#Muse; The cutest ghost hunter | Ruri
destinedheroes · 11 months
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Happy Halloween! Have any of you experienced anything extra spooky today? 👻
"And... Post." Ruri smiles, posting the message to her Rirurun account. Now to just sit back and wait for any ghost rumors that seem worth looking into. Halloween is her favorite time of year.
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destinedheroes · 3 years
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“That’s the thing. They were supposed to be at my dorm but... they vanished.”
“Maybe it’s a digimon” Chibimon said, “But Daishuke thinks it’s better to refer to it as a ghost to not let everyone panicked.”
“Not that I think it would make people less panicked, and I said if we refer to them as holograms they might not cause a whole fuss.”
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“Got it, then we’ll check your dorm first for clues! Lead the way, Daisuke~!” Ruri says as she grabs Kiyoshirou’s arm and tries to pull him up. Jellymon just laughs at her partner’s expense. 
“We could always say you just misplaced your keys,” Hiro suggests. “That way nobody will panic.”
“Maybe he did just misplace his keys!” Kiyoshirou tries to pull his arm away, but Ruri’s grip is too strong. “Are you sure you looked everywhere for them!?”
“Don’t be a baby!” Jellymon laughs, landing on Kiyoshirou’s head. “If it’s a Digimon, I’ll take care of it!” 
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destinedheroes · 3 years
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“Do you ever get the feeling you’re being watched?”
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“Isn’t it exciting!?”
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destinedheroes · 2 years
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destinedheroes · 3 years
"He got pants now"
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"I mean... You're not wrong, although that's not the first thing about him I would notice."
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destinedheroes · 3 years
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“Oh, it’s past midnight!” She grabs her phone and sends out a message to all her social media followers. 
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destinedheroes · 3 years
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"So I heard you're a ghost hunter group-thing. May you look at my case? I can't find my keys. I think a ghost stole them."
Chibimon was on Daisuke's head, tilting his head.
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"What!? I can assure you, we're not a ghost hunting-"
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"LEAVE IT TO US! Where did you last see your keys?"
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"I... doubt it's a real ghost, Senpai. But even if it is, we should help if we can."
Kiyoshirou curls into a ball in the corner of the room, trembling in fear. Ruri completely ignores him, already pulling her phone out to alert her followers of a new case.
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destinedheroes · 3 years
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“To find the rainbow hidden in the sky, you have to look up high. You gotta reach out with everything you’ve got, and you’ll find the strength inside. ♩”
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