#Monkie Destiny Challenge
fluffypotatey · 1 year
Monkie Destiny Challenge Day 4
yes i am 3 days late to this prompt but i am here now >:)
so actually this little ficlet will be a part of another installment in my tournament arc, but i am too tired rn to write the second half of this (bc day 4 is a flashback and the 2nd half is day 5). so! have this "sneak peak" of my tournament arc under the narration of Macky <3
prompt: Peaches//Thief
word count: 753
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“How much do you want to bet the peaches in Heaven taste like?”
The Six Eared Macaque gave his friend, the Monkey King, an incredulous look. Said friend huffed in response. 
“I’m just asking—”
“About Heaven’s immortal peaches? Casually? I’m not an idiot, Wukong.”
It had only been a couple days after Sun Wukong arrived back from Heaven. He hadn’t given Macaque any real information over what went down or why he arrived in such a rush— cheeks flushed dark red, breath heavy and fast, eyes wild and ravenous, excited, exhilarated— 
Macaque mentally shook the image away. Wukong was his friend. His only friend, actually. He could never really count the Brotherhood as a group he would trust implicitly like Wukong. Feel comfortable around or even know wholeheartedly like Wukong.
Speaking of knowing Wukong wholeheartedly, Macaque recognizes the signs for when his friend is hiding something. He had been ignoring it ever since Wukong came back, assured that the monkey king would tell him, and it looked like today was the day Wukong chose to come clean.
Sun Wukong pouts, bottom lip jutted out exaggeratedly with his eyes blown wide and adorable. He would always complain about how Macaque always ruined his surprises with his need to know everything. Macaque liked to call it his incredible observation skills, Wukong called him a creeper (which absolutely did not hurt his ego that first time at all). 
“J-just answer the question!” The monkey crossed his arms and looked away, cheeks flushed and tail twitching.
Macaque sighed with a smile. It was so hard to stay annoyed when he did that. It wasn’t even on purpose and yet there Wukong was, acting childish and fussy in the cutest way possible. Macaque couldn’t help but cave.
“Alright, okay, um…” He pursed his lips. “They taste like peaches?”
“Mac!” Wukong whined
“Okay, okay! Sorry, couldn’t help it.” 
This time, Macaque actually sat down and thought it over. 
“Well,” he began, “I’m guessing they taste sweeter? Never under or overripe, yeah? And you don’t have to worry about the pit because it's an immortal tree.”
Wukong giggled, tail now wagging to and fro.
“What?” Macaque could feel his face heating up. “What did I say?”
“Nothing! Nothing!” That goofy smile was still on his face. “These are very astute assumptions.”
“Astute? Really, Wukong.”
The giggle was now a full-body laugh. Ugh, and Macaque still couldn’t find it in himself to stay mad. He should be embarrassed, feel like his intelligence was being mocked, but…Wukong would never do something like that on purpose.
Not to him.
“So”— Ah, here it is— “what if I told you, you could test your theory?”
Macaque gave the monkey a blank stare. Wukong stayed firm despite his fidgeting nature and how much he was smiling. Macaque could not believe what his friend was insinuating.
“You don’t mean—”
* * *
The peaches were amazing. Better than Macaque ever expected. Sure, they still had the pit at the center and they were still messy enough to annoy him, but they were (and excuse his pun) heavenly. Even if no one told him of their immortal properties, Macaque would have imagined that just from taste alone, these peaches were magic itself.
Delicious magic, if Macaque says so. 
“So?” Wukong waits with barely contained excitement. “Better than your wildest dreams?”
“Oh, I’ve had wild dreams.”
“Mac, come on!” He whines again.
“Sorry, sorry!” He laughs. “You make it too easy.”
Wukong grumbled something about I’ll make you too easy as if Macaque wouldn’t hear him. Which he did, but it was so confusing that he just laughed some more. Of course that simply led to the monkey king whining at Macaque once more, and the cycle repeated.
“Next time I steal peaches, I ain’t giving you nothing!” Wukong said with a huff. “And to think, I offered them out of the kindness of my heart.”
“Next time?” Macaque chuckled. “You honestly think Heaven would even let you in after this?”
“Why not? I’m adorable!”
Macaque didn’t even bother to answer that one, too amused by how Wukong played up his innocence in all this. Sure, he was worried about Heaven’s reaction when they finally realized who stole the peaches and trashed their peach festival, but with Wukong smiling so brightly and acting so nonchalantly, Macaque decided it was better to place this issue on the back burner. For now.
The mortal realm moved a lot faster than Heaven. They had plenty of time.
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Day 9: Day/Night
Ngl i intended for Monkey King to be night, but I zoned out and forgot what i was doing so we ended up here as usual booois. next time i'll remember what i'm doing and do the less obvious
Prompt List
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tohot4u · 11 months
And you are loved
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Noodles/Family prompt
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lunar-wandering · 11 days
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that's right folks we're doing it again!! starting on the first of October, it's: Monkie Destiny Challenge 2024: VS Edition!!
Here's how it's gonna work, for each day, there are two prompts. Which prompt gets filled the most will determine whether Chaos or Balance wins that day, and in the end it will all be added up to find out which one was the over all winner!
So it's a little bit like artfight, except there aren't really teams. You can switch back and forth depending on which prompts you like.
Please attempt to keep this event SFW, so that everyone may join in!!!
Ships and OCs are Allowed!!! Have fun!!!
You may do Art or Writing- or simply whatever creation this inspires you to do!!!
Tag every post with #Monkie Destiny Challenge 2024, so that we may all see your creations!!
Note: this is subject to change, but I might post another invite link to the Destiny Server during the first week of October. We'll see.
Transcribed ist of prompts under the cut!
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notsofrozt · 1 year
Day 10: Crown
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I like drawing eyes (づ ◕‿◕ )づ
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kikis-dump · 1 year
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Day 8 - Mountain / Chain
Inspired from that one episode in season 4 </3
Swk villain vibes were real atp i swear!! 😭😭😭 but pls I love him for that.
I love his red eyes for some reason, they’re so pretty…
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Day 13 of the Monkie Destiny Challenge: Family/Enemy
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seaweedcolored · 1 year
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What does one do with a fire that could alter reality...
This isn't how I think the Samadhi fire works. It come within and is an all or nothing kind of fire, meaning that I think that Mei either uses her entire body to channel it or she doesn't use it at all. You have to admit, though, this pose is FAR cooler than if I had made her chest the focal point of the fire.
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glitchyko · 1 year
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Since one of the prompts for day 5 was shatter, of course I had to reference LBD because cracks and shattering and all that is kind of her thing-
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turimoalin · 1 year
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Monkie Destiny Challenge with Wukong scarfing down the Peaches of Immortality
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
MORE TOURNAMENT!!! (not ch2 but a side story)
Sneak Peak:
Something had happened while Mei and the rest of the city was asleep. She remembers only bits and pieces but one thing was for sure: the city was taken over by the new villain of the month (because it appeared that she and MK have leveled up from the classic villain of the week shtick). All Mei could grasp from the night before was smoke, rising stone, and cackling laughter. ~~~ Aka, the Tournament Arc as told by Mei
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Day 5: Shatter/Weapon
Went with a re-draw today just cause this felt like the obvious choice
Prompt List
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tohot4u · 1 year
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This fragile thing
shattered/weapon prompt
Macaque's heart had always been a fragile thing.  
Far before the Lady Bone demon confined his soul into a frosty prison of a bitter memory. Much farther than when the gears in his chest churned to a stop. 
It had alway been treated with the utmost care,you see. 
Skittish and mistreated,his heart would wither,faulted in its beats. His shadows,of course,cocooned it in gentle strands of darkness. Leaving him…more susceptible to the natural world. His body of more mortal means.  
The moon's soft caresses are his only saving grace. For when the moon shined brightly,high up in the midnight sky. His shadows would grow-and oh-it was amazing and he felt so energized. And he was never afraid of what could harm him
When night was about he could breathe-he could run,he could chase the clouds and tumble down grassy hills. Inhaling the sunny fragrance from the flowers,without ever stepping into the burning light of day.
So of course,of course he didn’t know any better when he ran into playmate- one fateful night. 
He was the essence of what he hated,yet his touch had never once burned him. No bruises or bursts of weariness. No yearning for sleep even if he had just awoken.  
He was everything macaque hated-and everything he ever wanted.  
It was one night-then two. A few more or so before he was convinced to join his little adventures. Only a couple of days before he was cuddling up close to the ‘king’.  Every emotion and feeling ever so carefully logged in the back of his mind.
Anger,and soft,jittery rattling would echo. Cry,and it would quiver. Laughing would tickle,wonderful tingles coursing through his bones. Worry and it would shake,edging on painful.
Now that was the most dangerous-most fatal one.
That sticky,tainted sugary feeling he knew best to avoid. And for a time,had never any interest.   
For if he loved, he would surely shatter.  
But then- 
The sun smiled so warmly upon him. Basking him with such an overwhelming presence-he could do nothing but melt within-  
 That could not be true! Not entirely true!
For if the sun loved him as much as he did the moon- 
If his heart were to surely shatter- 
Then the pieces of his heart would scatter across the night. Vibrant crystals like stars etching their names forever in the sky. 
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lunar-wandering · 1 year
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For the month of October, there shall be a daily prompt! These are dual prompts, you may choose one or the other, or simply do both!! It's your choice, have fun with it!!
Please attempt to keep this event SFW, so that everyone may join in!!!
Ships and OCs are Allowed!!! Have fun!!!
You may do Art or Writing- or simply whatever creation this inspires you to do!!!
Tag every post with #Monkie Destiny Challenge 2023, so that we may all see your creations!!
Note: I shall release a Discord Server Link on Thursday, September 28th!!! This is by no means obligatory, but if you'd like to join, you may! Once the month is over, the server shall swap to weekly prompts.
In case anyone is incapable of reading the prompts in the image above, I have written them down under the cut. Have Fun Everyone!!!
Beginning / End
Fire / Ice
Patience / Focus
Peaches / Thief
Shatter / Weapon
Show / Fear
Lies / Truth
Mountain / Chains
Day / Night
Crown / Curse
Havoc / Chaos
Sword / Shadow
Family / Enemy
Fireworks / Stars
Spiders / Ghosts
Bug / Wifi
Song / Future
Dance / Past
Silence / Present
Horse / Dragon
Delivery / Monkey
Clone / Ink
Tragedy / Comedy
Game / Fight
Magic / Trick
Noodles / Home
Demons / Gods
Key / Bones
Amnesia / Gold
Hero / Warrior
End / Beginning (Free Day!!)
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notsofrozt · 1 year
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A sensation that paralyses you, dries your mouth, chills your bones and blood, and revolts your insides. A warning of impending danger, a way the body prepares you to fight or flee.
Macaque felt fear many times, it's part of being alive.
The first time was so long ago that the memory was blurred at the edges, like an old photo. He remembered his tail wagging, sweaty hands and ears twitching as he lured Wukong onto the beach. There, under the tree on the shore, he made his feelings clear with awkward words and eyes that refused to look the other in the face.
The fear crawling inside him vanished with a bright smile from his now partner.
The second time he had felt the paralysis, unable to move to prevent his beloved from giving himself up to save their lives. Fear for the fate of his mate burned that moment into his mind.
This eventually faded as well. The harsh words under the mountain shattered it.
The third time fear guided his every action. The fear of losing his mate to a group of people who hurt him; the fear of seeing him change, driven by pain; the fear of having the person who lit up his life, who made his heart beat, taken away from him. That fear made him act, lash out, blinded and hurt.
That fear was supposed to fade with Wukong's hand in his, both of them walking away from the monk and that mission.
He didn't realise how wrong he was until the fourth time. The last time.
There are many things that people mistake for fear. Hardly anyone has ever felt genuine fear. There was a fundamental difference from anything he had experienced before, a bitter taste at once familiar and totally foreign. Macaque thought he felt it, but now he knew better.
The first time it had been plain nerves, with a touch of anticipation. The hope was there too, a sweet taste waiting to fill his palate.
The second time it was angst. Deep down he knew that it was impossible to kill Wukong, and that whatever punishment it was, it would eventually be overcome. Defeat and the uncertainty of being at the Jade Emperor's mercy only amplified that feeling.
The third time it was just sheer desperation.
What had run through his body were variants of fear. More opaque versions or different hues. Mere shadows trying to mimic the real feeling.
The fourth time began with defeat. In the world where they lived, there was only one fate for those who dared to face the Monkey King and lost.
The red and gold staff descended unavoidably towards his face, certain and lethal; the soft eyes of the person he had so long considered a friend, a comrade, a lover, now cold and devoid of their former warmth. Nor a spark of regret or doubt could be seen in them.
His body froze and his blood chilled, unable to process the brutal inevitability. As everything slowly went black, Macaque had only one thought.
He had been so, so foolish.
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