#Muslim brotherhood
secular-jew · 4 months
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eretzyisrael · 4 months
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jangillman · 1 month
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IF THE WESTERN WORLD DOESN'T PREPARE FOR THIS, THEY'RE DELUDED! And don't expect the transgenders, gays and greenies to help protect the country! 🙏 for the Police and Military in the Western World!
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girlactionfigure · 2 months
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"It's disgraceful how the international community and NGOs are turning a blind eye to the genocide and ethnic cleansing carried out by Muslim Brotherhood supporters in Bangladesh against Hindus, involving horrific acts like rape and kidnapping, similar to what Hamas did to Israel on October 7th." - @amjadt25
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 2 months
by Robert Schmad
While serving as governor of Minnesota, presumptive Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz hosted an Islamic imam multiple times who has a history of pro-Hamas social media posts and gave $100,000 worth of grants to a Muslim organization he leads, the Washington Examiner first reported.
Walz hosted Imam Asad Zaman of the Muslim American Society (MAS) of Minnesota on at least five occasions during his tenure as governor, according to the Examiner. Zaman, on his Facebook account, shared a Hamas press release in 2016, a link to a blog post attacking Jews in 2014, praised the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks on multiple occasions in 2023 and even posted a link to a documentary praising Adolf Hitler in 2015.
“It is astounding that with all the available public reporting and information about the iniquities of Imam Asad Zaman and MAS Minnesota that Gov. Walz has repeatedly given public platforms and taxpayer money to this extremist,” Sam Westrop, a terrorism researcher and analyst at the Middle East Forum think tank, told the Examiner. “Across the country, Islamists hungry for government support will surely welcome Walz as vice president.” 
Zaman serves as the executive director of MAS Minnesota, an organization federal prosecutors at one point said was “founded as the overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States,” according to court records. The United Arab Emirates designated MAS as a terrorist organization in 2014, the Examiner reported.
Walz’s administration, however, showered the group with over $100,000 in grant funding, according to state records and press releases.
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sole-e-acqua · 24 days
Dalia Ziada's Life Mission: Fighting Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood De...
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traditionaldream · 4 months
Imagine paying a lot of money on tuition just to go to university and when you get there you see this... I would turn around and wonder why I am wasting my money. No classes, no group for intellectual debate, just screams and pointless activism. And this is extending to Europe.
My heart goes to the people who are actually struggling at the hands of Hamas, including both palestinian israeli people. Seeing university students, who should be the most intellectual beings in society play the political game of Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood just makes me sad. Go to Palestine and make yourself useful. And the growing hate of jewish people reminds me of a certain period in time....
God save Europe and safely being home the hostages.
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vyorei · 8 months
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When I say I was speechless after reading that-
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hussyknee · 10 months
Transcribed Twitter thread by Mouin Rabbani about why Israel has suddenly stopped equating Hamas with ISIS.
About a week ago the US and Israeli suddenly stopped comparing Hamas to ISIS. The term “Hamas-ISIS” had become de rigueur among Israeli officials in their public statements, and along with their partners-in-crime in Washington they often insisted Hamas is worse – much worse even – than ISIS. It’s a familiar playbook. In 2001 the Twin Towers had barely collapsed and Ariel Sharon immediately began insisting the PLO was no different than Al-Qaeda and that Yassir Arafat was worse than Usama Bin Laden. Israel’s flunkies and apologists immediately and dutifully followed suit.
But “Hamas-ISIS” is no longer. Israel’s acolytes have for the most part yet to receive the message, and continue parroting a line that has gone out of style with their leaders, but will probably follow suit at some point within the next 24 months.
So, what happened? Most obviously, the US and Israel have been negotiating, concluding, and implementing a series of agreements with “Hamas-ISIS”. It’s not a particularly good look to be in intensive discussions with, and make one concession after the other to, a movement that is purportedly more vicious and brutal than an organization that not only the West but also the international community considers entirely beyond the pale. Especially at a time when a broader agreement, extending beyond an exchange of captives, is reportedly being discussed in Doha by the CIA and Mossad chiefs – the city where not only the Qatari mediators but also Hamas’s current and former political leaders, Ismail Haniyyeh and Khalid Mashal, also reside.
The fact that Hamas is negotiating exchanges of captives and releasing not only foreign but also Israeli Jewish civilians, rather than slitting their throats in gruesome snuff videos also doesn’t help the cause. Nor do testimonies by released captives that, the violence and abuse of their initial seizure notwithstanding, they have generally been treated humanely. Of course, no civilian deserves to be held captive unless convicted of a specific crime by legitimate authority, yet the contrast between the testimonies of released Israeli and Palestinian civilian captives is enormous. Released Palestinian women and children speak of constant physical and verbal abuse, particularly since 7 October; all manner of deprivation; and an escalation of abuse once it became apparent they would be released. Furious at Palestinian joy at the release of their own captives, rampaging Israeli forces have also shot and killed several Palestinian well-wishers, enveloped most others in clouds of tear gas, and raided the homes of receiving families to evict journalists and warn against celebrations or even “expressions of joy”.
Palestinians are not ruled by the Israeli government in the same sense that Israelis within the pre-1967 boundaries are. Rather, they are subject to military government, effectively an Israeli military dictatorship whose rule is best described as totalitarian. It has for example banned flags, even particular color combinations (in clothing and painting for example), and in 2023 also “expressions of joy”.
Hamas videos of the release of their captives, in which they assist the elderly, provide water bottles, and wave goodbye (not quite ISIS-friendly optics) have been criticized as political theatre and propaganda. Fair enough. But it is still quite the contrast with the scenes outside Ofer Prison where Israel releases Palestinian captives. There, the best that Israeli propaganda can achieve is clouds of tear gas, intimidation of journalists, live ammunition, and bullet-ridden corpses. (And, for good measure, arresting more civilians than it releases.)
So not only did the US and Israel want to avoid the accusation they were negotiating with ISIS, the available imagery is also unconducive to the narrative. Joe Biden will go to his grave insisting he has seen videos of infants beheaded by Hamas, but it’s gotten to the point where even poor Jill rolls her eyes. Other Israeli and US claims have also drawn the short end of the stick. For example, the Israeli authorities recently reduced their tally of Israelis killed on 7 October from 1400 to 1200. The reason is that 200 corpses, burned beyond recognition, belonged to Palestinians rather than Israelis. This suggests Hamas was not systematically setting fire to live humans. Similarly, Israeli intelligence (or what’s left of it) has now concluded that Hamas did not have prior knowledge of the rave organized close to the boundary between Israel and the Gaza concentration camp. Therefore this could not have been a premeditated atrocity. I am of course not claiming no atrocities were committed on 7 October, but rather that as more facts become available the “Hamas-ISIS” propaganda line becomes increasingly untenable.
If we put aside Biden’s hallucinations and take Netanyahu off endless repetition for a moment, the ideological, organizational, and political relationship between Hamas and ISIS remains a legitimate field of inquiry. It’s also pretty conclusive. Hamas and ISIS are indeed both Islamist movements. But that’s pretty much where the comparison ends. To suggest they are equivalent or identical is akin to claiming there is no difference between constitutional and absolute monarchies because their heads of state acquire office in the same manner. Hamas is the Palestinian chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood, a regional Islamist movement formed almost a century ago. Its various national branches have sought to achieve political power through mass mobilization, and as such have formed political parties; provided social services; participated in elections, coups, and uprisings; engaged in armed campaigns against domestic autocracy and foreign domination; and in a number of cases formed internationally-recognized governments. It’s a fundamentally different template than that pursued by ISIS.
Hamas was established in the cauldron of the Israeli occupation, and like other Palestinian organizations actively participated in the struggle to end Israeli rule. In 2006 it participated in Palestinian legislative elections, fully certified by the Carter Center, which it won. In 2007 Hamas seized power in the Gaza Strip after a year during which its various domestic and foreign adversaries, to put it politely, actively worked to undermine it. In the intervening years it has in addition to attacks which have garnered global headlines developed relations with states as diverse as Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Russia, and Qatar; negotiated prisoner exchanges and ceasefires with Israel; freed and released foreign hostages (including BBC journalist Alan Johnston) abducted by rivals and criminal gangs; endorsed a two-state settlement with Israel; and cooperated with a variety of UN agencies and international organisations. Its governance of the Gaza Strip years has, to varying degrees, been hegemonic and repressive, but like its politics and policies defies any comparison to that experienced under ISIS’s self-styled caliphate in Syria and Iraq.
ISIS has in fact been bitterly critical of Hamas, and considers the group in its entirety, as well as its individual members, “apostates” and “polytheists” – its most serious transgressions of all. This is on account of, among other mortal sins, Hamas’s participation in democratic elections, its failure to govern solely in accordance with shari’a (Islamic law), relations with Iran and other regional states, and prioritization of Palestinian liberation. Perhaps for this reason Hamas made short shrift of attempts by the Islamic State movement to establish a foothold in the Gaza Strip, primarily in Rafah, during 2015-2016.
END. Postscript: @rao2of has kindly pointed out a significant oversight on my part: that in its efforts to normalise relations with Egypt after initial post-Sisi coup hostility, Hamas began cooperating with Egypt's anti-ISIS campaign in Sinai, drawing even greater fury from it.
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secular-jew · 4 months
The faux Palestinians are always appropriating someone else's history, because theirs began in 1967, with an assist from the KGB.
Here, they plagiarize the cover of a book on Armenians, and claim it's a Palestinian family in Israel.
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eretzyisrael · 4 months
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reasonandempathy · 11 months
Why is the American Left so Anti-Saudia but they say nothing about Iran?
I always found it weird how much the Left seems to dislike Saudi Arabia and highlight its human rights abuses and why the alliance is against American national interest. This is far back as Michael Moore’s documentary Fahreneit 9/11, Vox who did a special on weapons sales to Saudis, Morning Joe which kept calling MBS a butcher, The View after Biden’s visit and Krystal Ball on Breaking Points.
Interestingly these same people always go at pains to say why US should seek peace with Iran and how the government does not represent the American people. When Trump was sabre rattling Iran they said he’d start WW3. It took until the hijab protest angle for them to cover Iran critically. Even Egypt who is an American vassal under El-Sisi gets criticised all the time including by Vox/MSNBC but when the Muslim Brotherhood got in power after the Arab Spring, which is against all sorts of progressive causes, they were never really criticised.
I always get frustrated by how people throw everything to the Left of Trump as "the Left".
Joe Scarborough is nobody's Leftist. He was a far-right wing congressman from Florida in the 90s and voted to impeach Clinton in 98. MSNBC has routinely fired left-wing and Muslim dissenters to the Mainstream Washington politics (which is center-right), and to this day is filled with center and right-wing talking points. You think the Left would have Raytheon War Privateers talking up Israel in itss slow-rolling genocide without criticism?
That being said, I would significantly advise OP read a book, or talk to a leftist. Preferably in real life. The concept of "The Left doesn't criticize Iran or Muslim Brotherhood" is somewhat divorced from the broader reality and context. Saudi Arabia and Egypt are American allies and their actions are things that the US Government directly or indirectly supports.
Saudi Arabia is a US ally, so the left is critical of that close relationship and the supplying of arms such as fighter jets to such a brutal regime (currently engaged in a devastating war in Yemen using American weapons). In contrast, the US has huge tensions with Iran, so the call from the left is "do not escalate this to war." In both instances the intent is the same: to reduce the threat of war.
Try to say what you're saying directly and in descriptive language and it falls apart at face value.
"The left-wing has no criticism of anti-democratic Theocratic states." Center-left criticism of the Muslim Brotherhood has been around for a long, long time. It's easily google-able.
Or how about: "Why does the Left criticize an American vassal state with a puppet in charge?"
Bringing up the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt just speaks to how little attention you pay to the Country. The Muslim Brotherhood hasn't been in power there since 2013 when a military junta took over and threw thousands of them in jail.
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girlactionfigure · 17 days
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While in recent months, CAIR has condemned some acts of white supremacist antisemitism, it has ignored any acts of such hate speech by leftists or Muslims.
Clearly, CAIR’s recent efforts to whitewash itself as a group fighting antisemitism ring hollow. Though the organization condemns some antisemitic acts, it continues its own tradition of Israel-bashing.
Steve Flatow, the president-elect of the Religious Zionists of America, noted, for example, that on the day the NSCA was released, CAIR issued a press release condemning “apartheid Israel.” In fact, according to Flatow, “CAIR issued no less than nine anti-Israel press releases in the first 30 days since it was embraced by the Biden administration.”
In short, naming CAIR in the NSCA and relying on the organization to counter Jew hatred thoroughly discredits Biden’s strategy. In fact, the plan seems at pains to avoid holding CAIR—or any Muslims or left-wing Jew- or Israel-haters—responsible for their blatant antisemitism.
Please make the point when speaking with family, friends, colleagues—or in letters to the editor—that CAIR is not an organization that fights antisemitism, but rather one that fuels Jew-hatred. Its inclusion in the Biden plan is a schande—a scandalous shame.
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jangillman · 18 days
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