#Moody Thoughts
whiskeyworen · 1 year
Secrets of the Obscure: Lost Commander
Playing through the first sections of Secrets of the Obscure, it got me thinking.
The Commander is lost.
Since the beginning of the game, when we take hold of them, they've had some kind of mission, some kind of goal. It started out small; help out in Shaemoor when things go bad. Or end a nasty Inquest prank/assault by destroying their cube golem. Or help put down Lord Barradine's ghost (again). Or literally defend the Dream from the psychic marring the Nightmare Court are trying to inflict on it in the hopes of spoiling the Dream into the Nightmare. Or taking part in a celebratory hunt and taking down the biggest Ice wurm to date.
From there it just snowballed for them with the Personal story, leading up to joining an Order, meeting their mentor… losing their mentor… Creating the pact and eventually bringing down Zhaitan.
And it kept going from there. One crisis after another. One war after another. Friends gained. Friends lost. Enemies found. Enemies ended. World saved, again, and again, and again.
Finally, things are falling into a nominal peace. Oh there's skirmishes and stuff. There will always be strife. But the big stuff? The world is starting to slowly move past it.
Human and Charr not only have a tenuous peace treaty; the heads behind the resistance to that treaty are GONE. Almost every main legion is headed by someone ameniable to peace, to a new way of life.
The Nightmare Court, while not gone, doesn't seem to have the violence they used to. Oh they still tempt the new sprouts to join them, to indulge in pain and decadence and rebellion… but with Faolain dead, the guiding source for their brutality is gone. Maybe they'll be trouble in the future, but not nearly to the degree Faolain turned them into.
The Inquest have lost base after base, including a Rata. It's unknown what their command structure is like now, or where other bases are, but they seem to at least be keeping their heads down. And with the Arcane Eye taken down, they don't have anyone on the inside anymore, to cover up their misdeeds.
The White Mantle are dead or badly scattered, with no real hope of reforming.
The Svanir have lost their totem beast, if not their lives. If they still linger on, they're no longer the power they tried to be.
Even Joko is finally dead. One of the biggest damned threats to the world, someone who would have killed and turned everyone if given a chance, is now Elder Dragon burps.
The Gods are gone, never to return. The one that tried to is dead.
Through all this, the Commander struggled, trying to save as many as they could. Eventually rising to become the Symbol of the desire for peace and stability.
And it finally happened.
But what do we find? The Commander is… lost. Everyone they knew is either dead, retired, has moved on to positions where they can no longer 'go on adventures'. The threats that brought them all together are gone. Now it's just the wind-down. Fix broken things, find the lives they left behind to fight their fight.
Except the Commander.
They don't have anything else. Their whole existence for the last 10 years has been nigh-constant fighting, threat, intrigue, near-dying, and ACTUAL dying.
Everyone else has moved on. But the Commander can't. What can they do?
It's so terribly sad. I listened to my Commander, Cyrus. My own self-insert. Walking around Salma district. He was relieved that things were peaceful, but you could tell he didn't feel at home. He didn't feel at home, at HOME. Because it wasn't home anymore. It was just a place he protected for a long time.
When he was trying out Taimi's new phone system (I just think of it as the smartphone system), with each call, it was clear that everyone had moved on but him. They'd all found lives to life, new purposes, new loves…. old loves…
And here you have him, standing alone in the street, unnoticed by everyone but a nosey reporter from Cantha. At a loss for what to do with himself.
Going back a step, even the triple-'date' Taimi set up to help Rama was awkward as hell. It wasn't the Commander's idea; they got hijacked into it. Even had their date pretty much picked out for them. As pleasant as it was, and as relaxed as it made them in the end, it was an oddity in their life. When was the last time they'd had a date? Before the Personal Story, somewhere? Maybe never? Was that the FIRST date the Commander had ever had?
It just kinda made me sad that, they knew they were basically going through the motions of 'normal life', because it wasn't normal to THEM. Trying to fit in to a world that no longer needed them.
If it wasn't for accidentally stumbling onto the Astral Ward, I don't think they would have been able to settle into a normal life.
But it still doesn't end there; accidentally brought into association with the Ward, they run into perhaps the ONE other person who might understand that sense of emptiness, that loss of the sense of home. Zojja.
And in her usual faintly self-centered way, you find out she blames the Commander partly for not being there when she needed someone. The one person who not only would have been there if contacted, but ALSO needed someone to confide in, to take some of the weight off them…
It hurt to hear Cyrus very slowly say "We would have come. I know I would've." There was pain there. Like 'You really thought we'd abandon you, so you immediately discounted us.'
So here's Zojja, the last of the people he knew from being the Commander who hasn't yet disappeared… and she's telling him that if she Ascends to Wizard, she'll lose memories, or they'll be come dull and unimportant. That the Zojja that comes out the other side might not even view him as a friend anymore.
And the Commander, already knowing he's probably going to lose his last friend, can only offer an understanding, painful smile and tell her that no matter what, he'll support her, even if she doesn't recognize him anymore.
They'll call him Wayfinder in the Ward… but it's just a new war front. A new rank. A new title. And he'll have to start over again.
At least he'll have R'tchikk to remind him of a past that's already starting to fade away in Tyria.
Everyone in the Ward knows of the Commander; they've been watching through their crystal balls, wondering if the Commander was a big enough threat that they'd need to quietly eliminate them. But now that the Commander is right there, the Ward is going to use them as a new weapon.
And we all know the Commander is just going to accept that this is what they're gonna have to do because… what's the alternative? At least they know how to fight.
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luciferslilith7 · 6 months
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Death whispered,"I'll love you more than life ever can."
Picture Credit ~📍 pinterest
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alchemistmelody · 2 months
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calmshort · 3 months
Take a deep breath.
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foursaints · 2 months
barty characterization is so troublesome because he is at his most canonical (and most compelling) when treated with utter seriousness & placed squarely in context of an austere, repressed upper class childhood leading to patricide… he is not goofy! his prevailing theme in canon is the violent denial of his bodily autonomy - the living body horror and tragedy of his stint under imperius!
so the fanon version of barty as a sleazy trash-talking fuckboy with a tongue piercing is…. uncanonical. there’s literally zero basis for his fandom treatment as hogwarts’s resident dirtbag and in fact it makes no sense… but it’s such an entertaining direction to take him that i would argue fanon’s reshaping made him more interesting? or has given us more opportunities?
like the fan decision to shove hp canon’s most tortured martyr-machiavel into a thrasher hoodie is objectively hilarious and ripe for exploration. basically my point is that true barty enjoyers can juggle both interpretations at once, explore the inherent contradictions, and decide which better suits their purposes for different scenarios. also i would like to see canon!barty and fanon!barty making out
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thoughtartistry · 1 month
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zaphs-lost-cat · 10 days
I love the taste of your name in my mouth.
Even as I notice the cracks in my heart and the blood on your knuckles.
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liebgottsjumpwings · 8 months
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kit-williams · 4 months
A modicum of kindness
Context: Moody's anon's fault for giving me the idea
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @squishyowl @ms--lobotomy
tw: male masturbation, angst?
Why were you kind to him of all people?! Mortarion groused as he had left your presence just as quickly as he could. He could see it, hear it in your voice, smell it in your scent, you were scared of him. Unlike his brother Curze who relished in the fear he brought it was simply what being in the presence of someone like them caused in baselines.
You kept eye contact short... you tried your best to not tremble in fear... your voice wavering under his gaze... you practically wilted under him... and yet you were still kind to him. Your voice was soft... your words soothing... it felt like a balm to him to even in your timid state hear his name flow from your lips.
He didn't know you. You were a new face. New to him anyway... no one must have warned you to not try to be kind to him... to let his gaze cling for too long. The conversation was banal at best... inoffensive even just nothing important just something utterly mundane and still you chose him of all people to try and strike a conversation with. He hopes he wont see you again after what he is about to do. He doubts he could look you in the eyes.
Too many fucking layers he internally grouses as he strips free of everything his white hair clings to the sweat on the back of his neck growing long and annoying to manage... he doesn't let serfs touch him lest he crave that human touch more than he should be allowed to. Its why he doesn't want to see you again... he might crave more... the lingering desire to feel loving hands run through his hair... short nails against his scalp as someone helps him clean... would you say such kind words seeing his body?
He was far too pale... a deathly pallor about him as poison clung to his person as he ruined his lungs... for what. He bitterly seethes. He tightens the breather on his face as the problem between his legs wasn't going away and he walked over to his bed. He felt like a bastard... your only sin of being kind to him made him like some abused beast... eager for a gentle hand to caress him.
Mortarion would rather it be your gentle hands to caress him. He whines at the thoughts of what kind words you would still tell him as your soft body ground against his thigh... or would you rest between his legs... tongue licking his tip... would you still say kind words seeing what he wanted to put into you? What he wanted to do to your body? To ruin you for other men?
Mortarion... Why did you have to actually say his name? It fuels his mind running wild as he languidly strokes his length. That's what caused all of this... the fact you said his name... how he wanted to get you to say it again and again and again. Mortarion! As you slide down his shaft inch by inch... glazed over eyes as drool runs down your chin... just keep saying his name... tell him that you desire this mess of a body.
He fucks his hand harder than he would you as of course you would be scared to even be in the same room... much less actually bed the Primarch... Mortarion does his best to shut down his fantasies as the corners of his eyes burn with that shameful want... to not let them end to not face the reality of it all... that he was in his room pleasuring himself because some mortal said his name sweetly. No one told me you were handsome. He cums at the words you said so softly under your breath... if he was a mortal he wouldn't have heard but he did... he heard you admit that.
Mortarion hurries into the shower before the shame can set in. He just sits under the water like a beast left out in the rain as he feels the sting of shame in his eyes. He doesn't know if he can handle you being kind to him again... and yet he doesn't want to dissuade it... He breaths in the poisonous air as he figures he will never see you again... and you'll just be another pretty face to haunt his lonely nights in bed... another face to haunt him when he needs release... kind words to haunt his fantasies.
He very much hopes he doesn't see you again... because he knows... like a beaten dog he would be desperate to hear your kind words again.
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worldwidewandress · 20 days
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🤍 my need to be seen ...
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... wrestles with my desire to disappear 🖤
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ihatebrainstorm · 1 month
thinking about weather patterns on Cybertron... the science behind how they work.. Cybertron's atmospheric make up, what the poles are like on the planet, or if there are Cybertronians who have altmodes/abilities that can predict weather patterns..........
bc aren't there rust storms or something? So they do have severe weather patterns at least
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psycakes · 11 months
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hits ren with my girl beam. also hits ren with my yurification beam.
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luciferslilith7 · 4 months
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I still hide you in my poetry
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mothermaggiexx · 3 months
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I will never have this version of me again. Let me slow down and be with her.
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melvolkman · 1 year
We’re halfway through October and I can't help but contemplate the finite nature of our existence. It's a peculiar, disquieting thought, isn't it? The realization that life's ephemeral quality means we're allotted only a limited number of Octobers. Perhaps just one more, or five, or possibly fifty..
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Instagram @melvolkman
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bonecarversbestie · 3 months
Lucien is not Mad Eye Moody.
Lucien is Bill Weasley.
Facial scars ✅
Red hair ✅
Nerd, but cool ✅
Breaks curses/spells ✅
Charming ✅
Married to the most beautiful female character(bonus points bc her name means flower)✅
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