crimson-cassowaries · 3 months
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LMFAOO?? SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING, kinda forgot about posting here, anyway I'm cooking shit up so yeah, here are some things I drew in May and like recently
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viviettewritesthings · 6 months
Pokemon BW headcanon(s) (2 in 1!):
I like to think that after N came back to Unova to deal with the whole "Team Plasma freezing Unova" thing, he actually stuck around for a while and spent time with Hilda and Hilbert!
My other headcanon is that N loves jokes and puns. He didn't really hear them much growing up, considering he was practically raised in a cult, but once he left Team Plasma and understood what they were? He loves them!
The jokes he makes/likes are either silly puns or math jokes no one gets with very little in between.
So, combining those headcanons together, I have a couple scenarios:
N shopping with Hilda and Hilbert and reading those birthday/get well/thank you cards every time they get to the card section
N: "Look! I found another one! It says, "You're like the sun because you brighten up my day, happy birthday!" Isn't that fun?"
Hilda: "It's great N, but we've been in the card section for 20 minutes now."
Plus, N hanging out with Hilda and Hilbert, agreeing with them on something, and attempting to make a geometry joke about it
N: "Haha, seems like we're all collinear!"
Hilbert: "What"
N: "All three of us are on the same line of thinking!"
Hilda: "Huh"
N: "Ah, nevermind."
Basically, N can be corny and nerdy as hell but it's okay they love him for it
(Fun fact: the collinear thing actually became an inside joke between my friend and I for a bit, I've actually had this headcanon for a while and thought to post it because I still love it!)
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somena-libra-dawn · 2 years
Appreciation for PokeAni characters who are based on Rivals from various Pokemon games.
(Game protags ver.)
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(Sorry for not splitting it from 'normal appearance' to 'cameo')
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nerves-nebula · 5 months
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uhhhnnnnnnn N Harmonia this guy is my blorbo in law cuz i dont know anything about pokemon but one of my mutuals likes him and now whenever i see him i go "omg N Harmonia :D"
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pasta-in-the-pudding · 9 months
Hellooooooo. 🎀🌸
A jealous BEN Drowned, and jealous Eyeless Jack with fem S/O who is admired her comfort characters like Nagito Komaeda, Kokichi Ouma, or N Harmonia(from Pokémon, if you don’t know who he is.).
💐 anon (~^_^~)
I love getting to write for jealous creeps 🤭
Thank you so much for requesting!!
BEN Drowned
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He will get soooo pouty about it omg
Like, Helloooo?? He's right there???
Why would you even have fictional crushes if you have a boyfriend right next to you at all times?
(He thinks this as if he doesn't have the fattest crush on Bayonetta smh)
As you rant and rave about your latest fictional baby girl, he will simply sulk and sigh
When you realize this, you will immediately stop talking and place a hand on his back worriedly
"Hey, you ok?" you ask, your brows furrowing
He will let out another dramatic sigh and turn away from you, a small angry expression forming on his face
You will sit in silence for a few minutes, trying to think of what possibly set him off like this
All of a sudden, it hits you
"baby...are you upset I was talking about N?" you ask, a light chuckle coming out while you speak at the pure absurdity
"maybe" he mumbles
This makes you fully laugh, and makes BEN look at you with shock
"What are you laughing at?!" he asks, stunned
You wrap your arms around him and kiss him all over his face
"you were jealous" you finally say, kissing the top of his pointy ear
He rolls his eyes and scoffs "whatever"
You press your head to his shoulder "Well you don't have to worry. Because you're my favorite no matter what" you mutter, finishing off the statement with a kiss to his shoulder
He finally turns and looks at you "promise?"
You smile and kiss his lips, to which he frantically does back as if this is the first time you've kissed him in years
"Promise" you say, looking into his eyes
He smiles and kisses your forehead "Ok"
Eyeless Jack
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He tries to be reasonable with it
Logically he knows that sometimes, characters in media are something people can latch onto, whether that be for projecting their own little spins on the characters, writing stories with them, and finding them attractive
He knows this
But that little itty bitty part of him gets anxious
With his demon senses, he can get very territorial
And he's pretty much marked you as his and his alone
So when that comes into question, even with something as silly as fake characters, that territorial part of him spikes up
He will try to (not so) subtly show off to prove he's better than any fictional character
He will also get way more physically affectionate with you, making sure he gets his smell on you
He will also make sure to show you off as his partner to all of the other creeps
Which is strange for him, because he's always so reserved and isolated from the others
suddenly making a show of nuzzling up your neck, kissing you passionately and leaving very obvious bite marks all across your body is very strange
That being said, you catch on rather quickly what's going on with him
But you decide you won't embarrass him by calling it out
Instead, you just don't talk about your fictional crushes around him anymore
And suddenly, the territorial behaviors stop almost altogether
Weird, huh?
You just go along with it, keeping the information in the back of your mind that if you ever want some extra affection, just start talking about fictional people you find attractive and that'll do the trick
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shelbgrey · 1 year
Omg you're one of the few people that write about bones. Can i request a bones fic with witchy squintern reader i want to see the interactions between them especially angela and bones since they have different opinions on the whole spiritual thing and maybe wendell can be the love interest. You can ignore this if you don't feel comfortable writing it.
Witchy Squintern HCs
Paring: Witch!Reader x Wendell Bray x Angela Montenegro(best Friend)
Summary: headcanons about being a little bit different(in the best way possible) and working at the jeffersonian.
A/n: sorry this took so long and thst is short. I don't know much other than Harry Potter and vampire diaries' witches, so it's gonna be based off that sorta
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I think you being a witch helps you think outside the box while working, it also helps you read the Bones better.
You often try and connect with the sprit of the victim, you feel it helps you find the killer and better understand the victim and their pain.
With your interest in the spirit of the victim your often cought talking to the Bones, the other squints find it weird and unsettling especially when you start to space out. Wendell and Fisher are the only ones that don't find it weird.
You are also very much respectful of the victims soul, this cause many debets between you and Bones. She has mentioned time and time again she doesn't believe in souls. You don't take it personal.
“tomato, tamto, Dr. B”
You don't flat out say your a witch until the case involving actual witches, at first one one believed you but when you explained your a long distance descendant of the Salim witch they start to believe you.
Angela is fascinated by you and is always asking questions, it honestly made your bond stronger.
“can you move things? Are wands in actual thing?”
You guys became best friends, in fact you, Angela, and Temperance become the labs 'golden trio'.
You come to them for advice and they're kinda like your over protective older sisters. Angela has scared off three dates thst didn't treat you right or called you a freak when they found out about you being a witch.
Angela introduced you to her psychic, Avalon Harmonia and you to immediately hit it off.
Temperance can't really wrap her head around it at first, but she uses her knowledge of other culters to try and understand.
She may not believe in the spiritual aspect of your life, but she doesn't try and degrad your heritage.
She might get too technical or scientific at times but you don't take things personal even if she basically says your kind isn't possible.
“we'll I'm standing right infront of ya Dr. B”
“I'm sorry Dr. L/n” she quickly says. “it's not big deal”
The one who was fascinated the most was the Jeffersonian's very own Wendell Bray, he couldn't help but fall for you. He loved that you were unapologetically yourself, you reminded you of Luna Lovegood or Hermione Granger from Harry Potter.
He didn't waste time asking you out. Tho you guys hit it off immediately, you both decided to take things slow and let your relationship grow.
He never shys away from who you are and he'll always ask questions to learn more about you and the lighter side of witches.
He'll get into tarot card reading with you and love learning what each card means. Unfortunately you scared Lance Sweets with one reading a couple of months prior.
“what doses thst mean? Oh God y/n” you chuckled. “it's not a bad reading Dude”
“the picture freaks me out” Lance said.
Wendell is the exact opposite and just let's you explain what each one means. His favorite one is the 'lovers' card, he asked you to be his girlfriend with one.
Jack Hodgins, one of your closer friends always makes harmless jokes. “so... What's your hogwarts house? And tell me... is it leviosa or Leviosra?”
It's all in fun and you know it, you'll always give him a smart ass awnser and you both will laugh it off.
When you actually do get agervated with him it's not because of the witch jokes, your emotions are easy to read and Hodgins will quickly catch on. Most of the time he'll through in a joke.
“please don't use avada kedavra on me” he said flinching away.
When Wendell got sick you want into a deep spiral trying trying to find somthing that could help. You even went to lengths of asking your great aunt that still practiced with spells if anything could help.
“i knew it would be a waste of time” you groaned and hang the phone up abruptly.
It killed you that you couldn't heal him or anything, you weren't powrful enough. And even if you were it would drang you of your power and probably be in a lot of pain, you wouldn't tell Wendell that though.
He didn't care, he just wanted your love and comfort through the hard times and that's exactly what you did.
You got through it like any other hard ship and you couldn't be happier when you found out he beat cancer in the ass.
And everyone knows Angela had been secretly planning your wedding as soon as you and Wendell started dating.
When you actually did the announcement of your engagement Angela pulled out a big, thick binder of ideas.
“how long have you been planning this?”
“around the time you guys started dating” you raised an eyebrow. “come on, I got excited and Avalon said it was gonna happen”
Temperance helped out alot too and the wedding was absolutely gorgeous. That was also the first time any of the Lab geeks and Squinterns saw so many witches in one place.
“would I get in trouble if I threw a bucket of water on your great aunt?” Angela asked. “go for it” you said, sipping your wine.
You never felt so excepted in one place, unlike other places the Jeffersonian welcomed you with open arms and embraced who you are as a person.
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ghostpengu · 1 year
E9 for N Harmonia pokemon?
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the poor boy omg 😭
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klonoadreams · 2 years
Sawyer omg. Is she gonna be ok? Is she just staying w juniper until she goes on her journey?
She's sticking with Juniper until she goes on her journey since she doesn't have anywhere else to go and while confused about it (because she doesn't know), her anxiety keeps spiking the longer she sticks around adult-adults, so while she sticks around, it's not for too long (given her Team Plasma upbringing, can you blame her despite the safety???)
(It was not a happy upbringing, there's a reason she ended up in the pinwheel forest and got poisoned, and it's because she walked off without any Pokemon)
(you better believe she's effectively on the run, so every Team Plasma encounter is a lot more dire to her, versus someone like Touya)
btw I know I said no twins, but despite it all, Sawyer still DOES have resemblance to Touko/Hilda, and to Touya/Hilbert, it makes him do a few double takes at a time, because Sawyer looks eerily like his mom - and maybe a bit like himself, save the tanner skin tone
so make what you will of that, and the fact that even though most people would disown someone like her, Sawyer still has to avoid Team Plasma...
Also fun fact: due to my decade's worth of worldbuilding, the one thing that remained of my weird writing quirks is that Professor Juniper is the BW/BW2 player's aunt (the moms are twins - because they look alike, and then gave birth to twins as well - that's what I mean by weird quirks that I will die on this hill for), and Alder is actually the BW Player's father - he's just absent often because of work and because he likes to travel (this played into some sort of sensitivity I gave Touya to being called a bastard, but whether or not this sticks in this is up to chance)
(N is legitimately the only one Sawyer can kinda trust, because he REALLY doesn't know her, since she was raised separated from him while in Team Plasma. So their interactions are very genuine, and he really does care for her wellbeing after seeing her get hurt so many times)
(this is actually pretty funny, given N Harmonia's tendency to get hurt in the Pokemon Anime)
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(can only imagine what it'd be like for him when he realizes that it goes further into it when Ghetsis likely spills the beans on her. But like in retrospect, it helps N ease into the reality of his abusive childhood and the grooming he underwent by the one person he calls his father)
(by the by, due to the way I refuse to believe that these two AREN"T related by blood due to their physical similarities since Ghetsis is apparently an foster/adoptive father. I like to think Ghetsis genuinely abandoned his own child to either die in a forest, or for an actual experiment - maybe even both. Either way, he came back, and grabbed this wild child who could communicate with Pokemon and decided to use him for his own needs)
Anyways the adults that Sawyer can 100% trust without severe anxiety spikes in Touya's Mom and maaaybe Alder, because he actually coaxed her into a sense of security, which carried over to the Elite Four (since he gave them a heads up on one of their challengers)
N doesn't trigger this because he's barely sixteen to Sawyer's 14 (and by extension, Touya, Cheren, and Bianca), and even then, he's so stunted, that he comes off even younger than usual - none of which is his own fault, but rather a severe consequence to his upbringing, which made him so susceptible to Ghetsis and Team Plasma's grooming. Time will pass during this situation, given that I do like to show the effect that Team Plasma has had on Unova, and why Ghetsis was as dangerous as he was, given how LONG he planned all of this. But also, we need some quality healing times for N and Sawyer's abusive childhood bonding times. :V
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We got like a minimum of two years for Sawyer's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad Pokemon Journey. after all, it isn't just the Pokemon she has to worry about. :V
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ghostlyfleur · 1 year
HIIII HARMONIA can i pls be ⭐️ anon? i heart ur blog mwah mwah
OMGS! hiiiii ♡ yes, of course you can! this is exciting, my first anon with a tag *giggling n kicking my feet* you flatter me, thank you so much
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immamapletreekid · 2 years
omg todays ep ;o;
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darksouls2yuri · 2 years
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n hisui adventure pt2!!!! n has become involuntary entrepreneur
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pluutt · 3 years
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alolan-colress · 4 years
HELPPPP natural harmonia gropius came into my dream holding a big ass frog in his hands emotionally singing the line “sweet frog” and im just standing there recording him like
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americangremlin · 3 years
the grip this man had on my heart in middle school/high school...
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littencloud9 · 3 years
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oh my GOD???
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"This is the BEST goddamn example to describe N when he was a child.. And not much has changed so far.." — Plasma Boss Ghetsis
(@iinutaka just made this for me and I'm lowkey crying 😂😂😂)
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