#My tism is showin' you don't have to tell me
ma-du · 8 months
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"I, Thanatos, have a mission for three of you demigods." Says the black angel, immense wings spreading over the Fields of Mars and hiding the moon behind shiny feathers like a slick of motor oil on the sun. "In the land beyond the reach of the gods, my half-blood son traded places with me as a giant's prisoner. I want him back. You have four days." ••• Or: Some gods have preferred bloodlines for their children – and the Peverells are Thanatos' favorite, even though, until Lily and James, he didn't have a demigod child. Until he has him, Thanatos' first half-blood child in more than two thousand years – a boy mortals know as Harry, but Thanatos names Zagreus, in honor of a long-lost friend. A child with his mortal father's hair, his mother's eyes, and the black wings of his godly sire. And when he switches places with Thanatos in Alaska – after all, everything that dies must stay dead – Harry – as his namesake – sets off a chain of events that will completely change the course of the Gigantomachy. ••• Or the one where Harry Potter is literally the son of Death Incarnate, and the power that the Dark Lord doesn't know is the divine ichor in his veins.
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