kimludcom · 1 year
Yannick Afroman - Bakongo ft. Sam Mangwana, Socorro, Kyaku Kyadaff, Gilmário Vemba
Yannick Afroman - Bakongo ft. Sam Mangwana, Socorro, Kyaku Kyadaff, Gilmário Vemba
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reasoningdaily · 4 months
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Bakongo (also known as Mkongo or Mukongo). In one of the Bantu languages, Kongo, the word “Ba” means “People” while “Kongo” according to an adventure means “Hunter” while according to others it means “Gathering” or “Mountains”. There is yet to a decisive context for it. Even the term “Congo” was a term used to refer to black people who spoke “Kikongo” in Cuba, America. The Bakongo people speak Kinkongo language which also compromises of 9 other language variations for different sub-branches of the Bantu tree; for example the Kivil dialect by the north coast, the Kisansolo in the central dialect, amongst others.
The 13th – 14th century saw the creation, transition, and building of the great Kingdom of Kongo. The kingdom succession was based on voting by the noble of the land which kept the king’s lineage among royalty. In the late 14th century, what was supposed to be a quick stop for the portugese
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Allegedly, the Portuguese were in search of a route to India for opportunities when one Diego Cao found the river Congo. Moving south he and his companions found the people of Kongo in an organized system; valuable currency, trading relations, transport infrastructure, port settlements, and open-minded people.
The people of Kongo accepted them and even the king willingly accepted Christianity in a show of solidarity with these new people. Once a man, Chief Muanda, warned the people of the coming doom of slavery of the Bakugo clan which will destroy the kingdom, he said it will begin with the visitation of foreigners but people choose what they want to see even though he was later right. By the 19th century; the Kingdom of Kongo had completely fallen, the Bakongo people had fully divided and spread across different parts of the continent.
The Bankongo people are the third-largest group in Angola but in the 17th century, they lost a war to Portuguese during the repression. They moved throughout the continent occupying the northern regions of places like Cabinda, Congo, Angola and Zaire. In the 20th century, the Bakongo created a political party called the Union of Angolan Peoples (UPA) in an attempt to bring back all the Bakongo people, eventually, they decided an independent country filled with different tribes was much better for their society. Soon after that decision, they fought along the Ovimbundu and the Mbundu people for a better Angola.
In 1975, Angola gained its independence with a lot of Bakongo people being the faces for the win but as soon as the Mbundu people took over the ruling power there was discrimination among all three tribes. In the present time, their largest numbers are in Congo and though they’ve been through a lot, they have kept some of their cultural practices.
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wurasgrimoire · 2 months
Mpambu Njila
Other names: Unjira, Nzila, Mavambo, Aluvaiá, Oluvaiá, Vanjila*, Mujilo*, Pambunjira, Bombomzila.
Domains: Sexuality, begginings, tricks, crossroads.
Greetings: Kiuá Tat'etu Kibuko Ngananjila Mpambu Njila! (I salute you, Our Auspicious Father Lord of Crossroads, Mpambu Njila). Pembelê Mpambu Njila (Come help us, Mpambu Njila!).
Symbols: The phallus, trident, keys, the sacrificial knife (pocó).
Animal: Rooster.
Taboos: Animal heads or their feet, beetroot, platain, sapodilla, eggs.
Colors: Red and black.
(names with * are given when he is in his female form)
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Mpambu Njila comes from the words "Mpambu", meaning "meeting" and "Njila", "road". Literally, "Where The Roads Meet". He simbolizes movement, the first spark of life. Mpambu Njila is the first one to be honoured in the xirê ("shee-reh", celebration).
He is known for being the hottest nkisi, as in being connected to fire and warmth. And as such, he is also connected to human sexuality. But as Lemba ria Nganga is connected to the procreation and fertility aspect of it, Njila is all of it's faces.
As his personality, he is a jokester, playing tricks that can elevate in danger if the ritual protocols aren't taken seriously. To show this, his warcry is a deep and distorted laugh. And so that he doesn't wreak havoc, he is the first Nkisi to eat and to be celebrated. This is also so we get his good side and he opens up the path.
"É um mavile, mavilê. É um mavile Mavambu"
"It's milk, it's milk. It's Mavambu's milk"
This one is about male sexuality, emphasizing Njila's virility and his semen.
"Singangê, mbandaiô, ngangaiô lepê, Mpambu Njilê"
"Priest, moving energy, the great priest Mpambu Njila"
Highlights his role as "owner of cultus", being the priest that inniciated the first priest, and his role as the force of movement.
"Tenda, tenda, Mpambu Njila, tenda ió"
"Tell the fortune, Mpambu Njila, tell us our fortune"
As he is the mouth that speak to us through the cowrie shell oracle, and the divine messenger, carrying news from this world to the other one.
"Óia njila mukongo, óia njila, óia njila mukongo, óia njila. Aê, aê, óia njila mukongo, óia njila"
"He governs the hunters on their way, he governs the roads. Yes, yes, its him that governs the hunters on their way"
As he is the owner of roads, be they metaphorical or literal, it's him that we should thank for our living. It's him that let us walk our way to work, so we can put food on our tables. Mpambu Njila is abundance.
His most common act is the drinking one. While the drums play the fast-paced barravento rythm, Mpambu Njila, in the middle of the temple, dances as if he is drinking.
While he does it, his movements get faster and awkward, resulting in him falling to his knees, still "drinking", until he "faints". He may also grab a bottle of rum and drink from it.
With his rum bottle, he may spit the liquid, inducing the trance state on the initiated around him.
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eyed-knife · 2 months
Ae Tauami a nda kanjila mukongo nganga e tumba o Tauamiiiiiiiiiii mbambi emeeeee mbambi eme ua taua mbambi eme Tauami mbambi eme taua
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westsahara · 11 months
Marokkanische Sahara: Die Demokratische Republik Kongo bekundet ihre Unterstützung dem Autonomieplan gegenüber
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Vereinte Nationen (New York)–Die Demokratische Republik Kongo (DRK) bekundete in New York ihre Unterstützung dem vonseiten des Königreichs Marokko unterbreiteten Autonomieplan zwecks der definitiven Beilegung des Regionalkonflikts rund um die marokkanische Sahara gegenüber.
„Die Demokratische Republik Kongo möchte diese Gelegenheit nicht entgleiten lassen, um ihre Unterstützung dem vonseiten des Königreichs Marokko in 2007 unterbreiteten Autonomieplan aufs Neue bekunden zu dürfen, der als solid, ernsthaft und im Einklang mit der Charta der Vereinten Nationen stehend betrachtet worden ist“, unterstrich der ständige Botschafter und Vertreter der Demokratischen Republik Kongo bei den Vereinten Nationen, Herr Zénon Mukongo Ngay, vor dem 4. Ausschuss der UNO-Generalversammlung.
Er stellte überdies die sozioökonomische Entwicklung in der marokkanischen Sahara vermittels der eingespritzten Investitionen und der auf die Schiene gebrachten Projekte klar heraus, die im Rahmen des in 2015 in Stellung gebrachten neuen Entwicklungsmodells umgesetzt worden sind, feststellend, dass dieses Entwicklungsmodell wesentlich zum Erstarken der Population und zur Verbesserung der menschlichen Entwicklungsindizien beigesteuert hat.
Der Diplomat würdigte darüber hinaus die Abhaltung von zwei Gesprächen am runden Tische in Genf, woran sich Algerien, das Königreich Marokko, Mauretanien und die Front Polisario gemäß den Resolutionen des Sicherheitsrats beteiligten, etliche Beteiligten dazu  auffordernd, weiterhin engagiert bleiben und Realismus sowie Kompromissbereitschaft durch den gesamten Prozess auf politischem Wege hindurch bis zu dessen Abschluss zur Schau tragen zu haben.
Gleichzeitig bekundete der Botschafter die Unterstützung seines Landes dem Prozess auf politischem Wege gegenüber, der unter der exklusiven Ägide des Generalsekretärs der Vereinten Nationen durchgeführt wurde und wird, darauf abzielend, eine politische, realistische, pragmatische und dauerhafte Lösung auf Kompromisswege für den Regionalkonflikt rund um die marokkanische Sahara erzielen zu dürfen, wie in den Resolutionen des Sicherheitsrats bezogen auf 2007 empfohlen worden ist und empfohlen wird.
In diesem Zusammenhang würdigte er zum Schluss die Bemühungen des Generalsekretärs und seines persönlichen Gesandten, Herrn Staffan de Mistura, die darauf abzielten und darauf abzielen, den Weg für die Verhandlungen ebnen zu dürfen, zwecks dessen eine Beilegung des Regionalkonflikts rund um die marokkanische Sahara erzielen zu dürfen, fortfahrend, dass eine Lösung auf politischem Wege für diesen in die Länge gezogenen Regionalkonflikt und eine verstärkte Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten der Union des Maghreb zur Stabilität und zur Sicherheit in der Sahelzone beisteuern dürften.
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infosurbaines · 2 years
RDC : pour Christelle Vuanga, les dépassements budgétaires endommageant les secteurs sociaux de base
RDC : pour Christelle Vuanga, les dépassements budgétaires endommageant les secteurs sociaux de base
La députée nationale Christelle Vuanga Mukongo s’est manifestée mardi 18 octobre 2022 lors du débat général sur le projet de loi portant reddition des comptes de l’exercice 2021. Elle a déploré les dépassements budgétaires constatés dans l’exécution du budget par certaines institutions. À l’en croire, il est de temps d’accentuer la pression pour l’opérationnalisation de la caisse nationale de…
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nabiiyakezahe · 4 years
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#zion #world #love #mundibu #kongo #yisolele #bantu #mukongo #covenantlawsstatutescommandmentslev23 #blackexcellence #angolanas #culture #lessons #yah #innovator #kinshasa #history #teacher #africa#400yrsdeut28blessingssecondexodusgoldbarswilldernesspromiseland #inspiracionafricana #yudah #banacongo #remembrance #yissayah #12tribesofisraelnegros #congokinshasa #africanamerican #themosthigh #inspiration https://www.instagram.com/p/CAVEfuuHgSZ/?igshid=1mhjt7oqq71oy
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alankosume · 5 years
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gwendolynlerman · 3 years
Separatist and irredentist movements in the world
Proposed state: Republic of Cabinda
Region: Cabinda, Angola
Ethnic group: Kongo
Goal: independence
Date: 1975-present
Political parties: Frente de Libertação do Estado de Cabinda (FLEC)
Militant organizations: Forças Armadas de Cabinda (FAC)
Current status: war
1483 - the Portuguese arrive at present-day Cabinda
1885 - Portugal establishes a protectorate over Cabinda
1956 - the administration of Cabinda is transferred to Angola
1963 - creation of the FLEC
1975 - proclamation of the independence of Cabinda; beginning of the Cabinda War
When Portugal claimed sovereignty over Cabinda in the 1885 Treaty of Simulambuco, Cabinda became its protectorate “under the request of the princes and governors of Cabinda”. Article 2 also states that “Portugal is obliged to maintain the integrity of the territories placed under its protection”.
However, in 1956, Cabinda started to be administered by Angola and was treated as an ordinary district of the country.
After Angola obtained its independence in 1975, the FLEC declared the independence of Cabinda and began its armed struggle against the Angolan government.
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Kongo people
The Kongo people inhabit Angola, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, and the Republic of the Congo. They mainly speak Kongo, but Lingala is a minority language. Both are Bantu languages of the Atlantic-Congo family.
There are around 19 million Kongo. They are traditionally farmers, but most work in factories.
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They follow Christianity as a result of colonization, but originally practiced the Kongo religion. The Kongo recognize matrilineality, which links them into kinship groups.
bakongo - people
kikongo - language
Kilansi kia cabinda - Republic of Cabinda
kimpwanza - independence
lufua - death
menga - blood
mukongo - person
Ngola - ruler
nzambi - god
vita - war
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ladydoesfieldwork · 5 years
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Some birds of Botswana and Namibia, in English and Khwedam.
1: ostrich (male), 2: ostrich (female), 3: giant kingfisher, 4: African hoopoe, 5: pearl-spotted owlet, 6: kori bustard, 7: secretary bird, 8: southern black korhaan (male), 9: southern black korhaan (female)
Khwedam (Kalahari Khoe)
1: gǀaro-ma, 2: gǀaro-hɛ, 3: kyaakyani, 4: kuǀheu, 5: com (’owl’, gen.), 6: kuikyam, 7: mukongo, 8: kyam-ma, 9: kyam-hɛ
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ancestralvoices · 2 years
KONGO COSMOLOGY- The Reciprocating Universe In the Kongo cosmology, the relationship between the departed and the living is in a constant cycle of reciprocity, with events in one half having a bearing on the other. It is symbolically reflected in the interplay between day and night- the sun rises and sets in the land of the living, whilst the night is the period of living for the departed. This physical reality is known as NZA YAYI and the land of the departed as NSI A BAFWA, the two worlds are separated by a body of water traditionally known as Kalunga or other references to bodies of water such as Nlangu-water, M’bu- ocean, Nzadi- great river etc. Life is lived as an oscillatory movement between these two worlds such that in a sense, there is no beginning and end and there is a constant interplay between both worlds via dialogue in rituals, ceremonies and offerings to the departed. ‘The N’Kongo thought of the earth as a mountain over a body of water that is the land of the dead, called Mpemba. In Mpemba the sun rises and sets just as it does in the land of the living. Between these two parts, the lands of the dead and the living, the water is both a passage and a great barrier. The world, in Kongo thought, is like two mountains opposed at their bases and separated by the ocean. At the rising and setting of the sun the living and the dead exchange day and night. ‘ Fu-kiau, A. 1969 Le Mukongo et le monde qui l’entourait (N’kongo ye nza yakun’zungidila)- The Mukongo and the world that surrounds him. MacGaffey, W 1986 Religion and Society in Central Africa #kongo https://www.instagram.com/p/CdahjY_j2mX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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domialer · 4 years
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NGunzu Ensinou que só a coragem é o suficiente pra realizar nossos sonhos! 💙🏹🌿 Pembelê Mukongo 🏹🌿🍃🍂 https://www.instagram.com/p/B_41qjuHvkg/?igshid=4g17kd77pf6e
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afro-video · 8 years
Hiro - Monica
[:fr]Hiro – Monica (Clip Officiel) Single disponible sur toutes les plateformes https://lnk.to/HiroMonica Info contact Booking Management // Relations Presse et Média Christelle Mangaya : 0033650194181 ou [email protected] Réalisation: DirectedByShelis (P) 2016 Bomayé Musik licenced by Mukongo Business Rejoins Hiro sur les réseaux sociaux: FACEBOOK / INSTAGRAM : @hiroofficiel TWITTER…
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directrdc · 4 years
Élévation de Kasa-Vubu au rang de héros national: Nsalansani plaide pour la réhabilitation de la route qui mène vers Singini ainsi que la réfection de sa maison
Élévation de Kasa-Vubu au rang de héros national: Nsalansani plaide pour la réhabilitation de la route qui mène vers Singini ainsi que la réfection de sa maison
L’association culturelle “Nsalansani” remercie le président de la République Félix Tshisekedi pour l’élévation de Joseph Kasa-Vubu, le 1er président de la RDC au rang de héros national.
“Nous sommes dans la joie de voir le Président Felix Tshisekedi élever le feu et prémier Président du Congo Kasa-Vubu au rang de héro national. Ceci démontre une bonne considération du peuple mukongo,” a…
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nabiiyakezahe · 4 years
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. . . . . #zion #yah #yisolele #bantu #kembo #yissayah #gift #jesus #congo #mtkenya #zulumusic #kenya #mukongo #world #angola #tanzania #bakongo #themosthigh #yissayahkongo #zulu #africa #cameroon #yudah #travail #daughtersofzion👑 #southafrica #music #talent #persévérence #kongo via @hashtagexpert https://www.instagram.com/p/CAQnKscnBRZ/?igshid=ksbso9zxtm6l
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fizimedia · 6 years
RDC :REFLEXION DE KASSANGA Ben LÙABANYA, Bâts toi pour l'unité de ton pays. Moi, je suis Congolais c'est tout
RDC :REFLEXION DE KASSANGA Ben LÙABANYA, Bâts toi pour l’unité de ton pays. Moi, je suis Congolais c’est tout
REFLEXION DE KASSANGA Ben LUABANYA , DG de FiziMedia, Expert de Réseaux et sécurités informatiques et propriétaire de FcomTech
Je ne suis pas Mu Swahili , Je ne suis pas Muluba Je ne suis pas Mukongo Je ne suis pas Mungala Moi, je suis Congolais c’est tout 😎
Le Tribalisme est un état d’esprit pour les faibles et les médiocres. Moi j’aime le Congo et tous les Congolais sont mes frères et…
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