#NIN Ruiner
iamtryingtobelieve · 7 months
You didn't hurt me
Nothing can hurt me
You didn't hurt me
Nothing can stop me now
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supraventriculart · 3 months
The solo on Ruiner is genuinely one of the greatest things Ive ever heard in my life. It gets stuck in my head alot. It vibes so goddamn hard. The distortion is so perfect. The entire vibe is just immaculate. Pure, distorted, corrupted blues.
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spiralfucker · 5 months
Charlie is doing enriching behaviours
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mannyblacque · 7 months
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30th anniversary of this masterpiece. I love it so much I have three different versions of it.
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roguetelemetry · 2 years
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the-hopeless-haze · 1 year
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Controversial but this is the best Nine Inch Nails song and YES I am RIGHT!
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madame-fear · 2 years
the neighbours from other buildings are watching me through the window have a full blast to the whole Downward Spiral album and they look something like this: ಠ_ಠ
i regret nothing guys, i love this album so so muchhh
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abyssalstardust · 5 months
My brain will hear the thrashiest most grating banging-pots-and-pans music but with a funky beat and be like 'oh my gooooodddddd this is divine'
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fitgirlfemdom · 4 months
whats your favorite nine inch nails album
The Downward Spiral is not only my favorite NIN album, but my favorite music project of all time. I've listened to it cover-to-cover probably a couple dozen times over the past few years. The storytelling, the songwriting, the instrumentals, the backstory to each track, the fact Trent Reznor got sent to court for it, the music videos, everything--I love that album so much. I wish Hurt wasn't such a meme song because I honestly think it fully encapsulates the post-suicide regret that many people experience after surviving. My favorite tracks on it are Ruiner, Mr. Self Destruct, Hurt, and I Do Not Want This, but I can't skip any tracks. It's probably the only album I've listened to where EVERY song is a hit, even the more subdued/abstract tracts like A Warm Place or the title track.
With Teeth is an incredibly important album to me--it's what I listened to after my OD, and also leading up to my OD. I remember I was having a seizure at a get-together after doing something, and my friend asked what album I should put on to calm me down after, and I said groggily, "With Teeth, Nine Inch Nails." My final OD before I got sober, I listened to With Teeth in the hospital, and realized I couldn't keep putting my body, my family, and my friends through it, and I went stone-cold sober. That was back in 2022. I'm planning on getting the With Teeth logo text tattooed on my wrist sometime, because the title track would always play in my head whenever I was offered anything else.
I enjoy Pretty Hate Machine, but I haven't listened to it as frequently as TDS, mainly because it's more new-wave/synth heavy and that just isn't my vibe. Certain tracks, though, like Sin or Something I Can Never Have are still in my constant rotation. Other tracks, though, like Sanctified are unlistenable for me. PHM was my first CD for my car, and while my mom was teaching me how to drive, Sanctified came on--"If she says 'come inside' / I'll come inside for her"--and I could never listen to the song the same. Down In It was one of my first NIN tracks, so it has a special place in my heart, even if it's directly ripped from a Skinny Puppy song. The Fragile has some of Trent's best tracks, but it's such a bloated record with so many filler tracks, I wish it was split up into two projects (especially since some songs like Starfuckers make no sense on the project). I don't think I've ever listened to The Fragile all the way through, because I can only take Trent's ambient droning for so long.
The post WT stuff, like Year Zero and The Slip, haven't garnered that much of my attention. Of course, certain songs like Discipline are unavoidable, but I was much more interested in the lore and mystery of Year Zero than the actual music. Some songs on Hesitation Marks still hit, like All Time Low, Copy of A, and Came Back Haunted. All in all, though, I hold the pretty common belief that after Trent got clean, his focus drifted more to his family and writing scores for films, which I support a lot more than his current NIN projects. The Soul soundtrack is fantastic, and I'm glad Trent wasn't one of those 90s male idols that died young, and if that means I gotta listen to his saxophone solos on his new albums, then so be it.
Also, thank you for asking me a question outside of fetish-content. It's nice to know people see me as human.
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17 May 1965
            Trent Reznor (Michael Reznor) is an American music artist who is best known for being the lead of band NIN which he founded in 1988. NIN have had countless hit albums and songs such as: Hurt, Something I Can Never Have, I Would For You, March of the Pigs, Zero-Sum, Disappointed, Ruiner, Terrible Lie, Wish, and Closer. Reznor has also worked on soundtracks, Natural Born Killers and The Lost Highway. He also worked with other music artists, including David Bowie in 1997.
            Reznor was born in New Castle, Pennsylvania, US and is of German and Irish descent. Music became his life at the age of 12 when he started playing the piano and attended his first concert The Eagles in 1976.  
            Reznor rented 10050 Cielo Drive mansion, where Sharon Tate and her friends where murdered by Charles Manson followers in 1969. He built a studio space in the house to record the album, The Downward Spiral (1994).
            He became friends with Marilyn Manson and produced his first album and helped him on numerous tracks. He stated, ‘my best friend turned on me’, ‘a group of people I spent time with, recorded an album with, and their name has two words in it and they start with the letter M…’ and ‘I took time to get my head straight’.
            Reznor is married and has five children and lives in Los Angeles. He has suffered from depression and became a heavy user of drugs and alcohol until he kicked his habit in 2001. Today he is in a better place, healthy, fit and has a good relationship with his wife and children.
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#trentreznor #nin #nineinchnails
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thedevilsoftruth · 6 months
I know this isn't what I usually post but I just want to take a second and say thank you to The Downward Spiral and Trent Reznor.
I wasn't born during the time this album was released, I'm gen z but my parents, teachers, and most adults I know love this album and have memories from when it was released. It's funny how that works, isn't it? How can a band be this big? It just goes to show just how influential NIN really is, and how much of an impact they had on people as they were releasing music.
My first ever experience with Nine Inch Nails was when I was eleven or twelve. We didn't have wifi in our house and I was listening to the radio when my parents weren't in the house. I remember closer coming on and immediately feeling a sense of pure dread. I was terrified of that track, I thought it was the scariest song ever. Even through the censored chorus, I could piece together what Trent was saying and I was... angry? I called my dad and I was screaming, " I CANT BELIEVE THEY WOULD PLAY THIS ON THE RADIO. THIS IS SOME DIRTY STUFF!! HES SAYING I WANNA EFF YOU LIKE AN ANIMAL. " But even though I was so angry I was also curious. I wondered what the name of the song was and I wanted to listen to it again. I never found out and it never came back to me. Until 2022.
In 2022 my uncle was driving me somewhere when I heard that song on the radio again. And again another time in the car. I went home, went to YouTube and searched it up and ended up on really liking it. Beginning of last year I HATED NIN. Absolutely despised them. Couldn't listen to them, they were too loud for me and I just had a burning hatred for them for some reason. But I got sick one day and was reading a bunch of Moon Knight comics in bed and listening to YouTube music when Scantified from PHM came on. And I was In love.
The smooth, sexiness of that funky bass line, the alluring element of Trent's voice, all mingled together and penetrating my virgin ears. Scantified was really the song that got me into NIN. I enjoyed closer but I LOVED Scantified. The same night I went and listened to PHM twice. Head like a hole, ring finger, the only time, terrible lie. Those were the songs that had me awesturck. I kept thinking, " somebody made this. This is real. " It was just too good to be true. The whole album had me awestruck. It was unlike anything I'd ever listened to before. I liked Depeche Mode, The Police, She Wants Revenge and Prince. But nothing. Nothing ever came close to listening to PHM for the first time.
And it just got better as I listened to even more of this band. The fragile was the second album I ever truly liked by NIN. I loved it so much I asked my father to buy me the CD for it and PHM on my birthday last year. In fact I loved the fragile more than I loved PHM. And then late November of last year is when I really gave The Downward Spiral a listen.
I came back right where I started. In the car, with the radio playing. Except this time I was flipping through the CDs my aunt had. That was when I saw a CD that stood out to me. It was sliver with a white spiral printed onto it. I looked down and saw a familiar logo printed onto it. I didn't recognize the CD.
" Nine inch nails? Which album is this? I didn't know you liked them. " I asked my aunt. She had a huge grin on her face and then told me to put it in. And from that moment on, my taste in music was completely changed.
From the second I heard the very first second of Mr Self Destruct, I knew I was in for a ride. What is that loud noise? Is someone being beat? And then we go straight into all of these loud, complex noises I can't even describe. With all these textures and layers, Trent's kind of quiet, but angry voice throught the song mingled with all this loudness going on in the background is just... Art. And then it gets quiet. And it jumps back into that madness.
But I think out of all the songs on this album, the ones that stood out to me the most were Reptile and Ruiner. Reptile... I just can't even describe why I love so much. I love ruiner because of its kickass solo and it's pure madness and hatred, but reptile. Reptile is the missing piece of the puzzle that was the story this album tell you. I could talk about the story of this concept album, but thats a whole different conversation for another time. There's something about Reptile that you can't find anywhere. Reptile is dark, sexy, confusing, seemingly quiet ( according to my aunt ) and just... When you hear i youre like, " what the fuck is this? What hell is going on. " But in a good way. In the nicest way possible. There's a certain heaviness of this song, and I'd argue that while it's not they're angriest it's probably one of their heaviest. And not just like metal heaviest, I really don't know how to describe it. The guitar riffs in this song, especially after Trent says, " get it " and " devils speak of the way in which shell manifest" I think I just actually ascend each time I hear it.
It actually feels illegal listening to The Downward Spiral. It feels illegal listening to Nine Inch Nails in general because of how good they are. Trent Reznor is actually the greatest musician of all time-- hell, the greatest producer of all time. Like how can someone just be this good? He's such an amazing person too.
The Downward Spiral is my friend in my time of need. It's the guy who I look to whenever I'm sad and need to let out my anger. I can't listen to it all the way through without becoming depressed-- but this album hit home for me. I remember Trent saying one time somewhere that he dosent know how to write lyrics. That's just crazy in my eyes because he writes things that are actually real. Each time I listen to The Downward Spiral I feel like I'm being sung my entire life and everything I've ever struggled with.
To finish off this post, thank you Trent. Thank you for the wonderful decades that you've been producing music and changing lives. And happy late birthday to The Downward Spiral. Can't believe I missed the birthday of one of my favorite albums of all time.
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neonsbian · 1 month
just remembered something else my coworker did to annoy me. was listening to music while im checking emails and he asks me what im listening to and i tell him (ruiner by nine inch nails) and hes like woah isnt nin a little intense for you and i was like no lol but interanlly i was like whats that supposed to mean bitch -_- and then he asks me if i like 90s rock and i was like yeah im starting to get more into it and then he says you should listen to nirvana have you heard of them? like girl. im not 5 yrs old
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zo0zie · 2 months
More NiN album rankings ! :)
Obviously the downward spiral is amazing and can't be topped but I think my opinion of the best songs is unpopular? I dunno😭
- Downward spiral:
1. Reptile
2. Ruiner
3. Piggy
4. Big man with a gun
5. March of the pigs
6. Closer
7. Mr self destruct
8. The downward spiral
9. I do not want this
10. Hurt
11. Becoming
12. Heresy
13. Eraser
14. A warm place
Let me know what you think!
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power-chords · 10 months
“Ruiner” is my favorite NIN song of all time but I treat it as conjugate with “Closer” because the sequencing of those two tracks is so immaculate. Like I NEED to hear the “Closer” coda segue into the opening bars of “Ruiner” or the experience is incomplete.
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spiralfucker · 5 months
Thinking about the girl last night who came up to me after the gig and was like I liked your ruiner cover I love everything nin did except for bad witch that was a fumble . Girl I love you but that’s wrong
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merge-conflict · 5 months
ten songs / ten people
tagged by @luvwich who I'm pretty sure specifically challenged me to pick ten NIN songs and assign a theme (the theme is silverv) >:3
spotify playlist here
carefully curated to go from bitter taunting -> tragic acceptance
The Hand That Feeds
Mr. Self Destruct
Eraser (Polite)
Underneath It All
Right Where It Belongs
A Warm Place
The Great Below
Beside You In Time
If you don't like NIN I'd still recommend you listen to A Warm Place, which is just a nice soothing instrumental. :3
tagging @corpocyborg, @another-corpo-rat, @streetkid-named-desire, @byberbunk2069, @sp4cedr4g0n (no pressure!)
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