#Mr. Darcy Vampyre
read-alert · 3 months
I promise I'm not exclusively reading Pride and Prejudice stuff, but the sci fi short story I'm reading does have characters named Lizzie, Darcy, and Bennet, and it's making me think about how fun an sff P&P would be. Does anyone have any sci fi or fantasy Pride and Prejudice retellings they'd recommend? I do already know about Mr Darcy, Vampyre and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies if you classify those as fantasy
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janeaustentextposts · 7 years
Hi! Love your blog. I'm Italian and for my English class I had to read shorter versions of some books. At the end of one book there's like a broadening about "The Jane Austen Industry" and it mentions some "mashups" like "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" or "Mr Darcy Vampyre" and I was wondering if you've read them and if so if they're worth reading. Thank you and keep up the good work 👍
Ciao and grazie!
I have read both of those books, (SPOILERS TO FOLLOW) and to be honest, I have mixed feelings. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies was by far the better book, but it still wasn’t great. The world-building and integration of the zombie plague was fun, but the styles of the text just did not mesh well with the bits of Austen’s own writing which was kept, so it felt like constantly switching between two different stories rather than a single flowing narrative. (I’m not sure whether this would still be the case in a translated version, though.) Ultimately I felt P&P&Z would work better as an action film, and it does.
Mr. Darcy, Vampyre was just more disappointing for me, honestly. The title rather gives away the supposed Big Secret about Darcy so you just end up watching Elizabeth wonder what’s going on, looking a bit dumb because of course WE already know he’s a vampire, but the dramatic irony doesn’t actually create any tension so much as the sense that Lizzy is not that clever. Having them go to Italy was interesting until there was the farce of Elizabeth trying to eat spaghetti as a comedic sidepiece, which just felt like a “lol Italy!” moment of modern slapstick humour that was out-of-place in a 19th century tale, even if it’s a tale about vampires. Added to that, that the sinister villain who had been built up as scarily powerful for so many chapters wound up being defeated in a scene I would hesitate to even call a proper fight, and Darcy’s vampirism is cured by love, I was just so let down. I think it was a P&P sequel determined to ride the wave of Twilight mania at the time, but even Bella Swan didn’t cure her man with a kiss. She didn’t want to. Eternal Elizabeth Darcy with fangs is a happy ending I could get behind so quickly, so to undo the dark magic and send them off back to live our their lives as regular mortals felt...cheap.
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thestuffedalligator · 4 years
Pride and Prejudice is set in a fairly nebulous time period. The 2005 adaptation sets it in 1797, while some adaptations put it in the early 1810s. For the sake of argument, let’s say an accurate adaptation of Pride and Prejudice can be set anywhere from 1797, when Austen started writing the book, to 1815, when the Napoleonic Wars come to an end
The framing narrative of Frankenstein is set in 1797. We know this because Walton at one point refers to “Last Monday (July 31st),” and the letters he sends back to his sister are dated as 17—. July 31 fell on a Monday in six different years in the 18th century, but because Frankenstein’s monster reads Ruins of Empire, published in 1789, the only year that Walton’s letters can be sent is 1797
Basically what I’m saying is that we need an adaptation of Pride and Prejudice where Mr. Darcy is Frankenstein’s monster, brought back to England on Robert Walton’s ship
And Lady Catherine is Victor Frankenstein
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imanes · 4 years
i finished p&p today so of course now i’m watching the bbc p&p miniseries. i’m falling into a spiral rn. once that’s done i’ll watch the 2005 movie and once that’s done again i’ll just read all the retellings that are disgracing my shelves starting with the book that induced tears of secondhand embarrassment the last time i read it, aka “mr darcy’s diary” (just thinking about it makes me want to tear up again)
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aftergloom · 3 years
Have you ever thought about the brothers in a Regency era AU? 👀
I've been captivated in such an AU myself as of late so of course my thoughts have, for the moment, drifted to Maul, Savage and Feral. I'd be interested in seeing your interpretation of that too.
The one instance where I think I've contemplated that comes directly from that Regency AU with Maul cast as Darcy. I vibe with that. I would read that. But I've got deep Pride & Prejudice bias.
Also worth contemplating is Maul as Heathcliff, or maybe Mr. Rochester. Basically anything where he can really excel at brooding while his shirt blows open as he strides across the moors in a dwindling mist.
The brothers, though? Excuse me, I need to get my spook on for just a second:
I would love to chuck these three into the Villa Diodati during the summer of 1816 (i.e. "the year without a summer", so named for the climate shift that caused major temperature drops and inclement weather across Europe), lock them up inside that old manse with nothing to do but entertain themselves by drinking wine, causing unnecessary drama amongst the couples vacationing there, and write each other ghost stories -- each trying to out do the other with the scariest.
If this is something you're unfamiliar with, anon, a handful of friends and hangers-on spent the summer at the Villa Diodati in 1816. You might've heard of some of the works produced from the very situation: Polidori's The Vampyre (which would later influence Bram Stoker's Dracula), Lord Byron's apocalyptic poem, Darkness, and of course, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. I won't go into a lengthy explanation about how the relationships were fraught, but I can tell you it's not the typical situation one would think of when referencing the regency-era.
But look -- I'm not that fussy. Put these three in breeches and tailcoats with billowy shirts, and I don't care if it's set against a backdrop of lightning striking across a lake or a cute promenade through the park, chaperones in tow.
On that note, it sounds like you've got some cooking back there -- so feel free to share by dropping in a snippet, if you like. The inbox is always open to historical AU. 😉
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weirdesplinder · 3 years
I seguiti di Orgoglio e pregiudizio di Jane Austen
Vi ho proposto poco tempo fa un video ed un post dedicati ai romanzi che diversi scrittori hanno deciso di dedicare al personaggio di Mary Bennet, una delle sorelle di Elizabeth, l’amata protagonista del libro Orgoglio e pregiudizio di Jane Austen.
Ed oggi finalmente eccomi a voi con il post dedicato invece ai romanzi moderni nati come sequel di Orgoglio e pregiudizio o sue rivisitazioni.
In lista non troverete le riscritture in chiave moderna vi avvverto, quasi si parla di romanzi che vogliono proprio continuare o rivistare la storia originale nella sua epoca originale (e non si parlerà nemmeno di Zombie,per mia scelta, benchè esista un romanzo rivisitazione di Orgoglio e pregiudizio in chiave zombie disponibile pure in italiano).
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- La duologia sequel di Orgoglio e pregiudizio di Linda Berdoll (inedita in italiano) formata dai libri:
1. Mr. Darcy takes a wife
Inedito in italiano
Trama: Seguito di Orgoglio e pregiudizio, che non si limita a portare avanti la trama di Jane Austen, ma che la arricchisce. Il tenore del libro è verramente molto diverso dallìorginale, questo è un classico polpettone, in cui Darcy diventa eroe che va alla guerra e dove l’eroina Elizabeth viene quasi stuprata, rapita, e ha problemi a concepire la prole. Detto questo, è comunque un libro che vale il suo prezzo, ricco di fatti e avvenimenti che riguardano anche i personaggi secondari, come la sorella di Darcy, il fratello illegittimo, ecc…. Molte pagine che raccontano molte cose. E ogni personaggio è veramente approfondito. Inoltre la scrittrice ha veramente cecato di usare anche un linguaggio adatto all’epoca. Da leggere se amate i libri molto romantici ma con una punta di moralità e molta pietà.
2. Darcy and Elizabeth, nights and days at Pemberely
Inedito in italiano
Trama: Le avventure di Darcy e Elizabeth continuano, e ora la loro famiglia si è allargata con i loro figli. Ci saranno anche stavolta divese peripezie, misteri, e parenti da affrontare.
- La trilogia di Fitzwilliam Darcy gentiluomo, scritta dall'autrice Pamela Aidan.
Questi libri non sono un seguito ad Orgoglio e pregiudizio, ma una riscrittura dal punto di vista di Darcy della storia raccontata da Jane Austen. Il primo e il terzo libro affrontano dal punto di vista di Darcy fatti già raccontati dalla Austen, mentre il secondo è pura invenzione della Aidan, poichè racconta fatti non raccontati dalla Austen, che danno molto più backgrounda l persoanggio di darcy La trilogia è composta da:
1. Per orgoglio e per amore (An assembly such as this)
Edito da Tea
«È passabile, ma non abbastanza bella per tentare un uomo par mio.» Così prende avvio la storia d’amore senza tempo tra Fitzwilliam Darcy ed Elizabeth Bennet in Orgoglio e pregiudizio, il capolavoro di Jane Austen amato da milioni di lettori, nel quale, tuttavia, così poco si rivela del misterioso e affascinante eroe, Mr. Darcy. Tanto poco che resta aperta la domanda: chi è Fitzwilliam Darcy? Sullo sfondo dell’epoca Regency, perfettamente ricostruita nelle coloratissime atmosfere e nelle ambientazioni storiche e politiche, Pamela Aidan tenta una risposta. Rievocando gli eventi narrati nel capolavoro di Jane Austen, restando fedele agli amatissimi personaggi, dipinge uno straordinario quadro dove racconta il passato e il presente di Mr. Darcy. In Per orgoglio o per amore, il primo episodio della trilogia, assistiamo così all’incontro tra Darcy ed Elizabeth Bennet, nell’Hertfordshire, e scopriamo che sconvolse l’esistenza del freddo e distaccato gentiluomo fin dal primo istante.
2. Tra dovere e desiderio (Duty and desire)
Trama: Determinato a dimenticare Elizabeth Bennet, Darcy torna a Pemberley per perdere se stesso nel lavoro e nelle preoccupazioni della sua famiglia. Poi accetta un invito alla festa di un amico di vecchia data, dove incontra la bella e affascinante e misteriosa Lady Sylvanie.
3. Quel che resta (These three remains)
Trama: Questo romanzo segue un Darcy umiliato nel cammino di scoperta di sé, dopo il rifiuto Elizabeth Bennet alla sua proposta di matrimonio. Egli cerca di diventare il gentiluomo che vorrebbe essere. Fortunatamente, un incontro casuale con Elzabeth durante una visita alla sua proprietà in Derbyshire offre a Darcy l’opportunità di redimersi agli occhi dell’amata.
- Il romanzo a se stante in chiave paranormal di Amanda Grange:
Mr Darcy, Vampyre
Edito da Tea
Trama: Bè il titolo dice già tutto, no? L'autrice ha deciso di aggiungere al fanstico mondo di Jane Austen un pizzico di paranormale. Mr. Darcy, Vampyre inizia dove Orgoglio e pregiudizio finiva e introduce un'oscura maledizione di famiglia…….Pericolo, oscurità e amore immortale, i punti forti di questo libro. Da leggere solo se siete particolarmente amanti della Austen e del gusto gotico, se amate il paranormal lasciate stare perchè qui di paranormal in realtà c’è ben poco.
- Serie The Pemberly variations, di Abigail Reynolds
Quante volte una volta finito un libro vi siete detti: se lo scrittore invece invece di farli incontrare li avesse separati forse le cose sarebbero andate diversamente, oppure, se l'autore avesse dipinto il protagonista con più carattere e forza d'animo… E se la trama fosse stata in parte diversa, cosa sarebbe successo ai personaggi? A me è successo tante volte di farmi queste domande e di arrovellarmi con tanti se…..specialmente riguardo ai romanzi che ho amato di più….specialmente riguardo ad Orgoglio e pregiudizio, di Jane Austen. E a quanto pare non sono stata l'unica, Agbigail Reynolds in questa serie di libri  esplora tutte queste infinite possibilità. Le variazioni sono tante (sopra trovate il link al sito che l’autrice ha dedicato a tutte loro) e alcune sono anche state tradotte in italiano:
Un’interminabile pioggia
Dopo aver ricevuto la visita di sua zia, Lady Catherine de Bourgh, Mr. Darcy torna a Meryton deciso a scoprire se le sue speranze di felicità con Elizabeth sono ancora intatte. Ma il fato cospira contro di lui. Giorni e giorni di interminabile pioggia impediscono a Darcy di restare solo con Elizabeth anche solo per pochi minuti. Non potendo parlare apertamente, restano solo giochi di sguardi e frasi piene di significati nascosti. Prima di tornare nuovamente a Londra, Mr. Darcy riesce ad assicurarsi la mano di Elizabeth per la prima danza all'imminente ballo di Meryton, lasciando Elizabeth piena di speranza e aspettativa. Ma quando l'agognato momento arriva e Mr. Darcy non si presenta, Elizabeth inizia a dubitare. Che abbia cambiato idea su di lei?
Sola con Mr Darcy
Elizabeth Bennet non può immaginare qualcosa peggiore dell' essere bloccata da una bufera di neve in un piccolo cottage con l'orgoglioso e sgradevole Mr. Darcy. Ma essere intrappolata per giorni - e notti - con un Mr. Darcy ferito e confuso che continua a dire le cose più bizzarre su di lei, è  anche peggio. Perlomeno possiede l'utile dote di saper accendere un fuoco per evitare che muoiano di freddo. Ma quando la avvolge tra le sue braccia, lei scopre che il camino non è l'unico posto in cui lui sappia accendere un fuoco.
Il viaggio di Mr. Darcy
Mr. Darcy non sa più che cosa fare. Elizabeth Bennet, la donna senza la quale non può vivere, ha sentito per errore un conversazione durante la quale lui ha insultato la sua famiglia e ora non vuole nemmeno ascoltare le sue scuse. A complicare le cose si aggiunge l’arrivo del suo amico Anthony Duxbury, con la notizia che due dei loro amici corrono un terribile pericolo. Se Darcy vuole aiutarli, devono partire immediatamente per lo Yorkshire. Ma qualcosa non torna. Elizabeth afferma di conoscere Sir Anthony lei stessa – ma con un nome diverso. Perfino Sir Antony ammette che il viaggio è pericoloso. I ribelli luddisti sono sul punto di far scoppiare una rivolta armata e lui lo sa bene, visto che è uno di loro. La cugina di Darcy, Lady Frederica, decide di accompagnarli in ogni caso e insiste per portare con sé Elizabeth. Che questa possa trasformarsi nell’occasione che Darcy aspettava per ottenere il perdono di Elizabeth e il suo amore?
 I parenti nobili di Mr. Darcy
C’è solo un fatto su cui il famigerato libertino Lord Charles Carlisle e suo cugino, Fitzwilliam Darcy, si trovano d’accordo: un ricevimento dato dalla Marchesa di Bentham è destinato ad essere intollerabile. Per alleviare la sua noia, Lord Charles, accetta di scommettere che sarà in grado di sedurre la graziosa amica di sua sorella durante il loro soggiorno a Bentham Park. Dopo tutto, sono soldi facili per un seduttore di esperienza. Perchè dovrebbe importargli se il suo serio cugino Darcy disapprova? Ma quando Darcy scopre che il nuovo obiettivo di Lord Charles è nient’altro che Elizabeth Bennet, la donna che ha rifiutato la proposta di matrimonio di Darcy, non può stare in disparte e guardare la donna che ama ancora mentre viene spietatamente rovinata.
I Darcy del Derbyshire
Elizabeth Bennet desidera ardentemente ammirare la vista dalle famose Black Rocks nel Derbyshire, ma sua zia e suo zio si rifiutano di permetterle di arrampicarsi sul pinnacolo più alto da sola. Il disagio di Elizabeth può solo peggiorare quando incontra per caso Mr. Darcy – almeno finché lui si offre di accompagnarla fino in cima. Ma lei non sa che le Black Rocks hanno un significato speciale per Darcy. Mentre lui le racconta la storia del corteggiamento e del matrimonio dei suoi genitori, Elizabeth, come la madre di Darcy prima di lei, è costretta ad affrontare il vero potere della famiglia e del destino in cima alle Black Rocks.
Il rifugio di Mr. Darcy
È una proverbiale notte buia e tempestosa quando Mr. Darcy fa a Elizabeth Bennet una proposta di matrimonio molto offensiva. Proprio all’inizio del suo famoso rifiuto, il rombo di un tuono precede il picchiare alla porta dei residenti del villaggio alluvionato di Hunsford, che cercano riparo dalla tempesta alla canonica in cima alla collina. Ancora peggio, il fiume straripato ha travolto l’unico ponte che porta a Rosings Park, lasciando Darcy bloccato con Elizabeth alla canonica. Il fiume non è la sola cosa a straripare ad Hunsford quando Darcy ed Elizabeth sono costretti a lavorare insieme per gestire la crisi nelle peggiori circostanze possibili. E potrebbe essere già troppo tardi per salvare la reputazione di Elizabeth…
- Altra autrice che ha dedicato una serie di libri a Jane Austen è Carrie Bebris. Ogni romanzo della serie è la rivisitazione in chiave lievemente, e ripeto lievemente, parnormal di una delle opere della Austen, quella dedicata ad Orgoglio e pregiudizio è:
Orgoglio e preveggenza
Edito Tea
Trama: È cosa nota e universalmente riconosciuta che uno scapolo in possesso di un solido patrimonio debba essere in cerca di moglie.“ Ed è una verità cui non si sottrae Mr. Frederick Parrish, ricco e affascinante gentiluomo americano, che sta per convolare a nozze con Caroline Bingley. Un'atmosfera di festa avvolge i fidanzati e il matrimonio pare suggellare la promessa di una vita serena e felice. Ma presto la gioia s'incrina e la coppia è turbata da una serie di strani episodi: fenomeni di sonnambulismo, cavalli imbizzarriti senza una ragione, uno spaventoso incendio e misteriosi incidenti. Qualcuno sta perseguitando i Parrish, ma la pericolosità della situazione pare sfuggire a tutti. A tutti tranne a Elizabeth e Darcy, amici della giovane donna e anch'essi sposi novelli, che mettono da parte i progetti per la luna di miele per aiutare Caroline.
- La Harpercollins Italia, ha reso disponibili in ebook tre dei quattro racconti che quattro autrici famose hanno creato per  omaggiare Jane Austen,  tre storie ispirate ai suoi romanzi, ma con un pizzico di paranormal. In lingua originale i 4 racconti sono stati raccolti in una antologia intitolata Bespelling Jane Austen. Mentre da noi in Italia tre dei racconti sopracitati, quelli di Mary Balogh, Susan Krinard e Colleen Gleason, sono disponibili singolarmente in versione ebook:
Titolo: Incantevole Persuasione
di Mary Balogh
Avevano cercato di farle dimenticare quel pomeriggio quando, bambina, Jane aveva dichiarato di essere stata, in una vita precedente, la giovane figlia del curato. Ma il ricordo era rimasto lì, pronto ad affiorare e ora finalmente, grazie a quel giovane e avvenente capitano, tutto riemerge in superficie.Ci conosciamo da una o dieci vite. Da sempre, a dire il vero… sono le parole che lui ha pronunciato, rivelandole una verità inconcepibile, eppure inconfutabile. Perché il Capitano Mitford altri non è che il suo amato perduto. Ma in tutte le vite passate la loro storia d'amore è finita tragicamente. Sono destinati a non veder coronato il loro amore, o forse esiste una speranza che, un giorno, il sentimento trionfi sul crudele destino?
Titolo: Il castello di Northanger
di Susan Krinard
Caroline Merrill nutre una passione davvero smodata per i libri e in particolare per le novelle popolate di vampiri, castelli e buie notti di luna. Caroline ha anche una sfrenata fantasia, che la porta ad ambientare storie in ogni luogo che visita e a fare di ogni persona che colpisce la sua curiosità la protagonista di un racconto. Non ha idea di quanto possa essere pericolosa questa sua innocente passione, almeno finché non inizia a sospettare che l'affascinante Mr. Blanchard sia uno di quei succhiasangue che popolano le storie che tanto ama.
Titolo: Vampiri, orgoglio e pregiudizio
di Coleen Gleason
Non c'è niente di peggio di un uomo arrogante e presuntuoso!, considera Lizzie Bennet subito dopo aver conosciuto Mr. Darcy. E poi… che razza di nome è Fitzwilliam? E da dove esce quel suo modo di parlare affettato, tutto fatto di Miss Elizabeth, lunghi silenzi e parole ricercate, quasi lui fosse un damerino nel bel mezzo di un salone da ballo del 1800 invece che un giovane a una festa aziendale nel Ventunesimo secolo. In effetti, però, quando si ritrovano vestiti entrambi in abiti Regency durante la festa di Halloween, lui sembra proprio calato nel suo elemento. E sembrano adatti alla notte delle streghe anche quegli occhi dalla sfumatura rossiccia e quei denti aguzzi ben mascherati dalle labbra sensuali, che lasciano immaginare storie oscure di zombie, vampiri e…I
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corsetsandlemons · 5 years
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All the fills created until now for the Corsets&Lemons meme!
New Fills!
rpf - Mary Shelley/Percy Bysshe Shelley/Lord Byron Exhibitionism (art)
Wuthering Heights - Catherine Earnshaw/Heathcliff (tw: underage) first teenage fumblings in the moor (complete fic) 
Le Comte de Monte-Cristo/The Count of Monte-Cristo - Albert De Morcerf/The Count Masturbating/Sexual Fantasies (complete fic) 
Much ado about Nothing - Beatrice/Benedick hate sex (art) (direct link)
Macbeth - Lady Macbeth/Macbeth (tw: violence) femme!dom with blood play (art) 
Romeo and Juliet - Juliet Capulet/Romeo Montague (tw: necrophilia) Romeo wants to die while he fucks his dead Juliet one last time. (complete fic)
King Lear - Goneryl/ Regan/Cordelia (tw: incest) flogging (art) 
Romeo and Juliet - Juliet Capulet/Romeo Montague (tw: underage) mutual masturbation (art)
Old Fills from the previous round
Frankenstein - Creature/Elizabeth Lavenza/Victor Frankenstein wedding night threesome (art)(on Ao3)
Frankenstein - Creature/Victor Frankenstein Giving him a good fuck (art)  (on Ao3)
I Promessi Sposi/The Bethroted - Lucia Mondella/Gertrude Strap on (art) (on Ao3)
Jane Eyre - Bertha Rochester/Edward Rochester (tw: non-con) Locked in the attic (art) (on Ao3)
Jane Eyre/Wuthering Heights - Edward Rochester/Heathcliff Brooding sex (art)
Pride and Prejudice - Elizabeth Bennet/Fitzwilliam Darcy Leaving the cravat on (art) (on Ao3)
Pride and Prejudice - Elizabeth Bennet/Fitzwilliam Darcy Pregnant baby bump (art) (on Ao3)
Pride and Prejudice - Elizabeth Bennet/Fitzwilliam Darcy Sexually frustrated dry humping (art)(on Ao3)
Pride and Prejudice - Elizabeth Bennet/Caroline Bingley(tw: dub-con) Caroline seduces Elizabeth away (art) 
Ligeia - Ligeia/Rowena Trevanion ghost sex (art) 
Alice in wonderland/Through the looking-glass - Alice/Others (tw: dub-con, underage, bestiality) sex pollen (complete fic) (on Ao3)
Alice in wonderland/Through the looking-glass - Gryphon/Mock Turtle (tw: bestiality) Lobster Quadrille (complete fic) (on Ao3)
Carmilla - Carmilla/Laura(tw: non-con) Sleep sex (complete fic) (on Ao3)
Christabel - Christabel/Geraldine What they did that night (complete fic) (on Ao3)
David Copperfield - Little Em'ly/other Little Em'ly--has an educational encounter with a lady who saves Fallen Women. (complete fic) (on Ao3)
Dracula - Mina Murray/Lucy Westenra (tw: dub-con)Lucy feeds on Mina, turns her into a vampire (complete fic)
Frankenstein - Creature/Elizabeth Lavenza frankenstein meets a paradise lost (complete fic) (on Ao3)
I Promessi Sposi/The Bethroted - Cardinal Federico Borromeo/Innominato Soiling kink (complete fic) (on Ao3)
I Promessi Sposi/The Bethroted - Cardinal Federico Borromeo/Innominato Priest kink (complete fic) (on Ao3)
I Promessi Sposi/ The Bethroted - Cardinal Federico Borromeo/Innominato Soiling kink (complete fic)
I Promessi Sposi/ The Bethroted - Cardinal Federico Borromeo/Innominato Innominato crying during sex (complete fic) (on Ao3)
I Promessi Sposi/ The Bethroted - Cardinal Federico Borromeo/Innominato Confession/priest kink (complete fic)
I Promessi Sposi/The Bethroted - Lucia Mondella/Gertrude Corruption of the innocent. (complete fic)
I Promessi Sposi/The Bethroted - Lucia Mondella/Gertrude Strap on
I Promessi Sposi/ The Bethroted - Lucia Mondella/Gertrude Using a crucifix (complete fic)
I Promessi Sposi/ The Bethroted - Lucia Mondella/Renzo Tramaglino First Time (complete fic)
Jane Eyre - Bertha Rochester/Edward Rochester (tw: non-con) Locked in the attic (complete fic) (on Ao3)
Jane Eyre - Jane Eyre/Edward Rochester first wedding night (complete fic) (on Ao3)
Pride and Prejudice - Elizabeth Bennet/Georgiana Darcy/Fitzwilliam Darcy (tw: incest) Daddy/mommy kink (complete fic)
Pride and Prejudice - Georgiana Darcy/Fitzwilliam Darcy (tw: incest, underage) Darcy comforts Georgiana (complete fic) (on Ao3)
rpf - Friedrich Engels/Karl Marx “we have nothing to loose but our chains” (complete fic)
Strange Case if Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde - Edward Hyde/Gabriel John Utterson(tw: underage) seduced by your old friend's nasty younger boyfriend (complete fic) (on Ao3)
The Count of Monte Cristo - Eugenie Danglars/Louise d'Armilly Eating out her friend in the carriage (complete fic)
The Little Mermaid - Little Mermaid/Sea Witch the Sea Witch offers the Little Mermaid true immortality (complete fic)
The Secret Garden - Colin Craven/Mary Lennox/Dickon Sowerby (tw: incest) Colin Likes to Watch Mary and Dickon (complete fic)
The Secret Garden - Colin Craven/Mary Lennox/Dickon Sowerby (tw: underage, incest) Colin Mary and Dickon play doctor (complete fic)
The Secret Garden - Mary Lennox/Dickon Sowerby(tw: underage) Mary and Dickon celebrate spring in the garden (complete fic) (on Ao3)
The Three Musketeers series/ The d'Artagnan Romances - Athos/D'artagnan Reunion sex (complete fic) (on Ao3)
The Three Musketeers series/ The d'Artagnan Romances - Athos/D'artagnan Reunion sex (complete fic) (on Ao3)
The Vampyre - Aubrey/Lord Ruthven(tw: dub-con) spiralling down a vortex of attraction and loathing (complete fic) (on Ao3)
Treasure Island - Jim Hawkins/Long John Silver(tw: dub-con, underage) Silver teaches his pupil how to be a wicked pirate (complete fic) (on Ao3)
Vingt mille lieues sous les mers/ Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea - Pierre Aronnax/Captain Nemo(tw: bestiality) Tentacle porn (complete fic) (on Ao3)
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archiveacademics · 5 years
Histories and the first Spotlight
Earlier this week I looked at what the definition of fanfic is. It’s a topic of endless debate and one I will doubtless return to again and again over the course of this study. But for today I’d like to do a little look back at the history of fanfic and, more broadly, of fandom itself.
“First there was “Star Trek,” the original series, whose viewers—many of them women in stem fields—organized conventions and created self-published journals (a.k.a. fanzines) with fiction about its characters, a small but notorious slice of which included sexy doings between Kirk and Spock. Or: first there were fans of science-fiction novels and magazines who held conventions and traded self-published journals as early as the nineteen-thirties. Or: first there was Sherlock Holmes, whose devotees, hooked by serial publication, pushed for more stories, formed clubs, and wrote their own. Or: first came Virgil’s Aeneid. Or: first, the Janeites. Or: first there was you, and your friends, age ten, making up adventures in which Chewbacca met Addy Walker, and writing them down.”
So opens “The Promise and Potential of Fan Fiction” by Stephanie Burt, which, if you didn’t read it when I linked to it in the last post you really should. The history of fanfic, if we wanted to be really broad, could go all the way to the ancient Greeks writing plays based on The Iliad and The Odyssey which are based on oral stories of a real war that (probably) happened around 1180 BCE. 
But we’re not going to do that, because, as Jill Bearup explains in the first of her “History of Fanfic” vlogs, The Aeneid and Iphigenia at Aulis and Trojan Women were not technically fanfic, but derivative works. As I discussed before, fanfic is about intent*.
To find the true beginnings of fanfic, you need to only go as far back as the eighteenth century.
“...popular authors such as Daniel Defoe started protesting that his work was being "kidnapped" and bowdlerised by amateur writers who reduced the value of his creations with inferior impersonations,” writes Ewan Morrison in an article entitled “In the Beginning, there was fan fiction: from the four gospels to Fifty Shades.”
1913 saw the publication of Old Friends and New Fancies – an Imaginary Sequel to the Novels of Jane Austen by Sybil Brinton, the first piece of published Janeite fanfic. (Janeite, of course, being the name of Jane Austen fans at the time. Much like Swifties or Beliebers today.)
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I myself own a book called Mr. Darcy, Vampyre, and though I’ve yet to read it (my shelf is over full, you might say) I’m sure it’s delightful.
From the Janeites of the eighteenth century we move forward to the Sherlock fans of the nineteenth. This genteel group of readers was so dedicated to Sherlock Holmes that they managed to raise him from the dead. Well, they annoyed Sir Arthur Conan Doyle so much he raised Sherlock from the dead. 
From there, the literary club of the Baker Street Irregulars was established in the 1930s and they are still alive and active to this day. Apparently, there’s a lot to discuss, as “Conan Doyle generally wrote the Holmes stories quickly and with a minimal amount of editing, and as a result the canon contains a huge number of mistakes and inconsistencies. It was from these that the practice of "Holmesian speculation" arose, which consists of pointing out discrepancies in the canon and devising (sometimes reasonable, sometimes extremely outlandish) explanations for them.” (Fanlore.org)
From Sherlock and the Irregulars we move to the modern era, and what you could potentially call the birth of modern fandom. That’s right folks, it’s time for some Star Trek.
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“The shape of those [early 2000s] fandoms, in turn, was due to those that migrated out of meatspace onto the brand new baby internet, which of course owed their structure to the zine-based fandoms of the ‘70s and ‘80s. All of which can be traced back to – you guessed it – Star Trek.
Star Trek: The Original Series is often looked to as the origin of modern fandom, and many of the networks and communities those fans established continue to influence fan interactions to this day, as does the example they set in using fandom as a means of social awareness and political action.”
In “None of This is New: An Oral History of Fanfiction” Jordan West discusses why you shouldn’t be surprised when you draw the card “Harry Potter erotica” in Cards Against Humanity and gives a quick overview of the history of fanfic. However, West argues that writing such as Shakespeare and The Aeneid count as fanfic which, by this blog’s definition, they don’t.
So I guess what I’m trying to say is that everyone has their own ideas of what fanfic is and where it really began. I’m sticking with the Janeites as my point of ignition. 
Now that’s settled (insofar as anything on the internet is every “settled”) let’s move on to this week’s Spotlight. Every week, I plan on putting a platform, a person, or a particular story in the spotlight to show off the practical side of these academic headaches I’m giving myself. (I’ve gone back and forth on the definition of fanfic at least fifteen times since I posted the first blog post, much less when I was writing the damn thing.)
This week’s Spotlight is on two of the earlier homes of fanfic: LiveJournal and Fanfiction.net. 
LiveJournal was created in 1999 by American programmer Brad Fitzpatrick as a mixed blog/social media site.  It was purchased in 2006 by Six Apart and then sold in 2007 to SUP Media, a Russian media company. (Wikipedia.com)
“LiveJournal encourages communal interaction and personal expression by offering a user-friendly interface and a deeply customizable journal. The service's individuality stems from the way highly dedicated users utilize our simple tools, along with the instinct for individual expression, to create new venues for online socializing.
Because of LiveJournal's unique combination of platform and social media, LiveJournal has a unique personality in different parts of the world. In fact every national community in every country is unique in its own way. Where a user in the United States might focus their attention on communities dedicated to topics from the popular to the esoteric, users in the U.K. may tend to rally around entertainment-related issues. In Russia LiveJournal makes up the vast majority of the blogosphere, hosting over 80 of the top 100 Russian blogs. In Singapore LiveJournal revolves around collaboratively purchasing overseas goods. And that's just for starters.” (LiveJournal.com)
Fanfiction.net was created in 1998 by Los Angeles programmer Xing Li. The largest archive of fanfic on the internet, fanfiction.net comes in second in popularity to Archive of our Own**. It has over 12 million users and hosts stories in over 40 languages. Unlike LiveJournal, fanfiction.net is not a social networking site, but a site specifically dedicated to fanfic. Users can choose from a number of categories for their work and they can rate their work as well. The site also hosts forums for fans and writers alike, and registered users can apply to be beta readers. (Wikipedia.com)
I have never had a LiveJournal (I’m honestly not even sure if I’m capitalizing that right), and if I did have a ff.net account I had to have been, like, 12 when it was created and 13 when it was last opened. Still, these are two of the earliest archives of massive amounts of fanfic from hundreds of different fandoms (just check out this list of book fandoms that have stories written about them of ff.net. And that’s just the book category!) 
A history of fanfic is always going to be a little bit messy around the edges, in part because the definition of fanfic is so personal and changeable. All I can hope is that you’ve learned something new today while reading this. If so, I’ll count that as a win.
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*And as I haven’t discussed yet, it’s also about copyright and ideas of authorship. Again, this is a topic you’ll have to look forward to.
**AO3 will be the subject of a future spotlight, don’t you worry.
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forthegothicheroine · 5 years
I found a book that sounded up your alley at Goodwill today, 'Mr. Darcy, Vampyre' by Amanda Grange, if I'm remembering correctly? Thought I'd let you know about it!
Oh my!  That sounds like a hell of a book.
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whiterby · 5 years
People I’d like to know better
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– one / name / alias.  jims – two /  birthday.  december 28th – three / zodiac sign.  capricorn – four /  height.  5′5″ – five  /  hobbies.  rping, reading, binging the same 3 tv shows, video games – six /  favourite colors.  ORANGE orange orange – seven / favourite books.  desperation, catch-22, mr darcy vampyre – eight  /  last song listened to.  I’ve got all this ringing in my ears and none on my fingers -- fall out boy – nine  /  last film watched.  they come knocking – ten  /  inspiration for muse.   I made whit when I was in 6th grade so that was like 11/12?  years old I guess and I went to catholic school so HEAVY ass angel/demon dichotomy going on in my life and I guess he was to assuage my Catholic Guilt (tm) or something. – eleven  / dream job.  museum curator/graduate professor – twelve  / meaning behind your url.  whiterby is literally just his name
Tagged by:  @negativu @goldiedelicious
Tagging: uhhhhhhhh too lazy if you wanna do it go ahead
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janeaustentextposts · 8 years
Have you read Mr. Darcy's Diary by Amanda Grange? I love it!!!!!!!!!!
No, but I did read Mr. Darcy, Vampyre, and I figured it was best to stop there.
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ghostoffice · 7 years
wow 'mr darcy, vampyre' is really, really bad! who would have thought!
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The Pride and Prejudice AU but it's Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
I HAVE TO READ A BOOK TITLED "Mr. Darcy, Vampyre" FOR A CLASS......... big mood
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Mr. Darcy, Vampyre
How HOW can you have a P&P sequel that has so little Darcy in it. I'm 2/3rds through and I feel like I've seen him approx 3 times??? Also, for putting it out there in the ding dang TITLE, I expect an earlier reveal on the whole vampire thing. Elizabeth STILL DOESN'T KNOW. I want vampire action ffs. This is supposed to be A VAMPIRE. BOOK. I feel cheated.
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booktasticnl · 7 years
Mr Darcy, Vampyre - Amanda Grange
Following the marriage of Mr Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet, there’s a secret being kept, there is danger ahead, and there’s a honeymoon journey completely different from Lizzy’s expectations! Based on Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, let Amanda take you on a journey of inner turmoil and outer beauty.
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The Story
Starting with the marriage of Mr Darcy and Elizabeth, now Mrs Darcy, and a change of plans as soon as they have joined in holy matrimony when Mr Darcy announces that he doesn’t want to take Lizzy to Pemberley, but to Paris instead. What follows is a journey through different lands in Europe. But this journey unfortunately does not help to settle the worry our new Mrs Darcy is experiencing. Rather, her worry increases.  Why does Mr Darcy look pained when he is around her? And why doesn’t he wish to consummate their marriage? Has this all been a mistake? Travelling
Don’t let the title fool you. This novel is a travel journal, a travelling story, before anything else. In neat detail Amanda describes the new countries that the newly wed couple experience, as well as all the people and sceneries they meet along the way.  One of the main themes is that of suspense created by personal conflict. This starts as early as in chapter one, when Mr Darcy tells Elizabeth they will deviate from their original plans, which were to journey the Lake District for their honeymoon, and to go to Paris instead. Elizabeth is left to ponder her husband’s true motives for the change as well as his intentions behind them. To make matters worse, Paris turns out to be a place where she learns that those around them think she’s beneath them. Their social background is amplified, the differences between them pointed out once again, and Elizabeth is left to wonder if it might be the cause for her husband’s distant behaviour. On top of that, Mr Darcy is seeking advice on a problem he won’t share with her. The lack of trust between them and the secret that is kept from her weigh heavier upon them each day. If anything, the journey through Europe only manages to strengthen Elizabeth’s fears. Was their marriage a mistake? Does Mr Darcy regret his choices? This story caries a feeling of suspense. The feeling that something’s amiss has embedded itself throughout the story arc. Rather than an action-packed tale - which many people expected upon reading the title - the adventures of Mr and Mrs Darcy are rather timid. All the while, the characters continue onward with a sense of dread filling them. The journey goes from scenery to scenery, new sights are described with meticulous detail, and the reader should therefore be prepared to enjoy a lot of travelling throughout the first 200 pages or so. Vampires
But, as this book counts only about 300 pages, when will the vampires arrive? Let me inform you that the title of this book, as well as the blurb on the back, are somewhat misleading. In the midst of the vampire and zombie hype, one would expect a story packed with action, blood and gore. The type of vampire we expect is either a dangerous all-eating Dracula or a glittering to-swoon-over Twilight Edward Cullen. This story doesn’t offer any of the expectations mentioned above in this paragraph. In fact, read back this review and keep your focus and mind on the travelling and suspense.
Once you do get to the vampires, you might interpret the first part of the story in a different light. But it is not action-filled. The vampires might be dangerous but they are not out for throats or to gain as much blood as possible. In fact, this tale caries a sense of timid exploration, both in surroundings as well as in character, that somehow happens to involve vampires.  Personal Collection
As this is a book I have in my personal collection of Jane Austen inspired novels, I will add a small section with more specific thoughts and opinions. When I bought this book I had a limited budget and an option between Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and this one.The choice I made was the best. I choose Mr Darcy, Vampyre, which disappointed me in the absence of vampires for most of the tale, but satisfied me in so many more. The characters don’t feel forced, they feel true to nature. I can imagine them in this situation. I enjoyed the beautiful places to which Amanda took me - a journey at a pace slow enough to visualize the countries she took me to. I realise the pace of the story might put some people off, but in a reality filled with deadlines (at the time) and obligations this tale felt like an escape, a way to relax.  If you enjoy travel literature then this will be a delightful surprise among the Austen inspired novels. It is sweet, it is light, despite the underlying sense of wrongness, and it takes one back to a time when travelling around the world was exotic and not as common or as easy as it is today. It’s in the spirit of 18th century travel books, think of Mary Wollstonecraft, Henry Fielding and Samuel Johnson.  Now I can imagine the disappointment of those who aren’t seeking a travel journal. But out of my collection I still think Mr Darcy, Vampyre is one of the dearer ones to me. It’s not too difficult plot-wise and it is filled with those little pleasures that make it, to me, a book to enjoy. Writing-style wise, it’s more modern than other Austen inspired books in my collection, but to me that only makes it an easier and more relaxing read. This book is definitely not everyone’s cup of tea, but to those that could possibly enjoy it, I would certainly recommend it.  [ Mr Darcy, Vampyre, is a (mostly) calm travel book, describing the honeymoon of Mr and Mrs Darcy, with a sense of underlying suspense and dread and vampires appearing near the end of the tale. Amanda Grange is one of the authors I enjoy reading stories from. She has written more Pride and Prejudice and Austen inspired tales that I would heavily recommend. To visit her website, click here. ]
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corsetsandlemons · 5 years
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This should have been the last day of the kinkmeme. But me and the other moderators decided that it’s easy enough to just keep it open. 
So the Corsets&Lemon anonymous kinkmeme is just going to stay open
You can go here and see if you want to leave a prompt or fullfill one! Or just if you want to lurk and read some of the great stuff that’s already there!
Here a list of the AMAZING stuff that has been created up until this point. 
Much ado about Nothing - Beatrice/Benedick hate sex (art)
Macbeth - Lady Macbeth/Macbeth (tw: violence) femme!dom with blood play (art) 
Romeo and Juliet - Juliet Capulet/Romeo Montague (tw: necrophilia) Romeo wants to die while he fucks his dead Juliet one last time. (complete fic)
King Lear - Goneryl/ Regan/Cordelia (tw: incest) flogging (art) 
Romeo and Juliet - Juliet Capulet/Romeo Montague (tw: underage) mutual masturbation (art)
Romeo and Juliet - Friar Lawrence/Juliet Capulet(tw: underage) Priest kink (art)
Othello - Othello/Desdemona/Iago Threesome (bisexual!Iago) (art)
The Merchant of Venice - Antonio/Shylock(tw: dub-con) Shylock is getting a pound of flesh nonetheless (complete fic)
Roxana: The Fortunate Mistress - Amy/ Mr.-----/Susan(tw: dub-con) Roxana(Susan) coaxes/forces her maid Amy into sex with her live-in love (complete fic) 
rpf - Mary Shelley/Percy Bysshe Shelley/Lord Byron Exhibitionism (art) 
Wuthering Heights - Catherine Earnshaw/Heathcliff (tw: underage) first teenage fumblings in the moor (complete fic)
Le Comte de Monte-Cristo/The Count of Monte-Cristo - Albert De Morcerf/The Count Masturbating/Sexual Fantasies (complete fic)
Pride and Prejudice - Elizabeth Bennet/Fitzwilliam Darcy Christening every single room of pemberley. (complete fic)
Boule de suif - Boule de Suif/Cornudet He feels horribly and he tries to make up for it. (complete fic)
I Promessi Sposi/The Bethroted - Cardinal Federico Borromeo/Innominato Neck Kissing (complete fic)
I Promessi Sposi/The Bethroted - Agnese Mondella/Perpetua Distracting Perpetua (complete fic)
I Promessi Sposi/The Bethroted - Bortolo Castagneri/Lucia Mondella/Renzo Tramaglino(tw: incest) Post-canon threesome (complete fic)
I Promessi Sposi/The Bethroted - Conte Zio/Padre Provinciale Less standard methods of payment (complete fic)
Jane Eyre - Jane Eyre/Edward Rochester hair pulling (complete fic)
I Promessi Sposi/The Bethroted - Renzo Tramaglino/Bortolo Castagneri(tw: incest) hurt/comfort (complete fic)
I Promessi Sposi/The Bethroted - Cardinal Federico Borromeo/Innominato body worship (complete fic)
I Promessi Sposi/The Bethroted - Cardinal Federico Borromeo/Innominato bathing together (complete fic)
Wuthering Heights - Hareton Earnshaw/Catherine Linton Praise kink (complete fic)
Notre-Dame de Paris - Esmeralda/Fleur de Lys Fleur De Lys wants to see with her own eyes the dancer for which her fiancé has lost his mind. (complete fic)
La lupa - Gnà Pina/Nanni first time (complete fic)
The Goblin Market - Laura/Lizzie(tw: incest) Sucking on something sweeter than fruit (complete fic)
The Three Musketeers series/ The d'Artagnan Romances - D'artagnan/Rochefort They did learn to respect each other (complete fic)
Pinocchio - Blue Fairy/Geppetto(tw: dub-con) Punishing the father for the son's misdeeds (complete fic) 
Frankenstein - Creature/Elizabeth Lavenza/Victor Frankenstein wedding night threesome (art) (Direct link) 
Frankenstein - Creature/Victor Frankenstein Giving him a good fuck (art) 
I Promessi Sposi/The Bethroted - Lucia Mondella/Gertrude Strap on (art) 
Jane Eyre - Bertha Rochester/Edward Rochester (tw: non-con) Locked in the attic (art)
Jane Eyre/Wuthering Heights - Edward Rochester/Heathcliff Brooding sex (art)
Pride and Prejudice - Elizabeth Bennet/Fitzwilliam Darcy Leaving the cravat on (art) 
Pride and Prejudice - Elizabeth Bennet/Fitzwilliam Darcy Pregnant baby bump (art)
Pride and Prejudice - Elizabeth Bennet/Fitzwilliam Darcy Sexually frustrated dry humping (art) 
Pride and Prejudice - Elizabeth Bennet/Caroline Bingley(tw: dub-con) Caroline seduces Elizabeth away (art) 
Ligeia - Ligeia/Rowena Trevanion ghost sex (art) 
Alice in wonderland/Through the looking-glass - Alice/Others (tw: dub-con, underage, bestiality) sex pollen (complete fic)
Alice in wonderland/Through the looking-glass - Gryphon/Mock Turtle (tw: bestiality) Lobster Quadrille (complete fic)
Carmilla - Carmilla/Laura(tw: non-con) Sleep sex (complete fic)
Christabel - Christabel/Geraldine What they did that night (complete fic)
David Copperfield - Little Em'ly/other Little Em'ly--has an educational encounter with a lady who saves Fallen Women. (complete fic) 
Dracula - Mina Murray/Lucy Westenra (tw: dub-con)Lucy feeds on Mina, turns her into a vampire (complete fic)
Frankenstein - Creature/Elizabeth Lavenza frankenstein meets a paradise lost (complete fic) 
I Promessi Sposi/The Bethroted - Cardinal Federico Borromeo/Innominato Soiling kink (complete fic)
I Promessi Sposi/The Bethroted - Cardinal Federico Borromeo/Innominato Priest kink (complete fic)
I Promessi Sposi/ The Bethroted - Cardinal Federico Borromeo/Innominato Soiling kink (complete fic)
I Promessi Sposi/ The Bethroted - Cardinal Federico Borromeo/Innominato Innominato crying during sex (complete fic) 
I Promessi Sposi/ The Bethroted - Cardinal Federico Borromeo/Innominato Confession/priest kink (complete fic)
I Promessi Sposi/The Bethroted - Lucia Mondella/Gertrude Corruption of the innocent. (complete fic)
I Promessi Sposi/The Bethroted - Lucia Mondella/Gertrude Strap on
I Promessi Sposi/ The Bethroted - Lucia Mondella/Gertrude Using a crucifix (complete fic)
I Promessi Sposi/ The Bethroted - Lucia Mondella/Renzo Tramaglino First Time (complete fic)
Jane Eyre - Bertha Rochester/Edward Rochester (tw: non-con) Locked in the attic (complete fic) 
Jane Eyre - Jane Eyre/Edward Rochester first wedding night (complete fic)
Pride and Prejudice - Elizabeth Bennet/Georgiana Darcy/Fitzwilliam Darcy (tw: incest) Daddy/mommy kink (complete fic)
Pride and Prejudice - Georgiana Darcy/Fitzwilliam Darcy (tw: incest, underage) Darcy comforts Georgiana (complete fic)
rpf - Friedrich Engels/Karl Marx “we have nothing to loose but our chains” (complete fic)
Strange Case if Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde - Edward Hyde/Gabriel John Utterson(tw: underage) seduced by your old friend's nasty younger boyfriend (complete fic)
The Count of Monte Cristo - Eugenie Danglars/Louise d'Armilly Eating out her friend in the carriage (complete fic)
The Little Mermaid - Little Mermaid/Sea Witch the Sea Witch offers the Little Mermaid true immortality (complete fic)
The Secret Garden - Colin Craven/Mary Lennox/Dickon Sowerby (tw: incest) Colin Likes to Watch Mary and Dickon (complete fic)
The Secret Garden - Colin Craven/Mary Lennox/Dickon Sowerby (tw: underage, incest) Colin Mary and Dickon play doctor (complete fic)
The Secret Garden - Mary Lennox/Dickon Sowerby(tw: underage) Mary and Dickon celebrate spring in the garden (complete fic)
The Three Musketeers series/ The d'Artagnan Romances - Athos/D'artagnan Reunion sex (complete fic) 
The Three Musketeers series/ The d'Artagnan Romances - Athos/D'artagnan Reunion sex (complete fic)
The Vampyre - Aubrey/Lord Ruthven(tw: dub-con) spiralling down a vortex of attraction and loathing (complete fic)
Treasure Island - Jim Hawkins/Long John Silver(tw: dub-con, underage) Silver teaches his pupil how to be a wicked pirate (complete fic)
Vingt mille lieues sous les mers/ Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea - Pierre Aronnax/Captain Nemo(tw: bestiality) Tentacle porn (complete fic) 
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