#Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps
sw5w · 9 months
We Have No Army
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:37:48
The Security Officer behind Captain Panaka in this scene may be Captain Jenn Smeel. Thanks to Shannon Carter for pointing this out!
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galacticwildfire · 6 months
Original Character Board Hope Solo (padawan)
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Hope Solo. 16 Years of Age. Born Late 11 ABY onboard the Millenium Falcon. Daughter of Rebel Heroes Senator Leia Organa and Han Solo. Younger Sister and Apprentice of Ben Solo. Successor to Senator Leia Organa. Lady of House Naberrie and Organa. Student at the University of Theed and Luke Skywalker's Jedi Temple. Starpilot in the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps. Owner of R2-D2.
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sarcastic-sketches · 2 years
More Bounty Hunter!Anakin thots...
[OG post here] With Anakin being found by QuiGon and then being rejected by the Jedi Council he is aware of what the Force is. He goes with Padme to Naboo to grow up instead of waiting for Obi-Wan to outstubborn the Council. Only later for Obi-Wan to circumvent the council's decision anyway to give Anakin some training. He pops up on Naboo every so often, stays for dinner and a drink (or several) and gives Anakin some guidance. Not true training, just enough so he doesn’t accidentally shatter something or cause objects to start floating without meaning to.
With Anakin growing up alongside Padme I feel like their relationship would have danced on the romantic side a few times before eventually falling into the platonic camp. (no friends with beenfits is not a favourite trope of mine what do you mean). This also means that Anakin and Obi-Wan have a much better approach and understanding of one another to actually be brothers in all but blood. At some point, Obi-Wan visits and he finally has a padawan in tow? A fiesty Togruta who takes a shine to chaotic spirit Anakin and Obi-Wan can feel himself age on the spot.
Obi-Wan: What have I done? Padme: You brought this on yourself
Shmi is freed but she does not leave Tatooine, choosing to stay and use her knowledge to help other slaves too. Plus, it becomes well known that her son has become a rather famous bounty hunter who even the Hutts can’t buy. There has also been more than a few slavers that disappeared after they refused his terms. He, of course, tries to do everything legally at first - or as legal as you can get on Tatooine - with Padme’s support but, man, some people just really want to die apparently. If Padme happened to look the other way at the time she can’t be held accountable.  Anakin almost goes back to Tatooine but Shmi was adamant about him keeping up with what he was doing (even if she wasn’t aware of the more illicit things he was doing for his job) as he’ll have more opportunities out there. But he gets to keep in touch, which is the important thing, and visit more often now that he has his own ship and can fly himself places (or he and Padme ‘escape’ on adventures together). While on Naboo as he’s growing up I like to imagine he trains to be a licensed pilot within the Royal Space Fighter Corps and graduates at 16 years old because of his skill level and his efforts during the Trade Federation Blockade. Defeated an entire station at 9 years old because of his intuitive force use and quick evasive flying. Plus, the Royals actually like him and please god they’ll use anything at this point to get their dignitaries to accept the security assigned to them. A couple of years later, he decides he wants to try living somewhere apart from Naboo. He’s seen so little so far and while he’s good at working in the military, he wants to explore. Like his heart yearned to when he was a trapped little boy.Only now he has the choice to do whatever he likes.
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galacticshq · 3 years
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NABOO was a bountiful planet in the chommell sector of the mid rim, close to the border of the outer rim territories. it is home to the gungan species and to a population of humans known as the naboo. naboo was pushed to the forefront of galactic politics as the birthplace of the dark lord of the sith sheev palpatine, who served as its representative in the senate of the galactic republic. it is also known for being a planet of artists, though exports many ship-building materials. it is believed to represent the best of the old republic.
naboo is currently a member of the new republic.
THEED is the capital city of the naboo, and home to the royal house of naboo's palace. other points of interests included the palace courtyard, the power generator, and the headquarters of both the royal naboo security forces and the naboo royal space fighter corps. theed also houses several renowned universities. virtually a floating city, theed is nested on the banks of the mighty solleu river, located on the rich, green grass plains.
THE THEED ROYAL PALACE is set into a cliffside above waterfalls and serves as the home of the planet’s monarch as well as its central government area, which is situated on the palace plaza. briefly in 32bby, it was taken over by the viceroy of the trade federation, nute gunray. it was also the site of the legendary jedi, qui gon jinn’s final fight against the sith darth maul.
THE GALLO MOUNTAINS are a large mountain chain on naboo containing various areas of reverence for the native gungans. alongside those places it also contains dee’ja peak, a city settled into the peak of the point with panoramic views of the land below. the city was known for the gorgeous views, large waterfalls, and the way it allowed people to disappear for relaxing.
LAKE COUNTRY is known by many for being the most isolated area on naboo with areas dedicated to farmland to help support the planet's agriculture alongside having great lakes. most lakes within the area had false bottoms to prevent the large creatures from the planet's watery depths from coming to the areas above.
LAKE PAONGA held the largest city for the native species to naboo, the gungans. beneath the surface lay otoh gunga, also known as gunga city, the largest of their settlements as well as where their central governmental powers tended to lay.
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starwarsfangirl · 5 years
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The Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps was one of three divisions of the Royal Naboo Security Forces. Led by Captain Panaka, the Space Fighter Corps was responsible for protecting the space and atmosphere around the planet Naboo.
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thebigreylotheory · 6 years
Star Wars: The MustafarVille Ghost (reylo-y)
‘Sup my Star Warsy peoples!
Long time no see.
A few weeks hath turn regrettably into months. I wish I could be all Star Wars Captain America about it and tell you “I’m with you until the end of the [Star Wars] line.” I’m more of a trash Mary Poppins who “Shall stay until the wind changes.”
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Anyways, I couldn’t miss out on your Halloween story time this year!
TheBigReyloTheory’s TrasherPiece Theatre Proudly Presents:
Star Wars: The MustafarVille Ghost
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So, yeah, we all know ole Anakin [Sir Simon de Canterville] is a Force Ghost now. (And rumored to, grain-of-salt, potentially be in Episode 9.)
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So, I’mgonnaruinitforyou with this mashup story [The Canterville Ghost] that I just know is going to come true. (I saw a woollyworm yesterday that had a lot of black on it, so that means Darth Vader. Or lots of winter. I forget.)
When Kylo Ren [Mr. Otis], the Supreme Leader, bought MustafarVille Castle [Vader’s Castle], everyone told him he was doing a very foolish thing, as there was no doubt at all that the place was haunted.
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A few weeks after this, the purchase was concluded, and at the close of the season the Supreme Leader and his family(*) went down to MustafarVille Castle.
(*So, I feel like I need to explain to you that there’s a huge, HUGE time jump in Episode 9. As Supreme Leader with Boss Pay, Kylo was able to afford some therapy for his issues and teach him to communicate his feelings to Rey. 
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The dark side’s all about passion and emotion right?
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Rey tried to hang out with the Resistance, but she slowly realized she was too dark side for them:
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Their eldest son, christened Renington [Washington] by his parents, which he never ceased to regret, was a rather good-looking young man who enjoyed casinos and dancing.
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Their daughter, Vir Jynnia [Virginia], was a wonderful Amazon, and had once raced her TIE Fighter, winning by a length and a half…to the huge delight of the young Duke of Naboo, Palpatine’s grandnephew [The Duke of Cheshire], who proposed to her on the spot. Everyone said she was the very image of her great-grandmother Padme, but with that Skywalker blonde hair.
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After their daughter, Rey and Kylo had Force Twins, who were usually called “The Stars and Stripes,” as they were always swishing First Order underlings.
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Anyways, at eleven o’clock the family retired, and by half-past, all the lights were out. Sometime after, Kylo Ren was awakened by a curious noise in the corridor, outside his room.
It seemed to be coming nearer every moment. He was quite calm and felt his pulse, which was not at all feverish. He put on his slippers, took a small phial out of his dressing-case, and opened the door.
“My dear sir, I really must insist on your oiling your mechanical limbs, and have brought you for that purpose a small bottle of the Tammany Rising Sun Lubricator. I shall leave it here for you by the bedroom candles, and will be happy to supply you with more, should you require it.”
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And then Kylo slammed the door.
For a moment Vader’s Ghost stood quite motionless in natural indignation. Then, dashing the bottle violently upon the floor, he fled down the corridor. However, just as he reached the top of the great staircase, the Force Twins fearlessly flung their lightsabers at him.
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Hastily adopting the fourth dimension of space as a means of escape, Vader’s Ghost vanished through the wall. Never, in his brilliant dark side career, had he ever been so insulted. He had frightened plenty of people in the past. (Why not his grandson and great-grandsons?) Accordingly, he decided to have his vengeance.
Next morning the Supreme Family discussed the ghost over breakfast. Kylo Ren was slightly annoyed the ghost had not accepted his gift. He scolded the Force Twins for being so rude to the poor ghost. It was agreed that if the ghost could not be quiet, they would have to ask him to remain in his meditation chamber.
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The second appearance of the ghost happened a week later. During the night the family heard a fearful crash in the hall. Rushing down the stairs they found that a large suit of Mandalorian armor had become detached from its stand, and had fallen on the floor while the ghost rubbed his knee with an expression of pain. The Force Twins, having brought their blasters with him, shot first at him.
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The ghost swept over them like mist, leaving the family in darkness. Victorious, Vader’s Ghost flew up the stairs. He barely had a moment to celebrate before a door opened, revealing Vir Jynnia.
“I am afraid you are far from well, and have brought you a bottle of Vic’s Vapor Rub. If it is a wheeze that affects your breathing, you will find it a most excellent remedy.”
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Upon reaching his room, Vader’s Ghost broke down. He was far from a successful ghost, unable to frighten the family at all. For some days after this, he was extremely depressed. However, by taking great care of himself, meditating over how much he hated sand, he recovered and resolved to make a third attempt to frighten them.
He had nearly reached their corridor when right in front of him was standing a horrible specter. Monstrous as a madman’s dream! Hideous laughter seemed to have writhed its features into an eternal grin.
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Having never seen a ghost before, naturally, Vader’s Ghost was frightened. He fled back to his room.
Eventually, he asserted himself and determined to go and speak to the other ghost as soon as it was daylight. Upon reaching the spot, he rushed forward lifting the ghost, only to find a registered Lucasfilm copyright on the costume.
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He had been tricked! Outwitted!
Perhaps, Darth Vader was losing his touch.
Afterwards, he made up his mind to give up haunting the family. They did not deserve him. For several weeks, he was careful not to be heard or seen.
That is, until he met with a severe fall, treading on a Nerf Herder butter-slide the twins had constructed. This last insult so enraged him, that he resolved to make one final effort to assert his dignity. On reaching the room occupied by the twins, he found the door ajar. Wishing to make an effective entrance, he flung it wide open.
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However, the shock to his nervous system was so great that he fled back to his room as hard as he could go.
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He gave up all hope of ever frightening the rude family. On the contrary, he was seized with panic at the very sight or sound of Rey and Kylo Ren’s Force Twins.
Much time passed. Rey and Kylo threw grand parties at MustafarVille Castle. It was generally assumed that the ghost had gone away.
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However, the galaxy was deceived, for the ghost was still in the castle, and was by no means ready to let matters rest, particularly as he heard Palpatine’s grandnephew, Duke of Naboo, was visiting Vir Jynnia. Accordingly, he made arrangements to appear to Vir Jynnia’s little lover in all his villainous glory.
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Yet, at the last moment, his terror of the twins prevented him from leaving his room.
A few days later, Vir Jynnia and her beau went flying somewhere in the Ileenium system, where she damaged her flight helmet so badly, that, upon her return home, she made up her mind to go up by the back staircase so as not to be seen.
There she saw the ghost all by his lonesome. He looked so forlorn, Vir Jynnia was filled with compassion and determined to try and comfort him. So deep was his melancholy that he was not aware of her presence till she spoke to him. She informed him that her brothers were going back to their royal academy and if he behaved himself no one would annoy him.
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Vader’s ghost thought her request to behave himself quite absurd. Haunting was his only reason for existing.
Vir Jynnia explained that was no reason at all for existing. She reminded Vader he had been very wicked. He had caused his wife to die of a broken heart. It is very wrong to cause someone to die of a broken heart.
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Course, Vader then lamented how it was all Obi-Wan’s fault. Obi-wan cut off his limbs and burned a majority of his body.
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Vir Jynnia, being very kind, offered to take Vader for bacta treatments. Vader assured her it was too late for that. But she could help him! Help him cross over and forever rest in the ashes of Endor!
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She could open the holocron portal for him! Because of her love and compassion, and love is stronger than death!
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Vader then pointed to the prophecy etched in the MustafarVille Castle window:
"First comes the day
Then comes the night.
After the darkness
Shines through the light.
The difference, they say,
Is only made right
By the resolving of gray
Through refined Jedi sight."
―Journal of the Whills, 7:477
Confused, Vir Jynnia asked what the prophecy meant.
Of course, Vader explained to her that it meant after opening the holocron, it would probably take 24 hours, but she could help him find his old gray podracing goggles, which would make everything right and then he could look all refined again and be out of sight.
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There were also some lines about:
“When a golden girl can win,
Prayer from out the lips of sin,
When the barren almond bears,
And a little child gives away its tears,
Then shall all the galaxy be still,
And peace come to MustafarVille.”
But the Whills didn’t think it was all that important, so they edited that part out. They might use it in the Extended Special Edition or something.
Vir Jynnia was still confused, but agreed.
Vader’s Ghost clutched her hand tightly. Suddenly she had visions of ancient Jedi, all telling her to turn back.
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Creatures in the fireplace warned her to beware. Still she lifted the holocron. Together, her and Vader disappeared through the portal opening in the wall.
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Later, the same day, Rey became concerned when her daughter didn’t show for tea time.
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She became really agitated when six o’clock struck and Vir Jynnia did not appear. She sent the boys out to look for their sister, while her and Kylo searched every room in the castle. They found no trace.
Suddenly, Kylo remembered he had given a band of bounty hunters permission to camp near the Klegger Corp Mining Facility by the lava river. Upon investigation he and Renington quickly assumed the bounty hunters left suddenly, kidnapping Vir Jynnia for ransom!
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Well, the galaxy was in chaos.
All the stormtroopers were dispatched. Kylo immediately left Mustafar to search for his daughter.
Sweetly, the Duke of Naboo begged Kylo to allow him to aid in the search. Unfortunately, when they found the bounty hunters, their minds held no trace of Vir Jynnia. It appeared all was lost.
All returned to MustafarVille Castle and gave into suffering.
When suddenly, just past midnight, there was a loud crash. Out of the portal stepped Vir Jynnia with the holocron in her hand.
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To say the family was relieved is an understatement. They all had many questions, which Vir Jynnia quickly explained.
She showed them the secret treasures of MustafarVille Castle Vader left for her.
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Also how the portal lead to Vader’s burial spot on Endor. Together the family decided to hold a ceremony and place a mausoleum in remembrance of Vader.
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And everything returned to normal. Vir Jynnia later married the Duke of Naboo. Episode 10 will probably be about their kid. Continue Anakin’s legacy and whatnot.
(But probably not….)
The end.
Happy Halloween!
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originaljediinjeans · 6 years
Dream Job in the Star Wars Universe #1: Naboo royal handmaiden/Naboo Space Fighter corps pilot
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retrogamerrgo · 8 years
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Greetings, today's #gameoftheday goes to Star Wars: Starfighter on the PS2. Released in 2001 the game is a flight combat action game set in the Star Wars universe and takes place before and during the events of Episode 1 and leads up to the Battle of Naboo. You play as 4 different characters all of whom come from very different backgrounds as you then join forices and fight in the Battle for Naboo. The one main character you primarily play is is Rhys Dallow, a fighter pilot for the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps. You're primary vehicle is the infamous Naboo Starfighter. This game is actually pretty good and the graphics still hold up even after 15 years since it's release. I'm told the Xbox version of this game looks even better with sharper textures and various other enhancements overall. I really enojy this game quite a bit. It's not quite good as the Rogue Squadron series and some of us older Star Wars fans might be put off by it's prequel era setting, but it's still a good game despite those nitpicks. The controls are quite fluid, the level design is great and the story is actually quite enthralling. I like Star Wars games that take place parallel to the main saga, (which is why I like Rogue One so much). Like I said, I'm told the Xbox version is better looking than this PS2 version, but I think it still holds up. I would love to see what this game looks like on a beefier console. Now I do have the game's sequel Jedi Starfighter on the Xbox and if the first game looks anywhere near what the sequel looks like, I'm down! So whether you prefer the original Xbox or the PlayStation 2, this game needs to be in your library! Check it out. . #gameoftheday #starwars #starwarsstarfighter #playstation2 #flightcombat . Follow my community partners= @nerdsgeeksngamers @bfgamersunited @gamergirlsofficial @amazinggaminggirls @gamer_district @rustybonce . LOVE MOVIES? CHECK OUT MY MOVIE REVIEW PAGE @rgo_movies #gamer #gamersarelife #gamerguy #gamergirl #YouTube #cosplay #gamingcommunity #retrogaming #nerdsgeeksgamersunite #instagram #twitch #thecomiccoalition #retrocollective #gamecollection #psn #xbla #nintendo #Sega #playstation #xbox #PS4 #xboxone
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sw5w · 1 year
Through the Hangar
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 00:24:14
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sw5w · 5 months
Padmé Stands
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STAR WARS EPISODE II: Attack of the Clones 00:04:00
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sw5w · 5 months
Captain Typho Removes His Helmet
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STAR WARS EPISODE II: Attack of the Clones 00:03:10
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sw5w · 5 months
R2 Lowered Out of the N-1
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STAR WARS EPISODE II: Attack of the Clones 00:03:06
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sw5w · 7 months
So Who in Blazes Flew That Ship?
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace - Deleted Scene: Anakin’s Return 00:04
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sw5w · 7 months
N-1 Flyover
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 02:08:35 - 02:08:36
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sw5w · 8 months
Bravo Flight Enters the Fray
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:48:20
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sw5w · 8 months
Shot Fired
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STAR WARS EPISODE I: The Phantom Menace 01:47:51
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