#My sister is moving home in two weeks and we'd have to share a room
quillandrapier · 1 year
You could be having the most harrowing mental health episode and you just have to clean and be present.
#Tw for gender dsyphoria#Internalised fat phobia#And suicidal ideation#Anyway#So my brain is telling me I should detransition#Not because Im not a man#Is just the misgendering is too much#Im so heavy these days I'm medically obese and that's really fucking my brain up#My body doesn't move how I want and it's killing me#But im so depressed i cant bring myself to move my body enough#I dont even like food but I eat like an entire box of ice creams because I just do#Im £2000 in my overdraft and I can't control my spending to the point I cannot get out of it#Im too scared to even apply for any benefits because I almost got prosecuted for not filling in forms in time#Even with a world of leniency#People around me are telling me “oh but it's been so hard” but I've just been lazy#I cant find the motivation to do anything at all.#My sister is moving home in two weeks and we'd have to share a room#But i almost threw a glass at my mum the other day while I was fucking up trying to make food#So at this point I genuinely think i cant get out of these issues#I dont believe I can do anything but kill myself at this point#Im not even worth trying for anymore#I cant take testorone correctly so im just getting the negative effects#I cant take medience correctly#I really don't think I'll be alive in three weeks time#I hate myself for posting this because i hate being this person#But i dont have anyone I can talk to about this as depression has left me almost entirely alien#I've destroyed most my friendships with my procrastination#My ex was right to leave me#Im not someone who can be helped
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captainsophiestark · 8 months
The Best-Laid Plans
Platonic!Annabeth Chase x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: Percy Jackson
Summary: Annabeth's best friend and older sibling figure since she ran away at seven helps her execute the perfect birthday surprise for Percy in their first year at college.
Word Count: 1,306
Category: Fluff, Humor
A/N: To those new to the fandom from the tv show, weclome! This fic has hella spoilers for future books, so be warned
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"I just want to do something special for him. It's his first birthday away from home, and I can tell it's bothering him."
I hummed, twirling my dagger and staring at the ceiling while kicked back on my couch. Such was the life of a demigod, that we fiddled with weapons like fidget toys.
"And there's no way you guys can go back?" I finally asked. Annabeth, my little sister in every way but blood, shook her head.
"We've got orientation for the next week and a half, including his birthday. It's the only reason we're here so early in the first place. We can't miss it."
I frowned. Annabeth and her boyfriend, Percy Jackson, had just started college at New Rome University. They'd gotten to the Bay Area yesterday, which I'd been incredibly excited about. Annabeth and I had been attached at the hip since I was eleven and she was seven, when we'd met as runaway demigods. Out of our little group, Annabeth and I had stayed the closest. After the Titan War, I'd decided to go USF, the muggle university in San Francisco. Leaving her had been the hardest part.
Now, luckily for me, she and Percy had moved out here too. Annabeth had finished unpacking and setting up her dorm room within a few hours of arrival, and so had some free time this morning to spend hanging out with me. Percy had not, so he was otherwise occupied on their last day before school activities started.
"Well, I'm happy to help with whatever you want to do, Annabeth," I said. She sighed, chewing at her lip and staring out the window of my apartment as she thought. "Maybe you could show him around the Bay Area? He probably hasn't spent much time out here, has he?"
"I really haven't either," she said. "I've barely been back since I was a kid."
"Maybe we could go on a tour of New Rome? Percy told me he wanted to show me around, but I don't want to make him be the tour guide for his birthday."
The two of us fell silent for a moment, thinking things through. Then, like a blast of lightning from Thalia, an idea hit me.
"What if you baked him some cookies or something? He's probably already missing his mom's baking."
Annabeth shot up straight in her seat, staring at me with wide eyes.
"That is the perfect idea. Can I make them here?"
"Of course! I'm not going to make you use the shared freshman kitchens."
Annabeth grinned, then stood and headed to the kitchen table. I watched her go with interest as she pulled out a notebook and pen and started scribbling away.
"Uh... Annabeth?"
"Making a plan. Don't worry about it."
I grinned to myself. My little sister was nothing if not predictable.
A few days later, Annabeth managed to sneak away from Percy and orientation to come back to my place for a baking party. Percy's birthday was tomorrow, so we only had tonight to get everything ready.
"I came up with the perfect plan," she said in lieu of greeting as she pushed past me and into the apartment. I smiled after her, joining her in the kitchen as she plopped down a massive bag of baking supplies. "I got the recipe, I timed everything out, I got a ton of blue food coloring. By the end of the day, the perfect birthday surprise will be completed."
"I'd never doubt a plan from Athena," I said, giving her a smile. "Just tell me what to do, and I'm on it."
"Right. Well, first we need to preheat the oven."
That was about the only part of the plan that ended up going off without a hitch. Annabeth didn't bake often, and she'd happened to choose a pretty difficult cookie recipe. I did my best to help, but I didn't have a lot of experience in the area either, so things went quickly off the rails. Just under two hours later, the two of us stood in the kitchen covered in flower, eggs, and bits of way too watery dough, staring at the absolute disaster of a mess we'd created on the counter.
"This was not part of the plan," she said. I couldn't help it—I burst out laughing.
"I don't know, I think sugar cookies are supposed to be so wet we can't pick them up," I joked. I turned to see Annabeth with a very serious frown on her face.
"I haven't had a plan fail this miserably in... a long time."
"Well, I think it's probably time for plan B. That can be your redemption."
Annabeth's frown just deepened, so I did what any good sibling would do and took it upon myself to cheer her up. By throwing a wad of dough in her face, of course.
Her mouth dropped open in shock as sugary, goopy dough dripped off her chin. Then she whirled on me with a fierce look and fire in her eyes that I recognized from the few times she'd really been on the warpath for capture the flag.
"That was a mistake."
She picked up the nearest glob of dough and chucked it at me as I tried to dodge. It hit me in the back with a thunk, and I cackled before turning around to reengage with a clump of flour.
The baking battle raged for a few fierce minutes, before Annabeth and I slipped in some dough on the floor while wrestling to smear more of the stuff on each others' heads. We collapsed in a heap, both of us laughing like crazy people.
"That was so worth everything that came before it," I declared, slumping against the nearest kitchen cabinet. Annabeth immediately followed suit, leaving us shoulder to shoulder in the middle of the mess.
"What about the cleanup that comes after?"
"Also worth it, especially since I have you here to help me."
Annabeth snorted, but didn't say anything. After a minute of comfortable silence, she sighed.
"What am I gonna do for Percy's birthday tomorrow?"
"Well, were the cookies the only plan?"
"No... He took me to one of his favorite spots in the city a few days ago, so I planned a picnic for the two of us there. The cookies were going to be the final surprise."
"Well, there you go then. The rest of the plan remains intact. If you wanted to, you could even make him a little coupon or something that promises 'one day of baking cookies' or something like that, and the two of you can pick an easier but still delicious recipe to try."
Annabeth looked at me with a skeptical eyebrow raised.
"Would you let us use your kitchen again?"
I shrugged. "Sure. Maybe Percy's better at baking than us. And even if he's not, having someone who can control water to help us with cleanup will at least make a round two of this easier."
Annabeth smiled and huffed a laugh, leaning against me.
"Thanks. For this, and for everything. I'm really glad you're here in San Francisco with us."
I smiled too, reaching out to put one arm around Annabeth. We'd known each other more than a decade, and we'd both changed so much. But our relationship had stayed the same.
"Any time, Annabeth. You know I'm always here for you." The two of us sat there for a minute, taking a breather and appreciating each other's company, and then I sighed. "Alright, time to get the cleaning stuff out. This is going to take hours."
"You know, I actually have a lot of coursework I need to get started on-"
"Nice try, but it's orientation. And even if you were in the middle of finals, you wouldn't be getting out of this."
"Fine. But next time, let's plan to avoid the massive kitchen food fight."
I grinned. "Sure. We can plan on that."
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
Riordanverse: @valkyriepirate
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lifeofagirlnameddan · 4 months
This Life (Prt 4)
August came and we both enrolled for a volleyball camp in school. On the end of the first day, he and I were waiting for my ride home. He'll be visiting my house for the first time. He ate lunch with us here at home, and we built some gundams (He bought it for me but I had no clue on how to build it) Soon he had to leave, so I walked him down the stairs... We stopped at the middle of the stairway, I gave him a hug as I said goodbye, I'll see him after the next day, and right before that... he leans us against the wall, inches apart... closing the gap.... for only a split second! That was my first kiss! And I honestly loved it... It was so soft...so quick and the feeling was electrifying. I walked him out the gate unable to look him in the eyes, for every time we looked at each other our faces plastered with two huge goofy ass grins. He left and I ran back to my room squealing. Right after that the next time I saw him, kisses were now unlocked and that move is clearly a favorite. After August, school was starting once again. But there was an event, a school anniversary fair, so I invited him and we attended it on a weekend. It was fun, we ate, saw friends, and we did...kiss a lot more too, and we went out to eat ramen. He and I were having a blast, but for some reason a pang of guilt hit me as I never told my family about this... Knowing my mothers refusal to any relationship, I told S about my concerns, deciding if we were to break it off amidst the happiness. I was going to...but then I stopped, I didn't go through with it because I wanted to be happy with him and I deluded that perhaps mom will understand and let me have this? Besides it was his birthday the next week so it would be cruel to do that to him! By his birthday we went out with his friends, I only came for a moment but it was worth it while it lasted. I met his mother, I fumbled a bit since I wasn't wearing my glasses I didn't recognize her face so it may have seemed like I was ignoring her. I wanted to clear that up so badly. Eventually October and November came, and we would meet through hangouts with our other friends, go on double dates with his best friend and his gf. By a week before Christmas I invited S and another friend of mine (CC) to bake cookies together. Oh it was fun, being a little sneaky with S in my home, hiding away from my little sister and little cousins. And it was all fun and games really, we played Monopoly and had a lightsaber battle. CC left early and S stayed until 11pm. Often times, when he's free or around the area, S would come to visit my house and bring me gifts. Honestly he is so sweet. I gave him a jacket, pins, stickers, a sword, a plushie, and other hand crafted things. He'd bring me candies and snacks when I least expect it. He'd visit me in school as well, although I have to race down against his group of friends. Honestly dating him was like sharing him with the boys HAHAH. His friends are amazing, they've got genuine personality, deranged, insane, fun and drama-free. I find myself naturally accepted by them, me and all our friends combined makes just a big group of people who like and share similar interests, love of food, and harmonized interactions. I was so lucky to have met S, so lucky that I haven't felt depressed in so long, I learned to love without being so needy and I learned to put myself first and make boundaries even in a relationship. S helped me love my country, love my life and wanted to work hard for my future. And S told me that being with me brought back the light in his eyes, and his friends would say he's become a better person ever since then and I honestly have fallen in love with him...
January came, I didn't think we'd see each other at the start of 2024. But he showed up January 3, at my house to greet me. Honestly how dedicated are you???? We went on a date a few days after. I had my school sports fest at an arena far off, at first I didn't want to join but I heard S was going (Why? Even if he's no longer a student, it has perks to have a younger brother who is still in the same school as me) So when I heard he was attending, I showed up last minute to surprise him. Honestly I thought he was mad at me! He refused to look at me and talk to me after I surprised him, I became salty...Turns out he was just trying to contain his excitement...
February, my birthday, He showed up a week before to see me. Then my plans for my 18th birthday was to go on a trip with friends, an overnight at a mountain resort. It was an amazing experience, he was amazing, and it was so fun. We went on a sky bike together, crossed a bridge, went swimming, went on a sky swing together... Then we played video games, card games, ate lots of food, and his mom and dad treated me to dinner. (The only thing I wish didn't happen that time was me falling off a roof as the first time for me to meet his dad...) The day was so fun...and at night... well we'll skip that blissful night's details... By the next day we had one last activity before we leave, I rode in his van apart from my family, I fell asleep on him.. ehe...
March and April consisted of movie and mall dates, it was getting harder since our school requirements were piling up....
May 2, 2024
I went out to meet S in a cafe, it was a quick meet just wanting to catch up... We had a date set for the next day... As I left he gave me a kiss and kissed my cheek goodbye, something felt off this month...
May 3, 2024
I knew it, my mother found out about us and told me to come home. I'm not allowed to go out or commute anymore, and she'll be driving me in and out of school again... She spoke to me about it, she's not against S himself, she just said it wasn't the right time... She told me he was a good person and that I should keep him as a friend, but I should stop the relationship. Oh how I cried... I miss him... I love him, how can I break his heart like this? I followed her either way, and S understood... it took us a day of crying to talk again, he said we'll stay friends and that he doesn't resent me for this and that he's willing to wait. I love him for that, I'll wait for him as well. Up until now we have still been talking to each other daily, the only thing that every stopped was the affectionate words, physical touch and random gifts.
May 23, 2024
My my, it the present already... It's been my finals week and I have been stressing out my life, but S has still been there all this time. I'll see him tomorrow, we're going out with our friends for the first time in so long now to watch the Haikyuu: Dumpster Battle at the cinemas. This loop in life... is it different now? Is S the path going straightforward? I'm not just going in circles am I?
this is the update of the life of a girl named dan...
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peaceisadirtyword · 3 years
Move On VIII (Modern!Ivar/Reader)
A/N: Hello!♥️ Two weeks later, here you go! I only have two things to say: 1. please don't hate me 2. forgive me because it's too long and it might be a bit boring bc my brain was a bit dry this week. BUT the ending is intense. I almost divided it in two different chapters but I'm ending it on chapter 10 and I already have everything planned😔 Please remember there's two chapters left and anything could happen👀 Now enjoy and thanks for reading!
Warnings: fluff, a bit of angst, Hvitty is the best, Alfred is cute, Ivar is Ivar, there's smut, mentions of alcohol, mentions of anxiety and I think that's all!
Words: 7122 (the longest chapter I've ever written sorry)
Move On Masterlist
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my three favorite boys by @therealcalicali
You had thought about your wedding day, like every single person on Earth. You imagined it being outside, maybe near the sea, or in the forest, maybe the gardens of a beautiful palace. But for some reason, you never imagined the groom's face. It was always about you, the place and the music, the dress, the flowers, the cake... Until you met Ivar.
Getting married wasn't something you wished to do soon, it could wait. It was more a future plan than a wish, because in some way getting married and having a child was something that scared you. Ivar managed to make you change your mind, suddenly you weren't that scared of having kids or the commitment that implies a wedding. It would be fine as long as he was the one waiting for you at the end of the aisle and the one holding your baby. It would be fine as long as it was him there with you.
Weddings were a celebration of love. At least that was what everyone said, two people that loved each other enough to try and make it last forever. Maybe they gave too much importance to the wedding itself and forgot the love part. Or maybe you were so bitter about anything romantic or related to love that you stopped thinking about them as a love gesture and started seeing it as a contract.
You hadn't heard about Ivar again. Not since that day that ended so badly. Hvitserk said he was still with Freydis, and soon he just stopped talking about him at all. Maybe hoping you'd get over him faster if he didn't mention him. But it wasn't really working.
At least you stopped crying. Now it was more like a sad grimace whenever you thought about it, and sometimes, Hvitserk realized you'd stop talking and looked away, biting your lip and probably thinking about him. Especially when there was something that reminded you of him.
But the problem of being so close to someone, shaping your entire life around him and sharing everything together was that there wasn't really anything that didn't remind you of him.
Alfred, Thora and Hvitserk had organized to be around you all the time. Distracting you, forcing you to go out and Hvitserk even let you do his makeup once. Sometimes it was annoying, but you couldn't be mad at them, they were just trying to make you feel better.
You tried to convince Thora and Hvitserk to go to the wedding together, but she didn't want to go to said wedding. As you promised Alfred you'd go with him, he'd be the one picking you up, and you'd see Hvitserk in there.
Of course, Ubbe and Torvi chose a beautiful forest near their own home to celebrate the wedding. A pagan wedding. You had been to a few of those with Ivar, as he and his family still worshipped the Norse gods. But this time you felt like an intruder, as you weren't even part of the family anymore, and your date was a Christian man.
The dress Hvitserk chose didn't look that good on you at home as it had looked on the changing rooms, as always, but you forced yourself to wear it with confidence. You even practiced walking with the new heels you had bought, and at that point you just wished you wouldn't fall in front of everyone.
You chose a very natural makeup, and a simple hairstyle that was within your humble means. You didn't want to draw attention and wished that the guests wouldn't recognize you. The last thing you needed was people talking about you and Ivar.
Traditions were traditions, nonetheless, and you wore red underwear to try and feel a bit sexier. Even if you had tried to get rid of the red dresses and underwear you wore to catch Ivar's attention, that red set in particular was too precious for you. It was the first one he bought you, and you still remembered the first night you wore it.
And, why am I thinking about Ivar now?
You sighed and looked at your own reflect on the mirror. You were ready, just needed to put those deadly traps on your feet and grab your purse. Alfred had called and he was on his way.
Oh yeah, because you're seeing him today. For the first time in months, you were going to see him again and with Freydis on his arm. You didn't even know how you'd react, but it had given you nightmares for days.
The doorbell rang, and you finished putting on the heels before walking to the door and opening it. Alfred looked like a prince, with his black suit and a flower on his hand. A sunflower. It made you smile more than it was socially acceptable.
"Hi" you waved at him "You look good" you winked at him, Alfred chuckled and blushed softly.
"Hello" he nodded politely "You look..." he stopped to look at you in the eye and sighed "Absolutely beautiful"
"Oh, um..." you looked down, flustered "Thank you, I... Didn't expect a compliment now"
Alfred smiled and took your hand, making you twirl and giggle.
"This is for you" he gave you the sunflower. You bit your lip and took it.
"You're always giving me flowers"
"Because you deserve them" he shrugged "Are you ready?"
You nodded. Taking the purse you left next to the door and checking you had everything.
"Okay" you sighed "Let's go"
As soon as you got out of the car someone covered your eyes. You laughed and grabbed his arms to avoid losing your balance.
"Hvitserk" you put his hands away and turned to look at him "Look at you! You look nice"
He did look nice. His dirty blonde hair was braided and the suit looked good on him, it made his green eyes stand out.
"You look very nice too" he winked at you, his flirtatious smirk made you roll your eyes "Nice dress, who chose it?"
"Someone with a very good taste, obviously" you laughed "Are we late?"
Hvitserk turned to greet Alfred. The both of them weren't exactly friends, but thanks to you they were at least civil with each other and you were more than happy with that.
"You're just on time" he sighed "The guests are starting to get in" he pointed at the small path adorned with flowers and wooden decorations that entered the forest "Ubbe is already there, he's surprisingly relaxed, considering the fact he's marrying Torvi" Hvitserk muttered the last part and you raised an eyebrow.
"I would like to say hello to Ubbe before the ceremony starts" said Alfred with a small smile. He was very close to Ubbe, and worked with him frequently. You could say Ubbe was his favorite Lothbrok, and you couldn't blame him.
Hvitserk nodded and stepped back.
"I have to look for my brother, he told me he was close" he explained "But go, I'll catch you later"
My brother, Hvitserk now only referred to Ivar as 'his brother', noticing how you sometimes flinched when you heard his name, even if it was just because the thought of him startled you.
You grabbed Alfred's arm and hoped you wouldn't fall with the heels, he seemed to think the same, because he held you tightly.
"Doesn't it bother you that this is a pagan wedding?" You asked, genuinely curious when you caught a glance of the cross that hang from his neck. It belonged to his biological father, who passed away before he was born.
Alfred seemed amused at the question.
"I'm not bothered by people believing in other Gods, Y/N" he chuckled "In fact, I find paganism very interesting, and Ubbe told me a lot about his Gods and Goddesses, it's interesting, and I don't think my own God would be mad at me for respecting other beliefs"
You nodded slowly. Alfred was very religious, but not on an obsessive way. It was one of the things you liked about him, how relaxed but loyal he was about his religion.
Ivar was also very religious, but focused on a very different religion. It was something they had in common even if they wouldn't ever recognize it, but you could see it in both of them.
"Besides, I'll confess that Norse weddings are often much more fun than the Christian weddings" he added with a smile.
"Oh, are you getting drunk tonight?" you teased with a small smile. Alfred shook his head but laughed.
"Maybe" he raised an eyebrow "But only if you drink with me"
"Obviously" you rolled your eyes "On the last wedding I went to, Hvitserk, Ivar and I stole a bottle of tequila and got drunk on the car while listening to my favorite playlist"
"Wow" he laughed again "Okay, I'll try to keep up with you then"
There was a lot of people at the clearing already. You remembered Ubbe's first wedding, the first one you attended to with Ivar. He looked more relaxed now, and happier.
"Alfred" he greeted your companion with a big smile and a bone-crushing hug. Alfred smiled widely and hugged him back "You look good, man, thanks for coming"
"Of course, Ubbe" when they separated, he touched his shoulder firmly "I'm happy for you"
"I was a bit confused when your family arrived without you" Ubbe pointed to a group of people. When you turned to look at them, they turned around to pretend they weren't looking at you, making you raise an eyebrow and Alfred frown and blush "But I see you have better company" he laughed "Hello, Y/N"
When he leant in to hug you, you sighed. Ubbe gave the best hugs ever.
"Hi" you smiled "Thank you for inviting me"
"Are you joking?" he shook his head "You're like my sister, of course we'd invite you, you look pretty" he nodded "My mother is going to be thrilled to see you" he pointed at Aslaug, who stood all alone away from the crowd "She scolded all of us during the last family dinner, saying how you were too good for this family and we didn't appreciate you enough"
You smiled softly, Aslaug always treated you like a daughter.
"I'm gonna go say hello to her" you looked back at them. Alfred nodded and watched you leave until Ubbe hit his head softly with a smirk.
Aslaug never had a good relationship with the rest of the family. Ivar told you no one truly accepted her when Ragnar divorced Lagertha, and she spent most of the time taking care of Ivar. When Ragnar left, she just ignored them.
Ubbe was right, her eyes lightened up and she gave you a big smile when you approached.
"Y/N! Oh, Gods, you look so beautiful" she hugged you tightly "How have you been? I asked Hvitserk about you but he wasn't very specific"
"Hi" you smiled back at her "I'm fine, I think, you look beautiful too"
She seemed to like that comment. She did look very pretty, with her wavy, blonde hair braided and wearing a beautiful blue dress.
"I'm so glad to see you" she sighed "I missed you, you have to come with Hvitserk some day"
You wondered if she knew about the fact that you had slept with Hvitserk. But just when you were about to reply, she looked at someone just behind you, and you tensed up. There was only one person that could make Aslaug smile like that, and you weren't too excited to see him.
When you turned around, you forgot how to breath for a moment. Ivar wore a dark grey suit, that made his deep blue eyes shine like sapphires. He leant into the crutch and walked slowly, looking around with his eyebrow raised, as if he truly believed no one was worthy of his presence. After months without seeing him, thinking you were actually making progress in moving on, you realized you were still too into him. He was just too much.
When you were able to tear your eyes off of him, you realized Freydis was with him, dressed in red and looking so effortlessly beautiful that you felt like crying again.
Hvitserk reached you first, greeting his mother with a kiss on her cheek and putting his arm around your shoulders.
"Come on, let's go, this is about to begin" he whispered. When you left, you could feel Ivar's eyes on you, nearly burning. You didn't dare to look at him.
Torvi was so beautiful on her white dress and the flower crown on top of the small braids on her hair that you couldn't help but tear up a bit. Ubbe looked at her with such an intensity, with eyes so full of love that you envied both of them for a moment. They couldn't stop looking at each other, they were so lost in themselves that barely listened to the völva that married them. To be fair, you barely listened either. It made you wish you had someone to look at like that, someone that looked at you like that. A few months earlier, you thought you had it.
Maybe you still could have it, with Alfred. He was the sweetest person you had ever met, and he treated you like a queen, always giving you space and making sure you were okay. You loved him so much you thought you'd explode if he had another sweet gesture with you, but it wasn't romantic love. You could try and maybe in some more months you could fall in love with him, but you didn't want to break his heart, he didn't deserve it.
And Hvitserk? He was your best friend, but even if you could feel attracted to him, you knew it wouldn't work. And both Alfred and Hvitserk deserved true love. But it wasn't you.
Ivar sat on the front rows, with his brothers and his parents. Freydis was sitting next to him, but they didn't touch each other. In fact, they barely talked. Then the völva talked about twin flames, about true love that always found its way through every single obstacle, and when you looked at him, he was looking right back at you.
"You're back to drinking, huh?" Hvitserk laughed while sitting next to you. You groaned and bit your lip to hold back a laugh.
"I needed it" you pouted, looking at the drink you just ordered "Alfred introduced me to his family, but I don't think they like me very much"
Hvitserk stole your drink and took a sip, making you glare at him.
"His family is very protective of him" he shrugged "And you're probably not very popular considering you're Ivar's ex"
You turned your head to look at them, standing at the other side of the room. Judith, Alfred's mother, at least had been nice, but Aethelwulf, his (adoptive) father, looked at you suspiciously. You already knew Aethelred, his brother, but even if he greeted you politely, he didn't seem too happy with you either.
You also spent some time with the newlyweds, Björn and his wife and Lagertha, but you also felt out of place. In fact, you didn't feel comfortable until you stepped away from the crowd and reached the bar.
"There's food there, Hvitserk" you snatched your drink from his hand "Leave my drink alone"
He chuckled.
"I figured you needed some company, you look a bit sad here all alone" he shrugged again "Besides, I don't really feel comfortable in there" he frowned. The guests were finishing their food and getting up to dance and talk around the room. The venue in which the feast took place belonged to a friend of Ubbe's, so they had gotten the biggest salon.
Aslaug chatted with Floki and Helga, Ragnar tried to flirt with an amused Lagertha and Sigurd and Ivar had argued at least three times during the feast, with Björn interfering to avoid a possible murder. So the atmosphere was a bit tense and awkward.
"Remind me to never celebrate a wedding with my family" Hvitserk sighed. You giggled and shook your head "I mean it, is there anything worse than a wedding with a dysfunctional family?"
"A wedding with a functional family" you raised an eyebrow "That would be boring"
Fortunately, no one paid too much attention to you. Helga greeted you excitedly, and Floki hugged you and told you Freki missed you. You teared up remembering the sweet husky they had in Iceland. Sigurd was also nicer to you now than when you were with Ivar. Blaeja smiled to you shyly. Everything was awkward and felt weird, like you shouldn't be there.
The only one you hadn't talked to was Ragnar and, of course, Ivar. After he was finished eating, he sat down with Freydis. She tried to say hello to you with a sweet smile but Alfred had interrupted her and took you away. You nearly kissed him in gratitude.
"My father asked about you" Hvitserk added when he saw you staring at Ragnar, who was now talking to Harald Finehair.
"Really?" you frowned "I didn't think he'd remember me"
Even if you had been with Ivar for years, you had only met his father a few times, during important events or festivities. Usually, he was traveling the world, working and avoiding his responsibilities as a husband and a father.
"Of course he remembers you, he always asked about you... Don't tell anyone, but you were his favorite daughter-in-law, remember that time when you managed to make Ivar apologize to Sigurd after he insulted him during Jul? He was impressed"
"And he told you that" you rolled your eyes, thinking Hvitserk was probably making it up to make you feel better.
"Yes, he did, he also called Ivar a fucking idiot when he heard he left you, it was the first time I agreed with my father in a long time"
That made you smile.
"Your family is too nice with me" you sighed "I'm gonna miss them"
That startled Hvitserk.
"What? Why? Where are you going?" he glared at you "You're not leaving"
"I don't know" you took another sip of your drink "I talked to Alfred about it, he had friends in England that could help me get a job there and..."
"England?" Hvitserk scowled "You're moving to England?"
"I'm not" his indignation amused you "Not for now, I think, it's just an idea"
"You can't leave me here" he pouted "Who is going to come with me to the pub then?"
"I'm sure you'd find someone to get drunk with pretty soon"
He shook his head, and the two of you stayed in silence for a couple of minutes.
"It's impossible to replace you, Y/N" he whispered "You're too special for that"
"Aw" you felt a lump in your throat and the urge to hug him "That's sweet, Hvitty"
"I mean it" he winked at you "You're great, I just wish you saw it too"
"Keep saying these things to me and I'll give you my drink"
He smiled, but shook his head and stood up.
"I'm going to talk to Ubbe" he announced, you saw he was now talking to Floki and Aslaug, away from Björn and Lagertha "I have something to give to him"
You nodded and watched him leave with a small smile. Once again, you should have fallen in love with him.
After three drinks, you stopped feeling intimidated by the crowd, at least a bit, and felt brave enough to get closer to it. Your eyes fixed on Ivar and Freydis, still sitting down and who seemed to be having a deep conversation. It didn't look good, but before you could even start wondering what they were talking about, someone put their arm around you, startling you.
"Hello, Y/N" you turned around to see Ragnar, already a bit drunk and with a big smile on his lips. His eyes, so similar to Ivar's, seemed to look directly into your soul "Long time no see"
"Hi" you smiled at him "How are you?"
He frowned, then grimaced and then shook his head.
"I'm... Alive" he shrugged "So, you and little Alfred?"
Ragnar Lothbrok wasn't one to beat around the bush.
"We're friends" you chuckled "He's been an amazing friend to me these past months"
"Yeah, after my... Brilliant son fucked it up" he clenched his jaw, taking a sip of his beer "Alfred is a really good kid, son of a great man"
"He's the best" you nodded "Did you know his father?"
For the first time, the smile on Ragnar's face faltered.
"Yes, I did" he cleared his throat "He was a very good friend of mine"
"He'd be proud of his son, then" you smiled, looking at Alfred who was currently talking to his brother.
"He would" Ragnar nodded "Unfortunately, I can't say the same for my own sons" he muttered, and you raised an eyebrow.
"Why?" you chuckled.
"I must admit it's my fault" he sighed "They inherited it from me, the capacity of ruining everything when they have a great woman by their side" you'd swear his eyes fixed on Lagertha and then on Aslaug for a moment "Ivar is the smartest boy I've ever seen, but he can also be stupid sometimes, you know it, because you understand him better than anyone, better than himself, even than his own mother" you bit your lip, looking away "And I know he regrets it"
"Look, I really love Ivar" you sighed "I will always love him because he was a very important part of my life for years, but he's happy with Freydis now, and I'm glad he's happy"
Ragnar chuckled, shaking his head.
"I'd argue with you on that, but Alfred is coming and I think you deserve a good time with him now rather than talking about my son" he winked "See you around, Y/N"
Before you could reply, he left, walking towards the bar as he finished his drink.
"Hello" Alfred stopped next to you, also looking at Ragnar with an eyebrow raised "Everything okay?"
You turned your head and smiled softly at him.
"Yes, I think" you giggled "It's just Ragnar being weird"
He hummed, like he understood exactly what you meant.
"I just wanted to ask you if you..." he looked around with a frown, and blushed furiously "Maybe, want to dance?"
You were surprised, thinking no one really danced at these things, but a quick look around made you realized that people were definitely dancing, or well, at least they were trying.
Ubbe and Torvi moved slowly together, with their foreheads pressed together and a small smile on their lips. Around them, some couples danced at the rhythm of a slow song.
"Oh, um..." you licked your lips, nervously "Sure, I'd love to"
Alfred looked relieved, and took your hand softly, leading you to the dance floor. Or well, the part of the salon on which people danced.
He knew how to dance, of course he did. You nearly rolled your eyes when he whispered that you should put your hand on his shoulder and started leading your movements. He was too soft, too polite and too perfect. You looked at his face intensely as he danced and you moved clumsily with him. He didn't make eye contact, too nervous and always looking down.
"Alfred" you pouted "You're one of the most amazing men I've ever met" you stopped moving to hug him "Oh my god, I wish I could..."
He hugged you back, nodding against your neck.
"I wish that too" he muttered "But I can't force you"
"I tried, I really did, and I love you so much, but..."
"Hey" he stopped hugging you, and cupped your face softly "Look at me, Y/N, you don't have to explain yourself, you feel what you feel and it's fine, I'll get over it" he giggled as you teared up, feeling the worst person in the world "We're friends, and that will never change"
You nodded.
"Thank you" you took a deep breath "For everything"
"Of course" he smiled "I think it's time you start being a bit more selfish and put yourself first, stop worrying about what the others are feeling, focus on yourself"
You hugged him again and kissed his cheek.
"I'm gonna go get some air" you took a deep breath "I'll be back, okay?"
He nodded, letting you go. You rushed to the door and left the building, only breathing again when you were out in the garden. It was a pretty entrance, with cobblestones, a lovely fountain and some flowers. At least it was peaceful and quiet. Or you thought it was, because you heard a metal noise and a groan, which made you jump and gasp before you looked to the side.
It was already dark, and the only source of light were the lovely streetlights adorned with ivy. It came from one of the benches at the side of the entrance, and you nearly cried when you saw the source of the noise.
"Ivar?" you sighed, drying your tears with your fingers "What are you doing here?"
He raised his head and glared at you with his jaw clenched, he had been focused on his braces and didn't even hear you approaching. When he didn't reply, you frowned and walked towards him, walking slowly to avoid falling down with the damned heels.
"Where's Freydis?" you asked softly, understanding something was wrong.
"She left" his voice sounded dry and empty, almost as if he had been crying.
"Because I told her to leave" he pouted. Ivar had the tendency to pout, and he hated when you said he looked cute doing it, probably thinking he looked intimidating.
You sat down on the bench, and decided not to ask because he didn't seem too inclined to talk about it.
"What's wrong with the braces?" you asked slowly.
"I don't know" he groaned, grabbing his right leg "I think I moved it and..." his lip started trembling when he started fiddling with it again.
"Stop" you tried to grab his hand, but he ignored you "Ivar, stop, you're going to hurt yourself"
"Why do you care?" he raised his voice, making you scoff "Why don't you go back there with Alfred?"
"Don't yell" you glared at him "After everything you've done, you don't get to yell at me"
He took a deep breath, rubbing his eyes with his hands and shaking his head.
"I want to go home" he sighed "I can't go back there"
"Hey, what happened?" you were starting to get worried, because that wasn't like Ivar "Should I call your brothers? Your mother?"
"No" he shrugged "They will just rant about how stupid I am for letting you go"
You looked away again.
"You did hurt me" you muttered "A lot"
Ivar didn't look at you either.
"That's the worst part" he scoffed "That they're right"
This time you did look at him, surprised and with your lips parted. For a moment, you felt the need to hug and kiss him, but you couldn't.
"If you know they're right why did you do it? And I don't mean breaking up with me, I mean being so cruel, treating me like I was nothing to you"
"I don't know, Y/N" he sighed tiredly "I was angry, you moved on"
"I didn't move on!" you scoffed "Dear God, Ivar, I couldn't move on, I spent the worst months of my life trying to but I couldn't, you're such an asshole" you groaned "You broke up with me, acted like I was nothing but a burden to you, you made me feel like I wasn't good enough, and then had the audacity of acting like I was the one that fucked everything up!"
Ivar's eyes were full of tears when he raised his head again.
"I don't feel like talking about that now"
You were about to keep ranting when you looked at his eyes for the first time, and gasped when you saw how blue they were.
"Did you take your medicines today?" you frowned when he shook his head "Why? Oh God" you groaned "Should we go to the hospital?"
He shook his head again.
"I just want to go home"
"Are you in too much pain, Ivar? Wait, I'll call a cab" you unlocked your phone and stood up.
You had never seen Ivar like that. So quiet and sad, looking at his own feet and not even reacting when you sat down next to him again.
"The cab will be here in ten minutes" you announced softly, regretting being to harsh on him a few minutes earlier "Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital? Maybe we should, it might get worse, what if something happens?" you bit your lip nervously "I should go and tell your family"
"No" he grabbed your arm when you were about to stand up again "Don't tell them, it'll be fine as soon as I get home, take the pills and rest a bit"
"Okay" you sighed "But at least let me get Hvitserk so he can go with you"
Ivar's face changed again, this time he looked like a lost puppy, his pouty lips parted and his eyes fixed on yours, nearly begging.
"Aren't you coming with me?" he whispered, and you sighed.
"I shouldn't" you muttered in reply "I don't think..."
"Please" he insisted, and you noticed the two of you were too close "We need to talk"
He was so soft, so vulnerable in that moment that you nodded slowly, and let yourself lean into him slowly just before you heard someone calling your name.
Hvitserk left the building at the same time you got away from Ivar quickly turning your head to look at him. Ivar looked irritated by the interruption, but didn't say anything.
"Hey" he looked surprised to see the both of you there "Y/N, Alfred said you'd be out here" he frowned "Ivar, I was looking for you... Is everything okay?"
"Hi" you smiled softly "Ivar is not feeling good, he's in pain" you explained, standing up and approaching him "I called a cab"
Hvitserk's big brother side showed up when he walked over to Ivar, frowning.
"You didn't take the medicines?"
"I fought with Freydis, I forgot" he shrugged.
"Where is she?" Hvitserk looked around, a bit confused.
Ivar didn't reply, but they seemed to understand each other perfectly.
You gave them a few minutes together, until you approached them again. Hvitserk stood up with a sigh and shook his head.
"You can leave" he said softly, caressing your arm "I will stay with him"
You heard the cab arriving and looked at Ivar.
"I..." you took Hvitserk's hands "Maybe I should stay with him"
He took a deep breath, rubbing his eyes and shaking his head.
"It's okay" you chuckled "It's fine, Hvitserk, I'm fine"
"Are you sure?" he whispered "He is..."
"I know, and it will be okay, we... Need to talk, I think"
If Hvitserk thought you were stupid, he didn't say it.
"If you need anything, call me, okay?"
You nodded as he kissed your temple softly. You could feel Ivar's eyes on you, burning, when the cab stopped next to you and Hvitserk turned to help him.
It felt too familiar to enter their flat, to help Ivar sit on the couch before taking the medicines to him with a glass of water. You were so used to the process that for a moment you forgot everything had changed since the last time you did it.
He did look more relaxed after a few minutes, when you sat on the couch and took your heels off with a tired sigh. You could feel Ivar's eyes on you, but tried to ignore him, too exhausted to start arguing with him again. You felt the pressure on your chest again, as you always did when someone mentioned him or when you saw him, but this time it was a bit less intense, maybe because Freydis wasn't around.
"I'm going to bed" he announced after a few minutes, you supposed that the strong painkillers had already kicked it at least a bit "Today was shit"
You wanted to scream at him, every day had been shit for the last few months because of him. But you were too exhausted of yelling, arguing and crying because of him, you wanted a truce, even if it was just for a few hours.
Ivar got up, grunting and taking deep breaths as he moved slowly towards his bedroom. At first, you weren't even thinking about helping him, you had already done too much for him that night, much more than he actually deserved. But when you looked at him and saw him struggling, you couldn't help it and got up to help him. Usually, Ivar would frown and say he didn't need help, but this time he didn't say a word until you reached his bedroom.
You bit your lip, looking around the room and remembering the last time you were in there. Ivar let himself fall on the bed and sighed in relief when he got to take the braces off. You sat on the bed and looked at him sternly.
"Hvitserk said you've been skipping therapy sessions" you narrowed your eyes at him "And didn't go to doctor's appointments, this is what you get for being an idiot"
Ivar raised an eyebrow, and the ghost of a smile danced on his lips as he turned his head to you.
"You and Hvitserk talked a lot about me, didn't you?" he scoffed "Did he also mention me when you were fucking?"
You rolled your eyes, but you weren't going to play his game anymore, not that night.
"Anyway, I'm leaving" you stood up "Go to sleep and call the doctor tomorrow"
Ivar narrowed his eyes at you.
"I thought we needed to talk" he scowled "But now you want to run back to Alfred"
"Look" you sighed, crossing your arms "You're tired and on a bad mood, I'm tired and a bit drunk, talking it's probably not a good idea, so try and get some rest and we'll talk some other day"
"I saw you dancing" he ignored you completely, making you sigh again "With him"
"Yes, and what about it? You have no right to be bothered by that, because you were with your girlfriend"
"She's no longer my girlfriend" he clenched his jaw and his voice broke a bit "It's over"
Your expression softened. Even if you'd love to slap him in that moment, your heart broke a bit knowing he was hurt.
"What happened?" you asked softly "The last time you told me you loved each other and all of that"
Ivar shrugged, looking away and taking a deep breath.
"I don't know, I suppose she didn't love me that much"
You looked at him with a pout. You could feel that dull pain on your heart when you thought about him, you missed him with your entire life, the thought of your relationship hurt and you knew it will keep hurting forever. Ivar probably didn't care about you, or maybe he saw you more like a friend, because it was obvious Freydis had marked him much more than you in just a few months, you had seen him looking at her. So probably she was his Ivar, that thing that would be painful his entire life.
A part of you wanted to be happy. They broke up, he was mistaken and it didn't work out. But you couldn't do it when you looked into his eyes and saw pain. You couldn't see him in pain.
"I'm sorry" you said softly.
"Are you?" he raised an eyebrow.
"Yes" you rolled your eyes "I don't want to see you sad"
"Wouldn't you feel better yelling and insulting me?"
"Maybe" you shrugged "But I don't have the strength to do it"
Ivar nodded. He didn't have the energy to fight either. You laid down next to him, careful not to wrinkle the dress. Ivar stared at you intensely, and felt the tug on his chest again. He missed you more than he actually realized. It had been during the wedding, when he saw you looking stunning, smiling and greeting people... With Alfred next to you. He knew you'd be worried about him because he hadn't taken the medicines, that you'd make him sit down and would make everyone approach him so he wouldn't have to walk, that you'd take care of him, and if he was feeling better, would make him try to dance with you after the feast. Now you were dancing with Alfred, giggling and hugging his brother, and barely looked at him. And Freydis noticed.
When you looked at him again, he was much closer than you remembered, and it started you as you tried to move, flustered and suddenly very nervous.
"Y/N" he muttered, his hand grabbed your wrist softly and you widened your eyes "Stay, please"
You got lost into his eyes again. They had something magnetic, that attracted and locked you in.
His hand cupped your head to pull you closer, and the pressure on your chest turned into a warm feeling when his lips pressed against yours. It was like coming back after a long trip, when you realized just how much you had missed home, and everything was familiar and in its place. You closed your eyes and kissed him back slowly, too into him to even realize what was happening. Ivar broke the kiss and pecked your lips again a couple of times before deepening the kiss. His hand traveled down your back, making you tremble, until it reached your waist. You couldn't remember when was the last time Ivar kissed you like that, not even when the two of you were still together. He caressed your body over the soft fabric of the dress, and you vaguely thought about the wrinkles but realized you didn't even care.
"Ivar" you muttered against his lips "What are you doing?"
He didn't answer, but kissed you again as his fingers fumbled with the zip of your dress.
"You looked so beautiful today" he sighed "I couldn't stand to even think about someone else taking this dress off"
You were going to reply, but his lips on your neck turned what was going to be a dignified reply into a moan. Ivar had that thing, that charm that was too much for you to handle. He knew your weaknesses, your soft spots and what to do to make you melt in his arms. He knew you couldn't resist him, not even if you wanted to.
It was like going back in time, all the thoughts about the breakup, Freydis, Alfred and Hvitserk left your mind as he took the dress off, throwing it to the other side of the room and biting his lip with a smirk when he recognized the underwear. You tugged on his clothes, and the two of you broke the kiss so he could take the shirt and the tie. You sighed when you saw his tattoos again. You has missed him so much, and how his warm skin felt under your fingers, how his body tensed under your touch.
"Can I?" he asked biting your lower lip, his fingers grazed the side of your panties and you closed your eyes in anticipation before nodding.
"Yes" you moaned, moving to straddle him as you took your bra off. Ivar groaned and pushed his hips against you. Finally, his fingers found your sex, and he pressed onto your clit, and when he started rubbing it in circles you started trembling again.
You tried to touch his member, but you could barely move, until he pushed your panties aside and two of his fingers teased your entrance before entering you. The both of you moaned at the same time, and you moved your hips against his hand trying to follow his pace.
"Gods, you look so beautiful" he groaned, his free hand caressed your body and his lips captured one of your nipples. It was too much, and when he pressed his palm against your clit you gasped and your walls clenched around his fingers. But then he stopped, and your moans of pleasure turned into a bothered whine. You opened your eyes to glare at him and he chuckled, shaking his head.
"You're not going to cum until I'm inside of you" he whispered against your neck. You quickly fumbled with his pants, and when you finally freed his hard member Ivar groaned again. You would have loved to return the favor and leave him on the edge, but you couldn't wait, you needed him. You had waited enough.
"Put it in for me, kitten"
You nearly came hearing his voice on your ear, whispering the pet name he used to call you. Your hand clenched around his cock and he rolled his eyes and moaned deeply, letting you enjoy pretending you had the power for a few seconds. Until you pressed his member against your entrance and he grabbed your hips and thrusted into you.
Your mouth widened on a silent moan. It was intense, and Ivar let you adjust to the size before starting moving, but once he started, he couldn't stop. He sat down to kiss you again, and you grabbed his shoulders and his arms when your legs were too weak to support you anymore.
"Ivar" you moaned against his neck "God, Ivar"
"I missed you so much" he muttered, and it sounded like he truly meant it.
You didn't really have time to think whether he meant it or not because the warm tingle on your lower belly was becoming too much. Your walls started clenching around him and his thrust became sloppy. He breathed heavily against your skin.
"I'm not going to last" he whispered again "You're too much"
You had missed this Ivar so much.
You came around him, moaning his name and digging your nails into his back, your body shaking around him and your face hidden into his neck. Ivar came right after you, and he quickly turned his head to fix his ocean eyes into yours, with his pouty and swollen lips parted just before kissing you again, making you sigh and smile, happy for the first time in months.
Tags: @mblaqgi @alicedopey @lol-haha-joke @hallowed-heathen @naaladareia @tephi101 @captstefanbrandt @love-hate-love @titty-teetee @readsalot73 @moondustmemories @therealcalicali @blushingskywalker @awkwardfangirl02 @gruffle1 @justacripple @love-dria @heartbeats-wildly @letsrunawaytotomorrow @inforapound @sallydelys @hellogabysblog @winchesterwife27 @hecohansen31 @youbloodymadgenius @xinyourdreamsx @funmadnessandbadassvikings @eteramfools @tgrrose @lifeisabitchandsoareyou @lovessce @tootie-fruity @didiintheblog @alexhandersenx @belovedcherry @fantasydevil2002 @xceafh @astrape-the-weatherwitch @destynelseclipsa @poisonous00 @littlebear423 @justbloodlydreaming @xbellaxcarolinax @soleil-dor @geekydane-post @katarokkar11 @crackhead1-800 @momowhoo @pedrolorian @flokisdaughter @crazybunnyladysworld @anotherfan07 @heavenly1927 @jungkxxkk @satanhalsey @nanahachikyuu @cocovikings23​ @ecarroll1978 @darlingjae
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starlessskies94 · 3 years
Consequence (Joel Miller x OC)
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Summary: What if Joel survived his injuries from the Abby and Fireflies attack but ends up with really bad amnesia. He can’t remember his wife, Ellie, or the Outbreak; only before. How will his family bring back the man they once knew?
Pairing: Joel Miller x OC
Notes: I wanted to apologise for a stupid mistake I made in the last chapter, I mentioned that Ada fixed Joel's injury with no medical knowledge; only to remember weeks later that she's a vet as part of her character skills and I completely overlooked it while writing the last chapter so I'm sorry for that. And sorry to my lovely Adaline; because it makes total sense that she would be able to tend to his wound rather easily so I hope that doesn't spoil that last flashback too much my bad hehe
Also I apologise that it's been a while since my last chapter, I'm not going to lie this one has been a bitch to write and I'm still not 100% happy with it so I just sincerely hope it doesn't disappoint.
Chapter Twelve
Ada didn't remember falling asleep. But she certainly felt it when she woke up. Her joints cracking and popping from the curled up position she was laid in all night. Everything ached from her shoulders, to her back and her toes.
The last of her dreams faded as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes. A quick glance at the clock telling her that she had slept through the better part of a day and half and although she had slept; she didn't feel rested in the slightest. The memories came flooding back, bringing with it that weight that pushed against her chest so tightly until she could barely breathe. Everything that had happened the day before felt like a bad nightmare, where her fears and worries had all come true. Joel hated her. Had more or less disowned her and Ellie. And it was her fault. The sadness and the tears were gone leaving her numb. All she had left was anger.
Yes she had made the wrong call leaving Joel as she had but it was Tommy who had thrown her under the bus. Not giving her the time she had needed to explain. It had all happened so quickly it had made her head spin. It wasn't fair.
There was no logic or reason in leaving her home and storming through the town to find her brother in law. There was no reason to slug the poor man in the face with a swift right hook either but that still didn't stop Ada from doing it away when she saw him.
The world only came back into focus when Maria had restrained her; her vision finally clearing to see Tommy holding his bloody nose.
"What the hell do you think you're doing Ada?!" Maria cried in shocked anger. "What has gotten into you?!"
"Let me go, Maria!"
"Not until you tell me what's going on!" The blonde demanded, holding Ada's arms behind her back: her grip getting tighter the more she struggled. Tommy stumbled forward still holding his nose, spitting a mouthful of blood by his feet before looking up at his wife.
"Maria it's okay...let her go." He asked woefully. Maria just scoffed in disbelief at his request, as if it was the most crazy thing in the world. She attempted to argue but the younger Miller just waved a dismissive hand at her words; his other pinching the bridge of his nose in a bid to stop the bleeding, that was now staining it's way down the front of his shirt. The townspeople were beginning to gather, a rumble of murmurs breaking out amongst the crowd at the sight of their leader being injured by one of their own.
That still didn't stop Ada from taking another swing at Tommy. Only this one didn't make contact as Maria stopped her, twisting her arm and pinning it to her back again.
"That is enough!" She roared, staring down both her husband and her sister in law. "Now you two had better tell what in the hell is going on!"
Tommy winced against the pain shooting through his nose and jaw; turning to look at the crowd staring with wide eyes. His own falling to the floor, not quite able to look at both women in front of him.
"Maybe we'd better go inside to talk." He suggested quietly; making his way back towards his home with Ada and Maria following behind. The brunette struggled her way out of Maria's grip and reluctantly she gave in and let go; turning on her heel and barking orders at the crowd to disperse and get back to whatever it was they were doing before. They did eventually albeit hesitantly. Ada glanced over her shoulder and watched them go as she made her way towards Tommy's; her brain quickly catching up with her actions. God... what they must think of her now. She was just grateful Ellie hadn't seen it; just as grateful as she was that the teen had chosen to stay with Dina the day before. Heaven only knew what she would've thought had she heard Joel's cold words when he'd left. She tried not to think about it as she looked down at her shaking hands; her right now turning red and swelling slightly. The shame engulfed her almost as rapidly as the anger had. And now she had to face the consequences of that anger.
"...And after that he just left? You didn't even try to stop him?" Maria asked sadly as she poured Ada another whisky into her glass. She didn't waste any time downing the brown liquid as quickly as she did her first; coughing slightly as it burned her throat.
"What would've been the point? I tried to explain things and he made it perfectly clear that he wasn't in the mood to listen."
The nausea had come back; whether it was caused by the whiskey on an empty stomach or the stress of retelling what had happened between her and Joel yesterday, Ada wasn't sure. Though she guessed it was probably the former, if her headache was anything to go by. She slumped further into her chair as a deep sigh left her lungs; everything was such a mess and she was tired of feeling so hopeless. She turned the empty glass along her hand that grasped it, her eyes red and raw from the tears and the worst night of sleep she'd had in weeks. "Maybe Joel is right." She wondered aloud. "Maybe this is all my fault and I deserve this. I'd hate me too."
Maria shook her head defiantly at Ada's words, reaching over to take the glass from her and placing it back onto the coffee table between them. "Joel doesn't hate you. And as far as blame goes...I'd say we're all at fault for how we handled this. Some of us more than others." She stated bitterly, her blue cold eyes glaring at her husband sitting across from her on the living room couch. A small rag of wrapped ice held to his face. The man rolled his eyes and scoffed, pulling the ice pack from his nose and resting it by his knee as he leaned forward.
"I already told you that I was sorry. I don't know what else you want me to say."
"And I told you to keep that damn ice on your nose to take down the swelling." She berated without taking a breath. "You had no right to go behind Ada's back like that! And Joel didn't deserve to find out the way he did either!"
She was right. Tommy knew she was right. Always was. He owed his brother a hell of a lot more than yelling the truth at him like he had. But he had just been so angry. So frustrated; it had come out before he could stop it and then it had been too late to take it back. He honestly hadn't expected Joel to react the way he did. So cold and harsh with the way he'd shouted at Ada...Tommy knew how much his brother loved her. And yet he'd all but ambushed the poor woman to get answers. He uttered another apology and sat back with the ice cooling his throbbing nose that was now beginning to bruise. He didn't blame Ada for hitting him either; he'd definitely deserved it. There were a lot of things all of them wished they could've done differently. Hindsight was a nice thing in theory but now it was proving to be painfully useless once the damage was already done.
His sister in law rose from her seat and as he watched her pace about the room, the more his guilt niggled at him. She ran her hands through her greying roots and down through the fading brunette locks that cascaded down her back, they were still shaking as she moved to rest them on her neck while she continued pacing.
"Ada..." He tried cautiously." Ada..."
"You shouldn't blame Tommy for this Maria, this is my fault." She interjected and paused looking down at the blonde who could only give the woman a look of pity in return. "I mean it, Joel was right with everything he said. I'm a fucking coward!" The couple shared a look as Ada laughed bitterly at her words. "I was too afraid to deal with what happened so I left. Because I was terrified that if I had stayed...If I had tried to help him remember, forcing him to live with a damn stranger; he'd eventually decide that life was better without me. It's stupid and it's selfish..." her voice quivered as she held back tears, her arms falling from her neck to hold herself. "...but there it is."
Maria was quick to reassure her; rushing to her feet and pulling her into a hug. Ada pulled back as she was offered an old handkerchief from the other woman's pocket. Her sniffles subsiding as she was encouraged to sit down again.
"Ada, Joel loves you. He might not remember that but it doesn't just go away. You still have a chance to fix things."
Ada scoffed out a wet sob and shook her head. "No...it's over Maria. As far as he's concerned; I'm just the coldhearted bitch that abandoned him."
"Wait...Joel actually said that?" Tommy asked aghast, his eyes wide. The woman just shrugged dismissively. "He didn't have too...Though it's nothing less than I deserve.
Tommy wished she would stop being so hard on herself. He understood her guilt more than most and he hadn't even agreed with the plan in the first place. It just hadn't sat right with him to lie to Joel about his family. But then he'd spoken to his brother and realized just how much of his memory had been lost. And it seemed that he was losing himself in it. Joel was becoming angry and bitter at the world for taking something from him, for harming him in a way he hadn't been able to control. It was eerily similar to the darkness he'd descended into when he'd lost Sarah. When he'd lost all hope for happiness and decency. There was no mercy or love. It was just a means to an end in order to survive. That wall that Joel had built around himself to keep the world out. To keep emotions just out of reach. And Tommy feared his brother falling into it again. Ellie and Ada had pulled him out of it once, he had hoped they would've been able to do it again. Now he was starting to worry he'd been wrong.
He pulled back the rag and thankfully it seemed as though his nose had stopped bleeding. He discarded the spoiled cloth on the coffee table; taking in the silence that had fallen in the room. Both his wife and sister in law sat quietly with the same tired looks and stern frowns upon their faces. No one had the answers anymore, no matter how much they pretended they did.
"Ada..." his voice was quiet but it caught her attention as she glanced up at him. "I'm sorry."
She nodded meekly and smiled. "Me too. I'm sorry I punched you in the face." He laughed; waving his hand coolly as he shrugged. "Nah, don't worry about it. I mean I'm pretty sure you broke my nose but ya know...we're good sis." Ada laughed as Maria jokingly rolled her eyes at her husband's dramatics. It was badly bruised at best, both they and Tommy knew that. But Ada appreciated him trying to lighten the mood. It was the first time in a long time that she'd truly laughed since Joel's attack. And it was nice to feel something other than grief for even a second.
Ellie tried to keep up with the rushing of her mind the quicker her pace picked up. She'd already been home to find the place empty, the only other place she could think to check would be Tommy and Maria's to find her mother. Her sneakers skidded slightly against the porch wood when she stopped to tap on the door. Her surrogate aunt greeting her with a warm smile as she opened the front door.
"Is my mom here?" The teen asked softly. Maria simply nodded, letting the young girl inside and following her into the living room. She walked in to find her mom and Tommy sat together chuckling lowly at their shared stories and fond memories. A half emptied bottle of whiskey sitting between them, with three half drunk glasses on the table. Ellie figured the three of them must've been here most of the day. Her mom shifted when she noticed her daughter, scooting along the couch to make room for her. Ellie made her way around the coffee table towards them, wincing when she saw the state of Tommy's face. "Jeez what the fuck happened to you?" She asked in concern. But Tommy just snorted a laugh. "It's a long story, don't worry about it."
The girl scoffed, a sarcastic smile spreading across her face as sat down.
"Is everything okay?"
She couldn't stop herself from fidgeting at her mother's question, instantly going back to her nervous habit. Her fingernail beds were already sore from the hours she'd spent picking at them. "I uh...I can't find Joel. I wanted to talk to him. I stopped by the house but he wasn't there." Stunned silence filled the room at Ellie's admission, Tommy's face full of confusion when he glanced at her beside him.
"Why'd you want to talk to him?" He asked. She took a moment before answering, looking to her mom with sadness in her eyes.
"I heard what happened between you two yesterday. I know what he said about us."
"Oh sweetheart, come here." She didn't say anything as Ada pulled her into her arms, instead just snuggled further into her warmth. Her head leaning against her shoulder. Hands once buried inside her jacket sleeves.
"I just thought maybe I could try talking to him...maybe if I tell him everything he'd understand or he'd forgive us for leaving." She explained." This is my fucking fault! This happened to him because of me; because of what he did to protect me...I need him to know I'm sorry...that I'm trying to fix things. That I'm trying to make it better and when we find them we can--"
"Wait, hold on, find who?"
Oh shit now Ellie had done it. She pulled back from her mother's arms, a look of guilt pulled at her brows as she chewed nervously at her lip. She tried to avoid eye contact but was only greeted with more accusing stares from Maria and Tommy.
"Ellie.." Maria uttered disapprovingly. But she didn't answer once again, attempting to avoid the eyes staring at her.
"Ellie what aren't you telling us?"
"Promise you won't get mad?" It was a big ask. Ellie knew that when she finally took the chance to look her mother in the eye, hoping that she'd soften even just a little bit. But all she saw was worry and that only made her feel worse for lying to her.
"Ellie." She warned sternly and the girl knew she had to come clean. She took a deep breath, her head falling in defeat as she finally gave in.
"Okay...I lied before. I wasn't staying at Dina's the last couple of days...we've been staying at one of the outposts outside of town tracking the fireflies...or what was left of them from Abbey's group."
"I'm sorry you've been doing what?!" "Are you insane?!" She flinched at both her mother and Maria's outbursts that echoed together in the heavy silence of the room. She shared a look with Tommy as he flashed her a small smile of gratitude but it flickered away as quickly as it came when both women rose to their feet in a rush of anger and frustrated annoyance.
"Ellie, we've talked about this and we agreed to leave it alone."
"No you fucking decided!" The teen challenged as she snapped to her feet, her face snarling into a roaring temper that could easily rival her mother's. "Those fuckers could come back! They already found us once, what's stopping them coming back to finish what they started?!"
Ada scoffed at Ellie's argument throwing her hands up, exasperated they were having this argument yet again! She understood her daughter's worries but she was certain the Fireflies had no reason to come back. They thought Joel was dead and she was determined to keep it that way. They'd had this same conversation again and again and yet every time Ellie would always push back.
"She's right."
The girls all fell silent to the single voice that spoke up, as all eyes turned to Tommy. Maria seething at her husband and Ada downright irritated that he'd shamelessly encourage this reckless behaviour. Ellie just appreciated having Tommy on her side at least.
"Tommy..." Maria warned, her eyes pleading him to stop.
"Well she is! Do you really wanna live the rest of our lives looking over our shoulders?! Just hoping to God that those bastards don't come back. Yeah they think Joel is dead but for how long? They already managed to get word he was living in Jackson in the first damn place...what do you think they'll do when they realise that he's not quite as dead as they thought?" He paused, stopping to look at Ada as she held back her tears, her bottom lip quivering and he was quick to her side. His hand resting on her shoulder.
"Look I'm sorry... I know this is not what you want to hear right now but Ellie has a point. We can end this. If it were any of us, Joel would be halfway there already."
She shook her head, her breath catching in her throat. "No he wouldn't." She argued.
"He absolutely fucking would!" Ellie shouted. Her words stopped them all dead. Knowing looks exchanged between the adults before walking to huddle by the table. They knew Ellie was right. If any one of them in that room had been attacked; Joel would be doing everything he could to get them the justice they deserved. He'd never lay down and let them get away with it. Ada let out a sigh of defeat as she looked back to Ellie, gesturing for her to sit back down. She did, though moved hesitant at first. Ada sat silent, her mind clearing and calculating for a second as she sat with her hands rested against her mouth before she eventually lowered them to speak. "So...you were tracking those bastards...did you find any?" She asked apprehensively. Ellie swallowed hard and cleared her throat, sitting up in her seat before nodding.
"Yeah...Dina and I watched the area for hours. Most of the group left but a couple stayed behind at the hunting lodge. Two of them...I don't know their names. They were packing up their stuff. We followed them out when they went hunting for food. Managed to lure some infected on the way back..." Ellie didn't realise she was shaking as she spoke until her mother took her hand and squeezed it gently. "We stood and watched as the clickers tore those fuckers apart.."
"Good riddance." Tommy stated bitterly.
"I came back to tell you what happened but then I heard the neighbours gossiping about what happened between you and Joel, all that stuff he said. I thought I could fix it. But when I went to the house he wasn't there. So I sent Dina to ask around town if anyone had seen him and I came here." Adaline nodded slowly, taking everything in. She looked at Tommy and Maria both sharing the same lost look on their faces. They all knew what they needed to do next. It was just a case of whether they had any strength left to do it.
Though Ada never got the chance to answer; instead their heads turned to the direction of stomping footsteps and the door bursting opening to a breathless Dina, panting as she almost slipped on the doormat under her boots. Ellie flew to her feet and darted to her girlfriend, asking her what was wrong.
"It's Joel!" She gasped. "He's gone..."
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okitagumi · 3 years
every single color for the ask box thingy 😽😼 (,if u wanna lol)
Invade my privacy. Do it.
Purple: 10 facts about my room
i used to share it with my sister, my wardrobe is about to fall apart any minute cuz it's old and sucks, i have 3 different fairy lights in there, the walls are white now but they used to be yellow and blue, there's a dent in a wall from the time i threw a chair, the message chair my mother bought my dad for his 40th bday is in my room but it's broken and i dont want it but there's nowhere else to put it, there are also exactly 4 posters of my favorite kpop girlgroup, the bookshelf in my room is actually way too small for all the books im planning to buy in the future but there's no space for another shelf, the lightbulb in my room take a while to fully light up so whenever i turn on the light it gradually .. slowly .... gets brighter, my brother's been trying to get me to switch rooms with him for ages cuz his is smaller but i wont
Blue: 9 facts about my family
albanians from kosovo, i still have relatives living in kosovo but most of my family's abroad (mainly germany, austria and switzerland) by now, i have two younger siblings, i grew up with my siblings and 5 of our cousins in one house until i was 10 so we were 8 kids in total (i was the oldest), i have about 50 cousins in total, my brother got engaged last year on dec 26th and then married just 2 days after, my grandpa was the first in our family to emigrate to germany in 1970 and he went all alone, my dad was born in kosovo two years after that and then came to germany in 1986 when he was 14, my parent's marriage was arranged and my mother had no problem with that but my dad really wasn't happy with it
Green: 8 facts about appearance
my hair's red currently, but naturally it's dark brown, my hair's pretty long like lower back length but also damaged as hell, i'm 5'5 / 165cm, i have dark eyes, also long finger nails and they're a pain sometimes BUT i keep them long because i used to be a huge nail-biter and im proud i could stop that habit, i had straight bangs for a few months but they look terrible now cuz im growing them out, u'll rarely see me without nail polish
Yellow: 7 facts about my childhood
i think i repressed the memory of most of it cuz i barely remember anything tbh lmao, in 3rd grade we had obligatory swimming lessons every 2 weeks and i almost drowned once (i couldnt swim back then and im still a terrible swimmer), i almost hung myself on accident while playing with one of my cousins, watching digimon after kindergarten/elementary school was my biggest happiness, like i said earlier we were eight kids but our parents didn't want to waste money on toys we'd eventually break anyways so we'd always have to come up with games ourselves (like jumping from a small wall onto the binbags in the backyard, throwing stones instead of balls .......), i once got so angry i whacked my brother over the head with a belt buckle and his head bled so hard he had to be driven to the hospital anyways i still cant stand the sight of blood, my cousin and i once played in our grandpa's car but one of us accidentally released the handbreak and the car rolled backwards with us still in it and the adults who were outside freaked OUT
Orange: 6 facts about my home town
it's not really a town it's just a village with a little over 3k ppl, i moved here when i was about 2 years old, then i moved a couple streets away when i was 10 bc my parents were tired of so many people in one house, my 9th/10th grade german teacher lives like 2 minutes away from me, my elemtary school building isn't used anymore cuz they build a new school building right next to it where the park was but the new one's kind ugly (and too small apparently), we have like 5 or 6 cemetries here
Red: 5 facts about my best friend
i dont have one best friend but rather a group of best friends so one fact for each of them: two of them are twins i met 5 years ago, another one has been my friend for like 11 years ? we've never actually met tho but we probably will this year, another one lives in indonesia but we've known each other for pretty much 6 years now, i've met this friend about 6 years ago on twitter too and we love remembering the beef between some of our shared mutuals and friends what a fun time, last one is also from indonesia and i havent known her for as long as the others (maybe 3 years or something) but we grew close so quickly so now instead of our names it's always beloved this beloved that .. everyone's sick of us probbly
Pink: 4 facts about my parents
im not close to my mother at all like she might as well be a stranger to me that's how terrible our relationship is, im kind of close to my dad but even with him it's more of a "i hate you one moment and love you the next" kind of thing, like i said earlier my dad initially didnt want to get married to my mother because no one even asked him lmao his dad was just like "son ... i found a wife for u" and that was that. he accepted it after a while but from what i've heard from my uncles he didn't even want to be in the same room as her at first, they've been married for almost 28 years now
White: 3 facts about my personality
im extremely introverted, doesn't mean i enjoy staying in all the time cuz i also get bored so quickly, it takes a lot to genuinely make me angry
Grey: 2 facts about my favorite things
right now my favorite thing is mahoyaku so i'll just drop 2 facts about that: one of the characters canonically fucked for sugar, another character canonically eats dirt and charcoal and plates (mistook plate for cookie)
Black: 1 fact about the person I like
i dont like anyone tbh
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fayeimara · 3 years
Meant To Be Series || One For Every Billion
6. By My Side | Pt 1
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- July 20th -
The park is as close to empty as it can be when your group arrives early in the morning. Since you've been staying with the Kageyamas, you drive up with Miwa and Tobio, meeting up with your mutual cousins, Ren and Shin, at the entrance to the park's hotel.
You've all made sure to capitalize on early access passes and are staying overnight to make the most of your time, so everyone drops off their things first before deciding what to do in the time you all have before the park opens to all regular pass holders.
The rest of you are just waiting on Miwa to meet you all back in the lobby from her room (she takes the longest, honestly) and you're pulling on the thigh-length sleeveless cardigan you grabbed to wear over your shorts and tank combo, when you finally hear her voice as she crosses from the elevator bay to your group by the doors.
"Okay kiddos, I'm off to the adults only section of this place so call me if you need anything. But try not to, you know?"
Well, Miwa is the eldest of the group here and you're sure she only came along because her best friend decided they could make a mini girls' vacation out of it and brought along her own younger siblings as an excuse.
Tobio looks a little frustrated when he replies, "Neesan, it's way to early in the morning to find a bar."
"Are you kidding me? Of course I'm not drinking. Yet. We're just going to the theme spa!" She happily exclaims, waving her hand in the air delicately, "So you know, try not to get lost or get hurt, because I don't want you interrupting some serious r and r."
Ren rolls his eyes at his cousins' interaction, as if he's any better. You're well aware he also already has plans to ditch the rest of your group when his friends arrive. Thankfully Shin interrupts before Tobio's easy temper is tripped.
"Hey let's hit up the new coaster! I want to see Tobi throw up!"
Okay, not helping. But you do want to try the new roller coaster, as well, you're a huge fan of any adrenaline inducing activities and there are only so many times you can try the ones back home before you're used to all the dips and twists. This new one is supposed to have the highest drop record internationally so far.
"Tobio you won't throw up, right?" You try to coax him to agreeing, "I think you'll enjoy it!"
He gives you a dry look as if to say, You didn't put any effort into that. So you shrug and decide to bribe him, "I'll buy you milk after."
He contemplates it for a moment before nodding. Success, as usual.
Miwa claps her hands together in excitement, "Perfect! Okay, so I've given Y/n the contacts for Eiko's sister and brothers. They're around here somewhere so please take some time to say hi. Tobio already knows Hikaru and Hiroshi so I'm sure you'll all get along great!"
Before any of you have time to respond, she's bounced off, presumptively towards the waterpark and spa area. Okay then, you turn back to your cousins with a big smile that only Shin returns, making him your favourite of the day. You're all for the deadpan look when you're bored or annoyed but you're actually so happy to be here, you love amusement parks.
"So... let's hit some coasters?"
"Yeah!" Surely, you can all guess who answers.
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After spending about an hour hitting up several of the most popular rides and possibly traumatizing Tobio before the main rush of people arrive in the park, you get a buzz from your phone, sitting tight against your waist in an inner zippered pocket of your cardigan, with your cash and cards. It's really a pain to have to carry bags and even more so to have to stress about having it stolen so, being an avid coaster enthusiast, you like to keep your items simple on days like this.
Quickly moving out and to the side of the exit line to pull out your phone, you see a notification from Hana, the girl who is Miwa's friend's little sister.
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, You look up and find your cousins also stopped when you @sakusasimpbot anding right by you. Thank god, you didn't want to have to drag them back here if they'd wandered away to the next ride.
"Hana and her brothers are on this ride so I told her we'd wait for them here."
Ren is typing on his phone but speaks up, "I'm about to head out to meet up with my friends." Finally finished with his own chat, he looks up at the rest of you, "Will you guys be okay from here? We can meet back for lunch."
Tobio just shrugs while you nod, Shin speaking for everyone when he tells his brother, "Yeah, yeah. Just go already, the 'real' adult already ditched us a while back so no need to act all mature here."
"Shut up, Shin." Ren returns his brother's smirk with a glare, which slides back into his expressionless gaze after he rolls his eyes and faces you and Tobio.
"We'll be fine, Ren, we're all in the same place and can call if anything." Your turn to reassure him where Shin clearly failed to even try.
Ren studies you for a moment before turning and throwing a casual, "..'kay." over his shoulder. You're sure you, Tobio, and Shin all share a mutual eye roll at that.
Shin has pulled up the park map on his phone, looking for a place where your group might want to grab a snack or drink, when the next line of people exit the ride.
Linking your arm with Tobio, you scan for a girl and two guys that look around your age. It's not hard because there really still aren't many people in this area of the park yet and the guys in question make an immediate beeline for the three of you when they lock eyes with Tobio. Right, since they know him already.
Hana is a pretty brunette with a bright smile on her face and you can immediately tell she's a fellow coaster enthusiast, if not adrenaline junkie, because of that wild happy look in her eyes.
Just as their group reaches yours, you smile back at her and say, "It's a really good one, right?"
"Yes!" She happily exclaims, "I felt like I was flying off the seat!"
You laugh at her enthusiasm, "Exactly, completely weightless."
Tobio introduces you and Shin to Hiroshi and Hikaru, who immediately tell you both to just call them Hiro and Karu. The two brothers have a relaxed vibe to them as well and, you swear, Karu and Shin click instantly. Not surprising, since they have a very similar outgoing and playful vibe, although you can attest from personal experience that Shin is probably the more mischievous and troublesome one. Karu has more of a happy and fun feel, if you're reading him correctly.
Hiro is equally nice and outgoing, with a slightly more chill personality that offsets Tobio's quiet intensity pretty well.
Hana is amazing and your first impression of her is only improved as you all sit down and talk over refreshing drinks at an outdoor café. She reminds you a lot of one of your friends back home, Aspen, in that down to earth and cheery kind of way so you immediately feel a sense of familiarity with her.
You find out that the siblings are each about a year apart, which coincidentally lines them up with Shin, you, and Tobio respectively. You had a feeling Miwa and her friend were pushing all of you to hang out here together for a reason. You definitely think she wanted her brother to spend time with a friend, especially after how tough things had been for him at school and with his club lately.
You look over at him when Hana briefly interjects into his and Hiro's conversation, completely relaxed for now with a bottle of cold milk in his hands. Yeah. He catches you looking and blinks in surprising, honestly shocking you when he returns your smile to him with a very small one of his own. You haven't seen him smile for quite a while, at least not the past several weeks you've been staying with his family. Probably not since the last time you saw him about a year and a half ago.
Oh, Tobio, you think as you look away to study the people passing by, I hope you're okay. He was always serious and direct, even as a little kid, but he never hesitated to smile when he felt happy. Does that mean he hasn't felt happy lately? For how long?
You have to shelf your concern away so you don't dampen the mood of this trip for everyone. Looking back to the others to make sure they're all finished up, you ask, "What do we want to do next?"
"None of us have tried these ones across the park," Shin speaks up, "So maybe make a circle this way back around?"
You catch Hana's disappointed expression just before she wipes it away and says, "I was hoping to try the new one, it's supposed to be exhilarating!"
"They already went on it, Hana." Karu gently replies but you shake your head and say, "Sure, but I loved it. I'd be really happy to go again!"
"Yeah! Why don't we split up? If the guys actually start from the other side of the circuit they planned, we should catch up to them in no time and group back up."
Karu and Hiro exchange looks and shrug, Karu stating, "I'm okay with that if you guys stick together and message us updates so we know you're safe and also don't miss each other as the park fills up more." He looks to your cousins and asks, "What about you guys? What do you think?"
Tobio's still looking at where you pointed out your plan of action on the map displayed from Shin's phone but it's really Shin who you have to make sure agrees. After all, Tobio is younger than you by a year, but Shin is older than you by that same length. Even though it's never something you think any of you typically consider, you remember the little incident last summer where he got chewed out by Ren and hope he's not decided to be a little more strict with you.
You catch him looking at you with a sardonic gleam in his eye and realize both your thoughts are probably very aligned. If he does decide to veto your idea, it won't be because he believes he needs to be strict, it'll be purely out of his innate need to torment you. Ugh.
"Okay," What? Ahh, now you're even more suspicious but it sounds like he's accepting your plan, "keep the sound on your phone high though, and call immediately if there's an emergency."
Yeah, sure, at this point you have a line of people who've told you to call them right away but if he hasn't considered that, you're not saying it.
So instead, you brightly agree, "Of course!" earning a doubtful look from him.
Oh well. You reach for Hana but she's already grabbing your hand instead and you both rush away to the new ride calling over your shoulder, "See you later!"
You both ignore whatever they call out after the two of you, giggling and debating where you want to sit on the ride instead.
"Y/n!" You hear a familiar voice call out your name in excitement just as you both reach the line up for the first ride and you feel butterflies take flight in your stomach, spreading electric tingles through you with the flutter of their delicate wings. Wow. Well, you know even before you turn around who it's going to be.
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Behind The Scenes!
-Y/n and Toru can really dance around the things they really want to talk about, even when some things are called out directly by both...
-Y/n doesn't always catch herself calling him 'Toru' out loud (or over text even), clearly that's what she calls him in her head <3 but she usually is aware of what name she's using when she speaks it out loud, or she just avoids calling him directly at all
-But much like when she says 'I'm sorry Toru' in that 4th panel, it happens... she didn't realize it, it was just a heartfelt apology that she was trying to genuinely express
-She won't say she wasn't expecting him to ask to spend his birthday with her, even if they've messaged constantly for the past year
-Which is why she felt so bad when he reached out about it early in the month... and why she wasn't focused on how she addressed him... but then calls him Oikawa in the next panel
-He notices all the slips, whether he teases comments or not
-Tobio and roller coasters... :'D
A/N: Hmm, I wonder who this new person could be... lmao, hope you guys have liked part one so far, the ride only gets wilder from here ;)
Taglist: @delusivist, @prettyinblack231, @kac-chowsballs, @sakusasimpbot, @hawkthekinnie
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stanbillyhargrove · 4 years
Ghosts Chp 21
Billy x Katrina
A/N: this is a multi chapter series that will contain smut, angst, fluff, substance abuse
A/N: just a lil baby of a chapter
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Neil's POV
The more time I spent talking to Katrina, the more I started to find myself again. My moments of darkness, of pain and anger, lessened and gave way for the real me to come back. The version of me before the war, when all I wanted in life was the perfect family. Sometimes, when I let Katrina have control of her body, I'd find myself dreaming of what could have been. What should have been.
A quaint home with a picket fence, two kids playing in the yard and Olivia and I lounging in the shade close by. Our little boy had the same shining, golden curls as Olivia but with my sharp features and blue eyes, a stunning little boy. He was obsessed with his little sister, never leaving her side and letting her hang off him even though she wasn't much smaller than he was. Our little girl was beautiful, with my dark wavy hair and Olivia's bright green eyes. She was always hanging on to one of us with a bright smile, her giggle twinkling through the air.
It was almost perfect, this little world I'd built, except I wanted the real Olivia. I needed my actual Olivia, my love.
I opened my eyes to find myself face to face with Katrina. We were in the room I'd designed for us, with the fireplace crackling and casting dancing shadows across her face.
"You're back..that was quick," I murmured.
We'd been spending a great deal of time together here when her body was resting. Sharing her body, both of us taking turns controlling it while the other waited in her mind. We spent enough time together that Katrina had begun to trust me again, had gotten close to me again.
She smiled tightly, "it's late. And nobody could come see me today...What were you dreaming of?"
"I wasn't."
"I could feel it. You were happy."
I sighed and smiled at her, "nothing gets past you, pet."
"We're connected," she repeated what I always said to her.
I smirked, leading her to sit near the fire, "I was thinking of what could have been."
"If you hadn't died?"
"If I hadn't gone to war. If I'd stayed and been a proper husband."
Her fingers splayed over mine, soft and warm, "do you miss her?"
"Yes," I confessed.
Katrina was quiet as she leaned lightly into my shoulder. We stayed like that for a moment before I had an idea.
"I have something to ask of you, my pet."
She hummed, moving to look up at me from where she lied against my side.
"Olivia..do you think you can get her to see me?"
"I'm not sure...I saw her a little bit when I was healing but Ally said you keep them away. I haven't seen anyone since you came back."
"I'll let them come."
She was quiet for a moment before murmuring, "why?"
"You want me to be happy, right?"
"Yes," she whispered, tucking her face back down to my shoulder.
"Good," I smiled, stretching to kiss the top of her head lightly before settling back and wrapping my arm around her.
She looked over at the small mirror in her room to see me. She hadn't come back to me for a few days now, avoiding me as she toiled over what I'd asked her to do.
"Talk to me."
She sighed, setting the book down she'd been reading before answering, "I don't know if it's a good idea. Billy and Audrey are still trying to find a way to help me."
"Pet...take a look around. I'm the only one who hasn't walked out on you. They've left you locked down here by yourself for weeks. There's no way to seperate us and they're scared of you. They've given up on you."
I saw the tears pooling in her eyes when she got up to cross the room and turn the mirror over so she couldn't see me anymore.
"I'm here," I murmured before retreating and leaving her in her own thoughts.
I was wrapped up with Olivia on a plush couch, lounging with the kids and watching a movie. Our kids were older this time, practically adults now. They were complete opposites, like the sun and moon. He was all broad shoulders and bronze skin where she was pale and slender. She was lying across his lap and suddenly jolted up, though I was the only one who reacted.
I sat up to look at her, "yes?"
"Neil?" She cried, tears streaming down her cheeks, "Neil!"
I was suddenly pulled from my dream and was staring at Katrina. Staring into her shimmering eyes, one bright green, the other stormy blue.
Her face was red and splotchy, tears pouring down like rivers. When she saw me, she collapsed, fingers twisting in my shirt as she sobbed into my chest. It took me a moment to get past my shock and lock my arms around her back.
"Hey," I soothed, "what happened, pet? Talk to me."
She sniffled a few times before whispering, "I'll do it."
"I'll let Olivia in."
I smiled and rested my cheek on the top of her head, "thank you...what changed your mind?"
"You were right, nobody cares about me..."
"I care, pet...I care."
Katrina's POV
Nobody could come visit me this weekend. It was supposed to be Steve's turn since Billy had to work but he'd been called into work last minute, leaving me alone. Locked in this room in the basement by myself. Again. It's happened a few times now, but this time I'd convinced Riley to leave me my phone.
Now it's three in the morning, and I've tried calling Billy and Steve multiple times. But they weren't answering, I was truly alone.
"Will you please pick up the fucking phone?" I left another voice-mail on Billy's phone, barely holding myself together until I hung up.
I curled into myself on the bed, hot tears stinging my cheeks and hard sobs wracking my chest. They really have given up on me. I'm just a problem to be sent away and locked up. Out of sight, out of mind.
I made up my mind.
I sank into the inner world that Neil and I shared, into the room with the fireplace. But he wasn't here.
"Neil?" I yelled.
Nothing. I started crying, calling for him again and again until finally, he was in front of me. The only one who was always there for me. I could do this for him, if it helped him the same way he helped me.
"I'll do it."
@alias-b @charmed-asylum @champagnesugamama
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blake-bellamyblake · 6 years
The bet.
I was new in town and oh boy don't I just know it. The amount of stares I received for being the new girl at school was getting ridiculous. There was the usual crowds the jocks, the popular girls, band geeks, and.. well.. there was me.
I was never good in social situations so fitting it was never my strong point. Nor was I ever desperate enough to make myself fit into these stereotypes. I live with my older sister as my parents died when we was little! She had no choice but to look after me. Her names emma and we are the complete opposite of each other! She's into all the new fashions and trends, plans her outfits religiously the night before, where as i really just shove on any old thing in my wardrobe at last minute. emma recently got a job working as a receptionsist at the yellow tower? Or was it the white tower! I really should start to listen. So here we are, where my story begins at hemlock grove!
**It was the usual day at school boring lessons and sitting by myself at lunch time. This repeated for the next 3 weeks. Untill I met letha. She was blonde, skinny and my god was she beautiful. We became really close and exchanged numbers. We would text each other all day and night. We really hit it off. I always thought to my self why did she befriend me?
letha introduced me to them. Roman godfrey and Peter Rumancek. Meeting them was the biggest mistake of my life. Let me rewind the story a bit.
It all started off great, 3 new friends we did everything together. I met them as letha was having a small quiet gathering at her house. Her mum and dad went out for the weekend so we had the place to ourselfs. I arrived first at letha' s house she gave me my go to drink vodka n coke, Helps with the nerves. She told me she had two other friends coming over. Never in my mind would I thought it would be boys. I mean I wasn't a virgin or anything i had my fair share of trouble when it came to boys. And trouble was soon to find me again.
Flash back
Letha: "Y/N this is roman, my cousin.
Holy shit
he was breath taking. Tall, dark and handsome. Definatly handsome you thought to yourself.
"hi roman nice to meet you my name's Y/N" you replied back hoping he didn't notice you staring wide eyed at him.
Peter came walking through the door way moments after. Phew. This was awkward.
We all exchanged pleasantries and chatted away like we'd known each other for years.
The drinks was flowing and the drinking games began. truth or dare like we were 15 year olds again. I should of noticed or realised something was up at this point but couple of drinks is enough to wipe out my "somethings not right here" part of my brain. I should of seen the smirk from Peter. Moments later roman and Peter left the room leaving me with letha.
Peter: so I've got an idea...more of a bet really
Roman: go on?
Peter: I bet you can't, get Y/N to fall in love with you
Roman: and why would I want to do that? She's not exactly my type.
Peter: scared she's gonna resit you?
Roman: not a chance! I'm in! How long do I have?
Peter: 4 months.
The boys returned back to the living room and the game of truth or dare continued. You kept noticing roman staring at you from the corner of your eye. What's his problem you thought
Peter: Roman! Its your turn..truth or dare
Roman chuckles realising what Peter is trying to do. Dare he replied.
Peter: umm I dare you.. to umm.. kiss...... Y/N.
You nearly chocked on your drink upon hearing your name. WHAT. Oh god.
You couldn't make eye contact just sat there silent I mean you wasn't going to dismiss the idea but infront of everyone glaring. Awks
Your palms became clammy as you saw the tall silhouette walking towards. Oh god. Oh god.
Roman knelt down infront of you asking for your permission to go ahead.
You just nodded your head as he slowly made his way towards your lips. He surprised you. He held your face gently as he kissed you. He moved away to take a breath before coming back for more. Looking at him you didn't think it would feel like this, you imagined in that split second it would be rushed and rough.
Peter and letha started giggling and cheering behind you which made you come back to reality.
Letha: okay guys let's get on with the game I don't want to see you two necking on all night. She laughed
You felt you cheeks flush. Holy shit that was amazing.
Roman sat beside you instead of returning back to his seat. Your hand was touching the floor as you knelt on your knee' s watching letha and Peter get dared numerous of funny stuff.
You could of sworn he kept gliding over your hand on purpose. Was he trying to get a reaction out of you? Or was this just the alcohol. Probably the alcohol you thought.
Next day:
You Had just gotten off the bus when you saw Letha run up to you and gave you the biggest hug and whispered something in your ear, you wasn't able to catch what she said so you made a mental note to ask her later. Before she dragged you off to first period.
You was sat next to a lovely guy called james and you helped him with the science questions as he repeatedly told you he didn't understand no matter how hard you explained it to him. You spent the majoirty of the lesson laughing together untill you both had tears in your eyes. The Bell was just about to go so you packed all your belongings up And that's when you saw him. glaring at you from the doorway. Eyes fixated on you which made you nervous seriously what is his problem and that stare!
Roman: Who was that
um james, he's really nice you replied
Roman: ok well fuck him, I'm taking you out tonight be ready for 8, wear something hot babe He winked as he said 'babe'
Y/N: What? Wait roman
Too late he had disappeared into the crowds. What does this mean you thought and babe seriously you rolled your eyes and rushed off to go find letha to tell her what just happened.
Y/N: you never guess what ... you began to say
Before letha interrupted you "he likes you Y/n" she spat out all giddy
What? Is all you managed to string out.
Roman! He likes you. he wouldn't stop talking about you after you left and kept asking me places where he should take you.
You didn't know what to say you just sat there trying to take it all in. He likes me? You kept repeating in your head HE LIKES ME you tried to play it cool and act like you wasn't interested. Lies all lies. You was beyond bursting with excitement.
School ended and you and letha rushed back to your house and raided your sisters wardrobe in preparation for your date.
8pm soon arrived and there he was standing infront of his red car wearing black skinny jeans and A white shirt. Fuck! Your knees nearly bookeld at the sight of him.
"wow you look beautiful Y/N" Roman stated as he held the car door open for you. Wow what a gentleman. He took us to a restaurant which he had booked out for just us, a nice romantic candlit dinner it was perfect. I mean I knew he had money but I didn't think he was this rich.
The rest of the night was perfect you didn't want it to end. He dropped you off and walked you to your front door.
Night baby he winked before planting a kiss on you.
Since that night you and roman had become inseparable. You began dating not long after your first date it was just coming up to 4 months. Things were perfect and you was the happiest you've ever been. Roman was the perfect boyfriend and was forever complimenting you and showing you affection. You had no reason to doubt him right?
Soon came around our 4 month anniversary and roman had planned a weekend away. Nothing warmed your heart more when roman took hold of your hand and gently looked at you, it was almost like he was nervous. You laughed at the thought of roman being nervous he always acted so in control.
Y/N I wanted to bring you here to make it a night to remember, to show how much you mean to me! I never thought I would ever... Umm. ..I never thought I could.
What's wrong roman. you cut him off? Why was he stuttering over his words.
Roman: I'm in love with you Y/N
Those words made your heart flutter, you thought you was going to be sick from bursting with happiness
Y/N: I love you too roman godfrey
With hearing you say it back to him he threw his arms around your face kissing you over and over, slowly at first then getting more passionate.
On the return home you rang letha and told her everything that had happened and how roman had confessed his love for you. She was so happy for us! Spent the night chatting untill you both fell asleep.
After school you went round to Romans house as you did everyday. It got to the point you didn't knock anymore you just let your self in, you spent a short while talking to shelly and Olivia before heading off to find roman.
You walked down the many corridors of the godfrey mansion before over hearing talking it was roman and Peter.
they hadn't noticed you hovering around so you decided to hide and see what kind of stuff boys spoke about. Lame I know
You wish you didn't.
Peter: I can't believe you actually won man
Peter: What did she say when you told her you loved her? Peter began laughing. Oh come on roman don't go all quiet on me now.
Roman: Peter stop I need..
Peter cut off roman before he could finish.
You best not be going soft on me now you agreed to this bet.
What. The. Fuck. You felt as if your heart was gonna split in two right then.
" what bet" you came from hiding behind the door. " WHAT BET" you didn't realise you had began shouting.
Peter with a smug look on his face declared" I put on a bet with roman to see if he could get you to fall in love with him"
Roman looked paler than ever, just stood there staring at you.
The tears began falling from your eyes as you rushed out the door.
"Y/N WAIT" roman screamed chasing after you " BABY WAIT"
you stopped and turned around " dont ever call me that again roman" you exclaimed!
Y/N please let me explain, roman said in a low voice
"Explain what? That you did all this for a stupid bet! I love you roman" the last few words were more of a muble as your voice became shaking as the tears kept pouring.
" I did at first ...do it as a bet, but I soon fell in love with you Y/N that part was all true, I know you don't believe me right now but your the only person who's ever made me feel like this. I forgot about the bet with Peter untill just then when I told him about our weekend away and that I told you I loved you" Roman pleaded his voice now becoming as weak and pathetic as yours.
You noticed tears slowly falling his cheek.
" I can't forgive you Roman, it's over.. we're over"
And with that you ran down the corridor and out of the mansion running as fast as your legs could take you. Running anywhere as long as your now weakened body would take you.
Roman watched you leave as he fell to the floor his heart was truly breaking! He really did love you. He knows he should of told you about the bet, but how could he?
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This was the day roman godfrey broke my heart in two.
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hangonimevolving · 4 years
***SPACE BAR!!!***
When my sister and I were young in the 1980's, we used to love - LOVE! - this game on our old, gigantic Macintosh II computer. It was called Crystal Quest.
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So in the game, the player used the (giant, roller-ball) computer mouse and single, rectangular button to control the cursor (the white circle thing in the center of the above image), as it tried to navigate this black field full of diamond shaped crystals (good), random mines, obstacles, and "bad guys" that made the most hilarious noises ever. Once in awhile, this shiny, massive crystal would pop up on the screen and start bouncing around crazily, and you got beaucoup bonus points if you could capture it - but the risk was running into aforementioned mines and bad guys, some of which shot bullets at you, multiplied, "pooped" out mini-bad guys that acted as more obstacles and mines, and some even exploded when shot. Amazing, amazing game.
If you're dying to see this in action - view here:
Anyway. As you leveled up in the game, obviously things would get hairier and more difficult, and my sister and I had limited talents overall in the video game department... suffice it to say, we never got very far. We never "conquered" the game. The only reason we got as far as we did was because of ***SPACE BAR!***. This became our "safe word" to each other while playing - b/c when things got hard enough, if you were lucky enough to have aggregated enough points or crystals or whatever, you'd start earning the right to "bombs," which were these "clear the palate!" deals that you'd detonate in the game in order to clear the entire field of bad guys and mines that were bothering you. You only had a limited number, so you couldn't do it often, and my sister and I were so untalented at the game, that neither one of us was ever really coordinated enough to control the mouse and the space bar at the same time, hence the need to shout SPACE BAR! at each other so that the person not playing would hit the space bar for the other one! But anyway. They were a saving grace when things got just too complicated and overwhelming.
So. Why am I bringing this up?
A few weeks ago, Dr. Spouse and I officially hit the Space Bar for our family.
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After about 100 days on the market, we finally got a real offer on our house. A serious one. We'd had a few others, but none felt serious, and/or negotiations didn't go very far with them. But this buyer really meant business - and they were in a huge hurry. From the time of their offer till our closing date and move-out, only about 17 days elapsed. It felt like the blink of an eye. Funny, b/c there was hardly a moment to waste simply blinking eyes. We had to HUSTLE to get the house packed up, our movers organized, and most of all - to figure out where the $%^& we were going.
Because, our family likes to make things as complicated as possible :)
The truth is, we actually bought a house. We had a house that we were able to buy, and we are OVER THE MOON about it. I'll talk way more about it soon, but suffice it to say - it is my DREAM home. I am so excited about it.
But. New house is a FIXER. We are looking at ~6 months of renovations at that house - renovations so significant, that living in the home is going to be impossible for a time. So we were going to need somewhere else to put up for awhile during this whole remodeling thing. With our two children, and our cat. Eep.
Cue Dr. Spouse IMMEDIATELY launching a great short-term rental apartment/house hunt. Which lasted approximately two days, because we really just didn't have the time for it to last longer, and the silver lining of our situation is we knew that whatever rental we chose, it would only be for a few months.... so. Happily, he found something that we could all live with quite easily: a 3 bed/3 bath, split-level townhome with a one-car garage and a small balcony, with all hardwood floors throughout. The boys would be able to share one of the larger bedrooms, and the main bedroom with en suite separate bath was a generous size for the two of us. The third bedroom would serve as our homeschool classroom, Pixel's nighttime abode, and our "just in case someone has to come stay with us even though Covid is pretty much guaranteeing we won't have guests" guest room. Best of all, the apartment is only about 3 minutes from our new house, so we can keep an eye on the renovations. It's also zoned for the same public school that the house is, so in the event that we are still living here by next school year (which OMG, we better not be - the house better be finished by then!) - the kids could enroll in the school, and then continue going there even once renovations are done and we move into the house.
Soooo many FaceTime tours of apartments provided by Dr. Spouse....
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As he tackled the "where will we live" question even while working an extraordinarily busy few weeks at work, I did my best to handle pretty much all the other details. I dealt with all the paperwork and communication with the realtors about the sale of our house. I got estimates from three moving companies, found a storage unit for the 60+% of our household belongings that we wouldn't be bringing to the apartment, and I worked on some household repairs at the old house to get it in shape to hand over to the new owners....
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Honestly.... I feel the need to give you all an EXTRA moment of time, to take in and appreciate this haute couture ensemble I am rocking as I use my power sander to smooth out the drywall compound that I've slathered onto our TV wall mount holes. Just look at me. I'm a vision, in my Amazon Basics T-shirt, jean shorts, pink flying elephant apron, Isotoner bedroom slippers, and my protective eyewear and mask. Rawr. Sexy beast.
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The glamour didn't stop there. Then came the Packing Up of the Shit. Decluttering, tossing out trash, donating stuff, then boxing up the contents of the universe. BOXES, BOXES, BOXES. I was swimming in them. And, it wasn't just the boxing. It was the decision-making. Because, as I mentioned earlier -this was a complicated-ass move. We were moving from one house, into not one, not two, but THREE different locations: the temporary digs during renovation, the storage unit that would house all the shit that wouldn't fit in the apartment, and then we made the decision to have all of our outdoor patio furniture and crap delivered directly to the backyard of the new house. So, one point of origin, THREE points of delivery with this move. COMPLI-CAAYYY-ted. I developed this elaborate numbering/color-coding system. For real. Numerous round colored stickers were involved.
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Okay, Tumblr is being weird and saying I've exceeded the number of pictures that is permitted in a single post.... so I'm going to pause here, and continue in a sequel!
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shg11 · 7 years
News that a Christian child was forced into Muslim foster care caused a furore earlier this year. But, despite the challenges, these families play a vital role in bringing up vulnerable children, says Sarfraz Manzoor
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About 100,000 young people go through the fostering system every year. In recent years an increasing number of these have been child refugees from Muslim-majority countries such as Syria and Afghanistan, many arriving here traumatised and in need of care.
We estimate there is a shortage of 8,000 foster carers, says Kevin Williams, chief executive of the Fostering Network, and there is a particular shortage of Muslim foster carers.
Those featured here were nervous that their stories would be misreported, an issue highlighted recently in the story about a white Christian girl supposedly forced into Muslim foster care. The story was cited as emblematic of a greater clash between Islam and Christianity. It has also provoked fears that the media storm could deter Muslims from fostering at a time when the need for a more diverse pool of carers has never been greater.
Sajjad and Riffat
Just before Christmas seven years ago, Riffat and Sajjad were at home when the phone rang. It was the foster agency letting them know that three children theyd never met would be arriving shortly. The children two sisters and a brother were in urgent need of short-term care. Sajjad and Riffat had been approved as foster carers only two months earlier and these would be their first placements.
We were excited, but I was also a bit nervous, recalls Sajjad, 50. The couple had tried to start a family after they married, but fertility problems led to six failed cycles of IVF. They considered adopting, but eventually decided to sign up as foster carers.
Both are observant Muslims of Pakistani heritage. Riffat, 46, was wearing a headscarf when we met, and prays five times a day. How did they cope with the arrival of three white English children raised in a Christian household?
I will never forget that day, recalls Riffat, who grew up in Pakistan and moved to Britain after marrying in 1997. It really was like being thrown in the deep end. They bought chicken and chips from the local takeaway for the children and the support worker told the couple about the childrens bedtime routine.
Once the children were asleep, Sajjad headed out on an urgent shopping mission. We are Muslims and wed never had a Christmas tree in our home, says Riffat. But these children were Christian and we wanted them to feel connected to their culture. So he bought a Christmas tree, decorations and presents. The couple worked until the early hours putting the tree up and wrapping presents. The first thing the children saw the next morning was the tree.
I had never seen that kind of extra happiness and excitement on a childs face, remembers Riffat. The children were meant to stay for two weeks seven years later two of the three siblings are still living with them.
Riffat has grown used to surprised looks from strangers and people asking if the reason she has such fair-skinned children is because she married a white man. But she focuses on the positives in particular how fostering has given her and Sajjad an insight into a world that had been so unfamiliar. We have learned so much about English culture and religion, Sajjad says. Riffat would read Bible stories to the children at night and took the girls to church on Sundays. When I read about Christianity, I dont think there is much difference, she says. It all comes from God.
The girls, 15 and 12, have also introduced Riffat and Sajjad to the world of after-school ballet, theatre classes and going to pop concerts. I wouldnt see many Asian parents at those places, she says. But I now tell my extended family you should involve your children in these activities because it is good for their confidence. Having the girls in her life has also made Riffat reflect on her own childhood. I had never spent even an hour outside my home without my siblings or parents until my wedding day, she says.
Just as Riffat and Sajjad have learned about Christianity, the girls have come to look forward to Eid and the traditions of henna. Ive taught them how to make potato curry, pakoras and samosas, Riffat says. But their spice levels are not quite the same as ours yet. The girls can also sing Bollywood songs and speak Urdu.
I now look forward to going home. I have two girls and my wife waiting, says Sajjad. Its been such a blessing for me, adds Riffat. It fulfilled the maternal gap.
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Shareens longest foster placement is a young boy from Syria: He was 14 and had hidden inside a lorry. Photograph: Karen Robinson for the Observer
A British Pakistani, Shareen (and her husband Asif, 47), began fostering three years ago after three failed rounds of IVF. She has looked after children from many nationalities including Afro-Caribbean, Syrian, Egyptian and Pakistani.
When she first used to read the background reports about the children she looked after, Shareen, 48, was shocked at what theyd been through. I just could not believe that there could be children so deprived of love, she says. I was exposed to so much pain.
One 12-year-old boy she fostered, who had been diagnosed with ADHD, couldnt sleep each night. He would break the lightbulbs and chuck them in the neighbours garden. Whatever he could find in the room he would open up and unscrew and he would not come home at curfew time, she recalls. I would have to call the police every evening.
The key to coping, she says, was to try to understand the reasons behind the challenging behaviour. You have to look at the persons history, she says. No child is born to take drugs or join a gang. It has happened because nobody has cared for them. The boy ended up staying with Shareen for eight months.
She has also fostered children of Pakistani heritage and says there are some advantages. Two Pakistani children fitted right into the house because they understood our culture; we ate the same food and shared the same language, but when I had white children and I was out with them, people gave me funny looks.
Shareens longest foster placement arrived three years ago: a boy from Syria. He was 14 and had hidden inside a lorry all the way from Syria, she says. The boy was deeply traumatised. They had to communicate via Google Translate; Shareen later learned Arabic and he picked up English within six months. She read up on Syria and the political situation there to get an insight into the conditions he had left.
It took ages to gain his trust, she says. I got a picture dictionary that showed English and Arabic words and I remember one time when I pronounced an Arabic word wrong and he burst out laughing and told me I was saying it wrong that was the breakthrough.
The boy would run home from school and whenever they went shopping in town, he kept asking Shareen when they were going back home. She found out why: He told me that one day he left his house in Syria and when he had come back, there was no house. Now hes 18, speaks English fluently and is applying for apprenticeships. He could move out of Shareens home, but has decided to stay. He is a very different person to the boy who first came here, she says, and my relationship with him is that of a mother to her son.
Fostering has, she says, helped her to be more resilient, patient and confident. I used to worry about who was doing better than me or earning more money, she says. But after meeting these children, those things just dont matter to me anymore.
Homayun and Parvin
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We thought we had done well and it was time we paid something back to society: Homayun and Parvin. Photograph: Karen Robinson for the Observer
Two years ago Homayun, who came to the UK from Afghanistan in 1979, was watching the news when he saw the footage of a three-year-old Syrian boy washed up on a beach in Turkey. I thought to myself that we had done well in this society. We had been educated, got jobs and we also had a spare room. It was time we paid something back to society.
So he and his wife, Parvin, 44, applied to become foster carers. The process took 12 months and, at the start of this year, they welcomed two boys from Afghanistan and Kuwait now 15 and 12. We would have welcomed children from anywhere, including Britain, says Homayun, but I was especially interested in caring for children from war-torn countries because that was the experience I had been through.
Homayun, 51, owns a garage business and the couple have their own son, 16. My father was an activist and he was under house arrest, he says. We fled to Britain a few months before the Russians invaded the country. I know what it is like to live in a country that doesnt have freedom, human rights and a right to education I had that in common with the boys we were fostering. His Afghan foster son had travelled from Afghanistan to Iran and then to Turkey, where he had boarded a boat to Greece. From there he travelled to France before finally reaching Britain. His Kuwaiti foster son had been smuggled on to a plane using false identification. When he first met them Homayun was struck by how quiet the children were.
They would not speak and it took a few months to bring them out of themselves and get them to open up. The boys did not speak each others languages and relied on Google Translate. It was very challenging and difficult at first, says Homayun. But now the younger boy goes to school on his own, and uses public transport.
Although they share the same Muslim background, he would never force his own beliefs on his foster children. If I had a Christian child and they wanted to go to church, I would take them to church. If I had a Jewish child who wanted to go a synagogue, I would make sure they go there.
Homayun also encourages them to talk to their families back in their own countries. In Afghanistan the parents talk to their son regularly via Skype. They want him to receive something here that he never had there an education, he says. Leaving Afghanistan is a gamble; sometimes it pays off and other times it doesnt and parents can lose their children.
Both boys now call him Uncle or Baba and are starting to speak English well. If they can leave my house and go and achieve something in their lives, says Homayun, something that they could not have done in their own countries, that would be a satisfying job done.
Homayun chose to foster as a way of giving something back to society, but in fact both he and his wife found that the experience has enriched all of them in ways they could not have predicted.
Their son, who has autism, is now learning to share and communicate, and has started speaking in sentences. He enjoys having the two boys in the house and they go cycling and play football, he says. Fostering has done the whole family so much good.
Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/dec/03/muslim-foster-parents-it-has-been-such-a-blessing
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