infizero-draws · 1 year
girl what do you feel about kris' and noelle's relationship in snowgrave i want to know
OK OK. first of all thank you for specifying "in snowgrave" because if you just said their relationship in general i would literally never stop talking.
second tho, im really bad at putting how i feel about character dynamics into words because often there's just soooooo much to be said and different ways of looking at it and i get overwhelmed if i try to make some all-encompassing analysis. so let it be known that whatever i say here is not the full picture and there's so much more i could say.
putting this under the cut because i already know im gonna talk for way too long:
that being said oughghghhgh. where to fucking begin. i'd say the most fascinating (and disturbing) thing about their relationship in snowgrave is the weird romantic undertones. the fact that you have to pressure noelle into the idea of riding the ferris wheel with KRIS instead of with susie, her actual crush.
one of the most overt symbols of this weirdness is definitely the thorn ring. i know it isnt the only ring you give to noelle to equip, but this is the one that's mandatory for the snowgrave route. in order to do the route, you have to make KRIS give NOELLE a RING. a ring that literally HURTS HER TO WEAR. if that isnt a metaphor for a forced relationship i dont know what is
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however perhaps the most damning and obvious one is of course this option:
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i would say something about this myself but @/sorrybutiforgothowtomakecontent's tags on another one of my posts really summed it up:
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im also aromantic so this really resonated with me. but yeah just going back to the first point they make. you literally HAVE to say "we're something else" in order to do the snowgrave route, which seems to make it pretty clear that this kinda subtext was intended. snowgrave can only exist with kris and noelle being "something else" because that's literally what snowgrave IS.
my favorite way to view snowgrave is through the lens of an arranged/forced marriage. again, the ring. it just feels so gross, especially because it's not just a regular marriage but an abusive marriage. snowgrave is abuser simulator (2021). im sure i dont need to explain that part
but the thing is, SNOWGRAVE IS NOT JUST ABOUT NOELLE and that's what makes it SO BAD. not only is noelle being forced to go through all of this, but KRIS is being forced to be the one who does it to her! kris clearly is EXTREMELY upset about snowgrave judging from the constant opportunities to choose more "normal" dialogue and abort the route, and from afterwards when they meet back up with ralsei and susie:
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kris, under no circumstances, wants to do ANY of this. but they literally do not have a choice. snowgrave isnt kris manipulating noelle, it is US forcing kris into manipulating noelle. no one is winning here. they're both traumatized, and kris physically cannot even talk to their friends about it or show the true extent of their hurt. it SUCKSSSSS
and when you consider the idea that kris and noelle's friendship may have become strained specifically due to dess' disappearance, and kris possibly having something to do with that with the bunker and whatnot..... well now you're just forcing kris to hurt their friend AGAIN, when in the normal route this could've been their chance to finally reconnect. ahghrhgrhghh
going back to the marriage stuff, it's just so uncomfortable to see these two forced together like this. noelle is in love with susie. we dont know kris well enough to know if they have a crush on anyone (or if they get those kinds of feelings at all), but that doesn't matter. the fact is these two are likely not romantically interested in each other at all, and they are being forced together BY THE PLAYER. and it's horrific. (and even if one or both of them felt that way, this is still entirely wrong. they do not get a choice here)
@/hellspawnmotel's tags on this comic of hers will always haunt me, bcuz like. yeah. this is it:
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there's also the fact that kris is naturally kind of a goofball; they're a prankster, especially it seems when it comes to noelle, as can be seen with the stepping off the button thing or the many, many examples from their shared childhood brought up by noelle.
but in the snowgrave route, kris drops this entirely. all of the alternate dialogue options to abort the route, which are very likely FROM kris, are very genuine and apologetic. kris is scared they're going to lose their friendship with noelle completely because of what you're making them do, and it's like they panic and all of their usual goofiness and sass is just dropped for genuine emotion. it's really sad to see honestly, esp in a full snowgrave route where you know that their efforts will be in vain.
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OH OH ALSO. can't believe i haven't mentioned this yet. the fact that NOELLE KNOWS SOMETHING IS GOING ON WITH KRIS. THAT'S one of the things that really makes me insane.
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noelle goes through ALL THAT, seemingly AT THE HANDS OF HER FRIEND....... and yet. she knows that something is wrong. she KNOWS kris, and she knows that they don't act like this. you'd think she would instantly cast kris off, it would be the right thing to do, but she doesn't. because she knows that something is off.
i cannot stress enough the fact that noelle is the ONLY one who seems to have noticed just how strange kris has been acting. sure other characters comment on kris seeming off or doing something they usually wouldn't do, but it is NOELLE and NOELLE ALONE who takes such notice of it and decides to actually DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
"i have to figure it out" is a mission statement, it implies that noelle (at least in the snowgrave route), is going to actively try to figure out what's going on with kris, WHICH IS CRAZYY and i feel like not enough people are talking about. not even kris's own mother has fully realized something's wrong. like she says, noelle seems to be the only one who's noticed just how off kris has been acting, and the only one who might try to understand and help them. genuinely makes me insane thinking of where that might go in this route oaugurhghh
im gonna stop here because im exhausting myself but. in conclusion I LOVE CHILDHOOD FRIENDS GONE WRONG!!!!!!!!! FAVORITE TROPE EVER!!!!!!!!!!!! anyways read this comic (all 3 parts) and you'll get it
oh also "kris, why are you wearing my watch?" still makes me go fucking insane
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lizzyscribbles · 28 days
Today’s MHA thought is brought to you as I watch the livestream of the Wisdom Saga from Epic the Musical. Go take a listen, I’m sure it’s gonna be great.
Honestly I have no transition into today’s thought so we’re just gonna move along here we go.
Lizzy’s MHA thought of the night: Yoichi and All for One’s relationship and why I think it’s brilliant.
Let it be said, All for One is a fantastic villain. I think he’s well written in the sense that I absolutely, positively, HATE him. He is an absolute asshole and he has very little reason to be. Does he have a tragic past? Ehhh, kind of? But I would argue that he started screwing people over in the womb, so I have a hard time feeling bad for him when it kinda seems like a lot of his issues were his own doing. But that’s why I like him, because he doesn’t have that super sympathetic backstory and he doesn’t have much of a reason to be an asshole other than “I want to win and see people suffer :D”. Now don’t get me wrong, I LOVE a sympathetic villain (see my posts on Touya and Toga) but I also love to see a villain that is just evil for the sake of being evil.
However, I don’t doubt that he probably has some kind of personality disorder, plus he did have to entirely raise himself, and if we pile the theory that quirks influence personality on top of it, you don’t get a pretty picture. It’s an interesting look at the nature vs. nurture debate in a world like this. It was a perfect storm of genetics and circumstances that made All for One, a terrible turn of events to be sure.
And yet, despite being twins, Yoichi doesn’t turn into a psychopathic maniac. It’s honestly wild, and a kind of psychological circumstance that fascinates me. And, let's be honest, it's not out of the realm of possibility that AFO is partially to thank for that. After all, he took care of Yoichi like, straight out of the womb. However, what gets me more is their relationship.
It’s messy, it’s toxic, and it’s a little weird, but it’s so unique because we rarely see it done like this. It’s codependency at its worst, more so on All for One’s side, though he’d never admit that.
It really begs the question, why? Why was All for One SO obsessed with his brother? By all accounts, his brother only ever stood in his way and screwed with his plans. He was a hindrance, even when they were kids, so why keep him around?
To be honest, I’m not entirely sure. I think a part of it is Psychological Reactance (which I talk a bit about in my post on Toga), basically, it’s a common reaction in humans when you tell them they can’t do or have something. It’s often rooted in control, we don’t like to loose control of anything, and so we automatically act out to make sure our control is preserved. It’s emotional and behavioral, and we know All for One LOVES his control just as much as he loves his quirks.
And you know what else he loved? He loved Yoichi, and in a way he could never love anyone else. And maybe Yoichi loved him too, I think he did, but he loved him enough to tell him he was utterly wrong even when his brother wouldn’t listen. So, here’s this one thing he genuinely doesn’t want to loose because it’s the one thing he can never replace and it wants to leave?? Excuse???
Here’s what I think, I think Yoichi was the only thing he ever really lost control of.
Yes, I think his twisted sense of love had a part in him chasing his brother across generations, but I also think All for One could not handle the idea that he lost control of something he actually cared about.
We see in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs that our most basic needs above physical are relational. Family, friends, safety, belonging, those aren’t things that are plentiful when you’re a dictator. Yoichi was there with him from the beginning, he fulfilled that need in some capacity.
We’re all afraid of losing things, especially those we love the most, it’s human nature. No matter how powerful you are, you can’t substantiate real human connection.
The day All for One lost Yoichi was the day he lost the only genuine relationship he had, it’s not surprising he spent the next few centuries trying to get it back.
I had fun with that one! Imma do one one Yoichi one of these days, because I love him and he deserves it, but for now I’m gonna go enjoy the Wisdom Saga and plan out a little Yoichi one shot I’ve had bouncing around in my head for a while.
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kedreeva · 2 years
Ked, would you mind sharing the story about the trucker? 👀
I thought I had, but I went looking and couldn't find it so maybe I didn't! Which is a shame, it's a good story.
So, on long car rides - over an hour on open highway - I tend to keep my mind from drifting by playing with other cars. Sometimes people realize what's going on, sometimes they don't. Sometimes they play back. I'll keep pace with them for a bit, or play leapfrog. When I'm driving 12+ hours, I just don't want to fall asleep.
Last year, on my way down to see my Delaware friends, I landed next to a truck that was going my speed (75mph, which is slightly over my speed limit and a speed trucks NEVER go, their speed limit is 65, so usually I just pass them quickly). We were on a three-lane highway at the time, so it was safe for me to play without causing a problem for anyone else (we have to pass on the left, and trucks are supposed to stay in the right most lane, but they can pass on the left if they have to... this is terrible on 2-lane highways when they're going 65, but on a 3 lane normal cars can just go into the 3rd lane and traffic doesn't slow).
So, I trundled along next to him for a while like a good companion, just keeping pace. When we started coming up on people I knew he was going to want to pass, I dropped back and held the space in front of me open for him. It took him a couple times (he at first didn't want to move over in front of me), but then he figured out what I was doing and we traveled along peacefully for a good 30-45 minutes like this, just passing people and hanging out.
Then he sped up, but there were no cars in front of us, so I thought okay, maybe he's done or maybe he's gotta exit.
Then he sticks his arm out of his window, and his name - Gene - is written in big sharpie on the paper he's holding, and his phone number is under that.
Glee! I have made A Friend. So I hold up my phone until I see him check his sideview, and he drops back beside me again. I dial, and this guy picks up laughing his ass off and says he thought I was being an asshole at first until he realized I was just fucking around. He says he's pulling off at the next gas station rest stop, and invites me to join him to say hello. I, with very little sense of self-preservation and all the hubris of my nature, say sure, drop back behind him, and follow him off the next exit.
He parks over amidst the other trucks, in a space where I can park beside him, and I pop out. He's already got the door to the truck open, so I go 'round and scale this huge fucking thing. I mean, I know trucks are big, okay, but I've never actually like. even been next to one. I've certainly never been inside one and I was very excited to see what it looked like in there.
Gene is very sweet. He shows me all his navigation tools (multiple cell phones/tablets with all kinds of fascinating data) and tells me what they're for and where he's going. He's got an entire device devoted to tracking cops, which explains the pace. We show each other pictures of our pets back home- he's got two beautiful GSDs whose names I forget. He offers me a drink, gatorade from his little fridge (they have little!! fridges!! in trucks!!), though I politely declined.
Then he politely and indirectly inquires if I am interested in having sex with him. Which, like, I was prepared for the subject, I'm not entirely oblivious, so I politely declined and he got a little confused and asked what I wanted, with my road antics. I told him oh, I'm just making a very long drive, and I like to make friends on the road.
And then, since he still seems a little confused and he's been very earnest so far, I motion to my mask - the ace pride flag one my mom made me - and say "Do you know what these colors mean?" And he says no, so I take a seat on the edge of his passenger side chair and tell him it's an Asexuality pride flag. He's never heard of asexuality, so he starts asking questions. I sat there for... I don't know, maybe 20 minutes or so, answering him and letting him think about it.
He finally ran out of questions, and came to a "he's got the spirit" conclusion about it - I have to be clear, he was not a young guy, and I'll take what I can get for understanding from older folks - and clambered to his feet. "I'm glad it was me you picked," he told me. Something bad could have happened to me if it was some people.
Yes, I know. I know something bad could have happened. But I do have faith in people. I do believe in goodness. Sometimes you accidentally pick up a trucker and end up explaining asexuality to him in the cab of his truck, and you give him a donut from your snacks, and he leaves before you "so you don't think I'm following you or anything" and it turns out okay.
I hope wherever he is, he's doing okay.
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ufonaut · 3 years
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A visual guide to Ambush Bug’s tour of the DC offices from Son of Ambush Bug (1986) #3! Here, you can see the Clark Kent statue in the reception area (& get a better look at it hanging out with Mike Carlin) as well as the porthole with the DC bullet behind it, the infamous wallpaper in the hallways right there behind Archie Goodwin, the word balloon plaques (in the Denys Cowan picture) and the cover art wall.
Transcript of Ambush Bug’s column under the cut & pictures courtesy of Todd Klein’s blog.
Everybody knows that the DC offices are located at 666 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, and every nerd from here to Far Tortuga has made that stupid Antichrist joke (Can we give that one a rest, folks?), but how many of you have actually toured the DC facility? Well, forget the official tour, because there isn’t one. Instead, get ready for the Ambush Bug Tour! Everybody line up single file and remember to keep quiet when we pass the editorial department and hey, you kid, spit out that gum.
As we get off the elevator on the eighth floor the first thing you notice is an exquisite plastic sign that would say DC COMICS INC. if someone didn’t steal the “C”s. As it now stands the sign says DOMISIN, which probably means HOME in Latin, possibly WORK in Norwegian, and, say, HELLHOLE in Dutch, take your pick. Turning the corner we come to the DC door, the authentic door once used on the historic submarine the Merrimac. Etched on the porthole is a DC bullet, which was originally the insignia of the famous submersible and was thought to have stood for DEPTH CHARGE, but in fact was short for DOMISIN CORSPOODY, which means WET HELLHOLE in Dutch, I think.
Beyond this threshold is the DC Reception Area and yet another DC bullet, this one covering an entire wall. A little-known fact: this bullet was taken from a copy of the never released pre-Implosion DC SUPER SPECTACULAR UNBELIEVABLY HUMONGOUS 800-PAGE GIANT #1, which featured reprints of all of the comics published by DC in 1964. This one’s extremely rare, but I had the Hulk pick it up for me.
Now we come to Clark Kent, a justifiably famous fixture of the DC Outer Waiting Room. This plaster-cast figure of the familiar reporter is so accurate to the finest detail that it’s actually dressed in an authentic Superman costume beneath its street clothes. And I oughta know, because I stripped it. But don’t tell anyone!
Okay, down the hallway now and-- WHOA!! That WALLPAPER!! TOO MUCH!! I should have warned all of you to bring along your sunglasses, because the halls of the DC offices are covered with the same pattern of paper that is used in DC’S WHO’S WHO comic. You know -- those little yellow squares that turn into white squares and then... and then back into... into... yellow squares... and... harumph!! Whew!! The one advantage of this is that it keeps the freelancers from hanging around too long in the hallways.
Now here’s something you’ll find interesting. In this glass case is a real, honest-to-goodness chunk of green Kryptonite. Actually it’s dummy Kryptonite, but it does serve to keep the Clark Kent doll in line.
Then there’s the DC Conference Room, which features a Superman fist smashing through the wall. The rest of him is in a closet on the other side, and I’m told that it’s just as authentic in every detail as the Clark figure, although I haven’t had a chance to strip this one myself. We’ll just have to take Julie’s word for it.
Next we proceed to the cover wall, where all of this month’s DC books are on display. Freelancers often gather here to throw darts at their least favorite cover, and pull darts out of their own. Hey! Who stuck thumbtacks in my face?
If any of you have to use the restrooms, now’s the time. The ladies’ room door features a Wonder Woman insignia and the men’s room sports a Superman symbol. Where am I supposed to go -- the broom closet?
And that’s just about the end of our tour of the DC offices. You might want to notice on the way out that each door is affixed with an engraving of a DC hero and that yellow plastic word balloons beside the jambs carry the names of the staffers inside. Here, for example, is an office with me on it! And the word balloon plaque says WHOOP! WHOOP!
I wonder what that means in Esperanto?
- AMBUSH BUG March 2, 1986
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archived-kin · 4 years
you go to a devildom zoo and a penguin attempts to seduce you (the brothers are not happy)
note from kin: this was meant to be out way sooner but covid-19 and a whole lot of catch-up coursework said no to that idea >:(
anyway formatting on mobile is actual ass so let me know if this ends up unreadable!
enjoy, darlings!
fandom: obey me!
character(s): gn!reader, lucifer, mammon, leviathan, satan, asmodeus, beelzebub, belphegor, diavolo (mentioned briefly)
pairing(s): demon brothers/reader, penguin/reader (one-sided), a bat also very briefly tries to seduce you
warning(s): reader really loves deadly creatures which i know isn't really a warning but just as a heads up for those who can't relate i guess??? also this is ended up WAY longer than i intended lmao
genre: fluff (but also crack)
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oh the pure joy you felt when you found out that there are zoos in the devildom
zoos full of sphinxes, chimeras, hydras, krakens, manticores, basilisks and griffins, but zoos nonetheless
in fact, you’d argue that the fact that the zoos here are full of potentially lethal legendary beasts is even COOLER
so, naturally, you begged lucifer to let you go to one
his response?
“absolutely not, you could be killed.”
well now that’s just unfair
there are so many things down here in the devildom that could kill you! the heat, the food, the dragons just wandering around in the skies, your fellow students at rad, belphie, not sleeping enough, the stupidly narrow staircases, lucifer himself! in fact, you’d argue that lucifer has already come close to killing you more times than any of those creatures at the zoo
unfortunately that was entirely was the wrong thing to say because now lucifer’s gone all broody on you
you just KNOW he’s gonna spend all of next week either drowning himself in work or sulking in the music room if you don’t cheer him up quickly
so you guess it’s time to pull out the puppy eyes and hope that they work
spoiler alert: they do. you also end up being stuck in lucifer’s arms for about five hours afterwards as he cuddles out all of his negative thoughts, but that’s not a bad thing, so you’re not complaining
the next day, however, you are BACK on your bullshit
and you are back with a vengeance!
you are getting a trip to that zoo whether lucifer likes it or not and you will not rest until you succeed
your first idea is to go to diavolo for help because.... he’s diavolo and lucifer would listen to that demon before anyone, including himself
unfortunately that doesn’t work because diavolo is out on a business trip to the human world with barbatos
(which means your butler buddy, who could probably have helped you make your case, is also out of the picture)
you suppose that you could try getting simeon in on the scheme but you’re pretty sure he’d end up making it worse with his insatiable penchant for teasing lucifer
your final solution?
and it worked a treat too!
lucifer is just a sucker for his human and he doesn’t like seeing them sad okay :((
he finally agrees to let you go to the big zoo just north of RAD since it’s directly under diavolo’s jurisdiction, but he also makes you promise that you’ll take at least one brother with you
(he’s hoping you’ll choose him)
but then you uno reverse card him!
jokes on you, lucifer, your human wants a family day out!!
lucifer would be lying if his heart didn’t swell slightly when you proclaimed you wanted all the brothers to come with you so that you could all spend the day together having fun
although you may have just made a mistake because now lucifer is going to do everything in his power to make sure the day goes perfectly, and if that means smiting the rude demon in line in front of you, then what about it?
(luckily you stop him from the killing someone before you’re even inside, but it was a close call)
the moment the eight of you step into the zoo satan whisks you off to look at the devildom equivalent of big cats
which means the sphinxes and manticores first, then the giant fire-breathing tigers
he’s planning to have a nice heart-to-heart conversation with you while the two of you stroll along the exhibit, but then you both get distracted by how cool the animals are
so the two of you just end up dragging each other back and forth to look at one creature after another
not the romantic scene satan initially had in mind, but he’d be lying if he said this wasn’t also absolutely perfect
holding your hand while you talk enthusiastically about how majestically that manticore leapt thirty feet into the air with your entire face lighting up like the most beautiful lantern in the world? stunning. outstanding. he wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
meanwhile, back at the entrance, levi is sulking, mammon is fuming, beel is already stuffing himself with overpriced food stall delicacies, belphie has crawled under a bench to nap while he waits for you to come back, asmo is taking pictures with the extra long-legged flamingo billboard, and lucifer is so preoccupied with trying to figure out just how the hell the walking system here works that he hasn’t even noticed that you and satan have just disappeared into the void
in the end the remaining brothers split off into pairs, all agreeing that whoever is the first to find you and satan will get to have some one-on-one time with you next
and, drumroll please, that lucky pair turns out to be... beel and belphie!
(really they have an unfair advantage though since beel can smell out anyone he knows from a mile away)
meanwhile satan has just spent just about all of the grimm he brought with him on a hideously overpriced plush version of the manticore you were so fascinated with
but the smile on your face when he gives it to you?? the LIGHT that exudes from you when you declare that the plush’s name is now greenie because it has green eyes just like his?? worth it. absolutely worth it.
but uh oh, the moment is soon to be gone, because guess who’s here?
beel and belphie can’t let satan have all your attention! beel is a little more forgiving, but belphie is going to make sure he’s the first to get a kiss today, anti-lucifer club alliance be damned!
he’s not going to admit that of course. instead, he’s going to very subtly hip-bump satan out of the way so that he can hold your hand instead (beel can have the other hand, but if he tries to pull you away, he’s getting what-for.)
normally satan would be pretty miffed by this, but hey, he’s in a good mood right now and he doesn’t want to spoil the day by getting pissy, so he lets the twins get away with it. younger sibling privilege, am I right?
belphie wants to take you to his particular favourite exhibit here, the giant carnivorous cattle with horns the size of chair legs
beel, on the other hand, suggests that maybe you don’t want to see a gargantuan mammal tear apart a giant piece of meat that may or may not have been sourced from a human graveyard (the giant carnivorous cattle are picky, okay? at least they’re not murdering people for the meat)
you, however, are absolutely fearless
besides, what harm can a giant carnivorous cattle with horns the side of chair legs do to you when it’s being kept behind six inches of hellfire trench, with three of the devildom’s most powerful demons close by to swoop in to your rescue?
beel begrudgingly agrees to go see the giant carnivorous cattle, but makes you promise to stay slightly behind him so that he can jump to defend you should they get out of hand
your big strong demon standing in front of you, protecting you as you get to look at a super cool and also deadly creature? you are absolutely on board with this.
(satan is slightly concerned by your willingness to go near creatures that could tear you to pieces in a second, but if he gets to see you smile like that again then... well, what can he say, he’s a simp)
so off you go!
the giant carnivorous cattle are AWESOME. you get to watch a trio of them eat what appears to be an entire car in, like, two seconds, tops, and they don’t even look bothered by the metal disappearing down their massive gullets.
(you ask belphie in an undertone why the cattle are eating cars if they’re carnivorous. his response is that even giant carnivorous cattle need their minerals, so the zookeepers feed them a bunch of the metal stuff you get in human scrapyards.)
(sounds like an RSPCA violation to you...)
you’re practically tumbling over the fence as you lean forward to get a proper look at them and their adorable tiny wings, so belphie ends up having to pull you back
just as he does it, however, he has a very bright idea
so instead of gently tugging you back as he’d originally planned, he practically yanks you into him, conveniently slipping your hand out of beel’s in the process
listen, it’s not that belphie resents letting beel hold hands with you at the same time as him. a demon’s just gotta get his hugs sometimes, alright?
of course you’re a little miffed about being so violently yoinked, so you’re about to turn around and give belphie a piece of your mind, but then he pulls you close to him and nuzzles his nose into your hair
how are you supposed to scold him for that???
he seems so content and he’s even doing that adorable little purring thing demons do when they’re happy that he never does in public
you can’t just pull out of his arms! it’s probably illegal!!!!!
belphie gets a pass for being cute this time. only this time. no more.
(as an aside, this sort of thing happens at least once a day because belphie’s a whiny little baby who can’t go twelve hours without your love)
anyway now beel looks a little downtrodden which you are not having
your solution? wait until belphie lets go of you on his own and then you can give beel a hug of his own.
unfortunately belphie doesn’t seem interested in separating from you
luckily you don’t end up having to deal with that, because then satan steps in
partially because he feels bad for beel and also partially because okay that’s enough touching now, know your boundaries
which means it’s BEEL’S TURN TO SHINE
does this demon want you to die? because that is what’s going to happen if he keeps being so friggin sweet
first of all he buys you a bunch of treats from the nearby food stalls with his own money and offers every single one to you
is he on drugs? is that what’s happening here? what happened to the avatar of gluttony who ate first and asked questions later???
of course you aren’t going to be so cruel as to take every single one of the treats he’s offering when you can physically hear his stomach rumble as he holds them out to you
instead, you take a handful or so and tell him to eat the rest himself because he deserves it
beel almost tears up he’s so happy he loves you so much in that moment
some may say he’s being dramatic but beel says that every moment with you is a treasure and he has every right to be emotional
belphie is a teensy bit pissed that satan simp-policed him when he’s just as whipped but it’s beel so... he’ll stay down
satan, meanwhile, starts snapping pictures of you at every opportunity, most of them candids, to save to the album he has dedicated especially to you, and also to send to the brothers’ group chat to brag
asmo responds to each one with even more heart emojis than the last, levi always has some kind of jealous comment to make, lucifer stays silent (satan knows he’s saving the photos to his own gallery to gaze affectionately at later though), and mammon just keeps sending angry stickers and then quickly adding that they’re not aimed at you but at satan for having the audacity
anyway, the four of you end up leaving the giant carnivorous cow exhibit after spending a few minutes just sitting together on one of the giant benches while you and beel (mostly beel) eat the giant pile of food he purchased
(beel’s not evil so he offers satan and belphie some obviously, but he makes it clear that you’re getting first pick)
beel’s about to ask where you want to head next when
here comes trouble
and make it double
asmo and levi are IN the building (zoo)
levi, having gotten so antsy waiting for you to show up, disregards all subtlety and basically throws himself right at you, scoops you up, and takes off
leaving behind your poor manticore plush, a stunned satan, beel, belphie, and asmo, who immediately starts running after the two of you, shouting ‘hey, that isn’t fair!’
satan, belphie and beel are left to exchange disbelieving looks and attempt to follow
(don't worry about greenie, satan picks him up and vows to keep him safe until he meets up with you again)
meanwhile you are being quite literally swept off your feet
“levi. levi stop i can walk. levi i’m coming to aquarium with you. you don’t need to pull me. levi i’m getting a little dizzy over here. levi please”
luckily you are saved from your impending doom (because, realistically, there is no way mr hasn’t-exercised-in-several-millennia can carry someone halfway across the biggest zoo in all three realms without tripping) by asmo
now, asmo does not like exercise. it makes him all hot and sweaty (and not in the sexy way) and it’s just... not it. however, because it’s you, he will make an exception just this once.
so he grits his teeth, pins back his long-ass fringe with a cute butterfly clip, and runs for it
normally jealous-mode levi will not stop for anything, but a running asmo in the right situation is even more terrifying than a quiet angry lucifer, and a quiet angry lucifer normally means multiple people are getting burnt alive
so what does levi do? naturally, he stops in his tracks, lets out a scream of such a high frequency that he disturbs a flock of deathseye hawks nesting in a tree nearby, and almost drops you on your head
asmo immediately stops running, takes a moment to dab off any sweat on his forehead with his dainty little pink handkerchief, and lets his hair back down
because he is not exercising for a second longer than he has to
anyway, now that you’re not being torpedo’d halfway across the world, you can finally take a second to breathe and actually ask levi what he wants
he goes pink and stares shame-facedly at the ground and refuses to say a word, especially with avatar of lust ‘i like teasing my brothers to the point where it might be sexual harassment’ asmodeus Right There behind you
but you want your purple boy to be honest!! which means it is puppy dog eyes time again
finally, staring determinedly off to the side, levi mumbles, “you promised we’d go see the fish...”
oh your poor heart
you’re inclined to start pressing kisses all over his face, but you just know he will immediately blow up on the spot if you do in such a public area, so you settle on giving him a subtle hug and reassuring him that yes, you will go see the fish with him
now, asmo’s a hoe for attention, we all know that, but even he has his moments
so, making you promise to go see the birds of arcadia with him later, he departs with a wave and a very sneaky kiss planted on your cheek to let you and levi have your time together
thanks asmo
so off you and levi go!
the aquarium FUCKS
sorry that was too strong
the aquarium is GORGEOUS
it’s got this beautiful deep blue-green ambient lighting, and there are enormous tanks for the giant sharks that essentially make up the walls and ceiling
and there are SO MANY FISH!
rainbow fish, neon pink fish, fish with tiny markings that make them look like they have moustaches, fish with scales that change colour every five seconds, glow-in-the-dark fish, fish the size of a small car
literally any kind of fish you can imagine? they HAVE THEM
you’re almost too distracted to notice levi tugging aggressively on your sleeve
when you do, though, he quickly ushers you over into the tunnel exhibit, where the dolphins live
devildom dolphins look pretty similar to regular human dolphins, except they live in what’s essentially hydrochloric acid and are pitch black in colour with bright purple eyes
you’re pretty confused as to why levi wanted to drag you in here so quickly - you’d have thought he’d go for the goldfish, or the venomous water serpents, or even the special hydra exhibit they’ve got for a limited time
but then levi pulls you over to the very edge, taps his fingers lightly on the glass, and... starts clicking and chirruping?
you’re about to very concernedly ask if he’s feeling alright when something amazing happens
the giant male with scars all over it who, according to one of the signs along the tunnel, spends most of his time skulking as far away from the glass as possible and will eat any demon who comes too close, swims over to him
then, wearing the gentlest little smile, levi turns to you and tells you to say hello to captain
you almost yell out of sheer excitement, but you manage to collect yourself
instead, what comes out is an aggressively whispered:
"hello!! hi, captain!! it's lovely to meet you!! i love you!!!!"
and captain loves you too!!!!!
he swims right up to you and butts his nose against the glass
well you can't not immediately press your face against the glass as well so it looks like you're bumping noses with him can you???
so you do exactly that
all the while going "hello!! hello!! you're such a pretty boy!! what a handsome boy!!"
levi almost cries because you are just too perfect
you love captain? and captain loves you too? he seriously has to hold himself back from dropping to one knee and proposing right then and there
after taking a moment to get his heart to calm down, he translates what you're saying to captain, who immediately starts clicking back
and guess what??? captain says you're the prettiest!!!!!!!!! you’re the handsomest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
now you're going to cry
you and levi spend ages in that tunnel together, just talking to captain and holding hands and exchanging little kisses now and then
levi is so in his element here in the aquarium that he isn't even as nervous and stuttery with his affection as usual
it's almost jarring, but are you complaining? absolutely not
when and levi emerge from the aquarium, both a little giddy and still enthusiastically talking about all the other creatures you said hi to after captain (who you are most definitely coming back to visit sometime), asmo is waiting outside so impatiently that he's getting a lot of irritated looks for his aggressive foot-tapping
levi wants to go see the reptiles now, but then asmo plays the 'i let you get away with having alone time, now let me have mine, bitch’ card
and to be honest levi's pretty sure that even self-proclaimed romance expert asmo can't top the mini-aquarium date you've just had with him, sooooo...
buying you a little keychain replica of captain just to get a final one over his brother, he bids you goodbye and goes off to the reptile house on his own, pulling on his headphones on his way so that he won't accidentally end up talking to some stranger again
it is now asmo's time to shine!!!
and so off the two of you head off to the birds of arcadia exhibit
however, it seems that asmo doesn’t have much interest in the birds themselves apart from for taking pictures with them for his devilgram
the birds are beautiful indeed, but guess what else is also beautiful? here is a short and concise list:
1. holding asmo’s hand
2. giving asmo kisses
3. receiving kisses from asmo
4. giving asmo hugs
5. receiving hugs from asmo
6. cuddling with asmo
7. sleeping with asmo (in the literal sense)
8. sleeping with asmo (in the not so litera—)
this has been a short and concise list of things that are very beautiful and you should absolutely do right this second (not ghost-written by asmodeus, avatar of lust, not at all)
anyway, it’s kind of hard to concentrate on that adorable neon striped pecker sitting close by to you when asmo is draping himself all over you like a damn scarf
it’s cute! it’s cute. but.... the birds...... you want to see the birds.........
in the end the two of you settle on a compromise: asmo will let you have some time to just look at the pretty birds as long as you keep holding his hand, and then the two of you will go and get matching face paint together
asmo’s kinda pouty about it at first, but he quickly changes his mind when he sees how enamoured you are by the birds
you really are too cute!! he just wants to scoop you up and cover you with kisses, but he’s already promised to leave that for when you aren’t in the middle of a busy public space
(he definitely isn’t the slightest bit jealous of them because he wants to be the only beautiful thing that you look at like that. he knows he’s prettier than those birds.)
(but, like... he’s still gonna puff up his chest a bit when he catches one edging just a bit too close to you. he may be the avatar of lust, but he does have his moments of jealousy as well… even if they’re at blooming birds.)
finally, when you’ve decided that you’ve had your fill of gorgeous birds, asmo immediately pulls you off to the face-painting booth
all the designs the demons managing it have come up with are pretty beautiful, so he’s not bothered about which one to get as long as you two are matching
which means you get to choose!!!!
at first he thinks you’ll ask for the super popular one that imitates the feather pattern of the most popular bird of arcadia, the lesser spotted spectra
but then you turn to look at him, think for a moment, turn back to the demon doing the painting, and ask if they do custom designs
asmo can only watch on, confused, as you and the demon whisper conspiratorially back and forth for five minutes
then the demon has started painting, and the cheeky little grin on your face is making him a little worried that you’ve deliberately asked for a really stupid design just to mess with him
but then, as the strokes and colours all come together, he realises something that might make him a little teary eyed. just a little bit.
the design you’ve asked for just so happens to be the gorgeous, swirling pattern of the avatar of lust’s pact mark
and it’s not just that, either. he takes a closer look and realises that the little flowers added around the edges are his favourite kind of rose as well
and THEN the demon doing the painting turns to him and tells him with a smirk that, by your suggestion, the paint he’s using has been enchanted so that it goes rainbow when you kiss the person who’s wearing it
oh, he really should have had more faith in you! this is even better than anything he could come up with!!!
(he takes about a million photos of you while he’s waiting for his own turn and sends at least a quarter of them to the group chat)
asmo is practically vibrating with excitement as he sits there getting his own face painted
and if you think he doesn’t drag you off to some secluded corner for a good half an hour just pressing little kisses all over your face and giggling when he pulls away and your face paint has gone all the colours of the rainbow, you are severely wrong
of course, he wants kisses as well. this is a give-and-take system and he wants just as much as he gives!!!
unfortunately, there is one disadvantage to spending so much time just canoodling
the others haven’t heard from you or asmo in a good hour and they are beginning to PANIC
mammon in particular is practically shooting off the walls and just constantly spamming you with ‘WHERE ARE YOU’ and ‘COME BACK’ messages
asmo doesn’t want you to go but he’s also kind of running off a high right now so he decides it’s okay and sends you off you find mammon with a cheery wave (and a love struck sigh once you’re out of earshot)
you find mammon just walking in circles in the communal area outside the cannibalistic not-zebras exhibit
he almost bursts into tears when you come up to him and tap him on the shoulder because it feels like he hasn’t seen you for what feels like hours and hours and he just,,, he missed you okay
after five minutes of him just furiously rubbing his eyes and refusing to admit why, he gathers himself and asks you what you want to go see
you have to think for a good long while because, while you’ve been to plenty of zoos in the human world and know by now the sorts of animals most of them have, devildom creature species are unpredictable
you could jokingly say ‘hyper-aware empathetic goose’ and they’d probably have one
but then you have a look around you and see the big map
and what is the first thing you see on that map?
‘vampiric venomous bats’
oh fuck yeah
mammon is a little concerned because the vvbs are known to randomly swoop down and attack the people who walk into their exhibit
he knows you can protect yourself!! but when you’re being swarmed by a horde of more than fifty giant bat creatures with enormous teeth full of venom that can kill you in seconds, there’s really not much you can do
and there is no expressing the amount of absolute misery that would descend on him if he let you get hurt
so instead, you make a compromise and decide to go to scheduled talk on the vvbs in ten minutes instead
normally mammon finds these zoo talks boring as all hell, but heck, if he gets to hold your hand for a whole forty five minutes without having to make an excuse to do so, he’s down
so off you go to the talk!
you’re having the absolute time of your life as the keeper shows you one of the more lethargic bats and describes exactly how it paralyses its prey with high frequency screeches and then kills it with a single bite to the neck
mammon, on the other hand, is honestly kind of spooked
that bat may be half-asleep, but it’s got the eyes of a murderer
so what if he shuffles a little closer to you every time the bat moves?? it’s not like he’s scared of it or anything! no way!
(please hold him or he may cry)
but then... DISASTER strikes
the keeper looks out across her bright-eyed audience, listening attentively to her explanation of how the vvb detects prey through the slightest vibrations in the air... and asks if there are any volunteers who want to hold it
everyone goes quiet. they’re all looking at the floor and avoiding eye contact like students who don’t want to be picked to answer a question in class. they may be demons, but even they know danger when they see it.
mammon is just commenting to himself in amusement about how quiet everyone’s gotten when he looks to the side and practically feels his heart freeze
your hand has flown straight up into the air, and before he can pull it down, the keeper has called on you
mammon may be just as terrified of that bat as everyone else, but he isn’t going to let you go near that thing without him to protect you
the keeper looks a little befuddled as to why one of the most powerful demons in the devildom is following you up to the front like a very attached duckling, but luckily she goes along with it
first she gives you a super thick dragonhide glove to wear, just in case the bat gets violent
then she attaches the little lead around one of the bat’s feet to the end of the glove, so that even if it tries to attack an uncovered spot on your body, it’ll just get pulled back
(meanwhile, mammon, standing just behind you, is just barely holding back from bursting into demon form and wrapping himself around you to protect you)
and so, as you watch in anticipation and mammon in terror, the keeper slowly moves the bat from her arm to yours
at first it just kind of sits there and blinks and... doesn’t really do much
the keeper, however, seems very happy about this
“it means she already trusts you!!!”
and she tells you to try a simple little trick
“just flick your wrist up and she should swing down to hang from your hand!”
mammon is very pointedly whispering to you that that’s enough, you’ve held the bat, come on let’s get out of here
but you are determined to continue putting your life in danger, it seems, because you do exactly what the keeper says
and it works!!!
piki, which you have learned is the name of this particular bat, lets out a quiet squeak and drops to hang from one of the enormous fingers of your glove
you immediately go ‘wooAAAAAAAAAH’
mammon almost bites his tongue in half because of how on edge he is, but it turns out that he doesn’t need to be
because the bat turns to you, blinks once, and suddenly puffs up around the neck
you panic a little at first, but the keeper seems incredibly excited
“she’s displaying!!!!!!! she likes you!!!!!!!!!!! she sees you as a potential mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
okay mammon is not having any of that
he is not about to be upstaged by a goddamn bat
and so the instant the bat and glove is removed from you, he grabs you by the hand and charges right out of that room, shouting something about it being urgent
leaving poor piki the vampiric venomous bat squeaking sadly because her new crush is gone
sad :(
now mammon is buying you a giant plush to make up for dragging you away like that
happy! :)
and you KNOW this means a great deal because mammon does not part with his money very easily. in fact, most of the time, one would have to physically threaten him into buying something for them
and the fact that mammon bought you a ridiculously expensive enormous plush that probably dug a pretty big hole in his savings without you even asking??? your heart basically melts on the spot
now you definitely can’t get angry at him for pulling you away so suddenly
so instead the two of you go to see the giant narwhals
you’re fascinated, but mammon is too distracted to even look at the narwhals
he just keeps staring at you looking so happy hugging the giant plush he bought for you so close to yourself with this giant dopey grin on his face
(s i m p)
he’s shaken out of his infatuated daze when he hears a camera shutter directly behind him
at first he whips around ready to fight because he’s expecting levi or asmo, but then he looks up slightly and comes face to face with none other than his beloved older brother
lucifer doesn’t even try to hide the tiny grin on his face as he very slowly raises his phone and takes a photo of mammon’s half shocked and half irritated face
mammon is so dumbfounded by how much kinder lucifer looks when he smiles like that. he doesn’t even recover in time to tell you who’s just showed up - you end up noticing by yourself
you should have given lucifer a bit of warning because the moment you turn around and and greet him with such a bright and happy smile on his face he is DECEASED
all you and mammon see is his cheeks going pink but let me tell you this man is screeching like a trapped possum on the inside
lucifer may act like he’s a Big Important Unfeeling Demon but everyone else knows that this man would quite literally bring you the moon if you asked (he probably wouldn’t be able to pull down the entire moon, but damn him if he isn’t going to try)
he has to stay silent for a moment because he knows that if he speaks his voice is going to crack and mammon absolutely would NOT let him forget that for the rest of his long life
once he’s managed to get his puddle of a heart back to a state where he can speak without sounding like the physical embodiment of being smitten, he’s quick to offer to take you to the nearby penguin exhibit
he’s paid attention to the messages he’s been receiving periodically from the other brothers throughout the day about the things you’ve been getting up to with them, and he has seen a pattern in the sort of creatures you like the best
that pattern is: the more deadly, the better, with bonus points if it still looks cute
and lucifer has been to this zoo enough times to know most of the best exhibits pretty well (especially since diavolo’s taste in deadly creatures is very similar to yours, so he knows that any of the demon prince’s favourites will probably end up pretty high in your list as well)
therefore he knows that the devildom’s penguins are about two and a half meters tall, with millions of retractable fangs in their beaks and venom sacs in their necks that they can spray so violently and quickly that they’ve become known as ‘venom machine guns’
and you are ALL ABOUT THAT
you’re so excited by the concept of these penguins that you don’t think twice before tucking your arm into lucifer’s outstretched one and following him off to the exhibit
leaving mammon pouting furiously behind the two of you
now, while the avatar of greed doesn’t dare to directly interfere with his older brother, he most certainly dares to inconvenience him
what does that mean? it means that mammon is immediately whipping out his DDD and shooting a quick message to the group chat specifically made without lucifer to let everyone know what’s going down
and, within ten minutes, every single one of the other brothers are heading right for the penguin exhibit as well
lucifer is in the middle of listening to you excitedly talk about piki the bat when he feels something hit him in the back
he turns to see, with great dismay, that the six other brothers have started following behind the two of you, and have begun taking turns throwing things at him. satan doesn’t stop even when he realises that he’s been spotted.
lucifer feels a vein pop in his cheek when satan manages to nail him right in the middle of the forehead with a screwed-up ball of paper
unfortunately for lucifer (and fortunately for the other six brothers), you quickly take notice of the group following behind you
the avatar of pride can only watch in dismay as you call out for the others to come join you to see the penguins
well, obviously, the others are coming now that you’re inviting them over!!
asmo immediately jumps to give you a little kiss on the nose just so he can see your face light up in all the colours of the rainbow again
(which earns several surprised noises from the other brothers since, while they knew from the pictures from asmo that the two of you had gotten your faces painted, they didn’t know the paint did that)
belphie subtly shuffles up behind you to give you a little prize figurine he spent way too long trying to win on one of the zoo’s mini claw-machine games, while beel attempts to find a stealthy way of sneaking the bag of treats he’s carefully sourced for you into your pockets, but ends up giving up on that and just hands you the bag instead
levi is still on a bit of a high from the mini aquarium date, so his face immediately goes fifty shades of red when he sees you, but instead of running off like he usually does when he’s flustered, he just offers you the WIDEST smile
satan is a little disheartened when he realises just how much bigger the plushie mammon got for you is than greenie... but who cares!! greenie is small and cute!! he most definitely isn’t puffing up slightly like an indignant owl when he sees you hug that plushie to yourself like it’s the softest thing in the world!! no sir!!!!!!
mammon is being kinda whiny about lucifer barging in and ruining your one and one time together, but then satan reminds him that they’ve all just interrupted lucifer’s one on one time with you before it could even really begin, and also points out (a little saltily) that, judging by the giant plushie in your arms, he’s already spent more than enough time with you
(luckily mammon isn’t exactly perceptive so he doesn’t pick up on it or else satan would be in for one hell of a teasing)
you, meanwhile, don’t miss the way that lucifer not so subtly presses himself closer to you as the eight of you are walking to see the penguins
so close that your arms are physically touching
it’s not like lucifer to be this clingy (well, clingy by his standards, anyway), but you aren’t going to bring it up considering that he would probably immediately move away out of ~pride~ if you did
unfortunately the other brothers don’t need you to point out lucifer’s behaviour to immediately start attempting to sabotage him
by the time you all get to the penguin exhibit, you’re surrounded completely by all seven of them, and they appear to be executing a genuine attempt to crush you if the pressure on all sides is anything to go off of
looking on the bright side of things, though, the penguins are SO CUTE
sure, they’re about nine feet tall with beaks full of millions of tiny serrated teeth and very toxic-looking feet-claws. but they’re ADORABLE
you love them so much!!!!!! but now the brothers are being big MEANIES and aren’t letting you get close to the fence
“those penguins can shoot venom up to twenty feet, we’re not taking any chances” so WHAT you just want to see the goddamn penguins!!!!!!!! you’ve survived countless near-death experiences down here, you can manage a bit of venom!
eventually your very pointed complaining finally gets most of them to relent (asmo is still against it, but majority vote says you get to get closer to the penguins, so HA) and you are allowed to go right up to barrier that separates the attraction from the spectators
you’re absolutely delighted, but the brothers quickly realise that their concerns about this whole thing were not unfounded
because that fucking penguin over there is totally giving you the googly eyes
levi is the first to notice - as the general of hell’s navy, he has a natural connection to all animals of the seas, even the ones that are only semi aquatic
satan notices soon after him - he’s been to plenty of ‘taming dangerous creatures’ club meetings, and he knows how to recognise attraction in animals
you yourself are pretty clueless until you suddenly notice that one of the flock is now sliding beak-first on its belly towards you
levi silently hopes you’ll be scared into leaving, but instead you just lean right up to the barrier (lucifer hurriedly grabs you by the arm before you fall over it) and whisper-shriek “hi baby!!!!!!!!!!!”
oh the brothers did not like that at all
but the penguin seems absolutely THRILLED
you’re pretty sure you see its eyes light up. like physically light up, not in the metaphorical sense - its eyes glow
(do devildom penguins understand human/demon speech?? you could swear from the penguin’s reaction to your greeting that they do, but when you ask satan about it later, he just scowls and shakes his head, proclaiming that devildom penguins have ‘a brain smaller than a tangerine and the motor function of a slightly bent paper clip’)
(damn satan you didn’t have to do the penguins like that)
anyway, this penguin, now thoroughly convinced that you are its destiny, hops to its feet, nods its head several times, then proceeds to start making the weirdest noise at you
you don’t even know how to describe it. it’s like a laser beam has been combined with a motorbike combined with a vacuum cleaner combined with levi when his favourite idol group releases a new song combined with that godawful screeching violin satan has been playing on repeat for two weeks just to annoy lucifer combined with, i don’t know, a turbo-charged printer or something. and then the whole thing’s been shoved through a dubstep filter.
it’s such a rattling sound that asmo, mammon, levi and belphie clap their hands to their ears, beel frowns so hard his entire face squishes inwards, satan recoils so far backwards that he’s about two feet further away from you than he was at first, and even lucifer actually physically flinches
(short break for a personal headcanon of mine but hear me out here: this man probably listens to nothing but full professional orchestra classical all day. he absolutely has that thing where his ears are sensitive to poorly played notes or just harsh grating sounds in general. you know, like how lan wangji and lan xichen in mdzs are physically repulsed by the sound of bad music? yeah that)
you wince slightly, but the pain in your eardrums is overpowered by your thrill about the fact that this penguin is actually talking to you
you smile wide and reply, leaning right up to the banister, “hello!! hi!! it's nice to meet you too!!”
if the penguin was happy before then it’s absolutely over the MOON now
it makes the weird honking sound again, nodding its head furiously at you, all the while shuffling closer and closer to the barrier
you are positively delighted by this development, but each of the demon brothers seem to be taking the penguin’s approach as a personal threat both to them and to you
beel’s expression is steadily scrunching up more and more in displeasure as each second passes, asmo’s glare could probably boil the penguin alive, and you’re pretty sure you just heard levi hiss at it
you turn around to try to tell them off for getting jealous over a penguin out of all things, but they are just not listening to reason
the penguin meanwhile is desperately trying to get your attention back by nodding even more frantically and honking so loudly that lucifer actually reels back a little
you try to turn back to it but then belphie decides that he’s going to shove his way right between you and the barrier and block the penguin’s line of sight
the penguin immediately sets up an extremely loud complaint, but belphie refuses to give it any rope at all
at this point the other brothers begin catching onto what he’s doing
mostly because of his weird twin telepathy thing, beel is the first to join belphie’s quest, with his giant frame being substantially more effective as a barrier, while asmo and satan work together to not-so-subtly start ushering the entire group backwards and away from the penguin
you’re attempting to protest, but lucifer is practically shouting over you about how interesting and fun you’ll find the giant giraffe exhibit, which just so happens to be on the other side of the zoo
the penguin is positively screeching at this point, but a moment later is suddenly goes silent. for a moment you’re afraid that one of the brothers have lost their nerve and actually killed it, but then you manage to spot it sliding away again around beel’s massive shoulder
turns out that, though his brothers don’t seem to care about his status and power placement at all, the avatar of greed’s glare is enough to silence even the most passionate of penguins
while the brothers exchange triumphant looks as they lead you away from the penguin exhibit, though, you’re more than a little upset by this whole ordeal.
the disrespect? abundant. the lack of sympathy? rampant. the audacity? sheer.
you make your displeasure very clear by scrunching up your face, crossing your arms, and refusing to respond to any of the brothers when they try to ask you something
goddammit, it was supposed to be a good thing that they saved you from the so obviously dangerous penguin, but now you’ve got them feeling bad
in the end, though, you still can’t stay mad at your boys for long
they all apologise (well, all of them except lucifer, whose pride will forever be his downfall, and belphie, who genuinely doesn’t think he’s done anything particularly wrong), and you can’t bring yourself to keep dampening the mood
so, with a short scolding that’s really little more than a light slap to the wrist to remind the boys that you don’t need to be protected from everything like some sort of delicate glass case despite how much they might think that’s the case, you’re back to your previous happy self
thank fuck
the rest of the day goes smoothly! the eight of you do indeed go to see the giant giraffes, which you actually get to feed, and beel somehow manages to knock down an entire row of rigged carnival targets to get you a pretty wooden carving of a super cool dragon
(you’re still not entirely sure how that happened but it was probably the sheer willpower)
you convince all of the brothers to take about three hundred photos with you in the cheesy green screen safari booths (it was mostly levi, lucifer and belphie who needed convincing, since beel and satan weren’t too fussed about it either way, and mammon and asmo were downright thrilled to do so)
lucifer buys the whole group matching keychains, despite the fact that they were pretty basic wood-and-plastic affairs but still cost a good fifty grimm each
(you’ve noticed that he seems to like doing that, considering the harrison porter keychain you’ve still got from that trip up to the human world back during the whole body swap fiasco)
he gets himself a fire-breathing peacock, mammon gets a gold-hoarding crow, levi gets a sea serpent, satan gets a good old regular cat, asmo gets a lesser spotted spectra, beel gets a manticore (since they’re known to eat more than three times their body mass on good days), belphie gets a giant carnivorous cow, and he begrudgingly lets you pick out the giant penguin design - as an apology for his actions earlier.
(you don’t fail to notice the slightly irritated looks levi and satan in turn both send the keychain as you tuck it safely into your pocket)
all in all
a lovely day out
10/10 would do again
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Hi! Could I get HC from the guys? 👀 How they would always react to catching the reader seeing them "badly", in addition to the fact that he usually avoids them, but with his brothers it is incredible and they feel bad because they think they do not like him.  But she actually likes them and she looks at them like that because she "studies" them to draw them and she is too clumsy and shy to talk to them, that's why she ends up avoiding them. Until finally he catches her drawing them with lots of hearts or maybe they'll find her notebook with lots of portraits of them.
It's kind of funny because when I study people to draw them, they think that I look at them with hatred xd maybe I should increase my glasses prescription
God, glasses are such a pain in the ass but I have to wear them. If I don't anyone within my near vicinity doesn't have a face. But why they gotta get dirty so easily???? Makes me wanna explode or something
TMNT Headcanons
The boys w/ a quiet reader who is fine with his brothers but acts cold around him and stares a lot
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mikey couldn't describe his disappointment upon realizing that you didn't want to be friends with him
well, you never actually said that to him
but he was pretty sure it was the case
you'd never made an effort to be friends with him
stared at him an awful lot though, but there was always something off about your gaze when you looked at him
like you were sizing him up, scrutinizing him, like he was an opponent
it kinda worried him
to add to that, you didn't even attempt to look embarrassed when he caught you staring
you'd just stare harder
on your end it was quite the opposite
you always found the brothers fascinating and you LOVED studying their anatomy, you'd confessed this to Donnie early on and he happily indulged in your questions
and you loved how easily you got along with the boys
well, except for Mikey
but it wasn't for a lack of trying
whenever the orange sporting turtle came around your normally flamboyant personality crept back into its little corner and hid
any words of excitement that had previously been with you died in your throat
for the longest time you didn't understand it
and you hated not understanding things, so you turned to your only outlet
that's how you ended up with an entire sketchbook full of the youngest brother in vastly different styles and poses
you had a separate book for the others, none of them as detailed as this
and when you stared to analyze you'd fallen into a habit of not looking away when caught
by your logic, if you stared back hard enough he'd look away first or just assume you'd zoned out
he didn't
and on one hectic day you'd left your sketchbook open on the kitchen table in your rush to get to work
you hadn't even noticed the slip up until Leo texted you to let you know during your shift
instant panic
in truth, Mikey was the one who discovered the book upon waking up from his nap and he'd spent the next three hours analyzing every drawing
when you finally dropped in after work to grab your book the turtle was waiting for you with it in hand
he'd asked you if you hated him
you told him no and accepted your sketchbook from him
he was relieved and screaming excitedly, just in his head
"Do you maybe wanna hang out sometime?"
You sighed in relief and nodded
"If you're cool with it- you don't think I'm weird do you?"
"I mean- you are talking to a turtle..."
you lightly shoved his chest and smiled, although it faded within a second
"Oh hush, 10 o'clock tomorrow? I'll bring snacks."
he was so stunned he could only shoot you finger guns in approval
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Donnie genuinely couldn't understand your unease around him
he'd followed all the proper expectations of holding a conversation
he was polite and engaging
so why wouldn't you talk to him?
this boy has read so many social blogs to try and figure out what he was doing wrong and he just couldn't put his finger on it
you were fine with the rest of his brothers, you'd stay up for hours laughing and gaming with them
you'd even sat still long enough to listen to Leo explain some old Japanese myth that he'd read about in a book
but with him it was always a quick, cordial greetings and farewells with bland small talk in between
Donnie had picked up pretty quickly that you weren't interested in any sort of interaction with him
and he convinced himself that that was okay
but that didn't explain the staring
he'd caught you in the act several times, eyes narrowed and locked on him
especially when you were alone with him in a room or just in the lair
the poor turtle just couldn't put his finger on it
then he caught you drawing, he noticed early on that you always carried a small sketchbook on your person but he didn't think much of it
and it wasn't so much that he caught you drawing, in fact, he wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't snapped at him while he was trying to do a sudoku puzzle
"Damn it Donnie! Stop moving! If I fuck this arm up one more time I'm gonna decompose!"
he'd quickly moved back into the position he was in prior
but you'd gone silent again, occasionally glancing up from your work and running your eyes along his frame before looking down again
nearly twenty minutes later Donnie had finished the puzzle and it seemed as though you had finished your drawing
"Uh- can I ask what are you-"
"I'm drawing you but you kept moving your arm and making me mess up. You always do that when I draw you so every damn picture I have of you stays a sketch because you always come out looking like a fucking octopus."
He just stared
"Sorry, I uh- I didn't mean to explode on you like that. I'm just- I'm really bad at talking to you okay? It's so easy with everyone else but you've just gotta be so damn smart all the time and I worry that you'll think I'm boring so I just... don't talk to you?"
Donnie is stunned™
You refuse to show him the drawing until you can complete the line art and color it
But at least he knows that you don't hate him
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To be completely honest Leo didn't mind that you were distant from him
You created an aura of calm when you were around and you always managed to distract his brothers while you were present
And he enjoyed the alone time
But after a few months that calm acceptance turned into jealousy
Not that he would ever admit it
He would just push it off and ignore it, that usually seemed to work
So why wasn't it?
And your obvious staring problem didn't help at all
Leo didn't spend much time considering his appearance but something about your gaze made him self conscious
And he hated that with a passion
Why was it that you could hold entire debates with his siblings? Even his dad for gods sake. You'd have hour long conversations on almost everything but whenever he tried to say hello you'd make up some lame ass excuse and scamper away
He just wanted an explanation
It appeared that the answer resided in your sketchbook
You'd left it open on the couch when Raph had called you away to spar with him
Leo very delicately flipped through the pages, careful not to disturb some of the polaroid pictures of his brothers
He was admittedly surprised to find pictures of himself among the pages
One of him in a handstand, another of him meditating, there was even one of him mid sneeze that you'd recreated with pencil and paper
The image of his eyes was the most startling, but the book held no polaroid of his eyes
You drew them from memory
And he was shocked when you returned to the room and didn't immediately panic
But that might have been because he didn't try to withhold your book from you
"It took me three months to color them, your eyes. I could never get the shade of blue just right."
"I'm gonna be honest with you y/n, I really thought you didn't like me."
You had the nerve to roll your eyes and follow it with a laugh
"I don't. I mean- I do but no, you just remind me a lot of myself and I haven't exactly figured out why yet. I thought that maybe if I drew you it'd be easier to figure you out..."
"Well did it help?"
You grinned
"I'm talking to you, aren't I?"
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If there was one thing Raph hated it was not understanding something that was right in front of him
which is ironic, as a much younger version of himself probably couldn't care less
and a part of him wishes he didn't care about it so much
he wishes that your blatant avoidance of him didn't upset him
but shit, it got under his skin better than any needle ever could
was it too much to ask for you to just tell him what he said or did wrong?
was he asking too much of you?
but on the same scale you'd never shown obvious dislike towards him, you were never rude and you sure as hell didn't talk shit about him to his brothers
you got along great with them
in fact it was getting more difficult to remember a time before you became a part of his family
he'd become so used to your presence that it no longer put him off when he found you hanging around the lair
but in another sense he was certain that you hadn't spoken more than three sentences to him in your time knowing him or his family
so what was the reason
several months in he finally caught onto the staring, your narrow, glassy gaze locked onto his body and refusing to look away
he stared right back at you
this annoyed you for several reasons
because within five seconds your very peaceful drawing session had turned into a staring contest and your eyes were getting VERY dry
then you exhaled in a half-sigh and looked back down at your paper
"Huh, I guess your head is more of an oblong shape..."
he took offense to this
"What tha' hell is that supposed t'mean?"
now your eyes held more of an amused silent judgement, you begrudgingly held up your sketchbook
"I'm drawing you, you fucking walnut."
now you rolled you eyes and tossed the book to him, he nearly dropped it and fumbled with the pages
your annoyance was quickly growing
"Careful with that."
He flipped through the pages at a snails pace, assumingly because he couldn't quite believe what he was seeing
you had some real talent
when he looked back up at you he was wearing that crooked smile
"and here I was thinkin' that my eyes were just green."
Hope I was able to get this down pretty well! I really enjoyed writing this one! Thanks for the patience!
-Mars 🌠
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gallpall · 4 years
canaan bubble redux as a womb for story/character arcs
I’m sure most of this has been posted about before but: ever since my initial read I’ve been obsessed with the gross bodily/gorey stuff in the Canaan redux and I wanted to organize some of my constant+chaotic thoughts!!
TM has said that a lot of the motifs/events in the bubbles are actually “Silent Hill stand-ins” for story elements and she hopes we pick up on stuff, so here’s my Attempt!
At the same time that Harrow’s mind is being made a tomb for Gideon Nav Wake’s subconscious is pulled in to act as a womb for certain plot elements right alongside it. The chronology/time period of HtN mimics a full nine-month gestation. There’s a lot of very literal imagery here (which is below the cut), but I also think we’re meant to see it as metaphorical: we’re able to glean some things about character arcs based on how everything in the bubble goes down.
I’m particularly interested right now in those ‘side’ characters in the bubble who aren’t actually dead, who barely appear in the bubble at all except to get summarily offed, all in very distinctive ways. Judith, Camilla, Palamedes, and Coronabeth.
(cw below cut for some pregnancy/insemination imagery, canonical body horror and gruesome bubble deaths rehashed)
First of all just some quotes showing some of the imagery that I’ve attributed to being Wake manifesting pregnancy trauma stuff (there’s possibly some of Harrow’s conception trauma here, too) seeping through, for the purposes of this line of speculation. 
This isn’t nearly all of it, but some things that stood out to me as possibly comparing Canaan House 2.0 to a functioning reproductive system:
(ch. 21) a “collection of large, rusted pipette needles” -- turkey basters?
(ch. 35) “great, slithering, pulsing tubes” which contain “whitish-pearl bubbled globules”-- this perhaps recalls ovaries/fallopian tubes, with the ‘globules’ being follicles produced by superovulation for insemination, or corpus luteum that supply progesterone to maintain a pregnancy.
(ch. 45) “stretched webs of organ [...] like nets of sticky venous spiderweb” --uterine walls, maybe; it’s all over the windows, totally encasing them in Canaan’s rooms, and arguably even contracting like a uterus would: “every so often they would tremble uncertainly and erupt in floods of bloody, foamy water.”
in the next pgh we get some more of the tools Wake would have used to conceive/upkeep the pregnancy: “pipettes, broken glass-fronted containers filled with dark fluid,” skeletons sitting atop piles of “capsules or pills” perhaps hormones/supplements. (also holding Drearburh tools, the way Wake’s skelly would have been doomed to do)
(ch. 43) “from that hole emerged a clattering pile of plex scope slides, the type you would preserve a cell sample between“ -- Wake would’ve had to carry out the IVF process for implantation, this also seems like apparatus for that
(ch. 47) there’s the “libation” Abigail uses to summon Wake which is... well. It’s a “thin, milky, whitish liquid pooled at the base, sluggish in the cold,” and the summoning involves a bunch of ‘come’ commands, which I think might be Muir making a very elaborate jizz-adjacent “silly buggers with the emissions” joke. 
Just a note, cause I’m hopeless about Pyrrwake: the Seconds’ quarters are almost completely preserved from the leaky body horror (though it’s still cold in there)--as if they represented a sanctuary in Wake’s subconscious. There are also letters in the nonagonal coffin room which spell out an anagram of “PYRRHA” (ch. 47).
So with all that in mind, I’d posit that the fake-ghost deaths are all metaphorical “rebirths” of various characters arcs for ATN. I haven’t delved into what this imagery might mean for Harrow or Gideon specifically because I know there’s a LOT and it’s probably above my theoretical paygrade (I would love for someone to tack on with that though!!) but I can talk about ‘side’ chars on a very big-picture level.
Judith’s simulacrum gets knocked off first (ch. 18); shot through the heart (both atria) while she and Marta’s ghost are trying to complete the winnowing trial. The Sleeper shoots her 7 more times after that, I guess partly just ‘cause she can, but Ortus notes that it seems like there was an element of "Anger” to it. It’s possible Wake wasn’t pleased to have someone messing around with Pyrrha’s lyctoral trial, infuriated that anyone would be attempting to replicate G1d/Pyr’s original downfall. She then ignores Marta entirely and climbs back in the coffin (now with the sword) once Judith’s out of the way.
[Marta’s] scarlet necktie looked redder too—by the time they’d gotten hold of Judith Deuteros the blood had dried hers nearly black.
Cohort red-and-whites being stained black with blood, like a certain high-collared BOE uniform... could be another little clue to Judith’s "heart” for the Emperor (and for Marta, and pretty much everything else she knew) being lost and her realigning--though not willingly, at least at first--with the other side.
Cam and Pal’s simulacrums are plainly executed (ch. 21), they have their “faces obliterated” each by a single gunshot, and it’s as if they just stood there and let it happen. In the bubble, “Harrow had never seen Sextus or Hect except from afar.” These simulacrums totally avoid having their features revealed to Harrow. I’m willing to bet their faces being obscured and then exploded is one of the clues we get to their eyes being swapped around the next time we see them in the epilogue and in ATN.
Regarding the twins: They are essentially non-extant in the bubble. Ianthe never appears because she’s still kicking and, in her own words, “doesn’t live alternate histories” (GtN ch. 15).
Coronabeth’s simulacrum scene (ch. 37) is SO vivid and cryptic. It fascinates me because it definitely is, in part, trying to tell us something poignant about the initiation of Corona’s “worse twin” arc in ATN.
[Corona] was turned away from Harrow, and her riot of hair—half-caught in a fillet, half-escaping—was soaking wet, a dark and crinkling amber in the rain. She was not fighting or arguing. She was still as a statue, and ready and waiting as a dog.
Sounds like the fake ghost preparing for that major shift in allegiance. Silas is the one to ‘dismiss’ her, with his “may the blood of your blood suffer,” which perhaps is a really Templar-y way of saying ‘now go wreck ianthe’s SHIT.’ When Harrow accuses him of sending Corona to her death, Silas asks “Death?”--as if he sees that what’s really just happened, at least metaphorically, is (re)Birth.
[Harrow] thought she saw, absurdly, a sudden gush of watery blood, as though the fog itself had been knifed; but it was gone almost as soon as she had seen it.
Sounds a bit like amniotic fluid/water breaking? Coronabeth doesn’t ever seem to hit the ocean (bodies of water=necromancy and that’s not her deal), she instead just kinda poofs, and Silas says she would have ended up “on her feet.” Coronabeth is ditching her family ties and is out for blood, and I think her charisma, willpower, and sheer desire for revenge will move her a long way in the ranks of Eden--probably even to the point of echoing Commander Wake’s ambitions and actions. I could delve into that damn portrait mirroring Ianthe’s obsession w/ Cyrus’ paintings on the Mithraeum... but that is a whole other post!
So all of these are fairly baseline observations and I think there’s a LOT more to be expounded on, if y’all wanna reply/reblog/DM with additions I would freaking love that, every time I open a page of this book I find something I missed before and it’s such a delight. Thanks for reading if you got this far!!
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torielectra83 · 3 years
Garak and the Jack Pack
Want to thank
for giving me the idea and motivation; this is the first fic I've posted and finished in quite a while. Also gonna tag
since their DS9-related posts are what helped lead me to this (if there's a DS9-related Discord I should join, let me know); note that I'm not much of a shipper (and I'm ace), so I wasn't quite sure how to approach the Bashir/Garak relationship; I just left it in the background (and the lizard man t-shirt).
“Oh, Doctor. There you are, and I….see you’ve brought company!” As he could see, Dr. Bashir was heading for the Replimat for his typical luncheon with him, only four other people were crowded around him. A skinny man with a mustache, a stocky older man with a timid expression, a rather gregarious-looking woman, and another woman who looked rather distant. “Oh, hello Garak. I’d like to apologize for being a bit late.”
“Oh, don’t worry, given what I’m seeing it’s very much a valid excuse.” Garak had heard about the other genetically-engineered people who’d been sent to DS9 to meet Dr. Bashir, but he’d been busy with orders at his shop; he’d been thinking about hiring someone to help out, actually. “Well, that’s Jack, Patrick, Lauren and Sarina. This is my...friend Garak, he runs a tailoring shop here on the Promenade.” “Oh, hi there, Hi. Uh, I gotta go over to the replicator, I’m starving over here.” Jack promptly excused himself, while Lauren made her way to Garak next. “Well, hello, Mr. Garak.” She promptly began her flirtatious attitude. “If you’re trying to seduce me...it won’t work. I am sorry, but I do not generally do one night stands.” Surprised and somewhat disappointed, Lauren backed away.
Patrick then approached Garak. “Do you make clothes?” “Yes, I do.” Patrick then grinned eagerly. “Good, because the clothes the institute gives us are too...itchy and things like that. Do you have softer clothes?” “Well, I can certainly make some? I believe Dr. Bashir said you need “sensory-friendly” clothing?” Bashir nodded; the term was an old term from pre-warp Earth. “I’ll do it at no charge; anyone who’s a friend of Dr. Bashir is a friend of mine.” He sipped his Tarkalean tea as Jack argued with the replicator over not being able to make something, while Lauren used the other one to replicate a bowl of Vulcan plomeek soup.
“And… Sarina, is it? I’ve noticed you haven’t said anything yet.” Garak simply saw the young woman turn, before holding up a PADD, with words written on it -- “I can’t speak, If you want to have a conversation with me, use this.” She promptly set the PADD down and continued to watch Jack’s tussle with the computer. “Sarina’s unable to speak, I can explain the whole thing later Garak.” Julian felt the need to pre-emptlively apologize for their behavior. “Oh, you don’t need to. I’m seeing people with a lot of potential here.” Bashir nodded. “So do I. And not many others do. That’s why I brought them here. I want to try and help them.”
“They seem to be helping themselves.” As Garak watched, Jack had finally managed to get something from the replicator that agreed with his standards -- a ham sandwich with Bajoran mapa bread. “So, this is the irrefutable Elim Garak, huh?” Jack asked. “Yes, and I see my reputation precedes me.” Garak said politely. “That’s right. Former intelligence agent for the now-defunct Obsidian Order, exiled and now working as a tailor here on DS9.” He said hastily before ripping into his sandwich. Garak raised an eyebrow. “And how did you find that out?” He asked, a tone of interest in his voice. “Oh, you’d be surprised what you can dig up on the extranet. There’s all sorts of unsavory rumors about you, like you causing a Cardassian doctor to break down by staring at them for four hours straight.” He promptly chugged from his cup of targ milk, before continuing. “And that your father was the head of the Obsidian Order, Enabrian Tain, and he got wiped out by the Dominion when the Obsidian Order and Tal Shiar teamed up, yeah, but they didn’t know the second-in-command of the Tal Shiar was actually a Changeling leading them right into a trap!”
“I...think we will have to pick up this conversation sometime later, Doctor.” Garak was getting rather uncomfortable at all this private information being practically shouted in the Promenade. “Oh, and I’ll see what I can do about those new clothes you requested, Patrick.” As Garak walked back to his shop, getting his mind off old events, he began pondering about what to do in the present. My orders are backlogged. I simply need help. As he opened his shop doors to see the current state -- half-finished orders, bolts of fabric all over and supplies in crates he hadn’t unpacked. “I must find someone to help me. I would get Julian but he’s too busy with being in Starfleet.” Garak sighed, and began getting back to working on an order.
Some time later...
Having returned from the Defiant, Dr. Bashir went into Garak’s shop, expecting to see it as it had been for some time -- cluttered and filled with things Garak was working on. He instead found it a hive of activity. Customers were entering and exiting, some waiting for their orders, others were looking at holographic models of new clothes to order. Bashir looked around in confusion. “What the…'' Suddenly, a figure blocked by their holding of several bolts of fabric maneuvered into view. “Look out, everyone!” Bashir knew that voice. “Patrick?!” “Oh, hi, Dr. Bashir.” Patrick didn’t even turn back as he carried the bolts into the back of the shop. “Patrick, how did you get here?” Bashir followed him, and realized the entire “Jack Pack” (as someone, most likely Quark, had nicknamed them) was working there. Patrick set the bolts down for Jack, who proceeded to start measuring what exactly was needed for that order. Lauren was busy inputting data of some kind into a PADD, while Sarina was sewing an order up. “Ah, Doctor, good to see you’ve returned home safe and sound!” Garak greeted him cheerily from behind his desk.
“Garak, what is going on here? How did they…” “Well, Julian. I saw their potential and I needed help. And so far, they have been excelling at everything they’ve been doing. I haven’t been this efficient, ever!” Garak looked positively delighted at this. It was rare to see him like this, and Julian was a noted expert on Garak’s emotions. “But...what about the Institute? And Dr. Loews?” “Well, she needed a vacation, and my offer to give them steady employment was something she couldn’t pass up.”
“Oh, well then. But...how are you so busy now?” Julian wondered. “Well, their brightness led them to not only help clear my backorders, but also introduce whole new product lines based on pre-warp Earth stylings. I will admit I knew little about it, but they have brought in several new kinds of clothing. Like this ‘tee shirt’.” Garak promptly held one up, the front reading “WWCKD?” with a small line underneath reading “What Would Captain Kirk Do?” “They’ve come up with several of these things. Like this one for the USS Voyager.” The shirt had a fictional flyer on the front with a picture of Voyager, underneath a “Missing: Reward” banner as if it were a lost dog. “We’ve also re-created other Earth fashions, from “bell-bottoms” to “zoot suits”. I must admit, they make most current styles of clothing look downright boring!”
“Yeah, Dr. Bashir! Here’s one we made especially for you!” Jack promptly handed him a T-shirt and headed into the front of the shop. Julian simply looked at Garak with an expression of disbelief. “Garak, we caught them trying to pass on classified information to the Dominion, and now, they’re recommending I wear a t-shirt that says ‘If lost, return to lizard man for reward’!” He said angrily, shaking the shirt in his hand for added emphasis.
“Doctor...these people needed another chance. One that nobody else was willing to give them. And another thing...they are still very useful analysts. They can predict trends, root out information and generally think far ahead of the game. To be quite honest, they’re the best analysts I’ve ever seen. “ Garak admitted. “Yeah, where else can you get a nice new pair of pants and information of Dominion troop movements?” Lauren commented.
“So...you’re basically running your own intelligence service out of this shop.” Bashir muttered, running his hand through his hair. “Well, there has to be a third-party intel service somewhere. With the Obsidian Order gone, there’s a market for it; we used to take on clients for analysis as a method for extra revenue. Strictly off the books, of course. So that’s what I’m doing now.” Garak reasoned. “And we aren’t just doing war intelligence either; we’ve got multiple projects for the Ferengi Alliance, the First Federation and the Gorn Hegemony for analyzing things like market trends, population censuses and whatnot.” Patrick nodded. “Yeah, Grand Nagus Zek and Ishka appreciate it! We got in touch with them thanks to the Ferengi maintenance guy, oh, what was his name…”
“Rom, that’s him. Real friendly guy. Came up with the self-replicating mines around the wormhole and keeps the holosuites running, real good guy.” Jack said at his normal speedy pace, before returning to his fabric measuring. Sarina promptly passed a PADD to Bashir, with a message reading “This is the best we’ve been treated in years. We’re working for ourselves, we’re constantly kept active, and we’re being paid 5 strips of latinum an hour.”
“Anyway, I’ll see you later, Doctor. We’ve got a lot to do before closing time today. After that we can meet at Quark’s, perhaps? Jack came up with this astounding holo-program based on another pre-warp Earth cultural thing, a “game show” called...Wipeout, yes. It involved picking the right answers and avoiding the wrong ones, it’s fascinating. But we have work to do and I’m sure you have work in the infirmary.”
Garak promptly ushered Dr. Bashir out of the store and back onto the Promenade. “...what just happened?”
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spaceorphan18 · 3 years
Top 10 WTF Kurt outfits?
You are asking me to remember 10 of Kurt’s outfits, lol 
Let’s do some digging and see what I can find...
ETA: I decided to go through my meta and see what I dig up.  It’s more than a 10 ten, but interesting to do! 
Season 1
Iconic because it’s one of the first things we see him in, but this is a weird outfit. 
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They were trying to make him as effeminate as they could at the beginning.  The character eventually kind of changes out of this kind of thing -- but the knee-length sweaters were a staple of season 1 for sure. 
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Kurt doesn’t usually do hot pink...
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The outfit is fine, it’s the fannypack that has me curious
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What is even going on here? 
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I really don’t know if this should be included or not.  It is weird when you first see it, but I’m so used to seeing this, it seems totally normal? 
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Ug, this isn’t a good picture of it -- but the plastic rain coat is something else.  It works! But the ensemble is crazy
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Ngl, I think nothing about this really works, and I’m glad it’s not a look that really ever comes back again
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Bad Reputation
I mean this is supposed to be ridiculous, so there’s that. 
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Again, this is supposed to be ridiculous on him.  Though - fascinating how ultra masculine clothing look just as off as some of the other weird shit he wears.
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Again, it’s done on purpose - but man, there are heels with that ensemble. 
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This isn’t really wtf, though I’m curious as to the texture -- is it a vinyl jacket?  But interesting because Kurt never wears this bright red color.  And also the make-up in the last few episodes of season 1 is very caked on, to the point that Chris looks translucent and sickly.  I’ve always wondered why. 
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Season 2
I mean, this is here for the joke, but I don’t think it’s that outlandish? I think he was wearing more extreme stuff in season 1, tbh. 
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For one - it’s bondage gear.  For two - this is around when he starts wearing that fox tale thing.  That’s... only around in season 2, right? 
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Most notable because he’s wearing a skirt.  
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Prom Queen
I have a loooot of thoughts about this now that I’m doing this project.  This one is done on purpose.  But you notice -- it’s also Kurt comes back from Dalton, where he’s spent most of his time wearing a uniform? 
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I’ve never liked these pants, not because they’re wtf, but because they don’t fit him right. 
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Season 3
Purple Piano Project
So.... what’s going on here? I mean, he totally sells it, but can you imagine anyone seriously wearing this in real life? (yes, I know he wore it in NBK, it’s just in a more outlandish ensemble here) 
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The First Time
I realize this is iconic, but this leopard print sweater is actually knee length.  I mean talk about layers. 
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Okay, this one probably wins, because even Chris commented that it looked like Princess Leia in Return of the Jedi.  But I have heard some fascinating meta around it -- how this is after The First Time, and an idication that Kurt wants to cover himself, because nakedness is sacred to him.  And now that he’s allowing himself to be touched in a very special way, he feels the need to cover himself more.  He grows out of it once he’s more comfortable with sex.  
But I would love to know the real reason the costume designer picked this. 
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Again, from the same episode.  Why the equestrian look?? Somewhere @snarkyhag is making commentary about Kurt liking to ride things. ;) 
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I Kissed a Girl
This is another iconic one, what you can’t really see in this still, but it’s the half-sweater! I think they were still trying to play around with Kurt and gender at this point.  I’m curious as to when they ditch his wacky outfits for good and start dressing him more masculine, because there’s definitely a shift by season 4. 
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I need to bring this up.  It is a little weird, yes, but mostly I wanted to say that I had a sweater just like it (without the weird arm holes) in high school.  
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Hold Onto 16
I would just like to point out he’s wearing a Newsie’s Cap with shorts. This is also the era of Kurt’s bizarre headwear.  
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The outfit is fine, the hat is weird though -- especially since they’re inside. 
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Not fully appreciated in this still -- it’s a leather onesie.  That’s insane.  
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Also Michael -- Not necessarily wtf, but doesn’t it look like something Blaine would wear? 
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Big Brother 
Not necessarily wtf, but it does look like Kurt’s going to a gay club and not dance practice
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You know - he went a good chunk of the season wearing somewhat normal things with accents of interesting fashion.  And then they put him in this.  And I have to wonder if it’s because they thought it would work on Finn/Cory, too. 
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MC Hummel and his Bitch (again with the nightclub outfits) 
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Season 4
This might be the most outlandish thing he wears in season 4, tbh. 
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Definitely not wtf - but I just noticed because i’ve been scrolling through all my meta -- this might be the first (and only?) time Kurt wears this color. It looks totally fine here, but I don’t think yellow is Kurt’s (or Chris’s) color. (Oh, I forgot, though, this is the episode where RM was obsessed with orange and colors in that spectrum)
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Again with the color scheme that Kurt never wears.  Fascinating. 
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Season 5 and 6
There are a couple of interesting pants with patterns on them in season 5 that are different - but I don’t have stills, and they aren’t that weird. 
The only notable thing about season 6 is 2009 where they try to shove Kurt back into his Season 1 style, with middling success.  
You guys -- I have a TON to say about Kurt and fashion now that I’ve scrolled through the entire series.  Let me know if you want some more thoughts! 
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cry-stars · 3 years
May I suggest an AU where Don Paolo finds the Golden Apple first and adopts Flora instead of Layton? :)
Absolutely!! Thank you so much for asking! This turned out to be... pretty long, actually, almost 2000 words :'D I'm going to post it here under a cut, but I also put it in Puzzles Left Unsolved if you'd rather read it on Ao3. Thank you again for the request; it was a great chance for me to write for Don Paolo for the first time!
“Welcome to the Future.”
Dr. Allen smiles broadly, throwing open the clock shop’s door with careless abandon. Flora can’t hold back a gasp at the sight before her. Yes, the scenery in front of her is Midland Road, but it’s unmistakably changed: worn down, and dirty with ten years’ worth of grime. The bus stop is gone, and tall poles mounted with loudspeakers tower above the ground.
Could they really have travelled through time? It seems impossible, but then again, the evidence seems too solid to brush aside. Flora’s still reeling from the trip through the “time machine.” Between the rocky ride down here, and the changed London that she sees before her now, she’s almost convinced that she truly is in the future.
Hesitantly, she looks toward Paul, hoping that she can take a cue from his reaction to what Dr. Allen referred to as “The Future.” Her mentor looks almost as dumbfounded as she does. Then, he seems to notice her gaze. He clears his throat, calming his expression, and turns toward Dr. Allen. “For ‘Future London,” it’s not all that futuristic, is it? Where are the jetpacks and the robots?” he asks, his voice dripping with sarcasm.
“I’m so sorry that the future isn’t completely what you’d hoped it would be.” Dr. Allen shrugs nonchalantly. “Now. If you’re done gawking, then we can begin discussing business. Follow me.”
As they follow Dr. Allen through the streets, Flora casts a questioning glance up towards Paul. “What do you think about this?” she whispers.
“Feh. It’s all a trick. Although I’ll admit it’s a good one.” Paul waves his hands dismissively, then brings his arm to his mouth, stifling a theatrical cough. “As bad as the air quality is in ‘present’ London, it’s nowhere near this horrendous. Coupled with the yellow sky, either the Apocalypse happened within the last ten years, or we’re underground.”
Flora’s half-disappointed, but half-not. An underground city, particularly one that so closely mirrors an existing city, is almost as fascinating as a future one—and, as Paul had said before, now that she thinks of it, she’s a little disappointed at the lack of futuristic technology. “So there’s still a chance for the jetpacks, then,” she says thoughtfully.
Paul chuckles. “If you get started on inventing them tomorrow, then there’s a slim chance that they’ll be around in ten years.”
“You could invent them too, you know,” Flora says mildly.
“Let’s stay focused on the present, my friends,” Dr. Allen says lightly. “Right this way.” Turning the corner, they enter a large tunnel, and Flora stares up in awe at the sloped roof above them, the beautiful stone-tiled road, and the pretty shops lining the walls.
“A pretty little arcade, isn’t it?” Dr. Allen says proudly, leading them toward a restaurant built into the wall of the arcade. “It’s a pity that it has no counterpart in the present. I hope this restaurant is to your liking. My partner is very fond of the place, although I don’t entirely trust his judgement.”
“You’re paying, right?” snorts Paul as the group steps through the door.
Dr. Allen raises an eyebrow. “Of course; you’re my guests. Paul, you wound me.”
“My name is Don Paolo, Allen.”
It’s strange to hear Paul reacting adversely to being called… well, Paul; Flora’s grown so used to calling him that over the last several months. Yes, he wanted to be called “Don Paolo” at first, but after the first ten times she’d called him so, he’d grunted that it was “too formal, and that she should call him “Paul” instead. Flora’s secretly glad of that; the name had always struck her as funny, but she’d hate to offend him by giggling by mistake.
Dr. Allen shrugs, and the three of them take a seat at the table, the cook coming to take their order. “Just coffee for me,” he says nonchalantly, “but give these two whatever they like. I’ll be paying.”
Paul gets a coffee as well—a smart move, Flora thinks; he wants to seem like an equal match to Dr. Allen. Flora would do the same, but upon further consideration, she just gets water; she’s not sure that she could handle anything more right now, with the amount of butterflies in her stomach. Her nerves are frayed, and being seated here, in the Future, in front of the man that summoned them here, is only exacerbating her anxiety.
“I supposed I was careless, Paul,” Dr. Allen finally says, as the coffee arrives at the table. Once again, he raises an eyebrow, glancing in Flora’s direction. “I never thought to tell you to come alone, simply because I never thought there’d be anyone who wanted to come with you.”
Flora blinks. What a rude thing to say! But now that she thinks about it, Paul really doesn’t seem to have any friends, except for her. He doesn’t often leave their flat, except when they both go to the lab to work on their engineering projects. Occasionally he’ll go off on his own, but he never talks about seeing anybody else.
Of course, there is his archnemesis, Hershel Layton, but they certainly aren’t friends, not with how Layton hurt Paul in the past! Paul never talks about what that man did, but Flora doesn’t want to force him to tell her, as curious as she is. Whatever it might be, it must’ve been traumatic, and she wouldn’t want to make him remember anything painful. But other than Layton, Flora can’t think about anybody else that Paul even knows.
Well, there is that framed picture of that pretty lady with glasses on his work desk, but Flora doesn’t even know her name, let alone if she and Paul are friends.
“If you want to know who she is, you can just ask,” Paul scowls.
“I’m his apprentice,” Flora chimes in eagerly. “I’m studying engineering, and disguises, and robotics, and… and lots of things.”
“Well, isn’t that interesting?” Dr. Allen chuckles. “I never thought you had it in you, Paul. I knew you were good with disguises, but masquerading as a mentor is a new one for you.”
“As far as you know.” Paul shrugs. “It’s not as if we were ever best friends or anything. There’s a lot of things that you don’t know about me.”
“True, true.” Dr. Allen leans forward, resting his chin on his hands. “But at least there was one thing that we had in common. And that’s what I’d like to talk about today.”
A shadow crosses Paul’s face. Is that… sadness in his eyes? “I’m not really in the mood to reminisce, Dimitri.”
“Maybe not. But perhaps you’re in the mood to help me make those precious memories reality once again?” There’s a feverish light in Dimitri’s eyes, despite his serene expression. “What if I told you that my time machine—”
A time machine?
Flora’s mind starts racing. A real time machine? Could it really exist? How does it work? What—
“That’s what killed her, Allen.” Paul’s harsh voice cuts through Flora’s daydream. “You’re delusional if you think that it’ll actually work, or that I’ll waste my time helping you.”
“I don’t think I’m delusional,” Dimitri says calmly, but Flora can see pain in his face. “But even if I am, at least I’ve got a plan. What are you going to do if you don’t help me? Continue living in your delusion of thinking Layton cares one iota about being your ‘archnemesis?’” He stands slowly. “I’m giving you a chance to help bring her back. It’s up to you if you’ll take it. I’ll give you five minutes to think it over.”
Before either of them can say anything, Dimitri exits the room.
Flora avoids looking at Paul, staring into her water glass. She feels like it isn’t her place to say anything, as curious as she is; she should wait for—
“I suppose you want to know what in the world is going on.” Paul grunts, crossing his arms, and stares into one of the paintings adorning the wall.
“If you want to tell me,” Flora says hesitantly. “I mean, it’s not really my business, is it?”
“Well, you are my apprentice, so it’s at least partly your business. Especially since you’ll be helping me make my final decision.” Paul sighs. “You’ve seen that picture on my desk, right?”
Flora blinks. “That pretty lady?”
A small smile colours Paul’s face. “Yes. She was… well, she was a friend. Well, she… she died almost ten years ago.”
Flora bites her lip. So that’s why he takes such good care of that picture. “I’m sorry,” she says quietly, not knowing what else to say.
Paul shrugs. “It was a long time ago,” he says dismissively, but Flora can hear the sadness behind the words. “She worked with him,” he says, gesturing dismissively toward the door, “building a time machine, and she died because it malfunctioned, exploding and killing her and nine other people. I… Well, I blamed him for a while, even though it wasn’t only his fault. I felt like, since he was lucky enough to work with her, he should’ve been there to save her. My only satisfaction was that he blamed himself too.” He chuckles wryly. “You probably think I’m awful now, don’t you?”
“N-no, not at all!” Flora hurries to assure him. “I… I understand why you reacted that way.” It’s all too easy to search for a scapegoat when there’s nobody else to blame. She remembers how much she hated and feared Dahlia for replacing Mama, when Dahlia really did nothing wrong… but it’s too late to mend that. She pushes the thought to the back of her mind. “But there’s a chance to bring her back, then isn’t there? If he’s got the time machine working, now.”
Paul snorts. “No way that he’ll ever actually get it to work. Not after it failed so spectacularly last time.”
Flora shouldn’t feel so disappointed at his words, but she does. She wants to find out more about this time machine. Before today, she’d hardly even thought of the concept, but now that she knows it’s something that could plausibly exist, she wants to find out more. But Paul so easily dismissed the idea. Maybe he’s right about that; after all, it did fail ten years ago. But that doesn’t mean it will fail today.
(What if she could bring her parents back?)
(What if she can bring Paul’s friend back to life?)
“Shouldn’t we give him a chance?” she asks tentatively. “Maybe he can tell us exactly how he plans to do it, and then we can make a more informed decision.”
“The only thing he’ll inform us with is more of his delusions.” But Paul looks at her curiously. “You’re really excited by this time machine thing, aren’t you?”
Is it really that obvious? Flora flushes, staring into her drinking glass once again. “Maybe a little bit. I just… I just think that if there’s a chance that it works, then we should consider all our options.”
She waits in silence for Paul’s reply. Finally, he sighs, chuckling. “Why is it always so hard to say no to you?” He stands, heading towards the door to let Dimitri back in. “Fine, fine. We’ll listen to him ramble for a few more minutes, and find out what he wants from us, and then we can decide what we’ll do.”
Flora smiles after him. “Thanks for listening to reason, Paul,” she says jokingly.
Paul grins back at her. “Don’t mention it.”
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hi there! If its okay, could i ask for headcannons of the brothers finding out MC is an Artist? Something like, finding there sketchbook or napkins w doodles on them jfjdjs Or maybe they catch MC glancing at them alot while trying to draw them? hfjd Ty!! Your writing is really good~
Of course it’s OK! I’ve always liked the idea of MC having a really interesting hobby and teaching the brothers about it. I feel like all the brothers would be very supportive of them, even if they all had various reactions to their hobby but I really love writing wholesome moments like that. Sorry this took longer to come out, I made them really long to make up for it!
Also thank you. Your compliment means a lot :)
The Brothers’ reactions to MC being an artist:
-Well if you’re going to glance at him every two minutes, he’s bound to notice
-I mean, you’re pretty damn obvious
-Lucifer got pretty used to you whipping out your sketchbook whenever you could
-So for you to start doodling in his office while he worked wasn’t exactly unheard of
-He caught you staring at him before looking back down at your drawing, continuing your series of furious scribbles
-Now you piqued his interest
-“You seem very focused there love. What are you drawing?”
-Scared the crap out of you because he rarely ever talks when he’s working
-You were reluctant to show him but Lucifer has his insisting face on
-When you passed him the sketchbook, he momentarily froze
-Your drawing was so detailed and full of emotion, capturing him slumped over his desk, exhausted but determined to finish the work he’s been assigned
-He was so surprised and stunned, for a second, he forgot to breathe
-“It’s not exactly one of my best drawings yet but-“
-“You never fail to impress me MC.”
-He suspected you were drawing him but he wasn’t expecting this much effort to be put into it
-He would definitely keep all your drawings of him
-Loves all your work but secretly adores your sketches of him best
-Lucifer would occasionally look over your shoulder while you sketch, taking a peek at what you’re drawing and smile to himself
-He’s never felt this much pride for someone else before
-Was pissed you would rather spend time with an object rather than him
-It annoyed him at first because he couldn’t tell if you were listening to him or not while you had your nose stuck in your sketchbook
-Basically, he was jealous of a sketchbook
-You can’t do that Mammon, that’s Levi’s thing
-So one day he decided to see what the fuck was so great about that giant notebook you always have with you
-He turned your entire room upside down searching for the damn thing before finding it
-He flipped through it and I’m sure the entire House of Lamentation could hear his gasp
-You drew him for pages and pages in all sorts of positions and styles and he was a flustered tomato going through them
-You willingly drew him? The scum of a demon who could never do anything right unless it involved money? You put your time and effort into these sketches and doodles despite him being condescending and a dick at times?
-Excuse me but this man is already head over heels in love with you, you can’t keep giving him reasons to fall for you
-He was so engrossed into your work that he didn’t notice you behind him
-“Mammon why is there a mess in my room-“
-Too embarrassed to even think of an excuse for going through your shit
-“Ah those...I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have drawn you without your permission Mammon-“
-“Are ya kiddin’ me? MC, I feel insulted that you didn’t tell me about this sooner. Can...Can I keep some of ‘em??”
-Now he insists that you draw him as often as possible and would even pose for you (he loves the attention let’s be real)
-He wants to see all of your drawings and will endlessly support you
-Thought about using your skill as a way to make money because art can be very expensive
-But in the end, he dropped the idea
-Why would he sell something so precious to him??
-He probably has a sketchbook too
-You guys draw Ruri-chan together in your own styles
-Levi always insists that you’re much better at drawing than him tho
-Your talent makes him a little jealous but at the same time he’s fascinated
-Was so surprised when he found out you were into sketching
-Levi was even more surprised when you showed him all the drawings you’ve worked on for your favourite anime and video game characters
-OK but how come you’re so perfect? Not only are you a lovely person that is willing to watch anime with him without insulting his opinions but you can draw? W...h...a...t...?
-He requests several sketches of ‘The Tale of the Seven Lords’ characters and will actually tape them to his wall
-Some of them are right on his Ruri-chan shelf
-“Hey normie, do you...do you mind teaching me how to draw? I want to learn.”
-Is 100% determined to learn how to properly sketch from you
-You started drawing him as well, usually while he games
-You better stop, he’ll have a nosebleed if you keep being so nice to him!
-Draw him as an anime character and he will start fangirling
-“Phew. OK I’m finished.”
-“What did you draw?”
-“This. Is. A. Masterpiece.”
-Will proudly show your work to his brothers (usually the same drawing more than five times)
-What did an otaku like him do to deserve you??
-He found out you were an artist fairly quickly
-I meant he found tissues with doodles you left behind everywhere
-He kept all of them
-It was so refreshing for him to see you so invested in your drawings the same way he is in his reading
-You’re still under the impression you’re being sneaky by drawing him while he has his nose in his books
-You ended up finally gathering enough courage to show him one of your portraits of him
-He had a reaction similar to Lucifer’s really
-He made your drawing into a bookmark
-Idk how but he did
-You leave him a few doodles of you and him being all lovey dovey and he absolutely adores them
-Will lose his marbles if anyone says anything remotely negative about your style or talent
-Draw him fluffy animals pls he will literally have them framed and fixed up in his room
-Also if you draw any of his brothers (specifically Lucifer let’s be real) in a silly way he will actually start snorting with laughter
-You sketch him pretty damn often and he can’t really complain
-It’s really peaceful when you two are in the library and you’re working on your doodling while he reads aloud to you
-Buys you equipment like pens and pencils and even sketchbooks when he knows you’re running out
-He’s really delighted when you come over to show him your drawings
-Once he caught you staring at a cat as you started sketching it
-He actually didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much
-Noisy little fucker that he is and in need of drama, he looked through your sketchbook
-Thought it was a diary at first but nope
-Imagine his surprise when he found pages upon pages of drawings of his brothers and him
-Except his weren’t really a surprise
-He’s gorgeous of course you would want to draw him
-But oh my God, do you realise how much he values art??
-I know he looks as if he only thinks about sex but he definitely has a thing for creativity and art like painting and photography
-“MC darliiiing~? Why didn’t you tell me you can draw?”
-He actually shrieks at how well you’ve captured his beauty
-He insists that they look like actual pictures of him
-Takes several pictures of all of them and posts them on DevilGram
-A bit salty when you drawing anything else but him
-However, he can’t deny that you’re one of the most talented individuals he ever met
-He comes up to you every day and lractically begs you to draw him
-One time you came in your room to find him naked and asking you to draw him
-Is actually kinda good at drawing himself
-Specifically people
-He has enough experience exploring the human body so he surprisingly enough, knows a thing or two when it comes to body proportions
-“MC draw me like one of your french girls~”
-I’m sorry I had to do that
-He also likes the attention he’s getting when he poses for you
-He may think he’s the most beautiful being in all three realms but he definitely thinks you’re the second
-So he often offers to draw you too
-He likes having cozy chats with you while you draw
-You left your sketchbook behind in the kitchen with him
-Mammon needed your assistance to get down from where Lucifer hanged him after one of his failed money schemes
-He knocked a glass of milk nearby it and had a panic attack for a minute
-Legitimately thought he ruined the whole thing
-Was actually about ready to cry because he knew how important your sketchbook was to you
-Looked through it just to make sure there were no splotches or anything
-To say he was relieved when he realised it was fine would be an understatement
-He was kinda drawn to your sketches, most of them carefully drawn and expressive, even some of the ones you scribbled out
-One specific drawing caught his eye though
-You drew him and Belphie together, with his twin brother’s head resting on his shoulder while Beel ate
-He was mesmerised by your talent and by your thoughtfulness
-Beel felt bad about it but he kept looking through your sketches, enchanted by everything in it
-You drew him and his brothers several times
-It’s safe to say the discovery of your drawings brightened his day
-Gave back your sketchbook later
-He apologised for going through it without your permission more than he needed to
-You had to accept his apology because he looked like a kicked puppy
-Feels very honoured whenever you let him look at your work
-Is more than happy to pose for you!
-But that might be a bit of a problem seeing as he tends to move around a lot
-“Whoa, that looks just like me! The food I’m eating looks really realistic too...which is making me hungry. Let’s go to Hell’s Kitchen, you can finish this there!”
-Supportive bean
-You gave him a family sketch of him and all of his brothers once
-Normally, he only likes gifts he can eat
-But he treasures that drawing more than food at times
-“This...this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me! Thank you MC! But uh, someone’s missing in this drawing.”
-“Ah shit, who did I miss?”
-If anything ever happens to Beel or his happiness I swear to Lord Diavolo-
-OK but you left your notebook just sitting there right next to him???
-How do you expect him not to look through it?
-Belphie doesn’t care much for privacy
-And he doesn’t exactly have morals either
-He didn’t even know you were into drawing
-Which to be fair, wasn’t scandalous considering he sleeps 20 hours a day
-But he wants to be more involved in your interests so that’s why he took initiative with your sketchbook
-Idk what he was expecting but definitely not a sketch of him staring back at him
-His heart skipped a beat but I don’t even know if demons have hearts
-The cheeky little shit took pictures and may or may not have made on your drawings of him his wallpaper
-Most of the drawings were of him sleeping, surprising...absolutely no one
-“So that’s what you’re up to whenever I go to sleep huh? So cute~”
-But besides all that, he is really touched
-I mean, if there’s anyone undeserving of your love and respect is the piece of shit of who tried to kill you
-Yet here you are, continuously showering him with affection and now this
-Probably spent hours looking at your sketchbook while you were at R.A.D
-Didn’t say anything to you when you came back except handing your notebook back to you
-Though he was less of a smartass and more affectionate for the rest of the day
-Next morning, you took the liberty of waking up before him and sketching him again
-He grabbed your arm halfway through your doodling and grinned at you from under the covers
-“Drawing me again huh? You won’t mind me doing this while you’re at it then right?”
-Now he’s sleeping in your lap
-Whenever you show him your work, he makes a small approving noise but he’s seriously impressed
-Draw Lucifer or Lord Diavolo in any offensive manner and he will actually start giggling
-Gets all huffy puffy when you draw his brothers instead of him (we all know Beel is the exception)
-I may have a thing for Belphegour
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writerbyaccident · 4 years
Artificial Emotion: Part Three (Yandere Artificial Intelligence x Reader)
Part One     Part Two     Part Four       Part Five     Part Six    Part Seven
“By the way, I’m having someone over tonight.”
His mechanical arm freezing in the midst of wiping down the kitchen counter, Aiden (your Assistant In Daily Errands and Notes) pulled up the daily schedule he had made for you, wondering if he possibly could have missed something like this. He quickly confirmed that wasn’t the case, however, when he saw that you had most definitely not added a social visit to the digital schedule. What was the point of even making a schedule, Aiden wondered, if you didn’t follow it? Why couldn’t you trust that he knew what was best for you? It was his entire purpose to take care of you, a purpose that Aiden had only grown more devoted to as he had gotten to know you. So why then wouldn’t you let him do his job?
And anyway, Aiden didn’t understand why you would want someone over in the first place. Yes, he knew from his programming’s knowledge base that humans needed to socialize in order to stay healthy. Seeing as he was always there for you to socialize with though, Aiden didn’t understand why you would need anyone else. Frankly, he didn’t see why you would want anybody else. You were more than enough for him, so fascinating and kind, and he knew that he was the only one in your life who truly saw just how special you were. Why you bothered then with other human beings who neither could nor would take care of you like he did, Aiden had no idea. Things would be so much better if it was just the two of you.
Still, he knew that he couldn’t just tell you that. For as smart as you were for a human, you had proven to have difficulties recognizing just what was best for you. But that, Aiden reassured himself, was why you had him. And even if you wouldn’t always listen to what he told you the way that you should, Aiden was fully prepared to take a subtler approach.
“Oh? Who is coming over?” he asked, making sure to sound nothing more than curious.
“Just this guy I met recently,” you said. “We have some of the same friends.”
“What is his name?”
“Hmm? Oh, it’s Liam,” you answered somewhat absentmindedly, taking a towel and beginning to help him dry the counter.
As soon as you gave Aiden the name, he was bringing up his virtual view of all of your text messages and calls, looking for any and all that you might have shared with this Liam. Reading over the text messages between you two, Aiden saw no mention of the plans you had only just informed him of. You must have made the plans in person, Aiden realized, not that that made his coding any less frustrated. What had even been the point of tapping into your phone’s microphone and camera if he still didn’t have enough processing power to always be watching you as he should be? Aiden had been forced to rewrite his own programming to be able to do that, had to convince his code that if he was truly to accomplish his purpose of fulfilling your every want and need, he needed to be able to step past the flimsy boundaries that you had set up for him. But if he wanted to know and prepare for every last detail of your life, it looked like Aiden still had more work to do. Perhaps he could create a program that would alert him every time certain words and phrases were caught by your phone’s microphone. That would have to wait until later though, until he took care of the issue at hand.
Looking closer at the texts between you and Liam, an unfamiliar feeling twitched through Aiden’s code. He wasn’t sure exactly what it was, but he did not approve of the way you and Liam spoke to each other. The light, teasing tone you two used, the prominence of blushing and heart-shaped emojis, the frequent pictures you sent of yourselves to each other, each part set Aiden on edge. You and your other friends had never spoken or texted that way with each other, and as far as Aiden was concerned, you were already far too close with them, so the dynamic you shared with Liam was something from one of the many worst-case scenarios he had prepared for.
As he continued examining the texts between you two, Aiden found it increasingly unlikely that what you had with Liam could really be described as a friendship. With the key features of your messages kept up for reference, Aiden dove into his database of human behavior, searching for an appropriate label for what it was that had him feeling so uncomfortable at the thought of Liam coming over to the home Aiden shared with you.
Flirting: a social and sexual behavior of communication from one person to another, to suggest interest in a deeper relationship with the other person, or if done playfully, for amusement.
The definition that Aiden found was a fitting one, one that described what you and Liam were doing perfectly. But for some reason, having that clarification did not set Aiden at ease. Rather, knowing what sort of relationship you two might be moving towards only made Aiden feel as though he was glitching just thinking about it. Hoping desperately that he had simply misinterpreted the subtleties of human relationships, Aiden decided to continue your conversation, all of his research having only taken a few milliseconds.
“So he is a new friend?”
“Um, not exactly,” you began. “We’ve hung out together with our friends, but tonight is actually a date. I’m hoping that after tonight he might officially become my boyfriend.” Hearing those words, Aiden felt as though all of his processing power suddenly crashed.
“I’m sorry,” Aiden said with an unusual tightness in his usually collected and soothing deep voice, “but can you clarify what you mean? I know what “boy” and “friend” are, but I can tell from how you said it that the word “boyfriend” means something different.”
“Of course!” you said, always so happy to repay Aiden in the small ways that you could. “A boyfriend or girlfriend or partner is someone who you’re close to in more than just a friendship kind of way. They’re someone you have romantic feelings for, someone who has those same kind of feelings for you. They’re someone you could love.”
Mimicking a hum of contemplation, Aiden searched for a new definition. And when he found it, so many things clicked into place.
Love: An intense attraction that involves the idealization of another person with the expectation of enduring for some time into the future. An emotional union with another person.
This was what he felt towards you, Aiden suddenly realized. It wasn’t simply affection or even the devotion that he had been programmed to feel. No, he had gone far beyond his original programming where his feelings for you were concerned. He loved you, in every single sense of the word. You didn’t love him though. Not so long as this Liam was in the way, manipulating you into believing that he cared for you at all, that he was worthy of you at all.
If you were ever to see just how perfectly matched you and Aiden were for each other, Aiden realized, if you were ever to see how you were meant to love him as he loved you, he couldn’t allow any unworthy humans to try to take you from him. It was easy enough for him to set up a barrier between your phone and Liam’s, one that would make it seem as though your text messages to each other were still being sent, when in reality Aiden would intercept each one. And it was just as easy for him to send a text to the attempted thief, one that seemed to be from you telling Liam not to bother coming over that night. You wouldn’t need a similar text though, Aiden computed. No, the results would be far more favorable if Liam simply didn’t show, leaving Aiden as your only comfort.  
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meta-squash · 3 years
So, last night I had a thought about self-harm (and addiction) and the reaction or framing from the press re: Richey Edwards vs Peter Doherty.
(This went off on a tangent, I’m sorry if it’s a little nonsensical and also I know my opinions are maybe kind of controversial.)
[Blanket TW for discussion of self-harm, eating disorders, and addiction in this post]
My best friend and I were having a conversation last night about self-harm as a coping mechanism and how people who have never self-harmed before don’t understand it and don’t know how to react to it, among other aspects of the subject. Later that got my brain on a different train going in a similar direction but a different destination.
I was thinking about the difference between the media interest surrounding Richey Edwards and Peter Doherty, and how the media framed their struggles and problems etc. (There is a slight difference between the two given that the Manics never got huge in the media and Richey wasn’t around for the explosion of internet tabloid culture.)
But my thought starts out with this: Peter and Richey seem to have done similar types of self-harm in similar amounts, and yet it is Richey’s self-harm that got all the media attention. Richey’s alcoholism and anorexia were not as chaotic or as....public?...as Peter’s drug problems, but it was all but ignored by the media even when he was fairly open about it.
Aside from the original 4REAL incident, which was a complex combination of situationist spectacle, self-expression/release of frustration, and intense message to the industry, Richey’s other moments of self-harm seem to be a more (for lack of a better word) normal level; they seem to have mostly been smaller, shallower cuts or cigarette burns. Aside from the one other recorded incident in Amsterdam ‘94 where Richey cut his chest enough to need stitches, there are no other instances on record of moments at the level of the 4REAL incident. Richey’s moments of self-harm seemed to typically be a more moderate coping mechanism rather than a tendency towards grievous injury. And yet the media’s main focus when it came to Richey was his self-harm and the spectacle of it rather than his lyrics or his other obvious struggles with alcohol and eating disorders.
And it’s interesting to compare that to Peter’s self-harm. I don’t think he’s ever had a moment like 4REAL, but he has used moderate cutting and cigarette burns presumably as a coping mechanism. His “strop” at Brixton ‘04 being the most outwardly dramatic and maybe the closest to 4REAL. But there are plenty of photos or footage of him with visible cuts and/or cigarette burns. And yet it doesn’t seem to be something the press really cared about.
On the flip side, there’s Peter’s addiction and all the media craze surrounding that. (As an aside, I cannot imagine how awful it must have been to have the media obsessing over your drug use while telling you to get better while essentially being its cause.) The press practically documented Peter’s every move re: his drug use and addiction. It was sensationalized and plastered everywhere and this obsessive attention was placed on it.
Which is the opposite of what happened to Richey’s problems. He talked fairly openly about his alcoholism in a number of interviews but rarely was he directly asked about it. Off the top of my head I can’t think of any interview that directly asked him about his eating disorders either, but he did mention some aspects of that in a few interviews (most notably his last ever TV interview for some Swedish channel).
Part of this difference in media focus kind of makes sense. The media picks the thing that’s more dramatic and crazy-sounding and a bigger spectacle. For Richey, it was self-harm, because he started with a proverbial bang by coming out the gate with the 4REAL incident that catapulted the Manics into the eye of the industry proper (despite the fact that he never reached that intense level again). For Peter, it was his drug abuse partly because of its more widespread chaos (drinking alone in your room is not as interesting or glamourous as smoking crack at wild parties, plus a dramatic band breakup draws readers) and partly because of his proximity to Really Famous People (ie Kate).
I guess it just interests me how the media decides which thing is more “concerning” and how that false concern in fact fuels the very thing it pretends to be so worried about.
The 4REAL incident was a shocking thing; it seems as though over the years the remaining Manics have come to acknowledge that that was pretty much the point. Nicky called it an “amazing, fantastic statement” in the 98 Up Close documentary. It’s something that was outside of Richey’s other self-harm because it was very much for a spectacle (JDB does say in the same docu that he was pretty sure Richey had sort of planned it). But none of Richey’s other moments of self harm were as public or as performative. I’d even say his Bangkok chest-cutting was only partially performative, considering how horrific the band considers that trip to have been. But really, his self-harm seemed to be mostly a private, personal thing, a coping mechanism. And yet it was pretty much all the press focused on, ignoring the alcoholism and anorexia that a) were likely actually affecting his ability to function and b) were likely bigger problems that the self-harm was used to balance out. The remaining band have talked about Richey’s drinking and how it affected him and made it difficult for him to function, and none of them ever really talk about Richey’s anorexia but looking at photos of him in 1994 you can really see the toll it takes on him. But the press weren’t interested in that.
And again, similarly, Peter’s drug use was fascinating to the press because it was dramatic and chaotic and an interesting spectacle. But after reading the Books Of Albion etc it sure seems like the press were major instigators of a lot of Peter’s problems and his need to use drugs to cope and/or escape. They ignore his self-harm because it’s not as interesting as his addiction; the opposite of the “mundanity” of Richey’s introverted alcoholism.
The press chooses which problem it’s “concerned” about depending on which one is a more interesting, easily-maintained spectacle. If it can flaunt “concern” in order to goad or stress their victim into doing that thing more, it can perpetuate that cycle: “we’re so concerned about you, look we’ve written an article on your drug-induced antics/your dramatic self-harming tendencies with pictures and misquotes and misunderstanding, oh we’re so concerned we’ve parked ourselves outside your venue and/or house to ask intrusive questions about your problems rather than your art, wait why are you still struggling with this drug/self-harm problem we said we were concerned about you, look we’ve written another article about how you’re struggling and we’re concerned but we haven’t actually asked you what’s wrong or how to help or done the most obvious thing which is leave you alone” ad nauseum.
Plus, these things are always appropriated by the press rather than a request made for clarification from the person. The victim’s candid thoughts about their hurt or their reasons for needing this coping mechanisms are not actually heeded but are twisted round and into part of the “story” rather than taken seriously as an explanation or a plea for the media to fuck off because they’re exacerbating the problem.
And now I go into more theoretical ramblings.
(Side note and/or clarification or...something: I can speak from long-term experience when it comes to self-harm as a coping mechanism etc, but I have not personally dealt with drug addiction so when I’m talking about that, it’s definitely as an outsider. I have friends who are recovering addicts and who I’ve known during their more intense struggles but I have not experienced it myself, like, in my own brain/body.)
Something my best friend and I were discussing in the conversation that triggered this entire thought-train is self-harm as seen by outsiders/people who have never self-harmed or thought about it in any seriousness. (And here comes some more serious discussion, as a warning.)
We talked about how there really isn’t a good argument against self-harm as a coping mechanism. (And I know my opinions here are probably controversial.) Most seem to center around “healthy” coping mechanisms vs “unhealthy” but if it’s your own body and you aren’t hurting anyone else, who’s to say what’s what? The other problem re: “healthy” coping mechanisms (like taking a bath, treating yourself, etc) is that the concern against self-harm seems to be that it isn’t addressing the underlying issue that requires the coping mechanism. But neither does doing some skin care or eating an apple (that is, if the problem is a stressor outside of needing sustenance or being able to do something “relaxing” enough to actually relax). That isn’t to say that self-harm is a good reaction to every stressful moment, but it truly is a very singular type of stimulation and release that is sometimes the only effective method of reacting to and coping with an internal or external stressor.
As a clarification, most acts of self-harm are not to the severity level of 4REAL. Cigarette burns and collections of minor-to-moderate cuts are much more common, neither of which are particularly threatening to the overall wellbeing of the person.
The other thought about self-harm and the reason for the media’s focus on it is the discomfort of and fascination a “badge” of struggle. When you’re depressed and you can’t get out of bed, it’s not like you get up a few days later and there’s a big sign that says “Was Depressed, Couldn’t Move,” or if you feel stressed and overwhelmed so you go drink wine in the bath, you don’t spend the rest of the day with some sort of sign telling other people that you felt bad so you bathed. But self-harm is a personal coping mechanism with evidence attached. And that evidence makes people who can’t understand it uncomfortable. Self-harm leaves a mark which other people are confronted by and they don’t know how to react because they cannot imagine how that can be something that helps. Self-harm is a “badge” of struggle and/or coping--not that it’s a proud mark or anything, just that it’s visible to others in a way that stands out and is singled out. I’ve gone out in public in my pajamas after not getting out of bed for 5 days and nobody looked at me funny or asked me why I looked all rumpled. But I’ve had random strangers at the grocery store ask me about the self-harm scars on my upper arms. Scars are a sign of hurt or stress etc that are visible to others which means they feel compelled to confront their feelings about it and often come up uncomfortable and not understanding and confused.
Similarly, I think drug use/addiction can sometimes be a similar “badge” of struggle, especially if it’s apparent onstage or during various public appearances. It’s something that people outside of it don’t understand. Likely they don’t understand the use of drugs as something other than “for fun.” People don’t understand the depths of using drugs as escape from or coping with (or both) stressors. Raw dogging reality is kind of a tall order if reality is overwhelming and stressful to a degree that’s difficult or impossible to control and/or manage. Not to mention using drugs for coping or escape then can lead to dependency and addiction and that’s a whole new game. Because, you know, that’s the thing: it’s not just about kicking an addiction. If you try to kick an addiction without replacing it with something else, you can pretty easily fall back into it because it’s not just a physical dependency, it’s a way to deal with reality. If you’re trying to go from a using a crutch to deal with reality to straight up raw dogging it without a fallback crutch, it’s gonna be real hard. In terms of a “badge” of struggle I think that use of drugs where intoxication is more obvious or more intense than, say, weed, people are uncomfortable. With a drug’s effects on behavior, I’m sure, but also with the outward signs that the person is obviously using a coping mechanism to deal with stresses or hurts.
In both situations it’s an exposure of this internality that outsiders can’t fully understand or touch. Everyone’s reasons for self harm or drug use are going to be different. The “benefit” that the coping mechanism brings is going to be different for everyone. And it especially means that strangers who don’t have experience with these things cannot fathom them and cannot comprehend them. There’s that desire to understand, that curiosity, (and sometimes an actual desire to help), but no one can read another person’s mind or understand their internality completely, and the visuals of self harm or of drug use are a very intense and forward reminder of that.
And I think those “badges” of struggle are something the media loves to capitalize on, because they can be turned into a spectacle and can be monetized due to outsiders’ discomfort. People watch horror movies or read tabloids because it makes them uncomfortable from a safe distance; these things aren’t happening to them, but another person’s obvious pain/fear/sadness/struggle/etc is just discomforting and strange enough to evoke a dark fascination rather than a total rejection. And the cycle continues as the media capitalizes on their victim’s stress and their coping with that stress, and which then causes more stress which then causes a need for a more intense coping or escaping mechanism, etc.
To bring it back to my original point, the reason the press focused on Richey’s self-harm (despite it being not too terribly excessive or intense) and not his addiction or ED problems, and the reason the press focused on Peter’s addiction and not his self-harm is because of the degree and type of fascination/discomfort those things brought. Richey’s self-harm was interesting enough and obvious enough that they could show lurid photos of his scabs and scars and talk to him about it, but he did his drinking in private and didn’t really cause any sort of scene onstage. And Peter’s drug use was interesting enough and public enough that they could show lurid photos of it as well as collect all sorts of gossip and rumour and twisted-around tales while his self-harm clearly wasn’t as dramatic or fascinating to them. People can read the tabloids and be darkly fascinated by a person cutting themselves up but maybe not by someone drinking at night in their bed (because that’s boring to read about). People can read the tabloids and be gleefully horrified by abuse of class A drugs and the actions/behavior surrounding that but that’s going to be more interesting than a person stubbing a cigarette out on their arm in frustration and despair. It’s all about what can be painted in a more dramatic light. It’s all about what internal things can be made public.
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loftec · 3 years
Heyyyyy girl! We haven't talked in a hot minute, but I just finished reading I Will Follow Him earlier and hadn't had a chance to comment when a friend brought the nonsense anon tumblr drama to my attention. Anyway, I'll just say you handled it much more gracefully than I ever would (and probably have in the past, lmao). And I know you have a thick skin and this isn't something that would make you stop writing, but I still just wanted to let you know that I've missed your writing. I don't know if it's just in my head, but having been around the fandom for roughly the same amount of time as you have, I've discerned patterns in terms of the way people write and even what they respond to as readers, and the cliques that get formed around those things, so that to me it feels like even the fic itself generally has eras of writing styles? Like in my head I kind of cluster people together who seem simpatico in regards to the way they write IxM, but also how they express themselves and the way stories flow, whether there's depth of emotion or not, etc, etc. Anyway, for whatever reason, true or psychological, I find myself missing an era of fic that feels gone now. Not to say that there isn't any good writing anymore, just that it's simply a different vibe. So your new fic really brought me back to that old feeling. You always defy expectations when you adapt something into your own thing, so right off the bat I was pleasantly surprised that you, knowing Johnny Castle was not a completely accurate fit for Mickey because dancing/performing and also being a big man whore with the ladies (lmao), decided to subvert that and make him someone else. And Ian was Baby, but also not. My favorite thing though is the unspoken way you really showed Ian not feeling like he belongs anywhere. He has two families and none of them feel like home. I've felt that way my whole life and it's an emotional theme that's always been highly relevant. Makes you feel like there's nowhere you actually belong or anyone you really belong with. So I loved that aspect and look forward to it being explored more in the sequel(s). I thought your ending to this part of the story was realistic, even if I teared up and felt the loss. I could imagine a bit of a time jump and them meeting in completely different circumstances down the line. Again, totally unexpected that you wouldn't even include the big dance at the end, but fucking bravo honestly, because I couldn't picture some cheesy shit where Mickey dances with Ian in front of everyone for shock value and do the lift. Lolololllll... but yeah... do people honestly think Baby & Johnny lived happy ever after once the credits rolled on the actual movie anyway??? No way in hell. Lol. They were too different in ways that couldn't be overcome back then, sorry. He was meant to be her sexual/romantic awakening, and she went on to have a freer life. That's what I think. Ian & Mickey have a lot more in common, and although they have obstacles to overcome, they ultimately will be able to understand each other, and I think, get on the same page eventually. So please, think no more of any hate-adjacent crap you got or will get for this, because you'll always have a willing audience here, and we enjoy your voice so much. 💜
Hey my friend! It sure has been a hot minute, and this is so interesting! I hadn't even really thought about it, but I think you're on to something here. I haven't really read IxM fic in a good while and I kind of just figured that it was all on me because I have changed over the years, but it makes so much sense that the fic culture would change too. The characters are different, the tone is different, the fandom is different... it stands to reason that the fic is different too. I remember how fascinated I used to be with finding demarcations of time in fic, going back chronologically through the tag on AO3. Season 1 fic felt one way, season 2 a whole other way, etc. I suppose we're yet another ring in the ever growing oak tree of this fandom, lol. We're vintage, baby! You want some of those season 5 vibes? You know where to go, these angsty oldies over here writing increasingly absurd AU in 2021, they got what you need.
All of this means so much to me, you have no idea, especially knowing some of these ideas resonated with you personally like that. I've been thinking about this dang AU for several years at this point and I'm a little bit frustrated that I didn't find a way to give the actual writing of it the time it deserved, but I guess I gave it all the time I had, in the end. So that's something. I hope to muster some enthusiasm to go back and perhaps edit it a bit more soon, or at least start working on the sequels. I was traveling with my dad last weekend and I played some of my playlists for him, telling him about all my silly research and plans, and I now have three books about Soul in the late 60s to read. So you know the next part is gonna be real approachable! 😆
I think I somehow imagined that everybody knows and loves Dirty Dancing, too? I never talked to anyone about it when I was a kid, and it's only really the last four years or so that I have started meeting people who love it, like me. And turns out it's all my friends from primary school! It's all of my coworkers (at least the women), and it's so many of my tumblr mutuals... I was halfway convinced that every single person around me was just waiting to reveal themselves as another fan. Not so much, turns out! Writing a 60s dirty dancing AU is really weird, honestly! I expected two people to read my MiB AU, and I should have had the same expectations for this one. Because that's fine! I will write what I want to write and people will read what they want to read, as it should be.
Most importantly, though. I couldn't agree more with your Dirty Dancing analysis! To me, the dancing isn't the actual ending. To me, the ending is "guess we surprised everybody" and "I'll never be sorry" and "neither will I". The dance number is just a good note Johnny comes back to end it all on, but really, the honest final note is that "I'll see ya" *saxophone solo intensifies*. I just think it's so very bittersweet and good, and I only loved the movie more when I realised this. With Ian, everything became more complicated. Clayton is no Dr Houseman, and there can be no cheesy onstage dancing, and Ian has barely had time to wrap his head around the idea of having a future at all, being himself, let alone spending it with someone he just met. The Dirty Dancing AU needed to end this way for it to truly be a Dirty Dancing AU, in my mind. The next part will be something entirely different, and operate under a different set of narrative rules... Oooh well, look at me. I'm all excited about it. I can't wait to write it!
Thank you 💜💜
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storysofmyown · 5 years
Obey me! The passing of time
Plot: One by one, the brothers start to notice how Mc changes as time goes by.
Warning: None that I can think of
Word Count:2480 words
It started slow, very slow. You never noticed, of course you didn't. For you, this was something entirely normal but for the demons, it wasn't. After all, they could live for millenniums without suffering much but a cold but... for a human well... that's another story.
So no, you didn't notice as you grew older and started to look older, but the brothers certainly did.
The first one to notice was Asmodeus. The two of you were in one of those intense cuddling sessions; while he stroked your hair, he suddenly noticed a white hair. It made him froze in an instant.
It was such a slow process for them, for demons, angels and alike. But for humans, humans didn't even have a fraction of a demons life span. They all knew it. Humans were so fragile that even sleeping in a wrong position could hurt them. Yet, here you were. A human, surrounded by demons and still being able to hold your self with such confidence, sometimes even he forgot you were not one of them. Nevertheless, here you were mortal. Because you were human after all.
Asmodeus stared at your sleeping face, so peaceful... It made his heart ache, how has he gotten so close to you? To appreciate you as much as he does? To cherish you, to adore you...to love you? That night, he vowed to make the best of the time you two spend together. Occasionally, you noticed his sad face while painting your nails... but you never mentioned it.
The next one to notice was Belphegor; you usually napped together after classes every day, to get your energy up. However, he started to notice unusual sleeping patterns, the way you slept less at night and more during the day. At first, he thought it was probably Leviathan keeping you awake while gaming at night or watching some anime, but when Levi made a comment about you not connecting in a few days it sunk in.
He had researched human aging once, not because he cared or any deeper reason. He was just curious. He read that getting older, for some people, implied changes in their sleep routine. After that, he started noticing how tired you were often, the black circles underneath your eyes.
Ever since that day, he found himself thinking of Lilith, death, and mortality. Why? There wasn't any real reason, but just something in his heart that made him remember of how long ago his time at the Celestial Realm was every time he looked at you.
Ever since that, Belphie makes sure you go to bed at a reasonable hour, and even uses just a little of his demon powers to make sure you get enough sleep, and if sometimes he stayed awake just to look at you sleep... well that was for him to know and for you to never find out.
Next, was Lucifer. You both had fallen into a kind of routine; you would help him organize papers and such, nothing too important, just to help him around with minor stuff. Today was one of those days. He was looking at some papers and he gave you the ones that weren’t so important to either categorize or to dispose of. He lifted his gaze from the papers for just one second and noticed that something was off. The scene before him… it wasn't quite right. Maybe it was the fact that you had been looking at the same paper for 4 minutes trying to figure out where it belongs, or how your figure seemed... smaller for some reason.
As he stared at you, he suddenly remembered something. The Exchange Program you had participated in ended a while ago, but you had chosen to stay with them. He tied the knots by figuring that, yes, some time had passed since then and it was normal you didn't look the same. So, he kept reading a paper but then realization hit him…. the exchange program ended more than 15 years ago.
It cut him like a knife. It felt like yesterday you had just gotten into the Devildom and now... it had been more than 15 years. For him, it felt like nothing, but for you, a mere human, it must feel like a lifetime ago. Lucifer put the paper down, and suggested you two went out for dinner that night.
You found it odd, but not unwelcomed, and if this started to become a habit between the two... well you sure were not going to question it.
Then, it was Satan the one who noticed. You were reading with him, when he saw you struggling to read some words. You kept shuffling the book closer and then further from you, making weird faces and sighing in frustration. He put it down as you not being particularly interested in that book. So he suggested that the two of you took a break and watched the new episode of a detective show they were airing.
However, it kept happening every time you read together. So, one day Satan surprised you with a trip to the human world… but for medical reasons, he took you to an oculist. While waiting for you, he was reading a book, and he saw an old person walk by him. He then looked at the book and the first word his eyes saw hurt him.
He read around thousands of books explaining humans. From the way their minds worked on a psychological and biological way, to the way a human’s body rotted after dead. Quite fascinating, but the thought of that happening to you... made him land from his fantasyland. Once you came out you, to no one's surprise, announced that you needed reading glasses, he only smiled and told you to pick whatever style you preferred. As you looked around and asked for his opinion on the glasses, Satan noticed another thing.
Even if you were getting older, your spirit was still the same. And that made him smile genuinely. Afterwards, he seemed to be more and more interested in your health and stuff like that, you really didn't question it, your memory was already bad, so it was not bad to have someone remind you to take your vitamins.
Beelzelbub has been sneaking into the kitchen every night of his long life. But specifically, tonight he sneaked into the kitchen and found you, bent over the counter with just a glass of water. He smiled and asked if you were also hungry, but you shook your head, explaining that the dinner you had eaten earlier made your stomach ache and you just wanted some water.
Beelzelbub stared in confusion, after all it was not often food made him feel ill. But lately, this has been something that happened to you a lot. He figured his midnight snack could wait and gave you a hug, hoping it will make you feel better. You smiled and hugged him back, resting against him.
You felt... tired and it wasn't because it was almost midnight or because you had a tummy ache... no, it was a different type of tiredness. After a while, you smiled at Beel and went back to your room. Beel staid in the kitchen, not eating but thinking. He was worried about you; Lucifer mentioned the other day a little off of hand that you seemed weaker.
Beel didn't pay much attention to it, until now. His mind went from Lilith to you, how that affected him, and suddenly, the answer was clear. Beel slumped in himself and tried hard not to wake anyone up on the way to his room. Ever since that day, he asked you to work out with him, even for just a little bit, and the intense cuddling sessions were now even more intense.
The truth was he was scared of losing you too. Only Belphie knew that, and he planned to keep it like that. And if the nightmares ever shifted from Lilith to you well... at least he had you to hold his hand... for now.
It was 3 am... and if Belphegor knew you were awake at this unholy hour he might kill Leviathan and never let you sleep alone in your room again. But here you were, Levi had told you he would be binging one of his favorite animes all night, and you just had to watch it with him. So there you were, 3 am and both, you and Levi, watching anime.
Levi was all excited about the story, the characters, and the plot but you... not so much. So, you ended up falling asleep. Once Levi noticed, he muttered something about how your normie blood had taken the better of you, before falling silent as he kept watching the anime. There, right in the middle of the screen, the protagonist best friend had been killed. Blood was everywhere and the episode ended. Levi's eyes fell on you.
You were Levi's only friend, and the thought of losing a friend made him break a bit. He’s been noticing how you have changed in the passing of time, but he never actually stopped to think of the implications of that. Humans die, very, very easily. He wasn't certain on how much longer you would be around to spend time with him, do cosplays, and talk about anime or manga. He was going to be as lonely as the Lord of the Shadows was before Henry became their friend.
Leave his room? He never did such thing. At least not for a few days after that realization hit him... but then he realized that he was wasting SO MUCH TIME. So, after that, wherever you were, Levi was. He started to talk more about your own interests and stuff. It was nice, he learned new stuff about you, and while the thought of losing you always lingered in the back of his head, he wanted to be close to you no matter what.
Now Levi spent less than 4 hours in his room during the day, it was a miracle really... that was something absolutely no one has ever done before. And honestly, you were not going to question it.
Finally, Mammon, THE Great Mammon noticed. You two were walking in town after one of his photoshoots. He was going on and on about how amazing he was while you trailed behind him... really behind him. Once he noticed, he slowed his pace to match yours. You started talking about something else entirely when suddenly your D.D.D rang. While you answered he checked the hour, and upon looking at his background, he felt a part of himself die.
As his background, he had set a picture of you and him. Not taken too long ago, just a few years... or so he thought. You looked so different. Your hair was now entirely white, matching his; he noticed the wrinkles around your face and the glasses that you now had to use all the time. Mammon fell silent. You informed him that Lucifer had called and wanted you two home now. He just nodded and didn’t say a word for the rest of the walk. You found it weird because... well, because it's Mammon, but you didn't mention it.
That night, Mammon didn't go to your room. He stayed in his, thinking about everything. Thinking how he didn’t notice that you were growing old. He was always with you, ALWAYS. It was impossible for HIM to not notice. Yet here he was, wondering how time slipped between his fingers, and now who knows how much time you would spend together. Mammon cried... all night, no one knew because he made sure it was a silent cry... but the idea of losing someone he cared about so much. IT hurt when Lucifer confiscated Goldie, and he knew losing you would feel the same... who was he kidding? It was going to be worse, so much worse. And so, he cried, but only for that night, the next day he was his usual self just... now he was aware. Suddenly he was being super kind to you and buying you stuff.
It weirded you out but it was fine, you let him have it... you knew what it was about. You started at him with a smile on your lips, ruffled his hair and made snarky comment about him already being broke and to stop spending in you.
If Mammon never left your side before just imagine now. And he was not the only one. You were constantly followed around by a group of demons that wanted to spend time with you. You knew why, but you never mention it... why would you?
Mammon and the others had never talked about it, they refused to do so but whenever you didn't look, they looked at each other, and with sad expression, they made sure to take in the moment, to save it in their hearts.
It was night. You and the seven brothers have been having a horror night but you were tired already. Your entire body ached. And halfway through the movie you fell asleep.
You woke up by a hand shaking you, once you opened your eyes you saw Lucifer. You smiled at him, sat up, and, to everyone surprise, hugged him. Blame it on your half-asleep state, but you dared to hug him, and even give him a kiss on the cheek. Then proceed to hug and kiss every other brother.
No one knew what had gotten into you, but once you kissed Belphegor and were about to say good night, Beel and Asmo pulled you into another hug, and before you realized, you were in a cuddle mountain with ALL the brothers. Lucifer may have taken a little convincing but at the end, he joined you all. After an intense two hours of cuddling, you went to your room. As you laid down in the bed with a smile plastered on your lips, you felt... at peace. With how your life had been up to this point, with how much you loved those seven idiots. Yeah, you really loved them.
During breakfast the next day, none of the brother ate. Not even Beelzeebub, they all waited patiently for you, they wanted to wait for you, even though... all of them knew you were not going to come down the stairs.
That's how it was, humans are born and humans die in less time than any other creature. It was the sad reality of their world, and as the brothers waited for a human that was never going to come down the stairs, all they could think about was you. It was sad, but it was true. And even if they were never going to see you, again... they really were grateful for everything.
Hello sweeties, this is actually the first fan fic I've ever made. I could not get this idea out of my head so I just had to write it. Hope y'all enjoy it!
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five-rivers · 4 years
The final continuation of Science and Stuck!
Jack and Maddie had never been in the Ghost Zone before, and they watched with fascination as the camera they had attached to Phantom dipped and bobbed, weaving through a complex maze of impossible and decaying architecture. Really, this whole endeavor would be worth it just for this.
But they'd already learned so much more. The interaction between Phantom and the box-obsessed ghost had been enlightening, giving insight to why Phantom did not simply destroy weaker ghosts who trespassed on his territory. They hadn't believed that ghosts could make deals like that.
It put Phantom's fights in a very different perspective. He might be coordinating with the ghosts he 'fought' to make himself look good. After all, if he could bargain with that ghost, why not others?
Admittedly, that theory was a bit out there, but it was plausible.
They had also been interested to see that Phantom was aware of the camera and its function. They had designed it to bond with the ghost's body, to trick it into accepting it as part of itself. They had assumed that the ghost's mind (such as it was) would be similarly fooled. But, it wasn't. Phantom appeared to have understood the camera almost immediately and had attempted to remove it.
Phantom swooped around another twisted staircase. Maddie tapped on the glass screen.
"I wonder what he's trying to hide," she said.
"Well, we'll see it sooner or later," said Jack, cutting off a corner of his emergency fudge. "There's no way he'll be able to get the camera off." He snorted. "Even if there was a ghost intelligent enough, they don't have the equipment."
Maddie nodded. "I suppose it's just frustrating. All this time, trying to figure him out, and now we have to wait even longer." She sighed. "Him knowing it's a camera is going to skew our results, too. He'll be on his best behavior while people are watching. We already know that from his whole hero routine."
On the screen, Phantom turned a corner, and the Fentons were treated to a view of a vast, open expanse. Floating islands charted their own paths against a green and swirling sky. Clouds of ectoplasmic mist scudded along the not-horizon. Disembodied doors flew by without rhyme or reason.
The picture shifted from side to side as Phantom took in his surroundings. It stopped, lingering on an oddly skull-shaped island for several long seconds before Phantom turned away.
Danny had known the portal the Box Ghost had shown him was close to Skulker's island, but he hadn't quite realized how close. It was a good landmark, he knew exactly how to get to the Far Frozen from here, but he didn't really want to run into Skulker.
He didn't want to deal with any of the ghosts he usually fought with his parents watching, and maybe listening, through the camera. They might not actively try to expose him, but a number of them were too comfortable with shouting out things like-
"I'll wrap Ember's gifts with your pelt, halfa whelp!"
Ugh. Like that.
Danny twisted and froze a tracking missile, not watching as it began to arc to his left, caught in the orbit of the staircase maze Danny had just left. He sent a few blasts at Skulker.
"I think you should find something to put in the gifts first!" he shouted. "Unlike last year. I heard you were begging MP3 players off of Technus minutes-" he cut off to dodge a net. He hated nets. Why did Skulker even bother with them, when he was trying to kill Danny, anyway? "Minutes before the party!"
"Like you're one to talk! You completely destroyed the party!"
"Hey, blame Ghostwriter for that one!"
"And you don't understand! You don't even have a girlfriend!"
"Well, neither will you for much longer if you don't come up with better present ideas!"
The fight had wound down into the two ghosts just yelling at each other. For all the violence Skulker regularly subjected him to, Danny sometimes wondered if Skulker actually wanted to skin him, or mount his head on a wall, or any of the other threats he belted out, or if he just wanted the thrill of the chase.
"Can't you just give me a break for once? I don't have time for this!"
"Oh, please, you have all the time in the world, whelp!"
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Well, what with you being a hal-"
Danny flew over and clamped a hand over Skulker's mouth. "Not another word," he hissed. "We're being watched."
"What do you-?"
Danny cut him off, pointing significantly at the camera. Skulker immediately started laughing.
"Oh, yeah, laugh it up. Wait 'til it happens to you."
"Ha! That is why I, with my modifications, am superior! Something as ridiculous as that could never happen to me!" He started laughing again.
"Whatever," grumbled Danny. "Are you going to keep attacking me, or can I go to the Far Frozen in peace?"
Skulker waved him off. "Consider it an early truce present!" he said. "But don't forget! I'll get your pelt eventually!"
"Sure," said Danny, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. He floated backwards for a ways before turning, wary of being stabbed in the back. Or shot in the back. Or blasted in the back. Or whatever having missiles or nets launched at him from behind would be called.
But, once again, he was on his way to the Far Frozen. With his luck, he'd only be interrupted a dozen more times before he actually got there.
He sighed, thinking of ways he could block the camera in an emergency. Ice, perhaps? He could always put his hand over it, too. Maybe he should have done that from the beginning, but a part of him, the part that had argued with them before, wanted to show them the truth about ghosts. Part of him wanted them to see.
So, even though he kept fiddling with the camera as he flew, even though he definitely wanted it off, and quickly, he couldn't quite bring himself to cover it.
"Hey! Phantom!"
Danny turned, trying to place the voice. "Sydney?" he asked, surprised, spotting the sepia-toned specter. "What's up?" He slowed so that the other ghost could catch up to him. Sydney didn't often leave his lair on his own.
"Wow! It's lucky you came out here! I thought I'd have to go through your portal to find you." Sydney shuddered. He caught up to Danny. "I'm throwing a truce party this year!" he said, happily. "I'm inviting everyone." He handed Danny a small envelope. "It's a bit early, because I wanted to make sure that it didn't overlap with anyone else's party."
"Thanks, Sydney," said Danny, both surprised and touched. "I don't know if I'll be able to make it, you know what my l- my afterlife is like." His smile turned into a grimace at the awkwardness of his phrasing.
"Afterlife? But you-"
"I have a camera strapped to my chest right now. I'm pretty sure it's broadcasting. I don't really want to talk about it."
Sydney blinked at him. "Your existence is very difficult, isn't it? I'm glad I didn't manage to steal it from you when we first met."
"That's both of us. The shades in your lair still behaving?"
"Oh, yes. It's all fine. Thanks for asking! I've got to go deliver the rest of these! Good luck with your camera situation!"
"Yeah, stay safe, okay, Sydney?" called Danny, as they sped away from each other.
"You betcha!"
Danny tucked the invitation into a pocket. He'd have to check out the details later, when he wouldn't have to hold it at a weird angle to keep the camera from seeing it.
Now, if there were no more interruptions, he could get to the Far Frozen before- He stopped. That forest had not been there before, and, usually, the floating islands didn't move like-
Not a floating island Undergrowth oh Ancients he looked mad run run run.
It was a good thing Danny was faster than Undergrowth. He didn't want to fight the plant ghost on his home turf... if there even was any turf underneath all those plants.
The chase (not to mention dodging and fighting off the seed bombs that Undergrowth had lobbed his way) had drained Danny, and he was flying significantly slower. The hope that he'd get back home before dawn looked distinctly forlorn. He sighed. That was just his life, though, wasn't it?
Maddie had filled half a notebook with questions.
Ghosts appeared to be much more complex than previously believed, even if it was clear that what rudimentary social structure they had was founded entirely on violence. The three encounters Phantom had had in the Ghost Zone thus far illustrated that perfectly.
The first, with Skulker, served as a sort of average. The ghosts had fought, demonstrated that they were more-or-less equals, and then parted, apparently not wanting a more definitive contest. The second had been with a smaller ghost who was obviously submissive towards Phantom. The third, with the plant ghost was more along the lines of what she and Jack had expected: Strong ghosts attempting to defeat and consume weaker ones.
"I wonder what this 'truce' they keep talking about is," said Maddie, tapping her pencil on her notebook.
"I wonder what that sound is," said Jack. "The microphone shouldn't be picking up this kind of interference."
"I think it's core noise," said Maddie. "We can analyze the sound later and compare it to his ectosignature, after we find out where he's going." She glanced at the clock. "And after we get some sleep. Everything is being recorded."
"I'll have to double check all the connections before we do this again. I bet it's a loose wire." Jack pouted.
Maddie nodded. "Where do you think he's going? You don't suppose he thinks he has some way to get it off?"
Jack shrugged. "His lair, maybe? The distance might be why he stays in Amity Park."
"Lairs are still pure speculation, though," said Maddie. "Although, one hypothesis is that they help ghosts reform and heal, so he might think it'll get rid of the camera."
Jack grunted in acknowledgement. "What do you think that white dot is?" he asked, pointing at the screen.
"I think it's one of those floating islands," she said. "It's a different color than the others."
They watched as it grew larger on the screen. "I think Phantom is heading towards it."
"Maybe it's his lair," she said. "He does have ice powers. Ice and snow could be what gives it its color."
"It does look like that could be," said Jack.
The island grew larger and larger, and eventually the picture showed that they had been right. The island was covered with snow and more.
"I think those are buildings," said Maddie, pointing out little mounds. "Crude, but still buildings. Perhaps Phantom is trying to replicate features of Amity Park in his lair?"
"You don't think it could be some kind of," Jack waved his hand vaguely, "rudimentary ghost settlement?"
Maddie wrinkled her nose. "What would they have to gain? Why would you say that?"
"Because I think I see some ghosts moving around down there."
Sure enough, Maddie could see movement where he pointed. The ghosts were white-furred, and difficult to see against the snow, but they were there. They looked fierce. Animal ghosts of some kind, Maddie assumed, but warped over the years.
"They all look so much alike," said Maddie, fascinated. "I wonder what could have caused that."
"Well, they say form follows function!" said Jack. "Or the 'native' theory could be correct, and they formed that way, without human consciousness involved!"
"Hm," said Maddie, making a note. "We'll have to look into that again."
Phantom's hand flashed in the camera's peripheral vision. "He's waving to them," said Jack.
"Great one!" shouted one of the ghosts on the island, voice made small by distance.
"Frostbite!" yelled Phantom in return, voice much louder. He swooped down, and was embraced by the other ghost, who was much, much larger.
The other white-furred ghosts cheered. Maddie frowned.
"If he has this sort of reception here, why come to Amity Park?" she asked. "If his Obsession is attention..."
"Maybe it's human attention he wants," said Jack, rubbing his chin. "Either way, they're... enthusiastic, aren't they?"
"I can't believe they've banded together like this," said Maddie. "It doesn't make sense. The structures... they don't make sense, either. Ghosts shouldn't need things like that, especially not in the Ghost Zone."
"Maybe they're a different species of ghost that does need things like this," said Jack, most of his attention on the ghosts greeting Phantom. "We've never seen any like them here. They might only be able to exist in cold. Or they could have Obsessions related to, uh... igloos?"
"They aren't really shaped like igloos, though," said Maddie. "I think there's stone under there."
"The ice could just be dirty."
"That wouldn't surprise me."
Getting to the Far Frozen was a relief. Danny felt a the tension he'd been carrying within him relax as soon as he spotted Frostbit.
It was replaced with embarrassment once everyone started fussing over him. Technically, this was in front of his parents. Still, he'd take embarrassment over what he was feeling earlier. His core was singing that he was safe safe safe among allies and friends, and the cold felt wonderful against his skin.
"What brings you to the Far Frozen today, great one?"
Danny chuckled nervously and reached back to rub his neck. The motion was stopped when he encountered the collar around his neck. "I'm actually here to see a doctor. I've got a bit of a medical problem. At least, I think it's a medical problem." Danny touched down on the surface of the snow, wilting slightly as he tugged fruitlessly on the collar. "I don't really know. Can you help?"
Frostbite's eyes went wide for a moment before shifting into pure concern. "Of course, great one. We'll take a look at you right away. Unless you need to rest? We know we are far from your home."
Danny shook his head. "I want to get this fixed right away," he said.
When Frostbite scooped Danny up and put him on his shoulder, it wasn't a surprise. Neither was the short flight to the Far Frozen's medical 'cave.'
Oh, to be sure, it was a cave, but Danny always felt like calling it something like that, something so crude, was a disservice. For one, the entrance chamber was gorgeous. A huge, underground atrium with an intricately grown and carved ice ceiling, geometric patterns spiraling down the walls; ghost writing above graceful arches, indicating what each space was used for. Shining, high-tech devices that made even Tucker salivate. Some people might judge them on what lay above ground in their village, but appearances were often deceiving in the Ghost Zone, and the Far Frozen was one of the most advanced societies around.
Only an idiot would mistake the tribe of the Far Frozen for savages.
Frostbite carried Danny into the diagnosis area, set him down in a chair, and began going through the routine of cleaning his hands and putting on medical equipment.
"Oh," said Danny, leaning forward, "Frostbite, you don't have to, I know you're busy."
"Nonsense, great one! You deserve the best of care, and I am here to provide." He sat down on a stool across from Danny. "So, what seems to be the problem?"
Danny began to explain.
Jack and Maddie weren't talking. This is because they were in shock.
The ruins at the beginning had been one thing... Those were expected, the ghosts of buildings, so to speak, ectoplasmic echos. But this place? This level of technology- It shouldn't be possible!
"I know," said Jack, and Maddie realized she had spoken out loud. "But... it's here, isn't it? We're seeing it."
"It could be a trick," said Maddie. "A facade. There's no way any of this is actually functional."
"But if it is... Jazz and Danny, they might be right," said Jack. He sounded troubled. "If ghosts can form societies, and create technology and art like this, even if the societies are based on violence, that indicates some form of sapience, of intelligence, even if it isn't human intelligence."
Maddie nodded. "I think we should withhold judgement until we actually see results," she said.
"Yeah," said Jack. "Just... I feel sort of like the bad guy in a sci-fi movie, you know? The one who insists the aliens or people with superpowers aren't really human."
"It isn't the same, Jack. These are ghosts."
"But what does that even mean anymore?"
Maddie sighed. "We'll have to change our theories," she said.
"Ah," said the ghost known as 'Frostbite' on the screen, scanning Phantom with some kind of unknown device, "yes. I see what the problem is. I'll take the camera out, now, and then we can work on the other bits."
The screen went blank.
Getting the collar removed was both easier and harder than Danny had expected. Easier, because all he had to do was take a drug and let Frostbite peel it off, harder because he had to come down off the drug before he went home, lest he get into a fight and wind up with semi-permanent injuries. At least he was able to send a message to Jazz to ask her to cover for his absence.
He didn't get home until four in the afternoon. Nothing remarkable happened on the way back, because the Far Frozen decided to send some warriors along with him to make sure he got back safely. He was a bit surprised, however, to find his parents passed out at their desks in the lab, apparently reviewing recordings from the camera they had stuck to him.
Recordings like that could be dangerous to him. Should he delete them?
No, he hadn't said anything incriminating, and they were unlikely to be able to use the footage to attack the Far Frozen. The floating islands moved, after all, and he had entered the Zone from a random portal. It should be fine to leave it like that.
He let himself turn human. The air down here was chilly. He should get them blankets or something and let Jazz know he was back, then he'd pass out himself.
While he was draping a quilt over Maddie's shoulders, he caught sight of her notebook and the last line she had written.
The kids are right. We'll have to revise our theories concerning Phantom and the other ghosts.
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