#Muslim Barbie
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Men are in charge of women, because Allah hath made the one of them to excel the other, and because they spend of their property (for the support of women). So good women are the obedient, guarding in secret that which Allah hath guarded. As for those from whom ye fear rebellion, admonish them and banish them to beds apart, and scourge them. Then if they obey you, seek not a way against them. Lo! Allah is ever High, Exalted, Great.
February 1 is No Hijab Day.
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karemandohan1999 · 2 months
🙏😔Stop, please 😔🙏
Don't ignore me, listen to our sad story💔🥹🍉
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My name is Kariman Dohan, I am 25 years old. I was a committed and diligent teacher, and my husband, Ayman Olwan, 30 years old, is a business administration graduate, but due to unemployment and difficult conditions in Gaza, he was forced to work as a fisherman. We have a wonderful son named Hamoud, who is one and a half years old. We live in Gaza, specifically Khan Yunis, where the fishing boat, fishing equipment and the school where I worked were damaged🥹🫂💔😭😭😭😭
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We have been displaced several times, and our tragedy has reached the point that we now live in a tent that is unfit for living. We desperately need your help, I have launched a donation campaign but I cannot get the funds so I can get $50000 to get through this current crisis.
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Before the war and after the war, this is what happened to us😔💔
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I know that the world is full of people who want to help others, and you are one of them. Please be with us in this ordeal and share your donation to help us get out of these difficult situations🫂🥹🥹🙏🙏🍉
Donate, share and be the reason for our happiness 🙏❤️🫂🥹🍉😭🇵🇸💔😣
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toychest321 · 6 months
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Reminder that Steffi Love did Dreamtopia better than Dreamtopia did
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barbielore · 1 year
Please note that I am not myself Muslim so if I have accidentally used any incorrect terminology or stated something incorrect or misleading please correct me.
In 2017, Mattel created a one-of-a-kind Barbie to celebrate Olympic fencer, Ibtihaj Muhammad. Ibtihaj Muhammad is a bronze medalist and is known for being the first American Olympian to compete while wearing a headscarf. This was also the first Barbie to be depicted in a Hijab.
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This was then followed in 2018 by the Black Label collectors edition Ibtihaj Muhammad Barbie.
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As I am sure comes as no surprise, this generated some controversy. Some people were thrilled at the idea of a Barbie that represented a group who historically have not been represented in many dolls at all, least of all Barbie. Others found the idea of a Barbie in a Hijab to be a "bad influence" on young girls and representing oppression more than diversity.
One such article put forward the notion that Mattel would never have created a fundamentalist Christian or Hasidic Barbie, and though I have not researched every Barbie based on a real person I would be surprised if there was not a depiction of another woman equally as religious as Ibtihaj Muhammad.
In addition to being an Olympic fencer, Ibtihaj Muhammad launched a clothing company in 2014 with her siblings, Louella by Ibtihaj.
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anti-kwashiorkor · 1 year
One thing I know is that Muslim women are the sweetest and Muslim men are the worst of the very worst. Muslim men will drink and smoke and puff like chimneys but call out the women for showing ankles. They're literally the very root of patriarch. You can call is islamophobic idrc but Muslim men are evil. They'll call a man "dayouth" or whatever for not keeping his wife chained at home. You'll see a Muslim woman wearing the hijab or niqab perfectly and there'll be a Muslim man asking why she's alive
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dazedasian · 5 months
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sema974 · 1 year
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minttealoverrrr · 6 months
The Barbie Movie and Chris McCandless
The Barbie Movie and Chris McCandless
*Note: In reference to Into The Wild, I reference the story and Chris McCanless with the reverence of a fictional character, simply living in the story and that is all. Chris, the character in a book. I have nothing but deep respect for Chris, the real man, and his loved ones. 
      I don’t know anyone who didn’t love the Barbie movie. Every woman in my life (not including my mother) raved about it. Teachers, friends, vague acquaintances I follow on instagram. How much it made them cry, how accurate, how personal, how totally and utterly perfect the movie was. I had high hopes going in, fully dressed in all the pink I could scrounge out of my closet. Expecting to watch a movie that would make me cry, sob, feel seen and feel understood- I left the theater feeling… none of those things. If anything, I was a little discontented and I needed to pee. On the way back home, me and my mother tried to decipher why exactly we both failed to experience the same world-altering-life-changing-film experience we heard our peers sing praises for. 
      The book Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer was a part of my AP Lang classes required reading this year.  A nonfiction recollection of the life and death of Chris McCandless. McCandless grew up in Annandale, Virginia where his father worked as an antenna specialist for NASA. After graduating from Emory University he donated all his money and decided to become a traveler/hermit/hitchhiker of sorts- rejecting worldly things like money, objects, deep connections with others, and any contact with his family. On one of his stints, McCandless travels through Rural Alaska for months and dies after running out of food and consuming a poisonous plant. This is an arguably reductive summary, you can find the full wikipedia pages for the book and Chris’s story here and here. Throughout reading this book, my class had several discussions about McCandless and the book Into The Wild. What could have driven McCandless to do what he did? Did he have a death wish, going into the Alaskan wilderness with no survival training and knowledge, frighteningly low amounts of food, and no gear? Were his actions justified? Do we relate to his decisions, his actions? Some people argue McCandless was simply a free spirit, that his rejections of the material in favor for the individual and intangible were ones we should strive for. Others are confused with his choice to totally desert his family, to the point where McCandless’s mother sent a private investigator to look for her son upon his supposed disappearance. Some felt he was sort of naive or unintelligent, going into the woods in the dead of winter utterly unprepared. While my peers gingerly gave their takes on their sympathies and gripes with McCandlesses story and McCandless himself I found myself feeling a similar feeling from earlier that summer. A sort of wall, a barrier. I found myself fully unable to sympathize with McCandless, totally and utterly. 
    Why? What is it about McCandlesses story that makes it so difficult for me to resonate with? The answer here is, at its core, the same reason I found myself discontented with the Barbie movie. With regards to McCandless, a few notes are vital. Chris McCandless was white, very upper-middle class, immensely privileged and fourtenate, wealthy, and educated. Still, he rejected all his fortune and privilege for a life in the woods. Rejecting his family, loved ones, friends, and anyone who cared for him. As someone who has very different values (developed through my identity in a Pakistani and Muslim home/ as a Pakistani Muslim person) , herein lies my hangup. I find it nearly impossible to understand or sympathize with someone so steeped in privilege, only to pretend it doesn’t exist. His rejection of family, immense wealth, and deep privilege in nearly all aspects of life. Now, that is by no means Chris’s fault- failing to acknowledge or understand his privilege and its complexities. He was 20 something in the 90’s and read Tolstoy in the woods! I don’t expect him to know the first thing about race or privilege. But there are some things that irrevocably make it difficult for me to truly, really truly, sympathize with his story. Someone a few prongs up on the privilege ladder might take more of his story to heart, understand it more, be able to see his story for just and only that, his story. I am in a position to see the bigger picture, this story I’m the context of larger things. I am unable to sympathize with his story due to factors outside of both of our control. This doesn’t mean either of us are at fault, and it doesn't mean I should be expected to change how I feel to suit his story. I have no inclination to change how I feel about McCandlesses story or his choices.  Some might argue I should get a heart and try to understand what he went through. And I’m not saying I feel gleeful or joyous at his demise, not in the slightest. It is just that I, as someone a few prongs lower on the privilege ladder, shouldn’t be expected to be more sympathetic to someone who’s values and choices are both a) only able to of happened as a result of his privilege and b) miles away from what I value as important in this life. 
Back to Barbie. Barbie is not the story of womanhood. It does not encapsulate what it means to be a woman. It may encapsulate what it means to be a white woman, but not a woman. Barbie treats whiteness as the default. A white woman is a woman and that is all, a brown woman is a woman and she is brown- a woman and then some. It's not anyone’s fault that I failed to understand Barbie.  But Barbie tells the story of a white woman, which is different from a brown woman- not a basis for all womanhood. White womanhood is not the default, despite it being treated as such within the film. This innate feature, (unintentionally) driven to the core of the story, keeps me from understanding. And I should not be expected to look past my brownness, remove it from myself (or all the other things that make my girl-ness different from Barbie) to placate some sort of understanding- because all the things that make me myself are inseparable from each other, you cannot separate me from myself like a heterogenous mixture of traits, concepts, identities, and ideas. In the case of Barbie and McCanless, I find myself unable to truly understand their stories thanks to innate and unchanging factors on both sides- at the fault of neither.
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To know more read sacred book "Musalman Nahin Samjhe Gyan Quran"
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putawaytheglobe · 2 years
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Barbie’s not Muslim.
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daintykarla · 2 months
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Made pics from "The Hijab Barbie" movie
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gracepostsmemes · 7 months
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Muslims misreading the Barbie posters might be the funniest thing I’ve seen today
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digitalvoidheart · 6 months
Anyone remember this? The YouTube channel may say it was released on 2011 but those who grew up with this song know it was released way earlier on TV
Tell me why Fulla is crying the moment she enters an area which has a majud the resemblance of Masjid Al Aqsa?
The war didn't start on October 7th
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historyforfuture · 1 year
Barbie actressis not saying truth when accused hamas soldiers by raping a jew woman trying to compliment Zionists watch the video to learn how muslims treat civilians
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toychest321 · 7 months
Sorry for being late to post about Ramadan (school's been hell recently), but I thought I could take the opportunity to highlight some Muslim dolls! While there aren't many, one of my favorites is Fulla! For those unaware, Fulla was made by the company NewBoy FZCO and has been running since 2003! (MASSIVE thanks to Dollect for most of the information on her, at least throughout her early run in the 2000s) According to Dollect, some of the first dolls released of her with a hijab was in 2005 from the "Fulla with Abaya" sets, which apparently had embroidery on the sleeves! I love the long skirts, they give me Flower Power Barbie vibes!
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There were also apparently "Outdoor Fashion" dolls with a surprise element where beneath their Abaya they'd be wearing an outfit of a specific color out of purple, pink, and green. They were MILES ahead of the surprise toy gimmick of the 2010s.
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However, I can't find exactly what their outdoor outfits looked like? There aren't any images of them on Dollect, though I suppose these might be them? No confirmation of such, of course, but I found the pink one labelled for 2004 on another website.
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It seems to check out with the description of having purple and pink variants in the outfit, but the beige and black leads me to believe these might be another release entirely... regardless I adore the detail in these coats! Anyway, I'll be posting about these more soon, but for now I better get back to that homework I just got distracted from lol. If you guys know of any other Muslim dolls you'd like me to post about feel free to send an ask!
Ramadan Kareem!
(Edit: Y'all thank you so much for the traction but please check out my reblogged edits to this post, I lowkey fumbled the info on the mystery outfits the first time around 😭)
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midnightostara · 11 months
Gal Gadot is holding a screening of Israelie propaganda at the museum of tolerance.
I'm not surprise that genocide barbie is doing that.
But please listen this is very important: please don't go to protest at the museum of tolerance to protest her 47 minute propaganda film.
I know this sounds like I'm telling people what to do but this is veryimportant that we need to listen:
What she's doing is a trap.
A Zionist trap by the IDF & Israeli military to get all Arabs, Muslims, Black, non-jewish, and brown folks protesting to say what they're doing is "Antisemitic" to derail the work everyone has been doing. So that they can film protesters and claim it's a "pro-hamas" rally to manipulate people.
JVP and other Jewish organizations are planning to demonstrate outside of the museum of tolerance.
The people that should demonstrate this should be Jewish allies to the Palestinian movement, their voices are extremely important in this situation.
If you are non-white or not Jewish, please sit this one out and do not attend. Let Jewish allies go.
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