#Mr Maruki
seyermon · 5 months
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Been a while! Guess who got a new hyperfixation? (and a new comfort chara)
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Scary Game Protagonists visit the Smashers
Yuri: Umm, excuse me, Master Hand?
Master Hand: Ah, Yuri! How was the Horror Protagonist Meetup?
Yuri: Oh, it was great! Lots of stories about unbridled horrors, mental trauma, some of them are coming here, and the cake was amazing!
Master Hand: ...What was that?
Yuri: The cake was amazing. 
Master Hand: What did you say about them coming here?!
Yuri: Hey, some of these people are really traumatized, and I think spending some time in a more friendly environment would be good for them!
Master Hand: "FRIENDLY environment?!" Have you met the people here?! This place is already a boiling pot of issues!
Yuri: It worked for me, that's all I'm saying.
Master Hand: (groans) Fine, but if they bring any of their monsters with them, I'm kicking them back to the nightmare world they came from.
(meanwhile, Meggy is laying on a couch in a therapist's office, Dr. Maruki taking notes)
Meggy: And that's why I think my competitiveness dates back to my childhood...
Dr. Maruki: Interesting... (before he can elaborate, they're interrupted by a knock at the door) Hmm? Who's there? I'm in the middle of a session.
(the door creaks open. Meekly peeking into the opening is a tall, blonde-haired man in a green army jacket. He looks back and forth at Meggy and Dr. Maruki with a confused expression)
???: Uhh... I'm sorry, I think I have the wrong day. I thought I was supposed to have a session at this time.
Dr. Maruki: (flipping through his notebook) Ah, yes, Mr. Sunderland. Yes, you're scheduled for this time tomorrow. 
James: Oh... sorry, I always get the dates wrong on these things.
Dr. Maruki: It says here you're booked for couple's therapy. Will your spouse be joining us?
James: Uh... no, that's a mistake. My wife's deceased.
Dr. Maruki: Oh, I'm sorry. I'll be sure to have that changed before your appointment tomorrow. 
James: Okay. Sorry to interrupt. (he glances at Meggy briefly before shutting the door)
Dr. Maruki: Well, that was interesting. Now, where were we? (Meggy is now sitting up on the couch, eyeing the spot where James was suspiciously) Is there a problem?
Meggy: There's something off about that guy, Doc...
Dr. Maruki: There's "something off" about all my patients, Meggy. That's why they're getting therapy.
(meanwhile, Snake is peacefully enjoying a beer in the Mansion's lounge when he's interrupted by a deep voice coming from behind him)
???: Holy shit, I thought you were dead.
(Snake turns and sees a gigantic, muscular man in a black trenchcoat. He grins and stands up to greet the man)
Snake: As I live and breathe, Chris Redfield. You look like hell.
Chris: Hey, you try fighting through a village of zombie werewolves some time. Besides, I still look better than you did in your last game, Old Snake.
Snake: Yeah, well, turns out multiverse time-screwery does wonders for an old man. You should try it some time. Or is the boulder-punching enough exercise for you?
(they both sit down at Snake's table)
Chris: God, I'm never gonna escape that meme, aren't I?
Snake: Hey, speaking of memes, the kids around here have been showing me some weird ones about you. Something called... "Chrisposting"?
Chris: (groans) Goddammit...
Snake: I didn't even think you liked Leon, and yet you're trying to force him to be your brother-in-law?
Chris: Claire's a grown woman, she can go out with whoever she wants, and I have better things to do with my time than violently enforce one specific ship.
Snake: What, like finding you're own ways to "continue the Redfield bloodline"? Or did Jill shoot your ass down?
Chris: (chuckles) Fuck you, David. And Jill and I are doing great.
Snake: …You know, they were making some of those same jokes about Ethan before he... you know. How're you doing with that?
Chris: (sigh) Doing better these days. But every time I look at Rose, I can't help but think about how I could've handled that whole mess better.
Snake: I get it. I used to get the same way looking at Sunny. Still, I think Ethan would appreciate what you're doing.
Chris: I hope so. (he grabs a bottle and holds it up) To Ethan.
Snake: To Ethan.
(they toast, and then proceed to drink their drinks in silence)
(meanwhile, sitting in a random bar on the other side of town is a reporter in a brown jacket, nervously tapping on a notebook. He appears to be missing some of his fingers)
Miles Upshur: Okay... okay, so you're saying that this whole place here... is just tons and tons of... multiverse video game people? 
(the Mii bartender in front of him nods. A voice inside the reporter's head pipes up)
The Walrider: (annoyed) And he's been saying it for hours!
Miles: Alright... so, tell me again... there was this island full of robots, that got blown up. (the Mii bartender nods and crosses his heart in respect) Okay... and there's also a very angry... heroic giant ape.
Mii Bartender: Donkey Kong.
Miles: …a monkey... named "Donkey Kong".
Walrider: Yeah, and you thought "Walrider" was a shit name!
Miles: (under his breath) Yeah, cause it is. (normal volume, to the bartender) Now, tell me again, about these two eldritch ghost things that like fighting each other. Cause I tell you what man, these evil spirits, they don't spend their time fighting each other...
Walrider: Miles! Don't you start!
Miles: ...no, no, no. Cause they don't care about fighting each other, you know what they do like? TEARING PEOPLE APART! That's what they do, alright?
Mii Bartender: ...Buddy, they destroyed the multiverse. Fifteen hundred people lost their bodies, and had to live as spirits for weeks.
Miles: … fifteen... hundred? (the bartender nods, annoyed) That's a lot of people. Maybe... maybe I should go to this... Mansion, talk to these... Smashers.
(he's interrupted when Master Hand appears out of a portal behind him)
Master Hand: Oh, hell no! We have enough eldritch beings running around, you're going home! (he snaps his fingers and disappears)
Miles: What the fuck?
Walrider: What's happening?! (Miles starts slowly vanishing) NO! No, we just got here! NOT AGAIN! (Miles vanishes entirely)
Mii Bartender: …Jackass didn't even pay the bill.
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lvndri · 1 year
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epitomees · 8 months
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((I've come to realize if P3 Maruki is interning at Gekkoukan he probably has to report to a supervisor concerning his hours, work ethics/report findings, and everything else that needs to transfer to his school records. And his supervisor needs to be someone who IS a legal practitioner.
Who is the only other staff member at Gekkoukan you can go to for any medical reason...))
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cashewally-sarcastic · 2 months
Fuckin,,,,persona dude,,,,
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UC: Eating a lot used to make me sick, so I just sort of quit. Still working on getting it back to normal. This one's the last of my junior high memories.
*You move on to the next door, and young UC is in the kitchen of their house. They notice a very sharp knife on the counter and pick it up. They eye it for a moment before slowly pointing it to their throat. Mr. Bunny is roaming around, and he notices the knife. He quickly rushes in and grabs their hand, and pushes the knife away before holding them in his arms.*
Mr. Bunny: I was almost too late... Little one, what would possess you to do such a thing?
*Young UC's eyes fill with tears.*
Mr. Bunny: ...You're thinking of them again, aren't you?
Young UC: I-I just don't get it... Why do I deserve to be alive when they're dead? Why shouldn't I be dead?
Mr. Bunny: ...Things happen for a reason, little one. I know it hurts, but the universe had its own plans for them. It wanted you to survive.
Young UC: That doesn't make sense! Why would the universe get rid of them, but keep me around? What makes me so special?! I can't stand it anymore... I just want to be gone...
*Mr. Bunny looks at them painfully, and he can't seem to find words. He quietly stands up with them in his arms, and picks up the knife and puts it away. The memory ends and the monitor switches off.*
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junipaca · 2 years
sometimes I’m like “ah persona 5 Royal isn’t that dialogue deep as I think it is” and then get hit with the one-two dialogue that Particularly nails an emotional peak of a character and I have to break down immediately
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soyeonniez · 3 months
power imbalance, age gap, slight worship
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You came on to him. That's what he wants to say. That's what he would say if you got caught, even though he knows it wouldn't help his case. They'd ask why he didn't stop you. Because of the way you looked at him. Tears pricking at your pretty little eyes, with a face like that? Tongue out and eyes crossed. It would be cruel of him to say no to you and your raging hormones.  He needed you so bad and he didn’t even realize it until you were begging him to fuck you. Begging your counselor to fuck you. You're 18, why should it matter? Mr. Maruki is just a good guy after all. So good to you, letting you ride his cock because those high school boys could never make you feel so good. So pretty, looking like a fucking goddess on top of him as he thrusts into you at a safe pace. So perfectly divine. He really should have had you like this sooner.
Maruki's grip on your hips was so tight you were for sure going to have the most disgusting bruises. The thought was maddening. You, walking around school all day, covered in marks nobody but him can see. He picked up his pace as he moved your hair out of your face, eyes piercing into yours. You’re so pretty, just babbling and crying, he’s fucked you so stupid, yet he needs more. Faster, faster, faster, every thrust accentuated by a "good girl". You're both close. One final thrust and his head is thrown forward into your neck, biting down as your warm cunt squeezes around him, determined to take all of him. "You're so beautiful, holy fuck baby…"
This is exactly what you wanted.
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argentsunshine · 3 months
have you posted about your characterization of Joker? i really like your takes about him and would love if it were explained, but understand if not
i don't think i've posted about it explicitly beyond writing fics and comics, but i do think about it a lot
i acknowledge that everyone picks different options for their akira(/ren, i'll be calling him akira here in case i have to differentiate between his real world and metaverse personas), but imo there are way more basic facts about akira that are the same regardless of what dialogue options you pick than people act like there are
he's quiet
he's not really a silent protagonist unless you're incredibly broad with the term, but he still isn't exactly the most talkative guy. you may be saying mr argent sunshine, this is obvious, why are you bothering to state this. well you see i often joke that i have a test where i back out of a fanfic if anyone describes akira as "loud", "talkative", or anything else to that effect. i have seen this so often and it drives me insane. especially when people portray him as like, a quirky hyperactive ditz constantly saying stupid shit...? people can be funny while saying very few words, guys. (sometimes it's even funnier to say less. wild concept.)
also, while the doylist purpose of his quietness is obvious - making the player pick a line every other sentence would get annoying and would force them to write and record way more dialogue to account for all the responses - i think it's interesting to examine from a watsonian perspective. was he always quiet, or is it a mask in the same way as the glasses are? i personally imagine him always being on the quiet side, but it's a space you could play in.
2. caring so deeply about everyone and everything all the time
this to me is the real core of akira's character. the defining moment of his whole deal to me is the one-two punch of him saving a woman he didn't know and losing everything for it, and, when arsene asks, him saying doing that was not a mistake, i'd do it again if i had to, even though the woman he was trying to save turned around and lied to the police, resulting in his arrest. he comforts ann when they barely know each other, he awakens to arsene in the first place while trying to protect ryuji, who he's known for all of ten minutes. yes, he loves his friends and found family dearly (and i'm sure when i started talking about things that are true no matter what option you pick someone went "oh like how akechi will still be akira's wish in maruki's reality no matter what you do", yeah, that too) but he's also ready to throw himself into harm's way for the sake of people he's never met.
(if someone wants my full rant on this point ask me about sojiro akira parallels but a side point to this is that he's deeply unselfish, to a level that may not be healthy in the long run. he just so happens to have gotten the exact magic powers to make his heroics feasible. i'm just saying, without getting persona powers he still would have managed to draw kamoshida's anger, and he would have been expelled and probably gone to juvie! but he still would have done it because he can't just look away.)
3. oh god i don't want this to turn into a whole full rant so now i have to pick one last point then shut up. oh god oh fuck. i could talk about akira forever but nobody wants to sit through that. let's talk about masks.
i don't think of joker as The Real Akira as much as his metaverse appearance is another facet of him. looking at him from another angle. i think his flair for the dramatic is fun and i love him, but i also think the concept of theatrics and illusion and trickery (ha) being built so deep into him is very important. even though it's always for the greater good, he does tell people what they want to hear a lot (off the top of my head, maybe 1/3 to 1/2 of his non-PT confidants are at least somewhat based on false pretenses right from the start, even if they make him come clean in the end, and a lot of the rest involve akira being exactly who the person needs him to be.) you could argue that akira's always pretending to literally everyone fully all the time (I don't think this is true; i think he obscures parts of himself to make himself more useful or palatable to others, but i think arguing his connections are inauthentic is a) edgelord bullshit or, more commonly, shipper brain if they're arguing only one connection is authentic b) just not consistent with the way people work. i'm personally of the opinion that we're all always presenting tailored versions of ourselves to everyone around us - i'm ruder around my friends but kinder around my parents; openly ramble about my interests to my online friends but tend to keep a lid on them irl - these don't make some of my connections fake, it's just a difference in the facets people see. i don't think akira's tendecy to present different masks around different people is neccasarily the best way to go about life (in that i think it Will lead to an identity crisis inevitably) but it's definitely A Thing!
i lost track of what i was saying at the end there so i'll stop talking
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its-to-the-death · 9 months
Villain Song Showdown Preliminary Round #12
Top two will make it into the bracket
Songs below the cut
Jaws theme - Villain: Jaws
Actually It's Commander Tartar's Theme - Villain: Commander Tartar
See My Vest - Villain: Mr. Burns
JUSTICE - Villain: Dan Masamune
Spinnin' Around - Villain: Asakura Takashi
Like a Virgin - Villain: The Duke/Harold Zidler
I've Had Enough of You - Villain: Fantoccio
The Executioner - Villain: Bernkastel
Throw Away Your Mask - Villain: Maruki
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kroosluvr · 18 days
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shuake swap (akira detective prince, goro delinquent transfer student) but sumire stays the same. awful chaos ensues
kurusu knows that 'kasumi' is sumire, obviously, since he was on good terms with the real kasumi, but he doesn't say anything about it Because it's funny.
i think he'd keep up the cocky ahaaahhahaa sillyyyy charming schtick even after the engine room/in 3rd semester which really gets on sumire's nerves (she's not used to it, and 'kasumi' could handle it better)
i think its funny that sumire harbors more animosity towards detective prince!akira rather than the canon detective prince mr akechi LMAO.
goro trying to hold them all together to conquer maruki's palace even tho he hates every second of it is peak i think
also akira has his hair styled pre-3rd-sem and also his Fake glasses (lol) but he drops the glasses and hair styling in 3rd sem
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chronicbeans · 1 year
You know what? At this point I feel like Tumblr needs a shady/mad doctor appreciation club. Why? Because the majority of the shady/mad doctors I simp over, I found through Tumblr. I feel like this website is trying to enable my addiction to that VERY specific character trope.
Anyways... if no one else is gonna make it a thing, I will.
Current members:
•Dr. Daniel Dickens from Angels of Death
•Literally every doctor from The Heilwald Loophole
•Tanner from Scrutinized
•(honorary member, due to having not finished medical school) Victor Frankenstein from Frankenstein
•(another honorary member, same reason as V.F.) Herbert West from Reanimator
•Dr. Takuto Maruki (shady due to literally trying to change reality, even if for good intentions) from Persona 5 Royal
•Dr. Alfred Drevis from Mad Father
•Medic from Team Fortress 2 (so crazy his medical license was revoked)
•Johannes Mimir Faustus from Servamp
•Edward Richtofen from Call of Duty Zombies
•Dr. Steinman from Bioshock
•Victor Veloci from Dinosquad (Possible honorary. He's a scientist, but I am unable to find if he is necessarily a doctor. Either way, crazy enough to join the club in some capacity.)
• Dr. Zed (Doesn't have a REAL medical degree, but we'll count it. Crazy enough to make it) from Borderlands
• Dr. Yi Suchong from Bioshock
Anyways give me more ideas for more shady/mad doctors to join this club.
Editing to say that it has now happened. I did it. Lol
I made a whole new blog just to do it.
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Welcome to the Mad Doctor Appreciation Club!
I am the receptionist, Mr. [REDACTED]. I hope you enjoy your stay at our highly renowned club! ... What do you mean you haven't heard of it before? That's besides the point. I'll give you the rundown.
This club, located in this old hospital, is home to the most genius of individuals whose work has been underappreciated! From the old workers from the Heilwald Klinikum, to that mercenary medic over by the operating table, every one of our beloved members has been underappreciated for far too long! We allow outsiders to visit and marvel at their ideas from time to time, but there have been certain... Incidents. Pay them no mind. It will be fine. Not EVERY member is hostile, so you should be safe.
Here is our list of current members. We are very relaxed with what can make an honorary member, too. An honorary member just means that you have never had a medical license or doctorate's degree before, but still hold the spirit of a mad doctor. If there is anybody who you believe deserves to join, either as a member or honorary member, please write their name at the bottom of this paper, in the section called "comments".
•Dr. Daniel Dickens from Angels of Death
•Every Doctor from The Heilwald Loophole (Dr. Randolph, Dr. Wolfram, Dr. Hauser).
•Nurse Anne, Nurse Heideltraut, Nurse Sabine from The Heilwald Loophole (honorary members: work in the medical field)
• Dr. Steinman and Dr. Suchong from Bioshock
•Tanner from Scrutinized
•Victor Frankenstein (honorary member: never finished medical school)
•Herbert West from Reanimator (honorary member: never finished medical school)
•Medic from Team Fortress 2 (Note from Receptionist: keep an eye on him. He's so crazy, his medical license was revoked... You don't want to know why. We just call him Medic to avoid confusion with another member.)
•Dr. Takuto Maruki from Persona 5 Royal (Note from Receptionist: he's convinced he doesn't belong here. We assure you, he does.)
•Dr. Alfred Drevis from Mad Father
•Johannes Mimir Faustus from Servamp
•Dr. Zed from Borderlands (he doesn't have a REAL medical license, but he still has one. So, he is counted as a normal member.)
•Edward Richtofen from Call of Duty Zombies
•Victor Veloci from Dinosquad (research still being conducted. He seems to disappear from time to time. Recent sightings of dinosaurs reported from members of club.)
•Dr. Colress from Pokemon Black and White 2
•Dr. Yung from The Mastermind of Mirage Pokemon
•Blue Medic from Team Fortress 2 Emesis Blue (note from Receptionist: we call him Dr. Ludwig, Dr. Fritz, or Dr. L to avoid confusion with another member.)
•The Doctor from Dead by Daylight
•SCP 049 from the SCP Foundation
•Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs
•Dr. Gilbert Alexander from Bioshock 2
•Dr. Alto Clef from the SCP Foundation
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triphantoms · 3 months
excuse me mr. takuto maruki I have a gift for you!
*give you a bowl of spaghetti with extra tomato sauce*
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Oh! Well, thank you! That's so nice of you, but why extra tomato sauce? Don't get me wrong I like it well enough but it seems such a strange thing to get extra of. Normally people go for the extra cheese, it's a nice present though! - Maruki 🍎
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thebigpapilio · 11 months
so everyone knows my ASAU of Persona 5 Royal, A Righteous Rebellion. right? And we're all also aware of @scruffyturtles' Adult Confidant AU?
well I sorta fused them? tldr: i made a (mostly) Adult Confidant AU for ARR! Details below, if you're interested - and if you have any questions about it, please ask @rollthedice-playthecards or this blog here!
The Fool and Strength (i.e. Igor & Caroline/Justine/Lavenza) are the same. Otherwise, everyone's changed.
The World (i.e. Protagonist) is Tae Takemi!
Her parents were abusive shitheads to her, and she got into a program that helped her escape for Tokyo.
Her first Persona is Merit-Ptah, a fictitious woman purported to be a chief physician of an Ancient Egyptian pharaoh and thus one of the oldest known women in medicine and science.
The Magician is Sadamu Niijima (transmasc!Sae)!
The home invasion that killed Mr. Niijima also led to his death, but Igor came upon his soul and reincarnated him into a hound (because of Shadow Sae's tattoos) for The Yaldabaoth Game™.
His first Persona is Turiddu, a Sicilian bandit whose gang was "legally held responsible" for a massacre, although the entirely of their role in it is disputed.
The Priestess is Sadayo Kawakami!
She was a member of Student Council, but when she brought up Kamoshida's abuse to Principal Omon "Bael" Kobayakawa, she lost her seat. Kobayakawa actually replaces Kaneshiro as the third major target.
Her first Persona is Elissa, legendary founder and queen of Carthage... oh, and I will be shipping her with Tae for my Kawakemi agenda. :)
The Empress is Chihaya Fukurai (Mifune)!
Yuichi "Mammon" Fukurai, her adoptive father, runs Fukurai Foods (Big Bang Burger's owner and more). Chihaya was setting up to inherit the business when Yuichi "changed his mind" and prepared to sell her off in an arranged marriage to Rikio Sugimura.
Her first Persona is Lakshmibai, an Indian rani who rebelled against the Bri'ish.
The Emperor is Sojiro Sakura!
He's a culinary prodigy studying under his adoptive parent (I haven't decided who yet, but they're Azazel) - a TV chef who runs a kids' competition a la Chopped Junior. They definitely abuse some of those kids.
His Initial Persona is Hamlet, the famous Shakespearean Prince of Denmark.
The Hierophant is Makoto Niijima, owner of Cafe Bianca.
She's been looking for her estranged younger "sister" for years now.
The Lovers is Munehisa Iwai!
Munehisa is Shujin’s star athlete. Excels in every sport in Shujin except volleyball, from which he was banned after standing up to Suguru "Asmodeus" Kamoshida.
Kaoru, his younger brother here, takes the role of Shiho, and Akimitsu Tsuda and Masa replace Nakaoka and Takeishi.
His Initial Persona is Barrow, a Great Depression-era criminal who robbed small stores, funeral homes and banks with his partner Ms. Parker.
The Chariot is Ichiko Ohya!
Leader of the photography club. She caught photos of Kamoshida’s dirty deeds in the past and is trying to find a way to expose them anonymously. Oh, and she has a long-distance girlfriend named Kayo.
Her Initial Persona is O'Malley, an Irish pirate queen so violent Elizabeth I considered sending the Royal Fleet after.
Justice is Toranosuke Yoshida!
I sort of split Goro's two roles in this AU. Toranosuke plays the Detective Prince trying to solve the case of mental shutdowns (+ the Phantom Thief case), but his brother-by-choice Benzo Kuramoto plays assassin and mental-shutdown-inducer for Masao Kuramoto, his grandfather. Tora joins the team in Oda's Palace, and they fight Benzo in Kuramoto's Palace - that's where Toranosuke achieves his Second Persona.
Speaking of Personas, his Initial one is Greenlefe, Robin Hood's second-in-command and the only one present at his death.
The Hermit is Takuto Niijima (Maruki)!
Makoto had a brief stint as a police officer, but after a influential asshole (Kuramoto) drove drunk and killed one Tomoyo Rumi, she attempted to dig into the situation and was dishonorably discharged. Soon after, she met Rumi's boyfriend, Takuto (an orphan with one shitty relative), and took him in.
He would be a third-year if he was still in school. He’s wasting away as he grieves Rumi's death. He can’t bring himself to kill himself, but he also doesn't want to be alive anymore.
His Initial Persona is Popol Vuh, a religious text of the mythology and history of the Kʼicheʼ Guatemalans.
The Fortune is Hifumi Hibino (Togo)!
After Mitsuyo disowned Hifumi for coming out as lesbian, Hifumi moved in with her wife Haru (they both end up with Makoto later). Hifumi took up busking/street shogi, not wanting to be reliant on Haru.
The Hanged Man is Akira Kurusu!
Not much for this guy right now - like Canon!Munehisa, he's an ex-yakuza who runs Indomptable, an airsoft store. Ren is his adoptive son.
Death is Sumire Yoshizawa!
A medical misdiagnosis (by her biological mother Yui, not that she knows it) left Sumire's sister in a coma. Ever since, Sumire can't see anyone unconscious without thinking of Kasumi.
Temperance is Ryuji Sakamoto!
An orphaned man who teaches PE at Shujin and moonlights in an escort service to take care of himself and his son Morgana.
Just after his college years, his mom's ex-husband killed her and then killed himself to escape the police, so he has no support system. Thus, he got himself into trouble with a duo of loan sharks so he could look presentable enough to replace Kamoshida.
He, Ann and Shiho were friends in high-school, but he never saw them again after graduating.
The Devil is Ann Takamaki!
An up-and-coming actress working hard to make it big. She's keeping her sexuality (and her girlfriends Shiho Suzui and Mika Abe) under wraps from everyone, including her manager.
At the end of the Confidant, she moves in with her old friend (and future boyfriend) Ryuji after Tae mentions him.
The Tower is Goro Shido (Akechi)!
Goro is a very temperamental young man with no methods of healthily and safely letting out his anger at the world and his shitty, abusive father.
After Shido's heart is changed, Ryuji (and Ann and Shiho) take Goro in.
The Star is Zenkichi Hasegawa!
Even if Zen doesn't know it, he's the best player in the shogi club at Kosei. It's discovered their "team" has been fixing matches, and Zenkichi is determined to find out who's cheating.
Jyun Owada, his senpai and club president, is jealous, and is trying to cause strife between him and his girlfriend Aoi to weaken him.
The Moon is Sophia Ichinose!
Sophia is a Greek immigrant who moved to Japan for work opportunities. She's Tae's science teacher, so Tae really likes her. Her daughter Kuon, however, has fallen in with a HORRIBLY nasty crowd - a bigoted group who hates (among other groups of people) Kuon's adoptive mother. Kuon, naturally, is conflicted, and this leads to conflict between her and Sophia.
The Sun is Haru Hibino!
A young politician whose bold eat-the-wealthy mentality does not sit well with older generations - for example, her father Kunikazu, who disowned her and silently smeared her campaigns so she'd waste her inheritance and never expose his criminality.
In the end of the whole story, Haru legalizes polyamorous marriage!
Judgement is Shinya Oda!
Uses they/them pronouns here.
After Shinya's mother Hanae was killed in cold blood, they joined the SIU to find the killer. She did something to piss off Kuramoto, though, so he and the director do everything they can to keep Shinya away from that.
The Faith is Wakaba Isshiki!
Daughter of Shujin's new counselor. A science prodigy.
I don't have much ideas for her yet, never mind her Personas.
The Councillor is Futaba Isshiki!
Shujin's aforementioned new counselor in the wake of Kamoshida's arrest. Believing the world to be "without life" without her deceased fiancee Kana, her Palace becomes a Graveyard, where she "raises the dead" by fixing their problems.
She only has one Persona - Chac Chel, an important Maya goddess of many things, most prominently both creation and destruction.
The Hope is Yuuki (Mishima)!
His ranged weapon is eye lasers. They use both he/him and they/them.
An A.I. made by Katsuo Akiyama, a regretful high-school bully who caused one of his victims to commit suicide.
Their first Persona is Thyrsus - a giant fennel staff that Yuuki uses like a weapon alongside the Persona aspect of it.
The Apostle is Yusuke Kitagawa!
The only original Phantom Thief to keep the power of Persona.
Ordered by Madarame Ichitaro (the killer of his mother and Police Commissioner) to investigate the Phantom Thieves after a series of mass heart-changings occur again.
Akane has a brother, Natsuhiko, and they share the Jail. Their mother, Takayo (Yusuke's beard) is still dead.
His Persona is Enjolras, and he later gets with Akira.
Lastly, a unique Arcana - The Actor, Morgana Sakamoto!
A theater prodigy at his school (not Shujin or Kosei) and Ryuji's son. He has no clues to his past before Ryuji, and he wants to know, but he also wants his dad to be happy. At the end of the Strikers arc, Lavenza becomes human, and he and Goro get the Sakamotos to adopt her as well.
Reminder once again to post any questions about this AU to @rollthedice-playthecards!
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UC: ...Let's keep going. It's already getting harder.
*You move on to the next one. Now UC appears to be in junior high, and the tips of their hair are dyed pink. They're sitting in a therapy office, and the face of the therapist is blurred.*
Young UC: ...It's just that so many people in my town keep giving me these dirty looks, like they all believe that I killed my mom. It's only the adults, no one else. They all believe that I'm poison.
Therapist: I see... Would you like me to drain that poison from you?
Young UC: ...What?
*The memory fasts forward, and young UC is sitting outside of the room, hyperventilating.*
Young UC: What... What was that...? What did he...
*From inside the room, faint sounds of growling and flesh ripping are heard, and Mr. Bunny's voice is heard from the other side of the door.*
Mr. Bunny: Open the door, grab me, and leave. You don't need to see what happened.
*Young UC shields their eyes and quickly opens the door and picks up their bunny plush before leaving. Fast forward to nighttime, where Mr. Bunny sits beside UC's bed in his mutated form.*
Mr. Bunny: I'm sorry, little one... I should have acted sooner. But fear not. You will never have to carry this memory with you again.
*He leans forward and touches his nose to their forehead, erasing their memory of the event. The monitor switches off.*
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