#Myra Veers
accidental-spice · 5 months
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An image of himself and Myra taken by Piett. She was on the sand and he was on a log behind her, his wife leaning on his knees in her old design school sweater. She once again managed to look just as stunning in this as she did in jewels and formal dress.
This is an illustration from chapter 23 of Brothers in Arms, by the talented @musewrangler . I've had it in my head for SO long, and after my latest reread, I finally drew it!!
If any of you have ever wanted a couple morally upright emotional support background Imperials, check this fic, and really ANYTHING by this author, out!! I HIGHLY recommend
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musewrangler · 7 days
She was gaining speed and he watched the Destroyer ahead of them—-no doubt her bridge was wondering what in the nine hells the Super Star Destroyer was doing.
They passed the other ship so closely that their shields almost touched. But then they had a clear lane ahead.
“Lightspeed!” Piett ordered.
The pilot pulled back the lever and the Lady shot into hyperspace.
His crew was too professional to break into cheering, but he could see the jubilant looks and claps on the back they were giving each other.
“Course, Captain?” asked the pilot, doing her utmost to look at him without openly grinning.
“My Lord?” he inquired, turning to Skywalker as he tugged his jacket a little to straighten it.
“Dantooine,” he answered calmly. “Well done, Captain. Cut it a little close there, didn't you?”
Piett very carefully did not allow his mouth to curl at the edge.
“We all learned how to do Axxilan chicken, sir,” he replied in a neutral tone.
This earned him an eyebrow from Skywalker.
“Indeed,” he said. Piett did not allow his gaze to waver, holding eye contact.
“I’ll need to hear more about that. Another time,” Skywalker told him, then he turned and strode from the bridge. And he may not be wearing it any longer, but Piett could almost see that long cape flowing behind him.
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kanerallels · 10 months
Excellent news I met the Prince Gabryl Fanclub aka the only people in Lustance who aren't jerks. Love them already
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reddie-fangirl24 · 1 year
Mini Golf Championship
“I can’t believe you talked me into mini golf, Richie,” Eddie leaned against the window as they drove into L.A.’s most popular mini golf course, Sherman Oaks Castle Park. They drove at least an hour to get here. Now he believed Richie when he told him that this was the mini golf place to be. Families were lined up at each hole. 
“What are you complaining about? You used to love mini golf!” Richie huffed as they parked.
“It’s just... mini golf? It’s kind of a kid thing,” Eddie said as they got out of the car.
“Listen, Mr. No-Fun, we gotta get you back into the fun risk-taking ‘I’m-jumping-off-a-cliff-even- though-my-mother-would-have-killed-me, I’m going to show you a good time today!” Richie planted a kiss right on his boyfriend’s lips. “And that doesn’t mean we’re doing it on the golf course!” He said in a hushed tone.
Eddie groaned and pushed him away. “You are really too much, you know that?”
Eddie and Richie strolled onto the mini golf course, playful bickering as they chose their clubs and balls. As they approached the first hole, Richie teased Eddie about his precise stance, while Eddie playfully mocked Richie's extravagant swings.
Eddie couldn't resist a playful jab at Richie, "You sure you're up for this, Trashmouth? I don't want you tripping over your own feet."
Richie smirked, pretending to be offended, "Please, Eds. I've got the grace of a swan. Just watch and learn."
By the third hole, Richie hit his ball with one good swing but Eddie decided to take up way too much time angling his ball and analyzing where to hit it. Whoever designed the course put too many rocks here.
"You know, Eds, it's just mini golf, not rocket science. You're studying the angles like you're about to build a skyscraper."
Eddie shot back with a smirk, "I like being prepared, unlike someone who can't even remember where they put their glasses half the time."
"Ouch, Eds, low blow," Richie feigned hurt, but his eyes twinkled with mischief.
As they navigated the colorful obstacles, their competitiveness shone through. This golf course was very different compared to others Eddie had been to (which wasn’t much in the past few years.) He tried to get Myra to play but she wouldn’t allow it. Aside from listening to music they really didn’t do much together. 
Eddie smirked when he scored a hole-in-one, and Richie countered with an impressive trick shot. Amidst their banter, they cheered each other on, reveling in the fun of the challenge. As the sun set, they found themselves neck and neck, their competitive spirits driving them forward.
“Are you cheating?” Richie asked him as he tallied up the scores. Eddie was in the lead.
“I don’t know if I trust YOU with the scorecard, Rich. Didn’t it take you six tries on one hole?”
“You’re talking about yourself, Einstein. We don’t have the memory of an elephant I suppose?”
As they continued their game, Eddie's ball rolled precariously close to the edge, and Richie pretended to swoop in dramatically to save it. Eddie rolled his eyes, but the sparkle in Richie's gaze made his heart skip a beat.
As they played, Richie's ball veered off-course and nearly hit Eddie's foot. Eddie jumped back, raising an eyebrow, "Watch where you're swinging that thing, Richie. You're gonna injure someone!"
Richie put on a dramatic show of remorse, "Oh no, my love, I would never hurt you. I shall use my club with the utmost care from now on." He presented his club in the air like a sword. The people behind them had no idea how to respond to their shenanigans. The mother of the two kids told them not to pay any attention to them.
The banter continued as they moved through the course, taking turns cheering each other on. At one particularly challenging hole, Eddie's ball bounced off the obstacles in an unexpected way, missing the hole narrowly. Richie couldn't resist teasing, "Looks like you need a math degree to calculate that shot, Eds."
Eddie pouted, "Shut up, Richie. It's not that easy."
"Don't worry, Eds. I'll show you how it's done," Richie boasted, taking his turn. But his shot ended up even further from the hole.
Eddie chuckled, "Oh, real smooth, Trashmouth. Real smooth."
As the sun began to set, they found themselves tied yet again. Richie grinned mischievously, "Looks like fate wants us to remain equals, Eddie."
Eddie smirked back, "Or maybe it's just destiny's way of telling us we're both terrible at mini golf."
Richie laughed, "Maybe it's a bit of both, but at least we're having fun, right?"
Eddie's expression softened, staring into his handsome boyfriend’s eyes. They’d been together for five months now. Just a month ago he got his stitches removed and he was healing properly. He never thought he could be so happy being with Richie Tozier. If only that didn’t lose all that time to that damned clown’s curse. "Yeah, we are. This is nice, Richie."
Richie's eyes softened too, "Yeah, it is. You’re a real trooper, Eds.”
“Don’t call me that or so help me I will whack you upside the head!”
“That’s an example for the little kiddies.”
Their hands brushed again, this time intentionally, and they exchanged a small kiss. 
As they reached the final hole, they were tied yet again. Eddie eyed Richie, "You better not cheat to win this time."
Richie feigned innocence, "Me? Cheat? Never!"
As they took their shots, to their surprise, both balls landed inches from the hole. They burst into laughter, realizing they were perfectly matched.
In the end, they decided to call it a draw and celebrated their friendly competition. Richie suggested grabbing ice cream, and Eddie agreed, knowing it would give them more time together.
"You know, Trashmouth, I might actually enjoy spending time with you."
Richie turned up his brow. "You haven’t already?”
“You know I have. It’s just hidden in my deep annoyance and hatred for you,” he laughed, making Richie giggle with him. 
“Thanks, Eds, I’ve always wanted to come here.”
“Wait, you’ve never been here?” Eddie asked, surprised.
“I’ve never had anyone to play with. You were the best... even if you used math and science to figure out how to put balls in holes.”
Laughing at the innuendo, they shared a meaningful look, and in that moment, they both knew that this mini golfing adventure was just the beginning of something truly special between them. They couldn’t wait to come back and challenge each other to another round. 
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Evil Within Journey 2 so far - end:
Theodore may be kind of boring, but his role as a snakish demotivating speaker who flip flops from goading Sebastian and tormenting him with everyone knowing what he does, but the challenge is to fight it off, is such a great premise.
I went generic Vietnam reference on Laura, but the full tank wasn't enough to kill for an achievement.
Sebastian muttering about killing Theodore in various insulting words like killing him like "the animal he is" kind of made me uncomfortable, especially since Theodore is black. They should have toned down how much aggression there was for him and chosen their words more carefully.
Shame everyone on the Mobius team died. Sykes was a bro, though. The O'Neal fight took a lot of ammo but was intense enough, and trying to backstab normal Harbingers while hiding and repeat was too abusive of their programming, and wished they weren't so bulky.
The Myra boss fight was interesting. The music for Limbo was so nice and sentimental, as you went up to the house. Myra's distorted goals of protecting Lily may have veered somewhat sexist, but it makes sense since Lily was being prodded on even before she entered Mobius. All the people dying in real life due to Myra's signal was really cool though.
Though Sebastian is certainly a developed and motivated character, I felt more for Ethan Winters, and how he couldn't get his normal life, but sure as hell won't let his daughter be ravaged by others. Similar goals, great content on one, but execution is subjective.
I wish they didn't block New Game+ from going Akumu, though, not that I'll every touch it. That's it, not scary, really more action-filled and heartful, and an awesome song and atmosphere. The announcement trailer got me hooked to download the second.
Sebastian gasping up top, surrounded by the symbolic white liquid, and being sunk back in is such as good visual motif, and works with implementing it with the other character posters.
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Summary: Could I request one where Eddie is ashamed of the scar on his chest from Pennywise and that he refuses to take his shirt off for any reason until Richie confronts him and tells him that the scar is a reminder of his bravery and he takes Eddie's shirt off and kisses it?
A/N: I hope you enjoy and I’m so sorry it took so long! I’m a bit behind on my request but I promise I’m trying to finish request every day so to everyone who has requested stuff, I promise it’s coming!  
warnings: there’s a sex joke in here, and a sex reference (not graphic at all) 
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Eddie has contemplated before on hanging up a towel over the mirror any and each time he’s in the bathroom by himself. He’s never executed the plan, Richie’s too observant for that too work and would notice but straight away, leading to questions Eddie’s ashamed to answer, but whenever Richie is away on tour or a show, he’ll prop the towel from one side to the other, obscuring the view of his chest.
He’s never been very confident in his appearance, but he wasn’t hyper aware of it like he is after the Pennywise accident either. He didn’t have to be. For years Myra smothered him with her self-presumed love and adoration, picking out the clothes he wore and buying all the creams and aftershave she treasured, and Eddie followed her in those things without stopping and thinking about what he liked and how he wanted to sell himself towards other people.
Once, he was gifted a perfume bottle from one of his coworkers, a secret Santa gift, and when he sprayed it on to go to work the next day, Myra picked up on the change and gave him a piece of her mind. She reamed Eddie about not remodeling himself to be accepted by his peers, not mulling that maybe the Eddie she prepared and drilled every morning was not the real Eddie. There were threats being ushered, like Eddie cheating on Myra and switching perfumes to galvanize his mistress, and no matter how many times Eddie tried to reason with her, she was dead set on the idea.
He tossed the bottle out that same day, immensely guilty that he gave Myra grounds to question him. She was right after all, Eddie was married, and he didn’t have to make anyone happy except his wife, not even himself.
Post Derry him is happier. So fucking happy he gleams and elates every morning awakening in Richie’s arms, or the other way around, nosing behind Richie’s ear to get that one little inch closer, turning off the alarm and dosing an extra hour, work suddenly coming second for once in Eddie’s life. Richie had that effect on him, made him long to be near him twenty-four/seven,
But he also feels worse, and that can be tracked back to the long, vertical scar smacked in the middle of his chest. It’s starts in the mornings, but in a stand offish way, the insecurities bubbling on the edge of his mind loud enough that Eddie knows they’re there, but not so ample close that Eddie nitpicks and examines them, yet.
And at first it wasn’t even that bad, Eddie mostly enthralled with moving his stuff in and out of houses, and fitting as much RichieandEddie time into their shared schedule to gain back what they lost over the years, the underlying doubt and terror every time he caught a glimpse of the scar background to the best moments of his life.
It only really became a problem the first time Eddie and Richie made love to each other, and Eddie refused to take of his shirt. The pleasant, hot and vastly attractive sight of Richie’s slightly pudgy stomach and thighs, and his clean, smooth chest Eddie could run his fingers over and not bubble once incited a deep meekness and carved him hallow. Emptied by the idea that he’s horrific and undeserving of the adoration so blindingly clear in his boyfriends eyes.
Most off all, the scar is reminiscent on the clown trauma, proof that Pennywise maintains some sort of power over him, in comparisons to his friends and Richie, who moved on with their lives. It distinguishes him from the group, and not in a good way. In a way that shines a bright neon spot over Eddie’s head, accentuating his cowardness.  
The reflections displayed in the mirror exhibits his slip up, his idiocy to entertain the idea of him being strong enough to defeat Pennywise all on his own, he wants nothing to do with it. The scar tissue puckers up his skin and his disgust is so deeply rooted that he didn’t even bother to check up on it for months after Derry, to assure it didn’t fester.
So no, Eddie doesn’t conceal the glass whenever Richie is home, but what he does do is strip down everything except for his shirt when slipping in the shower, towing the shower curtain and tossing the shirt out, rumpled on the floor, via the small slit.
The wrinkles in his shirt agitate him, but are a small price to pay for preserving his sanity and spirits. In the shower he resolutely does not look down at all, his eyes trained on the ugly pattern of tiles Richie claimed came with the house when he bought it, but Eddie suspects he just really fancy’s it.
Eddie always neatly packs his new shirt on the countertop, effortlessly accessible from the lavatory so he can dry off and pull on his shirt without drawing his own attention to his chest.
Stowing away his insecurity is a weight he’s been holding over his own head, so dangerously close to imbalance and tumbling over that Eddie feels shifting his attention from it slightly will let it all crash down on him. Because Richie has a tenacious personality, and once he catches a whiff of it, he’ll cling to the smallest straws to get to the bottom of it.
The schedule Eddie’s built has never been interrupted before, Richie knowing, or at least being tricked into knowing, and understanding that the bathroom serves as Eddie’s sanctuary, a place for being alone and restocking and regrouping his overactive mind. The interference in the schedule is Eddie’s own wrongdoing, for glossing over the fact that they had a dinner party to attend to, and dragging out his time in the bathroom for way too long plus forgetting to grab a change of clothing.
He only addresses the issue at hand when the shower runs cold and he’s bordering on being late, contemplating his options with his hands resting on his hips. Richie always sings a derivative of a song before entering a room, transforming the lyrics in a way that fits in Eddie and Richie’s life, as a substitute for knocking as that’s boring according to him, but Eddie discerns tiny snores emerging from the living room, so Eddie hurriedly dries off and dons his underwear, training his eyes down casted to not look at the mirror.
He wastes a long time debating on what to wear, matching multiple t-shirts to the pants he has elected to wear, unbeknownst that the snoring in the other room has ebbed away. This is an important business meeting with Richie’s new manager, one that will lift up his spirits and encourage him to fly solo, writers free, and Eddie can’t afford to mess this up. He’s scrutinizing an oxford-button-down forest green shirt, analyzing if there’s a spot on the fabric or if it’s a trick of the light.  
Hearing the caroling a smidge too late, Eddie has no time to slip in the shirt before the door cracks open, Richie’s wild curls sticking out in every direction and his pants too low, pulled down from the movements he slanders during sleep.
‘I was about to call the ambulance and ask them to assemble a rescue mission’, he quips, feet padding the carpet of the bedroom lazily.
The weight Eddie’s been bearing up dislodges and veers menacingly to the edge, a gust away from keeling over the edge.
‘Get out’, Eddie says calmly the first time, contorting his body so his upper torse is veiled from Richie’s observation, the button-down serving as a shield of sorts. ‘Get out’, he clamors, a panic attack lurking in the shadows and prowling on his burst of utter panic.
‘Eds’, Richie says perplexed, his eyebrows contracting, his droopy eye more squinted than it is with his face slacked.
‘Get out, I don’t want to see you’, Eddie hisses, witnessing the decay of Richie’s happy face, teetering away backwards and back out in the hallway.
Eddie swallows, the door obstructing his outlook on Richie, and appareling his shirt so fast it tears around the sleeves, pretending he didn’t hear that. His instincts lure him to hide under the covers and wait for the whole thing to blow over, but his comments hurt Richie and his instincts were formed his primary years, while living with his mother, so he does the exact opposite.
‘Rich’, he groans, eyeing Richie leaning on the counter, his body jutting out, dancing on his feet and shelving the cleaned dishes.  
‘Richie stop.’ Eddie plasters himself against Richie’s back, fitting so perfectly like puzzle pieces, like a riddle so complicated that’s been solved. He hooks his chin over Richie’s shoulder, kissing the underside of his jaw.
‘I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have yelled.’
‘No it’s fine, it’s my fault. I need to learn how to knock. I didn’t mean to agitate you.’
‘You didn’t agitate me. I know I say you do all the time but somehow everything you do is endearing, not irritating.’
‘Careful Eddie Spaghetti, you’ll give me a big head.’
‘I can do that tonight if you’d like?’ Eddie teased, the tight knot in his heart uncoiling at the rumbling of Richie’s laugh.
Richie rotated in his arms, front to front, hugging Eddie back in equal fierce as Eddie did too him.
‘Forgive me?’
‘That depends my good follow, however shall you atone me?’ He released Eddie with one arm, using his hand to tap his chin thoughtfully. ‘Hm, perhaps with a reason as to why?’, his British accent lacing his words.
‘Rich, I really don’t want to talk about it.’
‘Come on,’ Richie pleaded, pouting with his bottom lip. ‘How can I help if you won’t tell me what’s going on?’
Eddie sighed, his arms cave in and the weight collapses down upon him. ‘I just don’t want you to envision this’, he says, unconsciously smoothing down his shirt on the spot his wound is located.
‘Envision what? You?’
‘No’, Eddie explains miserably, ‘I mean the scar, the disfigurement.’
‘Eddie’, Richie gently chuckles, ‘I don’t give a shit about that.’
‘That’s because you haven’t seen it yet. It’s so ugly and,’ Eddie interrupted himself, unwinding from Richie to give himself some breathing space. Being near Richie is intoxicating, but he needed to think clearly.
‘And what?’ Richie pries.
‘How much of a coward I am okay? I don’t want you to look at me and realize how much better you can do.’
‘Eddie, do you honestly believe you’re a coward?’
‘Yeah.’ Shame flooding the tips of his ears, making it harder to engage the conversation, when all Eddie wanted was to leave and go the this dinner.
‘Like I told you down in the sewers, you’re braver than you think, Eds. I’m the one who aimed higher and scored the jackpot.’ Richie asseverate.
‘You keep saying that but I’m the only one idiot enough to get injured.’
‘That’s no true, I strained my leg muscle.’ Richie states, twisting his leg, reliving the memory of the shards of affliction lodging in.
‘Seriously, maybe you’re the only one that got hurt, but you survived. Who in the world can claim there’s so badass that they lived through being shish kebabbed? By a demon from outer space no less.’
‘No one I guess.’
‘No one, erase the “I guess”. Give yourself some credit.’ Richie says firmly, outstretching his arm and then thinking better of it. ‘Can I touch it?’
‘Richie,’ Eddie hesitated, eyes flitting around the room as if to plan his escape.
‘I’ll be really gentle. And if you don’t like it I’ll pull back straight away.’ The soft tone settles Eddie somewhat, and with a hesitant nod, Richie slowly inches closer. He goes so leisurely, as one would approach a feral kitten, but Eddie keeps the parallels to himself, Richie will tease him relentlessly for it.
Eddie expected Richie to slide under his shirt from the get go, but all Richie does is pet his chest on top of the shirt, mapping out the area and feeling where the scar is located.
The area is strangely sensitive, a reason why Eddie has to douche it softly as opposed to the harsh scrubbing he’s used to doing to every other part of his physics.
Only the barely-there, soft touches of Richie’s fingers pawing, tickles Eddie, realizing a breathless hum as he gets acquainted to Richie and him converging in that spot.
Eddie giggles, Richie steadily ongoing his ministrations, until the notion borders on too much, and he plummets to his knees.
He kisses top of the blemish, all the way to the underside, blowing a raspberry there as if the normal kiss wasn’t ticklish enough.
Eddie cackles, halfheartedly shoving Richie backwards, his worries fizzling out into the night. The smooches leave a trail of slobber from Richie’s mount, wilting spots on his blouse Richie’s manager will discern him in.  
‘Richie stop, you’re going to ruin it and we have to leave soon.’
‘Nah, I cancelled.’
‘You cancelled? Why?’
‘Because the love of my love, my Eddie Spaghetti, my Eds, gave off the impression he was in a pretty foul mood.’
‘Was I that obvious?’ Eddie grumbles, fingers racking lovingly trough Richie’s curls.
‘No, I just have a knack for you. Anyways I rescheduled.’
‘Oh Rich you didn’t have to do that. What is she going to think of you?’
‘I don’t care. Look, if she’s striving to be my manager she best believe that my career always come second. You’re my number one priority, no matter what.’
Eddie’s eyes turn bloodshot, blinking rapidly to contain the upcoming flow of tears. Richie presses a final kiss, then resurfaces upwards, a lopsided grin grazing his face.
‘You’re not going to take it off?’ Eddie inquires fretful, not sure what he wants the answer to be.
‘No, later, when you’re more at ease. But Eds, I need you to know, I’m going to look at it, and all that will be going on in my mind is holy fuck. That scar is symbolic for how strong and daring you are, and how glad I am to have you here breathing with me. That motherfucking clown tried everything, and he still couldn’t kill you. You know why? Because you’re a stubborn little basterd, and also indestructible. And I love you so much.’
The taste of salt explodes on Richie’s tongue, surprisingly, he hadn’t got a clue he was crying in the first place.
‘Great, good job idiot. Now look at us, two blubbering idiot sniffling in a kitchen’, Eddie grumbled, but he was smiling so wide the dimples in his cheeks were distinguishable.
‘I love you too.’ 
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tinyarmedtrex · 5 years
For the spooky szn prompt: reddie carving pumpkins
It was their first Halloween together. Well, first one since they were kids, the first one where they were a couple, where they took sickeningly cute pictures together at the pumpkin patch and where they cuddled on the couch watching old black and white horror movies. 
(In an unspoken agreement neither made anything too scary, even the decorations they put up veered towards cute and not creepy. The memories of Derry were still too fresh, what had happened there had been enough fear to last them a lifetime.)
“Do you get many trick or treaters?” Eddie asked, hanging a row of bright orange lights over the front door. Richie insisted on decorating, they’d gone to a store and blown nearly two hundred dollars on fake cobwebs and tombstones. 
He shrugged, adding another ghost to the collection that decorated the entryway.  “I’ve never actually been home for it. I was always on tour or at a bar.” What Richie didn’t say, what he didn’t need to add was that he’d never had any reason to be home, he’d never had anyone to hand out candy with. Eddie knew it from how much he’d thrown himself into this. Richie had loved holidays growing up, loved celebrating with friends and family and Eddie’s loved that that hadn’t changed.  A bowl of candy had already been sitting out for a week, a dangerous temptation but also a reminder of how excited Richie was. 
“Did you?” He asked, coming outside and helping Eddie hang the lights. 
Eddie snorted, shaking his head. “Myra insisted we hand out applesauce. We’re just lucky we didn’t get egged.”
“God of course she did.” Richie laughed, his arm finding it’s way to Eddie’s shoulders, pulling him in close. Eddie leaned his head on Richie’s shoulder as they admired their work. 
Richie pressed a kiss to the top of his head.  “I love it. Really darkens up the joint.” 
Eddie chuckled, thinking how he’d never get sick of this; of being close to Richie, of their new domestic life, of spending the rest of his life with the man he loved.
Sure, there were bad nights, nights when Richie screamed himself hoarse in his sleep because he saw Eddie die over and over. Eddie would wake him up, using his lips to convince Richie that he was there, that he was real. 
And there were days when Eddie’s divorce dragged him down. Myra was making it extremely difficult and sometimes Eddie thought it would never be over. Those days Richie distracted him by pulling him close and whispering all the things he loved about Eddie, all the reasons he’d never give him up. 
It worked, they were happy. They were alive.
“But it needs something.” Richie added, tapping a finger to his lip as he thought. Then, snapping his fingers, he declared “I think we need to carve some pumpkins! Imagine, a couple of them next to the tombstone. It would be perfect.” 
Eddie frowned, thinking how messy they’d be, how gross the guts were, but he noticed Richie staring at him hopefully and he was powerless to resist that face.
 “I’d love to.”
That was how, later that night, Eddie found himself sitting at their newspaper covered table and staring down a pumpkin. Richie had been hard at work for the last thirty minutes, carving an elaborate face into his. Eddie, on the other hand, hadn’t gotten any further than scooping out the guts. He didn't have any ideas.
“Just carve Myra’s face onto it, that’s plenty scary.” Richie suggested, looking up at Eddie. He had guts on the bridge of his nose and Eddie leaned in, plucking them off as Richie blew him a kiss. 
“Ha, ha, hilarious.” Eddie glanced at Richie’s pumpkin. He had carved wicked, jagged teeth into it and leering eyes. It looked amazing and Eddie said as much.
“Here,  I’ll help you. We can do a ghost inspired pottery wheel thing.”
 “Like the movie! I’m the sexy ghost and you’re the hot pottery chick.” Richie explained as he pulled his stool behind Eddie and mimicking throwing a pot on the wheel. “I’ll guide your hands.” He said, putting his chest flush with Eddie’s chest. 
“I’m not sure that will help.” Eddie said, looking back at Richie. Richie looked so happy, so content, that Eddie’s heart filled with love for his boyfriend. Especially as he started singing ‘Hold me close’, the song from the movie. 
Eddie laughed, letting Richie take his hands and conduct an imaginary orchestra as he sang.  
“You’re a dork.” Eddie said once Richie finished.
“Maybe.” Richie kissed Eddie’s neck. “But I’m your dork. You’re stuck with me.” Richie said as he kissed along his jawline. 
“Oh am I?” Eddie craned his neck to give Richie better access.
“Mhm.” Richie said and then blew a raspberry into Eddie’s neck.
“You ass!” Eddie leapt up, watching Richie as he bolted down the hall, laughing manically and slid into their bedroom. Eddie easily caught up with him, pushing Richie down on the bed 
“You’re the worst.” Eddie told him, straddling Richie’s hips. 
“But you love me.” 
Eddie nodded, bending down and capturing Richie’s lips in a deep kiss. The he let Richie know exactly how much he loved him. Twice.
Hours later, Eddie woke up and knew exactly what to carve into his pumpkin. Extracting himself from Richie’s arms, he padded to the kitchen and carved. It didn’t take him too long and it wasn’t perfect but when he finished it made him smile, and he knew Richie would love it. Turning off the lights, he grabbed a candle and lit it in the pumpkin, admiring how the carved R+E was illuminated by the dim candle light. 
 @spastuetheobsessedphylosopher @chaotickaspbrak​ @wheezyeds​  @constantreaderfool​ @purplepoisonedgem​  @queen-sock  @pink-psychic @bowersgangvslosersclub​ @jem-carstairs-is-perfection​  @reddie-to-cryy​ @moonlightrichie​  @eduardoandale​ @anellope​ @inthebreadbinwrites @sparklingrainbowdragon​ @madi-personal @K-froggit @lifesucksheres20bucks​ @appojoos​ @upsidedownlosers​ @thorn-harvester-ven​ @eddiefuckinkaspbrak​ @andaleduardo @xandertheundead @state-of-longing​ @fandomgirllover​ @adhdtrashmouth @thundercatseddie​ @rielysian​ @uppperteeeth @s-s-georgie​ @for-peanutbutter​ @tobobeebub​ @emmadevr @edstozler​ @s-onora​ @notmyspaghetti​ @twoidiotsinl0ve​ @spirited-marvel​ @lover-mouth  @roobarrtrashmouth​ @njess04​ @wilding-throught-thehallways​ @star-gore​
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prxcticalmxgic · 4 years
prompt: ❛ don’t come any closer , that’s far enough . ❜  (also doubling as a reply to this starter )
from: olso to myra ( @sinsoakedsaints )
She needed to get the engine checked, that much she knew for sure. There was a rattle in it that she didn’t like the sound of but, then again, it had always been there. It was a sign of life more than anything in the ancient truck, so she couldn’t find the point of spending the money to have it looked at unless it got worse or stopped altogether. 
(Myra wasn’t sure which possibility would be more jarring.)
Reaching for her thermos of coffee, she uses one hand to navigate the steering wheel around the corner, the road bending around the edge of the forest. She’s used to driving it, so she isn’t paying as much attention as she likely should -- which is why it’s such a shock when suddenly there’s a figure standing in the middle of the road. 
“Shit --!” her thermos falls open onto her lap, the hot coffee spilling down her front and onto her jeans as her other hand flies back onto the wheel to wrench it to the side just in time to narrowly miss the shoulder and veer her truck onto the shoulder of the road, dust from the gravel erupting into a cloud.  It doesn’t even have a chance to settle before she’s leaping from the driver side door, skin stinging from the scalding coffee as she turns back to the figure in the middle of the road. 
(It doesn’t cross her mind once that this situation has a high potential to become fodder for an episode of Dateline.)
“Have you got a death wish or something? No one can see you coming from around that corner!” she says with righteous anger, stomping towards him before his voice disarms her, her hands in the air in defense, taking a step backwards.
“Where are you coming from? There’s nothing out here for miles, you must have been walking for awhile...”
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“And They Were Soulmates?” - Reddie
I’m rewriting this into a Reddie Oneshot.
Warnings: swearing, slight homophobia mentions
Requests are open.———————————————————————
After the phone call with Mike, Eddie immediately looks down at his wrist, not really caring about how bad his car is. He can’t remember why his wrist is so important but it must’ve been a long time ago. Much like the cut section of his cast that he refused to part with. Eddie is finally brought back to his senses by someone tapping his shoulder, “I need your details, for insurance purposes,” the man who was driving the taxi, says.
“Oh right, yes of course,” Eddie replies. He eventually looks at the damage he had caused only minutes ago, both inner sides of the cars are smashed. “Fuck!”
“Yeah, ‘fuck’ indeed.” Eddie quickly gave the law-abiding driver, his details and walked to the subway, not wanting to watch his SUV get towed away. The closer he gets to the subway, the more he thinks about Myra. She was going to take him to the emergency room for sure, ‘you may have a concussion, Eddie-bear’. Eddie shudders at the thought.
His eyes flick to his wrist as it heats up, it’s only in a small spot, centred on the side, in line with his pinky. Why doe it burn? Why does he remember it burning 24 years ago?
He walks up the stairs from the station and makes a beeline for the apartment complex that was just up the road. It’s like a sprint, almost like he’s desperate to get in and out and back into the ‘safety’ of Derry, his home, the place he loved?
Eddie stops, he looks up at the stairs, leading to his apartment, he can’t bring himself to walk up the stair. He feels as though someone was keeping him grounded, unable to move from his spot on the sidewalk. Derry? Home. Derry? Richie. Richie? Why does that name sound so familiar? 
Small memories started to file in and Eddie knows he has to go back, he has to go back for Richie. Richie? There it is again! 
“Eddie-bear! There you are!” Myra exclaims joyfully as she embraces her husband. “I thought you left me!”
“Now why would I do that?” Eddie replies, he tries to die down his obvious fake tone and must’ve been successful as Myra skips away to the kitchen. “Um, Myra, I have a work conference that I must go to tomorrow. It’s two hours out and is only going on for a few days.”
“Okay! I’ll come!” 
“No!” It comes out harsher than he intended, and both wince. “No, it’s only workers, it’s just me and two other men going.” Myra sighs and nods. “I’ll need to leave in like two hours.” He hates it when she does this, it was almost like she hated the idea of him leaving. How he didn’t pick up on it soon, he didn’t know. It’s a smothering type of relationship and he can’t take it but he doesn’t want to hurt her.
“Oh, but I made your favourite.” The pungent smell of burnt spaghetti bolognese gets stronger and Myra removes the lid off the pot. Spaghetti? I never liked spaghetti but why do I like spaghetti?
He continues to think about his life choices since leaving Derry as he walks to the bedroom he shares with his wife. “Eddie Spaghetti.” Eddie mutters, “that’s why I always watch Trashmouth! He was my - “ Friend? No. Best friend? No. 
Two thoughts left and Eddie can’t bring himself to even think like that, so he shakes the thoughts. It’s impossible, he has a wife who he loves? Why am I fucking questioning this? 
He doesn’t bother to fold his clothes, just shoving everything he can into his suitcases. He grabs his toiletry bag and his old fanny pack that he hasn’t touched in 2 decades, still packed to the brim of old medication that he refuses to take. Just as he is about to walk out the door, he looks down at his hand. 
The wedding ring. 
He always thought it looked funny. It never sat right, it was slightly big but wasn’t big enough to fall off his finger. It was gold, he wanted a black silvery band but Myra wanted matching bands. Eddie always wanted to have sex but Myra always claimed it was dirty and a “sin”, even though they are married. How would we even reproduce? Eddie often wondered, he always thought about having kids. 
“I’m sorry,” Eddie mutters and leaves his ring on the side table as well as a quickly scribbled note and finally drags his two suitcases down the hall and out the front to hail a taxi.
The flight over, Eddie has time to rethink everything. He pulls open his laptop and quickly sends a few emails regarding divorce and needing to update some forms. It may be too soon but Eddie knows that it isn’t. As he tries to think back to that Summer 27 years ago, he remembers yelling at his mother. Everything that Myra had done, it wasn’t healthy and Eddie laughs quietly to himself. I married my fucking mother! 
The drugs and the little cuts and bruises and believing he needs to go to the hospital for stitches and medications to stop the bruises from forming. Leaving his mother in Derry made him forget everything he had done to prevent from being a hypochondriac and now he still is. He isn’t sick, he gets that, he never had asthma or weird illnesses that he had never heard of. 
He opens Netflix and plugs in his headphones, he searches for Richie Tozier’s Netflix Special. Even though there’s only an hour left in the 2-hour flight, he still plays it. It’s obvious from the start that the jokes aren’t his, they were homophobic and nowhere near as dirty as they used to be. The humour was restrained and dry, only heckles and coughs were heard, no applause or laughs. It breaks Eddie’s heart, he isn’t sure why. 
Sure he remembers the Losers and they had a friendship, a strong bond held by IT and bullying by Bowers’ gang, but Stan and Bill were two out of his three closest friends. Richie seems different and Eddie can’t put his finger on it. He tries to dig in his mind, staring at Richie’s tall figure on stage. 
Richie was a comedian back in the day, think Eddie, what makes this so different to when we were kids?
“Would you like one from me too, Mrs K?” Richie had asked just before he, Eddie and Bill had gone somewhere, the Barrens? Sewer?
Richie always made Eddie the butt of the joke or made dick jokes. 
The burning on his wrist reappears, this time the skin where it burns starts to turn red. Eddie immediately covers it, trying to conceal the area from the open. It didn’t hurt this much the last time, Eddie recalls, it must have something to do with Derry.
As he drives past the ‘Welcome to Derry’ sign, the hairs on his neck stand up straight, goosebumps start to rise on his arms. The strange and uncomfortable feeling of being watched looms over him, he passes the cemetery, almost veering off the road as he catches a glimpse of a fluffy red hair and a white clown suit. “It’s just your mind playing tricks on you, Eds.” Eddie tries to reason with himself. “I hate being called that.” It rolls off his tongue, just like ‘Eds’. 
Who called me that? I liked it though but said I hated it. 
Hatred and frustration washes over him, he doesn’t want to be back in the homophobic town. He couldn’t, even as an adult, he didn’t want to fathom what the town would do if they found out he was gay. 
No wonder why his marriage felt loveless, he wasn’t attracted to her! Or women in general. He was and still is attracted to men, well one man ... Richard Tozier.
He finally makes it to the Chinese restaurant but stays in his car for a few minutes to compose himself, not wanting to have a full-on panic attack during dinner. Aside from the killer clown returning to Derry, it was meant to be a happy reunion, a way to catch up with the other 6 survivors of Pennywise. 
Eddie huffs and pulls himself out of his car and carries himself towards the restaurant. “Reservation for Michael Hanlon,” Eddie says to the waitress, who then leads him to a reserved table where two familiar faces stand. “Mike? Bill?” 
“Eddie!?” Mike exclaims, racing over and hugging Eddie, Bill kind of stands awkwardly. 
“Bill!” Eddie exclaims and hugs the horror writer. 
Not even 10 minutes later, 3 others walk in and a gong goes off. Eddie catches the eye of the tall comedian, he watches the dark curls falling over the glasses, the way his jack clung to his broad shoulders. The burning sensation, that Eddie has been experiencing for the past day, starts to burn deeper and Eddie sees his skin form black bold letters. As he looked down, black inked appeared, ‘R.T’ was written. 
Did I ever tell Richie? Or did I cover it up like I did with my sexuality?
“Did your soulmate’s initials fade when you left too?” Beverly asks as they all sat down to eat.
“Mine just came back,” Eddie replies. “It started burning when I got the call from Mike.”
“Mine never left, still says S.U,” Mike replies. Mike knows that Stan was happily married to Patricia and would never want to get in between them, sure he may never find anyone else but he likes being alone, in that sense at least. He loves having friends but doesn’t mind being alone relationship wise.
“Did you ever tell Stan!?” Bill asks and Mike shook his head. “Well, I got my soulmate.” That meant that Bill and Audra ... ? Eddie feels himself deflating.
“Mine faded too,” Ben says.
“Same,” Richie finally says just as he winces in pain and looks down at his wrist. “Shit.”
“Show us, boys!” Bev pipes up reaching over at both Eddie and Richie. Richie shrugged and reached over to Bev, Eddie followed. “OH MY GOD! Guys!” Ben, Mike and Bill gathers around Bev and looked between Eddie and Richie’s wrists. 
“OH DAMN!” Ben squeals and clamps a hand over his mouth in embarrassment. Richie grabs Eddie’s wrist, his eyes widen.
“Eds ...” Richie whispers. Eddie shakes his head as a warning and flips Richie’s wrist round he looks down at his wrist and sees the ‘E.K’. 
This shouldn’t be possible, his mother always told him that you couldn’t get an initial for someone of the same gender. Then again, she and the majority of the town were homophobic. Those thoughts are out of date now, being part of the LGBTQ+ community is accepted now, Eddie should have no fear. His mother is dead and he is planning at finally divorcing his wife.
Eddie looks into Richie’s eyes and remembers all the good times the two had shared. It was a type of love that Eddie never got from his mother or Myra, it wasn’t forced and he was able to be who he wanted to be. He could be a normal teenager who shouldn’t need to be scared of any health risks. 
All the times Richie climbed in through his window, all the times he had snuck in through Richie’s window. The hammock? The hammock, he used to argue with Richie just so he could squeeze into the hammock with him.
“I’m still married, Richie. Until the divorce papers go through,” Eddie whispers. Richie didn’t seem to care and still kissed Eddie; both had waited 27 years for this to happen and didn’t want to wait any longer.
“Eds, I fucked your mom,” Richie whispers against Eddie’s soft and now swollen pink lips.
“BEEP, FUCKING BEEP, RICHARD!” Eddie groans. “Of course you had to ruin it!” 
“I’m not even sorry, Eddie Spaghetti.”
That’s why he ‘likes’ spaghetti! One of the many nicknames that Richie gave him. ‘Eds’ he secretly loved but if he said anything, the others would call him that. ‘Eddie Spaghetti’ he absolutely hated! It was cringy and annoying, it was a means of Richie calling him cute and pinching his cheeks.
“Don’t call me that.” Eddie says. “You know i hate it when you call me that.”
“How about ‘babe’, Eduardo?” Eddie blushes, he couldn’t help it. There’s a fire inside of him that he hasn’t felt in almost 30 years and he loves it.
Eddie puts his arm up on the table, signalling for an arm wrestle. “Just like the old days.” Eddie whispers.
“Amen to that.” Richie chuckles. Their competitiveness never left, both needing to assert dominance. It had been like that for years and now was no different.
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nehalneeta · 3 years
Popular Indian Hindu Baby Boy and Baby Girl Names
Popular Indian Hindu Baby Boy and Baby Girl Names
Baby Boy Names Naman Ojas Malhar Aarush Aayush Aditya Viraj Vihaan Ayush Devesh Darsh Veer Aarav Aarnav Deepak Daksh Hardik
Baby Girl Names Megha Mohita Sriya Pahal Vibha Arna Abhi Myra Aabha Ananya Aarvi Arushi Diya Medha Manvi Aarohi Vidya Mansha
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musewrangler · 5 months
The blast doors hissed open and they entered the Atrium where Piett paused momentarily, and Veers thus observed his first moments on the Lady’s bridge.
He was a true naval man, Veers reflected watching those keen hazel eyes take in everything eagerly. Veers himself was happiest when leading campaigns on solid ground, but he’d observed the navy enough to see the difference between those there merely for the job and those who were there for their ship.
Piett confirmed he was very much the latter when he reached a gloved hand to gently touch the nearest bulkhead before he recalled himself and glanced to Veers, a little color on his cheekbones.
“She’s ah…” he said, clearing his throat a little. “Her design is beautiful.”
Veers found himself wanting to grin at the slighter man, but this was neither the time nor the place. And then Venka was hurrying over to introduce himself.
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dmlynx · 7 years
From the fall a monster rises
((Going to put this under read more as it veers a bit dark and very violent as well as some possibly triggering content))
Everything is numb.
And not numb in the good way. If there even is a good way to feel numb. But numb in the way that nothing she does feels real. Or even feels at all. The drink has no burn. No taste. No dulling. The cigarettes don’t leave her with that smokey film in her mouth and the minor calming sensation. Even the somnus doesn’t lull her into that trance it always does.
She has snapped and everything is numb.
The recent days have been filled with good and bad. The bad more biting and cutting than the good. Wounding her to the very core of a shattered and broken being.
The old cravings have been hitting and while she was able to shrug them off before, tonight is different. She has nothing to shake it with. She can’t feel. She can’t hardly think of anything but that urgent need. And how she needs to stop feeling this hollow. This empty. This broken.
The night is young and the ships full of new arrivals are pouring in. So many Eorzeans visiting the port in these troubled times. Some of them linger in the hostelry. Others wander about towards the market district. Feral senses pick up on in particular who looks nervous and lost in a strange new place. And everything in her that once felt nothing now screams for this.
So on comes that old mask of smiles and lies. The grinning cat that did anything to survive and always with a smile on her face. Nobody should see what’s underneath. Not even herself. Especially not herself. The quiet and meek merchant is approached. They’re new. And lost. Coming to Kugane to try and make a fortune before the rush of more people come flooding in.
They won’t be missed.
“Oh I knows th’way I does.” Lies the grinning feline. “Look ‘ere there’s a shortcut ‘roun’ this ben’ y’see. I’ll takes y’there meself. yanno I were ‘fraid th’firs’ time I were ‘ere  too.”
The generosity is thanked over and over. Everyone trusts a smiling face.
They only question it once the crowds of people empty out and eventually it’s just the two of them at an all but abandoned pier. But by now it’s too late. The hunter has it’s prey.
Slow. She has to do this slowly. To savor it. To FEEL it. Hands seal like a vice around a scrawny neck before any cries of help can be uttered.
The visage cracks and that smile turns into the mad grin she always gets in times of violence. All too wide and full of teeth. With feral yellow eyes that seem to bore into her victim’s very soul, those thin slits hiding the lack of soul within her own. Looking more like a beast in these moments than Miqo’te.
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Struggles are feeble against the bulky cat. She easily overpowers the mousey merchant who’s never done hard labor in their life. And as they let out the last rattles of a dying body and the light fades from their eyes, the alleycat breathes deep.
As if she too was being choked that whole time.
It comes first as a trickle but rapidly turns into a torrent as it starts. Like a damn breaking.
First comes that fading warmth between her hands. The patter of the rain against her shoulders. That lump in her throat that she’s been struggling with for hours starts to fade. Tears stream down her face which is now twisted into something less than that murderous grin. Half joyous at feeling again. That rush that this brings overtaking her. Half sobbing because she can actually feel again. And the pain inside hasn’t dulled any in that deadened period.
For a long few moments she sits there laughing out sobs up to the heavens as if in challenge before more logical thought kicks in. And with cold calculation the body is disposed of in the harbor. Where none will find it for some time.
Once she’s stabilized herself Myra struts back into the crowd as if nothing was ever wrong in the first place. After all she seems like just any other cat that nobody would ever suspect here.
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debbiehsullivan · 5 years
Zesty Lemon Vinaigrette
Salads are a feel-good food. They are packed with healthy ingredients like greens, protein, and veggies. But are salads always healthy? A seemingly nutritious salad can easily veer off course with the wrong salad dressing. This Zesty Lemon Vinaigrette is healthy, easy to make, and delicious! 
A vinaigrette style dressing is traditionally made with oil and citrus juice. Herbs and spices add additional flavor, and help balance the acidity. Vinaigrettes are perfect as salad dressings, marinades, or drizzled over sauteed veggies.
Unfortunately, store-bought salad dressings often contain several unhealthy ingredients. Most list soybean oil as the first ingredient. Soybean oil is highly refined and it has almost no nutritional value. Keep reading the label and you might find ingredients like MSG, artificial flavors, artificial colors, or even disodium EDTA.
Making homemade salad dressing is an easy way to ensure that your salad stays a healthy choice.
I have fond memories of my grandmother making her own salad dressing. It was the only kind she ever used. She used a unique looking shaker bottle (like this one), and when it was time to eat she would pull it out of the fridge and set it on the table. I always enjoyed her salads, mainly because of her homemade salad dressing. 
This salad dressing is flavorful and rich with just the right amount of zest. The dill and lemon essential oils take the flavor to another level. You’ll never want to use any other type of salad dressing again!
Lemon Vinaigrette Recipe
1 cup olive oil (extra virgin)
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon dijon mustard
1 tablespoon honey
3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1-2 cloves garlic (minced)
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon black pepper
3 drops Lemon Vitality essential oil
2 drops Dill Vitality essential oil
1 pinch dried dill weed (optional)
1 pinch dried oregano (optional)
salad dressing shaker
Combine olive oil and apple cider vinegar in a small mason jar
In a separate bowl, whisk together dijon mustard, lemon juice, honey, and chopped garlic
Add to olive oil mixture and stir
Mix in vitality essential oils, dill, oregano, salt, and pepper. Cover and shake to combine.
Refrigerate for 1 hour before serving
Shake and drizzle over fresh greens or roasted vegetables
Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks
This recipe was inspired by this Summer Vinaigrette recipe from Myra over at My Blessed Life. I tweaked it a bit to use ingredients I almost always have on hand.
Lemongrass Vitality is also a wonderful choice to use in a salad dressing. I just love the flavor of Dill Vitality essential oil, especially in deviled eggs. 
More essential oil cooking recipes you might enjoy:
Homemade Grapefruit Vinaigrette 
Tarragon Dressing
Grilling Marinades
Spinach Pesto
The post Zesty Lemon Vinaigrette appeared first on Recipes with Essential Oils.
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evodex · 6 years
Your name affects your personality and it’s not a myth, and that’s why as parents we take so much effort to look for the names of our kids. I remember when we were choosing the name of our little one, we had shortlisted two names but ‘Ahaan’, which means morning rays of the sun and rhymed with my elder one’s name, was what everyone loved. True to his name he brings in happiness in our home and is a happy and bright child.  Since we believe in the power of names we have again taken the pains to create a new list for unique Indian Baby Names 2019 for you guys with their meanings. Hope you make the best choice :);
 NAMES OF BOYS: Unique Indian Baby Names 2019
AARAV: Peaceful.
 AARUSH: Calm, Brilliant, First Ray.
ADVIK: Unique.
AYAAN: Gift of God.
ANIRUDH: Boundless.
AAKESH: Lord of Sky.
ABHIK: Brave.
AKARSH: Divine.
ANISH: Sun God.
BHUVI: Earth.Heaven; Bliss. Land
BHAVIN: To exist, winner.
CARTER: Carrier.
CHINMAY: Lord Ganesha.
CHAYAN: Choose in preference to another.
DAKSH: Capable, Fire, Gold, Excellent, Talented.
DEVANSH: Demigod, Part of God.
DANIEL: God is my Judge.
DHIR: Perseverance.
DARSHIT: Pay respect.
DIVYANSH: Divine part.
DHRUV: Pole Star.
DIVIT: Someone who has conquered death.
EHAN: Expectations.
EESHAN: Lord Shiva.
ERISH: To cherish.
EHIT: Ever Smiling.
EKANSH: Complete, Whole.
FREY: Exalted One.
FRAVASH: Guardian Angel.
FUAD: Heart.
FAIYAZ: Artistic.
GARRY: A Spear.
GRAHISH: Lord of Planets.
GARV: Pride.
HREDHAAN: One with Great Heart.
HIREN: Warrior, Unique, Priceless.
HARRY: Army Man
HANEESH: Ambition, Lord Shiva.
HANSH: God alike.
ISHAN: The Lord Sun, Guardian of North East.
ISHANT: Cute Baby, Lord Shiva.
IRISH: Lord of the Earth.
ISHIR: Fire, Powerful, Refreshing.
JAGAT: World.
JAI: Victory.
Jyran: Lost Love
Jivaj: Full Of Life
KRISH: Compassionate, Harvest
KARTIK: Inspiring with Courage and Joy.
KAPIL: Another name of Lord Vishnu. Fair Complexioned.
KIAAN: King, Ancient, Generations.
LAKSH: Aim, Target, Goal.
LAKSHT: Targeted.
LAKSHAY: Target.
LIYAN: Cute.
MANAS: Wise.
MADHAV: Sweet like Honey, Another name of Lord Krishna.
MITUL: Limited Friend.
MAYUR: Peacock.
NAKSH: Moon.
NADIN: Lord of Rivers.’
NAMAN: Good Fundamental Nature.
NAYAN: Eyes.
NEEL: Blue.
NAKUL: Mongoose.
OMKAR: derived from OM having religious sentiments.
ORMAN: A Seaman.
OHAS: Praise.
OGAAN: United.
PRANEEL: A Name of Lord Shiva.
PALAM: Fruit.
PARAM: The Best.
PRANAY: Romance.
PRIYANSH: Most valuable part of something.
PARTH: Son of Mother Earth.
PRANAV: Praise.
PRANEEL: Name of Lord Shiva.
RAGHAV: Descendant of Raghu, Lord Ram.
RANVIR: Hero of the Battle.
RYAN: Descendant of the King.
RAAJ: Kingdom.
RACHIT: Invention.
RANBIR: Brave Warrior.
RAYAAN: Fragrant Herb.
REYANSH: Ray of Light.
RONITH: Charming.
RUSHIL: Charming.
SAKSHAM: Competent.
SHRESHT: Best of All.
SAMAKSH: Presence.
SAMESH: Lord of Equality.
SAKET: A place close to Heaven.
TANAY: It means a Son.
TAVISH: Strong and Energetic.
TANMAY: Absorbed.
TEJAS: Sharp.
UDIT: Rise.
UDAY: Blue Lotus, To Rise.
UCHIT: Correct.
UDAR: Generous.
VEDANT: Knower of the Vedas.
VEER: Heroic.
VIVAN: Full of Life.
VIHAAN: Dawn, Morning.
VIDHAAN: Creator.
VIRAJ: Resplendent.
WEDANT: The Scriptures, Knower of the Vedas.
WAMAN: Short, 5th Incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
Xetrapati: Lord of the body
YUG: Era, Historic Period.
YAKSHITH: Permanent, Who is Made Forever.
YUVAN: Means Healthy and Young.
YAJVAN: Calm and Peaceful.
YASH: Reputation, Glory.
ZEV: Deer or Wolf
ZAYANT: Star, Victorious.
ZAYD: Abundance.
ZHYAN: Full of knowledge
ZAYAN: Beautifier.
NAME OF GIRLS: Unique Indian Baby Names 2019
AADHYA: First Power.
ANIKA: The Brilliance of Stone, Goddess Durga.
ANAYA: Without a Superior.
AANYA: Limitless, Inexhaustible.
AAROHI: Music Tune, Progressive.
AKSHARA: Letters, Goddess Saraswati.
AMAIRA: Forever Beautiful.
ANAISHA: Special.
ANYA: Full of Grace.
ADAH: Ornament, decorated.
AHANA: First rays of the sun.
AAKANKSHA: Wish or Desire.
AARUSHI: First ray of Sun.
AASHI: Smile.
ADITI: Freedom, Boundless.
ADYA: First.
AMNA: Peace, Safety.
BHAVYA: One who is Splendid.
BABITA: Little Girl.
CHAHAT: A girl longed and desired by many.
CHESTA: Desire
CHARVI: Beautiful Lady.
DAMINI: Conquering, Self Controlled, Lightning.
DHRITI: A girl with courage and determination.
DHWANI: The essence of sound and music.
EVA: Living.
EKANSHI: Pretty rare name of a girl who is a part of a whole.
EDNITA Evolved
FARA: Beauty of a Setting Sun.
FALGUNI: A traditional name for the beauty of the feminine.
FALEESHA: Indian Tulip.
FESHIKHA: Princess
FIROZA: Precious Gem.
GARGI: Strength and Serenity of Gooden Durga.
GITALI: Bringer of melodious songs and music.
GUL: Another name of a flower.
GUNJAN: A girl with a voice of Humming Bees.
HRISHITA: One who brings joys and satisfaction in her life.
HIMANI: Another name derived from Goddess Durga
HAVYA: Beautiful
ISHITA: Someone desired by all.
ISHANI: Wife of Lord Shiva.
INDU: Like the Moon.
INIYA: Sweet.
JAANVI: As precious as your Life.
JAGRITI: One who awakens all the minds.
JANNAT: Someone who belongs to the paradise.
JIYA: Someone who is close to the heart.
JIVIKA: Source of life.
KAIRA: Peaceful.
KIARA: Modern name for a girl having jet black hair.
KASHVI: A girl that shines brightly in her life.
KAVYA: Woman filled with the beauty of poetry.
KRUPALI: One filled with Forgiveness.
LAVANYA: Beauty.
LIPI: Script.
MAANYATA: Principles.
MUKTA: Pearl.
MANNAT: Special prayer for the lord.
MEHEK: Harbinger of beautiful fragrances of life.
MAHIKA: Someone who is gentle as a morning dew drop.
MYRA: A medicinal herb, a girl having holy nature.
NIDHI: Treasure.
NOOR: Light.
NAINIKA: Pupil of the Eye.
NAVYA: Bringer of all that is new and fresh in the world.
NIRALI: A girl like no other.
NIHARIKA: Fragility of a dewdrop.
OMISHA: Goddess of Life and Death.
OJAL: Bright vision of tomorrow.
OJASWINI: Person of grace and beauty of the feminine form.
PIYALI: A tree.
PARINAAZ: Sweet fairy like daughters.
PANKHURI: Flower Petals.
PURUVI: magnificence of the East Sun.
PARUL: Graceful.
PALLAVI: New Leaves.
RAGINI: Girl containing rhythm of music in her essence.
RATNA: Beauty of precious Gem.
RIYA: Woman with a melodious voice.
RUCHIKA: Brilliant Girl
RIDDHI: Good Fortune.
RISHIKA: Sober Name.
SUHANI: Pleasing woman.
SWARA: Manifestation of musical notes of nature.
SHANAYA: Someone who shines as bright as a morning sun.
SIYA: Modern name derived from Sita.
SHAGUN: An auspicious Girl.
SARA: Princess.
SARAH: Pure.
SEJAL: Girl with purity of flowering water.
SHAACHI: Someone carrying a beautiful grace.
STUTEE: Singing praise to the Lord.
TANYA: a manifestation of the fairy queen herself.
TAMANNA: Fulfiller of the wishes hidden in the heart.
TIYA: Gorgeous as a flying bird.
TANVEE: Delicate and beautiful girl.
TAAHIRA: Absolutely Pure.
TARA: Shining star of the night sky.
TANISHKA: Goddess made from Gold.
URVI: Rare name which harkens to Mother Earth.
VAANI: Manifestation of the voice of the Goddess.
VANYA: Gift granted by Lord himself.
VIDHI: Bringer of destiny.
VRUSHTI: Beauty of the first rain.
VALERIA: Girls growing up to be a strong woman.
WAHIDA: Peerless, Unique.
YASHVI: Bringer of fame and fortune.
YUTI: Holy name for a holy union of the good in the world.
YAMINI: Nocturnal.
YUKTA: Skillful, Yoked, United and Absorbed.
YUVIKA: A young woman, Young girl, Maid.
YASHIKA: Success.
YAMKA: Name resembling flower.
ZARA: Name for a daughter who is a princess.
ZUHI: harbinger of light in everyone’s life.
ZISHYA: Scholar
ZORA: Daybreak
ZANISHA: Ruler of Humans.
So that’s the list of 251 unique Indian Baby Names 2019. We hope you make memories while picking up a name for your newborn. Do let me know which name you finally choose :).
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The post 251 UNIQUE INDIAN BABY NAMES 2019 appeared first on Maa of All Blogs.
251 UNIQUE INDIAN BABY NAMES 2019 published first on https://bestbabyinc.tumblr.com
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ashafriesen · 6 years
Your name affects your personality and it’s not a myth, and that’s why as parents we take so much effort to look for the names of our kids. I remember when we were choosing the name of our little one, we had shortlisted two names but ‘Ahaan’, which means morning rays of the sun and rhymed with my elder one’s name, was what everyone loved. True to his name he brings in happiness in our home and is a happy and bright child.  Since we believe in the power of names we have again taken the pains to create a new list for unique Indian Baby Names 2019 for you guys with their meanings. Hope you make the best choice :);
 NAMES OF BOYS: Unique Indian Baby Names 2019
AARAV: Peaceful.
 AARUSH: Calm, Brilliant, First Ray.
ADVIK: Unique.
AYAAN: Gift of God.
ANIRUDH: Boundless.
AAKESH: Lord of Sky.
ABHIK: Brave.
AKARSH: Divine.
ANISH: Sun God.
BHUVI: Earth.Heaven; Bliss. Land
BHAVIN: To exist, winner.
CARTER: Carrier.
CHINMAY: Lord Ganesha.
CHAYAN: Choose in preference to another.
DAKSH: Capable, Fire, Gold, Excellent, Talented.
DEVANSH: Demigod, Part of God.
DANIEL: God is my Judge.
DHIR: Perseverance.
DARSHIT: Pay respect.
DIVYANSH: Divine part.
DHRUV: Pole Star.
DIVIT: Someone who has conquered death.
EHAN: Expectations.
EESHAN: Lord Shiva.
ERISH: To cherish.
EHIT: Ever Smiling.
EKANSH: Complete, Whole.
FREY: Exalted One.
FRAVASH: Guardian Angel.
FUAD: Heart.
FAIYAZ: Artistic.
GARRY: A Spear.
GRAHISH: Lord of Planets.
GARV: Pride.
HREDHAAN: One with Great Heart.
HIREN: Warrior, Unique, Priceless.
HARRY: Army Man
HANEESH: Ambition, Lord Shiva.
HANSH: God alike.
ISHAN: The Lord Sun, Guardian of North East.
ISHANT: Cute Baby, Lord Shiva.
IRISH: Lord of the Earth.
ISHIR: Fire, Powerful, Refreshing.
JAGAT: World.
JAI: Victory.
Jyran: Lost Love
Jivaj: Full Of Life
KRISH: Compassionate, Harvest
KARTIK: Inspiring with Courage and Joy.
KAPIL: Another name of Lord Vishnu. Fair Complexioned.
KIAAN: King, Ancient, Generations.
LAKSH: Aim, Target, Goal.
LAKSHT: Targeted.
LAKSHAY: Target.
LIYAN: Cute.
MANAS: Wise.
MADHAV: Sweet like Honey, Another name of Lord Krishna.
MITUL: Limited Friend.
MAYUR: Peacock.
NAKSH: Moon.
NADIN: Lord of Rivers.’
NAMAN: Good Fundamental Nature.
NAYAN: Eyes.
NEEL: Blue.
NAKUL: Mongoose.
OMKAR: derived from OM having religious sentiments.
ORMAN: A Seaman.
OHAS: Praise.
OGAAN: United.
PRANEEL: A Name of Lord Shiva.
PALAM: Fruit.
PARAM: The Best.
PRANAY: Romance.
PRIYANSH: Most valuable part of something.
PARTH: Son of Mother Earth.
PRANAV: Praise.
PRANEEL: Name of Lord Shiva.
RAGHAV: Descendant of Raghu, Lord Ram.
RANVIR: Hero of the Battle.
RYAN: Descendant of the King.
RAAJ: Kingdom.
RACHIT: Invention.
RANBIR: Brave Warrior.
RAYAAN: Fragrant Herb.
REYANSH: Ray of Light.
RONITH: Charming.
RUSHIL: Charming.
SAKSHAM: Competent.
SHRESHT: Best of All.
SAMAKSH: Presence.
SAMESH: Lord of Equality.
SAKET: A place close to Heaven.
TANAY: It means a Son.
TAVISH: Strong and Energetic.
TANMAY: Absorbed.
TEJAS: Sharp.
UDIT: Rise.
UDAY: Blue Lotus, To Rise.
UCHIT: Correct.
UDAR: Generous.
VEDANT: Knower of the Vedas.
VEER: Heroic.
VIVAN: Full of Life.
VIHAAN: Dawn, Morning.
VIDHAAN: Creator.
VIRAJ: Resplendent.
WEDANT: The Scriptures, Knower of the Vedas.
WAMAN: Short, 5th Incarnation of Lord Vishnu.
Xetrapati: Lord of the body
YUG: Era, Historic Period.
YAKSHITH: Permanent, Who is Made Forever.
YUVAN: Means Healthy and Young.
YAJVAN: Calm and Peaceful.
YASH: Reputation, Glory.
ZEV: Deer or Wolf
ZAYANT: Star, Victorious.
ZAYD: Abundance.
ZHYAN: Full of knowledge
ZAYAN: Beautifier.
NAME OF GIRLS: Unique Indian Baby Names 2019
AADHYA: First Power.
ANIKA: The Brilliance of Stone, Goddess Durga.
ANAYA: Without a Superior.
AANYA: Limitless, Inexhaustible.
AAROHI: Music Tune, Progressive.
AKSHARA: Letters, Goddess Saraswati.
AMAIRA: Forever Beautiful.
ANAISHA: Special.
ANYA: Full of Grace.
ADAH: Ornament, decorated.
AHANA: First rays of the sun.
AAKANKSHA: Wish or Desire.
AARUSHI: First ray of Sun.
AASHI: Smile.
ADITI: Freedom, Boundless.
ADYA: First.
AMNA: Peace, Safety.
BHAVYA: One who is Splendid.
BABITA: Little Girl.
CHAHAT: A girl longed and desired by many.
CHESTA: Desire
CHARVI: Beautiful Lady.
DAMINI: Conquering, Self Controlled, Lightning.
DHRITI: A girl with courage and determination.
DHWANI: The essence of sound and music.
EVA: Living.
EKANSHI: Pretty rare name of a girl who is a part of a whole.
EDNITA Evolved
FARA: Beauty of a Setting Sun.
FALGUNI: A traditional name for the beauty of the feminine.
FALEESHA: Indian Tulip.
FESHIKHA: Princess
FIROZA: Precious Gem.
GARGI: Strength and Serenity of Gooden Durga.
GITALI: Bringer of melodious songs and music.
GUL: Another name of a flower.
GUNJAN: A girl with a voice of Humming Bees.
HRISHITA: One who brings joys and satisfaction in her life.
HIMANI: Another name derived from Goddess Durga
HAVYA: Beautiful
ISHITA: Someone desired by all.
ISHANI: Wife of Lord Shiva.
INDU: Like the Moon.
INIYA: Sweet.
JAANVI: As precious as your Life.
JAGRITI: One who awakens all the minds.
JANNAT: Someone who belongs to the paradise.
JIYA: Someone who is close to the heart.
JIVIKA: Source of life.
KAIRA: Peaceful.
KIARA: Modern name for a girl having jet black hair.
KASHVI: A girl that shines brightly in her life.
KAVYA: Woman filled with the beauty of poetry.
KRUPALI: One filled with Forgiveness.
LAVANYA: Beauty.
LIPI: Script.
MAANYATA: Principles.
MUKTA: Pearl.
MANNAT: Special prayer for the lord.
MEHEK: Harbinger of beautiful fragrances of life.
MAHIKA: Someone who is gentle as a morning dew drop.
MYRA: A medicinal herb, a girl having holy nature.
NIDHI: Treasure.
NOOR: Light.
NAINIKA: Pupil of the Eye.
NAVYA: Bringer of all that is new and fresh in the world.
NIRALI: A girl like no other.
NIHARIKA: Fragility of a dewdrop.
OMISHA: Goddess of Life and Death.
OJAL: Bright vision of tomorrow.
OJASWINI: Person of grace and beauty of the feminine form.
PIYALI: A tree.
PARINAAZ: Sweet fairy like daughters.
PANKHURI: Flower Petals.
PURUVI: magnificence of the East Sun.
PARUL: Graceful.
PALLAVI: New Leaves.
RAGINI: Girl containing rhythm of music in her essence.
RATNA: Beauty of precious Gem.
RIYA: Woman with a melodious voice.
RUCHIKA: Brilliant Girl
RIDDHI: Good Fortune.
RISHIKA: Sober Name.
SUHANI: Pleasing woman.
SWARA: Manifestation of musical notes of nature.
SHANAYA: Someone who shines as bright as a morning sun.
SIYA: Modern name derived from Sita.
SHAGUN: An auspicious Girl.
SARA: Princess.
SARAH: Pure.
SEJAL: Girl with purity of flowering water.
SHAACHI: Someone carrying a beautiful grace.
STUTEE: Singing praise to the Lord.
TANYA: a manifestation of the fairy queen herself.
TAMANNA: Fulfiller of the wishes hidden in the heart.
TIYA: Gorgeous as a flying bird.
TANVEE: Delicate and beautiful girl.
TAAHIRA: Absolutely Pure.
TARA: Shining star of the night sky.
TANISHKA: Goddess made from Gold.
URVI: Rare name which harkens to Mother Earth.
VAANI: Manifestation of the voice of the Goddess.
VANYA: Gift granted by Lord himself.
VIDHI: Bringer of destiny.
VRUSHTI: Beauty of the first rain.
VALERIA: Girls growing up to be a strong woman.
WAHIDA: Peerless, Unique.
YASHVI: Bringer of fame and fortune.
YUTI: Holy name for a holy union of the good in the world.
YAMINI: Nocturnal.
YUKTA: Skillful, Yoked, United and Absorbed.
YUVIKA: A young woman, Young girl, Maid.
YASHIKA: Success.
YAMKA: Name resembling flower.
ZARA: Name for a daughter who is a princess.
ZUHI: harbinger of light in everyone’s life.
ZISHYA: Scholar
ZORA: Daybreak
ZANISHA: Ruler of Humans.
So that’s the list of 251 unique Indian Baby Names 2019. We hope you make memories while picking up a name for your newborn. Do let me know which name you finally choose :).
          #uniquehindubabyboynames2019 #hinduindianbabyboynamesunique #babyboynames2019indian #newbornbabyboyuniquenameshindu #indianbabygirlnames2019 #uniqueindianbabynamessanskrit
The post 251 UNIQUE INDIAN BABY NAMES 2019 appeared first on Maa of All Blogs.
251 UNIQUE INDIAN BABY NAMES 2019 published first on https://parentcenternetwork.tumblr.com/
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iqvts · 7 years
3726 LAS VEGAS Boulevard #1603, Las Vegas, NV 89158 from iQ Visual Tours on Vimeo.
For more information: lasvegashomes.com/listing/70-395729/3726-las-vegas-boulevard-1603-las-vegas-nv-89158
Former model suite. This elegant fully furnished one bedroom suite is located on the 16th floor of the West tower. This property is in immaculate condition with an amazing view, located in the heart of City Center. Veer Towers offers valet, 24hr security, rooftop pool, state of the art fitness center and much more.
Contact: Myra Hatten (702) 596-2865 [email protected]
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