#Mossack Fonseca’s founders
cookthepenguin · 5 months
remember this?
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they’re trialing 27 employees and not one client
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never-was-has-been · 2 years
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Facebook discussion comments: James: "They will certainly try. But this is so personal for Dominion's founder that I think he is going to insist on accountability over money. I hope so anyway." Wayne: "Hell no. Dominion isn't going to let them settle. This is the perfect storm to take Fox to court and expose their main role in trying to overthrow the united states, designate them as national enemies and ban them from the airwaves of America if all they're gonna do is try to do it again. DO NOT give them the chance."
Rick White reply to Wayne: My prediction is that it will not turn out to be a total evisceration of the Fox Network or of Rupert Murdoch. It'll be some sort of 'settlement' and/or it will result in a "rebranding" effort by Murdoch's management, even to the point of renaming it from "Fox" to something else all together. I'm on a "wait & see" watch and it's not my priority, either.
The entire corporate media "club" continues to try and "rebrand" itself as a spokesperson for the common consumer-voter, regardless of what happens in the world that could affect that "rebranding". An example of my point here is the "Panama Papers" scandal. ~source Wikipedia~:
"The Panama Papers are 11.5 million leaked documents (or 2.6 terabytes of data) that were published beginning on April 3, 2016. The papers detail financial and attorney–client information for more than 214,488 offshore entities. The documents, some dating back to the 1970s, were created by, and taken from, former Panamanian offshore law firm and corporate service provider Mossack Fonseca, and compiled with similar leaks into a searchable database." ~ This was a Global scandal that unfolded publicly in 2016, 8 months before the election of Trump. The public (those who were interested in understanding this) had very little time to digest the enormity of this scandal and all the corporations, billionaires, banks and governments that were involved, up to their eyebrows, with the global "beyond organized crime" activities that literally shook the world's governments to their core. Then, after Trump was elected (by the electoral college), the Panama Papers disappeared from the news cycle quicker than it appeared. As I have said many many many many times in the past here on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Mastodon and elsewhere: "The PUBLIC is always the Last To Know".
And there's an obvious reason for that: Globally, crime & fascism will continue to OWN the airwaves and the functions of all governments until we as a species self-extinct. Lest anyone thinks that some 'savior' or some extraterrestrial will come and "fix" all of this before it blows up in a mushroom cloud, I politely say what has been said by several people, many times before, "We get the government and the world we deserve, when we do nothing collectively to change it."
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bbcviral · 6 months
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williamchasterson · 6 months
Panama Papers money-laundering trial begins
The defendants include the founders of law firm Mossack Fonseca which was shut down in 2018. from BBC News https://ift.tt/M0a38h9 via IFTTT
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head-post · 6 months
Panama Papers trial starts eight years after tax fraud evasion scandal
Twenty-seven people will stand trial on Monday on money laundering charges in connection with the “Panama Papers” tax evasion scandal, which revealed, exposed many of the world’s famous rich hiding assets in offshore companies, Euractiv reports.
The 2016 revelations shook governments, exposed high-profile individuals, sparked dozens of investigations around the world and dealt a blow to Panama’s reputation as an offshore financial centre.
Among the defendants due to face a Panamanian criminal court are Jurgen Mossack and Ramon Fonseca Mora, founders of the now-defunct law firm at the centre of the scandal.
The leak of 11.5 million files from their company Mossack Fonseca implicated powerful figures including billionaires, politicians and even famous athletes. Iceland’s Prime Minister Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson resigned after it emerged that his family had offshore accounts. Pakistan’s Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif was barred from office for life after the documents revealed.
Read more HERE
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arieso226 · 4 years
Eat the rich? What are the Panama Papers, and why they are important.
The Panama Papers were the leaked 115. million documents that the Panamanian-based law firm Mossack Fonseca gathered that revealed secret shell companies and bank accounts that had been established by the most wealthy politicians and celebrities to either avoid taxes, sanctions or illegal business dealings. Either way, the documents details information dating back to 1977, when the firm was founded, and was released back five years ago, in 2015.
NO. 2
The documents were released by an anonymous source through an unauthorized disclosure, and reported that the owners who belonged to several countries including the U.S, Britain, Switzerland, Argentina, Brazil, China, Russia; the offshore companies were registered predominantly in the British Virgin Islands, Panama, the Bahamas, Niue, Samoa, and the Seychelles. The Panama Papers were leaked to the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung, and it was analyzed by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists where close to 400 respective journalists, coming from over 100 news organizations from 76 countries, worked for a year to uncover that the offshore investments were associated with close to 140 politicians, or connected to their families including leaders from Russia, Pakistan, Iraq, Ukraine, Iceland, Britain, and prominent officials in China. Both Prime Ministers Sigmundur David Gunnlaugsson of Iceland and Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan resigned, in 2016 and 2017. The firm in question, denied any wrongdoings in it’s handlings of the investigations, and claimed that all dealings in it’s shell companies were perfectly legal, but that didn’t stop Panama’s police to raid the firm and arrest it’s founders on chargers on money laundering, where they spent months in jail.
NO. 3
So, what does this mean? It means that the rich have too much power, especially politicians. Amongst millennials, we have this claim to ‘eat the rich’ because we understand that it’s easy to become corrupted by the very things poor people never will have. The privilege to have, buy and afford whatever you desire on a whim. There are no consequences to your actions if the average person doesn’t know what you did, or how you did it, was illegal. These people have the money and the power to fix the world, to end global hunger, to fix homelessness, and to create a better plan to combat climate change, but they decided to keep their money to themselves out of greed and the illusion of power. I, as a young millennial, had not known about the Panama Papers, and this story came out in 2015. But that doesn’t mean that nothing happened to combat it. In late 2018 the U.S Justice Department indicted several people’s associated with the schemes, billions in stolen assets were returned to their citizens, and 82 consecutive countries changed their laws to crack down on the stolen wealth hoarding the papers revealed. And it was all thanks to the journalist who led the investigation: Daphne Caruana Galizia from Malta, who had a personal blog called Running Commentary. She was murdered October 16, 2017, and her work is what laid the groundwork for the Panama Papers, and we all owe a debt of gratitude to her and the other hundreds of journalists who worked to change, and better the world.
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So, in Brazilian corruption news, new leaks revealed by The Intercept show that the Operation Car Wash prosecutors used the news blog O Antagonista (’The Antagonist’) for political purposes, some not even related to their work. They interfered in the choice of the new president of the Bank Of Brazil on behalf of Onyx Lorenzoni, current minister of the civil house, a close friend to the chief prosecutor of the anti-corruption probe despite being embroiled in accusations of corruption. O Antagonista published articles against economy minister Paulo Guede’s preference, Ivan Monteiro a man credited with “saving Petrobras’s accounts” (Brazil’s state oil company). The Car Wash prosecutors also requested the website to stop publishing news about corruption involving Mossack Fonseca, a law firm suspected of opening offshore companies in Panama. The request, made “for the benefit of the social interest of the investigation”, was accepted. In exchange for the journalistic work attending the task force’s interests, the prosecutors privileged the website with exclusive information. Also, the website’s founder, Claudio Dantas, forwarded to the task force claims, without evidence, against the daughter-in-law of left-leaning ex-president Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, leading prosecutors to dig through her tax data without judicial authorization. Then judge of the case (now justice minister) Sergio Moro hadn’t authorized the breach of confidentiality, claiming he did not see "sufficient cause" for the measure against her. O Antagonista also gave other tips for investigation to the prosecutors, over print houses suspected of links to Lula’s Workers’ Party (namely the party’s ex-treasurer João Vicari, by then already convited by the Car Was probe). That investigation also didn’t go forward. The website also published favourable articles about the task force’s preference as new Prosecutor General of Republic, told off the records. These leaks are part of a series of exposés by The Intercept on the Operation Car Wash over which its founder, Glenn Greenwald, has recently been charged by Brazil’s Federal Public Ministry.
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premimtimes · 6 years
Two years after the Panama Papers rocked the offshore financial system, a fresh document leak from the law firm Mossack Fonseca reveals new offshore details about an array of global elites, including soccer superstar Lionel Messi, the Argentine president’s family and a former senior Kuwaiti official convicted of looting his country’s social security system.
The documents also show Mossack Fonseca scrambling to contain the fallout from the leak and identify its own clients.
The 1.2 million documents date from a few months before April 2016, when the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and more than 100 media partners published the initial Panama Papers stories, and continue through December 2017. The documents were leaked to Munich-based Süddeutsche Zeitung, which shared them with ICIJ.
Mossack Fonseca’s founders, Jürgen Mossack and Ramón Fonseca, issued a press release in June that said the law firm, its employees and its founders were “never involved in unlawful acts.” They did not respond to requests for comment for this story.
In the coming days, ICIJ partners in dozens of countries will publish stories based on the new batch of Panama Papers files. Those stories will shed new light on the financial dealings of people from the first investigation and connect other influential and politically-connected people to the firm.
Here, in brief, are some of the findings:
  Soccer star Lionel Messi’s offshore tax mess
Lionel Messi, a star soccer player for Barcelona, was already under investigation in Spain on charges that he and his father, Jorge Horacio Messi, used offshore companies in Belize and Uruguay to avoid paying millions of dollars in taxes when the Panama Papers revealed they owned yet another offshore company: Mega Star Enterprises, based in Panama.
When asked about the company in April 2016, the Messis told ICIJ and partners that Mega Star was “totally inactive.” Internal emails from the newly-leaked Mossack Fonseca records call that claim into question.
The “Uruguay office tells me that the client is using the company,” a law firm employee wrote in May 2016, a month later. Mossack Fonseca resigned as the registered agent for Mega Star Enterprises in July 2016, the documents show — the same month the Messis were convicted by a Spanish court of tax fraud. Lionel was given a 21-month suspended sentence and fined $2.2 million.
A lawyer for Messi told Spanish newspaper El Confidencial, an ICIJ partner, that Mega Star Enterprises was an old issue and was part of the former corporate scheme that had already been adjudicated. The company is not being activity used, the lawyer said.
  ‘Very risky’ plans linked to Argentina’s Mauricio Macri
Emails between Mossack Fonseca’s head office in Panama and its Uruguay branch in September and October 2016 show employees discussing a plan to backdate documents to conceal the fact that the firm did not know that a company it had set up in the Bahamas, Fleg Trading Co., was controlled by the family of Argentine president Mauricio Macri.
Macri and other family members were directors of Fleg Trading, the original Panama Papers investigation revealed. His father was the owner. Anti-money-laundering laws required Mossack Fonseca to know such information.
    Mossack Fonseca employees discussed having Macri’s accountant produce a handwritten document in 2016, but dated years earlier, that would confirm the company’s owner, according to emails. The accountant dismissed the idea as “very risky” since the letter “could be refuted easily by an expert calligrapher,” who would pick up that the document was written more recently than the purported earlier date, according to Mossack Fonseca’s internal emails.
The client did not want to “gamble,” the emails said, “since there is the President of Argentina and his family involved.”
Email about Argentina president Macri and Family [Source: ICIJ]
The new files also show that Mossack Fonseca didn’t know of the Macri’s family connections to BF Corporation, another shell company. BF Corporation was owned by Macri’s brothers, Mariano and Gianfranco, according to Argentine press reports. Those reports have noted that German prosecutors alerted Argentine authorities in 2016 about suspicious transactions involving BF Corporation based, in part, on revelations from the Panama Papers investigation. The transactions occurred days before the October 2015 first round voting that led to Mauricio Macri’s election the following month.
A spokesman for the Macri family’s company, Socma, told ICIJ media partner La Nación that the president’s father declared his ownership of Fleg Trading, which was confirmed by a judge in Argentina. The spokesman said he had no information or comment on the discussions between Mossack Fonseca and the Uruguayan accountant.
  Politicians linked to missing millions in Malaysia, Kuwait, Russia
The new documents also reveal details of swollen bank accounts and offshore assets of political figures accused of statewide looting.
In March 2017, Mossack Fonseca discovered that a company it had registered in the British Virgin Islands was owned by Mohamed Nizam bin Abdul Razak, the brother of Malaysia’s former prime minister, Najib Razak. The company, Everbright Universal Holdings Ltd., owned property in the United States, according to the files.
Najib Razak, who fell from power after his party lost parliamentary elections in May, is now under scrutiny as part of a probe into billions of dollars found missing from the country’s state-owned investment fund during his tenure. A focal point of the investigation has been $10.6 million that was transferred into a bank account owned by the former prime minister.  Najib Razak denies wrongdoing.
  ICIJ revealed in the original Panama Papers two offshore companies owned by Najib Razak’s son, Mohd Nazifuddin bin Mohd Najib. Calls to Abdul Razak’s phone number went unanswered, and his Credit Suisse banker did not respond to ICIJ’s emails.
The new files also reveal a company registered by Mossack Fonseca was owned by Fahad al-Rajaan, the former head of the agency that oversees Kuwait’s social security system. Al-Rajaan was convicted in absentia in 2016 of embezzling up to $390 million. He has denied the accusations and called them politically-motivated, according to reports. The files show he owned Tawny Real Estates Ltd., which in turn owned a Macau apartment and a Swiss bank account. Al-Rajaan was arrested in Britain in April 2017, but Mossack Fonseca was still the registered agent as of November 2017, despite learning of the allegations against him in March 2016.
Also named in the new files: Vitaly Malkin, a Russian oligarch who resigned a seat in Russia’s senate in 2013 after reports that he had undeclared assets overseas. Malkin appears as the owner of two British Virgin Islands companies, Audrey Holdings Group Ltd. and Top Matrix Holdings Ltd. Audrey Holdings Group held Swiss bank accounts worth $200 million, according to Malkin’s source of wealth file compiled by Mossack Fonseca. Malkin did not respond to a letter delivered to his Luxembourg address.
  Cartier among Mossack Fonseca’s glitzy clients
The newly-leaked files reveal a bevy of other celebrities, politicians and alleged criminals whose links to Mossack Fonseca have not been reported — and, often, that the firm itself didn’t know it represented.
In July 2017, Mossack Fonseca learned that Panama shell companies it had set up were controlled by heirs of iconic French jeweler Pierre Cartier. The companies owned a Canadian forest and Swiss bank accounts, according to the new documents.
Members of the Cartier family did not respond to requests for comment. The heirs’ financial adviser declined to answer questions from ICIJ media partner Le Monde.
Source of funds/wealth declaration and Accounting Information form [SOURCE: ICIJ]
Reporters also discovered that Dariga Nazarbayeva, the daughter of Kazakhstan president Nursultan Nazarbayev, was the sole shareholder of a British Virgin Islands company, information not previously reported.
Dariga Nazarbayeva, a former deputy prime minister, is a senator who heads the Kazakh Senate’s Committee of International Relations. Her political rise is viewed by some Central Asian politics watchers as an indication she may one day replace her father.
In October 2007, Nazarbayev became a shareholder of Asterry Holdings Ltd., which held a stake in sugar factories in Kazakhstan, via a chain of other companies, according to ICIJ media partner OCCRP.
Nazarbayeva did not respond to requests for comment.
Another company set up and managed by Mossack Fonseca was owned through a trust by Israel Perry, the new papers show. Perry, who died in 2015, was an Israeli attorney convicted of defrauding other Israelis, most of whom were Holocaust survivors. The firm only learned of Perry’s ownership of the company, called Mallett Ford Inc., through a lawsuit brought against it, according to the documents.
None of the Mossack Fonseca correspondence found in the new leak mentions that Perry was a convicted criminal, and it is not clear whether the firm knew.
Contributors to this story: Marcos Garcia Rey, Miranda Patrucic, Mariel Fitz Patrick (Infobae), Sandra Crucianelli and Emilia Delfino (Perfil), Hugo Alconada Mon, Iván Ruiz and Maia Jastreblansky (La Nación).
New Panama Papers Leak Includes Offshore Links To Lionel Messi, Cartier, Argentine Leader Two years after the Panama Papers rocked the offshore financial system, a fresh document leak from the law firm Mossack Fonseca reveals new offshore details about an array of global elites, including soccer superstar Lionel Messi, the Argentine president’s family and a former senior Kuwaiti official convicted of looting his country’s social security system.
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#1yrago A look inside the shady world of Flexispy, makers of "stalkerware" for jealous spouses
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Motherboard's Joseph Cox continues his excellent reporting on Flexispy, a company that make "stalkerware" marketed to jealous spouses through a network of shady affiliates who feature dudes beating up their "cheating girlfriends" after catching them by sneaking spyware onto their devices.
The overwhelming majority of women who've survived domestic abuse say that their spouses used a tool like Flexispy against them.
Flexispy was targeted by a vigilante hacker who wiped its servers and gave a copy of its database and business records to Motherboard.
Cox reports that Flexispy's founder and proprietor is Atir Raihan, an erratic, flashy Pakistani-born man with a British passport.
Raihan started out as a mobile app developer and struck gold when he hit on the strategy of making spyware for jealous spouses that could hijack their victims' phones' cameras, mics, keystrokes, and files. The first version was called Spyphone and ran on the Symbian platform for $50. Today, Flexispy reportedly grosses more than $400,000/month.
Cox, working with Flexispy's records and informants from the company, documents how the firm also works in the "lawful interception" industry, which sells similar tools to police forces. He also documents the network of national affiliates in countries all over the world who market Flexispy through deceptive sales techniques.
Raihan launders his earnings through the world's tax-havens, and did business with Mossack-Fonseca, the disgraced law-firm whose records were dumped one year ago this month in the Panama Papers scandal.
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csvistas2020 · 4 years
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Enron Corporation was an American energy, commodities, and services company based in Houston, Texas. It was founded in 1985 as a merger between Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth, both relatively small regional companies. Its net worth at the time was $60 Billion
Enron's complex financial statements were confusing to shareholders and analysts. In addition, its complex business model and unethical practices required that the company used accounting limitations to misrepresent earnings and modify the Balance Sheet to indicate favorable performance. It was handled by Arthur Anderson, an accounting company and its offshore dealings were handled by Mossack Fonseca & co.
The leak of the panama papers revealed irregular accounting procedures like 'Mark to Marketing' procedure which is a measure of the fair value of accounts that can change over time, such as assets and liabilities. Mark to market aims to provide a realistic appraisal of an institution's or company's current financial situation. Enron’s strategy was that if they bought a Power Plant, they would show it made a profit immediately and if the plant did not make revenue estimated, then instead of the loss, the company would then transfer the asset to an off shore corporation where the loss would go unreported .
This type of accounting enabled Enron to write off unprofitable activities without hurting its bottom line. They hid these losses from the investors. The share price dropped from $90 to $0.26 within a day. The Shareholders filed a suit of 40 billion dollars for their losses. More than 20,000 of Enron's employees filed a suit against them for compensation of $2 billion that was lost from their pensions.
Arthur Andersen was one of the first casualties of Enron's notorious demise. In June 2002, the firm was found guilty of obstructing justice for shredding Enron's financial documents to conceal them from the SEC. Several of Enron's executives were charged with conspiracy, insider trading, and securities fraud. Enron's founder and former CEO Kenneth Lay  is charged with six counts of fraud and conspiracy and four counts of bank fraud. The Attorney-General, had to withdraw from the investigation because he received Enron money, and lawsuits were the pipeline to force Vice-President Dick Cheney for details of his contacts with the company for their upcoming energy policies, the minutes of which were not mentioned to the congress.
Lay and Enron have been bountiful contributors to George Bush. Since 1993, company executives have donated nearly $20 million to him personally for his election campaign in return for policies favorable to the Enron company to which Bush had agreed to according to Lay. Lay also donated $1.2 billion in soft money to the Republican Party over the three years prior to Bush's presidential bid and his wife added $10 million for the inauguration festivities. The company has made donations to many Republicans too - 27 per cent of its political contributions.
The white house spokesperson initially had issued a statement by denying the allegations made on the President and said he is being set up by the democrats. However the leaked papers revealed massive amounts of funds being transferred to Bush and to some very important and powerful members who were the main reason for the victory of the Republican party and the scandal has damaged their and the party’s reputation and trust among the people . The President is on the verge of being impeached by congress for taking bribe.  A motion of no confidence is being brought by the Democrats
You as an external agency have been appointed by the Republicans to :
•           Create campaigns to avert public attention from the republican party and to restore its image along with that of its senior members amongst the public
•           Justify as to how your employers are not involved with the scandal.
•           Initiate a step by step plan of action to ensure Enron is not implicated in any manner as the republican party has implicitly made it clear that they wish to continue their arrangement with Enron.
•           How do you plan to save the President from being impeached?
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talkwithomer · 4 years
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Arrest warrants issued for founders of Panama Papers firm Mossack Fonseca https://ift.tt/3oajPoy
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rauthschild · 4 years
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International Arrest Warrants Issued In Probe Of Hunter Biden Funneling $200 Million To Joe Biden And Hillary Clinton
By: Sorcha Faal, 
A highly-classified “Of Special Importance” new Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today discussing matters relating to the mutual investigative protocols established between the Russian Federation and the United States during the historic and unprecedented January-2018 visit to Washington D.C. by Russia’s top three intelligence directors to meet with their American counterparts, says following last week’s takedown of multi-billionaire Robert T. Brockman for the biggest tax evasion case in American history, that was aided by Robert F. Smith, the close personal friend of former President Obama who heads the American financial investment firm Vista Equity Partners, but who is now cooperating in this investigation and has agreed to pay $139-million to settle his own tax probe, the US Department of Justice (DoJ) reached an agreement with the Office of the German Federal Public Prosecutor (Generalbundesanwaltschaft, GBA) so that Germany could issue international arrest warrants against Juergen Mossack and Ramon Fonseca, the two founders of the firm at the center of the tax haven scandal exposed by the Panama Papers data leak—both of whom remain in Panama and can’t be extradited—though the hope is that Juergen Mossack, who has family in Germany, may surrender to officials in order to negotiate a reduced sentence and avoid US charges.
A Panama Papers case involving a collection of 11-million secret financial documents that illustrated how some of the world’s richest people hide their money—that’s ignited at least 150 investigations in 79 countries to examine potential tax evasion or money laundering, according to the American Center for Public Integrity—and two of whose most under investigation persons in the world are Hillary Clinton, for her multiple links to this criminal money laundering scheme, and Yelena Baturina, who used this Panama money laundering scheme to hide her stolen wealth.
The same Yelena Baturina (American spelling Elena) who with her criminal co-conspirators Andrey Borodin and Dmitry Akulinin were discovered to have embezzled $358-million from the Bank of Moscow in 2011—all three of whom fled to London and whom the British government still refuses to send back to Russia to answer for their crimes—though in March-2020, the Moscow Meshchansky District Court sentenced Andrey Borodin to 14-years in prison in absentia and Dmitry Akulinin was sentenced to 12-years in prison in absentia—absentia sentences that were preceded on 27 December 2019 by Russian judicial authorities declaring that Yelena Baturina is now a fugitive for  her failing to appear in court in a criminal libel case.
A fugitive declaration against Yelena Baturina aided by information turned over to Russian judicial authorities by the US Department of Justice—who a fortnight earlier, on 9 December 2019, seized the laptop computer belonging to Hunter Biden—a seizure of Hunter Biden’s laptop computer followed by the United States Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs releasing their report “Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption: The Impact on U.S. Government Policy and Related Concerns”—wherein, on page 69, it revealed:
Hunter Biden and his associate, Archer, had a financial relationship with Russian businesswoman Elena Baturina.  Baturina is the former wife of the late Yuri Luzhkov, who was the mayor of Moscow and was fired in 2010 by then-Russian president Dmitry Medvedev over corruption allegations.  Baturina became Russia’s only female billionaire when her plastics company, Inteko, received a series of Moscow municipal contracts while her husband was mayor.
According to reporting, “Luzhkov used his position as mayor to approve over 20 real estate projects that were built by a Baturina-owned construction company and ultimately generated multibillion-ruble profits for his family.”
In addition, a Russian investigation led to a criminal case against the former head of the Bank of Moscow, Andrey Borodin, who “allegedly used money from the Moscow City Budget to lend money to shell companies, which ultimately transferred $443 million to Baturina.
On Feb. 14, 2014, Baturina wired $3.5 million to a Rosemont Seneca Thornton LLC (Rosemont Seneca Thornton) bank account for a “Consultancy Agreement DD12.02.2014.”
Rosemont Seneca Thornton is an investment firm co-founded by Hunter Biden that was incorporated on May 28, 2013 in Wilmington, Delaware.
According to The Financial Times, Rosemont Seneca Thornton is a consortium that consists of Rosemont Seneca Partners and the Thornton Group, a Massachusetts-based firm.  In June 2009, Biden co-founded Rosemont Seneca Partners with Archer and Christopher Heinz.  The Thornton Group’s website states that it has offices in Boston and Beijing, lists Rosemont Seneca Partners among its list of alliances and clients, and includes photographs from multiple events attended by Hunter Biden.
A massive crime committed by Yelena Baturina against the peoples of the Russian Federation fully known about by the Obama-Biden Regime—and being kept from the knowledge of the American people is that the $3.5-million Yelena Baturina wired to Hunter Biden was just a small part of the $200-million she agreed to funnel into the hands of then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden so they would protect her.  [Note: Some words and/or phrases appearing in quotes in this report are English language approximations of Russian words/phrases having no exact counterpart.]
According to the very limited portions of this highly-classified report permitted to be commented on by various ministries, the vast masses of the American people still believe that the present chaos they are living through today was ignited in 2016 with the release by WikiLeaks of secret emails belonging to the Democrat National Committee, most commonly referred to as the DNC—that starting on Friday 22 July 2016 at 10:30am EDT, saw WikiLeaks releasing over 2 publications 44,053 emails and 17,761 attachments belonging to the top leaders of the US Democratic National Committee—a release of information that roiled the 2016 presidential election and threw into power President Donald Trump—though what really rocked this election and the world to their very foundations occurred three months earlier in April-2016, which was when the Panama Papers were leaked, that contained 11-million documents totaling a staggering 2,600 terabytes—were leaked by an anonymous whistleblower using the name John Doe—who a month later in May-2020, released the 1,800 page document titled the “John Doe Manifesto”—wherein this mysterious person revealed he has never worked for a spy agency or a government, and most critically stated the truth that: “It will take years, possibly decades, for the full extent of the firm’s sordid acts to become known”.
To fully understand the historical significance of the Panama Papers as it applies to the present chaos and violence being seen throughout America, this report details, one should remember that their release was preceded in 2014 by the scientific research study conducted by Princeton University Professor Martin Gilens and Northwestern University Professor Benjamin Page that concluded the United States had ceased to be a democracy and had become an oligarchy ruled over by an elite class of what can only be described as criminals—a declaration of America being ruled by elite criminal oligarchs that when joined by the Panama Papers showed how their vast wealth was being accumulated and hidden—but most important to notice about when this criminal oligarchy was being realized and exposed, was what happened on 6 March 2014—which was when then New York City real estate multi-billionaire Donald Trump unexpectedly appeared at the Conservative Political Action Congress to proclaim: “Our country is in serious, serious trouble…and our leaders are pathetic”—that was followed 15-months later by Trump announcing that he was running for president in June-2015—that was followed 10-months later with the Panama Papers being released in April-2016—that was followed 3-months later by WikiLeaks releasing the DNC emails in July-2016—all of which combined together 4-months later and saw Trump being elected president in November-2016.
A series of events occurring in a period of 32-months so remarkable it could have only been strategically devised and flawlessly executed by a powerful and as yet unknown organization, this report concludes, and whose evidence to support this being true is President Trump’s beginning to specially target the most powerful oligarchs linked to the Panama Papers disclosures—a fact well known to these criminal oligarchs, and explains articles being published like “The Media ‘Cover’ Joe Biden The Way A Protection Racket Does”, that points out the obvious truth: “Never before have the media been so openly fearful of asking or reporting something that might hurt a presidential candidate…What are supposed to be the animating values of our adversarial press — informing the public, getting answers, holding the powerful to account — have all been subordinated to the protection racket that is coverage of Joe Biden tendency toward “anti-reporting” has long characterized Biden coverage”—that more simply put shows these oligarchs are acting like the criminals they are—but whose doom was actually sealed when these criminal oligarchs thought they could come against the real powers that rule America and win—the present feared leader of whom brought into the open is President Donald Trump.
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nepal123 · 8 years
Panama detains Mossack Fonseca founders on corruption charges
Panama detains Mossack Fonseca founders on corruption charges
Ramon Fonseca, founding partner of law firm Mossack Fonseca, gestures as he talks to the media as he arrives at the Public Ministry office for the Odebrecht corruption case in Panama City, Panama, on February 9, 2017. Photo: Reuters PANAMA CITY:  The two founders of Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca were arrested on Saturday, the attorney general’s office said, after both were indicted on…
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topofreddit · 8 years
Panama Papers: Mossack Fonseca founders arrested over bribery scandal
Original post | Reddit thread
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A look inside the shady world of Flexispy, makers of "stalkerware" for jealous spouses
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Motherboard's Joseph Cox continues his excellent reporting on Flexispy, a company that make "stalkerware" marketed to jealous spouses through a network of shady affiliates who feature dudes beating up their "cheating girlfriends" after catching them by sneaking spyware onto their devices.
The overwhelming majority of women who've survived domestic abuse say that their spouses used a tool like Flexispy against them.
Flexispy was targeted by a vigilante hacker who wiped its servers and gave a copy of its database and business records to Motherboard.
Cox reports that Flexispy's founder and proprietor is Atir Raihan, an erratic, flashy Pakistani-born man with a British passport.
Raihan started out as a mobile app developer and struck gold when he hit on the strategy of making spyware for jealous spouses that could hijack their victims' phones' cameras, mics, keystrokes, and files. The first version was called Spyphone and ran on the Symbian platform for $50. Today, Flexispy reportedly grosses more than $400,000/month.
Cox, working with Flexispy's records and informants from the company, documents how the firm also works in the "lawful interception" industry, which sells similar tools to police forces. He also documents the network of national affiliates in countries all over the world who market Flexispy through deceptive sales techniques.
Raihan launders his earnings through the world's tax-havens, and did business with Mossack-Fonseca, the disgraced law-firm whose records were dumped one year ago this month in the Panama Papers scandal.
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csthrive19 · 5 years
Mossack Fonseca is a law firm based in Panama. Founded in 1977, it is the world’s fourth biggest provider of offshore services. Until the publication this week of the Panama Papers, it was mostly obscure. In fact, it sits at the heart of the global offshore industry, and acts for about 300,000 companies. More than half are registered in British tax havens – as well as in the UK.
Its main function is as an incorporation agent, licensed by various tax havens to register companies there. The firm operates in 21 territories.
Its biggest jurisdiction is the UK-administered BVI, followed by Panama, the Bahamas, and the Seychelles, and the islands of Samoa and Niue near New Zealand.
If a client wants to set up an offshore firm or trust, Mossack Fonseca will register it and take care of the local paperwork – for a fee, plus an annual charge.
But the Panama Papers have shone a light on a hidden world the firm says it does not recognise – one that sometimes facilitates crime, launders dirty money and finds ways of busting sanctions. Plus evading tax. 
This week’s revelations have focused on politicians, celebrities and the famous: the murky finances of Vladimir Putin’s friendsand the offshore tax arrangements made by David Cameron’s late father, Ian. Others who feature in the leaked data include African despots, international arms smugglers, drug dealers and corporate vehicles belonging to outcast states such as North Korea and Syria. Mossack denies it busts sanctions. 
The biggest group in the Panama Papers are not household names. They are what you might call the anonymous international rich. It is not, of course, illegal to set up an offshore firm.Many use company structures for legitimate reasons.
 The company’s leaked internal database gives some idea of the massive scale of these international operations, many of them perfectly legal. The 11.5m documents include shareholder registers, bank statements, emails from lawyers and accountants, passport scans and contracts. Much of it legal, if hidden.
 Following the revelations, Panama itself pledged to exchange information with other countries; however, negotiations with the German Federal Government are currently stalled. Moreover, Panama’s president Juan Carlos Varela put together an expert commission with a great deal of fanfare. At least in theory, its aim is to save Panama’s reputation as a financial center and make recommendations to prevent the country from being used for money laundering purposes or illegal business dealings.
The founders of Mossack Fonseca, the law firm at the centre of the Panama Papers scandal, were arrested in Panama City on Thursday as the country’s attorney general launched a probe into their alleged connections with Brazil’s sprawling Lava Jato corruption scandal.
Juergen Mossack and his colleague Ramon Fonseca, a former adviser to Panama’s president Juan Carlos Varela, were taken into custody and transferred to police cells in the capital overnight for further questioning on Friday, their defence attorney Elías Solano was quoted telling reporters.
Panamanian prosecutors raided the offices of Mossack Fonseca on Thursday. In a press conference on Kenia Porcell, Panama’s attorney general, said she had information that identified Mossack Fonseca “allegedly as a criminal organisation that is dedicated to hiding money assets from suspicious origins”.
You are Mossack and Fonseca and have been called for interrogation based on the leaks. You need to defend and justify your action. These investigation will be based on multiple connections and illegal activities.
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