montyake · 7 years
"A Poem About Daffodils", published March 21, 2018 at 04:48PM :: ∩ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ∩ ~♥ Read and comment on this and many more works of Poetry, Prose, Plays, Publicity and Pulp at www.montyake.com Daffodils aren’t daffy Nor so serious And not always so happy A bit like all of us   Happy Poetry Day 2018! Read More
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montyake · 7 years
"News Transcript", published March 19, 2018 at 01:00PM :: ∩ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ∩ ~♥ Read and comment on this and many more works of Poetry, Prose, Plays, Publicity and Pulp at www.montyake.com
Similar to the Smash Mouth All Star brief from a year ago, we had to choose a song and write a short piece based on it. Can you guess which popular song from 2007 is the inspiration for this live reporter broadcast?
    Thank you, studio. I’m reporting live from a quiet suburb in Norwalk, where a community is in shock following the disappearance of local teenager Bryan McMullin a week ago.
Bryan has been missing since the night of Tuesday February 27th, when he was last seen by his girlfriend, ex-spelling bee champion April DiVino, at the Golf N’ Stuff mini-golf course, where the two had been enjoying their evening. DiVino has been cooperating with California Police, and has led the charge in attempts to find her missing beau.
The lead suspect in the case, who has not been seen since publicly denying all allegations at the weekend, is one Eva Baylene. This was Baylene’s statement, broadcast over KBIG-FM on the night of Saturday March 3rd:
No comment. I don’t know where Bryan is! No comment. Look, I don’t even know what you’re talking about. No comment. Anyway, how could I have even kidnapped anybody in the first place? I’m not even, like, strong enough to kidnap anybody. No comment.
Ms Baylene’s involvement was first suggested by DiVino, who took to MySpace and video sharing site YouTube to spread the word about McMullin’s disappearance, gather support, and also speak out against the accused. Here’s an audio clip taken from her video:
Eva has made a point of trying to get between me and Bryan; she’s always passing secret notes into his locker telling him to leave me and that he could apparently do so much better. It came to a point where she was promising to make me disappear, but now I’m just so scared that after rejecting her advances so many times, she has made him disappear.
The comments online have mostly been in support of DiVino’s claim, by fellow students who are familiar with Baylene’s erratic behaviour. One comment states, Ya, that Eva’s a real psycho. I walked in on her in the girl’s bathroom once and she was dancing by herself and singing about how [Bryan’s] ‘so delicious’, and how she’s going to make him ‘all mine’. Another commenter wrote, L-O-L knew that [b-word] be crazy. Wouldn’t want to be in April’s shoe’s right now. Cray to the max.
I have with me now Bryan McMullin’s neighbour, who does not wish to be named, but has agreed to talk with us regarding the disappearance. Thank you for joining us today.
:   Oh it’s my pleasure. I have a lot to s-
So you’re familiar with all parties involved?
:   Oh yeah! April’s always over the McMullin house; she’s such a nice girl, I just love them together.
And Ms Baylene?
:   Oh that girl? Oh no, I don’t know her personally, but me and Derrick – my husband, Derrick – we see her sneaking around their lawn all the time.
You see her spying on the couple?
:   Oh yeah, oh yeah. Two weeks back I see her carving something onto the tree in their front yard, I see her and I call for Derrick: DERRICK! DERRICK! And she hears me and she just, she runs.
Did you see what she’d carved into their tree?
:   Yeah! Come see, come look for yourself! Here it is! It says, Hey-hey! Brad-Brad! It’s your motherfucking princess–
Okay, I hope the studio was able to bleep that, ha ha. Ha. Well, okay, yes, sure. It seems like we’re going to have to stop it there. Thank you for your, uh, contribution.
:   Thank you!
This is Don Gilmore reporting live from Norwalk, California – back to you, studio! Read More
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montyake · 4 years
"Life’s Song", published May 15, 2020 at 11:55PM :: ∩ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ∩ ~♥ Read and comment on this and many more works of Poetry, Prose, Plays, Publicity and Pulp at www.montyake.com I sat one day, outside my home, Quite laissez faire and all alone, When all-a-sudden, something here Inevitable did appear: A figure of impressive height, Within a cape be-weaved of night, Who wore a cap of stark, thin, hair And locked me in its soulless stare. “I dare”, they wheezed through cracking teeth, “I dare”, Read More
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montyake · 4 years
"Nature’s Knell", published May 15, 2020 at 11:55PM :: ∩ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ∩ ~♥ Read and comment on this and many more works of Poetry, Prose, Plays, Publicity and Pulp at www.montyake.com The world was gold chaotic beauty, born beneath our star, Filled with life; a fruitful, free utopia. Once the endless bliss of Eden shone and rode And met itself, an endless reach around the globe. This natural perfection bore us all by its selection, But this world so great and generous has not been treated Read More
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montyake · 4 years
"Ink Story – Rowena", published May 14, 2020 at 04:44PM :: ∩ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ∩ ~♥ Read and comment on this and many more works of Poetry, Prose, Plays, Publicity and Pulp at www.montyake.com The third story I wrote to be a campfire tale told around the time of King Arthur, and the only completely original one (the other two were versions of existing stories). Based off a suggestion by Qita Iseley. I hope you have a fun time playing through this little tale. If you wish to check Read More
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montyake · 4 years
"Ink Story – The Way Wailer", published May 14, 2020 at 04:15PM :: ∩ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ∩ ~♥ Read and comment on this and many more works of Poetry, Prose, Plays, Publicity and Pulp at www.montyake.com In 2017 I wrote The Way-Wailer in the Wall as a fun little fan fiction for Inkle’s videogame adaptation of Steve Jackson’s Sorcery! books. I loved the choose-your-own adventure series Fighting Fantasy, and the digital versions of these titles from that series were particularly incredible. Fast forward three years and Inkle are making an original Read More
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montyake · 4 years
"Ink Story – Wichtlein Nix", published May 14, 2020 at 04:24PM :: ∩ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ∩ ~♥ Read and comment on this and many more works of Poetry, Prose, Plays, Publicity and Pulp at www.montyake.com The second of three choose-your-own campfire stories that may have been told by adventurers in Arthurian times, created using Inkle’s Inky writing software. This is also the second to be based off an existing piece of writing here on my site: The Wichtlein Nix. A horror story that was very fun, but even more fun Read More
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montyake · 5 years
"Protected: Video Games as Escapism I", published March 15, 2020 at 07:14PM :: ∩ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ∩ ~♥ Read and comment on this and many more works of Poetry, Prose, Plays, Publicity and Pulp at www.montyake.com There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
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montyake · 5 years
"Hope", published August 23, 2019 at 10:28PM :: ∩ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ∩ ~♥ Read and comment on this and many more works of Poetry, Prose, Plays, Publicity and Pulp at www.montyake.com Hope.   There are things that I want, Through impulse, urge, lust or greed. There are things that I wish, For me, you, and those in need. There are things that I crave, Out of hunger, habit, or being alone. There are things that I take, A seat, advantage, for granted the things that I Read More
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montyake · 5 years
"Joe Chicago in Flight", published August 14, 2019 at 12:05AM :: ∩ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ∩ ~♥ Read and comment on this and many more works of Poetry, Prose, Plays, Publicity and Pulp at www.montyake.com My dreams of producing a fully-fledged Joe Chicago novella may never come to pass, but I will always return to him; even if just to touch-up the scant few scenes that I have thus far devised. I decided one day last year to polish up the Joe Chicago in the Angels Brothel piece that I wrote for Read More
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montyake · 5 years
"A History of Our Love", published August 14, 2019 at 12:15AM :: ∩ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ∩ ~♥ Read and comment on this and many more works of Poetry, Prose, Plays, Publicity and Pulp at www.montyake.com Ten thousand moons ago, beneath the light of stars, In some forgotten kingdom realm of far away, A pauper fled his prison cell of iron bars and met his princess love upon the dawn of day. For in each others’ souls there lived an endless fire Which cruelly did endure a time of years apart, Read More
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montyake · 5 years
"My Love is a Late Afternoon", published August 13, 2019 at 11:47PM :: ∩ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ∩ ~♥ Read and comment on this and many more works of Poetry, Prose, Plays, Publicity and Pulp at www.montyake.com My love is a late afternoon. It is the nostalgic glow of a waning hour. It is the sense of surety following the middle of the day, that the cold of the early morning is a distant memory. It is the familiar winding down of work and the lowering of a burden. It is the Read More
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montyake · 5 years
"Our Love Beyond Words", published August 13, 2019 at 07:00PM :: ∩ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ∩ ~♥ Read and comment on this and many more works of Poetry, Prose, Plays, Publicity and Pulp at www.montyake.com My words cannot encapsulate in rhyme Th’extent and depth and lasting of our love And ne’er is there expanse enough of time To quantify the joy that I speak of. So, limited in lexicon and phrase, (For words, unlike our love, have limit end) I’ll show our love’s eternity in days Devoted as your lover, Read More
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montyake · 6 years
"The Naughty Porter’s Poppy Top-up", published August 02, 2018 at 08:22AM :: ∩ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ∩ ~♥ Read and comment on this and many more works of Poetry, Prose, Plays, Publicity and Pulp at www.montyake.com I taught a portly porter proper water regulation When he had chosen hosing all the poppies in the station. I suggest it best, I thought, to water from a can, As candidly, the hose he chose would leave them weak and wan.   This stocky station-stocker thought me odd and off my rocker, Retorting with Read More
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montyake · 7 years
"Dear Bertie", published February 14, 2018 at 06:30AM :: ∩ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ∩ ~♥ Read and comment on this and many more works of Poetry, Prose, Plays, Publicity and Pulp at www.montyake.com
Love. Any colour, taste, or feel of it. We all love. For Valentine’s day 2018 our prompt was to write any short piece about romance or love, with the strict rule of not being cynical about it (for, in our edginess we often resort to treating it scathingly and mishandling love in our creative writing). I wanted to show that love, earnest love, could still be both happy and sad, without being cynical.
Here is a letter, written from Gerald to Bertie.
    Dear Bertie,
  Hello Bert! Sorry that it has been such a long time since my last correspondence. Thank you for your card at Christmas; I trust you received ours. I still enjoy seeing that fat little robin on my mantle by the window, even though the spring is well upon us. It will tickle you to know that a robin often pops by to look into my room here (I have named him Bertie too, for your sake) and I am certain that he is quite enamoured of that happy little chap on the card.
  Arthur told me about Margaret. The family said they would send a card with deepest sympathies, to which I am assured my name has been attached. I trust that you received that, too. I hope the children are fine and still do not mind having you around. Mind, Danny is probably too busy these days to tend to the garden, so I am sure he is glad of your help. Are your fingers still green, Bertie? You’ll be sowing those brussels soon if you’re looking to enjoy them come Christmas.
  Mine still come by each week, make sure I’m not up to any trouble here. Megan’s just had her second, who to his future discredit has been named after me. I’ll send you a snap of us with my next letter, provided she wants to bring little Gerald with her when she visits. I am very excited about meeting him.
  I shall say a prayer for Margaret tonight. I recall when Mary left us. It isn’t so bad, old chum, they’ll be together now. Best give them enough time to really rip into us proper before we join them, eh? Get it out their systems, you know?
  Before I came here, must have been August four years ago, I ventured down the old bridle by the church. You recall it Bertie? Grown over terribly before you left the village, but they gave it a good clear out when the new equine school took over Marsh Court. I made it all the way to the knoll, if you’ll believe it.
  I pictured you with Margaret, and Mary with me, and I sat right on the lick of tall fescue where we would picnic in the summer. Not a soul came by the whole afternoon. I had wrapped a cheese and pickle sandwich for my lunch (wasn’t a spot on Mary’s hampers, you’ll recall) which I enjoyed with an apple I had picked on the walk.
  Through the parting willow trees one can still see as far as Staunton, you know? All this time later and they still haven’t conquered our little patch of Avalon with that sprawling metropolis you used to go on about, old boy. Seems at times that everything and nothing changes, in the tick of a clock or a turn of the globe, it is all so familiar, and so new.
  I would like for us to return there some time, Bert, the four of us. Perhaps in the summertime, eh? Perhaps for Mary’s birthday, when the blue fortunes bloom.
  It looks as though I am out of field to plough, old friend, so I must bid you adieu. We look forward to your reply. Give our regards to Margaret. Let me know how things are with you, eh? You can continue replying care of Arthur, who will make sure your words reach me. Sending all our love to you and yours.
G&M Read More
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montyake · 7 years
"Across the Universe", published January 19, 2018 at 03:45PM :: ∩ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ∩ ~♥ Read and comment on this and many more works of Poetry, Prose, Plays, Publicity and Pulp at www.montyake.com
My love of Steven Universe knows no bounds, and so it is with great pride that I present fan poetry in anapestic tetrameter (with a cheeky iamb to start). This spoilerific homage/backstory to the show came from my love of the spectacular extended world that Rebecca Sugar and company have created. Sure, the lore is deep and mysterious, but this playful sci fi setting is a vehicle for messages of love, acceptance, bravery and equality, which makes it one of the most important tv shows of our time. My brother, Peter, liked the poem so much, that he fancied it up in a delightful poster for your enjoyment. I believe in Steven!
      And here’s the original plain text version:
  Fantastical fiction of fighting for right in the stars,
Galactic injustices settled in starlight and scars,
Emotion and moments of fury forecast in our fears,
Commotion, calamity, crisis, and chaos for years.
The Homeworld Gems, under implicit tyrannical reign;
The Diamond Authority, brutal, dogmatic, and vain,
Societal strata, restrictive strict hierarchy,
Unpliable, pious, a militant matriarchy.
Expression of self: an offence, and to love is a crime,
Suppress your transgression, align to the law’s paradigm.
  Armada. Discovering planets to plunder and quake,
Resources depleted. Depart, planet-husk in their wake.
Their soldiers are grown from raw minerals deep in the dirt,
Continuing callously on, neglectful of the hurt.
But six thousand years in the past they arrived on the earth,
And troubles arose when a single Gem noticed its worth.
Her actions caused fractioning factions like never before,
The Diamonds refused to extract, and this started the war.
For hundreds of years in arenas they butchered and battered,
Until an imperial primary player was shattered.
  Millennia passed and the faction on earth was at peace,
Though shadows of war and of woe can prove hard to release.
Among them were Gems borne of Homeworld and stardust in space,
And Gems borne of terra who’ve known of no other-world place.
And here they were off-colours all, no more terrored seclusion,
But free to find love in each other; eternal in fusion.
Humanity, ever peripheral to the Gem’s fight,
In amity, awkward, appeared and stepped into the light.
A bond between people and Gems, who were equal and even,
Eventual lovers star-crossed, and resulted in Steven. Read More
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