a-casual-kpopfan · 1 year
Rain, Rain, Go Away - Haseul Ft. Jinsoul
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It was dark night, clouds surrounding what felt like only around the home. The strong pitter patters of the rain droplets impact the window, the howls of strong winds can be heard from with in the home. With the sound of a storm, a loud bang is heard from the thunder, a bang so loud, waking up a certain red panda from her bed.
“Oh… Stupid storm…”
Haseul turns over in the large bed, seeing your side is completely empty. “Babe?” Haseul sits up, terrified that you’re not in bed. Your slippers aren’t at the side of the bed, the pillows don’t have any dents or signs that you even laid down. “BABE?” Haseul throws the comforter off her body, slipper her feet in slippers, almost running off the bed.
“Babe?! This isn’t funny!” Haseul walks out the bedroom, scared, anxious while grabbing her phone to use as a flashlight. The whole home is dark, asides from the sounds of the storm outside, the house is complete silent. Just the white sound of the clocks ticking in the home due to Haseul’s thing for collecting old style trinkets.
“I see why he doesn’t like the clocks now…” Haseul slowly passes by a ticking clock on the kitchen counter.
A loud crash can be heard outside, a loud thunderclap startling Haseul, screaming like a ghost laid their hand on her shoulder which caused her to drop her phone on the floor. Haseul is squatted down on the ground, covering her head, bracing for potential impact. After a minute of silence other than the rain and ticking, Haseul realized no one is going to bonk her on the head.
“Damn it…” Haseul stands up and picks up her phone from the ground.
1:08 AM.
“It’s late, where could he be?” She stares at her phone then brings it up to shine the light forward but shines at a photo of both you and Haseul. She slowly walked up to the photo and picked it up, she can remember that day like it just happened. The beaches of Jeju Island, the smell of the salty beach water, the sounds of seagulls squawking in the background.
“May the lovely couple say cheese!” The resort worker gets a camera out preparing to take a photo of you and Haseul. Instead of a regular smile, Haseul wraps both her arms around your neck pulling you in to kiss you on the cheek while your face is completely surprised.
Haseul smiles at the memory, it was the first vacation the two of you took alone. She takes a deep breath before putting the photo back on the shelf where she picked it up from.
A key turning the front door’s lock can be heard, Haseul picked up a bat that’s leaning against the wall, turning off her phone and getting ready to swing. The door opens and a dark figure walk in, Haseul lunging in and screaming “NOT TODAY YOU BASTARD!”
“BABE?!” You watch your girlfriend prepared to take a hard swing at you, thankfully you ducked instead of being frozen, but it led to a newfound hole in the wall… With a baseball bat sticking out of it. “Haseul?!” You stayed on the floor in shock to your stressed-out girlfriend ready to behead you.
“Oh, my goodness, I’m so sorry!” Haseul drops to her knees, shocked from who she almost potentially decapitated. “The storm! You weren’t here! The dark! I’m sorry!” In classic Haseul fashion, she starts rambling on about the last half hour, begins to cry like a little baby, well… Your little baby.
“Shh, shh, shh, it’s okay, I’m here now.” You take your wet coat off and move next to Haseul taking her in for a hug. Haseul went from crying to straight up weeping. “DON’T LEAVE ME ALONE LIKE THAT!” Your crying girlfriend starts hitting you ever so slightly while you just sit there and take the hits.
Although you couldn’t help but smile.
After a while of trying to get Haseul to calm down, taking the bat out of the wall, and changing out of your drenched clothes, you finally get in bed.
The storm settled down. Real silence has come across your home, you lay down in your spot in bed while Haseul is sitting up scrolling through her phone, assuming to be Tiktok or Instagram. “Honey, come lay down with me.” You tug on Haseul’s shirt, but she ignores it as she’s upset with you for not coming home sooner or leaving any messages.
You took a deep breath and sighed; you knew you had to do it. Moving from your laying position, you sit up and wrap both your arms around Haseul’s waist, resting your head on her shoulder as your breath tickles her neck ever so slightly. Haseul’s straight face starts to break into a small smile as she loves it when you hug her from behind.
Haseul continues to scroll through her phone trying to ignore your presence, but you hold on to her tighter and started rubbing you nose into neck, tickling her even more. Haseul couldn’t resist anymore, she puts her phone down, turns and smiles. “Fine, you got me!” Haseul proceeds to wrap her arms around your neck and begins to assault you with kisses all over your face.
The both of you go down on the bed with Haseul now on top of you, the kisses turn into cuddling, cuddling turn into snuggling. “Try not to swing the bat every time someone goes through the door.” You continue making fun of Haseul for nearly beheading you earlier tonight, Haseul digs her face into your chest trying to hide from embarrassment.
“I told you! I was scared!” Haseul kicked her feet up in the air and started whining as her yell is muffled in your chest. “I know babe, I know.” You chuckle with a smile on your face, you then go on to stroke Haseul’s long brown hair, easing her to sleep. “Mmm, I like that babe.” Haseul is finally relaxed, being in your arms, laying bed with you.
She wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
“Goodnight Seulie, I love you.”
The chirps of birds can be heard loud and clear, droplets of water fall off the leaves of a tree standing next to the home. The sunshine gleams around the tree’s branches and leaves, birds flying off here, flying in there. The storm has long gone past, leaving a beautiful morning behind.
Haseul then wakes up in her normal side on the bed, slowly opening her eyes. She sits up slowly then stretches her arms out, letting out a loud sigh. After a nice stretch, Haseul looks over to your side of the bed. All clean, untouched, as if no one was laying down with her last night. “Another night, eh?” Haseul feels your pillow with a little smile before getting out of the bed and getting herself ready for the day.
The house was empty, just filled with photo frames and your favourite baseball bat. Haseul comes out from the bedroom dressed and ready to go out for the day, before doing so she goes to her desk and opens a notebook.
After spending a minute writing an entry into the notebook, she then goes on to grab her jacket that’s hanging on the wall next to the door, noticing that there’s no hole in the wall. Haseul smiles as she feels the wall with her palm, it’s like new, like as if it’s never been smashed in.
Haseul puts her jacket and boots on, opening the door and looking back in her apartment before leaving.
“I’ll be back, babe.”
Haseul left her apartment, greeting people in her community as she’s lived in the area for the last few months, with you and her just moving in recently. “Good morning Haseulie!” The flower vender by the building whom both you and Haseul has visited often over the time. “Good morning auntie Hazel!” An elderly woman tending to the flower displays outside the store greets Haseul as she enters the store.
“Off visiting?” Auntie asks Haseul as she’s taking a look at what today’s selection holds. “Yes unnie, I’m going to go see him today before seeing Jinsolie today.” Haseul finds a bunch of white tulips resting in a large bucket with water. “Unnie, can I get a batch of these?” Haseul points over to the tulips, where auntie walks over and grabs a few to wrap up.
“You’re a good girl Haseulie, I’m sure he loves you so much.” Auntie mentions as she wraps the flowers in wrapping paper. “Thank you unnie, I’m sure he would love to visit if he had the time.” Haseul smiled at auntie who is happily finishing the wrapping for the flowers. “Here you go Haseulie, don’t worry about it today. A gift from me to the lovely couple.”
Auntie hands over the flowers to Haseul, not taking “no” as answer. “Thank you unnie.” Haseul bids goodbye shortly after a small conversation.
The brown-haired songstress decided to take a walk to her destination today instead of taking her car, she deemed today’s weather to be perfectly breezy with consideration that it rained like hell just last night.
Haseul arrives at the front gate of the property and seeing the back of a very familiar raven character.
“How did you know I would be here?”
The woman in a black blazer and skirt, wearing high boots turns around hearing the voice of Haseul. “Because of the thunderstorm Haseulie, I know you always visit.” Jinsol says with attitude and a stare, quickly turns into a smile and goes on to hug Haseul. “I always want to be here for support.”
The two friends walk through the entrance of property, a cemetery ground. Jinsol looked around the grounds and sees a few couples and families coming by to pay their respects to their loved ones, just as Haseul is today.
Jinsol looks ahead where the gravestone is set but she sees someone in front of the stone. “Hey isn’t that…?” Haseul started running away from Jinsol, the closer she got to the grave, the more familiar the figure would be.
Haseul yells out, causing a little bit of a scene making Jinsol cringe as some bystanders are starting to stare.
Your head suddenly shoots up from a praying position to see Haseul marching towards you, to your surprise as you weren’t expecting to see Haseul here so early. “Hi babe?~” Your voice was little shaky seeing a possibly fuming girlfriend?
“Why didn’t you wake me up!?” Haseul puffs her cheeks up while she stomps like a child, while you stand in front of her and chuckle. You pat the top of her head while she’s puffing her cheeks out “You were sleeping so peacefully; I would have hated to wake up you.” Jinsol comes walking up rolling her eyes at the smitten couple.
“Jinsol.” You greet Jinsol after seeing how unamused she is, acting as the third wheel. “Where’s Daewon?” At that moment you realized you poked the wrong button. “Bastard’s shooting with Jiwoo right now.” Jinsol mentions under her breathe, you start to get nervous seeing that Jinsol seems a little irritated with the question.
After spending some time at the cemetery, you decided to drive Jinsol and Haseul over to the Modhaus building before going back to the library for your shift. “How’s things with Daewon lately?” Jinsol in the backseat definitely looks very unamused, Haseul doesn’t think anything of it as Jinsol and Daewon have been rocky since the group came back from tour in September.
“Why don’t you ask the bastard yourself.” Jinsol speaks with attitude, surprising both you and Haseul. “Is something wrong Sol?” Haseul asks while looking back at the angry little betta. “The bastard is too busy to see me, can’t even come for lunch or even visit the dorm. Idiot.” Jinsol starts ranting to herself, she’s so focused on her thoughts, completely ignoring that she’s in the car with the both of you.
“You know you and Dae can always get back together.” And at that moment, something snapped.
“I DON’T WANT TO GET BACK WITH HIM.” Jinsol explodes in the backseat, both you and Haseul shut up and just stare straight on the road. “Who cares that he spends so much time with Jiwoo. Jiwoo this, Jiwoo that. HMPH.”
Haseul has never seen Jinsol this livid before, neither have you.
The car ride has continued in silence before arriving at the Modhaus building. “Hey Sol, I’ll meet you inside, okay?” Haseul lets Jinsol go ahead first, which the Blue Betta just shrugs off since she thinks Haseul just wants to kiss you “goodbye” before leaving.
Both Haseul and you look out the window to see Jinsol walking in the building to make sure she doesn’t have sight of both you.
“We need a plan.”
Haseul just smiles at you.
Think of this as a teaser for Season 2 of the MoonVerse, a prolouge if you wish. - CKF
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artzy-jamie7302 · 2 years
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Its Friday you know what that means! I was going to upload this earlier but once again, terrible sleep schedule. Anyway the Persona series is one that I wanted to get into for the longest time, and while doing research the one that caught my eye the most was Persona 5. I loved the idea of them getting costumes, and since I've seen a good chunk of the Sun and Moon fandom make their own AU's, I decided to get in on the fun and make one of my own. (And hopefully wont be made fun of this time.) Sun and Moon Persona AU. Depending on how busy I am with college coming up I may or may not make reference sheets for them as well as their personas, which may take a while cause I don't know the first thing about drawing personas but I'll try. Enjoy!
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dvepalki · 4 months
Long promised shitpost with evil moon gang
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Feat(left to right)
Project Triple Affirmation Moon - @exo-dus404
Lunar Moon - @weepinglilvessel
The Frostrot Moon - me:>
Disarray Moon - @hdra77
Rotten Moon - @revolvius
Canon Moon is tired of being turned evil lol
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tinydragondreamer · 1 year
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Angela: "You know what I hear? The sound of you shutting the fuck up."
these two should stop turning people into books and start a career in comedy. It would make the world a better place I think.
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caramelcoeur · 9 months
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This must be what thrill feels like, darling! Eventually, I fall into you...
You attack my heart!!!
Gif version of Xani below!
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mandysxmuses · 1 year
“Everyone seems to know everything about everything, apart from me.” - Lloyd @ Todd (could be either verse)
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"What, and you think I do? I just got up here recently. I just learned what a fucking garbage truck was." He gave a playful laugh, but realizing levity probably wasn't going to completely get Lloyd to feel better, he nudged him with his elbow.
"You've got time to figure shit out. Lots of time. You know, everyone up here that knows all that shit had to learn it at some point too. Hell, I've heard people up here start up as babies that don't even know how to use a toilet."
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younaither · 24 days
— IDEA #9(?) ✧
this is purely self indulgent.
SAGAU with a carmen!reader (IMPOSTER AU)
maybe a bit of albedo x reader.....
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- ...so yk how the usual SAGAU imposter au goes right? they hunt down reader and execute them...
- it seems that albedo, the only one who knows the truth — proceeded to somehow salvage what's left of reader's corpse and preserve their entire nervous system in a cryogenic chamber. that way, reader lives on as a voice. he's doing everything to get the reader's physical body back—machinery, chemically, everything is on the table for him.
- it's just like in the project moonverse, whenever someone is at their lowest — reader's voice seeps in their mind, encouraging them to let go of their worries and ‘live freely’.
- they don't know how much longer they can go on without going insane. they could even hear their voice in the leylines.
- of course teyvat still lives on, but rumors started spreading about the creator's voice haunting them. if it's the creator themself talking to them.. then it must be okay to let go, right?
- this must be a reward for terminating the imposter that dared to impersonate them.
- even the hilichurls, the slimes—every single being can hear their voice. they've become more aggressive to humans, but also at peace whenever they're alone. reader's voice is just like a lullaby to them.
- reader doesn't even see it* as wrong. in their eyes, they were just merely helping the people live happier lives.
(*encouraging the people to let go of their worries and whatnot.)
- reader's voice is omnipresent, listening to the people of teyvat's worries, doubts and whatnot—while giving ‘advice’. they're like a ‘therapist’ that encourages you to give in to your thoughts, whether impulsive or intrusive.
person: "i can't do it anymore. i want to abandon everything, maybe even set my house on fire and run away—"
reader's voice inside their head: why don't you do it then? :) you'll be much happier that way.
it's up to the person to reject the reader's voice or not, but their voice will be back to haunt them again whenever they're having doubts.
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life is hard being a project moon fan. take this idea with a grain of salt i tried my hardest to incorporate project moon in this 😞
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snugboatthe2st · 1 month
After hearing several hour long autistic rants about the Project Moonverse from my friend, this is the conclusion I've come to about the series. I've never played any of these games.
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kaibutsushidousha · 1 month
Do you think OC1 should've taken another part of type moonverse rather going extra since OC3 already had it's hands in it?
PAPERMOON is already more Heaven's Feel and Fate/Zero than EXTRA. Rani is not there to form the Fate/EXTRA cast along... literally no one. She's there to form the Melty Blood Back Alley Nightmare cast along Sion and Lev.
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a-casual-kpopfan · 2 years
Looks Like Rain.
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Previous Part: Behind The Scenes - Haseul
Next Part: ?
A/N: There will few spoilers and easter eggs here for all future fics as this really ends Jinsoul's first phase in the MoonVerse.
You turn on the light switch to your small apartment. It was a mess, old take-out containers, glass bottles of alcohol on the counter next to the sink. You lock your front door, slipping out of your shoes and bringing a plastic bag with a few bottles of soju over to the table. Not even cleaning up, you pull a bottle out and open it to immediately sip from it.
You pull your phone out of your pocket as you take a seat at the table, seeing you have several missed calls from a certain Jo Haseul.
“Oppa, you got to talk to her.”
“She’s not talking to anyone. I really think she’s going crazy over this.”
“Oppa… She’s locked herself in her room, Sooyoung is trying keep her calm.”
These voicemails were all from a week ago. You were a wreck. Everything has come crashing down on you all in an instant. You requested a Leave of Absence from work, which was granted for 2 months.
You couldn’t bring yourself to stare her in the face.
Jeong Jinsol.
You believed those were the last words you would ever hear from the woman you love, kicking you out of her life.
*Knock, Knock*
You sluggishly get up and walk over to your front door, opening it revealing a certain silver-haired leader of a 12-member group. She looked at you with a smile, while you felt disgusted and just drank another sip of the soju you have in hand.
You didn’t say a word but turned your back on Haseul and walked towards your living room, leaving Haseul free to enter the mess of an apartment. Haseul walks in and closes the door, going through the hallway and kicking around the trash that’s laying on the floor. “Ugh oppa, don’t you ever clean up?” Haseul starts picking up empty chip bags and cups of ramen off the floor.
You completely dismiss whatever she has said and just took another swig of the bottle of soju. Haseul then puts the trash into the big under the sink in the kitchen and walks over to the couch where your sad ass has taken refuge.
“Why are you here Jo?” You lay the back of your head on the couch, looking at her as tears start running down your face. “I miss her.” Haseul looks at you, taking the bottle out of your hand and placing it on the nearby table. “I miss her too Daewon.” Haseul places her other hand on top of yours.
“I regret not telling her.” Haseul’s voice is toned down much lower than ever, this of course is a hard time to be the leader of the group. “You know if you don’t talk to her before we leave, things will never go back to normal.” The leader sat down next to you, trying to comfort, and hopefully put some motivation to see her.
“WHY ARE YOU ALWAYS WITH HER?” Jinsol yells at you as she enters your apartment, as you are following behind her. “What do you mean babe?” You were growing irritated with how Jinsol is reacting. “Why are you always with Jiwoo.” Jinsol’s voice was lowered, she was not shouting. She was trying to stay calm in this situation, trying to keep herself composed.
“I’m not always with her, Sol. I’m with you almost every day.” You were growing annoyed being questioned by her. “Why can’t you tell me what’s going between the two of you. Jiwoo has been distance with us too, this isn’t a coincidence!” Jinsol is starting to get more suspicious by the moment.
“There’s nothing to tell you babe, I just happened to see Jiwoo.” You put your coat away on the coat rack, proceeding to pass Jinsol in the hall leading to the kitchen. “Can I trust you?” Without hesitation, you answered right away.
“You can trust me.”
“Have you spoken to her?” A voice over the phone asks you about Jinsol. “No… I don’t think I should get near the dorm anytime soon.” You tell this person, very sadly. “Do you want to get a drink tonight?”
You look at your window and see the sun setting down, indicating nightfall is coming. “Sure, I’ll come over.”
“Okay oppa, I’ll see you soon.”
You hang up the phone and got up from your couch, walking to your bedroom to open the closet. It’s hitting once again, everything felt so much emptier than before. It’s been a week, a week that Jinsol took all her things back. A week ago, when Jinsol swore she would never set foot in this apartment again.
You can say that your closet really represents what you feel like. Having lost someone so close, your lover, your best friend, but in the end, you had to do what you had to do. You shake your head to bring some sense to yourself. Trying to not think about the past, trying to not think about the way you lost her.
You put on a jacket, grabbing your wallet and keys on the way out. You receive a text holding details of the new address that you will be heading to.
As you leave your apartment, you look back inside. The lack of photo frames, the endless mess that’s taking up the space inside.
Just like you.
You walk up to an apartment, knocking on the door while holding a bag of food and drinks with the other hand. “Who is it?” A familiar cheerful voice can be heard from the other size, you smile as you hear that her voice is still as happy as it could be.
“It’s me Jiwoo.” The door opens to a homey looking Jiwoo.
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“You look settled.” Smiling slightly as you see Jiwoo taking the move to a different dorm well. “Come in oppa.” She moves out of the way, letting you in the new dorm. It’s more so a one-bedroom apartment, yet more roomy than your own apartment. Taking in the look of the dorm, there’s still many boxes that have yet to be unpacked.
“Did you call me over to unpack your things?” Looking back at the little peach, but to your surprise, she shook her head. “My assigned manager will come later in the week to help me. I think his name is In-Su?” You shrug and unpack the snacks and soju you brought over.
The two of you sitting at a table in the living room, taking a few shots each and eating little snacks such as chips and roasted nuts. “How’s the new company?” You curiously ask Jiwoo wondering about her wellbeing. “It’s nice, I guess you can say that you’ve been in one agency, you’ve been in all of them. But the CEO… Ree Yong… Kind of a stickler, so into his business.”
Jiwoo continues telling you about the new agency she joined since her relationship with BBC started falling out. “How are you feeling about leaving?” Jiwoo shrugs and leans back a little. “I want to look out for myself, and I’m not leaving the group, it was just a contract dispute.” You shrugged as well as she’s technically not the only one who left.
“How about you oppa?” Jiwoo pours herself another shot of soju, also pouring you one as well. You can hear from the tone of voice that she understands what you’ve been through. “Is unnie still mad?” You just sat there smiling somberly, Jiwoo knew everything that had happened.
The only reason why you had spent so much time with Jiwoo, not telling Jinsol anything was because you were sworn the confidentiality by the new agency she was moving to. Jiwoo asked of you to help her with the move but to keep it a secret from the group until it happens.
“Haseul visited me at my apartment this morning. It doesn’t sound like she’s having any luck with Jinsol either.” Jiwoo can’t do anything other than pout and raise her glass with you. Picking up your glass, you clinked it off Jiwoo’s before the two of you take the shot down.
“Unnie, it’s time to eat.” Yerim knocks on the door, opening it to see her unnie, Jinsol still concealed in her bed. “Okay Yerim… I’ll come down later.” Jinsol’s voice sounds broken, a piece of her is missing, you were missing. “Come down soon unnie, you need to eat to be healthy.” Yerim then closes the door and leaves.
Following quickly after, the door quickly opens, causing Jinsol shoot up from laying down. “I said I’ll be-” “Unnie, can we talk?” A tired looking Haseul is confronting the one equally tired Jinsol. “Can I sit?” Jinsol is confused but nods, letting her group leader sit on the bed with her. “Haseul, I-”
Haseul shakes her head and raises her hand. “Just listen to me right now.” Jinsol just stayed silent and stared at Haseul. “Do you know how much of a mess he is right now?” Haseul smiled a little while holding onto Jinsol’s hand. “Well, I can tell you, that the apartment misses you too.” Jinsol snickers a little knowing her ex partner is a real mess.
“Unnie, maybe you should find everything out and talk?” Jinsol looked up to her leader because of course she must be right… Again. Jinsol knew that she had to get some kind of closure, or at least speak to you properly this time.
“I need to talk to him.” Haseul nodded and promptly left the room, leaving Jinsol to do what she needs to do. As expected, Jinsol got out of bed and got dressed. Without a thought in her mind, she leaves with barely presentable sweats, no makeup, only grabbing her bag and jacket.
Sooyoung who happens to be in the living room with her significant other Gungjeun just watches the blonde run down the stairs and immediately out the door. “What was that about?” Gungjeun asks while he and Sooyoung are snacking on chips on the couch. “Bet you a cup of ice cream that it’s Daewon related.” Sooyoung immediately counters with a bet.
“Why do you only make bets when you know you’re going to win.” Gungjeun questions, with Sooyoung give him a pretty smile and tells him happily. “Because nothing will be in between me and my snacks.” Sooyoung says confidently.
Jinsol arrives at your apartment, getting out of an uber. Jinsol was scrambling, feeling flustered, she’s insanely confused of her actions but not as confused of her feelings. She doesn’t know why she’s there, why she’s there to see you. Is to get back together? Is it to clarify why it’s best to break up?
Jinsol breathing heavily, thinking about the last time she was in your apartment.
Jinsol looks up to the sky, it’s starting to get dark. “It really had to rain out of all days?” Jinsol ran towards the apartment, Haseul would totally scold her for not being sensible to bring an umbrella. After taking a deep breath Jinsol enters the lobby still having an extra key you gave her months ago.
In a matter of moments, she’s in front of your door. Jinsol gently knocks on the door still feeling like she should respect your privacy even though she still had your extra key with her. She patiently waits at your door, although one knock turned to another knock. One minute turned to two minutes.
Jinsol knew you would have answered by now, slowly losing all her patience she opened the door with your spare key. “Daewon?” Jinsol called out your name, peeking inside she notices that your shoes aren’t here. “He’s not home?” Jinsol looked around the apartment and damn, it really was a mess.
Jinsol smiles as she remembers all the time that you and she spent, you’ve been in this apartment for years but today, it felt like you’re visiting for the very first time. “I guess I should do something while I wait.” Jinsol tells herself as she takes her shoes off and starts picking up trash all over the floor.
Jinsol has swept the floor, cleaned up around the living room. “Already looking better.” Now Jinsol gazes at her work, keys can be heard from the front door. The door swings open to you and Jiwoo wet from the rain, as she is holding your arm.
“J-Jinsol?” “Oh, unnie when did you get here?”
Jinsol was in shock, you, and Jiwoo? Did it really happen? Two weeks and you were already with someone… You were with Jiwoo. “Jinsol?” Her name, her real name. No more babe, no more Soulie and no more JinJin.
Just Jeong Jinsol.
“Uh… I was just here to…” Jinsol was flustered, she couldn’t think properly. She stared at Jiwoo’s hand around your arm, Jiwoo noticed right away and immediately let’s go of your arm and looked down. “I’m here to return your key.” Jinsol takes the key off her chain and leaves it on the table.
“Wait, Jinsol.” You tried to call her name, but Jinsol rushed out the door, her eyes starting to shine like she’s trying to hold in the tears. “Jiwoo.” Jinsol didn’t bother looking up to Jiwoo. The tone wasn’t cold but more so giving up. Jinsol ran out the door, the tears have come out, the dam has come down.
“Jinsol!” You chased her down the hallway, she reached the elevator, the doors closing before you can call the elevator open. You look back and forth trying to find a way to find her. The end of the hallway, you find the emergency stairs rushing towards them.
Jinsol leaning back on the wall of the elevator, looking up to the ceiling, tears coming down her face. Regretting coming to see you, it should have ended that day when Jinsol left, there was no chance to reconcile and fix things.
You and Jiwoo.
Jinsol should have seen that coming.
The elevator finally makes it to the lobby, the doors open and the tearful blonde inside slowly walks out.  “How could I have been so dumb…” Jinsol couldn’t stop thinking about it, you and Jiwoo being together. The rain is coming down hard although Jinsol didn’t care. She was determined to leave as soon as possible.
Jinsol turns around to see you chasing after her, you didn’t think twice about running through the rain to see the one you care about. “Jinsol, why did you leave?” This new look of concern on your face is noticed by Jinsol, of course knowing you for so many years. “What do you want?!” Jinsol yelled back at you.
“Why did you come?” You searched for answer, she hasn’t seen you in weeks and this is what happens when you two see each other again? “I saw the way she held your arm.” Jinsol looked you in the ear, her red tearful eyes, a look you never seen before. “The way you two were laughing.” You were confused, what did she mean? “How come you couldn’t be there for me like you are for her?” Were you not there for her all the time? You begin to question yourself, when was the last time the two of you went out for a date? When was the last time you had time off from work?
“You were always my priority!” You tried to counter, only wanted to be with Jinsol but work and other things got in the way. “Then why can’t you tell me what’s going on with you and Jiwoo?!” You were quiet, you couldn’t respond to her. “You can’t even answer me that.” With that, Jinsol signalled to a cab that was conveniently come up the street.
“I don’t want to see you ever again.” Jinsol opens the door to the cab seats, and shortly the car drives off before you could react. You were left in the rain, you don’t know what you could have done, what you could have answered. “I should have just told her what happened, whether you were allowed to or not.”
You turn around to Jiwoo running with a large umbrella in hand. “You pabo! You could get sick!” Those were the exact same words Jinsol said to you the night you two got together, the night two of you shared your first kiss, the night both of you finally confessed your love for each other.
At that moment it hit you, the tears came out and you couldn’t hold it in anymore. You fell on your knees, Jiwoo panicked, threw the umbrella to the ground, and dropped down to you. She held you, she tried to comfort you, she stayed there for you.
“Are you ready for the article to drop?” The CEO of Jiwoo’s new company asks you and Jiwoo as you’re in an office of a small building in Seoul. “How do you think Orbits will take it Yong?” It’s been about a month since what happened, after that you solely focused on work with Jiwoo. “If the trend of Jiwoo’s popularity keeps rising, I don’t see how this can go poorly.”
Jiwoo seemed nervous, you were sitting next to her, and you grabbed her hand. “It’ll be okay Wooming.” Jiwoo looked at you and smiled, her nervousness went away, and all became well.
In a blink of an eye, the article drops.
“LOONA’s Chuu to leave BBC over lawsuit, opts to open a self owned company.”
“Oh my God, oh my God, it’s out!” Jiwoo jumps up as you, the CEO Ree Yong, and his assistant Byeon In-Su. “Ms. Kim, I must ask you to calm down, I believe this will be a successful campaign.” You just laugh at In-Su’s attempt to calm Jiwoo, the years you’ve known her, there’s no way to calm her down.
Jiwoo still staying panic mode, both Yong and In-Su watching as she’s in a panic, but you finally step in. “Jiwoo, shouldn’t you get ready for the opening celebration?” Jiwoo heard you quite clearly and stopped panicking, took a deep breath, and nodded. Yong nodded at you in thanks for calming the young peachy girl “In-Su please take Ms. Kim down dress and makeup.”
In-Su accepts and heads to the door to open for Jiwoo, before leaving she goes up to and gives you a hug. “I’ll see you at the party.” You hug her back and you nod. Both Jiwoo and In-Su leave, you sit down in a chair, sighing slightly.
“Daewon.” You look over at Yong who’s going through his laptop, over the last month you, Yong, In-Su, and Jiwoo have met quite a few times during the month, Yong even meeting a certain bunny we all know and love. “I need to let you know that the rest of the group will be attending the party.” Rather than telling you that they’re attending, Yong is warning you.
You look down, but back up with a small smile. “Well, it was bound to happen.” You knew you must face it eventually, especially working for Jiwoo instead of BBC now. “Is Heejin still pining?” You joke with Yong, he may have a cold and serious demeanour, but he is quite entertained with the shenanigans that have been going on the past month or so.
“Shouldn’t you prepare for tonight?” Yong reminds you as you notice he has a little smirk. “Should I be worried?” You knew something is up, it’s just the matter of what it is. “Here’s the seating plans.”
Table 1:
Heejin (Of course) – Yong – In-Su – Jiwoo – Daewon (You) – Jinsol – Yerim – Jung – Jungeun – Jae-Sun – Sooyoung – Gungjeun.
Table 2:
Hyunjin – Jin-Ho – Vivi – Haneul – Yeojin – Taesuk – Haseul – Min-Joon – Chaewon – Taeyang – Hyeju – Jiwu.
Your eyes widen, looking up towards Yong in shock. “Yong!” You yell in a panic, but Yong stays calm in his chair and shrugs. “You don’t need to show up you know.” The cold CEO casually says, it would be better if you didn’t attend although you can’t leave Jiwoo on her lonesome.
“Looks like I’m stuck.”
“Girls, table seating plan just came in!” Heejin calls out the girls while she’s sitting at her laptop, receiving an email from Yong… Well Yong’s business email. “Since when did you get group related emails ahead of Haseul?” Sooyoung walks in eating a pack of chocolate pocky. “Since I started annoying him with Jiwoo unnie.”
“Oh my God…” Both Heejin and Sooyoung stare at the open email and smirk at each other. “Tonight, is going to be fun unnie.” Heejin giggles while Sooyoung can only smirk while eating her pocky. “I think us being in the same table to watch up front is going to be a treat.” Sooyoung says as she snaps a pocky in half in her mouth.
“So, Jiwoo really did start up her own company.” Jinsol casually says as she’s scrolling through her phone in one of the cars taking the group to Jiwoo’s new company’s building. “Yeah, to think this all started with a lawsuit.” Haseul who is pleasantly surprised that Jiwoo was able to pull this feat.
“Are you okay with attending Sol?” Sooyoung sitting in the back with Gungjeun and Heejin, the only reason why Sooyoung is asking in the first place is because she knows for a fact that Ms. Blondie sitting up front has not seen the seating plan, otherwise she would not even bother with this event.
“Of course, Jiwoo is still my friend and one of our members!” Jinsol tries to reassure the members and member’s S/O that she’s 100% okay with being there, though Jinsol isn’t holding a grudge towards Jiwoo, but a sour taste was left in her mouth every time that Jinsol would think of Jiwoo.
“Of course, Sol, we’re all there to support her.” Min-Joon (Haseul’s partner) who’s driving the car, accepts what Jinsol says and believes that she’s telling the truth. Joon looks in his mirror with Jinsol in the refection, the two smile at each other.
“Have you spoken to him at all?” Min-Joon whose friends with Daewon back in high school, asks their other companion of being in the chaotic lives of the moon girls, Gungjeun, Sooyoung’s partner. “I haven’t, that day Jinsol came back in the rain, it was scary.”
“I tried calling him, he didn’t pick up.” Joon is now in a panic for his childhood friend, he doesn’t show it on his face, but his actions do. Joon is standing in front of the window, staring into the sky. Haseul is worried for both Jinsol and Daewon, a member and a friend who’s worked with them since the beginning and all went to high school together.
“How do you think Jiwoo is doing?” Gungjeun asks out of curiosity, worried for the missing’s member’s wellbeing. “I don’t think Jiwoo is having a good time either.” Sooyoung frowns as she misses her best friend who isn’t in the dorm anymore.
“We just have to do our best to support Jinsol right now.” Joon says looking back at the table consisting of Haseul, Gungjeun and Sooyoung. As they all agree, nodding towards Min-Joon.
~Present Time~
“We’re about to start.” Daewon enters Jiwoo’s change room, knocking first and getting permission of course. Jiwoo looks in her large vanity mirror, with you in the reflection and smiles. “I’m nervous oppa.” You look into Jiwoo’s eyes through the mirror, and you can see the worry in her eyes.
“It’ll go well Jiwoo; you have nothing to worry about.” You walked up to Jiwoo and put your hand on her shoulder, she smiled and pulled up her hand and rested it on yours. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath and looks up to you. “I hope so.”
*Knock knock*
“Ms. Jiwoo, it’s time to greet the guests.” Yong’s assistant In-Su is standing in the doorframe of the changeroom, you and Jiwoo look at each other and know that there’s no going back now. “Let’s go Ms. Kim?” You playfully put your hand out like you’re going to walk the Queen out to her horse drawn carriage. “Let’s go.” Jiwoo says softly taking your hand in the same action.
As you take Jiwoo out to In-Su, you head to the other direction heading to the main hall where the event is taking place. You pull up your phone to look at her contact.
JinJin <3
You never dared to change her name on your phone, but you thought about the last month.
Was there going to be another chance?
Can she forgive you for what happened?
Will she understand?
Does she still love you?
JinJin <3|
It pained you but you eventually had to do it.
“So, you are alive!” You and Gungjeun shares a little man hug, Joon as well shortly after. “I’m sorry for not picking up your calls or messaging, I was more or less preoccupied.” You look behind the boys to Jiwoo smiling and seeing the other Loona members. Although when looking in the direction of Jiwoo, Jinsol happens to pass by and awkwardly makes eye contact with you.
Your smile falls from a normal one to a hurt one, you friends notice this sudden change in vibe. “It’s okay, we just got to get through this night, and we can go along with our lives.” Joon puts his hand on your shoulder trying to comfort you.
But that’s the thing.
You don’t want to go back to a normal life, you want your chaotic life you had with Jinsol. The hugs and cuddles, the adventures you two had together since kids. A person you spent your whole life with and it’s over.
“Yeah, I guess so.” You just had to accept it. But you were extremely weary of what’s yet to come due to some… Unusual seating plans. “Let’s get seated? I believe us three are at the same table?” You try to change the subject as you dread the upcoming event. The boys agree and all sat down and caught up with each other.
Jiwoo and Jinsol has greeted each other but more so respect that they’re members in the same group, there was still a large amount of tension between the two and the rest of the members really feel it as well. “Is it me or does it feel like the place is much smaller than how it actually is?” Heejin quietly asks Sooyoung, who nods and agrees.
The night went on as it should, but the awkwardness is starting to rise high between Jinsol and Jiwoo. The greetings have ended, both Yong and Jiwoo take the stage of the auditorium in the building, everything is going fine and well… Other than the fact that you and Jinsol are sitting next to each other.
The table is silent, more so for the respect of Jiwoo and Yong going through the opening pleasantries with all the ones who attended.
Once when the opening announcements were over, both Yong and Jiwoo join your table while noticing the awkward tension around here. Servers have appeared and started serving guests their choice of chicken or beef, everyone getting their preferred orders until.
“Sorry ma’am I only have chicken left.” The server apologized to Jinsol as she requested for a beef dish, but it seems like the kitchen miss counted.
You know that “Oh” that was a disappointed “Oh”, and of course Jinsol, didn’t want to make a big deal out of it and just accepted it. You can tell she was disappointed and felt lost, not knowing what to do.
You looked at your untouched plate and awkwardly tried to talk to Jinsol. “Hey.” Jinsol heard you, but decidedly ignoring you. “Hey.” Jinsol acknowledges that you’re trying to talk to her, but again ignoring you. You roll your eyes as you know Jinsol is giving you the silent treatment, you went ahead to grab her plate.
“Yah! What are you – Oh.” Jinsol watches you giving up your beef plate for her chicken. “Thanks.” Jinsol thanks you but doesn’t look at you, but you know she is thankful that you have done that, otherwise she’ll be complaining for the whole night. While on the other side of the table, Heejin and Sooyoung are watching everything that is happening between the two of you.
“You didn’t have to do that.” Jinsol resentfully said to you, it was uncalled for but hey, she initiated a conversation. “But it seems like you’re happier with that rather than with this.” Jinsol doesn’t want to admit she is happy with your actions. “Whatever.”
You: 1
Jinsol: 0
“At least I stay loyal to my first choice.”
You: 1
Jinsol: 1
You didn’t have a comeback for that, you sort of just sat there in silence eating. You looked around and saw some unfamiliar faces sitting with some members. “Did the other members meet some people?” Jinsol rolled her eyes but decided to continue with the conversation. “The one sitting next to Chaewon, the guy she’s fixing the tie for, that’s Taeyang. A part time arts director at the college, recently hired as a stylist.”
You nod along, you’ve been away from BBC for so long that you haven’t gotten familiar with the new hires. “And this is Jung oppa.” Yerim with her bright smile, shows her partner. “Hello!” Jung, equally as bubbly and bright as Yerim. “Yup, they’re definitely a couple.” You nod respectfully to greet Jung. “And you remember Haseul’s younger brother?” You begin to get more invested in this. “Yeah… Vivi unnie fell for a young guy.” That was little shock for you.
As the dinner went on, Jinsol and you continued talking, it’s gotten less and less awkward. Jinsol had caught you up with everything that’s happened with the members. “What about you… What’s new in life?” Jinsol oddly asks you.
“Well since the debut of the company, I don’t need to comply with an NDA that I signed… About 3 months ago.” You finally dropped the news to Jinsol that you couldn’t before, with the shocking reveal, Jinsol makes eye contact with you for the first time since… That night.
Nothing was said, you continued to eat your meal, Jinsol did the same.
Feeling regretful of what happened, she had no idea about you signing an NDA. Well, that is a supposed reason for being so secretive. “Ah that’s why he’s been with Jiwoo so much, he couldn’t say anything at BBC for what Jiwoo was doing.” The newfound knowledge is hitting Heejin as she and Sooyoung are enjoying watching this drama unfold.
Sooyoung and Heejin clink their wine glasses together, having the time of their life with front row seats of the new and current K-Drama they call “Jinsol and You.”
Dinner has passed, the welcome greetings are all done, it seems to be a casual thing now with ballroom dancing being open to all guests. Jiwoo is out there with Jungeun, Sooyoung and Haseul, Vivi is trying to teach Haneul to properly slow dance while not stepping on her feet, Heejin and Yong are having their drinks at the open bar on the other side of the hall.
Sooyoung’s and Haseul’s partners, Min-Joon and Gungjeun are sitting at the table having their coffee, while you? Sitting where you have been sitting all night. Jinsol? With Yerim and Jung. “You know you’re always in your own little world?” Joon sneaks up behind you with Gungjeun as all, shocking back into reality.
“Yah, what else am I supposed to do?” You try to defend yourself, although very poorly, but both of your friends know you’ve been thinking about something, well someone, all night. “We know you’re dying to have a moment with Jinsol.” Of course, they knew, these are your closes friends from the rest of the group, considering you only found out about half of them tonight.
“Why can’t you approach her?” Gungjeun asks, although Joon gives him a little stare. “Yah, you can’t outright just ask that, this kind of thing takes time.” And here you are, in the middle of them arguing of how you should go about your night. You lay your head down on the table in frustration.
“Excuse me?”
The two men arguing go silent, while you don’t bother to bring your head up. Both Joon and Gungjeun smile and get up from their seats, “Good luck” they say before leaving you. In confusion, you lift your head off the table and turning around behind you.
“Would you care to dance with me?”
Jinsol in her bright red dress, really a different choice for her as to oppose her normal black dresses. Jinsol put her hand out and with a smile on her face, she wanted this dance with you. “Sure” You took Jinsol’s hand in yours, smiling back at her as you get up from your chair. “Shouldn’t I be the one asking you to dance?” You jokingly said.
“You weren’t getting your ass of your chair all night.” Jinsol retorted back, of course she would have the winning comeback. “Yeah, that’s on me.” Your reply making Jinsol giggle.
Both you and Jinsol arrive to the dance floor and proceeded to get in a position to go along in a slow dance, her hands on the back of your neck, yours around her waist, just like the way you two danced with each other many, many times.
The eye contact between you two is electric, the smile on both of your faces is sickening to look at if you hated what couples look like when they’re happy. It was the first time you seen Jinsol smile to you, about you, in months. It was the first time Jinsol felt warm towards you, happy for you just as long.
“I finally understand why the last few months were rough.” Jinsol was the first to break the silence. “It’s not that I didn’t trust you, I was scared what could have happened legally.” Daewon explains to Jinsol, she’s finally understanding everything and nodding along. “With the ending of Queendom and the Flip That promotions, both of us were stressed and tired. I get it.” You can see Jinsol’s eyes tearing up ever so slightly.
“What will you be doing now?” Jinsol asks, you pretend to look deeply in thought to try cheering up Jinsol, which ended up working making her giggle. “I will be working part time for both BBC and Jiwoo’s company for the time being.” You explain to Jinsol your plans as the NDA you signed months ago is now voided with the official opening of the company.
“Then I guess you won’t be coming on tour with us?” Jinsol frowned a little as she can already guess your answer. “I’m sorry Soulie, I have my duties here with Yong and Jiwoo.” Jinsol just nodded and slip her arms from behind your neck to underneath your arms, essentially hugging you with her head resting on your chest.
You bring your arms together around Jinsol, hugging her back. “I miss you oppa.” She quietly says while the two of you are swaying slowly back and forth as the music plays in the background. “I miss you too Soulie.” You rest your cheek on top of Jinsol’s head, facing the same way as she is.
“Do you think it would work out… If we got back together?” Of course, that question was eventually going to be brought up. There was no avoiding it, there was never a subject that bothered you through your life, but being anything that involved Jinsol, it was always something that bothered you.
You kept swaying back and forth with Jinsol, your holds on each other eventually turned to full on hugs. Jinsol can hear your heart beating, how hard it’s beating, the nervousness that’s in you. Jinsol can hear that. You felt her grip around your back tighten up, you knew the lack of an answer is telling Jinsol that it wouldn’t.
“Jinsol.” Jinsol moved her head away from your chest and looks you in the eye. “It’s okay, I know.” Jinsol brings her hand up to your cheek, her smile slowly slips into a frown while you try to keep a smile on your face. “I still love you Soulie.” Little drops of tears start falling from Jinsol’s eyes. “I still love you too.”
“Keep dancing with me?” You ask, trying to keep this moment together while it’s still here. Jinsol nods and places her head back on your chest. You try to hold back the tears, you had to be strong for her, this is the choice you made.
The night went on, the later it gets more guests are departing, as each song play, the two of you continued swaying back and forth in the same spot.
“Should we stop them?” Sooyoung asks, Haseul shaking her head. “You can head to the van if you’re tired, I think she needs this.” Sooyoung nods and heads to the van outside, Gungjeun going along with him. “You can go, I can keep an eye on them.” Haseul’s partner Min-Joon offers as he pulls a chair next to Haseul.
Haseul lays her head on Joon’s shoulder. “Remember when we were so lost without each other?” Joon smiles slightly, knowing that Haseul ignored his questioned and continued to stay here for her member, no, her sister. “I remember jagi.” he reaches down for Haseul’s hand and almost by instinct, her hand was looking for his until eventually intertwining.
The current song comes to an end, the next song coming up shortly.
Haseul and Joon watch the young broken up couple continue dancing in the middle of the floor.
They were the only ones left on the floor.
It was the next day, you, Yong, In-Su, and Jiwoo take a trip to the airport to see off the other 11 girls to leave for their first world tour.
“Ah!!! Good luck! I’m going to miss you!” You swear you can hear Jiwoo screaming from one end of the airport all the way to the other side. “Yah, Jiwoo, you’re seeing them off, not trying to bust ear drums!” You complain as Jiwoo is possibly breaking everyone else’s eardrums around in the airport.
“Oops, sorry! I’m just going to miss them for the next two months.” Jiwoo pouts as she holds both Heejin and Jungeun in her arms. “Just let them be, I know I’ll miss you too.” Jinsol comes up next to you, understanding what Jinsol is saying, you nod and smile.
“What did you pack?” You turn and face Jinsol who is wearing a corgi themed neck pillow, in all grey sweats and socks and slippers. “Just clothes to sleep in and to go out in, my Switch, toothbrush, washroom essentials…” Jinsol went on and on about her list of things she packed, you smile knowing that Jinsol really grew up knowing how to take care of herself.
“Hey Soulie, I brought you a bag of snacks to take on the plane. I know how picky you are, so I picked out your favourites.” Jinsol smiled and accepted the bag. “Thank you.” Jinsol drops the bag down gently, and proceeds to give you a hug. You take the embrace and hug Jinsol, knowing that it’ll be two months without her presence.
“I’ll call you everyday.” You chuckle at Jinsol’s never ending clinginess, even though you two aren’t together anymore, she’s still your childhood best friend. “I won’t be going anywhere Soulie.” You tell her so she can feel more assured that everything is okay now, things can be made up between you two, but of course.
There’s always going to be that feeling of “what if.”
What if the two of you never broke up?
What if the two of you got back together?
“I’m going now.” You let go of Jinsol and she does the same. She smiles at you before picking up her bags and walk off to the gate with her members. You and Jiwoo start waving to the members a few of the boys who went on tour with them. They’re all looking towards you and Jiwoo waving at them, except for one.
In a few short moments, everyone disappears into the tunnel.
“It’s going to be a long two months Jiwoo.” You continue staring at the gate, you were going to wait till the plane took off but there seem to be a weight on your shoulders that you can’t get rid of. Jiwoo didn’t say anything because she knows how you feel, seeing Jinsol like this, just making up the night before and only staying as friends.
You heard a yell out of the tunnel, shocking you, Jiwoo and even the stone-faced Yong and In-Su who are in the distance waiting for you and Jiwoo.
You turn around to see the source of the yell being a Jinsol doing her signature dork run from the tunnel to you, reminding you of the same night she found you alone in the park.
“Jinsol?!” You watch Jinsol run past the flight attendant at the desk and through the gate, although it seemed like Jinsol completely forgot she’s wearing slippers instead of regular shoes which the tip of the slipper gets caught on the ground, causing her trip and fall face flat.
“Omo, Jinsol!” You panic and you run past the lane dividers to a fallen Jinsol. You get down on both your knees, watching Jinsol also gets up on her knees.
In the moment of staring into each other’s eyes, both of you break into laughter.
The first interaction the last two days with her and it’s not awkward.
The first genuinely happy feeling between both of you.
“You’re crazy, you know that?” Amid the laughter, you really did expect Jinsol to be teary eyed and in pain, but it seems that the fall wasn’t that hard.
“I didn’t want to leave feeling any regret.” The laughter ended, Jinsol started holding your hand as she started speaking. “You’re my best friend, always had been and always will even if we’re not together anymore...” You went ahead and held Jinsol’s other hand as well as it felt like the moment. “Jinsol, before you leave, I just wanted to say…”
“I love you.”
You and Jinsol said simultaneously.
The incredible weight taken off your shoulders, Jinsol’s as well. Jinsol then leans in and kisses you on your cheek, just like how you two always did before even before getting together.
Your cheeks began to glow a very flushed red, not caring about how you look, you smile after Jinsol pulls away. “Get up from the dirty floor!” Jiwoo yells in the background, catching both yours and Jinsol’ attention to finally stand up.
“I’ll see you once you get back.” Jinsol nods and smiles. “I’ll see you.” Is all she said to you before slowly walking away that turned into a full run again, but this time inside the tunnel towards the plane. You start waving and this time she turns her head and waves back at you before disappearing inside the tunnel.
“Two months.” You thought to yourself knowing now instead of two long months, it’ll now be in two short months. The feeling of having someone wanting to come back to you really changes how you see everything.
Some time in the future.
“I don’t think this is working.”
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eggonthemoon · 10 months
Tempted to make my own project moonverse oc
There are so many cool and interesting stories that can be told about the people living in the city
There is so much lore!! I want to know everything
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2broschlininahotub · 6 months
Hello again, I was doing some research into the Project Moonverse and I am curious as to which of the Anomalies/Abnormalities you would say is your favorite.
So far I am leaning towards 2 of them in particular, the first is Funeral Of The Dead Butterflies, in part due to the eerie design of it and the way it seems to be something of an Angel Of Death, not inherently malevolent nor quite benevolent, only wishing for the dead to be at ease.
That it was also my first real glimpse into the Project Moonverse, courtesy of you, has also earned it some brownie points in my book as well.
The second is the Drifting Fox due to its resemblance to the Great Gray Wolf Sif from Dark Souls, as well as my own fondness for animals...granted I am not so fond when they are blitzing me with a sword in their mouth lol.
Outside of those two I like the design of My Form Empties, in part due to how it seems to be a perversion or corruption of an otherwise holy idol and the uneasy feeling it gives off as such, and 4th Front Of The Smoke War, due to how it touches on the horrors of what seems to have been a nightmarish war that most have either forgotten about or wish to forget about.
A pair of honorary mentions as well, with the first going out to Punishing Bird, because provided no one does anything stupid, it is hilarious to watch harassing the employees of Lobotomy Corp lol.
The second is Der Freischutz and Der Shutze due to the stories they tell, and the way they play on the classical opera of the Free Shooter.
All of that said, I hope you stay safe and take care.
For me my favorites are back alley watch dog, Big and Will be bad wolf, Blue star and Wayward passenger.
Wayward passenger looking like a necromorph.
Blue star is one of favorites as the star and eldritch the ming in the design.
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caramelcoeur · 8 months
Like the moon spinning around the earth, we'll be seeing each other on the love trail!
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Surely, you're my destiny?
Close-ups under the cut <3
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hexedcyana · 4 months
Broken Moonverse - World Map
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World map I'm gonna update as I release more projects. So far here are the finalized countries.
Union- A once fractured collection of smaller countries is now a monolith nation containing some of the biggest cities in the world. It's history is mired in conflict in bloodshed, but overall it's a pretty good place to live.
-Appears in Shrapnel with the southeastern city of Capstone.
Oonfor- With lots of coastal white stone cities. It's home to many ancient temples in service to an a long gone moon deity. The landscape still seems scared with events from long ago.
-Appears in Infinite Mirror as the location of the moon temple
Cordova- A poor country with a checkered past. It honestly does not have that strong of a government, with each village acting mostly alone. There is technically a leader of the country but at this point it's mostly ceremonial.
-Appears in Omen Kartographer as the ruins that contain the Black Rainbows
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hirokiyuu · 1 year
project moonverse makes me insane. i think im normal and hten i rmbr literally anytihng from lobocorp and i start screaming. GOD
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thenightdayblogger · 1 year
❔ 💗 👻 for the wip ask game!!!
Thank you em!! Ask game here (x)
❔: Choose a random WIP and talk about it
Okay, this required very serious digging to find something I have not already spoken to you about 🤣 but I had some vague notes on what my half of the kithma-swap would be where moira's riel is basically watching the interrogation room reading salinde for filth as the opening scene, which is fun because ive always liked "outside pov" as something that can contrast with an already-established view of a character, and also like. im imagining moira's side in the sunverse as an awkward but much more collected, deliberate thing, while the moonverse is teetering toward an all out disaster GLSDKKSD.
💗: Is there a scene you can’t wait to write for a WIP?
Oooh, many! Generally I do tend to write the scenes I want to write and "fill in" later, because often that leads to ideas that makes the scenes I didn't want to write (ie transition) more compelling bc I get to sprinkle in foreshadowing, parallels, etc. I'd say at the moment, I'm really interested in ASAWT where Cordelia starts to assert herself.
👻: Is there a scene that you find intimidating that you have yet to write?
broadly, honestly any romantic scene LMAO, I feel like I get to the 'mutual respect and admiration for each other' stage and then just,,,sort of stall out on how to make it clear that This Is Romance.
Thank you for the ask! Other askers thank you so much for sending the asks too you're very kind, if you see this i promise i have seen and will answer them im just slow as hell 🙏
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