buscandoelparaiso · 2 years
toro non fate passare i fasc1
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pizzettauniversale · 2 months
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hazratsultanbahoo · 5 years
Unity of Muslim Ummah & Teachings of Hadrat Sultan Bahoo
Unanimous the faith of every Muslim on One Allah, His Messenger (Muhammad PBUH) as the last prophet, the Holy Quran and Sunnah/Hadith of Prophet became a binding force bringing together people of the different region as one Ummah. However, the anti-Islamic force couldn’t swallow this growing religion and unity among them considering it as a major threat towards their ideologies and religions. Muslim history is replete with glory and downfall, having difference as a healthy and creative activity, however, there was no question on differences on religious matters as are prevailing today. Instead of becoming enemies of each other they were respectful and courteous with each other but very stern for adversaries. During the period of Banu Uma-i-yah and Banu Abbas, there had been many attempts to disintegrate and disunite Muslims. Many sects grew and died. For example, Khawarij and Rawafidh were born during that time. Excellent and very sincere work of true scholars of Islam the Ummah rejected the beliefs of Khawarij, Rawafidh, and their sub-sects and Muslims remained united. In 1022, Al-Hakim Bin-Amr Allah with, the support of non-Muslims created new Mazhab(religion) called Daruzism. During early 1900 in Iran when Bahá'u'lláh claimed that God has manifested in him and founded the religion of Bahaism. Both of the above breaks from the Muslim community were not considered as major disunity among Muslims because both the followers of Druzism and Bahaism did not claim themselves as Muslims any more. One of the most recent attempts by the anti-Islam forces to disunite Muslims was the establishment of another religion within the Muslim community called Ahmedism or Qadyanism. In the meantime, tussle started between Shia and Sunni also thus creating animosity between them.
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The intellectual difference of opinion always remained among the scholars of Islam but that should not be considered as a division. For the last 13 centuries, Muslims have dominated the entire world in every field ranging from Human rights, tolerance, equality, justice, military tactics/Strategy, Science/Technology, Laws for the state, health, and education. Khilafat-e-Uthmania (Ottoman Empire) was a thorn in the eyes of anti-Islam forces. They wanted to destroy this Islamic Empire at any cost. They were trying for the last 13 centuries to destroy it but did not succeed. These forces saw the shift in focus of Muslim scholars and took full advantage of it. They planted a very dangerous seed of nationalism among Muslims. Muslims started fighting against their own Muslim brothers because of either they were not from the same region or they were speaking a different language. When the Muslim superpower, Ottoman empire (Caliphate-of-Uthmania) was fighting against the European colonial powers, the English, the Dutch, the French, the Italians, etc, at the same time they had to defend themselves from their own Muslim brothers because Ottoman forces were TURKS and were not local. To create HATE for TURKS the local so-called scholars of Islam used religion in order to get support from all local Muslims. The tactics they used to get support from local Muslims in order to destroy Caliphate was simple. Keep Muslims busy in fighting on minor issues. Make small issues as big issues and fight against those Muslims who do not accept the ideology of these local nationalist scholars. Since these nationalist scholars of Islam were fighting against Muslim Turkish Ottoman Empire the Western Christian governments loved them and supported them in their struggle. Now, these Muslims were very friendly with Kuffaar and very hard on other Muslims. After a long series of events during 1800 and early 1900, most of the Muslims countries became colonies of European governments. These so-called nationalist scholars received big rewards from their Lords in the West and they were successful in destroying the unity of Muslim Ummah while still claiming the title of "Islamic Scholars".
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Present Era Challenges
Probably, there are no other people in the world today who have been as divided as Muslims. They are divided along religious, political, ethnic, cultural, racial, linguistic, and sectarian lines. Muslims all over the world are facing brutality, hatred, and image of Islam is being portrayed as nontolerant and highly uncivilized. Whereas, tolerance, basic rights of man kinds, justice and equality was outlined by our Holy Prophet. These divisions extend further into subdivisions. Status, wealth, fame, and fortune have also created social differences among Muslims. Muslims are divided at the root into Sunnis and Shias. Sunnis are further divided into Hanafi, Maliki, Shanghai, and Hambali. Shias too are divided into Kesania, Zaidia, Imamia or Ithna ‘Ashari, Ismalia, etc. Sunnis are also divided into Ahle-hadith and Ahle-fight. In the Indian subcontinent (at least) Ahle-fiqh are further divided into Deobandis and Barelwis. Similar differences exist in other places as well. Are all these divisions and differences schools of thought as many Muslims claim? Whether or not we admit it, these differences and divisions do create physical, emotional, and psychological barriers amongst us. Muslims have left basic teachings of Islam and fall prey to the nefarious designs of enemies of Islam. Hadrat Sultan Bahoo Says: Na Main Sunni na main Shia Mera duhan to dil sariya Hoo (Neither I am Shia nor Sunni and I am fed up from both of them)
Teachings of Hadrat Sultan Bahoo:
Hadrat Sultan Bahoo has written 140 books, which are logically developed having its base on verses of Holy Quran and Hadith. These books are complete code in its essence and do not focus on only one subject matter as these are almost translation and description of Holy Quran. During research work on these Great Books we find all subjects have been covered consciously. Hadrat Sultan Bahoo has covered the unity of Ummah in his poetry vis-à-vis his other descriptive writings. He gave the lesson of love for the entire mankind, what to talk of Muslims or only one sect of Muslim only. Muslims of different sects and people of different religions including Hindus and Sikhs got benefitted from His teachings (FAIZ). So many non-Muslims embraced Islam due to truthfulness and reality of his message and his preaching are far away from Hippocratic approaches or any greed (which is presently evident in so many so-called Scholars of the present era). He mostly writes “Allah Buss Ma Siwa Allah Hawas” (Allah is enough and rests everything is greed). Allah says in the Holy Quran, the one who relied on Allah, Allah is enough for him (Verse 3 Tallaq, Chapter 28).
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poetyca · 8 years
Una perla al giorno - Bhagavad Gita
Una perla al giorno – Bhagavad Gita
La mente disunita è ben lontana dall’essere saggia; come può meditare? Come può stare in pace? E se non conoscete la pace, come potete conoscere la gioia?
Quando lasciate che la mente segua il richiamo dei sensi, questi vi portano via il giudizio, come in mare le tempeste mandano fuori rotta le barche.
Bhagavad Gita II, 66-67
The disunited mind is far from being wise; how you can meditate?…
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itsnelkabelka · 6 years
Speech: Acting with Unity
Thank you very much Mr President. I wanted to start by apologising for my absence at the start of this debate. I left the chamber to go to a Remembrance service for the hundredth anniversary of the end of World War I. I think it’s very good and thank China that we’re having this debate day so close to that anniversary, which started the march to multilateralism in earnest, even though some foundations had been laid in the previous century. And of course the end of World War II saw the creation of the United Nations and the United Nations be the apex of the [rules-based international] system that, on the whole, has kept us all safe and prosperous since 1945.
I wanted too to say at the outset how grateful we are to the United States for giving the United Nations its home here in New York and for their contribution, without which many of the gains of the preceding almost 70 years could not have been made.
I’d like to speak on three themes today: One, on collective challenges; one on the particular role of the Security Council; and one on what we now need to do, in our view, to strengthen multilateralism.
In my own country, public debate on foreign policy issues nearly always features as a reference to the need for a solution to be pursued through the United Nations, no matter where on the political spectrum the comment is made from. Post-Brexit you will find the United Kingdom an even more active participant in the affairs of the UN and of global affairs more generally.
Mr President, 70 years ago no one could accuse the UN founding fathers of a lack of ambition but since its foundation, the United Nations has faced an almost unbridgeable gap between its ambition and our ability to help it deliver.
Important gains have been made. Kofi Annan spoke of pushing heavy rocks to the top of the hill, even though some had eluded our grasp and that we needed to keep going. What I wanted to stress Mr President was that whatever country’s economic or security model, all the evidence shows that countries thrive best if they have open societies, if they pursue open trade, open speech, open association and open information.
A rules-based international system which preserves stability is in the interests of the vast majority of the member states of this organisation but, as many of you have identified today, we face a proliferation of threats from many quarters. We have heard a lot of reference to those today. Some of them have been the cause of great dispute in this Council but they are all relevant to the entire membership, whether you are on the Council, electing a member of the Council or standing for election yourself. No nation can protect its people without engaging positively in the crises that affect the world. I cannot see a single major threat that can be solved by one nation alone, whether it’s migration, cybercrime, modern day slavery, terrorist threats, disease or climate change. All these threats challenge security and prosperity at home and they challenge collective security. They can be resolved only by collective action on the world’s stage.
But effective collective action Mr President, can not only mean action by consensus. Threats to international peace and security, by their nature, often involve a challenge to international law and norms. It logically cannot be the case that action to uphold international peace and security must always be by consensus; that will not be sufficient.
You, Mr President, spoke of the need for the Security Council to act with unity, wisdom and courage. Our collective wisdom tells us that inaction in the face of gross abuses of human rights and violations of international law - acts of genocide, acts of using prohibited weapons – [like chemical weapons] - leads to disastrous outcomes and hence we fail to uphold international peace and security because we lack the courage to act on the wisdom we display. We end up being disunited.
From Rwanda to Srebrenica, to current conflicts in Myanmar and Syria, we are failing the cause of multilateralism by failing to act in line with the Charter. The United Nations Security Council was invested with powers under Chapter VII of the Charter in order to fulfil its duties to maintain international peace and security, but if we are blocked by one or two members from using those powers, that is not a legitimate expression of the Charter but an abuse of the power of the veto.
Mr President, we completely share the views of those Security Council members who spoke about the importance of Chapter VI and Chapter VIII of the Charter relating to the Security Council. To that I would also add Article 99 which we believe is underused - the ability of the Secretary-General to draw matters to the Security Council’s attention.
But I want to stress Mr President that under Chapter VI, the Security Council may investigate any dispute or any situation that may give rise to a dispute and may determine whether or not it constitutes international friction and endangers the maintenance of international peace and security. The Charter does not require the Security Council already to agree that such a threat exists, and it is our view Mr President that the more some countries try and stifle Security Council discussion of these situations under Chapter VI- for example, when a government is attacking its own people or abusing its neighbours - the more likely it is, if Chapter VI is stifled, that more dramatic action will be needed eventually under Chapter VII. That’s an irony Mr President, that I think the Security Council should do well to reflect on.
A rules-based international system Mr President must, of course, adapt to thrive. It must even adapt if it wants to survive. A number of speakers today have called attention to the importance of supporting reform, and I would like to add the UK’s voice that as well, and I would say that that includes Security Council reform.
I think we must also redouble our efforts to defend the rules-based international order. We need multilateral organizations that are fit for purpose. We need to reform outdated and bureaucratic structures. This is the best way to make sure that the institutions do not collapse. We need WTO reform so that we succeed in warding off the dangerous temptations of protectionism and we need World Bank reform so that its governance reflects the changing balance of the global economy. We need to strengthen the invisible chain that links democracies and we must also ensure though, at the same time, that we are better at acting in concert when we face real and present threats.
[I have two difficult messages for member states today. The first is that the rules-based international system requires us all to uphold it; we cannot pick and choose the rules we would like to adhere to. Secondly, we must collectively but robustly confront that minority of states who defy this collective will. If you use chemical weapons, and a UN investigation finds that you have done so, we cannot sit in this Chamber and talk about the importance of multilateral solutions without talking about it. Sovereignty isn’t a license to play fast and loose with international rules and norms; it isn’t a license to abuse and attack your own people; it isn’t a license to annex other people’s territory. The P5 have a particular role in this regard, whether your preferred reading is President Franklin Delano Roosevelt or Stan Lee: with great power comes great responsibility.]
Mr President, we would see one of the most important things as a renewed commitment from all members of the Council but also all members of the General Assembly, a more a stronger commitment to responsibility and partnership from both state and non-state actors - civil society, the private sector. It is all about what we can do together as we move towards the seventieth anniversary of the United Nations in 2020.
The SDGs are the most supreme, if you like, manifestation of this goal. And this goal is all the more important as we grapple with new and disruptive technologies, like artificial intelligence and cyber which will change the way governments interact with each other and with their own citizens.
So while the United Kingdom Mr President strongly agrees with the premise of this debate, we know that we must be vigilant against the tendency of this subject to become an exercise in mutual adoration. In conflicts, atrocities are committed and international laws are breached. An increase in the use of multilateralism should never be coded language for negotiating agreements with those who have violated the rules of our international system.
Thank you Mr President.
[Please note: remarks in square brackets were in the original version of this statement but were not delivered in the Council].
from Announcements on GOV.UK https://ift.tt/2T0iWzx via IFTTT
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buscandoelparaiso · 10 months
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buscandoelparaiso · 2 years
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hazratsultanbahoo · 5 years
Unity of Muslim Ummah & Teachings of Hadrat Sultan Bahoo
Unanimous the faith of every Muslim on One Allah, His Messenger (Muhammad PBUH) as the last prophet, the Holy Quran and Sunnah/Hadith of Prophet became a binding force bringing together people of the different region as one Ummah. However, the anti-Islamic force couldn’t swallow this growing religion and unity among them considering it as a major threat towards their ideologies and religions. Muslim history is replete with glory and downfall, having difference as a healthy and creative activity, however, there was no question on differences on religious matters as are prevailing today. Instead of becoming enemies of each other they were respectful and courteous with each other but very stern for adversaries. During the period of Banu Uma-i-yah and Banu Abbas, there had been many attempts to disintegrate and disunite Muslims. Many sects grew and died. For example, Khawarij and Rawafidh were born during that time. Excellent and very sincere work of true scholars of Islam the Ummah rejected the beliefs of Khawarij, Rawafidh, and their sub-sects and Muslims remained united. In 1022, Al-Hakim Bin-Amr Allah with, the support of non-Muslims created new Mazhab(religion) called Daruzism. During early 1900 in Iran when Bahá'u'lláh claimed that God has manifested in him and founded the religion of Bahaism. Both of the above breaks from the Muslim community was not considered as major disunity among Muslims because both the followers of Druzism and Bahaism did not claim themselves as Muslims any more. One of the most recent attempts by the anti-Islam forces to disunite Muslims was the establishment of another religion within the Muslim community called Ahmedism or Qadyanism. In the meantime, tussle started between Shia and Sunni also thus creating animosity between them.
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The intellectual difference of opinion always remained among the scholars of Islam but that should not be considered as a division. For the last 13 centuries, Muslims have dominated the entire world in every field ranging from Human rights, tolerance, equality, justice, military tactics/Strategy, Science/Technology, Laws for the state, health, and education. Khilafat-e-Uthmania (Ottoman Empire) was a thorn in the eyes of anti-Islam forces. They wanted to destroy this Islamic Empire at any cost. They were trying for the last 13 centuries to destroy it but did not succeed. These forces saw the shift in focus of Muslim scholars and took full advantage of it. They planted a very dangerous seed of nationalism among Muslims. Muslims started fighting against their own Muslim brothers because of either they were not from the same region or they were speaking a different language. When the Muslim superpower, Ottoman empire (Caliphate-of-Uthmania) was fighting against the European colonial powers, the English, the Dutch, the French, the Italians, etc, at the same time they had to defend themselves from their own Muslim brothers because Ottoman forces were TURKS and were not local. To create HATE for TURKS the local so-called scholars of Islam used religion in order to get support from all local Muslims. The tactics they used to get support from local Muslims in order to destroy Caliphate was simple. Keep Muslims busy in fighting on minor issues. Make small issues as big issues and fight against those Muslims who do not accept the ideology of these local nationalist scholars. Since these nationalist scholars of Islam were fighting against Muslim Turkish Ottoman Empire the Western Christian governments loved them and supported them in their struggle. Now, these Muslims were very friendly with Kuffaar and very hard on other Muslims. After a long series of events during 1800 and early 1900, most of the Muslims countries became colonies of European governments. These so-called nationalist scholars received big rewards from their Lords in the West and they were successful in destroying the unity of Muslim Ummah while still claiming the title of "Islamic Scholars".
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Present Era Challenges
Probably, there are no other people in the world today who have been as divided as Muslims. They are divided along religious, political, ethnic, cultural, racial, linguistic, and sectarian lines. Muslims all over the world are facing brutality, hatred, and image of Islam is being portrayed as nontolerant and highly uncivilized. Whereas, tolerance, basic rights of man kinds, justice and equality was outlined by our Holy Prophet. These divisions extend further into subdivisions. Status, wealth, fame, and fortune have also created social differences among Muslims. Muslims are divided at the root into Sunnis and Shias. Sunnis are further divided into Hanafi, Maliki, Shanghai, and Hambali. Shias too are divided into Kesania, Zaidia, Imamia or Ithna ‘Ashari, Ismalia, etc. Sunnis are also divided into Ahle-hadith and Ahle-fight. In the Indian subcontinent (at least) Ahle-fiqh are further divided into Deobandis and Barelwis. Similar differences exist in other places as well. Are all these divisions and differences schools of thought as many Muslims claim? Whether or not we admit it, these differences and divisions do create physical, emotional, and psychological barriers amongst us. Muslims have left basic teachings of Islam and fall prey to the nefarious designs of enemies of Islam. Hadrat Sultan Bahoo Says: Na Main Sunni na main Shia Mera duhan to dil sariya Hoo (Neither I am Shia nor Sunni and I am fed up from both of them)
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Teachings of Hadrat Sultan Bahoo:
Hadrat Sultan Bahoo has written 140 books, which are logically developed having its base on verses of Holy Quran and Hadith. These books are complete code in its essence and do not focus on only one subject matter as these are almost translation and description of Holy Quran. During research work on these Great Books, we find all subjects have been covered consciously. Hadrat Sultan Bahoo has covered the unity of Ummah in his poetry vis-à-vis his other descriptive writings. He gave the lesson of love for the entire mankind, what to talk of Muslims or only one sect of Muslim only. Muslims of different sects and people of different religions including Hindus and Sikhs got benefitted from His teachings (FAIZ). So many non-Muslims embraced Islam due to truthfulness and reality of his message and his preaching are far away from Hippocratic approaches or any greed (which is presently evident in so many so-called Scholars of the present era). He mostly writes “Allah Buss Ma Siwa Allah Hawas” (Allah is enough and rests everything is greed). Allah says in the Holy Quran, the one who relied on Allah, Allah is enough for him (Verse 3 Tallaq, Chapter 28).
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