mr-walkingrainbow · 2 months
I finished my other Ennui x Anxiety fic!!! The one I made the original poll for all those days ago!!!
I’m gonna be posting it today any moment now!!! I’ll make a post with a link once it’s up!!!
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Have a little Anxienn doodle I made as a treat
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mr-walkingrainbow · 6 months
I've seen you and a few people talk about writing fic for toralei episode, when do you think you'll get yours out of you do /no pressure
Well I don’t think I ever fully promised to write a story for the episode. However, I am writing a fanfic currently about the plot hole of Toralei never being mentioned for the wolf, family and flashbacks or over the summer. I will link the same fanfic I had linked the other day, which is my fanfic for what should’ve happened in the episode, or the more Angstier version of the episode.
I’m not sure about the others unfortunately!
The angsty depressed summer toralei? Give or take 2-3 days. I’ll make a post if it’s sooner
also 😭 the episode just came out yesterday, give us some time to actually writer the story por favor. I know you’re just excited. But I also have a life outside of monster high and it’s been very busy
Here’s the fic!
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mr-walkingrainbow · 4 years
Yay! Finally someone who will! I've been thinking a lot of this weird AU where theyre at the X school, tell me what you think! Prompt: Starting at the end of the movie, the gang finds themselves at the school for mutants. Sam & reader (name doesnt matter!) have a hard time fitting in/adjusting at the school and find themselves getting closer and closer, until they finally become an item!
Sam x reader
Your very nervous,
it’s the only think you can really think of.
Panic isnt right for the scenario.
And fear sounds to dramatic.
But your very nervous of this new Mutant school.
And that sounds correct.
Sam stands besides you, holding your hand in support.
You blush and look away. He doesn’t know you like him.
Shame on you.
You want to feel excited that he’s holding your hand. It feels warm against your sweaty palm.
But you’ve seen him with Illyana. And are convinced he likes her.
“Hey Luke!” Roberto calls out.
You look over.
“That one metal guy asked for our last names. What’s yours?”
Truth be told, you’ve never told them your last name. You never wanted to. It was best to remain inconspicuous. Tell the least amount of information.
It was best.
“O is fine Berto.” You speak in your Yorkshire accent.
“Luke. O,” Illy states drily, “Wow I feel like I know you so much now.”
“Illy,” Sam mutters protectively. Him and Dani are the only ones brave enough to really say anything to her.
The Russian just rolls her eyes in response. Dani leans in, whispering something no one can hear.
Illy nods. But does nothing else.
“Shall we go’n now?” You ask.
Everyone nods but illy. Who instead pulls out Lockheed. Holding him close.
You think you understand. Lockheed was her comfort, her security. Something you wish you had right now.
Everyone walks in. But no one is at ease.  The place is large. Filled with people bustling around. A guy with green skin nearly bumps into you, but Sam pulls you out of the way in time.
“Thanks,” you blush, “Uh, thanks.”
“Course.” He nods.
This blonde woman walks over. Briefly glowing blue. She blinks a few times and they dim to normal.
“Hello,” she introduces, “I’m Esme. Some call me Cuckoo, others stepford. But you can call me Frost.”
The others look at her apprehensively.
The blonde shrugs, “Esmes cool too.”
Her eyes glow once again.
“Ugh, be quiet!” She snaps.
You flinch backwards, and Esme offers a apologetic smile.
“Sorry,” she reaches up a pale finger, tapping it once against her mind, “Sisters.”
The woman doesn’t offer any more words then that. So you nod uneasily.
She starts to walk forward, and everyone looks at each other before following.
“We have a lot of cool things here,” the mutant starts talking, “Thermal rooms for Berto to flame in. Chains and gear outside for Sam. Courses for Rahne to run, and even something for Dani!”
Esme abruptly stops. You nearly crash into her if it wasn’t for Sam.
“How do you know who’s who?” Dani questions nervously.
She turns around, staring at everyone with intently piercing eyes.
“I know things. Now,” she swivels her head to glance at you and Illyana, “Your thoughts are unexplainable. I should say unhelpful. You, Luke, are thinking to hard.”
You blush. But you don’t know why.
The eyes trail to stare at Illy.
“And your having a conversation with no one?”
The Russian glares.
“Not true. I’m having one with Lockheed!”
Esme looks confused, “Where is he.”
Illy blushes, but holds up the puppet for her to observe.
You notice Dani grabbing her free hand. Rubbing her thumb over her knuckles soothingly.
Esme blinks, and then they glow again.
“Ah. He’s your friend. Back in limbo.”
Illy jerks, “How do you know that.”
The woman smiles, “All in a telepaths work.”
Everyone takes a subtle step back. So that’s why she walked in front of them. So they couldn’t see her eyes.
You immediately try and think of nothing, but somehow think of Sam instead. Esme looks at you with curiosity, but thankfully says nothing.
Her eyes glow again, momentarily making her face blank and stony.
She looks embarrassed almost, “Um. I just received word that you aren’t needed at the main office yet. Your free to explore. Just don’t break anything.”
You look at her, trying to find an earpiece of some kind. She notices you and raises her eyebrow defensively.
Esme then turns around and leaves, whispering “Sophie! Phoebe! Shut up!” On her way out.
“Uh,” you turn back to your group, only to find them all gone except Sam, “Thanks for staying.”
He nods, “I wouldn’t leave you.”
You blush again. And look away.
The day goes on. As you and Sam struggle to find something that works for you. Roberto was psyched at being given clothes that don’t burn when he flames up. Rahne loved the obstacle course. And Dani was interested in practicing her powers.
Illy hadn’t said anything. Just gnawed on her thumbnail and talked to Lockheed.
You and Sam had tried to find the chain thing outside. But their was too many people. And it made Sam feel claustrophobic.
“I feel like we don’t belong here.” You confess later on.
He looks at you understandingly, “I get what you mean. Though I don’t think Illy likes it either.”
You roll your eyes, “She doesn’t like anything.”
“Hey,” he snaps quietly, “She has reasons not to like things.”
You nod, “Sorry. I forget.”
He looks at you. His kind eyes making you blush.
“Why do you do that?”
“Why do you blush around me.” He wonders.
“I-um,” you falter, “I k-Kinda like you.”
He doesn’t respond and you immediately get up to leave.
“Wait!” He grabs your wrist, spinning you around.
You don’t have time to process anything before he kisses you, his lips surprisingly soft.
“I like you to O.”
You smile.
Maybe this place was ok after all.
hey!!! I hope you liked this! Tried to incorporate everything you wanted! 🥰
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