trying to explain the absolutely batshit concept that @possumclawz and I just created. there's layers.
First we have an AU where Minkowski's call went through and Koudelka believed her. He raises a stink, it's a huge PR thing where most of Goddard management gets fired. Kepler immediately gets a message saying "hey, get back home, things are going really bad and we need to save face" and they eventually come back to earth before anyone dies.
When they get back the entire crew of the hephestus (including hera) are given generous pensions and cushy low-risk jobs in the same city as a "please don't talk to the press about how bad things are" deal. Hilbert goes back to whatever he was doing in Russia.
Kepler is ready to go back to business as usual but the SI-5 were also reported as dead and also were made. very public in the outcry and so theyre still employed but they get 0 actual missions, jacobi and maxwell are specialists so they're kind of treated as freelancers, but Kepler is put as their "handler" which basically just means he takes messages for them, which he *hates*
Hera and Eiffel buy a smart house with the exorbitant hush money Hera got, because I think she likes the "omnipresent ai who manages everything" part of her job as long as she also gets a physical human body she can leave the house in.
maxwell and jacobi live together in the world's most terrible apartment.
Kepler has a big fancy house in a neighborhood with an HOA and nobody comes to visit him which makes him so upset so he just devotes himself to seeming like he has hobbies.
Minkowski and Koudelka offer Lovelace a spare room at their house since she doesn't really have anywhere else to stay.
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meeting a strange man in a cvs parking lot to buy a secondhand trash can
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fish-emoji · 8 months
Good leaves go in the ocean and become stick fish, the stick fish that then give way to temptation and sin root into the sand and become docs, docs support the fishermen who fish up the stick fish and turn them into balls, once those balls have hardened in a dish looking adjacent to a acorn the fishermen eat it and turn into a tree on the spot where they stand. The tree sprouts leaves.
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garden-ghoul · 1 year
broun legendary grieving moments: hears their most important person is dead and goes “okay thisbe go file paperwork.” grinds their teeth every time anyone else acknowledges valence is dead.
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jellybracelet · 1 year
Ringing the little bell at the convenience store to wait five minutes for the one employee to come over so I can point to the toilet paper I most like to wipe my ass with so she can unlock it
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woolydemon · 7 months
LISTEN TO ME RN, when the character is supposed to be rlly strong and muscular and buff PUT FAT ON THAT GUY fat is so fucking necessary to have a physical build that is so strong MAKE THEM FATTTTTTTTTTTTT
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redvelvetwishtree · 9 months
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qiinamii · 1 year
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we'll do fine.
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tariah23 · 7 months
The manga industry, especially JUMP, needs to hurry up and do away with weekly scheduling for mangaka. There needs to better regulations put into place for their health and safety because this is pitiful. Two weeks - monthly updates should’ve already been the standard for the manga industry at this point. These money grabbers will only continue to put the lives of these artists at stake for the sake of capitalism unless some serious changes are implemented.
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mairodia · 30 days
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My addition to the Mikus of the world. Been feeling very bittersweet bc I am moving away soon to go to grad school on the east coast, so here is my send up of the LBC, Miku-style 🌴🩵 and yes she smokes weed
You can find a timelapse of this drawing at patreon.com/mairodia :)
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you should tell tumblr about normal word eifferawell
ok so there's no world in which doug and maxwell ever date because maxwell is a lesbian and also doesn't like doug that much.
additionally normal world happens after memoria but before desperate times would have happened, which is the spot I like to think of as the herawell toxicity zenith. Maxwell has saved hera's life but also has seen hera's past which puts them in a weird mutual trust spot that also coexists with the knowledge that maxwell is a gun to hera's head. if the last bit stops being true the relationship will rapidly crystallize into a frankly horrifying lesbian thing. They basically go separate ways and don't talk to each other after they get back to earth
Doug and Hera would live together and it takes Hera a week to ask him out. They have a really sweet thing going on where Doug is so so excited to show hera all of the things he loves about earth and being a person and she's happy to have a body to and be able to go to the mall.
Maxwell and Hera run into each other at a bookstore or something and immediately start talking again since hera is ABSOLUTELY smart enough to carry on a text message while at the movies. Hera has a bit of a crisis about the whole "oh no there's two people I really like for different reasons" and scans the entire internet before finding a forum post or something recommending polyamory. Doug and Maxwell are both cool with it and they officially become an item
Hera is living with Doug still because Maxwell has her codependent besties apartment with jacobi but she spends a lot of time at the eiffera house because it's a better place to hang out than the apartment (which is practically a hazard). She and Doug kind of awkwardly sit around next to each other for a while but eventually start bonding because Hera refuses to watch Star Wars with Eiffel and jacobi makes fun of star trek every time Maxwell watches it. They still only really hang out 1 on 1 when they're Doing Things but they're moderately healthy metamours.
Jacobi is also at the house a lot because that's where Maxwell is and he and Eiffel bond over how little fun they have during game nights.
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freitag1607 · 9 months
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1.05 / Battle of the Labyrinth
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fish-emoji · 9 months
Tusks a plenty
Biting force of 100 stone
5 stomach chambers
3 souls (one per limb(
The greatest fry sauce mix ever
Description of greater Alaskan shrew mole:
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pickled-flowers · 9 months
Sex positivity is also about not calling Ace people prude and using virgin as an insult 👍 hope that helps
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homarcide-aest · 1 year
pov you adopted a kid but you forgot hes not usamerican
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annahudyka · 11 months
Po przyznaniu tegorocznej Pokojowej Nagrody Nobla powiedziałam, że jest ona wyłącznie kurtuazyjną i niestety nic nie zmieni. Ponadto, także w ostatnim czasie dałam do zrozumienia, iż normalny świat powinien zrobić w Iranie porządek. Basta❗ Koniec tolerancji dla jednych z największych w świecie zbrodniarzy – islamskich ekstremistów❗❗❗🤬
Tu też zresztą swoją aktywnością i rzeczywistą chęcią działania nie tyle mogłyby, a powinny wykazać się te tak zwane feministki (zresztą pokazałyby, że w końcu od czegoś są i mogą do czegoś przydać❗).
Reżim irański znowu „w akcji”. Dzicz na usługach Teheranu (nie można inaczej ich nazwać❗🤬) zniszczyła kolejną młodą kobietę❗🤬😥 Właściwie dziecko, gdyż 16 lat w świetle (normalnego) prawa w normalnym (i cywilizowanym) świecie jest jeszcze dzieckiem❗ Osobą małoletnią, przed którą świat dopiero się otwiera, drzwi do niego stają otworem!
Niestety, w przypadku Armity Garavand zostały brutalnie nie tyle zamknięte, bo zatrzaśnięte❗🤬😥 Dziewczynę niemal zabito wyłącznie, dlatego, iż była normalną, nie chcącą ukrywać swej kobiecości, niszczenia swej płci poprzez zakrywanie głowy szmatą (powiedziałam, jak kiedyś, zresztą nie raz jeden, że ja inaczej tych osobliwych „ubrań” nie nazwę❗🤬 Nie mam nawet najmniejszego zamiaru tego robić poprzez szacunek do samej siebie, kobiet i normalności❗🤬).
Powtarzam: nie po to dziewczyna jest kobietą, żeby swą płeć ukrywać, godzić się na poniżenie ze strony szalonych barbarzyńców, cwaniaków, którzy poprzez wszelką inwigilację kobiet, niszczenie ich z wszelkiej możliwej strony czerpią krocie, korzyści materialne oraz dzierżą władzę❗🤬 Nazywając te osoby po imieniu: dzicz🤬.
... https://moimokiem-bezfikcji.blogspot.com/2023/10/wolnosc-dla-iranu-i-gdzie-sa-feministki.html
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