hussyknee · 1 year
I'm so fucking mad.
Yesterday I took 50mg of Atomoxetine (Strattera) out of sheer frustration instead of my prescribed 30mg which was doing nothing.
And then...I was like "get up" and I would get up. "Go find the electricity bill" and went and found the electricity bill. "Sort through all the mail and organise it" and just. Fucking. Did it. No getting stuck for half an hour and spiralling in anxiety because my executive commands weren't going through.
I went to the hospital and begged those fuckers to increase my dosage and spent half an hour trying to convince them that this is clearly my ADHD symptoms being exacerbated by anxiety that's fucking me up. They refused, said "Oh, but anyone would find it difficult to function in your situation", and increased my Venlafaxine (Effexor) instead, although that fuckin plateaus any further than the dosage I already take. My primary doc knows this, but I have better luck catching Bigfoot than her at NHSL anymore so I keep having to tussle with the junior dipshits.
Granted I seem to have overshot a bit, because I spent a while vibrating into the fifth dimension. Felt like I'd had six cups of coffee and needed to do three things at once. Perhaps I should have attempted 40mg first. But 50mg very much did catapult me out of this neverending rut.
WEEKS OF BEING TRAPPED BY THE STATIC IN MY BRAIN LIKE A ROOMBA ON A RUG. I couldn't get out of bed, eat on time, shower, make my bed, do my laundry, go to bed. The simplest fucking tasks like pushing a boulder uphill with a stick. Sitting on the bed doomscrolling and tearing the soles of my feet into strips so bloody that it hurt to walk. I don't pick at my feet anymore! Didn't even realize I hadn't until the end of yesterday. This is the first time I've stopped in months. I stock up on band-aids and keep them next to my bed because I usually bleed in about three places within a day. And I pick the scabs off the still-healing wounds. All stopped by 20mg more of Strattera!!!
In other medication fuckery, I stopped the anti-inflammatory meds I was taking for my back because 1) the total cost of my meds was getting insane and 2) I haven't been in pain the last two months. I looked up whether there were side effects for long-term use of NSAIDs and found that using any of them with Venlafaxine increases the chance of gastrointestinal bleeding?? The way I've been having all this time?? Was my rheumatologist ever gonna tell me?? I'm just so used to flares, so fogged in my head and so relatively pain-free that I didn't especially note it. Turns out– the only reason I haven't been in pain is because I was taking the fucking anti-inflammatories. Imagine that! So I can either take Venlafaxine (which I cherish like a child regardless of the wrath-of-God withdrawal any time I miss a single dose) or I can take NSAIDs??
*googles anti-inflammatory meds other than NSAIDs*
Internet: "eat pineapple idk. have you tried tumeric?"
I hate my life.
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macgyvermedical · 1 year
Hello. Can you write something about diclofenac and interactions? Where I live, Diclofenac is often used as a topical cream/gel to treat mild-to-moderate acute joint pain, like sprains, but it also comes in pill Form, and is apparently not supposed to be taken together with Ibuprofen, but I recently put some on an injured wrist, and would have liked to also take Ibuprofen but deliberatley didn't because interactions, and when I saw the doctor, and complained about the inconvenience/asked for advice on how to switch over, like by stopping the gel and taking Paracetamol overnight and then taking Ibuprofen the next day?..., and She said I didn't need to worry and it's only oral Diclofenac that has interaction with Ibuprofen, not topical, but how does that work/
So diclofenac is an NSAID, which is in the same category of drugs as ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin, and meloxicam, ketorolac, and many others.
They all work by blocking a chemical called cyclooxygenase (COX).
Since they all work the same way, taking more than one at a time is like taking a lot of one at a time, and can lead to overdose.
With the diclofenac gel specifically, the COX blocking is limited right to the area of the pain, and doesn’t travel around the body at high enough amounts to cause an overdose, even if you’re taking another NSAID on top of it.
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Bet you never thought you’d see medication head canons did ya?
Well now you are
I like to think that Tylenol is Acetaminophen’s dead name and that it’s a closeted trans medicine. The Acetaminophen works is by blocking pain receptors which is something that can be done by the hormone GABA. The way GABA works is that it binds to receptors in your brain so that other hormones don’t affect you as much. GABA is fairly common in anti anxiety meds and antipsychotics. So assume Acetaminophen is transitioning from a psychological medication to a pain medication, NSAID if we’re being specific. I think it based its name off Aspirin because it always wanted to be like Aspirin. So what if when it went to change its name the other NSAIDs went with it to show support. Aspirin stayed the same but Ibuprofen changed its name to Advil and Naproxen to Aleve. Now they’re all one big happy supportive family of NSAIDs.
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lexrambeau · 1 year
Okay so I went to the urgent care and they told me I have bleeding in my stomach organ. So if you take NSAID’s for chronic pain, please be very CAREFUL. It’ll take about 3 weeks to fully repair my stomach lining
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50stressballs · 5 months
So I’ve been on Celebrex for like 3 1/2 months now, had to stop taking it recently because it was giving me some GNARLY nausea and oh boy. Oh goodness. I did not realize HOW MUCH Celebrex was helping me until I had to stop taking it entirely.
Like it wasn’t completely curing me or anything, I was still having constant joint pain and fatigue, but it made my symptoms… semi-manageable? Kinda? Like I truly forgot just HOW bad it felt to have my pain go untreated.
Luckily after my last intense flare up I made sure to really build my work schedule around my pain and prepare things to run on their own incase I needed to take it easy for a while but holy shit. I feel Very Bad™️ right now.
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gramarobin · 6 months
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except due to lowered kidney function from taking too much ibuprofen-i can't take it anymore 😭
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frogsspark · 9 months
I don't know if it's just me but I don't like taking medicine? I got prescribed some naproxen for my pain but I refuse to take it unless I absolutely need it, same with other normal NSAIDs. I don't know if it's internal ableism or just a me thing, ill normally just use topical ointments or heat packs at school.
I feel like both have stopped working as well and I don't know what to do since I don't want to be taking medicine so often.
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aibidil · 1 year
I have a badass aunt who has had a lot of joint problems and replacements over the years (she was a big racquetball player), and she's eighty now. She was at the doctor looking at her kidney function and the doctor was like, "Have you by any chance taken a lot of nsaid?" And she's like, "Well, yeah." Turns out she has less than 50% of her kidney function due to chronic nsaid use. And for the record, she has a high pain tolerance, so I doubt she was popping them like candy. The doctor says there's nothing she can do about it now, of course, as the damage is done.
I know we like to joke about our ibuprofen habits here on tumblr dot com, busting out memes about how the girlies just need an ibuprofen or let's take ibuprofen together or whatever. But like. Our kidneys! 😭 You really shouldn't be taking nsaids regularly. If you need pain management regularly, you really should talk to a doctor about pain management so you can minimize your risk (which, yes, is very difficult esp for women and trans and bipoc patients because they don't believe us and they don't take our pain seriously, I KNOW, there are enormous barriers to care). Another option for some pain is topical nsaid creams (otc Voltaren gel in the US, or topical Advil), which at least aren't systemic. You can tell your doctor that you're only interested in doing what's safest in the long-term, maybe ask them about low-dose naltrexone. (People are often rightly worried that doctors will label them as exhibiting drug-seeking behavior, but I think you can at least minimize the chance of that with this type of language.)
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Seven days a month! That's all it takes!
Stay safe, pained friends ✌🏻️
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acetaminophriends · 1 year
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neuroticboyfriend · 2 years
🥲 i can't take my pain med (NSAID) bc it's causing petechiae. i can't try other NSAIDs bc they can do the same thing and i have a family history of aneurysm/stroke. i havent been having luck with injections, so im holding off on them.
what does my doc say my treatment options are now? 1000mg of tylenol twice a day and continuing PT. im screwed.
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arthrimyalgia · 2 years
I learned the ibuprofen I'm taking everyday may actually be hurting more than helping. Figured my friends with chronic pain may want to read into this as well. Basically your body gets inflamed when trying to heal, and when you're constantly using ibuprofen you aren't allowing your body to heal properly.
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88dr-hamzah-saeed · 2 years
لماذا تصابين بالصداع خلال دورتك الشهرية؟
لماذا تصابين بالصداع خلال دورتك الشهرية؟ الدورة الشهرية والصداع. الأسباب والأعراض. العلاج او التعامل مع الصداع خلال هذه الفترة. متى تزور الطبيب. الخلاصة. كثير من النساء يعانين من الصداع في وقت قريب من دورتهن. حيث يمكن أن يكون هذا الصداع شديدًا ويتداخل مع الحياة اليومية. فترة الصداع قد تكون خفيفة ويصاحبها أعراض مثل التهيج الشعور بالم في الثديين. في هذه الحالة ، قد يكون الشخص يعاني من متلازمة ما…
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vetrehberi · 2 years
Tobrofin Enjeksiyonluk Çözelti Veteriner Antienflamatuvar, Analjezik ve Antipiretik Sadece Hayvan Sağlığında Kullanılır BİLEŞİMİ: Berrak ve renksiz çözeltinin her ml’si 100 mg Ketoprofen içerir. FARMAKOLOJİK ÖZELLİKLERİ Ketoprofen, arilpropiyonik grubuna ait non-steroid antienflamatuvar, analjezik ve antipiretik etkili bir maddedir. Antienflamatuvar (yangı giderici) özelliği siklooksijenaz…
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guardians-of-health · 4 months
Discover the world of over-the-counter antipyretic treatments, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and acetaminophen (APAP).
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ananiujitha · 4 months
There's nothing wrong with avoiding over-the-counter pain/agonizer pills
I am not a doctor, but if aspirin makes you hurt all over, and ibuprofen likewise, and naproxen sodium gives you migraines, and mint makes you vomit, and acacia extract gives you migraines, don't feel like you have to endure them.
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50stressballs · 1 year
Yo I tried a new anti-inflammatory for my joint pain and it works AWESOME
unfortunately it is also making me EXTREMELY DEPRESSED so I am going to have to stop taking it immediately
yaaaaaaay :)
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