praxinasshanila · 1 year
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this took waaay longer than it was supposed to
@lolirockmultishipweek day 4 - Arranged Marriage
in the backstory I have for Gramorr, there was a time where for political reasons he was betrothed to the Princess of the realm of Runic -Carrow. He largely ignored her to focus on magical studies, assuming the betrothal was a done deal and their relationship didn't need to be anything more than a working one. His younger brother, Ravindra, however took the time to get to know the woman marrying into his family. through that they developed genuine feelings for each other. Given those feelings and Gramorr's general personality, Princess Carrow talks her parents into renegotiating the marriage so she can be with the brother she's come to love. Gramorr, feeling betrayed cheated out of the throne, leaves runic to study at another higher magical Institute. where he officially meets Morgaine and a new romance is born.
l'd love to draw out more of the romance between especially my ocs Carrow and Ravindra some day, but for now this ending piece was a super fun of an OCxOC ship and some Morrmor.
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formaldeviant · 10 years
I was tagged in a thing !
I was tagged by canyou-not-mywaywardson !
Rules : answer the questions below and tag 10 people.
Name: Axel
Nickname(s): Skade or sometimes Sherlock as i have that thing for deducing people.
Birthday: June 28th
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Height: 5’ 0”. I'm a Hobbit.
Timezone: Umm... Can i say Europe ? idk.
Date and time: September 29, 1:42 am
Average hours of sleep: 5-6 hours, it depends. Sometimes less but never more.
OTPs: Destiel, Johnlock.
Last thing I googled: " why do we have to hold our breath for drinking "
My most used phrase: Get outta my way, bitch.
First word that comes to mind: First
Last thing I said to a family member: “You peasant” To my little brother
One place that makes me happy and why: Mcdonalds so i can cry while eating fries and making fun of how some people are really stupid.
How many blankets I sleep under: Two. Because my heart is that cold that it makes my skin freezing.
Last movie I watched in theaters: How to train your dragon 2
Favorite beverage: Coke.
Three things I can’t live without: Wifi, my cat, tv shows.
Something I plan on learning: Socializing with humanity and maybe get a job someday.
A piece of advice for my followers: Don’t ever lock yourself in your room all day or moan over how your life looks shitty. It's the only thing you should avoid. Everyone is amazing in their own ways and nobody should think they're useless.
I now tag morrmor, littletasteofcas, ss-sebastianstan, castielpondered, the-angel-named-castiel, disenchanteddean, raggedymisha, celestialsexhair, betweencases and capturedean to do this thing!
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msjmoriarty · 10 years
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url graphic for @morrmor  
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yamazaki-remade · 10 years
I got tagged by 2 people so I'm gonna do two in one!
Tagged by: freakin-fandom-fanatic and stumpous
Rule one: Always post the rules.
Rule two: Answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones
Rule three: Tag 11 people and link them to the post
Rule four: Actually tell them you tagged them
freakin-fandom-fanatic Q's:
1. If you could join any universe from any TV show, movie, book, comic, manga, etc. what would it be?
Oh gosh. Probably Star Trek? Not only because I'm a big nerd for it but because I could use the transporter room to go and see anything!
2. Carpet floors or wood floors?
Carpet! Much softer.
3. Right brained or left brained?
I just took a test??? And apparently my brain is equal?
4. If you could marry any fictional character who would they be?
Shit. Uh, Season 1 Walter? I love Walter, shush.
5. What powers would you want if you could have them?
6. Favorite video game?
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, without a doubt.
7. Cool colors or warm colors?
8. What’s your favorite season?
9. Who’s your biggest role model?
Uhm, I'd have to say Patrick Stump.
10. If today was your last day to live what would you do with the time that you have?
Fuck. I wouldn't know what to do, so idk either sit in and watch everything I can with my mum and brother or go out and do things I've always wanted to?
Stumpous Q's:
Favorite songs atm?
Headfirst Slide - Fall Out Boy.
No Angels - Bastille.
Bleeding Out - Imagine Dragons.
what is your fav fictional character(s)?
Well, If you haven't guessed already It's Walter White and Jesse Pinkman from Breaking Bad but Tachibana Makoto from Free! is also my baby.
Spongebob or Hey Arnold?
Don't really like both but I prefer Spongebob, I guess?
Favorite snacks?
If you haven't tried Snack-A-Jack's then you have not lived.
Favorite Beverage?
Probably tea!
Biggest expectation?
For what? Anything? Well I have high expectations for BrBa's spin off Better Call Saul cause y'know, Vince is literally the God of writers to me.
Ever been to a concert?
YES. I went to my first ever concert in March '14 and it was Fall Out Boy!!!
converse or vans?
Converse? Idk I'm more of a DM person.
what is your favorite moment from a movie?
The whole "I have been and always shall be... your friend." moment in Star Trek: Wrath of Khan. Also, I'm a sucker for the "You were my new dream." moment in Tangled.
puppies or cats?
favorite weather?
I like rain. It's so calming.
I tag:
And that's it cause Shah is my #1 (I'm not lazy at all shushhh)
No I'm joking I'll tag 4 more.
Favourite quote from any song?
Pick your top 3 OTPs and then explain what song fits them perfectly to you.
Favourite food? 
What was your first ever ship? 
Opposite to Q4, what's your most current ship that you've gotten in to?
What TV show(s) are you planning to watch next?
Briefly tell how you first discovered fanfiction.
Ever had an embarrassing phase? If so, what was it?
Have you seen Breaking Bad and if you haven't then why the fuck not??????? (No, seriously; uhh. Favourite thing to wear?)
Type your favourite emoticon/emoji/kaomoji.
What is the first item to your right? 
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praxinasshanila · 2 years
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Happy Valentines day! I share with you my art of the pairing that broke 100 hearts (or at least every heart in the lolirock discord). if you don't ship Morgaine and Gramorr you've probably just never thought about it before 💕
This was my piece for the valentines art trade, I basically smushed a bunch of references from @savvyzelda 's morrmor one shots together into one big piece because they're good and I had to return the pain to it's source lol
these are all the smaller aspects that make up the finished piece uwu
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capaldyeah · 10 years
Moriarty 8D
character: hate them | don’t really care | like them | LOVE them | THEY ARE MY PRECIOUS 
ship with:
moran (i blame u and your videos)
sherlock?? i guess
general opinions: one of my favorite villains
blog rate: 10/10
comments: ur super cute moriaty-obsessed fanboy ily and your blog but especially your editing skills 
send me a character
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