#My brain was starting to melt out of my ears from all the editing I was doing so seeing this helped lift my spirits!
palettepainter · 5 months
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The president of the Boober Fraggle Fanclub just followed me back so my evenings going great! Thank you so much @fiddlstyx!!
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matsunoluvr · 1 month
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୨୧ ‧₊˚ ⋅ when the love and deepspace boys get jealous
warnings: pouty men, jealous xavier is a warning in itself, sorry if i mischaracterise…. and i also have favourites LOLL
characters: sylus, zayne, rafayel, xavier
link to master list here!
author notes: all i can think of is pouty rafayel and jealous xavier my brain is a melted goop of lnds brainrot… also sorry for not posting in a while i was on holiday!!
also quick reminder that i have requests open but 1. i’ll get to them slowly and 2. please read my pinned post about rules!
more under the cut ~
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out of the four men i think sylus is the least jealous - now let me elaborate that possessiveness and jealousy (in my eyes) are very different
if you talk to another man, sylus both trusts you and has enough faith in himself to know that no matter what the dude does, sylus is yours and you’re his
he trusts you 100%, without a shadow of a doubt. and this translates through his lack of jealousy when you spend time with other people
however, if the man even attempts to lay a finger on you, his tone becomes too sweet or his hand inches a bit too close and you’re getting uncomfortable?
you bet your ass sylus is interfering.
immediately shifts his body to create distance between you and the other party
he flashes a dangerous look at the other man, evol glowing dangerously as it whispers a small warning into the other’s ear
“Stay away and you get to stay alive.”
he seriously doesn't fuck around when it comes to your comfort and safety, and if he feels that another man is compromising it or pushing the boundaries it really ticks him off
when does sylus get jealous?
mostly when you start to spend less time with him and more time with others
it’s not as if as soon as you spend time with someone else he gets jealous, but if it causes you to start to ignore him/spend less time with him he gets jealous
when he gets jealous, he doesn’t hide it at all
sylus isn’t one to keep his feelings from you, so when you see his displeasured frown you know immediately something is up
he doesn’t get angry or petty when jealous, he just makes it clear that he’s not happy with the division of attention
when you ask him what’s up, he gives you the answer plain and simple
“Getting bored of me already? How come you’re spending more time with […] than me, I’m jealous.”
his voice is slow and clearly unimpressed, crossing his arms as he looks you up and down.
luckily for you, he’s not hard to win over
spend time with him, even if it’s not active such as going out to restaurants or to one of his formal events
the two of you sitting in comfortable silence, him reading a magazine and you looking through moments, that’s more than enough for him
he’s not opposed to displays of physical affection either, cuddling or kisses to his face - anything that tells him “you’re mine/i’m yours” will satisfy him
just make sure not to spend TOO much time with the other person, otherwise sylus might seriously hunt them down
he’d never make you jealous on purpose, he had no interest in other women/men at all and respects you way too much to pull petty moves like that
when sylus accidentally makes you jealous, he’ll definitely pamper you, spoil you with gifts and spend time with you
wanted to get the new limited edition plushie? he’ll stay in the arcade with you until you get all of them. wanted a new game on steam? he’s bought both the game, all the dlcs and any in game passes and currency.
Somewhere at some point during the day he'll simply come clean about it, after all he's a straight forward man and he trusts you.
"I'm sorry sweetie, I didn't mean to make you jealous. Forgive me, please?"
tldr; sylus is a love sick loser that knows you’re equally in love with him as he is with you
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here goes the award to the most composed LI - zayne gets jealous alright, not nearly as much as the coming two but he still gets jealous
it's not that he doesn't trust you, but watching you smile so brightly to the café employee or get a little too friendly with another doctor sets him on edge
if you're talking to male friends/giving them friendly hugs zayne's completely fine with it, he's happy to see you surrounded by people who care for you and for you to be happy too
at first it's hard to tell when zayne gets jealous, he has a poker face that would put lady gaga to shame
however, after a while you discover the few subtleties that give away his disgruntled state
for example, if you're talking a bit too excitedly or friendly to the barista - especially one you'd both met just today - there'd be a little crease in his forehead, his mouthwould be a fraction more downturned and his eyes a bit narrower as if he was squinting
or if you talk to him about a male colleague when you two were supposed to be out on a date, he'd definitely be jealous... however the only give away would be the faintest purse of his lips and twitch of his eyebrow
if you ask him if he's jealous he's going to deny it, he usually doesn't lie but when it comes to vulnerable emotions such as jealousy i feel he'd have difficulties expressing them
"Jealous? I'm not jealous, don't worry about me."
but then the right side of his mouth is twitching a little and if you focus hard enough he gives the impression of a kicked puppy, a very subtle hint of 'give me attention'
if you manage to learn the art of 'zayne expression reading' and finally notice that he's not 'lactose-intolerant-and-having-stomach-issues-causing-him-to-look-like-that' but in fact jealous, here's a few ways to heal your zayne!!
zayne specialists recommend a good dosage of subtle affections - e.g. bringing up one of his interests or reminiscing upon something you two did in the past, basically indicating to him 'hey, i still love you most in the world!'
he's a perceptive man and will pick up on what you're doing relatively quick, and his little grumpy face will relax back into the unconscious, soft smile he adopts when in your presence
if he accidentally makes you jealous, he makes sure you know more than anyone else in the world that he's yours and yours only.
reciprocates the small gestures such as holding your hand in public or introducing you to his colleagues
"Good afternoon to you too. I believe you haven't met [Y/N] before?"
and then he'll adjust his hand placement, sliding from patting your shoulder to gentle resting on the small of your back, a little intimate gesture that screams "I'm their partner."
makes sure by the end of the day he's got the message across, and at one point brings it up (even though you've basically forgotten what he did to make you jealous anyways)
"I didn't mean to upset you, [Y/N]. I love you only, no one else could replace you, I promise."
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okay, yeah, we made it to jealous, pouty, bratty man territory
there’s an evident gap between zayne level jealousy and rafayel level jealousy
don’t get me wrong, rafayel would do anything you asked of him - partially because of his whole lumerian bond and also because he’s utterly whipped for you
does he love you? that’s a stupid question to ask oh course he does… but does he truly trust you?
i’d like to think that rafayel (if he was dating you in this situation) is absolutely devoted to you and trusts you wholeheartedly, but in reality rafayel has deep engraved fears and uncertainties
he has a fear of being forgotten about, and likely (as a consequence of being forgotten multiple times) - the idea of being abandoned or replaced sends physical chills down his spine
so honestly, rafayel’s jealousy stems from the unwavering fear of being left alone, lost and forgotten again…
the pain of being forgotten, it’s not something he’s willing to go through any more, causing it to be difficult to fully reassure him that you’re his.
on a more lighter, more playful level, rafayel’s jealousy would probably lay with animals - specifically cats and sea creatures
one day he finds that instead of lazing about with him indoors, that you were outside napping with a cat on your lap
if he wasn’t so afraid of the cat concerned for your quality and length of sleep he would’ve had a go at the cat as it smirked triumphantly at him, licking its paws as it rolls around in your lap.
when complaining later on he would be his usual, petulant self, pouting and crossing his arms, tilting his chin up etc
“I guess you prefer those furry monsters over a fishie like me, why don’t you just leave me for one?”
to fix this petty brattiness is simple!
simply devote all your attention and affections to rafayel, as in when you two are alone and spending time together you can just pat his head or trace his beauty marks
he’ll be pouting the whole time, but after a few pats he’ll get embarrassed and his ears will go red as he says something like “I’m not a cat…” yet he still lets you pet him lol
rafayel especially likes it when you gently stroke at the roots of his hair, leaning into your touch a little every time you thread deeper into his hair
however, if you spend too much time with another man rather than rafayel, it’s a whole different type of jealousy/insecurity
he’s quiet, too quiet, and withdrawn
the situation was deeply confusing the first time around
it’s as if you ordered the wrong rafayel, what happened to his usual bratty and playful personality? this wasn’t like all the other times.
unlike his childish display of jealousy when you were with the cat, this time he had a schooled expression, blank, a facade
his expression was eerie, you’d never seen him like this, so… emotionless seeming
rafayel, really, was emotionally detaching from the relationship - he still loves you oh my god he adores you so much he’d sacrifice everything he had for you, but the idea of you preferring that other person over him?
it sends him into panic, and all he (believed he) could do was numb himself, anticipate the leave or him getting forgotten
(am i projecting too much here… avoidant attachment rafayel believer and lover 😞🙏)
if he withdrew from the relationship first, maybe it would hurt less being left again
of course you weren’t intending to leave him, so how do you fix this?
well, as unhealthy as this may seem, spending less time with the new person and more time with rafayel really would be the only way i could think of making him feel better
saying things such as “Rafayel I would never leave you.” can only provide him with short-term reassurance, after all how many times have you said that before and then still proceeded to leave him?
instead, caress him gently, give him time to feel safe in the relationship again. late night calls where you two fall asleep together or hold him in your arms as you two both sleep at night
this avoidant attachment style will, however, probably go when you two start dating, since in dating you rafayel has probably decided to let you into his heart and whole heartedly trusts you now :)
if rafayel accidentally makes you jealous, depending on the severity (again) here’s what he’d do
if it was a simple thing (such as spending too much time with the shakes idk something more tame) he’d definitely tease you
“Awwh cutie? Getting jealous of the sharks? Don’t worry, I prefer you over them any day.”
he’ll have this smug ass grin that pisses you off, as much as it makes you love him too
rafayel will give you more hugs and gifts than usual for a while after, claiming it’s ‘nothing’ and that you’re ’hallucinating things’ when you ask what he’s doing
really he’s apologising, but you don’t need to know that
if he made you really jealous/upset he’ll make is extremely clear to you that he belongs to you, his heart and will is yours
will become more clingy and affectionate with you (not that he does it on purpose infact he’s only showing his true desires more), forever. like, you get jealous? don’t worry, literally for the rest of your life you’ll know that rafayel is head-over-heels for you.
tldr: he needs a hug :( also i ended up writing way more than intended but im a rafayel lover, writer and if he has no stans left im dead
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here he is, the most jealous and arguably possessive man in lnd.
xavier tries to hide it, but everyone knows that he’s yours, without a shadow of a doubt
we all saw what happened with jeremiah, don’t make me pull out the receipts LOL. like jeremiah was just happy to finally see the girl xavier was lining over for centuries and xavier was already losing his shit 😭
literally anyone talking to you too affectionately will tick him off, but xavier’s too sly to make it obvious
you’re talking to a doctor (cough zayne) ? xavier brings up some sort of old medicine they don’t or asks about their speciality so you stop talking to them
talking to a protocore specialist? he’ll all of a sudden be holding a textbook worthy protocore, worth the poor persons whole shop
a florist? he’s pointing at every flower and naming them, both common and scientific name.
“Oh [Y/N], look at that flower. I believe it’s called a Lonicera periclymenum?”
*turns to face the clearly shocked and flustered florist with a polite smile*
“Well, maybe you know it as a honeysuckle, is that correct?”
after living for so long he’s learnt many things, and boy does he use it to his advantage
when xavier gets jealous, he doesn’t expect anything from you, no no, this man is a service boyfriend if i’ve ever seen one, he was MADE to please you
rather than thinking “oh you don’t like me anymore i’m so upset“ he thinks “i need to serve and show you i’m yours.”
do you like sweet things? he’s buying you chocolates of all kinds, if that’s not your jam he’s got pastries, or candy, or fresh fruit, maybe everything in a little gift box
prefer savoury foods? he’ll cook you a meal that he knows you like (even if you don’t trust the food) he’ll practice making it until you like it
if you talk about another person when you’re one on one with him, he’ll do little things to get your attention, maybe bite your finger softly or tuck hair behind your ear, little fleeting touches and such
cheeky little grins and conversational diversions such as 'Oh? What about you, how did you do in the exam?' or 'What were you buying in the supermarket?' - more ways of saying "i'm yours, don't forget"
but if you wanted to reassure xavier, physical affections such as cuddling and kisses can win him over
nap with him for a few nights (really he forgave you the first night, he just pretended to be grumpy with you for a while longer for more naps) and he’ll be satisfied (for now)
“Come cuddle with me starlight, I’ve still not forgiven you.”
(he’s lying, he forgave you like a week ago)
likes it when you play with his hair when you two cuddle - now this makes me want to write abt how the men cuddle lol
if he accidentally makes you jealous it’d probably be when the two of you are on a mission and he flirts with another woman to easily progress through a mission
the two of you are in the hotel room and you’re sulking in the bed, turning away from him and clearly displeased
xavier knows you’re jealous, and can only huff out an amused breath - he doesn’t like that you’re feeling bad but he’s happy that you’re jealous… means you like him as much as he likes you!
he gently walks over to the bed, shifting onto the duvet beside you and reaches out to touch your shoulder - making sure you’re okay with him touching you
if you let him, he’ll lie down next to you and slowly wrap his arms around you, spooning you from behind as he slowly kisses the top of your head
slipping your shirt down to just below your shoulder, he gives the skin of your back gentle kisses as he apologises
“I’m sorry, it was for the mission. I’ve only ever loved you, so please don’t be angry.”
and then he nuzzled into your back until you finally cave in, twisting around and hugging him back.
he’ll be seriously apologetic about it though, and in the future avoid such intimate forms of gathering information even *if* you told him it was okay
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AN; i got way too carried away with rafayel ANYWAYS hope you enjoy and now i want to write smaller hcs on how the men cuddle lolol
also this isn’t proofread no beta we die like caleb ig
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ink-n-shadow · 8 days
i saw this post about types "talking you through your orgasms" and i had to discuss the types that the 141 men would be. i couldn't stop myself
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[ TALKING YOU THROUGH IT ] 𝜗𝜚 the one about how the CoD men talk you through your orgasms
𝜗𝜚 characters: john price, kyle "gaz" garrick, john "soap" mactavish, simon "ghost" riley (reader is gender neutral) 𝜗𝜚 cw: smut (minors—DNI), praise kink, dirty talk, slightly mean!simon, unedited 𝜗𝜚 a/n: lmk how we feel about the slightly different format (i'm still making edits but)
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john price is definitely cooing softly in your ear about just how pretty you look, just how sweet your hole looks stretched out on three of his thick fingers, just how beautiful you look with drool slicking down your chin and unshed tears clinging to your lashes. “fuck, jus’ look at ya, doll—so fuckin’ pretty all split open on my hand, yeah? no, don't close yer thighs when ya come—wanna see how pretty y'look when ya tighten up 'round my fingers." doesn’t stop praising you or blabbering on about how pretty you look even after his softening cock slips out from between your thighs, his spend tricking out of your used hole and your tearstained face hidden away in the crook of his neck.
kyle garrick is the giggling kind, nose buried deep in the hair at your temple and his lips curled up into a smarmy grin as the rough pads of his fingers glide across the slick, molten flesh of your arousal with practiced ease. "feels good, yeah? got your legs just right tremblin', 'nd I've barely even started, sweetheart. shhh, shhh—'m only teasin', baby. tell me how good it feels." and he's totally the type to make you keep talking as he bullies his fingers into your heat, stopping every single time your words jumble together and your whiny moans begin to overpower your coherence. "keep talkin'—y'don't want me to stop, do you? s'what i thought—go on, then. what were you saying about my fingers hitting something just right?"
johnny mactavish is the condescending kind, azure eyes focusing on the way your eyes slowly cross as another orgasm ravages your nerve-endings and makes a scoff fall from his lips. "again, birdie? dinnae think y'had it in ya—how many's tha'? three, right?" but he's not slowling the pace of his thick fingers as they continue practically carving out your insides, fingertips mashing against that one spot that had your brain melting out your ears and moans slipping off your tongue. even the kiss he leaves against your forehead seems condescending, a knowing grin on his face as he feels your gooey insides gripping onto his fingers tighter. "yeah, tha's right—gimme a fourth. y'can do it, birdie—then i'll fuck my cock into ya, i promise."
simon riley is the (sometimes, not all the time) degrading kind, honeyed eyes meeting yours in the mirror in front of your bed as he forces you to watch the way his fingers disappear between your slick thighs. "look at tha', pet—greedy fuckin' hole, innit? already got three fingers 'nd you're practically beggin' for more, huh?" you would've answered him if he hadn't have stuffed your underwear between your lips, your eyes fighting to stay opened as your toes begin curling in the impending crest of your high—only for simon to rip his fingers from your fluttering hole, instead shoving the lube-covered fingers into your mouth until his middle finger brushes the back of your throat and the underwear slips out amongst the gagging. "didn't say y'could cum, did i? no (shaking your head for you with his fingers still buried in the back of your throat), don't think i did. knew you were a greedy lil thing—c'mere, be a good pet and suck me off."
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lovegasmic · 2 months
Hey , happy to see your requests are open 😇
Could u write something about Reader accidentally moans her ficational bf name during making out with sukuna and he get all feral and jealous and then he shows her who is her actual bf ? 🫣🔥
Mabye sukuna in his true form ?
𖥔  ──── sukuna reminding you who's your actual bf ‹3 . f!reader, true form sukuna but none of the other characters exist, basically alternative universe, jealous, rough mean sex, size kink, very brief spanking.
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you hated to admit that having spent multiple hours scrolling through your phone, double tapping on each edit from that one popular anime character, Gojo Satoru got you hot and bothered. not as if you liked that white haired dude more than your boyfriend, that never, but he had some certain appeal that made your tummy flip, but pfft, it was just a pixel.
Sukuna never questioned your actions, used to having you quietly walk into the living room, plop a knee on the soft couch between his legs where he sat across the surface, and have your lips on his, eager and sloppy with how his tongue immediately seeks entry in your mouth, huge hands on your waist and pulling you down against his chest.
it’s so easy how you melt against his gigantic form, hands on his waist, while Sukuna’s upper pair cup your neck, the other your hips and the tongue in his belly lazily sliding under the hem of your shirt, “mm, Satoru...”
and you stop, just like that, and in the blink of an eye, your boyfriend’s hand grips your chin, tugging your head up to meet his narrowed eyes and evil smirk, oh you’re in big, big trouble.
sometimes when you repeat a word multiple times it starts to lose its coherent meaning, coming out babbled and slurred, that’s what happened with ‘Sukuna’
“S’k-unaa..! m’sorry...!” you squeak for what it seemed like the nth time, words punched out along with your breathing due to every smack of Sukuna’s hips against your soft ass, eyes crossed and drool seeping past your lips.
a sharp smack lands on your ass and you tighten around the cock abusing your g-spot, “say it again, brat” he huffs, having a hand under your chin, the other on your shoulder and both remaining arching your sexy back to reach deeper into your cunt, forcing your walls to suck him deeper at the angle with your belly against the couch, “say it until you remember who’s fucking you good, who makes you cream on this cock” another sharp slap and you gush.
“ca-can...’t” you huff with eyes blurred, ‘i can’t breathe’ is what you attempt to babble.
and Sukuna couldn’t care less, “yes you can, you’ll keep taking this cock until I say so” his voice is rough and mean, right against your ear with his chest against your back, the tongue on his belly licking the skin above your ass. the angle and position sliding his cock impossibly deeper, making you squeak and sob dumbly, his whole immense body basically engulfing you, keeping you helpless under his intense thrusting.
the ring of cream at the base of his shaft, plus the way his cock plunges and drags copious amounts of slick out of your hole just add to the mess on your thighs, and increasing the lewd sound of your juices overflowing and smacking against his pelvis, so messy, so sticky that your brain shuts down.
“keep saying my name, brat, until your pretty little head remembers who is your only man”
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l0v3tast3 · 1 year
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keegan saves you from certain death in an active warzone. after some time of being stuck in the same safehouse, he helps you let down your guard.
✎ tags: mdni! nsft, fem!reader, keegan's kinda icky in this, he calls you "kid" among other pet names, unprotected s3x, dirty talk, this is pure smut, loss of virginity
✎ word count: 1.7k words (not proofread)
✎ author's note: this has been sitting in my drafts for quite a bit lol i don't think it's my best work but i wanted to write something for keegan cuz edits of him took over my fyp for awhile (/// ̄  ̄///)
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"don't run."
keegan's impressed with you. just a few hours ago, you were so twitchy, eyes flitting every which way and muscles endlessly tensed. the gunfire he'd saved you from had you on constant high alert for days in the safehouse you were both holed up in.
now, you couldn't care less about your surroundings. not when he's sinking his cock into you centimeter by centimeter. the stretch stings, your body and your instincts clashing in wanting to buck your hips into his and wanting to squirm further up the bed. the hour that keegan spent working his tongue against your clit still wasn't enough, apparently.
"c'mon kid, you can take it," he breathes, right into your neck before he sinks his teeth in.
keegan's canines make you whimper and turn your head away, but it helps to distract you from the burning. you really didn't think his dick would fit in you- he told you not to worry about that.
your hands being pinned against the spring mattress is disguised as sweet as he intertwines his coarse fingers with yours. you know he's holding you down with that and his own weight over you to keep you from getting away. he knows you won't even try it, but he's just making sure.
"almost there, princess- doin' so good." more and more gravel grates in his voice the deeper he presses into you, while your voice gets whinier in a way he wants to hear so much more of.
your grip on his hands gets tighter when you realize that his dick isn't all the way in yet. you already feel so full, like your organs are being pushed to the sidelines to make more room for him. tears prick the corners of your eyes from the overwhelming feeling and keegan's lips spread into a bit of a grin when he sees them.
his hands were already getting harsh by the time you told him you'd never had sex. the hold he had on you had just gotten tighter, he'd kissed you rougher and promised that he would take such good care of you.
and he is, keegan would like to think, even when he pushes the last couple inches in much faster than the rest- he just can't help it when your little pussy is wrapping around him so tight and your breath is getting so shaky.
"ah-! kee-gan! haa- please-" you hiccup, brain matter practically melting out of your ears. the plea is a mix of wanting him to stay still and to start moving- you can't think well enough to figure out which option would overstimulate you more.
"aww- hah, see baby? told ya it would all fit- see, it's all here-" keegan's hand pulls yours down between your legs folded over his shoulders to press it down against your lower stomach. a cry pushes off of your tongue at the multiplied pressure. "fuck, gonna have to take you home with me, kid- this cunt was made for me."
the thought of keegan lifting your hips up and pressing his cock into you whenever he wants makes the little air you managed to get leave you lungs quick. if it means you get to feel this lava crawling through your veins again, you'd sit on his lap during the flight back home.
"yeah? hah, you want that? want me to take you with me? sweet girl- don't know what you're in for," he laughs. keegan's starting to creep his hips back, dragging his dick out of you until only the tip remained before he pushes back in a little bit faster.
"plea- mm, please- keegan, slo-w-" it's all you can do to choke out the bare minimum of your sentence when he's picking up the pace.
"what, you want me to slow down?" his patronizing tone is barely hidden. "you were doin' so well, where'd that go?"
keegan doesn't slow down but he stays at the same pace. there's some relief when he lets his hand up from your belly- he lets you regain control of the one hand and you use it to dig your nails into his forearm. you feel him cup the side of your face and he leans down until you're nose-to-nose. he looks smug.
"startin' to like it now, hm? y'just gotta listen to me, princess- i know just how to take care of you."
you know he's berating you for being nervous, but he is starting to become something you'll get addicted to. every time he bullies his cock back into you makes you believe him, believe that he knows what's best.
it's a losing battle trying to respond to him coherently. instead of wasting the little energy your body held onto, you tighten your legs around his waist and mash your lips against his. keegan groans into the sloppy kiss, hand moving to the back of your head to press you further into him.
he would swear that it's unintentional but his hips start smacking against yours, the sound evidence enough of how wet he'd made you. the hand still pinned against the bed is released in favor of grabbing your plush thigh. your knee is brought close to your face and you nearly wail.
"see? hah, what did i tell you?"
keegan's sighed words go straight over your head- he doesn't like that. he snakes his hand around and it grips your jaw, making your hazy eyes move to his.
sweat makes his face shine and his lips are cherry red; keegan's mussed hair and heavy gaze help to make him look almost as wrecked as you are. he leans over you until you can see the satisfaction of control in his eyes.
"what did i tell you?" he repeats. it's slower, demanding- enough to make you open your mouth against his hand.
as soon as you try to make a sound other than garbled moans and whines, keegan slams his hips into yours and keeps them there. the head of his cock grinds into your cervix and you choke on your air, nails drawing blood in his arms, eyes rolling back into your emptied head.
you feel the hand on your jaw jostle you a bit while he whispers patronizing sympathy, "hey, hey, stay with me kid," and "you can take me, princess, bein' such a good girl."
he keeps grinding deep into you, pressing your leg further into your chest- all your whimpers and strained pleas makes keegan's ego visibly inflate. it's something he knows he's already addicted to.
a spit out "fuck" leaves his mouth before he leans back up and effortlessly flips you over before you can even whine. it's no problem for keegan that you're body feels like it's made of jelly; you hips are hoisted up to meet his as he kneels behind you, already pushing his cock back into you.
it feels so different, like he's in your lungs now, your throat and your head. every bit of him invading every bit of you. you barely feel his hand drifting up your spine, until he reaches the back of your neck and pushes the side of your face into the mattress. when you strain your neck you can see his smile.
you cum in the span of the next few minutes, body shaking and back arching while keegan fucks you hard enough to push you up the mattress. he's groaning, muttering out more praises, how tight you are around him, how pretty you look like this, how he'll never get tired of this.
keegan slows down as the white-hot pleasure cools off inside of you. collapsing fully into the mattress, he huffs a laugh and pulls away, smacking your ass before he sits beside you against the headboard.
muscles slowly relax while you lay content- that is until about ten seconds later when keegan easily hoists you up onto his lap. once he has you situated, he lifts you up to line up the head of his cock again. he leans in close until his lips are brushing against yours. every time you try to close the tiny gap, he pulls his head back.
"ah-! you di- mmh- you didn't-?" you stutter as he pulls you down with one hand, the other wrapping around your back to press your chests together. fog still covered your brain, slow to clear; you're surprised when his stamina supersedes what you generally heard about men in the past.
he leans his head back as your hips meet again, a deep moan pulled from his chest. "shit, kid- so fuckin' tight still-" he grits out, already thrusting up into you. a whiny yelp escapes your lips before you're hanging onto his shoulders as he bounces you up and down, meeting you halfway every time.
sparks crackle in your stomach, your nerves still overly sensitive, and before you can even recover from the last orgasm you're about to cum again. he ignores your half-spoken question in favor of watching your tits bounce and groaning filthy words.
the last straw that breaks the flood in you is when he leans you back against his bent knees to fuck into you harder. you lose awareness of everything except him. keegan's keeping you grounded with his hands on you while he makes you feel so weightless, helpless against the pleasure he causes.
a growled "fuck-" is the only warning you get before keegan pulls you tight against him and buries his cock into you to grind into your cervix again. his hips stutter and his body goes taut while he chokes out moans in your ear. weak whimpers still come out of you every little bit, only serving to make his nails dig into your soft skin harder.
"fuck..." he repeats, a calm sigh this time. he lifts his head from your shoulder and takes your face in his hands. "fuck, baby, you're comin' home with me."
keegan kisses you and you kiss him back in agreement.
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(ノ´ヮ`)ノ*: ・゚ likes, comments n reblogs are always appreciated!!
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spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 4 months
Orange Blossoms
Pairing: Buck x Y/N
Word Count: mmmmm I forgot to check and I’m lazy
Notes: Lets see if I actually write this!! I’m literally in the middle of Strawberries and Cream rn, it’s 5/15/24 (now) and I’m just…. Testing the waters with releasing the first chapter P.S I DID NOT EDIT THIS BEFORE POSTING I HATE MYSELF IM DOING IT RN
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Chapter 1: Eddie is a Traitor
It was just supposed to be a normal Thursday. Go to work, fight some fires, harass Eddie, go home. Do it all over again the next day. That’s how it was every day and he liked it. Especially the people he worked with, that was his family. 
He’s putting on a different work shirt when he looks up, a girl is standing there with her back to him holding a helmet in her hands. It’s sleek and pink. It’s got the most adorable cat ears on it too. He’s gotta take another look at it. As he walks she turns around, her hair flying over her shoulder. 
It’s like he can hear wedding bells going off in his brain. He shortcircuits immediately as she starts walking towards him. He can hear the soft thud of her shoes, he’s surprised he thought angels had wings. She smiles pleasantly at him, the California sun creating a little halo behind her. Or he’s having a stroke he can’t tell. 
“Hi I’m-” He sticks his hand out and Bobby suddenly steps in front of him 
“No, you aren’t” 
He knew that look. “Come on honey, I’ll introduce you to the others” you waved shyly at Buck as Bobby turned you around by your shoulders and steered you upstairs
Buck stood there, his hand still out as he watched Bobby march you up to Hen and Chimney. You giggled a little at the top of the stairs when you saw him still staring, a dumb look on his face
“You good?” Eddie gave him a high five as he walked by and Buck blinked slowly 
“I think I’m in love” 
Eddie snorted and bumped his side, pushing him out of the way so he could get to his locker 
“Isn’t that like the fourth time this month you’ve said that? Who was it this time” 
He melted on the spot, sighing dreamily and tilting his head to the side 
Eddie looked at him expectantly 
“It’s uh…”
Eddie put his head against his locker, snickering into the metal 
“You don’t remember?”
“I don’t think she said. I don’t think she had the chance” 
“Why wouldn’t she have had the chance?” 
“Bobby took her upstairs” 
Eddie turned to look at him again. “Are you talking about a girl, about this tall” he holds his hand up midway to his chest “curly pink hair? Skin tanned to the gods” 
“That’s my angel”
“Dude. That’s Athena’s niece” 
It’s like he gets hit by a train and his entire world comes crashing down and really what even was the point in living anymore if he couldn’t have you? He might as well do a sweet flip off a cliff. At least he could go out in a cool way 
“You do know how to backflip,” Eddie says as he shuts his locker 
“Huh?” Buck looks at him now, a little dazed. A weird look on his face
“You were spiraling right? Because you think your life is over now” 
“My life is over now!” 
“No, it’s not.” He takes him by the arm and jogs upstairs, tapping the railing when they get up there. It catches your attention and you turn your head, your hands clasped sweetly in front of you.
Honestly, everything about you was sweet. From your soft pink hair, down to the white platform boots you had on. He liked the purple plaid skirt you had on. With a little purple beret and the matching purple cardigan. You looked like a doll, a very sweet, very cute, doll. God, you were too sweet for him 
“Oh my god. Evan!” His name is shouted at him and he flinches back. Your hand is out towards him, and Eddie is standing behind you with his hands on your shoulders. Bobby has his arms crossed over his chest and Hen and Chim are looking at each other 
“I said this is Y/N” Eddie sounds stressed and that makes Buck blush. He’d gotten lost in you all over again. 
“Oh-oh. Uh Hi I’m, Bevan- no shit Barkley no-no god. Buck. I’m- my name is Evan I- I go by Buck. Hi.”
You’re giggling as he stumbles over his words and god he wishes you wouldn’t do that, it just sounds so cute and you’re making him flustered. Fuck usually he’s so smooth and flirty, what the hell gives??
“Hi Evan” You smile up at him and he swears he’s never seen anything or anyone so pretty 
“You have pretty teeth,” He says dreamily as he’s shaking your hand. Eddie curses under his breath and you laugh, still shaking his hand 
“T-thank you? Um. I brush twice a day!” 
“Oh it shows!! it- it shows. You know that you uh-you take care of yourself and I mean- I could have said I liked your nail polish cause I do!!…it matches your clothes but no! No… I had to- I had to say your teeth” 
You cover your mouth, trying to keep from laughing any harder. He’s so flustered and his cheeks are so pink and you feel a little bad. And he’s literally still shaking your hand. Eddie pulls your hand from his and slaps Buck’s down, giving him a “wtf” look over your head. Buck clears his throat and shoves his hands in his pockets 
“Well! I gotta go fill the truck! You know gotta make it all nice and full of stuff that we need I’m just. I’m gonna go” He points down the stairs and goes running, you wave awkwardly at his retreating figure with a little smile on your face 
“Uh bye! It was nice meeting you!!”
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Buck walks out of the station, dumping the bucket of water out onto the pavement. He hadn’t seen you for most of the day and he was glad. 
Okay not that glad, he wanted to stare at you all day, but at least he wasn’t acting like a dumbass anymore 
“Sabrina Carpenter was right. I cannot find my chill. God her teeth?! Seriously??” He mutters to himself as he watches the water soak into the ground. 
“Talking to yourself?” 
You ask as you walk towards him, he spins around watching you walk over. God, even the way you walked, with all the confidence in the world was sexy as hell. 
“Yeah” his voice cracks and you giggle when he lets his head fall back in embarrassment. Fuck was he actually 15 again 
“Whatcha talkin' about?” He notices you’ve got a white mini backpack. It’s cute. God of course it matches your outfit
“Oh you know, your teeth” He visibly cringes and you slap your hand over your mouth trying to control your laughter 
“Oh come on it wasn’t that bad” 
“Yes. Yes, it was. You’re just being nice” 
“I think it was a genuine compliment!” you protest as you stop in front of him. You’re so much shorter than he is, he just wants to put his hand on your head and ruffle your hair. He bets you’d hate that, but god it would be cute 
“It was. A stupid one, but you know, you do have pretty teeth…and nails!” He smiles at you, his cheeks are pink and he’s flustered again but he’s outside and the sun is shining down on you and you’re glowing 
“You have pretty teeth too,” You tell him, smiling and giving him a little wink “and a cute butt!” 
His mouth drops as you walk past him with a smug little smirk “There! Now we both said something embarrassing!” 
He watches you walk over to a pink motorcycle. It’s sexy and sleek and clearly customized. He watches you climb on and start to put on your helmet 
“That’s yours?!” He asks as he jogs over. It’s a little big for you, but you obviously know what you’re doing 
“Of course it is, what do you think?”
“Uh I think I want to be a passenger Princess one day that’s for damn sure” He gives your helmet a little tap with his knuckles 
“Hope you have two of those” 
You giggle and pick a couple pieces of fuzz from the inside of it and toss them aside 
“Actually my white one is coming in today! Maybe I can come pick you up from work sometime and we can mess around” 
“Really? That sounds so cool! He says, he’s forgotten a lot of his nerves now. Now you’re just a pretty girl on a pretty bike 
“Yeah here, gimme your phone!” 
He takes his phone from his pocket and you add your number, you hand it back and flip your hair over your shoulder 
“Here, take a contact photo of me while I look cool” 
He laughs and takes a few steps back while you put your helmet on and do a cute little pose, your head tilted with peace signs 
He snaps the photo and sets it, and then he secretly sets it as his wallpaper too. He gives you a thumbs up and you make a call me sign. He fumbles his phone for a second before calling you 
“You look so freaking cool” He says as soon as you answer, his cheeks flushing again.
“Why thank you”you giggle “Send me a picture of you later so I can have a contact photo for you!” 
“Oh yeah okay sure! Uh-yeah” 
“Can you do me one more favor?” 
“Anything” He says it way too fast 
“I forgot to get Eddie’s number, he invited me for drinks tonight but Uncle Bobby pulled me away too fast to get his number” you’re rolling your eyes at Bobby as Buck’s heart is shattering 
“Uh. Yeah. Yeah sure I can do that. I’ll send it now…I gotta go finish mopping, I’ll see you whenever I suppose. Uh- Bye”
He hangs up before you can say anything and he awkwardly waves bye before running back into the station. He can hear your bike start up, he doesn’t stop hiding behind the doors until he hears you leave. 
He’s not sending that number. 
Okay yes he is because he said he’d do anything but he’s gonna kill Eddie first so you two can’t go out. 
He mopes all the way upstairs, stomping his feet until he gets over to the comfy chairs and flops down in it. He sinks down far into the seat and crossing his arms over his chest. He’s not talking to Eddie for as long as he lives 
“Hey man you got a second” 
He turns away and curls up his legs. He barely fits in the chair anymore and Eddie chuckles 
“You poutin’?” Eddie pokes at his thigh
“Okay. Anyway have you seen Y/N I need to talk to her”
Eddie raises an eyebrow, walking over to stand in front of Buck 
“Hey what’s goin on buddy?” His voice is softer this time, worried that something happened to him. 
Buck tries to curl up even tighter but this chair was not built for a man his size throwing a tantrum 
“Buck come on just tell me what’s going on, please?”
“Leave me alone, Judas” 
Eddie’s mouth pops open and he whacks his legs “What did I do?!” 
“I said I didn’t wanna talk about it!” He snaps and Eddie rolls his eyes, he pulls Bucks legs and they fall easily. Now he’s just weirdly slumped and still not moving 
“Buck. Just talk to me, you big fat baby” 
“Why? So you can call your girlfriend?!” He gives him double middle fingers 
“What girlfriend?!” Eddie asks, his eyes squinting 
“Y/N! She wanted me to send her your number!” 
“And have you?”
“No,, I hate you”
“Can you just do it?” 
“Can your mom just do it” 
“Okay you know what-“ Eddie attacks Buck, tickling his sides and Buck shrieks, falling off the chair and laughing as he and Eddie tumble to the floor, Eddie rips his phone from his pocket and opens it
“Oh my god does she know you made her your screensaver?”
He pins Buck and sends you his number, Buck fights his way from Eddie’s hold and punches him in the side, it’s not hard at all but knocks him off 
“How dare you tickle attack me Edmundo Diaz! I thought we were friends”
“You called me Judas!”
“Because you are!!” 
“No I'm not! Asshat! You didn’t even let me talk you just hated me!”
“Yeah because you asked my girl on a date!”
“She’s literally not your girl?? And also it’s not a date dumbass! I was going to ask you if you could come and if not reschedule with her! So you could have some time with her, and I could cover for you sounding like an idiot” 
Buck gasps and slaps his cheeks, his eyes huge 
“Eddieee” he whines and Eddie rolls his eyes, getting off the floor, Buck stands up with him and jumps on him, wrapping his arms and legs around him like a koala. He nearly knocks them over again
“You did that for meee?” 
“I will drop your ass over the railing” 
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Buck isn’t sure what to wear so he brings a small mountain of clothes over to Eddie’s house in the form of a large suitcase. He heaves it onto Eddie’s bed and it pops open easily when he unzips it 
“Do you know what she’s wearing?” Buck asks as he watches Eddie go through the suitcase 
“No…” he mumbles distractedly as he sets aside a couple of shirts “But I can call her” 
“Does she know I’m coming?” He twiddles his thumbs nervously, chewing his bottom lip. Eddie flicks his cheek and he stops, frowning at him 
“Yeah she knows. But if you call her it’ll seem like you want to match”
“But if you call her it’ll seem like I asked you to ask for me” 
“Damn you’ve got a point” Eddie sighs, holding the edge of the suitcase 
“Is it just the three of us tonight?” 
“Yeah…but I’ve got an idea” Eddie grabs his phone and texts Hen. He and Buck spend a few minutes going through the suitcase and organizing it before she calls 
“Let me get this straight,” She says on speaker “You want me to pretend like I’m coming for drinks tonight, to find out what color Y/N is wearing so Buck can match her? And then I say oh Karen wanted to go on a date instead whoops can’t make it”
“Yes,” They say in unison 
“...I’ll call you back” 
Buck fist pumps and Eddie chuckles at him 
“You really wanna impress her huh?”
“You know she said I could ride on her motorcycle?” Buck falls back on the bed, holding a pillow tightly to his chest
“Oh god she was so sexy when she got on that bike Eddie, I swear to god I nearly creamed my pants”
“She looked so, so badass. Which is crazy considering what she was wearing because at first I thought she looked like a doll you know-“
“Buck?” Eddie stares at his phone 
“-And she still looked like a doll even on the bike but she went from a super cute doll to a-
“Buck” he looks up at him, waving his phone in front of his face
“-Super sexy doll. You know what I mean? God, she’s so versatile”
His phone pings and he picks it up “I wonder what she’s gonna-” He stares at the picture Eddie just sent him. You’re standing in front of a mirror with your little peace sign. You’ve got a black mini skirt on with a high slit on the thigh, a black strappy tank top with a corset front and a set of black platform boots. There’s a leather jacket hanging over your arm and a black heart shaped purse. 
“Hen says she said she’s just gotta accessorize and then she’s done” Eddie’s voice is quiet, his jaw would still be on the floor if Buck’s wasn’t already. He starts going through the suitcase, trying to find something. Buck has good options. It’s just hard to be on your level. But they’re both gonna damn well try. 
“I- I think I-“ 
“Buck I swear to god if you creamed your pants I’m gonna throw up”
They show up “fashionably late” to the bar. But really it’s just because after Buck finally recovered he changed at least seven times before they finally decided on the right outfit. He’s wearing a tight fitting black button down with a few of the buttons undone, because Eddie says it showcases his muscles the best and because having the sleeves quartered drives the ladies crazy. He’s got dark black jeans on and his work shoes, which are shined to the gods because in his rush to grab clothes he did not grab shoes. 
They walk in together, with Eddie purposely wearing a little bit of a loser fitting and more relaxed kind of outfit, nice blue jeans, and a flannel. He wore his work shoes so it looks like they rushed but also didn’t rush. Effortlessly putting together a flawless outfit. 
Nailed it. 
“You think she’ll be mad we’re late” Buck’s voice cracks again and Eddie snorts 
“No, she seemed perfectly fine. She’s over there” He points to the booth where you’re sitting, sipping on a fruity-looking drink. 
He leads Buck over, they practiced this so Buck could sort of be revealed. It made sense when they did it at home 
“Hey Y/N! Sorry we’re late” Eddie slides in on the opposite side of the booth and takes off his coat, putting it next to him so Buck is forced to sit by you…oh yeah it’s all going to plan 
“Oh it’s okay! I was a little late myself so it all worked out!” You scoot over a little, patting the bench next to you. He doesn’t miss the way your eyes roll over his body, you bite your lip a little and look away, feeling your cheeks get hot 
“You guys picked a cool place” you clear your throat as Buck sits next to you, putting his arm on the back of the booth to get comfy. He smells good, like the ocean and summer and a little smokey and god does he look good too. 
“Actually it was Bucks's idea. You know what I’ll be right back, I’m just gonna order our drinks at the bar and bring them over” Eddie excuses himself, and the two of you are left alone. You turn your body to face Buck’s, and now it’s his turn for his eyes to roam over your body. You looked stunning in the picture but in person? That was a whole other ball game. 
“You uh- you look pretty Y/N. It’s a really different style from earlier” 
Your cheeks flush and you smile at him a bit shyly “Thanks, I like to wear a lot of different styles actually! It’s fun!” You scoot a little closer to him now, your knees touching 
“You look super good to you know, you um-you clean up pretty well” 
His heart is practically beating out of his chest as he watches you reach for your drink, taking a long slow sip. He notices your hands trembling and frowns 
“Hey, are you okay?” He takes your hands, holding them gently “You’re shaking”
“Uh- I’m, I’m good I’m- I’m so” you pull your hands away quickly and reach for your drink again, he pushes it away a little and hooks your chin with his finger, making you look up at him. He’s staring into your eyes, but he looks worried as his firefighter's brain turns on 
“Have you eaten anything? Your drink seems a little strong for an empty stomach, maybe I should go order you something”
You put your hands on his chest to make him sit back down “No! No that’s okay I’m fine! Uh- I’m- okay” you take a deep breath “Can I be honest with you?” 
“You can tell me anything Y/N. I’m here for you” he turns your palms and kisses them before holding them to his chest to warm them up. 
“Y-you’re making me nervous” you gulp and his eyes widen, his cheeks flush and he lets go of your hands 
You cringe and he chuckles, scooting closer to you and putting his arm over your shoulders. His scent is intoxicating as it washes over you, the close proximity not helping the tiny buzz you’re getting. 
“So what you’re saying is…I have pretty teeth” 
You laugh loudly, your head falling back against his arm and you smack your hand over your mouth. He leans into your neck laughing with you and giving you a sweet kiss on your cheek 
“Maybe I’ll make you flustered now” He winks and you roll your eyes, the light blush on your cheeks giving you away. 
“You made me flustered when I met you this afternoon. You were just too in your head to notice. I could barely talk to you” 
“I wish you’d made me shy like you were. But instead, you just make me stupid” 
You giggle and lean into him “Sorry about that” 
“S’okay doll, we ended up here together anyway right?” 
Eddie comes back over with a tray, he’s got two drinks and a basket of cheese curds
“Hope you’re not lactose intolerant” he jokes and hands Buck his drink 
“No actually, couldn’t keep me away from cheese even if I was though. Especially fried cheese” 
Buck takes one from the basket and holds it up to your lips
“Let’s soak up some of that alcohol” he watches the way your lips part and your tongue comes out to accept the bite…he can just imagine it wrapped around something else other than a delicious cheese curd. He grunts and turns his head away when he feels Eddie kick him under the table for staring. He knows Eddie knows exactly what he was thinking 
The rest of the night carries on wonderfully, you get to know both men as they tell stories about each other, trying to one up the other and it’s funny as hell. You’re hanging off of Buck by the end of the night just trying to keep yourself from getting kicked from the bar for how loudly you’re laughing. Eddie is laid on the seat, snorting into his coat and Buck is holding onto you tightly as he makes no sounds, trying to start breathing again. 
Eventually you all catch your breath, and just lay there for a bit, still giggling. It’s amazing you’re the only one that’s slightly tipsy, the other two are just idiots and that makes you giggle more. Especially Eddie who was the designated driver. Buck gets up from the booth, helping you up. He catches you as you stumble into his chest, his cheeks burn red when you look up at him, a playful little look in your eyes. He can practically see the little devil horns on your head 
Actually. He can. 
“Have you been wearing these all night??” He pats the little headband and Eddie falls back in his seat laughing again. You crash into Bucks's chest, your face smooshed against the soft material of his shirt as you laugh
“Buck that’s the 6th time you’ve asked that. They came with her drink, the specialty of the month. Devil MAY care?? Remember the one the bartender came up with” 
Buck and Eddie drop you off at Athena’s house and Buck walks you up to the door with his arm around you. He takes the keys from your hand and unlocks it for you before dropping them back in your open palm. He takes a few steps back and puts his hands in his pockets, you turn to look up at him, your hands clasped behind your back 
“I had so much fun tonight. Maybe we can do something else this week? If you’re not busy”
“With just me?” He teases “I’ll see if Eddie is free! Maybe we can go bowling or something” 
“If he’s not that’s okay- I mean. I wouldn’t mind being alone with you,” 
Oh Eddie is definitely not coming. 
“Alright Doll, sounds fun to me. I’ll call you and we can plan something with or without him” he wiggles his eyebrows as you giggle, and the way you giggle makes him want to kiss you. But he knows for a fact Athena’s got cameras. 
“Well, I uh- I should go…Eddie is probably gettin' tired. You know him, big ole sleepy guy” 
You shake your head, smiling at him “Yeah okay… I’ll see you soon?” 
“Yup…soon” He walks backward carefully, watching you stand there “Go on, get inside cutie”
Hopefully, the cameras didn’t have sound. 
You blush and give him that little wave of yours before turning around and going in 
“Night Buck..”
“Night Doll” 
He’s about to turn around when the door opens and you come running back out again, you pull him down to your height and kiss him on the cheek. 
He was stunned, to say the least. He melts for you, his body going all jellied and limp. He hurries down the walkway as soon as you’re in the house safe and sound. He’s definitely got a skip in his step as he dances his way back to the car. 
The next morning he’s just as happy as he was when he went to bed, he’s humming as he pours everyone a cup of coffee. Setting them all out on the table with the breakfast Eddie is setting out too. He’s just putting the silverware down when Bobby comes up the stairs, narrowing his eyes at him. 
“Did you call my niece “cutie”
Okay, so the cameras did have sound. 
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echo-rambles · 11 months
yours to keep
words: 1,728 tags: bang chan x f!reader, established relationship, fluff, kissing, attempt at humor. mentions of marriage. vague adhd!reader. notes: this is filled with nothing but fluff. tooth rotting fluff almost. I was feeling so incredibly soft for chan and I just had to get this out of my system. also the movie playing in the bg is absolutely kiki's delivery service.
You’ve refreshed the same three social media apps at least four different times each, falling into an incredibly boring spiral of doom scrolling, before you remember that if you’re bored enough you always have a boyfriend you can bother. It’s one of your favorite activities actually. Because he’s such a good sport about it. 
Shifting closer to him on the couch, you perch your chin on his shoulder, pressing close. He immediately leans into your touch, making a small little noise at your proximity. It makes your heart melt a little. 
For a few moments you silently watch him work. Clicking about on his laptop, pulling up various recording and editing programs, adding in and taking out bits of audio. You wonder what the track sounds like, but Chan has his big headphones secured to his head, so all you can do right now is imagine. 
It’s not completely silent. There’s a Studio Ghibli movie playing in the background that neither of you are watching, volume low enough to be nothing but white noise because you kind of extremely hate when there’s long stretches of absolutely no noise. It’s this weird thing your brain does; where it sort of feels all fuzzy and prickly if things are quiet for too long. 
Gently, you push one side of his headphones away from the ear closest to you. “Baby.” 
Chan hums in acknowledgement, but his attention is still focused entirely on his laptop. 
You’d be more annoyed if you weren’t so used to it by now. It’s kind of his job to be attached to it any second of the day that he’s not either preparing to perform or actively performing. Besides, you’re both sitting together and quietly enjoying each other's company while doing your own things and it’s kind of perfect. Except the thing you were working on has steadily lost your attention and now you want to ask your boyfriend a very important question. 
“On a scale of 1-10, how busy are you?” That’s not the question. It’s one of many lead up questions to accurately gauge how invested Chan is in his current project and how easy it will be to distract him. 
Another hum, and you watch his cursor rifle around in several different lists and menus. “Maybe a 6.7? Even 6 if I can find the specific snare I’m looking for in the next few minutes.” 
Below a 7 is promising. “So you can totally pause what you’re doing and give me like, five minutes?” 
Chan clicks around some more, and you recognize a little bit of what he’s doing. Going through the process of saving his progress before shutting his laptop entirely. “Actually, I can give you ten minutes.”
“You’re so generous.” You absolutely take that as your cue to crawl into his lap, taking the place of his computer as he places it somewhere safe off to the side. 
“I think I’ve been staring at the screen too long, my eyes are starting to rebel.” He groans, tipping his head back and scrubbing his palms over his face. 
Of course you still have that very important question to ask him, but he looks so soft and touchable and you really can’t help yourself. Moving his hands away, you lean in, pressing kisses to both of his cheeks, under each eye. To the tip of his nose, and even kissing his dimple when you feel him smile under your mouth. Using your hands to tilt his face, you kiss each side of his jaw. You move back up, placing a kiss to the curve of his forehead. 
Finally, finally, you kiss his mouth. He’s still smiling, but he kisses back happily. 
“Feel better?” 
He nods, eyes still closed. “I think your kisses might be magic.”
“Oh, they absolutely are.” You kiss him again simply because you can. It’s the sort of kiss that makes your bones all liquid and warm. A kiss you can feel in the roots of your teeth and the hinges of your jaw. It makes your stomach flutter, filled to the brim with colorful wings. 
It’s the type of kiss that almost makes you forget the question you wanted to ask him. 
“I actually have a very important question for you.” You declare, placing your hands firmly on his shoulders to try and keep him at arm's length. Lest you be drawn back into that mouth of his. 
Blinking up at you, breathing heavily and gaze a little dizzy, Chan nods. He mirrors the gesture, anchoring his hands at your hips. “Lay it on me, boss.” 
Settling into his lap, you try to ignore how stupidly wrecked he looks. You want to dive back in so badly, but you must stay strong, soldier. 
“If, for some unknown reason, you had to leave me to be with someone else, who would you choose?” 
That, at least, seems to sober him. Instead of looking soft and kiss-drunk, he comes back to himself, the gears behind his eyes starting to turn and grind together as he processes your insane question. 
You like to ask him things like this from time to time. Completely unprompted but thought provoking questions, because they really do feel important. You like to know these things. Not in a paranoid jealous sort of way. It’s all genuine curiosity. You just like to know.
“What kind of question is that? I don’t know. I can’t say I’ve ever thought about leaving you, or being with anyone else.” 
“That is the sweetest sentiment and I need you to know I’m feeling very warm and mushy over it, but it’s also incredibly boring.” 
“Wow, ok. I don’t know! Who would you choose?” He tries to throw the question back at you, but you’re ready. Of course you are; why would you even ask the question without having an answer of your own? 
It makes Chan laugh. It knocks its way out of him, causing him to lean to the side just a little bit with the force of it. “No hesitation!”
“No hesitation needed. He’s Seo Changbin.” 
Chan is still laughing. Little giggles as he nods along to your declaration. His fingers press into your waist, slipping between the hem of your shirt and your sweatpants, skin seeking skin. 
He didn’t ask for an explanation, but you have one. Because of course you do. “He’s the type of guy who would probably introduce himself as my boyfriend. Like, he’s the famous one, but I’m not his girlfriend. He’s my boyfriend. Does that make sense?”
“I hate to agree, but it absolutely does.”
“Right! Unfortunately I’m stuck with you.” You ignore his breathy wow, drawn out as he tries his best to not laugh again. “Because you’re the only person who plays into my jokes in the exact way that I enjoy.” 
You make sure to punctuate your explanation with a pout and shrug, truly playing into being overdramatic. Teasing him because it’s fun and easy and all he really does is smile so wide at you. The things you would do for that smile. 
He leans forward, close enough to place a quick kiss to the tip of your nose before he’s settling back into his seat. “Aw, I love you too.”
“Yeah, I guess I’m stupidly in love with you. It’s whatever.”
“Oh, absolutely.”
“Though,” You start, thoughtfully. “If I had to choose someone to get drunk married to in Vegas, I’d 100% no questions asked, pick Lino.”
Chan leans forward once again, into your space. The tilt of his brow and the line of his mouth spell out genuine concern, and it makes your insides twist up for the briefest of seconds. “Wait, what? Not me? But babe, I want to drunk marry you in Vegas so bad.” 
Ok, that makes you laugh. The weird little guilty knot immediately dissolves at his incredulous tone. “Absolutely not! We’re never getting drunk married in Vegas by some celebrity impersonator. Are you crazy?”
Well now he’s frowning. It makes you want to wrap him up in your arms and never let him go. Tuck him away safely in a spot behind your ribs, where no one can get to him and nothing can hurt him.
You’re smaller than him, not only because you’re shorter by a good few inches, but also in sheer mass and bulk. But you’d try your best. It’s probably a little morbid, and he’d absolutely give you a look if you ever mentioned it out loud. But it’s true nonetheless. 
You’d crack yourself open and rearrange everything if it meant you could fit him perfectly in the space next to your heart. 
Cradling his face in your hands, you make sure that he’s listening, tipping your head to meet his eyes and smoothing your thumb along the swell of his bottom lip. “We’d get sober married, on a beach or something, by one of our very good friends that got their license online!” 
Without missing a beat, Chan is nodding. “Seungmin.” 
“No question. He’d show up with a print out certificate from Ordained.com that he managed to get the night before.”
Chan’s eyes disappear as he laughs, and you press both of your thumbs into the apples of his cheeks as his smile transforms his face. There’s always something about the way Chan smiles that is contagious. Without fail you can’t help but smile too, scrunching up your nose and feeling your heart overflow with love. 
The things you would do for that smile. 
“Hold on. Did you just propose to me?” Chan asks, once his laughter has trickled off into intermittent giggling. You’re still holding his face, and his fingers have fully migrated up under your top to spread out along our back. 
You scoff, shaking your head. “No. We’re too young and you’re too busy for us to be married. Hell no. If anything I pre-proposed to you.”
“Aw, well I accept.”
“Good. We’d have a problem if you didn’t.” 
It’s his turn to pull you into a kiss. Both of your smiles pressing against each other. 
The credits of the movie neither of you were watching have started rolling, the familiar music washing over the both of you, and you could really spend the rest of the night here with him. The rest of the weekend. Maybe even the rest of your lives, some day.
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xdaddysprincessxx · 1 year
The Cabin in the Woods
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Dave York x f!reader
Dark fic/dead dove, kidnapping, Dave is mean, dub/noncon, piv (wrap your Willy kids!) light dick sucking, dick biting, no description of reader other than having a vagina and grabbable hair, cream pie, scary dark basements, uhh probs some other things I’m forgetting but bottom line: this is dark. Dave is not a nice guy. Enjoy!
Summary: it’s been a few days since your world was turned upside down. Running on pure adrenaline, you plan on getting loose and running as far away as you can but can you outrun your kidnapper? Do you even want too?
A/n : yeaaa this is my first fic(?) idk I wrote this on my phone, purely horny brain rot for my suburban murder daddy. Not edited or beta’d. The more I look at this the more I hate it and feel like it doesn’t read well but in the words of the loml @toxicanonymity fuck it we ball
Your daily life has always been mundane. Predictable. Comfortable. You work, go home to a studio apartment just a few blocks from your office, every other day you order takeout, you try to workout and go out on the weekend but your couch and netflix stay calling your name. It’s the middle of September where it’s chilly in the morning but by the afternoon your sweating bullets so you decided to try and look cute by wearing your favorite black tshirt dress. Work is the same as always except you’ve recently been working on a new case, a murder/suicide. There’s something weird about this case though. A husband shoots his wife at the kitchen table before turning the gun on himself. No apparent marital problems beforehand, no affairs, no real motive behind why he would do it. And then there’s the blood splatter. It just doesn’t add up. There’s something strange about this case you just can’t place your finger on it.
It’s already half past 7 at night, you got lost in your work yet again and lost track of time. The office is empty and mostly dark. You can’t help but get the creeps as you leave your office and start walking towards the elevator. Not even half way down the hallway when you swear you hear a loud thud making you jump out of your skin as you turn around trying to figure out where the noise came from. With your heart in your throat, you pick up speed, walking towards the elevator. Just as your rounding the corner you run straight into a solid chest belonging to a very handsome man you’ve never seen before.
“Oh I’m so sorry! I didn’t see you there.” You stammer out as the handsome man just chuckles
“You outta be more careful sweetheart. Not good for your health to run into bad men.” the man said with a smirk
That’s a weird statement. Not good for my health? Bad men?? Your mind starts running wild as the handsome man snakes his arm around your back and before you can even react his other hand is coming up to your face, pressing a soaked cloth to your nose and mouth
“ Sorry sweetheart, it’s nothing personal.” is the last thing you hear before everything goes black.
You’ve always had weird dreams all your life. Even had some dreams that later came to fruition in real life. But this has to be the weirdest dream you’ve ever had. You dream of these beautiful brown eyes. Of a rough, deep voice. You can feel his hot breath on your neck while he whispers in your ear.
“ I need you to be a good girl for me sweetheart. This is for your own good.” As much as his voice alone has you turned on, you can’t help but have this nagging gut feeling that something is deeply wrong. You’re scared but can’t remember why. Suddenly everything around you melts away and your in a room you’ve never seen before. Blood red walls, a beautiful matte black four poster bed in the middle of the room. However you notice there’s no windows. That’s when you feel a hand on the back of your neck, guiding you towards the bed.
“Now I need you to do what I say sweetheart. It’s for your own good. Don’t fight me or try to run or else you won’t like the consequences.” the brown eyed man said in a low, rough voice. As soon as he said that, you suddenly find yourself at the bed. With his hand still on the back of your neck, guiding you, you climb up on the bed on all fours when he removes his hand. You don’t know why you feel the need to lay on your back with your hands above your head but that’s exactly what you do. That’s when you finally see the man standing above you as he tied your wrists together to the bed post. Just as he finishes tying you up, everything starts melting away into pitch black darkness.
The first thing you notice when you wake up is the light. It’s not super bright but bright enough when it feels like you’ve been stuck in a coma for a month. Your definitely in a bedroom, very simple. Just a regular full sized bed in the middle of the room. A small dresser to the right of it and a chair in the far right corner facing the bed and a man sitting in it. That’s when you realize your laying on your back with your hands above your head and that your wrists are tied together to a bed post above your head. Holy fuck do your shoulders hurt.
“Well good morning sleeping beauty. Or I guess good evening.” Dave says as he chuckles at his little joke.
The man! The mystery man you ran into before falling into this deep sleep. Wait no it wasn’t sleep. It’s all coming back to you now. He put a wet cloth over your nose and mouth. He used chloroform on you!
“Now that your awake, I’m going to need you to cooperate. This is for your own good sweetheart. I don’t want to hurt you but you are playing a very dangerous game.”
“What? I don’t know what your talking about. I’m not playing anything! I swear! You must have me mistaken for someone else! Please! Let me go, I swear I won’t tell anyone about this just let me live please!” You try to beg as you find your voice again after being asleep for god knows how long.
“Aht see that’s where your wrong. You were working on the Bernstein case correct?”
Confused, you nod your head as best you can. What does work have to do with this?
“See here’s the thing sweetheart, my team and I, we’re bad men. We do bad things for money. And you, princess, were dangerously close to solving the mystery which would be very bad for my men and I.”
You lay there with a confused look on your face as the puzzle pieces begin to fit in your brain and suddenly you’re able to put 2 and 2 together. You knew there was something off about the case but you had no idea he had any involvement or who he even was.
“ I - I’ll stop working on the case! I’ll tamper with the evidence, throw them off your track! Please! I’m sorry! I won’t tell! I’ll do whatever you want!”
“I really do enjoy hearing you beg sweetheart.” Dave shakes his head and chuckles darkly. “But begging isn’t good enough. Not when it comes to this.”
As your mind starts racing a mile a minute, you subconsciously start to press your thighs together for a little crumb of friction. The dream you had about this mystery man had you turned on and now that your awake, seeing his face and hearing his voice more isn’t helping your little predicament. While your lost in your head you don’t realize he’s been watching you like a hawk and has noticed every little movement you’ve made.
The man moves closer to the bed your on when you snap out of your thoughts. “What are you thinking about pretty girl?” he asked as he sits down next to your body. You look up at him with wide eyes
“ I - uh nothing.” You manage to stammer out, knowing damn well he can see right through you. “ uh huh. Is that right? So you rubbing your thighs, squirming like that, that’s nothing?”
Fuck. Fuckfuckfuck. It’s like he can read your mind! You’ve literally been kidnapped and tied up but yet instead of trying to get out your brain is stuck on dick. Your own pussy has betrayed you! You can’t help but notice this dark look come over his face. A hungry look in his eyes. And you can’t help but press your thighs together even more, causing your squirming to increase.
The mystery man lays a massive hand on top of your thigh making you hyper aware of the fact your in a dress. He starts rubbing his hand up and down your thigh, sending chills down your spine. It’s been god knows how long since you’ve last been laid. And the first man to touch you in so long just happens to be your kidnapper?? The universe is playing a cruel joke on you.
Your breath hitches as his hand makes it’s way up your thigh. You can’t help but notice how large and veiny his hand is. How warm . .
He breathlessly says your name. “Look at you. You’re a filthy little thing. I’m a bad, bad man who could do anything he wants while your completely helpless. And all you can think about is how bad you want me right here.” The mystery man says right as his hand stops at the apex between your thighs.
Dave tsks, “Now what am I going to find when I lift this pretty little dress up? Huh? Soaked panties? A wet little cunt who wants to be used?” He says in the most condescending voice as he slowly lifts your dress up.
Embarrassed at the fact that he’s right. Your panties are soaked. You can clearly see the wet spot on your white cotton panties you had on. “ I- I uh I don’t d-don’t k-know-ow” you barely even stammer out, words completely lost to you.
“You y-you d-don’t know-ow?” He mimics your stuttering words, “oh princess I think you do know. I think you know just how bad you want me to touch you right now. How bad you want me to use my fingers, my cock to make this wet little cunt feel good. I thought you were gonna be my good girl? Good girls are honest and beg the bad men to fuck their cunts.”
You swear you damn near cum just from his words alone. “ I- I uh I . . “ you still can’t even get words out. As you try your hardest to find words, the mystery man oh so slowly takes his forefinger and runs it up and down your clothed pussy. Making you throb even more just from the light touch.
“ I- I want you to fuck me. Please.” You say as you look down, unable to look this man in the eye. You can’t believe you even said that. You don’t know who this man is, don’t know his name, you’re still tied up to a bed somewhere you don’t even know. What is wrong with you?
“There’s my good girl.” He practically croons as he starts to slowly pull your panties down.
He grabs your chin, forcing you to look up at him, “Now listen to me and listen carefully. The better you are for me and do what I say, the better all of this is going to be for you.”
“ Yes sir.” You said. On the inside, however, you’re speechless. What is even happening right now? Who gets off on being kidnapped and wants to fuck their captor?? Nothing in life has ever prepared you for this or even made you think a situation like this would ever even occur.
The mystery man’s hand leaves your face and goes to his belt and begins unbuckling his pants. All you can do is sit there, arms above your head, neck at a weird half up position and stare as he pulls his thick cock out. Your eyes widen as you see what exactly he had hidden in his pants. That is easily the biggest dick you’ve ever seen. It’s a good 7 inches if not more. Girthy as hell, a huge prominent vein. The head is a tanned pink and slows changes to a darker tan shade down the shaft. You can barely make out dark curls around the base but for the most part you can tell this man keeps it nice and trimmed down there. You had no idea he was gonna pull out a damn horse cock. And why is it making your mouth water?
The mystery man spits in his hand as he goes to stroke himself while his other hand goes back up to your pussy and slowly starts to circle your clit. Everything about this is so wrong but he feels so good.
Unable to stop yourself, you moan out loud, “Please” you croak out. Not sure what your asking for, just knowing you want more.
All he does is chuckle at your request. But nonetheless his forefinger makes it way down to your opening and dips inside. Just barely entering your wet heat and it has you on the verge of tears. After a couple of teases, Dave inserts his middle and ring finger into your pussy.
Oh the relief! Your whole body heats up from how good his fingers feel moving in and out of you. Maybe there is a god. Maybe this big, bad man is merciful.
After thrusting his fingers inside your sweet little heaven, Dave moves his hand away from your pussy and goes to stand up next to the bed, causing his dick to be right in your face.
“ You want a taste pretty girl? Go ahead stick your tongue out baby”
You do what he says quickly. It’s almost comical how fast you stuck your tongue and boy did he notice. Your starting to believe nothing gets by him. Except one thing. Your restraints. They’re tight but not tight enough. All you had to do was wiggle them just so and you’ve managed to loosen them up even more.
Dave takes his cock in hand and sits the head on your tongue. He gives it a little thrust while you do your best to swirl your tongue around the tip. Dropping your jaw wide open, he takes that as you want more and thrusts his cock half way in. The sudden intrusion caused you to gag around his cock, sending spit and drool down your chin.
He keeps thrusting into your mouth despite your gagging. It seems to only be turning him on even more seeing your teary eyes look up at him.
“Fuck princess. Your sweet little mouth feels like heaven.” Dave moans out as his eyes roll back.
That’s when you decide to take control of the situation. With your hands loose, you yank down, freeing yourself and bite down hard. A metallic taste floods into your mouth and you know you’ve drawn blood.
Dave’s enjoyment is cut abruptly when you bite his dick. He falls backward trying to get his dick out of your mouth and slips on his pants. You jump up off the bed and manage to get past him while he’s on the floor cussing, trying to nurse his injured cock.
You bolt out the bedroom door to reveal an open floor space. You quickly realize your now in the living room and make a dash towards what you think is the front door. After a few seconds of desperately trying to unlock it, you finally get it and bust out the front door onto the porch and down the stairs. From the looks of it, you’d say it’s probably about 6 or 7 o’clock in the evening. The suns going down, you might have another hour of light left. But you don’t care. You run full speed into the woods in front of you. All you know is the mystery man took you, brought you to a cabin in the middle of the woods, night is approaching and you’ve just escaped his clutches.
After running what felt like hours in no particular direction, you start to feel yourself tripping over sticks and leaves. You immediately start to fall to the side when you crash into a tree shoulder first. As you steady yourself and try your best to take deep breaths while also catching your breath is when you hear him.
“Sweetheart come on out. You and I both know you don’t know where you are but I do. I know these woods like the back of my hand.” he shouted out. The mystery man sounds close. You start to move as fast as you can without making a sound, practically holding your breath so you don’t get caught. You’ve managed a fast half walk half run from tree to tree, frantically moving your head all around to make sure you don’t see him coming towards you. As your hiding behind a rather large tree you decide to take a quick second and look from behind it to see if you can see him or not. When suddenly you hear a twig snap right behind you and that’s when you feel a large hand yank you by your hair, pulling you backwards into the mystery man himself.
Wrapping his other arm around you tight, with a death grip on your hair, he leans down by your ear and whispers “Gotcha.”
“You little fucking bitch. You bit my dick. I was being nice and showing you some mercy because you were being such a little slut and you bit. My. Dick. Now your gonna see the monster that I really am.” Dave growled in your ear.
With that he keeps a tight hold you as he shoves you down on the ground, belly first. His body following yours, Dave puts his full weight on top of you. With his hand still grabbing your hair, he pushes your face into the dirt and manages to lift your dress with his other hand.
“If you try anything else I swear to god I’ll make this even worse for you.” He spat on the side of your face as he pulls himself out of his pants. He quickly spits into his hand, lubing his cock up and thrusts into your still wet pussy. Fucking hell his cock splits you open. You have no time to get used to his cock inside of you before he’s thrusting like a mad man. You swear you can feel him in your stomach. Thank god for his ministrations from earlier because there is no way in hell you could’ve taken all of him without it.
“Such a fucking dirty little slut. I can feel this cunt squeeze my cock sweetheart. Don’t try and lie to me. You fucking love this.” Dave growls at you while his massive cock pounds your poor pussy. And he’s right. You do love this. The way his cock is splitting you open. The delicious way he’s forcing your pussy to take every inch. Even his body weight on top of you is making you gush around him. Both of you grunting, you from trying to get away and him from pounding the life out of your pussy.
“Ngh that’s right take this fucking cock slut. Take every fucking inch. Hnnn fuck yes. Fuck. Look at you, already cockdumb. Can’t fucking say a word, just taking it like the filthy little whore you are.” Dave grunts out as he continues to mercilessly fuck your pussy.
His words alone have you creaming. You can’t help but moan. No point in trying to hide it. You know he can feel it. You’re so wet and creamy now from his unrelenting cock. You’re so close, if only he would just touch your clit or you could move your leg just right and get a little friction where you desperately need it. You swear you feel him speed up and after a few more thrusts, you feel him pulse deep inside you.
“Fuck sweetheart. That’s it. Take my fucking load deep in that sweet pussy.” he says panting in your ear. After a few more seconds of him panting in your face, he sits up on his knees, still pinning you to the ground. He puts himself up, stands and yanks you by your hair once again to make you get up.
As he turns you to face him, you realize what a mess he made of you. Tear streaked face, dirt and leaves stuck all over your body and in your hair. Cum trickling down your thighs. The bastard looks you up and down and just smirks.
The walk back to the cabin was quiet. You knew you were fucked. Literally. As soon as the two of you re entered the cabin, he took a left turn instead of going towards the back where the bedroom was. Soon you approached a door with a chain lock. You knew deep in your soul you weren’t making it out of here alive. After unlocking the door, he opened it to reveal a set of stairs going down to what you assumed must be the basement.
Dave tightens his grip on your hair as he guides you down the stairs in front of him. Once you both reach the bottom, he turns you to the right and all you can see is a damp, dark basement. Two little basement windows are the only light source to help you see where you are. Cement walls, some boxes stacked on the far right wall, what looks to be a washer and dryer just a few steps in front of you. He flicks a light switch on, flooding the room with light, causing you to blink real hard because of the sudden harsh light blinding you. Dave continues to be silent as he walks you over to the other side of the boxes to reveal a set of cuffs attached to chains stuck in the cement wall. He lets go of your hair only to shove you down on the ground and put a cuff on each ankle. Wordlessly he chains you up and turns back around to go back upstairs.
“Wait!! Wait! Please don’t leave me down here! I’ll be good I promise!! I’m sorry for earlier! I won’t do it again! Please!!” You begged. You pleaded to him to not leave you only for him to stop and turn to look at you
“It’s too late for that sweetheart. Begging will get you nothing. Your lucky I’m putting you down here when I should take you out back and put a bullet between your pretty eyes.” And with that he turns the light back off and stomps up the stairs, leaving you all the alone.
- I hope y’all enjoy this! My first fic ever! So I’m super nervous lol I do hope it’s good and reads well, the perfectionist in me is saying it’s horrible and delete, delete, delete but I’m not. Im posting it lol but yea if y’all like it I could definitely do a part 2(:
Tagging a few of ya that encouraged me to write this and a few I think would enjoy(:
@toxicanonymity @lumoverheaven @bonezone44 @neverwheremoonchild @wannab-urs @multiversed-daydreamer
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Live Audience
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Features: Yandere! Pro player x twitch streamer Nagi Seishiro and Willing!Sub!AFAB Reader
Content: NSFW, exhibitionist tendancies (on Nagi's part), dirty talk, edging, slight praise kink, slight teasing, needy reader, possessive Nagi, Soft ending
Term of endearment used for the reader: Babe
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"So I add this layer then I'll add a layer of melted chocolate...." you speak to yourself as you create a small cake for Nagi.
User874: Congrats Nagi on one million subscribers!
Nagifangirlll54: Proud to be a fan since Day 1!
Footballlove116: He's an excellent football player and a gamer! Is there anything he can't do?
Twitchuserkai: Woah! One million subs! That's crazy given he just started!
"Hey guysss....welcome to my streammh! As a one million subscriber special I'll..*uh!* now start wa-watching your submitted edits! I'll be choosing five winners to *ah* get passes to meet me after my next *mh* match" As soon as he clicked on play, paused his video and muted himself, a loud moan eruped from his throat, releasing his semen in your mouth. You, sitting under his desk, felt the warm liquid threatening to spill out of your mouth but you don't dare spit it out.
"Show" you opened your mouth, tongue out, a little bit of his cum dropping down. "Swallow" you gulp. He pats your head and wipes his cum off your lips "Good girl, now come sit on my lap"
With your back pressed against his chest, your eyes land upon the ongoing video on the screen. It showed all of Nagi's win under Manshine city, a cool edit of him and his celebratory poses. Your attention shifts on him when he starts kissing your neck, his hand hovering on your thighs, wandering near your damped panty
"Come on babe, tell me what you want, I'll give it to you. Only when you say it clearly" You hear his voice travel all the way from your ear to deep inside a pit in your stomach where his voice tightens a knot, begging for release. Oh you really, really want him to make you come
"Sorry what did you say?"
"Fingers! I want your fingers inside me...." you trail off, as your blush deepens on your own words. "That was good babe, I'll grant your wish now" He removes your underwear, leaving you in just his shirt you were wearing. You start moaning as his long fingers work magic on your walls, eyes heavy, hands gripping the armrest
"Look, look at the screen babe. Look at all these people on my stream, all my fans" He grabs your jaw with his other hand and faces you towards a screen with a huge one million written on it, the number increasing as more people subscribe to his stream.
"How will people react if I turn on my camera hm? Everyone will see how pretty you look when you're getting fucked by my fingers. Or what if I unmute my mic? Then people will find out how cute your moans are when the only thing being registered in your brain is how good I'm making you feel" You listen to only half of what he said, your mind going almost blank with your orgasm fast approaching. The way he fingers you makes your body rock against his, your butt grinding on his hard on.
"AH!" you scream our in frustration as Nagi removes his fingers from inside you when you're just seconds away from an orgasm. "Nagi! Why did you do that?" you whine as your body uncontrollably grinds on his lap, not getting sufficient stimulus to finish. "Because I can't hold back any longer babe"
He picks you up and carries you to his bed. With your back against the mattress, clothes discarded, Nagi positions himself on top of you, the tip of his cock in contact with your hole. "Are you ready babe?" With a nod of your head, he enters inside you in a swift motion and your eyes roll to the back of your head. His speed is steady, the slight curve of his cock making the tip hit wonderful place inside you.
"You want me to make you come babe? You wanna make a mess around my cock? Hm? Tell me who owns you babe, and I'll let you come together with me" Nagi's raspy voice does nothing to subdue your buliding orgasm, your brain slowly becoming a puddle because of the way his cock fills you up. You chant his name louder and louder with every thrust he does. "That's it babe just a little more..in 3..2..1 cum for me babe" The two of you reach your peaks together, hands intertwined, heavy breathing filling the air as the two of you come down, Nagi's body laying down on your side, cuddling you
"Are you okay babe? How are you feeling?" Nagi asked as he runs his fingers through your hair. "I'm fine Nagi, would you be interested in eating the cake I made? It's chocolate" you ask him with a smile on your face, remembering how you wanted to give him the cake before he asked you to..well you know what happened. He hums in response. "Fine I'll bring you a piece and a glass of water" "Bring yours too, we'll eat it together while watching the str.....shit! I totally forgot about it!" Nagi got out of the bed in shock and rushed to his computer. The house is now filled with your laughter and his voice as he randomly chooses the winners.
P.S: Woah this is my first time writing smut! Idk if I did a good job, but it's definitely better than what I had in my mind. If anyone has any tips on how to write smut better, please lemme know and I'll improve!
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miniimapp · 8 months
Can you make hcs for Aaron T,Z, and fem or gender neutral reader being in a poly relationship?
Gen ;; Fluff - Headcanons
Warnings ;; none lol
Proofread + Edited ;; if you even consider this a possibility do you even know me ??
Auth. Note ;; never written poly before so forgive any inaccuracy,, also we went gn!reader for this bc i wanted to alskfkb
also the colour scheme is giving halloween and i live for it :DD
Jan 2024 Edit ;; excuse my abhorrent timing.. let's pretend it hasn't nearly been a year since i got this, yh ?? sick lol
literally the first thing that came to mind is lazy mornings
just straight up cuddles only,, no worries
as i typed that i got the sudden like mini scene in my kind of T singing hakuna matata and Z joining in with little harmonies
holy shit T's morning voice is deeper than the fucking mariana trench my dudes
let's get one thing clear,, everyone gets flustered by T's morning voice
and he finds it fucking hilarious
but for the first months of dating,, you thoughts Z was the only exception
literally not a single eyelid batted
you were beyond confused
like,, your cheeks are burning
how is mans enduring this.. what are his secrets
like,, you'd feel your brain melting out of ears trying to maintain some semblance of calm and Z over here is brushing it off like water off of a duck's back
at least that's what you think
inside Z is full on screeching,, he is hot,, he is flustered,, he might be dying..
but hey,, at least no one can tell !!
it took a couple months for you to figure out that Z does not,, in fact,, keep his cool over T's morning voice
he does,, in fact,, lose it just like everyone else
how did you find this out you may be wondering ??
through Z's top secret diary of course !!
you and T stumbled upon by complete accident
really,, you did !!
no sneakiness was utilised in this mission.. definitely not..
but it just so happened to be left open on the table
you didn't even realise what it was at first,, figured it was one of Z's choreo notations and got kinda curious
T always liked to sneak peeks at the choreo beforehand to see how tiring it was going to be lol
then,, once you'd started reading you just couldn't stop
there were pages upon pages of flustered musings,, sincere endearment,, and loving descriptions
it was all too sweet !!
and within those pages was it
all of Z's hidden breakdowns over T's morning voice !!
you knew you weren't the only once,, you just knew it !!
the euphoria quickly subsided to make way for guilt at reading his diary
and you knew T was feeling similarly..
so,, you fessed up
that was awkward,, lemme tell you !!
you'd never seen T so.. squeamish (??) before
luckily,, Z didn't react badly
not even slightly
his reaction actually startled you slightly
because he just started laughing
it started small,, an amused little huff and snowballed into hiccuping snorts
it was honestly kinda adorable..
and that broke the awkwardness for both you and T
you joined in real quick
that really smashed through a couple of layers of ice you guys hadn't even realised was there from the beginning of your relationship
you all got a lot more comfortable around each other after that !!
it was good :))
moving on,,
i feel like T started this game called something stupid like "say that again but rap it"
literally all he does is get Z to repeat his sentences but rap them instead
so Z flipped it back on him because let's be real,, T can talk for a podium position,, he's literally the perfect target of his own game
fr out of nowhere T was rambling and Z waited for him to finish his spoken essay before going,, "say that again but rap it"
T was beyond flabbergasted,, mans forgets the words as soon as they left his mouth
and don't we all frfr
but is that going to stop him from trying (and failing) ??
you bet your ass it isn't !!
mans said real fast "gimme a beat"
free entertainment baby,, that's what you're in for with these two ;DD
it was a catastrophe,, lemme be real clear
it was mostly just frantic not-words and vocalisations with the odd word or phrase that he actually remembed thrown in
lots of "hmm dumm da stupid fucking washing mashine uhh da dee da" and "broken p- uh p-pu- uh,, what's that word?? da da,, shut up Z !! oh,, pulsator!!"
like,, yeah you got that word but now we've lost all sense of rhythm lmao
it's a great time honestly,, wish i could've been there fr
overall,, i think that this throuple would be so amazingly chaotic but also so sweet and good to one another
you'd never want for anything,, they'd do everything they could for you
and you work so well with them and be such a good connection to the world outside 4*TOWN
i think you'd def keep them feeling human and real
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lizbethborden · 11 months
My #1 problem with like. my me. Is that I get interests and start going down rabbit holes. And apparently that's abnormal? Like for example when I got into HPL for the first time, I ordered "definitive editions" (my former roommate still has one volume... fucker... I'll prob have to order a new one honestly), read them all, then started reading stuff from the citations, then started reading his influences, then etc. until my brains melted out of my ears... and so on. And people on tumblr, at least, say that they're like that but I don't tend to actually meet people irl who do that except for maybe 1-2 irl friends I've known for a long time. For everyone else if I tell them about the different editions of Dracula and the Icelandic version of Dracula and the notes facsimile and the etc. I get reactions. Idk
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kuwdora · 1 year
🙃 please wish me luck for tomorrow, I have Yet Another Interview...I've been averaging about 2 a week for the last few weeks and I'm still only 60-75% done with this process. Not even counting all the outreach to set up other interviews in the meantime if these don't pan out. To say I am losing my mind is an understatement. I'm so tired. Trying to be kind to myself during all of this, since this is rather exciting and overwhelming and exhausting but waaughhhh, I'm ready to hibernate for a full week (if my brain would actually let me rest which remains a large problem...) My short term memory continues to be shitty. Forgetting to lock doors, turn off stove burners, I keep forgetting things folks have told me the previous day/week that I really should have remembered (lists are my friends but I keep forgetting to add things to my list). All very ADHD but really it's just... a lot of my anxiety about all this interview stuff. Wake up and it's the first thing on my mind. Last thing on my mind before I go to bed. It's taking up so much brainRAM. I have the myNoise app on my phone to help soothe ye old brainmeats in the evenings, at least. Anyway, amongst the fannish chittering in my brain that is not witcher-related: I remember reading about someone spinning Ted Lasso character's into the Star Wars universe and I could not track down the post. I can't even remember if I read it by someone on twitter, tumblr, or dreamwidth at this point. Or if I had imagined it. Does this sound familiar to anyone? hmm. Next my brain started thinking about Yellowjackets characters in the Star Wars universe and have determined that Misty Quigley would be an amazing secret pirate hunter who occasionally moonlights as a pirate. Next up: I'm almost done with the Disney era Thrawn trilogy reread (it's only taken me like two and a half months wtf) (next will be Heir to the Empire, wheeee). I'm pretty caught up with Grand Admiral Thrawn strategically instilling praise kink and loyalty in the people under his command. I also recently revisited A Black Lady Sketch Show's sketch: The Basic Ball in which I tried casting Ted Lasso characters mental illness/neuroses looks and then my brain melted out of my ears because of previously stated tired. But also my favorite Yellowjackets meow meows showing off their PTSD looks? Love. It.
I would like more brain to finish editing my Witcher wips, to start a few more wips--they're dancing in my periphery. And I'd love to have brain to paint again. To have energy for seeing friends. I'm quite sad I couldn't corral enough focus to finish my VidUKon vid in time for the deadline, but I can just try to finish it later.
Maybe soon I can reclaim some more brainRAM. Free it up from this interviewing stuff. Fingers crossed. 🤞
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pleuvoire · 2 years
my short review of each heisei rider season
kuuga: a masterpiece. like nothing the franchise has seen before or since. should be considered one of the great classics of superhero media. invented romance (marriage edition). perfect series no notes
agito: haven’t seen yet. overall impression is that it’s boring and bizarre but the fun cast makes it enjoyable. sasuga inoue.
ryuki: i fucking love ryuki. god i fucking love ryuki. redefined kamen rider. influenced so many other stories. the characters and themes and philosophy... chef kiss. perfect series no notes
faiz: bounces back and forth between extremes of good and bad with shocking dexterity. takumi is one of the best rider protagonists of all time. ending sucks ass. this show inspires in me indescribable emotions and endless complaints
blade: heavily nerfed by the nonsensical writing and bad pacing in the first half, however the second half punts it straight into my top 5 rider seasons. love the soupy murky atmosphere throughout. invented romance (tragic edition)
hibiki: kuuga’s twin flame and mirror opposite. also like nothing the franchise has seen before or since. very soothing “normal things happening to normal people” vibe. watching it makes me stop being a lesbian. criminally underrated
kabuto: complete audacious nonsense from start to finish. generally a fun time seeing what the hell this show will come up with next, except for the parts where you get bored because nothing happening makes sense so who cares. tendou is a very fun protag
den-o: a delightful romp of a show with real deep emotions underpinning it. i don’t think about it as often as i should but it’s really good. very kind and soothing and human. perfect series no notes, just not a personal favorite
kiva: starts out mediocre and gradually devolves into incoherent sexist garbage. the colorful cast of characters almost manage, but ultimately fail, to make it an enjoyable viewing experience. goth aesthetic fucks though. wataru my darling deserves to be in a different show
decade: haven’t seen much of it. watching it makes my brain melt out of my ears (see kabuto) and i don’t think it’s, like, a good show. but there’s emotional substance there. the themes of tsukasa’s character make me ough ough ough
i got tired i’ll do phase 2 tomorrow
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Are you still accepting requests? If soo,, can i possible req some zuko x pregnant reader? Or just a zuko x reader with them making out lol. Thank you in advance if you accept this 👉👈
Crap- I am so sorry it took me so long to get to this!! Better late than never I suppose hah
Warning(s): she/her pronounced reader, uhh kinda heavy making out, if you don't like pregnancy stuff probably don't read?? I also didn't edit it through, but are we really surprised
Pai Sho
Ever since Iroh first laid eyes on you, he had been pressuring Zuko for a grand-nephew. Both you and Zuko had been incredibly embarrassed when he casually mentioned it over afternoon tea one day, as if he was simply talking about the weather.
To be honest, the both of you had been trying to conceive, fairly often considering Zuko had a lot of duties as the new firelord and the fact that you kept getting interrupted by none other than Iroh himself.
So naturally it called for a big celebration when you finally announced your pregnancy, it seemed as if the whole fire kingdom showed up in front of the palace to wish you congratulations. Your privacy was invaded even further when the gaang showed up. Of course you were happy to see your friends, cracking a smile every time Zuko would smack Sokka for pointing out that it looked like you had swallowed a watermelon whole. However, it seemed your friends had a special talent for walking in at all the wrong times.
The first time it was poor Aang who had to witness Zuko and you going at it, being too caught up in the moment to even notice the young airbender standing in the doorway with a startled expression.
Your encounter had started innocent enough; you were standing at Zuko's desk in his office, sorting out letters and documents you knew he would just throw on the floor later.
You jumped when you felt a pair of hands reach around your middle, but quickly melted into the touch once Zuko's voice reached your ears.
"Hello there, little one." He mumbled, gently leaning his head on your shoulder, careful not to put too much weight on you. He looked down at your large baby bump as he spoke, spreading his hands over it.
You turned your head and placed a soft kiss to his temple. "What about me?" You pouted.
Zuko chuckled, you could feel his chest move against your back. "Hello to you too, sunflower." He sad and turned his head to meet your lips.
You smiled happily at the nickname, wrapping your arms around his neck as he maneuvered himself to stand in front of you, never breaking the kiss. He squeezed your waist slightly, before letting go and looking down at you with a toothy grin.
He looked guilty as could be and you raised an eyebrow at him, silently demanding him to explain. He blew air out his mouth, making his bangs move slightly away from his eyes.
"I'm hiding from Aang." He said, looking around to check if the avatar was somewhere in sight. "I promised him a game of Pai Sho,, but I actually have a lot of, uh, other things on my mind,"
You giggled, quickly getting his memo. "Oh, really?" You asked, as innocently as possibly despite the thoughts that already began to swarm your brain.
Zuko smiled, a bit guilty but ultimately a bit too horny to care. "Yes, and it seems you're not too busy to entertain my thoughts, milady." His tone was demanding as he spoke, leaving no room for further comments as he bend down to kiss you again.
He squeezed you wherever he could, hungry hands only stopping to gently rub the small of your back where he knew you hurt the most from carrying the load in your belly. You sighed into the kiss, fisting the fabric on his shoulders as you let his tongue explore your mouth.
You gasped, pulling your head back as you felt him grab your bottom and squeeze. hard. His mouth went to your neck, quickly marking you up, gently nibbing and licking over old love bites. Your one hand quickly clasped over your mouth to muffle your moans and whines while the other went to Zuko's mop of dark hair.
He groaned when you pulled, a barely audible noise that you wouldn't have caught had you not been pressed directly up against him. His hand traveled to your waist, stroking and squeezing as his kisses to your neck became feverish and rough.
You whined his name, grabbing his cheeks with both hands, steering his head up towards yours and kissing him again. Your teeth scraped his bottom lip and you gently bit down, pulling your head back a little. Zuko squeezed you tighter, pulling your body impossibly closer as you let go of his lip.
A small string of salvia connected the two of you, you stared up at him for a moment, just admiring the handsome man you married. His forehead and cheeks were dusted over with a rosy blush, pupils blown wide and lips swollen. Truly a sight you would treasure in your memories.
You reached a hand up and gently stroked his cheek, he immediately nuzzled into the touch and you helped guide him as he dipped down to kiss you again. He leaned over you, gently forcing you to lay your back down against his desk. He lifted your legs, making your feet dangle just above the ground as he stepped between your legs. You moaned, spreading your legs further and happily welcoming his hips against yours. His tongue invaded your mouth, tangling with yours in the heated kiss.
His hands had been lingering at your hips, but finally started to travel upwards towards the front buttons of your dress. He popped the first button, you arched towards his hands desperate for his touch, he fumbled with the next and was just about to get it open when-
"Uh- Zuko- is this a bad time?"
You squealed and immediately sat up, fidgeting with the buttons of your dress to cover yourself. Aang stood in the doorway, wringing his hands as he looked at Zuko and you with a slightly revolted expression.
Zuko sighed and stood up straight, quickly smoothing out his shirt and turning around. "Yes, actually. Now is a very bad time-" He started, but you slapped his arm with the back of your hand before he could continue.
"Be nice to your friend. I think you promised him something, no?" You said, grinning as Aangs face lit up.
The teenager smiled wide and nodded enthusiastically, looking back and forth between you and Zuko. "C'mon," You urged your husband, holding onto his shoulder for support as you carefully jumped down from the table. "You have me here all year around, go spend some quality time with Aang."
You sent Zuko a cheeky smiled as he rolled his eyes and sighed deeply. "Fine. But one game only and no sore losers." He said sternly to Aang, hesitant to leave your side.
The avatar jumped in excitement, racing towards Zuko and gripping onto him. "Yeah Zuko, no sore losers." He mocked, dragging Zuko out of the room by his arm.
"Thank you, y/n!" He called over his shoulder, right before disappearing around the corner with Zuko in tow.
You blew air out your nose in a silent chuckle, fondly smiling to yourself as you turned back towards the desk to continue your sorting work.
I hope you liked it!! Sorry it was a bit short- I have a lot of requests to get through 🤯
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workofheart · 4 years
extra help | gojo satoru
what’s a teacher to do when his student is building up so much cursed energy? help her get it under control, of course.
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pairing: gojo satoru x f!reader
wc: 4.7k
warnings: smut, 18+ (minors dni), teacher/student relations (reader is of age), fingering, oral (f receiving), dirty talk, sir kink, unprotected sex (do not do this), lowkey corruption, squirting, exhibitionism (?), creampie, gojo refers to himself as “teacher” because i said so
note: barely edited, something to ease the brainrot. gojo satoru hollow me challenge. 
“Can you maybe, I don’t know, shut the fuck up?”
The jab spews out of your mouth before you can stop it. Your filter is long gone, the thoughts that pop into your head forming into verbal words without the chance to even process them. Once you hear it, you mentally slap yourself. Now you just look like an asshole.
“Jeez, no need to be a bitch about it,” mutters Nobara. She rests on the concrete steps on her elbows, appearing utterly disinterested with her head tossed back and eyes closed, soaking in the fresh air.
“I’m not being a bitch.”
“Yes, you are.”
“I’m not!”
“You kind of are,” Megumi says quietly, shrugging slightly when your incredulous expression finds his to be stoic and unmoving. He leans down to scratch behind one of his dog’s ears. His nonchalance boils your blood even further, effectively working you up past your melting point. A bitter laugh leaves your mouth.
“...You motherfucker-”
“Good morning, everybody!”
You sigh, lips hanging open with the rest of your insult frozen where it was interrupted. From over the small hill behind you, Gojo Satoru greets everyone with a bright energy you aren’t capable of returning this early in the day. 
You try your best to shake it off. The other students wave back happily as you sulk, aimlessly stretching your arms over your head in an attempt to push out the thousand things running through your mind, not one of which you’re capable of dealing with.
And maybe it is a good morning - the sun is out, the air is cool, there’s not a breeze passing by to mess up your hair. It’s a lovely day to be training. Megumi has been walking his dogs around the field, Yuuji has been racing himself from one end to the other, meanwhile the others take turns sparring. The springtime weather is rewarding, which is why it’s such a shame you can’t enjoy it.
Gojo reaches up a hand to lift one side of his blindfold. Though he’s standing all the way over on the steps, you can see his eyes clearly, crystalline blue and staring with scrutiny. The man leans forward into his gaze, and the way he’s inspecting you soon irritates you further.
“What’s with all the cursed energy?” he asks, letting his blindfold fall over his eye again. 
Yuuji perks up at the comment from where he’s been sitting after his run, pulling out blades of grass between his fingertips. “So it’s not just me?” he pipes up, pushing himself up to his feet. He seems relieved, turning his attention to you. “I thought maybe you just had a bad day but it seems like it’s seeping off you all the time now.”
Your lips press into a thin line as your eyelids droop in annoyance, trying to think up a reasonable answer quick. Unfortunately, you don’t get the time to do so.
“I don’t need to see it to feel it,” Maki adds. She finishes tying up her laces, objectivity unmoving with the deadpan spreading across your features. Your jaw tenses. “Didn’t want to say anything in case it would make you angrier.”
“Too late!” you snap, huffing as you place your arms over your chest. The number of eyes on you has your cheeks burning, and paired with your current vexation, makes you feel even worse.
“Well, what are you angry about?” Yuuji asks. 
“I’m not angry about anything.”
“That sounds a little defensive,” Gojo comments.
“You seem frustrated, that’s all.” Yuuji looks at you with a genuine curiosity that makes it hard to be mad at him. His doe eyes couldn’t possibly imagine what the real issue at hand is.
“Yeah, she’s frustrated all right,”  Nobara juts in. Her tone is whiney and annoyed, and you hope the glare you send her will shut her up, but she acts as if she doesn’t see it, only looking down at her nails in distaste. Then comes the zinger. “It’s because she hasn’t gotten laid in months.”
“That is not true!” you yell, but the obvious rage bubbling out of you gives it away. 
“Cursed energy can build from that?”
“It would explain a lot.”
“That sounds definitely defensive.”
“Shut up!” you shout, throwing your hands over your face to hide your cheeks burning in embarrassment. Then you’re sitting back on the field, hanging your head low over your knees. Quietly, you mutter, “You promised you wouldn’t say anything.”
“You wanted to see me, sir?”
The walk here had been nerve wracking enough. Your heart had been stuck in your throat since the track this morning, if not from the sheer embarrassment of Nobara telling everyone you were sexually frustrated, then surely from the way Gojo had asked you to meet with him later in an old classroom rather seriously before walking off.
It scared you half to death upon hearing it, and just thinking about it scared the other half, so you’re hanging on by the thinnest of threads. The others comments hadn’t helped either, teasing about the frightening methods he’d use to dispel the energy, or how he’d berate you for being so stupid, or whatever else the maniac of a man had to offer.
Gojo leans back lazily in his chair, long legs thrown over the desk for his comfort and leisure. He stretches, letting out a satisfied groan with his arms straightened behind his head as you close the door behind you. 
“About time you got here. Been waiting forever.”
The lights are off, but evening sun pours in through the wall of windows that look out over the courtyard to brighten the room. He tosses a small apple plush above him with a smooth flick of his wrist, catching it on its down arc with ease. It looks like a marble with how it sits in his massive palms.
“Well, this wing is on the other side of campus,” you swallow, fiddling with your fingers absentmindedly. That reminds you...“Why are we this far, anyway?”
He sighs, placing the toy back down at the top of his desk and resting his chin on his palm. You can feel his eyes on you through his blindfold. “To solve your problem, of course.”
“My… my problem? No, I don’t have any problems,” you say with a shake of your head as genuine as you can muster, a nervous smile flashing across your expression as he stands. His hand trails along the desk as he moves around it. When you get the feeling he doesn’t believe you, you start again, “If it’s about what Nobara said, it’s really no big deal-” 
“While you’re a talented sorcerer, you’re not a very good liar.” He comes to a stop in front of you, towering over your small frame. His head is turned down toward you but you refrain from making eye contact. Trying to maintain your composure, you look straight into his chest and then avert your eyes to the sid, looking anywhere else in the room but him - the chalkboard, the windows, the posters on the wall - that is, until he takes your chin in his hand and tugs your face up to look at him directly.
He’s taken off his blindfold, the black cloth crumpled in his palm and already tossed to the floor.
The way you’re staring at him, that desire that lies just below the fear, has his dick tenting in his pants. When he focuses, he can see the cursed energy radiating from your body, dark and cloudy as it surrounds you. “Yuuji’s right, it’s practically seeping from you,” he coos, eyebrows drawn together in concern.
He drinks in your apprehension with a sadistic sort of delight, and you don’t miss the feel of his eyes as they trace down your body. “My student is struggling,” he says tenderly, tapping his index finger along your cheek lightly. “What kind of teacher would I be if I didn’t help?” 
He eats up the way you look at him, swept away and hazy, your brain turning to mush at the sound of his voice. Heat pools in your panties, and the subtle manner in which your thighs shift against each other is not lost on him.
The tension in the air is electrifying. Leaning down to your ear, he says what’s been on his mind for weeks. “Don’t think I can’t hear you at night, touching yourself, trying so hard to make it go away on your own.”
His words leave your throat dry and stomach churning. Your face burns, thinking of him listening to your pitiful attempts to get off. Clearly, the sleepless nights of trying to cum, letting slip the small whimpers you couldn’t care to hold back, hands buried in your panties and writhing in your bed sheets, were no secret to anyone but you.
You’re almost mortified. You would be, if it wasn’t for your hot teacher standing in front of you, smiling as he remembers how pretty you sounded, offering to fuck the shit out of you to sate your frustration.
And god, just how pretty you sound. He’d never admit it sober, but the times he’s taken “random” late night walks around the buildings that have ended up at the outside of your bedroom door are far too many to count. Palming himself through his trousers, panting as he pictures you just through the slab of wood exactly how he plans on having you now.
“I...I don’t know if we should be doing this,” you mumble in a moment of clarity, gaze flickering to the window in the door that lets you see into the empty hallway just outside. Swallowing hard, scenarios of your classmates walking by, peering through, clouds your head. “What if someone…”
“They’re on the other side of campus, remember?” he teases. His fingers slide back along your jaw, brushing your hair from your forehead before settling to cup the side of your face. “You can make all the noise you want out here.”
Heat spreads through your core and inner thighs accompanied by a visible shiver, a pleased grin tugging at the corners of his mouth. The proximity alone is making you wet. His presence is overwhelming with the unimaginable power he holds over you.
His neck tilts down to reach you, hovering with his lips not a breath away from yours. Gojo waits. Tentative, you press your mouth to his and your eyes flutter shut, feeling him smile as his hands make contact with your hips. He’s gentle and slow, his lips pillowy and soft against yours, moving carefully as if not to scare you away.
He muffles a timid whimper with his mouth and takes the lead, kissing you harder and pulling you into a firm lip lock before spinning you around and walking you backwards toward the desk. Hesitant hands reach up to his shoulders, something Gojo senses immediately, shy hands working up the confidence to splay over his broad shoulders. He knows you so well by now - there’s a reason you’re his favorite student.
“Let me help, princess,” he insists, breaking away to quell your uncertainty. “You know I’m the only one who can.” Gojo’s voice is hypnotizing, his promises filling your head with a desiring haze.
Your tiny, timid fingers hanging around his neck, crawling up his nape as if searching for safety, have him reeling. He might just devour you, so cute and innocent and willing in front of him.
You’re melting into his touch as his hands squeeze your hips, rubbing up your sides until they lay a firm grasp on your hips, sitting you fully on the desk. His touch is teasing and featherlight as he drags it up your calves, hiking up your skirt to get where he wants to be, situated right between your thighs.
“None of the other guys fuck you the way you need to be fucked, right?”
He may be cocky, but it’s for good reason.
Gojo Satoru is older, he’s experienced, he knows what he’s doing. He knows you, in fact, more than you think. Don’t be fooled - he sees you sneaking off campus, sees the texts you send to the boys in the nearest town, overhears how you talk to them over the phone when you think no one is listening. He also sees how disappointed you look every time you return from one of your escapades. 
You’re mature for your age, but no one is willing to fuck you like it. Except him, of course.
A large hand cradles the back of your head to keep kissing you. His mouth is ravishing, absolutely eating up the feeble mewls that escape you. Deft fingers unbutton your uniform with ease and slip it down your shoulders to reveal your chest as if he’s done it a thousand times.
He moves to unclasp your bra, but is surprised to meet your bare skin. He pulls back from your mouth to meet your eyes, and you already know what he’s thinking with the way he looks down at you, head tilted back with a dark mirth.
“No bra?” he inquires, rolling your perky buds between his fingers, and your lack of verbal response, that guilt in the slight raise of your eyebrows, tells him everything he needs to know. “Naughty girl. Makes me think you were expecting this.” He makes you purr like a kitten, free hand kneading at your chest, coaxing out sweet little noises that make his dick throb in his pants. 
You inhale sharply at a particular tweak of your nipple that has your body tingling, arching into him. “Sir, I-” 
His mouth is on your neck, sucking on that sensitive spot below your ear, just next to your jaw. The feel of his teeth gently scraping down sends chills through your shoulders and down your back, subconsciously tilting your head to the side and exposing more to him, inviting him to your body even further.
“It’s okay, you can tell me how bad you need my cock,” he says against your skin.
Your body flushes hot beneath him. A hand cups your clothed core. The friction has your hips lifting in desperate motions for more, pushing against his fingers for some kind of relief.
“Poor thing, too horny for your own good,” he says, peering down at you. He tugs at the tiny, delicate bow sewn into the lace band of your panties, a smug expression passing over his features. “But don’t worry, teacher’s here to make you feel better.”
He hooks his pointer finger underneath the center of your panties and pulls it up, forcing the fabric taught against your slit between your folds, urging a cry to fall from your lips. You’re absolutely aching for more, pussy desperate for contact as your hips buck. His opposite thumb goes straight to your swollen clit where it bulges through the thin cotton, reducing you to whines as he applies light pressure. 
“So sensitive,” he says with a teasing lilt in his tone, caught between looking at your pussy and your dazed expression. “You want my fingers?”
He knows he’s supposed to be helping you, but he can’t stop himself with how cute you look like this. He’s already thinking of just how far he can push you, just what he can get you to admit to him.
“Yes, please,” you’re begging, pulling your lips under your teeth, and how can he say no? He has no other choice but to indulge you.
He pulls your panties to the side and finally, his long, thick fingers sink inside you without warning, pushing a lewd moan from your throat.
He groans at the way you pulse around his digits. Your walls suck him right in. “Fuck, look at your pretty little cunt. Feels good, huh?”
Your mouth falls open as you nod, staring at him through half-mast, glassy eyes. Light amusement covers his face as he works your walls diligently, curling up and massaging that spongy spot he knows you like from the sounds you’re making.
“Yeah, I know it does. Need it so bad, don’t you?”
“Yes, ah, need it so much,” you whine. At this point, you’d follow his every command, answer his every question, if it means he’ll keep doing what he’s doing. He connects his lips to yours again, swallowing up the noises that leave your throat, before moving down. He trails his mouth over your sensitive, flushed skin, burning to the touch as he leaves harsh, bruising marks behind. He’s kneeling down and throwing your legs over his shoulders without hesitation.
He has you desperate and shameless with how he’s making you feel. It doesn’t matter that he’s your teacher, it doesn’t matter that you’ll have to face him in class after the fact, all that matters is how hot and aching your core is, how bad you need him there to fix it. “More, sir, p-please.”
He groans at the name you’ve given him, that you’re addressing him by so earnestly. He never even asked you to, so when it spills out of your mouth so submissively, he can’t help the way it goes straight to his cock. “So polite, aren’t you? Let me hear you, be specific.” 
His fingers leave you clenching around nothing as he pulls them out of you, watching the string of slick stretch until it breaks. He slips them right into his mouth, licking your arousal off of his fingers, humming in delight. 
You’re fixated on his glossy, wet lips, entranced by the slight smile to his words. “Please, your mouth,” you plead breathlessly through a gulp. 
He presses a chaste kiss to the plush of your thigh, eyes flicking up to meet yours. His lips ghost over the tops of your knee socks and nip at the slight pudge that squeezes out.
“Since you asked so nicely,” he murmurs. Then, he’s diving in, latching his warm, wet mouth onto your pussy. You feel yourself gush under his lips as his tongue laves harsh strokes against your entrance. He has you quivering, your hips moving on their own accord over his face.
You squirm under his relentless tongue, swiping through your slick and spreading it all over your inner thighs. He laps at your fluttering hole before suckling your clit into his mouth, hot tongue flicking over it before releasing with a playful pop.
He thrives off of the whimpers leaving your mouth. A loud moan tears from you as his fingers plunge into you again, hands shooting to his snowy locks to ground yourself. You’re throwing your head back, keening in the firm grip he has pushing back your leg, his tongue swiping at you expertly while the pads of his fingers curl up into the spot you need him at, keeping his head pressed tight to your drooling cunt.
Pointed flicks of his tongue target your clit, puffy and sensitive, and you can’t help the way your hips buck up for more, babbling nonsense. His firm muscle prods at your hole before flattening and licking wide and short strokes up your folds.
“Aw, you wanna cum, don’t you? Gonna cum for me like a good girl?”
You only have the strength to nod, eyes squeezing shut and your lips parted in choked breaths.
“Look at me,” he commands sternly, and your lids are prying open immediately, struggling to keep your gaze on him with the pleasure he’s relentlessly forcing on your body. His plump lips are lustrous with your arousal. “Go ahead. Cum.”
His eyes bore into you as your face contorts, body tensing all over as you tip over the edge. That coil in your stomach which Gojo has so masterfully built snaps like a rubber band, shattering your mind as pleasure ripples through your body. You’re still as your release surges through you, making him moan against your pussy.
“That’s it, there you go,” he says with a growl as you take your first breath after the inhibiting pleasure fades, eyes darkening as he watches you, keeping pressure on your nub with his thumb, smooth strokes working you through your high. 
He carefully helps you drop to your feet, rubbing soothing circles into your hips, planting kisses to your temples before spinning you around to face the desk. You’re wobbly, but it’s nothing he can’t compensate for with his natural strength.
“Gonna take such good care of you,” he mumbles, large hands exploring the expanse of your back. He pushes you down, gentle fingers trailing up your spine until they find their hold on your hips like they were meant to be, loving how pliant you are beneath him.
The anticipation has you dripping, heart pounding as he flips up your skirt again, pussy aching to be filled. You hear the tugging of his trousers down to the floor, and a hefty exhale as he gives himself a few strokes in his palm.
His cock, hot and heavy and hard, presses into you slowly. You feel his girth immediately, cunt stretching deliciously to accommodate his size. It’s instant relief, finally the pleasure you’ve been desperate for, a drug you have to be careful of or you might just get addicted.
“Fuck,” he groans lowly, “So fuckin’ tight for me.”
You’re stuffed to the brim, focusing on how full you are, his fingers massaging the flesh of your ass as he gives you a moment to adjust. He feels his self-restraint thinning as you squeeze him. He’s gonna make you drool for him, make his cute innocent student into his little whore, make sure teacher’s the only one who touches you like this.
At first, his pace is slow and steady, sensual pumps that expertly drag against your gummy walls. You can feel his tip spreading you open, every burning curve and vein and ridge of his head as your pussy molds to him. But once your legs start shifting back for more, he speeds up the rocking of his hips, fucking you brainless on his cock. 
“How we feeling, princess?” he pants. He’s the only thing you can think about, mind scrambled from the white hot feel of being fucked so well.
He doesn’t have to ask to know - the string of heedless whimpers that you make are evidence enough, on top of the obscene squelches that echo every time he pounds into your sopping cunt. He pulls your wrists back from where they cling to the desk, white knuckled, to your sides. A strong arm snakes around your front, pinning your arms and waist close to his chest, caging you in while the other seeks purchase on your breast.
“F-Fuck, I- ah - so good, sir,” you sob, feeling your brain blank with the way his grip moves up to your neck, expertly pushing into the sides to cut off your blood flow. It’s dizzying, your pussy tightening around him for more.
And then he stops.
You’re about to whine, your walls fluttering around him, begging him to move, when his hand reaches to cover your mouth. He shushes you gently, snapping quietly towards the door. 
Someone is calling your name outside. “Hellooo? Hey Y/N, you over here?” It’s Yuuji, pacing the upper floor, walking straight down the hall and soon to pass the very door.
Your heart jolts in panic - why would he come looking for you? Why would anyone? The whole point of being out here was so that no one would come, right?
“Sorry to go back on my word, princess,” Gojo whispers. A wave of his hand creates a small masking barrier in front of the window, but it does nothing to hide the sound. “Gonna have to keep quiet for me. Can you do that?”
You nod your head, wiggling back against his hips pressed hard and unmoving to your ass. He pulls out slow and thrusts back, mindful of the noise of contact. It takes all your focus to bite back your moans.
“Don’t want your classmates seeing how slutty you are for a good fuck, do you? What if they walked in, saw you like this on your teacher’s cock?”
The thought has your hole constricting his length. You can already envision Yuuji’s shocked expression as he stares you down, his respected senior, nothing more than a babbling mess as Gojo Satoru fucks you raw in an empty classroom. The man behind you holds back a laugh.
The footsteps pass without the hint of something much filthier than extra help transpiring beyond the thin walls. You think you might have even seen a tuft of pink hair whizz by in the corner of your vision - whatever the matter, he’s gone, and you can finally catch your breath.
“Dirty girl,” Gojo rasps from behind you, slamming into you roughly, a sinister smile tugging at the corners of his lips while his fingers force themselves into your mouth, “you - hah - you fucking love it.” 
That spring in the base of your tummy starts to coil taut, rising faster than ever. “Love it,” you choke, stimulated tears forming at your lash line, “love it so much!”
His pace is relentless, your slick gushing all around him. He’s building you up just to break you down, the only one who can help you take the edge off.
“Tell me what you want,” he says through gritted teeth, “I’ll give it to you.”
Holding you tight to his chest with locked arms, he completely covers your body with his tall stature, inescapable and confining.
“Fuck, wanna - wanna cum so bad, so bad, sir.”
His large hand trails its way over your waist, soft fingers moving down, down, until they slip right over that little sensitive bundle at your front, cool and wet, that has your breath catching audibly in your throat. 
Gojo places his mouth just behind your ear, tone soft and sultry. The pad of his index finger rubs firm circles over your swollen, aching clit. It elicits a filthy sound from you that makes his cock twitch inside you. “Right there, huh?” He feels you clench as your legs tremble beneath him.
Your climax crashes over you in hot, unforgiving waves, tightening your walls and creaming all over every inch of his length. “Come on, give it all to teacher,” he encourages through heavy pants, making your skin prickle, and it’s just what you need. A chorus of loud, high pitched, breathless moans tumbles from your mouth as you ride it out. 
You’re drenching his fingers, making a mess as your squirt drips down and coats his cock, making him growl into your hair. He coaches you through it, stringing out his praises, “Just like that, mhm, good girl.”
His eyes fall shut as your cunt suffocates his cock, feeling his hips stutter as you suck him in. With a guttural, hungry groan, he’s burying his load in your waiting hole. He snaps against you once, twice more, hard and quick as he starts to come down.
A moment passes to catch your breaths, heartbeats beginning to slow in tandem. Gojo nuzzles his face into the back of your neck and sighs before placing an affectionate kiss there. 
Your legs are jelly beneath you so he’s careful when he releases his grasp, slowly turning you around to face him and sit back on the desk. 
“You alright?” he asks, wiping away the wetness under your eyes.
It’s safe to say that you’re relieved, in more ways than one. Your shoulders feel lighter and as does your chest, like everything you’ve been shackled to has been lifted off with a good fuck.
“Yeah, much better.” There’s a tired grin to your words.
He wipes away the sheen of sweat that has collected on his hairline and reaches over you to grab a few tissues off the desk. He’s gentle as he cleans you up, dabbing up sweat and cum from where it drips down your thighs. 
“You should get some rest. I’ll get you out of class tomorrow morning if you need it. Make up an excuse or something.” He pulls up his own trousers and helps you button up your top again, then lowering you back to the floor so you can be on your way.
“Let me know if you ever need any more assistance,” he winks, patting the top of your head. He smooths down a few stray hairs, putting you back together in at least a somewhat presentable way. “My help is always available to students that need it.”
Because while all that cursed energy may be under control, your relations are far from over. 
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delicrieux · 2 years
Ma'am, please, spare some angst/fluff with eddie munson please
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ALL THE THINGS YOU’D SAY TO ME  | endless drabble series (summer edition)
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summary: now what would happen if two extremely bored friends decided to imagine what it would be like if they were dating pairing: eddie munson x reader a/n: ... you’ve charmed me. used prompt 13. heatwave
masterlist. ☕. reqs are open for the summer prompt list!
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“C’mon,” He says, but quietly, without his usual bravado, “humor me.”
It’s just mild enough to breathe in the shade of the tree canopy. Eddie’s sprawled on his back next to you, hair a matted nest of curls that he keeps pulling away from his face. Your sit on the peer’s edge with your feet dipped into the water - cool lake, cool shade, you might just live to see tomorrow after all - and your mind is clouded in a pleasant, balmy daze. It’s the heat. It’s insufferable, makes everyone delirious.
His hand nudges your elbow, “Ground control to major (Name).” He doesn’t sound all that grounded himself, “This is ground control to major (Name), do you copy?”
You crack a smile, “I thought you don’t listen to that stuff.”
He shrugs, but ceases his pestering, “I heard it on the radio. It’s fine, I guess. A bit whiny.”
“I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.”
“Humor me.”
“Thought I was already doing it.”
“You know what I mean. Humor me, c’mon, it’ll be fun.” He sits up slowly, and once he does, his face scrunches as if he had eaten something sour. You have a moment to laugh before he hides his face in his palms, “Jesus fucking Christ I think I just blacked out for a second.”
“It’s official,” You say, grinning from ear to ear, “the heat has melted your brain. It’s gone.”
“Do I qualify as damaged goods now?”
It’s amazing, the way he makes you laugh. It always happens and it’s always expected but you’re caught off guard still. A pleasant silence follows your fit and when the water settles and a breeze wheezes by you start recalling what he had asked. It’s stupid. And probably not a very good idea. Maybe the worst one he has ever had.
But you’re just bored and curious enough to think, hey, what’s the worst that can happen?
He’s looking at you now, and there’s an inquisitiveness to his gaze, a sharpness that you aren’t used to seeing. You shake your head, “I don’t know what I’d say to you.”
It switches in a blink of an eye and you’re seeing Eddie again, the Eddie everyone sees, the strange, theatrical goofball with his dramatic motions, “You don’t know?!” He’s on the verge of tearing his hair out, or perhaps the heatstroke finally caught up with him. He slumps to the side and almost into the water before your hands pull him back to safety, “How can you not know!”
“I just--I dunno! I’m not, like, that good at thinking on the spot.”
He looks into your eyes, and the heat really starts making the world spin, “Just...lie, then. Make something up. I believe in you.”
He always does. He’s the only one.
If the woes of completely 100% platonic friendship were replaced with romance, what would you say to him? That you like it when he smiles? That his eyes are pretty? That he’s good at playing the guitar?
No, it’s not that simple. You do like it when he smiles, but most of all when you look at him and he’s already looking at you and the corner of his lips is quirked upwards and then you know that he will say something that will make you laugh. And when he says it he looks away and glances back to make sure that you’re laughing and looks away again when you do. 
You like it when he looks for you in crowds and looks at you during his concerts or when you’re giving a presentation or when he’s playing the guitar for your ears only in his bedroom. They’re gentle, round, a happy brown color that makes you wonder if anyone else sees him the way you do. There’s a knot in your stomach when you think that they do. Someone has to. He’s just so... so...
“So?” Eddie urges, unnerved by your silence. You continue staring, “Is there something on my face?”
“What? Oh, no, just your face.” 
“Admit it.” He says, “You got lost in my eyes.”
“Yeah,” You say softly, and his suave expression falls, “or at least that’s what I’d say. If we were dating.”
He gulps. Turns away. Watches the water for a solid moment, “Friends can get lost in each others eyes.” He mumbles.
“Oh really?”
“Yeah,” He shrugs, “I get lost in yours all the time.” He backtracks quickly, maybe even panics. It’s hard to tell when he’s being serious. He’s too good at playing pretend, “Not in, like, a weird way or anything. Just like, you know...in a nice friend way.”
But the damage is already done. His words bury deep between the muscles of your heart, lodged there. You’ll have to get used to their intrusion. 
You finally get his insistence to play this game, only for a different reason. 
You’d like to know; would like to dream for a moment. Imagine what it would be like dating your best friend. What he’d say to you.
Had he been wondering the same thing?
...Nah, can’t be. He’s Eddie, and you’re you, and that’s the way it has been since eight grade and it won’t change anytime soon. 
Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to play after all.
“Forget it,” He rubs his face with his hands. Slides closer to the peer’s edge, “it was stupid.” And disappears under the water with a loud splash.
It was stupid. It’s probably the heat, making you feel weird. 
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hope you liked it! xx
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