! If you are new to the Otome world and don’t know where to start, well look no further and welcome as well! My blog is for all Otome players whether you are an experienced player or a beginner. I review different companies such as, Voltage Inc., Cybird, NTT Solmare, etc.  If you have suggestions for a review either a game or a character of a game I’ve covered before, send me a message in my Request/Question tab. If you have any questions about Otome in particular or any of the games I review feel free to ask also in my Request/Question tab! Thanks for stopping by, come back soon. Happy playing! ^_^  
*Note: When sending a request or question please label it in the text box. It makes it easier for me to sort through and answer questions as quickly as possible and to check games for reviewing. Much appreciated!
Ex. Request: (Name of Game), (Name of Character) / (Name of Game), (Game Company)
Ex. Question: What is Otome?
*Masterlist Update!
Hello Dear Mochlings!
I wanted to update you on on a Masterlist I created. It can be found as a separate tab under the updates tab. I have sorted just my reviews and walkthroughs there in their separate titles and company names for ease of search. Updates and appreciation posts and request posts will still be under their respective tabs!
-Mochi ^_^
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otome-mochi · 3 years
Not your average slice of life... Otome Reviews: Dark Nights by Pinlin
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Hello Mochlings!
Mochi here with a new review!
Awhile back in January a kind Anon left a request for this game Dark Nights by Pinlin. I decided to check it out and give a review!
Firstly, this game is rated 16+, for violence, (mild) blood, etc. 
It is a free game on PC but you can pay to support the creator and there is a sound track that can be purchased for $10.
In the description this game is described to have 4 total routes and they each have a unique storyline along with 16 possible endings, 4 for each storyline.
   The main cast includes:  Zeikun, Junoru, Sachiro, Kurato, and the MC who can be renamed at the beginning of the game.
Synopsis time!
“You live in a small, peaceful village. Every day is the same as any other; boring. Right when you wish for something exciting to happen, strange things start to occur, stemming from the nearby forest. If that isn't enough, the locals have begun disappearing. At the same time you meet four mysterious guys. Will you discover the truth before becoming the next target?”
Now onto the prologue, which is set over seven days!
MC is a student, who feels that everyday is the same pattern over and over, she goes to school, comes home and it repeats. She quietly wishes that something different would happen. On her way to school she passes and old run down mansion, She has always seemed to admire it and tends to pass by it on her was to class. However on day she notices a shadow of a person in one of the windows, wanting to investigate she decides to come back later.  After school (and a long nap in class) she is followed by a first year who asks her to be his girlfriend, MC refuses as he begins to make her uncomfortable but after kneeing him in the gut, he take the hint and runs off. 
Some time passes and the class is going on a field trip to the local forest for a nature study, MC with her two friends Ikuya and Lioji,  the latter who is the class president. They discuss among themselves about the recent  missing person cases and how dangerous it it to be in the forest. Ikuya has heard rumors that there are monsters in the forest who have been taking the missing tourists but Lioji thinks otherwise and asks their teacher about the rumors, which gets brushed off as fairytales to scare people. The trio decide to explore a bit, much to Ikuya’s protests, and they go farther from their class to a nearby river and find some rocks to sit on and take a breather. MC notices a cave farther ahead and goes to check it out. Going in she walks down the long corridor but gets  lost in the sudden twists, for a moment she panics then a shadow appears, thinking it’s someone prowling around the cave she yells, only for the figure to be a young man, who isn’t quite happy being screamed at. He asks MC if she’s a tourist which catches her attention and she questions him but he ignores her and drags her out of the cave and tells her to stay away as she is on private property. She grumbles about his attitude while she  finds her way back to her friends and they resume to talk amongst themselves  as the trip comes to an end. 
Returning home MC remembers she was going to investigate the old mansion and decided to head out, she goes to the old house and watches for awhile until she notices someone siting by the fountain in the courtyard, she notices his uniform and wonders if he is one of her school’s elite students as they have a different uniform, approaching him, he becomes startled but soon begins talking  to MC and shows her the garden behind the house, he seems to know quite a bit about it but when MC begins to question him he stops talking and they wish each other goodnight, she however returns to ask for his name and is surprised that he has disappeared. 
Strange encounters don’t stop there, MC takes a walk to the local park, early the next morning and takes a seat on a nearby bench, a boy passes by and asks if she knows where the haunted house is, she is confused by his sudden request and he runs off mumbling how he needs to find it. She decided to read the book she brought along with her, given to her by Ikuya but then rain starts coming down and she has to go home but the boy from earlier in on the path, passed out. She quickly helps him up and guides him to a near by tree to shield them from the rain. The boy comes to and for a moment is frantic with apologies, but calms down soon after and speaks with MC some more, he introduces himself as Sachiro and thanks MC for her help. She says she can take him to the haunted house the next time she sees him as they both want to get out of the rain. 
Returning home, MC finishes up some homework she let pile up but has trouble focusing on her work and focuses on the strange encounters she has had recently. She decided to take a rest and lies down for a while, that is until someone knock...on her window (>_>)! She sees a guy waving at her and he pleads with her to be let in. She ignores him and calls him the worst burglar to think she would be stupid enough to let a stranger into her house.  The knocking stops and she doesn't see him anymore, she goes to take another look from her downstairs window, looking up, she doesn’t  see anyone on the side of the house, so he didn’t fall off. Confused but indifferent she goes back to her room, only for the ‘Burglar’ to be inside. He says he found another window and asks MC if he could stay and obviously she says no and proceeds to start throwing thing at him to get him out, he says he knows her but he leaves again from her window. 
In class the next morning she ponders the strange people she’s met the past few days only for Ikuya to interrupt her thoughts and they begin to discuss the old mansion again. Ikuya asks if she heard the rumors about the recent murder and how the townspeople are accusing the new residents in the village and how it isn’t fair to the newer people. Lioji thinks otherwise and says it’s quite possible, he ask the two if they’ve seen any suspicious people recently as he is helping with the case by gathering a list of new people in the area, MC agrees to tell if she’s seen anything and goes back home. It dawns on her that the four strangers she’s met are people she has never seen before in the village and decides to investigate one of them. 
And that’s the end of the prologue!
After that the choice for a character starts and you can choose one of the 4 to start their route:
Zeikun the stranger from the cave
 Junoru the boy near the mansion 
Sachiro the boy after the haunted house
and  Kurato the supposed ‘Burglar’
Let me just say the art is fantastic, clean lines and expressive faces, there are subtle eye movements that help convey emotion which is always good, I personally find it hard to get into a game if the character’s have the same expression throughout the whole game, a bit hard to take a character seriously if the script says they’re yelling but they have a smile plastered to their face. To add on to the art the CG’s are really nice as well! The gallery to find them later is also a nice touch!  The creator has a good storyline going with a mystery type otome and I like the ‘more than what’s on the surface’ approach, Pinlin keep doing what your doing! 
I’ll be honest I didn’t care for the MC at first especially in the prologue, I interpreted her as very bitter but she did grow on me as I played longer and her character has a very curious spirit, but if she didn’t we wouldn’t have a great story! Did I already say I really like the art??? 
I also found Pinlin’s tumblr blog with information about the game, I have it linked at the top so go check it out! (Watch out for spoilers! o_<) With roughly 10 hours of game play in the games description this is a game you can definitely take some time to enjoy and you can always save to come back later!
Until my next review Mochlings! 
-Mochi Out!
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otome-mochi · 5 years
About Mochi!
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Requests🍡: Closed
Asks🍡: Closed
{On Hiatus}
Hello Hello! Welcome my Dear Mochling... My name is Mochi and welcome to my blog! 
This pinned post will be my introduction as well as my request information. 
So...Hi there! I’m Mochi and I am an avid Otome Game player and have played various games over various platforms for several years! I decided to create this blog to review titles and just gush about the genre in general I review a lot of mobile titles but I will do physical ones when I get them so feel free to ask I may have played it!
If you are an active Otome player and need new suggestions, then welcome! If you are new to the Otome world and don’t know where to start, well look no further and welcome as well! My blog is for all Otome players whether you are an experienced player or a beginner. I review different companies such as, Voltage Inc., Cybird, NTT Solmare, etc.  If you have suggestions for a review either a game or a character of a game I’ve covered before, send me a message! I love messages! 
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Here is a link to my offical About Mochi Tab if you are on mobile! If you are on desktop click the button on the side of the webpage version! 
Stay Awhile! Happy Playing! 
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-About requests!-
Hello, my wonderful Otome players! Mochi here! I wanted to let you all know that I am taking requests for Otome games. Feel free to share your favorites or any ones that you are interested in. I’ll only be taking app requests as that’s what I can currently play in a possible time crunch. If you have a preferred company/companies’ game that your interested in I’ll look into it!  I will be using the tag #Mochi’s Requests so they can be found on my blog so feel free to send me a message!
ps. refer to the “About Mochi’s otome” tab on how to send me your requests!
Also the super cute banners are by @leafsea !
-Mochi Out!
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otome-mochi · 3 years
Starting Fresh...With 4 new Step-Brothers!? Mochi’s Otome reviews: Oto X Suku- Otouto Scramble 1 Remake Version
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Ugh...I’m getting Brothers Conflict vibes but it’s only 4 instead of 13!!!
Hello Mochlings, Mochi is here with a new review on the newly released Oto X Suku- Otouto Scramble 1  Remake which is now a standalone and also available on the Otomania app. If you read my last update on the MyDrama app being discontinued this was once a title on that app before it’s remake. This title has gone through a lot of changes over time from the original standalone to the making of season 2, to being moved onto to my drama and now the remake version as I said above. 
Synopsis time!
Your plate is full as a freshman, but when your mother remarries it rocks your world. What happens when three sons from the Osaka family fall head-over-heels for you? Will you be able to fill your role as a big sister, or will you be swept away by love? 
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Now onto the first chapter, 
MC is a college freshman, around the age of 18-19, living at home, one morning while sitting with her mother, mom decided to spill the beans that she is remarrying, Much to MC’s surprise! Her mother had been dating for awhile and now the happy couple is ready to tie the knot, here’s the catch she will now have 4 younger step brothers. Her Mother whisks her away to meet the new family, first she meet Ryo, the husband to be and new stepfather, then Hikaru the playful youngest brother, Itsuki the kind eldest, Akane,2nd eldest and total tsundere and finally Izumi 3rd eldest,who appears to rather quiet. While they get sort of acquainted, mostly it is just Itsuki showing MC around the house, MC is trying to take all of this in and soon after the next transition, the wedding has happened and mom and MC have moved in the Osaka home, with much awkwardness underway. It happens all to fast!
Now to avoid too many spoilers we will stop here. 
There have been many changes to the characters  and story in comparison to their original versions right down to the backgrounds used for the house. 
Firstly, Ryo and MC’s mom don’t leave on a work trip right away leaving the siblings to squabble and work through the character development issues and MC is now a freshman rather than about to graduate and work as a teacher.  
Itsuki- Other than the slight change of his personality being a bit more emotional, which honestly could be a good thing, he appears to be the same.
Akane- while being a tsundere hot head he was very brash and loud now he seems to open up to MC a lot quicker than before, although in the beginning he did get loud and accidentally hurt MC which may be alluding to his sudden mellowness.
Izumi- he has the most dramatic change overall, from be the quiet, grumpy studious type, he is now more bitter and angry(with a reason). They also made him a gamer now? I recall him saying he didn’t care for games before... oh well ¯\_ಠ_ಠ_/¯
Hikaru- While still being sweet he is a lot more sassy and sasses Akane. Before when Akane was rude he would get angry and cry but now he talks back to him! Though he does cry at times. 。:゚(≧∇≦)゚・。They also made him a little bit older than before.
One major change is that they have removed Hikaru from the character options which I really don’t mind too much as I never played it and He was wayyyyy to young! That in particular is one reason why people did not like this title, it just made it feel really creepy, personally I think Izumi is also very very young but it also seems like they changed his age a bit? Not too sure on that yet...they don’t say much about it in the first few chapters and it isn’t in the  game description. A bit creepy personally but if they made Hikaru older than I can only assume they made them all at least a year or 2 older.  
Like other titles in the Otomania app you play through, make choices and spend rubies on your favorite characters options...or not …then you choose one of the guys for the ending sequence. Very similar to my other reviews on title in this application.  
The blended family and Secret love trope is not new to otome titles so either some will love it and some won’t. Personally I’m not too sure yet, I guess we’ll see as I wasn’t too sure when I played the older versions. 
Do you like the newer version or do you miss one of the old ones? Let me know and let’s discuss! 
Until next time Mochlings! 
-Mochi Out!
*Edit!: I've been meaning to update this but thank you @catherinec35 for the ages of the characters! it seems then that the ages did change by about a year, except for Hikaru who they aged a lot more from the looks of it and since there is a 3 year flash forward that takes away the idea of a separate season 2!
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otome-mochi · 4 years
Make your choice! Otome Walkthrough: Nocturne of Nightmares. *Spoiler choices included-Please Read below!*
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Hello Mochlings! Mochi here!
Here is  a walkthrough for choices for the game, crossroad points as well as the ruby choices. 
As I said in my previous review on this game which you will find here 
--->Nocturne of Nightmares Review!
There are important crossroad choices that will determine if you make it or make a bad choice and have to go back, I will have spoilers for choices as well, and I will have them in 2 parts
Part 1. Just the choices, no spoilers
Part 2. Choices and whether it was a good choice or bad choice
I will also put what amount of rubies is required the obtain that choice in both parts but part 2 will tell you who the choice is for( unless the name is in the choice). Let’s get started!
Chapter 1
Choice 1: Call out to him.
Choice 2: Shake him.
Choice 1: Ask him how he knew that.
Choice 2: Keep Quiet
3) Crossroad
Choice 1: Ignore Thoma
Choice 2: Stop and listen
Chapter 2
Choice 1: Ask about Monica
Choice 2: Don’t ask
Choice 1: Say Hi to Ray
Choice 2: Say hi to Subaru
Choice 3: Say hi to Thoma
Choice 1: Ray, you’re a genius!
Choice 2: Will these work?
4) Ruby Choice!
Choice 1: Go with Ray (x24)
Choice 2: Turn down his offer
Choice 1: Continue to look into his eyes
Choice 2: Shake off his hand
Chapter 3
Choice 1: Apologize
Choice 2: Ask
2) Ruby Choice!
Choice 1: Go with Subaru (x24)
Choice 2: Turn down his offer
Choice 1: Tug at his sleeve
Choice 2: Ignore him
4) Ruby Choice
Choice 1:Stay with Ray (x27)
Choice 2: Go back inside
Choice 1: Ask Subaru to join
Choice 2: Look at Subaru
Chapter 4
Choice 1: What time did you come to the plaza?
Choice 2: Did you go to the wrong plaza?
Choice 1: Go after Licht. (x27)
Choice 2: Don’t go after him.
3) Ruby Choice
Choice 1: Do as he says (x26)
Choice 2: Pull away from him
Choice 1: Close my eyes.
Choice 2: Watch.
Choice 1: Keep walking
Choice 2: Reach out my hand
Chapter 5
Choice 1: Let him go.
Choice 2: Keep holding him.
Choice 1: Ask him.
Choice 2: Stay quiet.
3) Ruby Choice 
Choice 1: Go inside anyway.(x27)
Choice 2: Hesitate.
4) Ruby Choice
Choice 1: Ask Ray to stay (x27)
Choice 2: Don’t stop him
Chapter 6
Choice 1: Don’t move
Choice 2: Move away
Choice 1: Tease Him
Choice 2: Apologize
Choice 1: Push Him
Choice 2: Ask Him
4) Ruby choice
Choice 1: Ask Thoma about his true feelings(x25)
Choice 2: Don’t pursue it
5) Ruby Choice
Choice 1: Close my eyes (x27)
Choice 2: Avert my gaze 
Chapter 7
Choice 1: Go back
Choice 2: Go Inside
Choice 1: Don’t pursue it.
Choice 2: Interrogate him.
Choice 1: Confess my feelings.
Choice 2:Change the Subject.
4) Ruby choice
Choice 1: Take Ray’s hand and wait for him to calm down (x26)
Choice 2: Try to encourage him.
Choice 1: Pull on Ray’s hand
Choice 2: Ask Thoma 
Chapter 8
Choice 1: Scream at the woman
Choice 2: Try to protect Young Ray
2) Crossroads!
Choice 1: Shield Thoma
Choice 2: Look away
Choice 3: Distract the monster
3) Ruby choice
Choice 1: Move closer to Thoma (x26)
Choice 2: Tell him not to speak
4) Ruby Choice
Choice 1: Hold Ray Tightly (x27)
Choice 2: Do nothing
Chapter 9
Choice 1: Thank him
Choice 2: Take it off
Choice 1: Avert my gaze
Choice 2: Say Something
Choice 1: Defend Subaru
Choice 2: Go with Ray
4) Ruby Choice
Choice 1: Kiss Subaru (x25)
Choice 2: Shake off his hand
Chapter 10
Choice 1: it’s terrible
Choice 2: say nothing
2) Ruby choice
Choice 1: Hug Licht back (x24)
Choice 2: Pull away
3) Ruby Choice
Choice 1: I won’t abandon you (x27)
Choice 2: Nothing comes to mind
Chapter 11
Choice 1:Open the door
Choice 2: Refuse
2) Crossroad
Choice 1:L0129
Choice 2: L1029
Choice 3: L0119
3) Ruby choice
Choice 1: Go with the flow (x28)
Choice 2: Hurry and stand up
Choice 1: Read the letter 
Choice 2: Don’t read it
Chapter 12
Choice 1: Ask what to do next.
Choice 2: Suggest what to do next.
Choice 1: Touch the wall.
Choice 2: Knock on the wall to check.
Choice 1: Ask him what’s up
Choice 2: Observe
Choice 1: Ask about the diary 
Choice 2: Take the Diary 
5) Ruby choice
Choice 1: Stay by Subaru’s side (x26)
Choice 2: Refuse
Chapter 13
Choice 1: Grip his hand.
Choice 2: Get up.
2) Ruby Choice
Choice 1: Jump up and give Licht a hug (x27)
Choice 2: Hold back the urge
Choice 1: Tug on his sleeve
Choice 2: Stay quiet 
4) Ruby choice
Choice 1: It’s okay to cry (x27)
Choice 2: ...
Chapter 14
Choice 1: Call out to him
Choice 2: Move
2) Ruby choice
Choice 1: Even if you hate your eye, I’ll love it for you. (x28)
Choice 2: Say nothing 
3)Ruby choice
Choice 1: Pat his head (x25)
Choice 2: Change the subject
Choice 1: Hold his hand
Choice 2: Stay by his side
Choice 1: Hug him 
Choice 2: Pat him on the back
6) Crossroads
Choice 1: Turn around and run away
Choice 2: Pull Licht along and run away
Choice 3: Stay with Licht
Chapter 15- The Endings! 
1 Spoiler
2 Spoiler
3 Spoiler
Part 2
Chapter 1
Choice 1: Call out to him.
Choice 2: Shake him.
Choice 1: Ask him how he knew that.
Choice 2: Keep Quiet
3) Crossroad
Choice 1: Ignore Thoma- Bad choice (MC Dies)
Choice 2: Stop and listen- Good Choice
Chapter 2
Choice 1: Ask about Monica
Choice 2: Don’t ask
Choice 1: Say Hi to Ray
Choice 2: Say hi to Subaru
Choice 3: Say hi to Thoma
Choice 1: Ray, you’re a genius!
Choice 2: Will these work?
4) Ruby Choice!
Choice 1: Go with Ray (x24)- Ray
Choice 2: Turn down his offer
Choice 1: Continue to look into his eyes
Choice 2: Shake off his hand
Chapter 3
Choice 1: Apologize
Choice 2: Ask
2) Ruby Choice!
Choice 1: Go with Subaru (x24)-Subaru
Choice 2: Turn down his offer
Choice 1: Tug at his sleeve
Choice 2: Ignore him
4) Ruby Choice
Choice 1:Stay with Ray (x27)-Ray
Choice 2: Go back inside
Choice 1: Ask Subaru to join
Choice 2: Look at Subaru
Chapter 4
Choice 1: What time did you come to the plaza?
Choice 2: Did you go to the wrong plaza?
Choice 1: Go after Licht. (x27)
Choice 2: Don’t go after him.
3) Ruby Choice
Choice 1: Do as he says (x26)-Subaru
Choice 2: Pull away from him
Choice 1: Close my eyes.
Choice 2: Watch.
Choice 1: Keep walking
Choice 2: Reach out my hand
Chapter 5
Choice 1: Let him go.
Choice 2: Keep holding him.
Choice 1: Ask him.
Choice 2: Stay quiet.
3) Ruby Choice
Choice 1: Go inside anyway.(x27)- Licht
Choice 2: Hesitate.
4) Ruby Choice
Choice 1: Ask Ray to stay (x27)
Choice 2: Don’t stop him
Chapter 6
Choice 1: Don’t move
Choice 2: Move away
Choice 1: Tease Him
Choice 2: Apologize
Choice 1: Push Him
Choice 2: Ask Him
4) Ruby choice
Choice 1: Ask Thoma about his true feelings(x25)
Choice 2: Don’t pursue it
5) Ruby Choice
Choice 1: Close my eyes (x27)- Subaru
Choice 2: Avert my gaze
Chapter 7
Choice 1: Go back
Choice 2: Go Inside
Choice 1: Don’t pursue it.
Choice 2: Interrogate him.
Choice 1: Confess my feelings.
Choice 2:Change the Subject.
4) Ruby choice
Choice 1: Take Ray’s hand and wait for him to calm down (x26)
Choice 2: Try to encourage him.
Choice 1: Pull on Ray’s hand
Choice 2: Ask Thoma
Chapter 8
Choice 1: Scream at the woman
Choice 2: Try to protect Young Ray
2) Crossroads!
Choice 1: Shield Thoma- Bad choice-(MC Dies)
Choice 2: Look away- Bad choice- (Ray can’t accept?(Possible death)- Thoma Dies)
Choice 3: Distract the monster- Continue the story-(Thoma Dies)
3) Ruby choice
Choice 1: Move closer to Thoma (x26)
Choice 2: Tell him not to speak
4) Ruby Choice
Choice 1: Hold Ray Tightly (x27)
Choice 2: Do nothing
Chapter 9
Choice 1: Thank him
Choice 2: Take it off
Choice 1: Avert my gaze
Choice 2: Say Something
Choice 1: Defend Subaru
Choice 2: Go with Ray
4) Ruby Choice
Choice 1: Kiss Subaru (x25)
Choice 2: Shake off his hand
Chapter 10
Choice 1: it’s terrible
Choice 2: say nothing
2) Ruby Choice
Choice 1: Hug Licht back (x24)
Choice 2: Pull away
3) Ruby choice
Choice 1: I won’t abandon you (x27)- Licht
Choice 2: Nothing comes to mind
Chapter 11
Choice 1:Open the door
Choice 2: Refuse
2) Crossroad
Choice 1:L0129- (Door opens)- Good choice
Choice 2: L1029-(Door locks-Trapped in the nightmare world)- Bad choice
Choice 3: L0119- ( Door locks)-Bad choice
3) Ruby choice
Choice 1: Go with the flow (x28)- Ray
Choice 2: Hurry and stand up
Choice 1: Read the letter
Choice 2: Don’t read it
Chapter 12
Choice 1: Ask what to do next.
Choice 2: Suggest what to do next.
Choice 1: Touch the wall.
Choice 2: Knock on the wall to check.
Choice 1: Ask him what’s up
Choice 2: Observe
Choice 1: Ask about the diary
Choice 2: Take the Diary
5) Ruby choice
Choice 1: Stay by Subaru’s side (x26)
Choice 2: Refuse
Chapter 13
Choice 1: Grip his hand.
Choice 2: Get up.
2) Ruby Choice
Choice 1: Jump up and give Licht a hug (x27)
Choice 2: Hold back the urge
Choice 1: Tug on his sleeve
Choice 2: Stay quiet
4) Ruby choice
Choice 1: It’s okay to cry (x27)-Subaru
Choice 2: ...
Chapter 14
Choice 1: Call out to him
Choice 2: Move
2) Ruby choice
Choice 1: Even if you hate your eye, I’ll love it for you. (x28)- Subaru
Choice 2: Say nothing
3)Ruby choice
Choice 1: Pat his head (x25)- Ray
Choice 2: Change the subject
Choice 1: Hold his hand
Choice 2: Stay by his side
Choice 1: Hug him
Choice 2: Pat him on the back
6) Crossroads
Choice 1: Turn around and run away- (Monster eats Licht and MC)- Bad choice
Choice 2: Pull Licht along and run away- (Monster eats Licht and kills MC)- Bad choice
Choice 3: Stay with Licht- Good Choice
Chapter 15- The Endings!
1 Ray
2 Subaru
3 Licht
Congrats! You’ve made it to the end! Who did you choose?
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otome-mochi · 3 years
Sweet Like...Chocolate! Mochi’s Otome Reviews: Chocolate Temptation
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Hello Mochlings!
Mochi is here with a new review! Yay!
Today’s review is on Ciagram’s Chocolate temptation which is available as a standalone and on the L.O.G collection app that I reviewed before and if you haven’t read it, here it is! ----> L.O.G Review! 
Currently I have been playing it on L.O.G as everything is compiled together so let’s get started!
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Synopsis time!
"Somewhere on earth, you can find the legendary chocolates of happiness, which bring happiness to anyone who eats them..." My dad used to tell me that fairy tale before I went to sleep... You have been selected to compile a mook about chocolate, which you love so much. The place that you decide to interview for the mook is the very popular chocolate shop in Omotesando: L'ecrin. Waiting for you there is an exciting new life where you live with the shop's handsome chocolatiers!?”
Well that sounds lovely! And for anyone wondering Omotesando is an actual neighborhood in Japan ( And apparently very expensive!) 
So from the official synopsis we get a chunk of the story and onto the prologue,
 MC is an employee in a company called Takarabune, which means Treasure Ship, working in the editorial department for a fashion magazine. We learn right away that she loves chocolate and often thinks about the story her dad used to tell her, of the chocolates of Happiness. Her coworker and Friend Yuri decides to surprise her with a box of chocolate as she is working overtime. The chocolate is from the Shop: L’ecrin, which I found a rough translation to mean the little box or the little jewelry box. MC marvels at the box and comment how the chocolate looks like gems(I guess the name fits then!) and wishes she could write a piece in a magazine on chocolate but she and Yuri comment that it is only wishful thinking...That is until it becomes a reality, several days later, her boss choses her to write a mook, which is a type of magazine that will stay on shelves much longer like a published book, entirely about chocolate and the focus of the mook will be on that shop that gave MC the wishful thought. 
We then proceed to another point of view, into the L’ecrin shop, where we meet 4 characters, Ibuki, Junshirou, Mitsuki and Jin Aoi, all workers and brothers of the shop talking among themselves with Junshirou crying out as the others are busy that they need to hire a part-timer...(Hmm...I smell Foreshadowing~ alright alright...I’ll stop..) It then cuts to MC’s Pov again where she is at the front of the shop taking it all in as she remembers the shop has only been open for around a year and a half but has a sudden rise in popularity and that they have been denying interview requests and MC’s request was no different but it was something about the chocolate she ate that night that convinced her that there is something special about this shop and she wants to somehow convince them. Of course in her inner monologue she looks pretty strange standing outside the front door, (darn inner monologues...) Jun or Junshirou notices her and tells her she doesn’t need to stand outside in the dark they’re still open for orders and happily nudges her inside. Jin however isn’t happy calling out to Jun that the shop is closed and with Mitsuki and Ibuki both saying it’s fine. MC gets a word in and says that she isn’t a customer, to their confusion, she quickly apologizes for coming so late and presents her business card and explains that she only wanted to interview them. Ibuki looks at her card then remembers she called.
 Jin flatly declares that no, they will not be doing any interviews, ever. He shoves her out the door and locks it, telling her every offer from multiple magazine companies was always the same and she is no different, with the others apologizing, they quickly lower the blinds. MC is of course quite upset as it starts pouring rain and she looks mindlessly at the shops door wondering what she should do now since they rejected her. The boys, now leaving the shop, from the back and walking home talk, mostly Jun and Mitsuki wondering if Jin was too harsh to just throw her out, he only retorts that she gave up (so he thinks!)  and she’ll find some other shop to pester but Mitsuki quickly notices as they leave that she’s still by the front door. 
MC, still getting soaked by the rain,  is determined to convince them but now that she’s freezing cold decides to not stay out any longer and and turns only for an umbrella to hover over her, Ibuki, came back and questions why she’s trying so hard to interview them, so much as to stand out in the rain. (It seems she had piqued his interest?) They invite her in from the rain to only hear her out since they realize her determination. Once inside and offered a towel to dry her hair she explains of her last project, the one where she was working overtime and how her friend bought her a box of chocolate to cheer her up, she loved how they tasted, she felt happy and her fatigue disappeared. She wanted everyone to know about this shop. They all look at her and ponder with Jin finally sighing that they’ll let her interview them, impressed by her stubbornness,  but only on one condition that she works in the shop for a total of 3 months to learn the basics of their shop... and that she can stay in their guest room as an employee, since they live in a house behind the shop. These are the conditions for their interview. 
Jun attempts to convince her that she’ll have total coverage of their work as an employee, which seals the deal, plus the fact that she mentions that she never really goes home anyway(That’s actually really sad by the way.) and decides to take on their offer. They invite her to their home and show her where she can stay much to Jin’s dismay as he probably didn’t expect her to actually want to take the job. The others are quite happy and give her a cup of hot chocolate to warm her up while Ibuki explains that she has to wake up early the next morning to start helping, cheerfully nodding she says she understands, only for her vision to cloud over and she starts to fall( I guess the rain finally caught up to her... … … I hope no one got burnt from that falling hot chocolate...) and someone catches her...but who? 
And That’s the prologue!
In the L.O.G app you can choose 3 out of 4 of the brothers
Ibuki Aoi- the eldest
Jin Aoi- 2nd eldest
Mitsuki Aoi- 3rd eldest
since it is in the L.O.G app it works the same way as the others with the hearts resetting at Midnight (JST) and the option to earn fragments to make hearts by watching ads. Also! There are 3 side stories included in the side story section that can be unlocked with ads as well. 
Each of the guys has a different number of chapters
Ibuki- 22 chapters
        - 2 happy chapters
        - 9 super happy chapters
and a season 2 with 36 chapters
Jin- 26 chapters
     - 2 happy chapters
     - 13 super happy chapters
and 36 season two chapters
Mitsuki- 26 chapters
           - 2 happy chapters
           - 11 super happy chapters
and also with 36 season 2 chapters
So far I actually like this title, I finished Mitsuki’s route including his season 2 and playing through Ibuki’s season 2 at the moment. It has its usual otome tropes with things like the other love interest, and the secret photo taken  but overall is a very sweet story, no pun intended! Once I finish Jin’s route I will edit this and write my full thoughts in a new post! 
Have you played this title? Who did you choose?  ☆~(ゝ。∂)
-Mochi out!
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otome-mochi · 3 years
Well we got an update!  Mochi’s Otome Reviews: Otomania!
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Hello Hello Mochlings!
sooooo I realized I never posted my thoughts on Otomania other than my mini update on it awhile back which I have a link to here for your eyeballs to enjoy-> Otomania. Plus my constant updates but hey let’s make it official! \|  ̄ヘ ̄|/
 Alright! So I do have quite a backlog of reviews, so word of advice to you my dear mochling... Do not be like Mochi okay? Do not play so many otome at one time :D  but if you want to...
Anywho! I decided to post this since the My drama update I last posted and since Otomania just had some updates I figured it would be a good time to sort everything out and yes to my requests that I had, I will be getting that out I did not forget about you! 
So Otomania is a collection app by Genius inc. in which they have compiled their games into an easy way to play! Since the my drama app has been discontinued last month they have been moving titles around and remaking some into a new format. My Elemental Prince for example, some titles that were moved I discovered have removed a character or two from the original line up in my drama! So I mean it went from 4 to 3 or 5 to 4? Anyone know if they had more that 4 or 5 characters? 
So titles are separated by sections like Fantasy, Action, Drama, etc. and there is a New! category right at the top. It also displays your most recent titles with your current one on the top half of the screen. 
It runs on a ticket system with 2 ticket roughly generating every 4 hours and you can make choices with gems like other Genius inc. titles. You can also earn tickets and sometimes gems with daily challenges and to find then it’s under a little present icon on the right corner of the screen and monthly challenges under the profile section in achievements! 
Apparently there is a way to earn points to redeem gems but I still haven’t figured that out, there’s a button for ads but no ads ever come up... 「(゚ペ)..? I guess I have to keep trying that... for now... On occasion there are gem events but they don’t happen often. 
For the most part everything is neatly laid out and easy to find and there is a search bar if you can’t find a title on the main menu. 
I also love the little hearts that appear when you tap on the screen, so cute!
I do like this title and I have a lot of fun with it! 
There are some titles that are funny though (๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑) I think I spent more time laughing at some than actually reading it because of my giggles at the one liners...
What’s your favorite title mochlings? I’d love to hear about it!
-Mochi Out!
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otome-mochi · 3 years
Vampires? Greatest men in history!?... Never saw that coming. Mochi’s Otome Reviews: Ikemen Vampire
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 Hello! Mochi’s back! 
Today we are talking about a game I came across while playing another Otome game called Electronic Emotions...(Which I have now reviewed and posted!) I had this review in my backlog for awhile and decided to post it since it was now finished, Anyway! This game is by the Ikemen Series wonders CYBIRD and to all my readers I need to let you know this game is 17+ because you know vampires, bloodsucking creatures, some alcohol references and there are some violent scenes in some routes , just putting that out there, this is not your high school romance Otome folks this is serious, I want you all to be mindful this title may not be for everyone. Now that we have that out of the way let’s move on.  For all my android users this is rated a 4.5 on google play and from what I saw about 5 stars on the apple app store so if that is your deciding factor for Otome choices, you have a pretty good chance of liking it. 
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Now onto my favorite part, Character introduction!
-Napoleon Bonaparte (Voice: Nobunaga Shimazaki) -Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Voice: Toshiyuki Toyonaga) -Leonardo Da Vinci (Voice: Kenjiro Tsuda) -Arthur Conan Doyle (Voice: Ryohei Kimura) -Vincent Van Gogh (Voice: Yoshihiko Aramaki) -Theodorus Van Gogh (Voice: Hisanori Sato) -Osamu Dazai (Voice: Taku Yashiro) -Isaac Newton (Voice: Shouta Aoi) -Jean D'Arc (Voice: Toshiyuki Someya) -William Shakespeare (Voice: Daisuke Hirakawa) -Comte de Saint-Germain (Voice: Kazuma Horie) -Sebastian (Voice: Syuta Morishima)
I also Included the voice actors that were listed and let me just say they sound amazing! Plus the art and design is beautiful. 
I’ll start with the prologue. So, MC is a Japanese travel blogger who is currently in Paris for a project, she decided to cover some art work that is on display at  Musée du Louvre or The Louvre, and while admiring the artwork, A dazzling French Gentleman tells her she had dropped an earring and is returning it to her, She is immediately enamoured by his appearance and thanks him.
 He then disappears and MC returns to the art, after wandering for a while she comes across a large slightly open door, assuming it’s another exhibit she goes in only to find its actually a storage room. Unfortunately for her the door shuts behind her and she’s engulfed in a bright White light and finds herself in a completely different room. Confused she turns back to the door, which is still there but cannot open it. Worst of all when she looks out the window it’s nighttime, when she was at the Museum is was daytime and her cellphone still says daytime...
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So, she is pretty much panicking at this point and doesn't know what to do, but never fear, Napoleon is here! ( I...I... please forget I just said that.) However she doesn't now his name yet! First he asks her what she’s doing, and after listening to her problem, tells her that she has to leave before the other’s find her and she question him. Others? Interesting...So after a brief moment of hiding behind a curtain he tries to help her escape...keyword... try... They are soon discover by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle...or as he’s described...The frivolous playboy... Okay...Anyway, she’s been discovered and meets the others living in the Manor, everyone except Shakespeare who is apparently living away from the manor at the time?  Comte de Saint-Germain (The dazzling gentleman) who is in charge of the manor  sheds some light on the subject that the door only opens at certain times so it’ll be about a month in that world before MC can go back home and she decides to work with Sebastian who is the butler of the Manor...Oh yeah I almost forgot...She finds out they’re all vampires except for Sebastian, at least that’s what his description says! Seriously though he’s human >.>  either that or a human encyclopedia as he does have an abundance of knowledge.  
So now MC has to survive in this new world/Timeline for one month as a maid as she doesn't want to burden the residents as she feels she has by suddenly appearing, until she can return home. 
Now I do have an Issue with this title and for the most part I don’t have a lot of problems with Otome games.
The one thing that confuses me is that Jean D'Arc is a guy 
When I saw the name and the character face attached to the name I thought it was a similar character plus the fact he has an eye patch?... granted I had no idea what to expect. 
It’s Jeanne D'Arc
That’s the only thing that bugs me though so it’s not a total flop or anything but hey they are vampires so I’m not expecting it to be a history lesson. With that said I do know of people that do not like historical character otome so I felt like I needed to clear that up as for the most part that is why most people don’t like or refuse to play this title. Mostly because it is based off actual people who are now at this point in time no longer living except in multiple works of fiction, It just may not be everyone’s cup of tea and that’s okay! Like I put in the beginning with the age rating it may not be for everyone so if you don’t like it no worries! There are plenty of vampire titles in otome if that’s what you’re interested in. 
Overall the Art is lovely and voice actors are nice like I said above though.
At least MC has eyes in this game! 
 I’ve only gone through a few characters as not all of them since I last checked it released. Once everyone is released I think I’ll go back and finish them. The overall story is good and the idea of being stuck in a different world is not an unfamiliar concept, I’m looking at you Ikemen Sengoku! >_> 
Have you played this game? What do you guys think? Let me know!
-Mochi Out
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otome-mochi · 4 years
You cannot love a beast... Otome Reviews: My Strange Lovers from MyDrama
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EDIT* Hello there! Mochi with an edit! This was available on the MyDrama app by Genius which had been discontinued on May 1st unfortunately, however the company is saying they will be remaking titles so this one for the moment is unknown, I will be keeping this review up however and If the title returns I will update this again! Read on!
Hello My dear Mochlings!
Mochi is here once again with a new review!
I’ve been busy as of late but decided to finish some titles since my last update. Which was the Otomania app release and yes, I did finally start Awakening of the Eclipse. So on with the review. Today we’re going to talk about My Strange Lovers which is only available on the MyDrama app there has been no mention of any of the games there being released onto Otomania which is unfortunate for android users... but as I said last time it did seem to appear in the play store but unavailable for download??? Still confusing but oh well. If you remember my review on MyDrama then you may know the drill but if your new here, I’ll be happy to explain. MyDrama runs on a ticket system you get 2 tickets around every 4 hours and some choices run on rubies, the in game currency. Personally I don’t use rubies a lot but you do get one after every chapter you read so you can always save them. My Strange lovers has 4 characters/Love Interests to chose from, each with 12 chapters. 
Synopsis time!
“You are introduced to a strange share house by a reality agency that you happen to stop by. There you meet four mysterious residents. All of them really good looking men, but have a mysterious aura surrounding them...”
Now all of these men are beasts/have beast blood, meaning they have incredible powers but they cannot fall in love with humans because they can lose their powers, which MC must keep from them, this is pretty much said in the first few chapters of the game, so not really a spoiler. The whole point is MC has to keep herself from being found out that she’s human among the 4 other residents, who are,
Tasuku: Unicorn Blood, a College Professor
Mao: Cat Blood, a College Student
Shin: Wolf Blood, a Famous Musician 
Hyouko: Fox Blood, An Office Worker
There are quite a few plot holes in the story, like how the realtor knows them, my theory is he had to be sworn to secrecy since he let them stay in the shared house, more for their safety and the safety of other Humans. Unfortunately for MC, she cannot fall in love with them and they cannot fall in love with her, despite them thinking she is a beast. But we all know what happens ^_^... 
For the most part the premise of each character is similar in that MC can’t tell them she’s human and obviously there is going to be someone falling in love either MC first or the chosen character. 
Like I have said of these games in the past is that ruby choices don’t really effect the ending a whole lot, mostly if you just want extras but I will note that rubies are useful in the ending if you want to use them to read the epilogue. Overall it’s a good game but once you read through everyone there isn’t much else to do. I would say this is for those that like Otome with fantasy and modern mixed. 
Have you played this before? Let me know!
Mochi out!  
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otome-mochi · 4 years
Romantic Nightmares!? Otome Reviews: Nocturne of Nightmares.
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Horror Otome? Oh boy!
Hello Mochlings! … Does that sound cute? I don’t know… anyhoo! Mochi Here!
Today’s entry is on the Genius Inc. game Nocturne of Nightmares. I’ve mentioned this a few times in my rambling posts when I first discovered it and may or may not have become a bit obsessed…but don’t we all?  It is only available for Android users and there are very limited Genius games for Apple users except for 3 stand alone apps and 1 collection app, the one I mentioned in my last post about The Story Jar app. If you’d like to read about Story Jar, here is the link—>  Story Jar Post! 
So when I first tried this game, I knew of Genius games and played a few before but I never managed to finish them, so when I saw this I decided to give this one a try, I had been playing another one on and off, called Electronic Emotions but I found myself playing this one more, now that I’m finished I may go back to Electronic Emotions. There will be spoilers for this so keep that in mind as you proceed. One thing I mentioned in my last post is that the ticketing system is very similar to Story Jar, you get two tickets every 2-3 hours and You use Rubies to pick choices, different choices cost a different amount of Rubies. (In Story Jar they use Diamonds). Now I mentioned that you couldn’t hoard tickets In Genius games, I didn’t elaborate very well. Basically you can’t hoard tickets from events because there are no events, the only way to have more than two tickets or ‘hoard’ is to purchase them unless you just want to wait. 1 ticket= one chapter so basically you could read two chapters and wait a bit and read two more afterwards. You can earn tickets with points by exchanging them for coins, coins can also be used to get Rubies for the choices you want. You earn coins by watching ads every 5 hours (Earning you 30 coins)  or playing the mini game (Coin amount varies if you win). 
Here is the official synopsis: You’re a young woman whose childhood was always a blur for some reason. No matter how hard you try, you can never quite remember it. One day after falling into a deep sleep, you wake up terrified in a dark, creepy world. But you’re not alone. You find yourself trapped in this nightmare world along with a few attractive strangers. Yet, they all seem vaguely familiar. Who are these guys? And why does your heart hurt so badly when you look at them, especially Licht? However, there’s no time to think about that when heart-wrenching apparitions of childhood begin suddenly appearing one after the other. But, before you can even process what is appearing in front of your eyes, a hideous monster shows up out of nowhere. It’s dead set to destroy you. Yet, strangely…even the monster seems to be suffering. What could this mean?You run for your life scared and confused. Before you can unravel these mysteries, you wake up in a cold sweat. Only for the cycle to repeat itself every night when the bell tolls ten. What is going on? Why is this happening? You agree to meet those strangely familiar young men in the real world to figure out a way to stop the cycle. It seems the nightmares are somehow connected to your shrouded past. Unfortunately, you also find out that if you die in the nightmare world…you die in the real world. Will you survive the night? Will you solve the mystery? Can you put an end to this life-threatening cycle of nightmares? Or will you be forever tormented by your past? Ready or not, embark on an emotional journey of self-discovery, friendship, love, and survival!
 Read On!
Now let’s get into the game. We’ll start with the title, Nocturne comes from the  French term  which meant nocturnal, from Latin roots, nocturnus. Nocturne is usually used for musical compositions that gives off strong imagery of nighttime, but in a literal sense we could translate this as:
- Nightmares of the Night
- Nocturnal Nightmares
This is only if we are literal with the term and what the word means but I found the music and important part of the game as the music in the nightmare world is very dreamy but since it’s a nightmare also off. So Nocturne in it’s literal form or its musical meaning fit well. 
 When the games starts for the first time, there is an opening sequence(it’s kinda long and unfortunately you can’t skip it…) and the games starts, there is no home menu like other  games from different companies, you are asked to name your character and it instantly starts. You can always change your name by tapping the little house icon in the right corner of your screen and tap user settings and  change your name. 
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Also back to coins really quick, the ad button is on the bottom left corner as seen in the image. 
The story starts with the MC and her friend Anna walking home from their classes at University. They part ways and MC reflects on her friends, Anna being her only friend when university started and all her previous friends from high school have moved away. She feels lonely and tried to think back to any of her childhood friends in which her memories are very cloudy prompting her to realize she remembers nothing about her early childhood. She heads home and  greets her parents seeing her mom and dad eases the empty feeling she had. 
One thing I noticed is the background characters are only seen as a shadow form rather than having a fully constructed image, which I find interesting as you can figure out how they look. Other games usually don’t show the characters at all or sometimes have a less detailed character image in place in comparison to  others. 
Back to the game, The MC says good night to her parents and notes the clock says 9:45, meaning her show is about to come on, but when she starts watching she feels herself getting sleepier and the faint sound of ringing bells is in her ears, she falls asleep. Waking up she finds herself not at home but in a strangely familiar room. She notices an young man, with white hair  sleeping nearby and we are prompted with our first choice!
1. Call out to him
2. Shake him 
Once you make your choice the stranger awakens and he questions where he is as well, but MC is captivated by his Heterochromia eyes, one being blue and the other, red. However when she complements him he becomes angry and yells at her to not look. The commotion,someone else wake up a rather stern red head in a varsity jacket and another yawns, a blond with a jean jacket, asking what time it is, notices it’s dark falls back asleep for a moment then notices he not at home and finally the last person another girl, with deep green eyes, wakes up from everyone’s outbursts. Making 5 total. The guy in the varsity jacket starts after everyone has a brief moment of panic, asking if anyone knows where they are. Which of course no one knows. Trying to ease the tension of the Situation they introduce themselves. 
Order of introduction:
and Subaru
Ray asks what everyone was doing before  suddenly appearing in the room, one conclusion was made that they all fell asleep at the strike of ten o'clock. MC then notices that there are no clocks in the room and looking at Ray’s watch, it’s dead on ten o’clock. The piece together that they must all be in some type of dream but how they’re together is not very clear. 
They are suddenly forced out of their thoughts by the sound of a child giggling, A little girl with red hair comes in and Monica decides to follow her out, thinking the girl may know how to get out, with everyone calling her back but MC tries to go after her Thoma stops her and tells her no not act rashly and they decide to go out as a group to get her back. Unfortunately, Monica screams and they all grab and object from the room to use as a weapon, looking for Monica. They however come across a leg on the floor, and a monster crouched by it. 
Now I’ll be honest here this monster is absolutely hideous, a mash of faces, limbs and eye balls, with one giant eye in the center and a mouth of razor sharp teeth. 
Worst part? IT MOVES! When it gets angry all of the faces start moving.
  ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )  
They all discover that it’s Monica’s leg as the monster moves and they see the rest of her on the floor. MC, literally rattled with fear and grief  and they all run back to the room but of course the bells star ringing again and when Ray reaches for MC’s hand to pull her back into the room, she wakes up, back on the sofa in front of the TV, the news now on and the discovery on Monica being found dead in the real world. 
And that is the Prologue episode! Hectic right? o(╥﹏╥)o
While there are no routes, as in I pick this character the choices you make at the crossroads are very important because MC will DIE if you make the wrong choice and you will have to start the choice all over again/ or chapter depending on the choice, so choose wisely! 
I will most likely make a walk through for choices, maybe one with spoilers and one without so be on the look out for it soon!
Crossroads will have 3 choices to choose from, One good, One MC death, and the last one could potentially have another character die BUT, SPOILER
 there is another character death as the story progresses, it’s the choice of whether One dies, Two dies or MC Dies. Unfortunately the character death is one of the reason most people don’t like this game as the good choice results in one character dying.
Despite all these choices there are the ruby choices where various amounts of rubies can be used to have a romantic moment with the characters but you really don’t have to pick them as they don’t change the story a whole lot, mostly just CGs if there even is one with that choice but even with regular choices there are CGs sprinkled through the story. So I find the cross road choices more important, but hey, play how you want, that’s what make otome fun!
Overall despite the grotesque looking monster and character death (Which is the plot for the game anyway) I really enjoyed it! Though it took me a while as I wanted to try other choices and ruby choices I didn’t pick before until reaching the end, roughly its around 15 or so chapters so if not picking ruby choices, which take a few days to stock up on coins for an exchange you could finish it in a few days to about week depending on how often you play.
If Horror Otome seems like something you would like, give this one a try! 
Let me know it you tried/liked it!
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-Mochi out!
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otome-mochi · 4 years
Senpai! Want a cup of coffee? Otome Reviews: Notice Me Senpai.
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Ah yes, this blast from the past in the Otome realm... 
Hey All! Mochi here!
Today we’re covering an older lighthearted Otome “Notice Me Senpai!” 
Where the lovey boys of the academy fight for MC’s love!!!!!!
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Okay....maybe not...exactly...Any other Bungo Stray Dogs fans here??? Just Me? Okay.................
This game had been discontinued for quite some time but the creators decided to bring it back only with no new updates. So in total there are 34 Senpai’s, 133 CG’s and 34 notes to collect in game, along with 6 different types of coffee beans besides the basic beans, around 168-169 items to put in the cafe and 29 cafe themes. 
While it is sad that there are no new Senpai’s on campus it is still quite an enjoyable game to pass time and check back with out time constraints, unless your waiting for a specific Senpai to show up. 
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Look at those adorable faces! (◍•ᴗ•◍)❤
The basis of the game is to unlock all the Senpai by setting up a cafe that will appeal to them, You can do this by rotating the different types of coffee beans in the coffee maker(s). The cafe can also be expanded to three rooms/spaces. 
Senpai’s will come to the cafe and stand, sit, and interact with whatever you’ve placed in your cafe. Items ranging from chairs to Giant pillow forts. You can buy items in the shop with the coins or gems that Senpai paid you when visiting the cafe, you can also exchange Gems for coins and vice-versa, so you can balance your funds to buy more items or even outfits for Senpai. The more Senpai that visit the more coins or gems. Here is an example of my cafe with two Senpai’s visiting, Archery Team Senpai, Souske, who is in a purchased outfit and Drama Club Senpai, Tokiya, who is in his school uniform. 
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By interacting with the Senpai’s when they come, it increases the romance factor and when reaching the first level with that senpai, they will send you a love note. Love notes or just Notes come in a range of styles and shapes, each reflecting the Senpai’s personality. 
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The Note is just the first step, continuing to interact with Senpai (Interact meaning, leaving Items he likes or using specific coffee beans) will increase his visits and then you will earn his first CG. Each Senpai has a different number of CGs not including Birthday and Special Group CGs. (Each Senpai’s birthday is listed on his profile so be on the look out if you haven’t celebrated all the birthdays yet! ) His continual visits will unlock the other CGs, depending on how many he has. 
One thing to note is that there are NO Routes, meaning you can collect all the CGs with out focusing on one particular Senpai or if you want to... and you don’t have to go in order.
*You will have to unlock items however so there is a little bit of an order but once you have all the coffee machines set up it becomes easier. Just to ease any confusion. 
This is a casual Otome game, Good for a beginner player who’s just experiencing Otome or anyone really that likes Chibi’s and cute graphics. 
If you were sad about it’s previous departure, give it another try? If you want something simple yet entertaining this may be the game for you! 
-Mochi out!    
9 notes · View notes
otome-mochi · 4 years
Simple Collection app? Otome Reviews: Genius Inc. My Drama
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Mochi Here and welcome to my newest review! 
Now I have mentioned Genius’ collection app in the past with some of my other Genius inc. reviews and I have made a crucial discovery! While poking around and perusing the internet I have found that this app is apparently available on Google play store( so correcting my previous error!) but isn’t able to be downloaded on my device, strange but I prevailed and found it on the App store  but with my continuous searching I found that there were more Genius apps available than I realized. To break this down further  the games are under two names of the Genius inc Branch in the different app stores.
Genius Studios Japan Inc.
Genius Inc.
Genius Studios Japan Inc.
Genius llc.
Now here’s where it gets confusing both may have different games under different names! For example One may be under Genius inc on android but then will be under  Genius Studios Japan Inc. on apple  however there is still a larger selection on  android currently despite the name differences. 
Well what ever the reason hopefully this helps to any who are interested in Genius inc. games. Plus new titles are being released so maybe they’ll even out eventually?
Anywho back to the game!
When you first start the app the Genius logo appears then changes to the My Drama logo with a loading symbol then it starts. They give you 2 tickets and around 27 rubies, though I notice in their other apps it ranges from 25-30 rubies, has anyone else gotten more or less? But as a bonus you will get 1 ruby everyday you log in, no calendar or challenges, just 1 ruby and If you don’t always pick the ruby choice or wait it will add up, you will however earn a ruby after you complete a chapter and buying is always available like the other games.
  The main screen displays five sections two being two games with characters displayed and the other three being New, Featured  and Fantasy, Not including your current reading section titled: My Drama Title, this one will appear after you start playing a game. 
There are over 10+ titles on this app, the current stand-alones that are currently available are not on this app. 
Some of these include:
My Elemental Prince
My Ninja Romance
Undead Lovers
and More
The basics of this app is much like other collection app in which you pick a game and play through however unlike other Genius inc. games you can pick a specific character route rather than playing through and choosing at the end. This app also does not have a cataloging feature, every game they have available is on the one home screen and settings are available on the little settings gear symbol on the bottom right
I’ve already started some characters, so far, Haru from my Twin Romance (Who I finished before I finishing this review) Yuki, also from My Twin( Who I started after Haru) and Hylie  from My elemental prince! + a few more. Some of the stories don’t seem as long as the stand alone versions as I made it to the end of Haru’s in 4 chapters...and playing through it twice I met the same fate of... 4 chapters, despite my choices. Which is pretty short compared to the 15 chapter versions I’ve played.
...I’m looking at you Nocturne of Nightmares! >_> 
 This makes the stories seem bite sized in comparison, then again the build up in the standard is for you to choose a character at the very end where in this case you make your choice before you play! However there are some that have more than 4 so some appear to be the standard length.
Am I enjoying it so far?
Could it have more chapters?
Sure, as with only a few chapters there isn’t a lot of room for in-depth progress but as I said before it does seem bite sized however for some it might not be ideal but that all depends on which story you choose. My Twin seems to the one that is much shorter than others. 
Honestly there really isn’t a whole lot to this game, everything is laid out on one screen and there isn’t a whole lot of extras in comparison to other collection apps BUT that makes this an even more casual otome.    
overall it’s nice, though I do hope they add more titles, but what they currently have is enjoyable!
-Mochi Out!
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