#Mordecai my beloved
devvadoodles · 5 months
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boxmakesart · 10 months
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Mordecai omg omg ‼️
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spectacledraws · 1 year
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mew under the truck guy doodles
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daisymaycries · 11 months
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✨ jailbird ✨
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ask-the-sexyman-squad · 3 months
DT, Alastor, hear me out...
Your babies in one of these bad boys
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Alastor is completely gone. He's laughing his ass off over something so small---yet admittedly clever and funny. To be fair, he hasn't slept in...two days. However, DT seems to genuinely enjoy this.
"It's...a lovely thought, thank you for sharing."
They were struggling not to laugh, but they were damn close to failing.
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"...though your swearing is somewhat understandable. Are they both unwell?"
"Hell if I know. But I do know that dad hasn't slept in two days."
"Isn't he normally able to go on for weeks without sleeping?"
"He can, but there is something off about him. Like he's internally freaking out."
"Perhaps it's the weight of being a father settling in?"
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"...guess we got an audience now."
"What are you-oh."
Immediately, Mordecai's pupils dilated much more upon noticing that Bella was watching him. It was a sweet sentiment, and Sam just smiled down when Castiel looked up at her.
"Mhm. These lil guys...buncha cuties."
"Hm...Alastor and Double Trouble should get some rest, though. Specifically Alastor. I haven't seen Double Trouble fatigued as of late, which is good I suppose. Alastor..."
"He really should get rest: but first I wanna know what's going on with him."
"Be my guest: you are his eldest daughter after all."
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kolektsiakomah · 11 months
theres more chemistry between nico and mordecai in the comic than in the pilot i feel like 💔💔💔 however hellerby is real in both cases
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lackadaisi-tiktok · 1 year
To the greatest animated pilot on YouTube, I tip my hat 🎩 and my Sunset Rose Cocktail 🍸 to the LackaCrew. I am excited to see Episode 1!
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t1nw · 4 days
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bl2 ending hug
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@modestmuses said: eavesdrop for mordecai lol i know we just started plotting / writing them but still
(eavesdrop to hear what sal thinks of ur muse - open)
"No, sir, I don't think the Marigolds have figured it out," Salvatore says in a low voice. He's currently hunched over a payphone, speaking quietly to the receiver. As he listens to Nickels' response, he taps the fingers of his free hand against the box itself, his eyes falling closed as he nods.
"Well-" he pauses, opening his eyes and looking down, as though his boss will see his contrition through the phone. "That quiet, scowly one seems like he knows something. Mordecai Heller. He's definitely onto something." At least in Salvatore's opinion, though it seems Mordecai is generally prickly with the people he interacts with, which he definitely understands. Still, one can never be too careful.
Nickels says something on the other line that has Salvatore flinching slightly before he remembers himself and straightens, his expression screwing up into a scowl.
"Understood," he says. "But I won't let that happen. That little freak tries anything, I'll bust his fuckin' teeth in." His snarl abruptly becomes a toothy sneer, Salvatore grinning proudly to himself at Nickels' approval. "You can count on me, sir--I won't let him get in the way. I'll do you proud."
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frenziedslashers · 2 years
YAY IM SO HAPPY TO HEAR THAT borderlands is my total hyperfixation rn ESPECIALLY mordecai he lives in my brain tent free i wanna hold his face but also. do nsfw things to him he is just so !!!!!!!!
Well, you are now one of my top favorite anons for all the bl content you are feeding my ask box with so muah-muah 💋 If you ever have any thirsty ideas for the boys feel free to send them in. I post some prompt lists for slashers here or there but for sure feel free to send in some prompts from the lists that you want to see with the boys, or if you ever see a prompt list floating around just copy and past one of the prompts into my ask box for them! I love writing for them but never have enough ideas 😭😭
I also just got done replaying BDL 2 and am currently replaying BDL 1 as Mordecai so 💪💪 Caw Caw Motherfuckers lmao
Also sorry for just now answering this, I accidentally posted it to my drafts instead of on my feed and I just noticed today 😭
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I'm gonna take a nap maybe but...
Wow, where'd this come from?
It's not like you should send me some of these as prompts or anything /light hearted
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[found these here]
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aghostnamedcalamity · 2 months
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#My Art - All my artwork!
#Reblogs - All my reblogs!
#Benjamin - Anything featuring OC Benjamin!
#Mordecai - Anything featuring Mordy!
#Joey - Anything featuring my beloved Joey!
#The Sleep That You’ve Craved - Anything related to my fic!
#OC of the Week - I like drawing people’s OCs. Here they are!
#QnA - Questions and answers by yours truly!
Fanfiction Link Here!
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nitemurr · 4 months
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Mordecai my beloved
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80ssuperstar · 4 months
Hey Guys I made this Story that's based on The Ancient Indian Tale of Prince Rama and Princess Sita and the Ten Headed Demon Ravanna but I made it different with the Characters like: Prince Mordecai and Princess Samantha, Ravanna, Hanuman, Bharata, Indrajit, Manthara, Surpanakha, Queen Kaikeyi (Prince Mordecai's Jealous Stepmother)
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Once upon a time, in the magnificent kingdom of Ayodhya, there lived a noble prince named Mordecai, beloved by all for his wisdom, courage, and kindness. He was the heir to the throne, destined to rule alongside his beloved wife, Princess Samantha, a woman of unparalleled beauty, grace, and compassion. Their love was the envy of all who beheld it, and their kingdom flourished under their benevolent rule.
However, their happiness was not to last, for lurking in the shadows was the wicked ten-headed demon, Ravanna, whose heart burned with jealousy and malice. Ravanna coveted Princess Samantha for himself, and he plotted to separate her from Prince Mordecai and claim her as his own.
Mordecai: "My dear Samantha, our love is like the eternal flame, burning bright amidst the darkness. Fear not, for I shall always protect you, my beloved."
Samantha: "Oh Mordecai, my heart sings with joy at your words. Together, we shall overcome any obstacle that dares to challenge our love."
One fateful day, as Prince Mordecai and Princess Samantha were taking a leisurely stroll through the enchanted forest that surrounded their kingdom, they came across a wounded deer lying in agony. Princess Samantha's compassionate heart was moved with pity, and she beseeched Prince Mordecai to help the poor creature.
Samantha: "Mordecai, look! A wounded deer lies in distress. Please, we must help it."
Mordecai: "Fear not, my dear Samantha. I shall use my magic to create a protective circle around you. As long as you stay within its bounds, no harm shall befall you."
That night, as Princess Samantha rested within the safety of the magic circle, she heard a terrible cry echoing through the forest. Believing it to be her beloved Mordecai in grave danger, she rushed to his aid, unaware of the treacherous trap that awaited her.
Samantha: "Mordecai! I hear cries of distress! I must go to him at once!"
Mordecai: "No, Samantha! Stay within the circle! It is not safe!"
But it was too late. Ravanna, with his dark magic and deceitful wiles, had disguised himself as Prince Mordecai and lured Princess Samantha out of the protective circle. Seizing her in his powerful grasp, Ravanna vanished into the depths of the forest, leaving behind naught but despair and heartache.
Ravanna: "Foolish princess, to trust in the illusion of safety. Now you are mine, and no one shall stand in my way."
Prince Mordecai, upon discovering his beloved Samantha missing, was consumed with grief and fury. Determined to rescue her from the clutches of the vile Ravanna, he embarked on a perilous journey, aided by his loyal companions, including the mighty monkey warrior Hanuman, the valiant prince Bharata, and the wise sage Vishwamitra.
Hanuman: "Fear not, Prince Mordecai, for I shall lend you my strength and my cunning. Together, we shall vanquish the foul demon Ravanna and rescue Princess Samantha from his grasp."
Bharata: "My lord, I pledge my sword and my loyalty to your cause. Let us march forth and bring justice to the wicked."
Vishwamitra: "Prince Mordecai, the path ahead is fraught with danger, but with courage and determination, you shall prevail. Trust in your heart, and victory shall be yours."
And so, Prince Mordecai and his companions embarked on a perilous quest, braving treacherous jungles, raging rivers, and dark caverns in their relentless pursuit of Ravanna and his captive, Princess Samantha.
Along the way, they encountered many trials and tribulations, including battles with Ravanna's fearsome minions, such as his son Indrajit, the demoness Surpanakha, and the wicked maid Manthara, who sought to thwart their noble quest at every turn.
Indrajit: "You dare to oppose my father, Ravanna? Prepare to face the wrath of Indrajit, the mighty warrior prince!"
Surpanakha: "Ah, Prince Mordecai, how handsome you are! Why waste your time on that insignificant princess when you could have a powerful demoness like me at your side?"
Manthara: "Princess Samantha is a threat to my mistress's ambitions. I shall do everything in my power to ensure that she remains in Ravanna's clutches forever."
But through courage, perseverance, and the power of their unwavering love, Prince Mordecai and his companions overcame every obstacle that stood in their way, drawing ever closer to their ultimate goal of rescuing Princess Samantha from the clutches of Ravanna.
At long last, after a fierce and epic battle that shook the very foundations of the earth, Prince Mordecai confronted Ravanna in his fortress atop the towering mountain of Lanka, where Princess Samantha was held captive.
Mordecai: "Ravanna, your reign of terror ends here and now! Release Princess Samantha, or face the wrath of a righteous prince!"
Ravanna: "Foolish mortal, you dare to challenge me? I am Ravanna, the Lord of Lanka, the most powerful demon in all the realms! You are no match for my might!"
But Prince Mordecai, fueled by his love for Princess Samantha and the strength of his noble heart, fought with a courage and determination that knew no bounds. With the aid of his allies and the blessings of the gods themselves, he clashed with Ravanna in a battle that shook the heavens and the earth.
In the end, it was not the strength of arms or the power of magic that determined the outcome, but the purity of Prince Mordecai's love and the righteousness of his cause. With a final, mighty blow, he vanquished Ravanna and rescued Princess Samantha from the darkness that had ensnared her.
Mordecai: "Samantha, my beloved! Are you hurt? Fear not, for you are safe now, and I shall never let harm befall you again."
Samantha: "Mordecai, my hero! Oh, how I have longed for this moment! With you by my side, I fear nothing, for our love is stronger than any magic or malice in the world."
And so, Prince Mordecai and Princess Samantha returned triumphantly to their kingdom of Ayodhya, where they were greeted with jubilation and celebration by their grateful subjects. Their love had been tested and proven true, and together, they ruled wisely and justly for many years to come, a shining beacon of hope and inspiration to all who beheld them.
I Hope you guys liked it 😊🥰
For: @fxe4596 , @nicomxm23 , @mordorigs , @jgquintelslut , @pinkcandycatmakesart , @anifaz , @isrrael120 , @notadumbdog , @martingeekermmd , @eeveepalooza , @apollothedeity, @sidoresca, @siinhorhy, @insomniacz, @rhyliethecaterfly , @yeetafry, @at-weeb96, @kiwithekool11437, @kiko2032, @orchestralauthor, @untitled14360, @loudlyhappycupcake
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fantein · 4 months
Hi, i am sorry but i have to ask, who exactly is Mermer? i mean i've been scrolling through the blog, and is she just a silly OC or does she have a story behind?
she definitely has a story (with a lot of non-canon characters involved), but the problem is... im a very slow working artist and it's challenging for me to focus and write out a long, detailed story all at once—especially considering my adhd. that's why sometimes it's hard for me to answer some questions, because i need to write a lot.
however, i can give you a brief summary!
technically, mermer grew up alone. her mother died giving birth to her, while the father fell into a deep depression and, to some extent, even blamed mermer for the death of his beloved (although he clearly didn't show it). in general, her father had nothing for her, neither hatred nor love. they just existed together and he played no part in her upbringing. left to fend for herself, she got involved with a group of orphans who taught her how to survive on the streets. they became her makeshift family (and taught her how to steal, lie, be sneaky and quiet 🤫). later on she met dani (my character as well), who took mermer under her wing (the impetus for this decision was also the fact that dani once lost her own child, so mermer became the only ray of happiness in her life)
mordecai took custody of emery when she was 9 years old, after dani's death. initially, he didn't have any special feelings for the little girl he had to take care of, and she saw in him her father, who had once abandoned her. so, she did everything possible to ruin mordecai's life. besides, mermer believed that her mother died because of him, even though she knew that dani loved him.
but despite their rocky start and mutual dislike, as time passed, they grew to care for each other, even though their worldviews are completely different
she reminds him a lot of little rose :з
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kolektsiakomah · 11 months
i had a dream where coryxkenshin was playing hello neighbor hide n seek edition or smth but he was really slowed down for some reason and his only method of transportation was a lil water gun that shot webs [like a grappling hook mechanic] . and besides the hello neighbor guy there was also . mordecai 😭😭😭 fucking mordecai lackadaisy heller and cory had to get away from the 2 of them AND WHATS WORSE IS THEY KEPT SPAWNING RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIM
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