#Mya Taylor
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maggiecheungs · 2 years
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TANGERINE (2015) dir. Sean Baker
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keepingchrometabs · 1 year
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Tangerine - dir. Sean Baker - (2015)
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beautifilms · 2 years
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Tangerine (2015) dir. Sean Baker
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onenakedfarmer · 1 year
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Currently Watching - 30 Days of The Gays™ Edition
TANGERINE Sean Baker USA, 2015
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topherfoxtrot · 1 year
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Tangerine (2016) dir.: Sean S. Baker
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porquevi · 2 years
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"Tangerine" (idem) - mubi.
Recebi no email que esse filme sairia do catálogo do Mubi em poucos dias. E o estava na minha lista. Sean Baker dirigiu o ótimo "Florida Project", esse Tangerine é anterior, de 2015. Em seu lançamento ficou conhecido por ser o primeiro longa todo gravado com um iPhone. No caso era o Iphone 5s. Bora ver essa história de duas pessoas Trans circulando em Hollywood.
depois de ver: é impressionante o resultado fotográfico do celular. isso em 2015. a história é bem simples, mas funciona. é um diretor pra ser visto.
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nexttopbadbitch · 2 years
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generational sex appeal pt. 2
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every time a person is killed for the crime of being black, as a black person i feel like a part of me dies with them. it’s like i knew them personally and i mourn another family member every week. it’s terrifying that it’ll always be possible that i could be joining them next and that i’m just supposed to go about my day like my brothers and sisters aren’t being killed all around me
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tokkias · 1 year
tonight i think we are going to listen to dress by taylor swift and think about nalu and sob hysterically (affectionate)
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countessofravenclaw · 6 months
@weirdthoughtsandideas tagged me!
Favorite album: Choose 9 and then tag 9 people!
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Tagging, everyone who wants to do it
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miyuhpapayuh · 1 month
nice to meet ya.
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“Well, ain’t he sumn to look at,” Mercedes remarks, nudging Taylor’s arm.
“Mmhm.. hey, Mya! Get your mouth off the floor.”
Quickly closing her slightly gaped mouth, she glares at her pair of friends.
“Stop bein’ so loud!” she whisper-yells, picking a fry out her container as her eyes wander back to his handsome face.
“My bad.”
“Why don’t you just talk to him?” Mercedes asks.
“Cause. I hate rejection, and he’s so fine. I can’t risk it.” His eyes flicker in her direction, catching her stare.
She quickly looks in her friends’ direction to play it off. He chuckles to himself, the embarrassing blush on her cheeks, causing his adoration for her to skyrocket.
“How you know he don’t feel the same??”
“Ugh,” she covers her face, hiding the heat that’s rushing towards it.
“Why you blushin’? I miss somethin’?”
“He saw me looking at him.” She mumbles, keeping her face covered.
Mercedes swallows her laugh, while Taylor snorts. Mya sucks her teeth, sitting up from the table.
“You guys are the worst.”
“You got caught staring at a piece of eye candy. That’s hilarious!”
“Did he look annoyed or something?”
“I looked away, before I could see all of that.”
“Hm. Well, don’t worry about it too much. Maybe this’ll be ammo for one if not the both of you to make a move.” Taylor says, standing up from the table.
“And, where are you going?” Mercedes asks.
“She’s blowin’ us off for Teddy. Again.”
“Get some penis in you, and then we’ll talk.”
“White girl got a lil spunk in her, lately, huh?” Mercedes laughs, clapping her hands. “Chocolate’ll do that to ya.”
Taylor rolls her eyes, trying to hide the smirk on her lips. “Bye, girls.”
“Bye,” they wave.
Hearing a couple chairs scrape the tiled floor, she naturally looks to her left, instantly catching his eyes again.
This time, her lingering eyes are gifted a charming smile, turning her into mush.
Surprising herself, she plays it cool with a smirk, before he’s out of her sight.
Looking back in the direction of her food with the smirk stuck on her face, Mercedes scoffs in disbelief.
“Who knew you were such a quick learner?” she teases.
“Well, I’m gonna get back to work, now. See ya, later.” She stands up from the table and tosses her trash into the bin behind their table.
“You leavin’ me, too??” Her voice elevates.
“Yes. Some of us have to get back to work, as I previously stated. I’ll talk to you, later.” She assures her brash friend.
“Mmhm,” she waves her off.
Heading out of the expansive break room and down the hall, she’s pulled back before a neon pink poster board takes her out.
“Woah!” she gasps, catching her footing as a strong set of hands attach to her waist, keeping her from hitting the floor.
“Are you alright?” A deep voice sounds.
“Yeah, I’m,“ she turns to face the very man that makes her knees tremble, by merely existing.
“I’m good, yeah. Thank you.”
“It’s no problem, doll.” The corners of her mouth turn up at his southern drawl.
“It’a been a shame if you gotten wiped out by a poster board.”
“I don’t even know how I missed it,” they share a laugh, giving each other ample time to steal longer glances.
“What’s your name?” She asks, eyes lowering to his plump lips as he utters the name, Isaiah, in the most beautiful way she’s ever heard.
She hums, in response. “Nice to meet you, Isaiah.”
“Likewise.." he pauses, when she offers her own name.
"Mya," he repeats, nodding to himself.
"Mmhm," she hums, liking the way it sounds coming out of his mouth.
“Well, I'll let you get back to work, beautiful. Have a good day.” He says, lifting her hand to kiss the back of it.
“You, too.” She smiles, watching him walk away.
☆: .☽ . :☆゚.☆:☆: .☽ .☆: .☽ · 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚☆: .☽ . :☆
“That’s a pretty nice conversation, for the girl who’s stomach hits her ass, every time he comes around the damn corner.” Taylor laughs on their three-way call.
“Shut up!” Mya whines, twirling the long black cord around her finger, watching her older sister, Gina, make dinner.
“Once we got to talkin’, it wasn’t so scary, anymore. He seems really sweet.” She says, making sister scoffs.
“That’s cute, mama,” Mercedes squeals. “Is he cuter, up close?”
“Oh my god, is he! The lips on that man deserve a prize.”
“Is that all??”
“He’s strong, too! Held my thick ass up with ease!” She giggles.
“Well, just let us know when the wedding is!” They all start laughing.
Oh god, please! I haven't even been asked on a date, yet.” 
“True! He better get to it!”
“Here, here! But I've gotta get on the road, children! Toodles!” Taylor says.
They all bid their farewells, as she hangs the phone back on its base, attached to the wall.
"I love how you've still got a landline." She jokes.
"I like my old-timey things, ma'am."
"I know, I know," she holds her hands up.
“So, he’s fine, huh?” Gina asks, handing Mya a bowl of chicken and rice, just like their mama makes.
“Absolutely. Plump lips, broad nose and broad shoulders.” She squeals.
“He smells like sandalwood. You know how much I love sandalwood! I coulda pounced on him.”
“Maybe, you should.” Gina laughs, shoving a spoonful of food into her mouth.
“What? It’s me! You don’t have to lie.” Mya’s cheeks flush red.
“In my head, I’ve already done that and much more. But, I can’t see myself doing anything, besides having a conversation with him, like earlier.”
“You’d be surprised. But, whatever happens, try not to think about it too much. That’s how you ruin it. Just have fun”
“Thanks, gigi.”
“Anytime. Thanks for coming over.”
“You know I’m always available to eat your food, sis.” She cheeses.
“That’s the only reason you came over?” She frowns.
“‘Course not! It’s just a really good bonus.”
“Mm.” Gina rolls her eyes, continuing to eat.
☆: .☽ . :☆゚.☆:☆: .☽ .☆: .☽ · 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚☆: .☽ . :☆
Passing down the aisle of the large grocery store, in search for nothing particular, Mya taps her fingers against the buggy, humming along to whatever’s playing lowly on the overhead speakers.
Walking down an aisle that’s adorned with snacks of many forms, she starts picking her poison.
“Funny, seeing you here.” A voice calls out.
With a shake of her head, she turns to face Isaiah.
Instead of his regular business casual, he’s clad in sweats and a T-shirt. He still looked so good.
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were stalkin’ me.”
“As pretty as you are, would you count it as a crime?” He tilts his head.
“You think I’m pretty, huh.” She blinks, tossing her chips into the buggy behind her.
“Indeed.” He flashes a grin so charming and boyish, it almost does her in.
“I think you’re pretty, too.” She giggles, staring into those deep brown pools he’s got for eyes. He joins in on the laughter.
“Look at that, then. Two pretty people in the grocery store.” He fondly shakes his head.
“You’re funny.” Pursing her lips together, she moves around him, picking out something else on the shelf.
“What brings you here?” She asks.
"Came to Charley’s for my usual, ‘fore they shut the hot bar down.”
“You know, I’ve never had the time to try anything from over there. It always looks so good!” She walks back to her buggy empty-handed.
“What??” he asks, almost offended that she’s never eaten any of Charley’s food. “We gotta fix that.”
“We do, yeah?”
“Leave your buggy of sadness, and follow me.” He says, walking away without another word.
Huffing, she tugs on her fitted jeans, keeping somewhat of a distance as she trails behind him, his heavenly scent sparking her unholy thoughts.
 “Sweet Jesus,” she mumbles to herself.
Stopping in the small line, the pair stand shoulder to shoulder, a centimeter of space between them.
“So, what’s your ‘usual’?” She asks, looking up at his handsome face, holding his gaze as he looks down at her.
“Fried chicken, potatoes and macaroni. Good Ol’ southern food.”
“Nothin’ beats it.”
“You said it,” he agrees, heading up to the counter with her in tow.
“There he is! My favorite customer!” Charley greets, her tone all syrupy for the good looking man that loves her food.
“‘Sup, Charley. How’s business?”
“Ah, same ol’ same ol’. I see you brought a friend with you, this time,” her eyes flicker to Mya as she laughs,“I always see you starin’ at the board. Finally made your way over here, huh?”
“That, I did. Sorry, I’m chicken, sometimes.” She laughs, Charley joining in.
“It's alright dear, I love newcomers. The more, the merrier, right? What’ll you have?”
“Well, I heard good things about the fried chicken, potatoes and macaroni. Let’s do that.” Mya says.
“Great choices. Any dessert?”
“Ooh! Whatcha got?”
“Pecan pie, sweet potato casserole and cheesecake.”
“Hm… I’ll take a slice of the pecan pie and some casserole. Might as well indulge, right?”
“My kinda girl,” she smirks, eyes back on Isaiah. “You want ya regular, suga’?”
“You know it.”
“Alright, it’ll be up in a few.” With that, they pay for their meals and move off to the side to wait.
“She seems to be sweet on you.” Mya points out.
“She's married.” He chuckles.
“When has that ever stopped anybody?”
“True, true. But, even if she was, I’m cool.” He says, eyeing her for a minute longer.
After a few minutes, they grab their food and head towards the common area, sitting down at one of the tables.
Opening the styrofoam container, her eyes grow bigger than her stomach.
“Oh, man. This looks so good!” She exclaims. Isaiah chuckles at her adorable facial expression.
“Wait til you eat it.” He says, before digging into his own box.
Pulling the crispy chicken apart with her fork and pairing it with the macaroni, she sticks the forkful in her mouth and dances in her seat.
“Oh my god,” she covers her mouth, nodding in agreement.
They fall into a nice conversation as they indulge.
“Man, that was so good! Thank you for derailing my plans of eating junk food, until I passed out.” She says, as the pair walk towards her car.
“You’re always welcome. Glad I could get you full, on this nice day,” reaching for her hand, he gently holds it in his own. “Let me know if you need any other plans derailed.”
“I sure will.” She blushes, internally pouting when he begins to move away.
“Here, take my number,” she says, as they exchange phones.
“Alright, I got you locked in. You have a good night, pretty.”
“You too, pretty,” she jokes and that smile that she’s grown fond of spreads across his face.
She'd driven the whole way home with an identical smile on her face.
Stepping out of her shoes, she pulls her clothes off, tossing them inside her hamper and pulling on her satin robe.
Turning on her stereo, D'angelo continues playing, from earlier.
Grabbing her glass of wine off the counter, she saunters out to her balcony. A sigh on contentment leaves her, as she stares out at the blue-grey clouds covering the sky, signaling its early changes for the upcoming fall season.
The ringing phone cuts her serene moment short, sending her back towards the kitchen to answer it. It was Isaiah.
“Hello?” she answers, trying to mask her smile.
“Sorry if this is a bad time, I know it’s getting late…but, I couldn’t let the night end, without making sure you got in safe.”
A soft laugh leaves her lips at the sound of his slightly raspy voice.
The butterflies in her stomach triple. Sitting her glass on the counter, she fiddles with the strap on her robe.
“I’m safe and sound, yes. Thank you.”
“Anytime, beautiful.”
“Are you this sweet to everybody?” She questions, picking her wine back and taking a sip.
“Yes, my mama raised me right.”
“Well amen for that,” she says as they share a laugh.
“Do you work tomorrow, if you don't mind me asking?”
“I actually do! How about you?”
“Bright and early, yes ma'am. Sounds like I'll see you tomorrow.”
“Until then, good sir,” she giggles, earning a chuckle out of him.
“Goodnight, pretty lady.”
“Goodnight, pretty man.”
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artisticlegshake · 3 months
1st Lilly Allen - KIM MASSAY JP!
2nd Savannah Manzel - LARKIN JP!
3rd Taylor Morrison - DC2 JP!
4th Claire Monge - LARKIN JP!
4th Kylie Kaminsky - DANCEOLOGY JP!
4th Laci Bloss - LARKIN JP!
5th Ellie Duffin - DC2 JP!
5th Julia Bailey - EXPRESSENZ JP!
6th Stella Condie - CSPAS JP!
7th Mya Tuaileva - CSPAS JP!
7th Nyah Jackson - PRODIGY JP!
8th Daphnie Braun - LARKIN JP!
8th Makaia Roux - DANCEOLOGY JP!
9th Klaire Simek - WOODBURY JP!
9th Noelle Huffer - WOODBURY JP!
9th Zachary Roy - DANCE TOWN JP!
9th Alana Ruiz - MARIES JP!
9th Keelyn Jones - DANCEOLOGY JP!
9th Johnny Grey - ACADEMY OF NV BALLET JP!
10th Kira Reissner - LARKIN JP!
10th Sydney Foerstsch - EXPRESSENZ JP!
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xoxoproject21 · 4 months
TDA Las Vegas Predictions
Mini Female
Winner: Lucia Piedrahita (Club)
Top 3/4: Savannah Jackson (Larkin), Belle Marie Arauz (Dancetown), Stella Brinkerhoff (CSPAS)
Top 10:
Tatum Self (Club)
Kennedy Marble (Club)
Alivia Hughes (DC2)
Amanda Carpenter (Dancetown)
Madisyn Rose Amos (Elite Dance Pro)
Jessica Sutton (K2)
Neala Murphy (Larkin)
Giuliana Shea (Larkin)
Melina Biltz (The rock)
Top 20:
Naomi Harper (CSPAS)
Penelope Jenson (CSPAS)
Penelope Pranger (CSPAS)
Mikayla Isler (Club)
Kinley Harper (Club)
Abbey Scott (Club)
Nixie Vance (Club)
Penelope Akey (DC2)
Soleil Lynch (Danceology)
Maylin Munos (Larkin)
Lexie Charnstrom (Larkin)
Junior Female
Winner: Aria Du (Yoko's)
Top 3/4: Kelsie Jacobson (Larkin), Skylar Wong (Woodbury), Lilly Anderson (Larkin)
Top 10:
Anistyn Larsen (CSPAS)
Violet Schwarz (CSPAS)
Isla Gardner (Club)
Brooklyn Besch (Club)
Emery Duffin (DC2)
Finley Ashfield (Larkin)
Mika Takase (Nor Cal)
Roxie Onellion (The base)
Annabella Atkinson (The rock)
Emily Polis (Vision)
Kennedy Anderson (Vision)
Top 20:
Brooklyn Ward (CSPAS)
Kylie Lawrence (CSPAS)
Kate Baker (CSPAS)
Rory Frye (CSPAS)
Ella-Nani Knight (Danceology)
Brynn Jones (Expresenz)
Bella Charnstrom (Larkin)
Mila Ayshford (Larkin)
Tayah Klimuck (Pave)
Addyson Paul (Pave)
Francesca Jen (The Academy at The Brea Space)
Teen Female
Winner: Savannah Manzel (Larkin)
Top 3/4: Taylor Morrison (DC2), Kira Chan (Elements), Kylie Kaminsky (Danceology)
Top 10:
Kamri Peterson (CSPAS)
Stella Condie (CSPAS)
Vivienne Mitchell (CSPAS)
Alexis Alvarez (Club)
Makaia Roux (Danceology)
Keelyn Jones (Danceology)
Mariandrea Villegas (Epic Motion)
Lilly allen (Kim massay)
Claire Monge (Larkin)
Katie Shinn (Next step)
Top 20:
Blakely Bell (CSPAS)
Halle Hunt (CSPAS)
Mya Tuaileva (CSPAS)
Ellie Duffin (DC2)
Haley Bertino (Danceology)
Laci Bloss (Larkin)
Channing Embry (Next step)
Madison Ronquillo (Nor Cal)
Kinsley Oykhman (The Academy at The Brea Space)
Carissa Hsu (Premier Youth Dance Company)
Faílenn Daley (the colony)
Senior Female
Winner: Izzy Howard (Westside)
Top 3/4: Keira Redpath (Larkin), Isabella Lynch ( Danceology), Hailey Bills (CSPAS)
Top 10:
Addison Middleton (Academy of Nevada Ballet Theatre)
Ayla Rodriguez (Artistic Fusion)
Zoe Ridge (CSPAS)
Emma Donnelly (Danceology)
Caroline Skrable (Danceology)
Isabella Jarvis (Larkin)
Maliah Howard (Michelle L)
Lola Iglesias (Michelle L)
Beth Anne McGowan (Next step)
Kaitlyn Tom (Nor Cal)
Top 20:
Emersyn Dickson (CSPAS)
Brightyn Rines (DC2)
Addison Jones (DC2)
Brooklyn Jones (DC2)
Sami Sonder (Danceology)
Brielle McCoy (Kim massay)
Gianna Mojonnier (Danceology)
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My fav solos this year
(please send anons or something, I'm down with bronchitis in 30°C weather :()
Avery Altobelli, Epic - "Heavenly Bodies" (Rudy Abreu)
Madisyn Amos, Elite Dance Pro - "A New Life" (Mandy Korpinen & Elizabeth Petrin)
Ellie Anbarden, P21 - "Somebody Help Me" (Madi Hicks)
Hallee Anderson, Larkin - "So This Is Love" (Kenzie Symanietz)
Harper Anderson, Concept Pavielle - "Paint It Black" (Brady Farrar)
Kennedy Anderson, VDA - "Come On Dreamer" (?)
Lilly Anderson, Larkin - "Cell Block Tango" (Michele Larkin)
Belle Marie Arauz, DT Miami - "How To Feel" (Ruby Castro)
Brielle Arias, Studio X - "Black And Gold" (Lia Dominique)
Finley Ashfield, Larkin - "Fools Who Dream" (Chelsea Jennings)
Melina Biltz, Rock - "Madness" (Crystal Huang)
Sofia Cuevas, Pave - "Locomotion" (?)
Kinley Cunningham, TheCREW - "Come Together" (Mollee Gray)
Aaliyah Dixon, Summit - "Take Me Oya" (Jay Jay Dixonbey)
Kensington Dressing, Evolve - "From The Ashes" (Chelsea Sebes)
Aria Du, Yoko's - "Je M'arreterai" (Megan Ellis)
Hope Edwards, OCPAA - "Winner Takes All"
Brinley Evans, Southern Strutt - "Silent Night" (?)
Gracyn French, P21 - "Chemtrails Over The Country Club" (Molly Long)
Kourtney Gampol, OCPAA - "Steam Heat" (Rachel Miller)
Regan Gerena, P21 - "That's Life" (Molly Long)
Lily Hackney, WFDC - "I Love You" (Gianna Adianez)
Sloane Hall, Southern Strutt - "Watch Me" (Leah Evans)
Lainey Hess, WFDC - "Between These Hands" (Gianna Adianez)
Reagan Hess, WFDC - "Twilight" (Gianna Adianez)
Izzy Howard, WDP - "Over It, Scene" (Maria Konrad)
Annsley Huff, Southern Strutt - "The Swan" (Shelby Barnes)
Desa Jankes, WFDC - "Find You" (Jessica Disalvo)
Eva Jimmerson, Renner - "A Mischievous Waltz" (Jordan Pelliteri)
Tayah Klimcuk, Pave - "Slow Me Down" (Courtney Schwartz)
Lily Knopps (Club) - "Diamonds Are A Girls Best Friend" (Ashley Moffitt)
Mya Lanigan, Evolve - "Breakin' Dishes" (Lauren Herb)
Esme Lee, OCPAA - "Bring On The Men" (?)
Jillian Mahan, OCPAA - "London Bridge" (Hannahlei Cabanilla)
Savannah Manzel, Larkin - "Flowers In May" (Chelsea Jennings)
Scarlett Manzel, Larkin - "What A Feeling" (Chelsea Jennings)
Kennedy Marble, Club - "Mr. Monotony" (Jaycee Wilkins)
Taylor Morrison, DC2 - "My Discarded Men" (Tanya Emmer)
Avery Olsen, OCPAA - "Woman"
Helena Olaerts, Mather - "She Used To Be Mine" (Shannon Mather)
Roxie Onellion, Base - "Amor" (Kelly Inskip)
Addyson Paul, Pave - "The Garden" (Courtney Schwartz)
Emily Polis, VDA - "When I Go" (Jessica Malafronte)
Mila Renae, Studio X - "Voila" (Fiorella Baclit)
Dylan Reuss, OCPAA - "Favorite Crime" (Amy Berokoff)
Lola Rodi, Evolve - "Heavenly Bodies" (Chelsea Sebes)
Amaya Rodriguez, DUC Miami - "3 Breaths" (Chelsea Sebes)
Elsie Sandall, Club - "Beneath The Mask" (Chelsea Jennings)
Emma Santos, Studio X - "Have A Little Faith" (Avery Cardozza)
Berkeley Scifres, P21 - "Cornet Man" (Molly Long)
Tatum Self, Club - "Gorgeous" (Jaycee Wilkins)
Everleigh Soutas, DCDF - "Something New" (Molly Long)
Kayleigh Stoler, Enthusiasm - "Medusa's Curse"
Sailor Stormoen, Larkin - "Bloom" (Chelsea Jennings)
Kiera Sun, WDP - "Mist" (Renee Kester)
Macey Strickland, WFDC - "Heavenly Bodies" (Chelsea Sebes)
Ellary Day Szyndlar, Club - "Over The Rainbow" (Mark Meismer :()
Sylvie Win Szyndlar, Club - "Magic Within Me" (Chantel Aguirre)
Ella Venerio, DUC Miami - "Beneath The Surface" (Chelsea Sebes)
Greta Wagner, Summit - "Me And The Devil" (?)
Tinsley Wallace, Renner - "Broken Wings" (Chelsea Sebes)
Skylar Wong, Woodbury - "Just A Room" (Ricky Ubeda)
Fiona Wu, Yoko's - "Voila" (Erin Lamoyne)
Aliyah Yen, P21 - "Mink, Schmink" (Molly Long)
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ribbonlocket · 3 months
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making an intro post as an excuse to make something aesthetic <3
mya !
(pronounced like me-ah..)
4teen ⋆ vietnamese ⋆ she!her
i like soccer and support manchester united, movies (check out my letterboxd!), music, vintage stuff, historical fashion (esp regency era, 60s and 90s), interior & architecture design, and editing!!
dni racist, homophobic, zionist, rude & judgemental
current fixations nct 🫶 , haikyuu , dead poets society (i’m a fanon knox lover + cameron apologist 😔)
music i listen to so many genres like rock, pop, kpop, indie, bedroom pop, rap, rnb anddd my top artists have to be beabadoobee, clairo, lana del rey, taylor swift (guilty pleasure..), and soooo many more. here’s my spotify!
i’m new to tumblr (joined may 2024) and my blog is very messy as all i do is shitpost and reblog abt my fixations and life lol. i do have a few fanfics written but too scared to post them,,
i love making new friends but bare with me bc i’m a shy person so please talk to me first!!
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