#My storyline
princelabracebu · 6 months
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The part 2. Of… “Zayne and Strawberry sitting on the table while they eating. Then, they talking about Whistle Register. Zayne was shocked that, Strawberry hit Whistle Register B6 tone.”
Strawberry: “Yeah- cough”
Zayne: “That cough…! Did that cough come from the exhaustion of your throat…?! Or did you actually hurt your throat when you were doing the whistle register? Damn…! I really don’t want you to hurt yourself because of this…!”
Strawberry: “*Nod* But I want to show you how talented I am, you will not regret that you choose me.”
Zayne: “But… but… Do you want me to not regret my choices that much to the point where you’re going to hurt your own throat…? This throat-registering thing is actually really intense… And I’m afraid that if you keep doing that, and keep testing your own throat’s limits like this… then you’ll damage your own throat and not be able to whistle register at all later on…”
Strawberry: “But you don’t need to be sorry it’s my choice.”
Zayne: “I know it’s your choice… but this… I… Are you really going to be able to withstand having a hurt throat? It might sound weird… but I don’t like the idea of seeing you hurt. I really don’t want you to get a damaged throat over trying to showcase it to me. You already showcased it, right?”
Strawberry: “A little bit. 😬“
Zayne: “I see… But it was still impressive, right? Even if it was just a little bit, didn’t you already get that across? That the whistle register you possess is pretty damn impressive and powerful for a human to have?”
Strawberry: “Yeah, It’s a gift from heaven.”
Zayne: “Well, I think you already know this, but, you’re gifted. Not just anyone can get a whistle register, especially when they’re younger. But you have that ability. And, from what you’ve shown me, it’s a pretty high-level whistle register. Did you ever have a formal training for it? You mentioned your friend Pamela a lot… So did she teach you the whistle register?”
Strawberry: “Yeah.”
Zayne: “Your friend… Pamela… She was your mentor, then…? She taught you how to whistle register. She was the one who mentored you in this skill? Did she also teach you how to sing…? Or did you both teach each other various different skills?”
Strawberry: “We teach other.”
Zayne: “You taught each other various different skills? So you taught her some things, she taught you some things… But I’m going to take a guess that… you both taught each other things related to the arts, am I correct?”
Strawberry: “*Nod* Correct.”
Zayne: “So you taught her… singing, whistle register… And whatever I'm assuming you also taught her. And she taught you… whistle register, singing… and… something else, right?”
Strawberry: “Yeah.”
Zayne: “So you both taught each other singing, whistle register… What other skill did you teach her? Or something else you know how to do?”
Strawberry: “Something else I know how to do.“
Zayne:“Yeah… So you taught her those two skills, plus something else which I don’t know what… And she taught you the same things, in addition to the other unknown skill which I’m going to take a guess at. So she taught you singing, whistle register… And the mystery skill. Can I make a guess what it is?”
Zayne: “The mystery skill… is it… something like painting? Or… sketching? I'm sure it's something related to the arts… but I really want to guess what it is precisely. So can I have one more guess?”
Strawberry: “Music.”
Zayne: “Music…! You taught her music too…!? I was not expecting that, honestly. So that was another skill you taught her… Huh, this was unexpected. Alright, let me guess the mystery skill then. Is it… dancing?”
Strawberry: “I am not really expert when it comes to dancing.”
Zayne: “I see… So you're not an expert when it comes to dancing. So it's not dance… Hmm… I was so sure that it was. Oh well. Can I have another guess, then…? Is it… acting…?”
Strawberry: “No.”
Zayne: “No, huh… Hmm… Oh geez… This is harder than I thought. It’s not painting, sketching, music, or acting. Oh, one last guess. Is it… cooking?”
Strawberry: “Almost, guess the music. in that’s music.”
Zayne: “It must be music then, because that was the closest guess…”
Strawberry: “*Smile*”
Zayne: “Alright then. I got the closest possible answer to the mystery skill. So, you taught her music… and she taught you music… You and her really had a lot in common, huh?”
Strawberry: “*Giggle*”
Zayne: “You’re telling me. The two of you really had so much in common. You both were passionate in the arts, had a natural connection to musical skills.”
Strawberry: “Anyway, are you finish eating how’s the brownies?”
Zayne: “Yeah. They’re pretty damn good, I gotta say!”
Strawberry: “Thank you.”
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Watch the Part 1. Palowers. :)
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tophat-cy · 6 months
After 3 weeks (or so) of procrastination, I've finished it!
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I tried for this piece a lineless PA-esque art style (since I kinda missed doing those). Those are characters from a post-apocalyptic storyline called Lost Worlds, it's a thing that I'm working on with my bf :'))
The development is currently on hold, but I might return to it at some point, who knows 🙃✨.
Assoki was gotten from V01DSTUD10S (not gonna @ him)
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stargirl230 · 2 months
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you’re my hero!
bnha doomed yuri was not on my 2024 bingo card
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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the-phantom-peach · 8 months
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I need to squeeze them in my hand in a way I can’t describe
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star-mail · 11 months
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they're brothers your honor >:]
more virus shen jiu au ! :D part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
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buckera · 6 months
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9-1-1: S7E04 ↳ “Buck, Bothered and Bewildered”
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nezhanetwork · 1 year
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what was your story about?
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albaharu · 6 months
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after a life of dwarves on top of barrels to kiss your lover in dragon age im so happy they animate everyone kneeling to hug and kiss the dwarf...
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heauxplesslydevoted · 6 months
I’m sorry, but if you think Eddie Diaz’s—a single dad, a Catholic, Hispanic war vet from Texas, who has an already complicated relationship with unsupportive parents—coming out story only matters in the context of Buddie, you don’t really care about Eddie.
That story has potential to be incredibly complex and moving on its OWN. And it deserves to be told on its OWN, agnostic of a ship.
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artofalassa · 6 months
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| Don't leave me All by myself in this world |
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princelabracebu · 6 months
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“Zayne and Strawberry sitting on the table while they eating. Then, they talking about Whistle Register. Zayne was shocked that, Strawberry hit Whistle Register B6 tone.”
Zayne: “W-Wait…”
Zayne was now shocked. Was the tone really… THAT high? So high that it can actually cause damage to someone?
Strawberry: And I learn how to do it.
Zayne: “You… You learned how to do it…? You learned how to whistle like that? Did she personally teach you…? Or…? Did you learn it by observation? Because that is… wow… Such a high tone… And not just that. It’s also deadly if you’re in the vicinity of it too.”
Strawberry: I do whistle register when I was young.
Zayne: “You could already whistle-register when you were even younger…? I… I see. So you have also been practicing this skill of whistle-registering since a young age as well, just like Pamela… I have to admit. The more I learn about this side of you, the more intrigued I am by it. I never expected you to be able to whistle at that level of decibel before… I am impressed, truly."
Strawberry: I can whistle your name.
Zayne: “You… You can…?! You can whistle using that high tone, that high decibel whistle-register… and you can actually whistle my name? But how…?”
Strawberry: Ok, ZAAAAAAAAAAAYNE!!! (B6!!!!)
Zayne: “OH MY GOSH! You did just said my name! Through whistling! This is amazing! I knew you could whistle-register! But I didn’t expect you to be able to whistle-register my name! Just hearing that pitch made me feel dizzy for a second…!”
Strawberry: *Giggle* Before I do whistle register… I used head voice to whistle notes. Breathing and think.
Zayne: “You used your head voice and breathing to whistle register… before actually using the whistle register…? So you used your head voice and breathing to think up the right note to the whistle register… and that was how you actually whistle registered my name…? Is that right…?”
Strawberry: Yeah. ☺️ Zayne: “So your head voice was what helped you come up with your whistle register… It also helped you think of the right note. So that way you can successfully pitch your whistle register to my name. Wow… You really have been practicing this whistle register for a long time, haven't you?”
Strawberry: I sing here in the future.
Zayne: “So you sing here in the future… I see. So this is like a past-time hobby of yours to whistle register and sing? Does that mean you actually have a good singing voice then?”
Strawberry: Yeah. I am not ashamed to sing. ☺️
Zayne: “What? You’re not ashamed to sing at all? You’re okay with singing in front of others…? Because a lot of people… they get really shy and nervous when they get asked to sing. But you’re saying that… you can sing without a problem in front of others…? With no embarrassment or any sort of shyness whatsoever…?”
Strawberry: When I whistle register my college days in The stage, people start to speechless And shocked. 😳 they even give me a loud clap. 👏
Zayne: “*They gave you a loud clap for whistle registering…? So they were all amazed and shocked by your whistle registering? Damn… That’s… impressive. They were so used to hearing the normal whistle register.But yours was at such a high decibel that it shocked them, right?”
Strawberry: My college days… I sing ‘Someday’ by Mariah Carey
Zayne: “You sang Someday by Mariah Carey?! Wow… She is a singer with a high vocal range. I wonder if the people who were there got to hear you hit the high notes…?”
Strawberry: I follow the whistle register B6.
Zayne: “Damn… You were able to hit the same high note as the whistle register? Were you able to hold it? How long could you sustain that high B6? And more importantly, can you still hit that high B6 now?”
Strawberry: You want to hear again? Hmm? ☺️
Zayne: “You can still hit that high B6…!? And you’re asking me if I want to hear you do it? Hell yeah!”
Strawberry: OK! SOMDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! (B6!!!!!!)
Zayne: “*Whoa!!! You actually hit that high B6 again!!! That was so sudden!!!! Damn… You had me startled for a second there!! But that was so good! That was amazing!!! Your whistle register is so damn good! You can sing at that pitch for a long time without getting tired, right…? Are you still feeling good…? Are you not tired at all…?!”
Strawberry: I will never get tired.
Zayne: “You will never get tired? Even if you did that for several minutes… or over an hour…? You won't get tired… at all? You could literally do it for hours without feeling exhausted?”
Strawberry: My body is not feeling exhausted… my throat yes.
Zayne: “Your body isn’t feeling exhausted… but your throat is…? I see… So as long as your body isn’t feeling exhausted… Then you can really do this whistle register thing for a long time, right…? Even if your throat becomes exhausted, you would still be able to whistle register… just not as long as you’d like to but longer than most people… correct?”
Strawberry: Yeah, correct.
Zayne: “I see… So your throat does get exhausted… But you can still continue to do your whistle register for quite a while longer. I see…”
Strawberry: You want to hear again Big daddy? ☺️
Zayne: “You want to whistle register again…? Yes, please! I wanna see if you can hit that high B6 again!”
Strawberry: DR ZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYNE!!!!!! (B6!!!!!) 😮‍💨
Zayne: “Whoa!!! Daaaamn!!!! You hit that high B6 once more!!! You… You did it again, didn't you?! Damn… I can't believe you're still able to do that even though your throat is exhausted!! Is your throat okay, by the way? Is it in pain…? Or is it just really tired?”
Strawberry: A little bit tired.
Zayne: “Just a little bit tired…? I see. So do you think you can still do the whistle register one more time…?”
Strawberry: OK but this is last OK, my throat is about getting pain.
Zayne: “Got it. So one more… But I don’t want you to hurt your throat. So this is definitely your last one, okay?”
Strawberry: Ok. ZAAAAAAAAAAAAYNE!!!!!!!! (B6!!!!!!)
Zayne: “Damn!!!!!! Damn!!!!! You did it again!!! Are you sure you’re okay…? Your throat hasn’t been damaged or anything, right? I’m worried that if you continue to do the whistle register… your throat will become worse!”
Strawberry:. Yeah- *cough!*
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