#My current only thought on Ezra has to do with Beau
therantingsage · 5 months
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Since there's not a lot of named characters to work with, I'm forced to make a few OC side characters for Finders Keepers. All Death Bird OCs will be based on the limited list of potential previous solver hosts that we see in Episode 7. So I'm not making up any names, though I may take creative liberties when needed, cuz some of the names in that list are clearly shortened versions of something longer.
Soooo here's the only two I've made so far, based on the two names at the very bottom of that list. Luna and Ezra! Figured I should experiment with non-corvids. Luna I already have some ideas for, plot-wise, but I'm not sure what I'm doing with Ezra yet.
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goldstonegolem64 · 4 years
On the planet of Olkarion Rebels,Queen slayers Mercarnies and Olkair alike were celebrating the Huge Victory they just had against the empire .But above the planet the Castle of lions , Along with several other rebel ships were being repaired by Vanguards cloud of nanobots. An as this was happening inside of the Castle of lions .Lance,Keith, Hunk, Pidge,Jay and Matt  Were all sitting around The healing pods that housed Thace and Shiro now both armless seeing as Shiro was rejected do to his metal arm being severally damaged in the fight  
“ Hey Jay can you put some music on sitting here in silence is really depressing “Matt asked 
“ Alright  “ Jay replied as he tapped on his wrist computer and let his music start play 
“ Thank you “Matt said 
“ Your welcome “ Jay said before the room return to the semi silence it was before just with music playing in the background They all sat there for a few minutes until Allura,Coran, Ezra,Shay and Kolivan walked in
“ So how's everyone doing  ?” Coran asked But no one answered” Oh that bad uh” Coran rubbed the back of  his head as Ezra and Shay walked to their respective Boyfriends 
“ Well after everything they have gone through it makes sense that they would be tried and well worried “Allura looked towards  The healing Thace and Shiro
“ So Allura what is are next move?” Keith asked
“ Well I wanted to talk to you about that. After learning Zarkon’s plan to capture your families and use them as a bargaining chip against us. I believe we should go back to your homeworld and make sure your families are alright and to well recruit Earth to the coalition along with recruiting Mars if that’s ok with you jay ”  Allura looked over to jay to see his reaction 
“ Yeah it’s fine we would  have to go there eventually” Jay said as he leaned his head on Ezra’s shoulder 
“ An the rest of you ?” Allura turned her head towards the other 
“ Yeah going home sounds nice” Lance said
“ Same here it would be nice to show Shay around my hometown   “ Hunk said  
“ I would like that” Shay add
“ I wouldn’t mind going home after a year of fighting see mom again would be a breath of fresh air.Right Katie “ Matt said as he elbow bumped his sister 
“ Yeah it would be nice to see mom again. I just hope see doesn’t loss it when she sees what happened to my leg “ Pidge said as she tapped on her right foot   
‘ Yeah that’s going to be a pain explain also she might want you to stop being a Paladin after seeing your foot” Matt replied 
“ Keith what’s your opinion on this ?” Lance asked 
“ I mean where am i going to go. I live on this ship and my brother brother in law and Nephew also live here.So where they go i go” Keith said Bluntly 
“ Alright it looks like were all in agreement So when are we heading out?” Jay asked 
“Once Adam and your kids are back on board and the repair are done will be heading out to your home system“  Allura said
“ Alright with that out of the way is there anything else we need to take about?” Lance asked 
“ Well i think K-7 could be useful he was made to be pilot so having more mech pilots on are sie would be nice.Once we start make are own V-types. As for the twins “
“ They did help us fight Zarkon” Pidge add  
“ But they almost kill us the first time we meet them” Hunk said he felt Shay’s grip around his arm tighten a bit 
“ Yeh i don’t trust them to much after that “ Shay added 
“ But they also worried us about zarkon plan to kidnap  are families “Pidge countered 
“ But they helped kill entire rebel outpost” Matt add 
“ Ok but they helped us and can pilot Robeasts and i firmly believe that they can help us in the long run and i mean if the do betray us we can just end them without a second thought “ Jay said 
“ Not to interrupt your discussion” Everyone turned to look at the speaker who was Kolivan “ but i believe the Twins should go with us seeing as they are children of are former members “ Kolivan said     
“ Well Before we make a concrete decision  let have Adam be here and see what the twins want to do.” Jay said 
“ no i think they Should go with the Blade it would get them out are hands, An they could still help us in th long run”Keith said   
“ Yeah that sounds fine but still lets wait for adam to get he so we have a full team decides “ jay replied 
“ Well you are third in command so will wait “ Lance said 
“ Well Allura’s here and her word trumps mine” Jay turned his head to look at the princess  “ So boss what do you want to do with them ?” He asked
“Lets wait til Adam is here and when Shiro wakes up “ Allura said she then turn to look towards Kolivan “ Will you being willing to wait an few more hours ?”
“ It will be fine i am not need back for a few more day.But if you don’t mind we would like to send Thace back to base with Axtok?”
“ That is fine “Allura replied 
“ Thank you “ 
[ Princess The prometheus is approaching and will be docking soon.  ] 
“ Well i looks like will get are answer soon “ Matt add 
“ So whose going to be the one to tell Adam what happened to Shiro ‘ Hunk said 
“ I will i’m a doctor intraining and i was the one who had promised to Shiro home alive” Jay got to his feet helped Erza up to their feet  ”  lets get this over with  “ Jay said as he walked out of the room followed by Ezra 
in his peranol chamber of his Capital Ship Lotor looked at The badly damaged Command center with thousands of plasma impact burneds ,Bullet holes, and a long gash that lay their like an open wound on the side of the command center. “ I wish i could have seen it. Most have been a beautiful fight “ Lotor said to himself as he starred at the carnage caused by the Rebel army. As he looked the door to his chamber.Lotor turn to see a Women with lite blue skin dark purple and blue hair. Blue eyes with yellow sclera  She also had four small horn sticking out of the side of her head and they wore the armor of his generals
“ Lord lotor we have collected the fragments of those cubes “ The woman said 
“ Good have are top researchers on in i want to know what they're made of and where they came from “ 
“ Yes my lord” 
“ Then once your done with that bring me the man named skyver followed by Contacting are spies in the rebellion and tell them to watch this Jay person closely i want any and all information on them. He is are only lead to this second Altean Colony and we must find it before my mother does .  I will not let her kill of what is left of my people. “ Lotor ordered 
“ Yes my lord” 
“ one last have we found where bandor disappeared to ?” Lotor asked 
“ Yes we have  “
“ Where “
“ Back i the first colony we was found by guard barely alive. He is currently being treated there and is said to make a full recovery in the come months. We also did a head count after the crash and found that we are now missing one other person”
“ Who is it ?” Lotor asked 
“ Bandors older sister Romelle Silva ‘ 
“ Do we any idea on her current whereabouts ?” 
“ No she has disappeared near the Void’s opening she may be dead My lord “
Lotor clenched his fists hearing that “ And what of CenterPoint labs 
Axca voice when from her normal stern and militaristic tone to more somber one “ completely destroyed and only a few members of the team survived”
“And what about the few survivors “   
“ Off world and in recovery “
“ Alright We'll hold off  on the gate project for another few year and keep me posted on the recovery. You are dismissed “Lotor order 
“ Yes my lotor “ Axca said as she left Lotors Chamber    
Lotor stood there in silence for a few minutes 
“ It was not your fault My friend sciences as it’s rises   “ Ragna said as he walked out from a shadowy corner of the room 
“ Still It was my orders that sealed  the fates of all those people “ Lotor said looking at the smokey wolf      
“ True but you now know what not to do next time “
“ Not to follow my parents notes and stop trying to tear a hole into the fabric of reality “
“Correct Now what is the next step seeing as your father failed to capture  Voltron or the Valkyrie  “
“ I still believe conniving  Voltron  to join us is are best options and to make peace with the rebellion.But i don’t think mother or most of the Generals that were under my fathers rule wouldn’t  be happy about it “
“ Then fight for it and make them listen to you”  Ragna said 
“That is the easy part the hard part is going to be talking to the Paladin in the first place”
“ The worst thing they can do is kill you and fully shatter the empire and bring peace to the universe “ Ragna said 
“  They won’t kill me hopefully when they make this new universal government.Now how is my mother doing “
“ She is in grieving still “ 
“ And of the force that influencing her.”
“ It’s still there stronger now then it was before ” 
“ Alright then it’s going to be but we most keep pushing forwards if we are to stop what is coming “  Lotor said as he walked over to a desk in his room and tapped a button on it to reveal a screen that show a crack in the fabric of reality that was slowly getting bigger and had several different energies leaking out of it
Back in the castle of lions   
Jay and Ezra walked down the hall way towards the hanger beau had told them to go to meet Adam and Jay’s kids
“So you guys going to stay with the fleet or got back to hunting down Queens?” Jay asked 
“ once the repair are done will follow you guys for a few day see what worlds your going to recruit some people then go back to bugs” Ezra replied as They  held onto Jay’s arm 
“ Good to know ‘Jay replied
“ So have you figured out what your going to tell ADam when you see him ?” ill Ezra asked 
“ I’l just tell  him the truth we won and Shiro’s in the healing pods and is missing his arm. “ Jay replied as the two entire into the Hanger. As they entered the Hanger they saw several rebel Ships parked along with Seeing the Valkyrie sitting there surrounded by dozens of rebel pilots engineers and ground troops They also saw the Prometheus parked with next to the dragon mech  
“ Looks like Val has a little fan club “Ezra said 
“ Yeah it looks like it and it looks like Adam’s already he let get this over with then ” Jay replied as the two walked towards the crowd surrounding.
As they got closer to it A female voice Yelled out to them“ Hey Silver lining do you have a moment “Jay stopped in place with Ezra stopping alongside him 
  Jay didn’t know if the person was referring to him or someone else but he turned his head towards the voice and saw a Coeihns woman with short Green hair, Blue eyes  wearing a muscl-t and a open  fleet suit with the upper half tied around her waist .she was walking towards them and the only reason he know the women’s race the moment he saw here was because she looked very similar  to bastion which made him fell a little uneasy.
“ You talking to me “ Jay said while pointing to himself as his helmet automatically pitch shifted his voice to sound like sound wave 
“ Oh my god really” erza asked as they fought back laughter at the stupid voice 
“ What i am i suppose to do it just happens “ Jay said as he pulled of his helmet and started to messing with the in working off 
“ Well that answer my first question “ The Coeilhn woman said as a carma bot float in front of Jay’s face and was about to take his picture 
But if on reflex most of Jay’s facial features disappeared leaving just as the flash when off  
‘ OK that one’s new” Ezra said starring at a now faceless jay 
The Jay mouth reappeared” Next time ask someone  if you want to take their  picture” Jay pushed the carma bot away from his face as he put his helmet back   “ Now who are you and why are you bothering me “ He said he voice dripping with annoyance and anger following that his face marking glowing brightly    
The Coeilhn women stepped back a little scared by the sudden tone shift “ I’m Rey Wellmore I’m photographer working with the Rebels. An i was hoping that i could get a few pictures you and the valkyrie along with Asking you a few question “ REy replied 
Jay’s anger faded away ‘ Next time ask a head of time because  right now i have some where to be and someone to me wi” JAy was cut off as something slammed into his back nearly knocking him to the floor. Jay’s head did a 180% and looked down to see bastion face pressed against his back followed by him  hugging Jay “ Oh hi Bastion”   
“ Your back “ BAstion said his voice muffled   
“ Yeah i am .What did you think i wasn’t going to comeback ?”
“ Maybe”
“ Why?” He question 
“ I don’t know when you didn’t come down with everyone. We thought maybe you had died  “
“ You could have called i bought you all phones for that reason” 
“ we may have forgotten that “ Bastion replied 
“ God you guys really are taking after me “ Jay said as he patted Bastion on his head 
“ Excuse me but who are you talking to ? “ Rey asked
Jay’s neck snapped back into place to look at the reporter “ Sorry Ms. Rey This is Bastion one of my Boy . say hi Bastion “
Bastion walked from behind Jay and looked up towards Rey and when their eyes meet Rey He felt like he was looking  mirror into a which made him felt a little uncomfortabl.So he step back behind Jay  “ Hello Ms.Rey Bastion said “ He said with a wave. and a noticeable hint of nervousness in his voice 
“ Hi Bastion “ Rey said but she sounded Distance and a little confused  
Jay notice this an made a note of this “ Alright with that out of the way. If you wish for an interview when i’m not working you can find me either living in there “ jjay pointed towards the Prometheus “ or in the med by learn from doctor Ventair or in the training deck ‘ Jay said as he, Ezra and bastion started walking towards the Prometheus 
“ Yeah talk to you later “Ray said lose in thought . She watched the three entire into the prometheus   and once she knew she would see her she pulled out a her phone and call someone “ HEy Gillmore it’s me Rey can you check check something out for me ?”
In the Prometheus 
Jay,Ezra and Bastion walked into the Living room 
“ Hey everybody i’m home  “ Jay said as he walked in the living room.
The moment his voice rang out  in the room  Molly head turned around and She scrambled out of Fitz lap crawled up the couch and throw herself at he father. Not noticing the two foot gap between the two of them. Jay with the reflexes that all people get when they become Parents. Quickly grabbed his Daughter out of the air before she even started to fall.Once she was in his hands he quickly pulled her close to him “ God you are going give me a heart attack one of this days”  Jay said
“ Papa’s home” Molly said as she wrapped her arms around Jay’s Helmeted Head 
“ Yeah i’m home Sweety daddy’s home “ He said sweetly as he hugged his daughter back 
“ Hey Jay how was the Mission?” Fitz asked as he looked up toward Jay from his seat 
“ Yeah how did the mision go and why did it take you so long to get back ?” Usamu asked
“ Well that’s a long story see ‘ Just stopped mid Sentence as something Grabbed his Leg. So he looked down and saw Clay hugging it “ Hey Clay “
“ Where you go “ She said as she looked up to him with tears in her eyes 
Jay felt like he had just been punched in the heart as he looked at his other daughter “ I’m sorry Daddy had to go save the universe “ Jay said felling really bad 
“ No leave again “ She said as her grip around Jay’s Leg tightened
“ Yeah no go away again” Moly said as she tried to wiggled out of her father’s arm.Jay didn’t want to drop her. So he place her down .Once she was on floor she grabbed onto Jay’s other leg mimicking her sister 
“YOu both know that not going to stop me right.” Jay said as he start walking  as he did molly started Giggling while Clay stayed quiet  
“ Oh god this is the adorable “ Ezra said as they watched their boyfriend and his kids just goof around as Usamu jumped onto jay back while Bastion and Fitz watched and laughed 
“ Yes it is “ Adam said as he walked out of the stairway holding onto a walke and curious Izuku 
Jay stopped in place “ Hey bub”
“ Is Shiro alive ?” Adam asked already know what jay was trying to do 
“Yes missing his arm but yes “
“ Alright Same medbay as before “
“ Yes “
“ Alright  See at lunch and thanks for for keeping your promises man “ Adam said as he patted Jay on the shoulder before walking out of the Prometheus 
“ Your welcome man “ Jay replied as he watched adam leave “ Ok tat was easy”
“ Yes it was “ Ezra said 
“ Now with that out of the way “ Jay looked to fit then Bastion seeing as the other three were still holding on to him “ Um So there is a chance that were going back to my home world and then to the home of the other Paladins  “ Jay said as Usamu jumped off of his back 
“ So were going to meet Grandpa then?” Usamu asked as he walked in front of his father with a tone of wonder in his voice 
“ Yeah along with my brothers and sister some friends of mine and my mom’s parents  an if we're lucky hopefully not my dad’s family “Jay said that last bit with a little bit of venom in his voice
“ Why not you dad’s family ?” Ezra asked 
“ it’s along story my dear and my DAd can explain it better . Now who wants hear how the mission when “ Jay said not wanting to talk about his families problems 
In what remained of Galra central command
Haggar stood looking over her comatose husband. She had been starring there for the past few hours and wonder how this could have happened . They had taken ever precaution studied every battle that the paladins were in and even equipped the titan with weapon’s tailor made to handle Voltron and the Valkyrie at the same time  but when the snap dragon self destructed on top of the Titan it sealed his fate “ Oh my love what have they done to you” She asked herself 
“ They butchered him “ A very familiar yet strange disembody voice said right behind her
She quickly turned around and slashed at the person behind her only to swipe at empty air “ Who goes there show yourself ‘ She yelled To the empty room
“ I’m hurt Honvera how could you forget me..I’m the reason that you and your husband are even alive after your little encounter that beast from the void ’ the voice said 
“ What “ Haggar thought back to when she and Zarkon had died she remembered hearing a voice talking.But she had put that up to being on death's door. ‘ So it was  you i have to thank for our revival “
“ Yes it was me” The Voice said as a faint humanoid being started to form from purple quintessons  that was powering the lazuriz chamber that Zarkon was resting in  the figure had only defining feature was the two bright soul burning yellow eye “ My name is  Deceit and despite my name i’m here to help you again. ”
“ Why “ Haggar asked  not trusting this thing but she had to be weary seeing as this thing was just sitting on her husbands healing chamber 
 “ Because  every time you  drained a world of it’s quintessens and used it to fue you and your husband.It feed me and i wish to keep that relationship on going. So i’ll help you again by keeping your husband alive. Seeing as this thing “ He tapped on the Lazarus chamber “ Is only postponing the inevitable .” Deceit    said as a jagged smile started to appeared on his avatar’s face.
“ What do i have to do for this deal to work?” Haggar asked knowing that it’s not that easy 
“ Your a smart one “ Decit pointed the newly formed finger at her “ I want you to find this ship   “ Deciet’s hand seemingly grabbed onto reality itself and opened at portal that showed of a massive ship that looked like the castle of lions mixed with her Son’s Capital ship surrounding it it was a massive ring around it “ An destroy it”
“ Why ?” 
“ It’s existence has put plans i have had in motion for a long time in jeopardy. and that is all i’m will to tell you at the moment “ Deceit said 
Haggar glared at Deceit but she really had no real choice  but to follow “ Alright then we have a deal ‘
“ Good i’ll see you in the funny pages Honvera “ Deceit said as he faded out leaving the tear in reality that show off the ship there for a few seconds before it closed up 
Haggar stood there starring at the empty space before turning back to her husband and hoped she man the right choice 
Back in the Castle of lions  
“ So right before Zarkon Die he grabbed on to the black lion’s head with his robeasts remaining arm and tried to electrocute shiro to death but his arm took most of the damage and now he’s healing for the next hour.An once he’s a wakes We’ll be deciding whether or not will be going back home along with the Fates of The twins and K-7 am i correct “ Adam said
“ Yeah that sums it up real well “Matt said
“Alright and thin else i need to know before me and Izuku have to wait another hour just so we can take to him “
“ Uh were going to need a new black paladin for a few months while Shiro new prosthetics are installed from what Jay and that spider said “ Hunk added 
“ That spiders name is  Ventair and she is one of the best Doctor in the whole rebelion so please show her some respected “Matt said 
“ Sorry what Dr.Ventair said “Hunk said  
“ Alright when will decided who the next black paladin then ?” Adam as 
“ After we decide are next course of action will pick the next Black Paladin and with Shiro still around along with Leonidas it won’t take to long i hope “ Allura said 
“ Yeah lets hope “ Lance said 
“ It would be funny if Jay was chosen to fly the black lion “ Matt said Jokingly 
“ I mean Val’s design was some what based off of the black lion so it could be possible that if we  run into  trouble we could possibly combined with the Valkyrie  to make new version of Voltron  “ Pidge added as she grabbed her laptop and started typing away at the possibilities of powers that could come from the union between the two mechs  
“ We could run that by Jay and Val before anything happens i know val was against at first but maybe she changer he mind after the fight with Zarkon. I’ll go ask him“ Lance  said as he got up.But before could full get on his feet Beau’s voice came over the P.A System
[ Alert Alert A gargantuan class dreadnaught of unknown origin as exited a wormhole  8 kilometer north east from are location ] This was followed by a screen show ff the massive ship
Everyone stood or sat there in stunned silence as the massive ship which was a weird mix between the Castle and That war ship that attacked then before they had left the battle fleet 
“ Hey guy is anyone else getting a weird case  desaviolooking at this thing  ?” Pidge asked  
“Yeah i feel it too” Shay said 
“ Same here” Hunk add 
Allura looked at the ship as she did one name came to mind “kronse” Allura said under her breath.Before hundreds and hundreds of Image flashed right in front of her mind causing her a massive and painful head that caused her to fall to the ground clutching her head 
“Princess !!” Everyone yelled in surprise 
“ What’s wrong” Coran asked worried as he helped Allura back to her feet 
“ I don’t know but something about that ship is causing me to see thin Ah “ She grabbed he head again as another set of flash happened 
[were receiving a message from the Ship ]
“Send it through”Adam said taking charge of the situation as he said that a message written in english which surprised everyone.But that’s wasn’t what caught their attention what was write on was 
Hello my old friend let us take like the old day :Signed Queen Allura of the Altean/Galrain Empire 
To be continued in Book two Time to change History 
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