#Naegi x Komaeda
smallix · 1 year
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Soulmate AU where you can hear the thoughts of your soulmate but only when they are in the throes of despair, and you are helpless to save them. (Idea came from a Komahina fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/35031382/chapters/87252490. )
Also sorry for formatting issues and for the length I typed this on my phone.
Makoto is very aware of the traumatic incidents Nagito has gone through, losing his parents, getting kidnapped etc. as a young boy he would cry to his parents for the sake of his soulmates and all they could do was hug Makoto and feel sorry for the other mysterious child.
Nagito on the other hand isn’t even sure if he has a soulmate. Makoto may have bad luck, but he has lived a peaceful life so it’s no surprise that Nagito wouldn’t be able to experience anything.
They meet when they are both attending Hope’s peak, an incident occurs where Makoto ends up finding out about Nagito’s illnesses and sets up a secret meeting to talk to the older boy about it.
Makoto would have heard Nagito’s thoughts on only having 6 months to live, and was sad and terrified about finding this out. Maybe even Nagito heard Makoto’s voice? But anyway, once they clarify things, Makoto excitedly hugs Nagito out of relief that his soulmate is alive, much to Nagito’s shock.
They decide to start up a friendship to get to know each other. They have their ups and downs. Makoto is rather taken aback by Nagito’s philosophy over talent and hope, but never stops trying to understand Nagito. Nagito in turn is impressed by Makoto’s optimistic attitude and ability to make friends with nearly everyone.
It’s not all hard hitting subjects though. The two share book recommendations (Mysteries from Nagito, whatever’s popular from Makoto). They’ll have lunch dates sharing snacks Nagito’s luck got for free. If whenever Nagito has to spend lunch in the nurse’s office, Makoto will return the favour by buying lunch from the canteen.
When Nagito meets Makoto’s mother the woman gives Nagito a big hug to make up for all the sad things she heard over the years but was helpless to do anything about. Nagito is overwhelmed. This touch-starved social awkward orphan can’t even process the sudden mum energy in his life.
He gets to meet the whole family. Nagito calls the mum “Auntie” the dad “Uncle” and Komaru “Komaru-chan” to differentiate them from Makoto. Nagito tries to be on his best behaviour but the family clearly realises that this kid has issues. But since they were already somewhat aware of his horrible past because of Makoto, they were fairly understanding. The relationship between the Naegis’ and Nagito could be worse all things considered.
Sadly the tragedy still happens, and Makoto is stuck hearing every one of Nagito’s despair thoughts, which are practically all the time now. This continues even when Makoto loses his memories at the start of the killing game. He asks the other students if they are also getting weird thoughts from their soulmates and for some of them it is the case, but not as bad as Makoto. This helps everyone realise sooner that the world outside is not in a normal state and they might have lost some time between entering the school and waking up on their “first day”.
(If Leon and Ibuki are soulmates, maybe Leon hears her music and becomes brainwashed by it. Or is at least wanting to know what happened to her)
(((Maybe that the ultimate despairs were told to be careful about what they thought when watching the killing game broadcasts so as not to let their soulmates inside catch on.)))
The finale of the killing game happens and Junko reveals herself, the ultimate despairs including Nagito check in at this point. Nagito is in awe of Makoto and all that he accomplishes. Then he hears Kyoko call Makoto the “ultimate hope” and something clicks.
It’s been a long standing issue between them about finding out why they were soulmates. Were they romantic or platonic. It’s here that Nagito decides it is neither.
Nagito was destined to become the ultimate despair so that Makoto would rise up and become the ultimate hope. Two great powers with the fate of the world between them. It was Nagito’s destiny to help Makoto show his potential and eventually defeated by the younger man.
Perhaps in UDG, Nagito wanted to bring Makoto in to orchestrate a final showdown between the two, but luck (Nagito or Makoto’s? Who knows.) leaves it so that Nagito ends up with Byakuya and Komaru instead. Nagito interpreted this as meaning that he needs to become a stronger despair before Makoto can face him. In the meantime, he can help train ‘Komaru-chan’ so she can grow stronger in the apocalypse. Basically Nagito’s actions are similar, but because he had a relationship with her before, he cares more and his actions are more about making her stronger mentally to protect herself rather than for game mechanics. He doesn’t try and trigger Genocide Jill to kill her because of this.
After the events of UDG Makoto sets up a plan to to use himself as bait to take Nagito so that they can put him into the simulation.The older man is begging for Makoto to kill him, end the great despair that is Nagito Komaeda and being the world into a bright hopeful age. It breaks Makoto’s heart to see Nagito like this. All Makoto ever wanted was for his soulmate to be safe and happy. Instead Makoto has to hear his soulmate beg to be killed so that the younger man could become some sort of messiah.
SDR2 happens and Makoto is shocked and heartbroken to see what Nagito does at the beginning of the killing game. Kyoko is the one to explain to Makoto why Nagito is acting so different. When the two met, Nagito had already realised he was going to live longer than foretold, was receiving medical treatment, and was in a more positive/safe environment than he had been for most of his life, so he was relatively mellow by then. However in the simulation he still thinks he only has 6 months to live, is suddenly thrust into a killing game with strangers that he has put on a pedestal with strict standards, he’s not going to act rationally.
(((I like to think Makoto might get a little jealous seeing how much Nagito cares about Hajime in the game, but tries to shake it off, as Nagito doesn’t remember Makoto, and the two never made anything official. Still it’s fun to think of Makoto clenching his chest, looking sad, when Nagito tells Hajime “I’m truly in love with the hope that sleeps inside you.”)))
Makoto especially took it hard seeing Nagito gruesomely kill himself, when all Makoto ever wanted was for the other to live. It’s the closest Makoto had felt to despair (without watching the brainwashing video).
When the survivors wake up from the killing game, Makoto is obv happy to see that they have all their memories and are no longer remnants. Not only that, but that they are all determined to wake up the others. Makoto is sad to leave Nagito behind, but feels better knowing that his classmates will take care of him.
When Makoto is confronted about what he did with the ultimate despairs by the Future Foundation, he is accused of only doing this cuz his soulmate is involved and he should be less biassed, but Makoto argues he would do the same thing regardless because he believes in what he is doing (and we fans know Makoto is telling the truth).
Nagito’s fantasy world does not include Makoto, for the same reason it doesn’t include Hajime and Chiaki, Nagito’s emotions towards them are too complicated for this paradise.
Time continues to pass and the two are unable to meet in person until after the events of final anime. Nagito rushes up to meet Makoto, but is a lot more hesitant, as he feels lost, albeit grateful. A part of Nagito still feels like Makoto should have “defeated” him, but he knows Makoto enough as a person to realise he would never do that. And maybe Nagito believes that Makoto deserves better than a soulmate destined to be killed.
I’m not sure what should happen next. Any thoughts would be appreciated!! Thanks for reading this far!
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thelaughtercafe · 7 months
Makoto, Byakuya, Nagito, Hajime and Fuyuhiko figuring out you're ticklish
Tea Type: Rose Boba
Potential Triggers: N/A
Pairing: Makoto/F! Reader, Byakuya/F! Reader, Nagito/F! Reader, Hajime/F! Reader
Length: 1.1k+
Summary: N/A
Makoto Naegi:
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Save this pure boy. 
He just wanted a cuddle dammit-
He didn’t expect you to lurch halfway across the room when he squeezed around your middle. 
Becomes pouty and timidly asks if he did something wrong. 
You can’t say no to his puppy dog eyes and shyly explain that you’re just ticklish. 
Immediately cheers up. 
“Aw that’s all it was? You had me worried!” 
Wiggles his fingers playfully at you and his grin is a little too mischievous for your liking.
“Maybe we can figure out where else you’re ticklish…we gotta be thorough after all.”
Don’t forget the fact that Makoto is a big brother. They’re always master lers in my head. And mean. 
Don’t provoke the hope boi. 
Byakuya Togami:
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He knew before you even told him honestly.
Caught your flinch when Hina hugged you from behind and didn’t think much of it until you were already dating. 
You were ranting about something and he’d been half listening, half reading his book and stroking your hair absentmindedly when you squealed as his fingertips gently brushed across your neck.
Gave a small hum as he saw how red you became, causing him to roll his eyes. 
“No need to be embarrassed, dummy. It’s perfectly natural to be ticklish. It’s a tactic from evolution that we got over time. Probably from when we were still cave people and afraid of poisonous bugs. Now though it’s more a way to either facilitate mating or bonding in general due to the release of endorphins.”
From then on incorporates tickling more in an attempt to get you used to it.
And maybe to initiate that bonding too.
Nagito Komaeda:
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Thinks he’s not worthy of touching you so makes an active effort to not touch others.
Which leads to touch starvation.
Ironically, despite that sweet facade- gets jealous easily. 
He is…nearly possessive, despite keeping a distance 
So when he spots Hajime making you laugh and his keen eyes also pick up the way you arch into his touch-
He’s ashamed to say he wants to do that too. 
But not just to anyone. 
To you. 
Tries to fight it for a while before he can no longer bear keeping his distance, or you burst into tears after a particularly cruel comment he’s made. 
He can’t do this anymore. He just can’t. Luck cycle be damned. If he has to keep you attached to him at all times to make sure whatever happens to you happens to him too? 
So be it. 
Even after everything is out in the open and you trust him and encourage him constantly he still is a little apprehensive with touching and just holds your hand. 
Whether or not you’re dealing with touch starvation yourself you may if you start dating Nagito at first. 
But that all changes when he sees Fuyuhiko find out.
You’d always been unafraid of the Yakuza heir so there was a kind of rivalry filled friendship there. It was playful, and when Fuyuhiko’s face lights up with a smirk and Nagito sees the embarrassed blush on your cheeks and the way you’re getting shy, turning to mush-
He’s already hovering over Fuyuhiko and smiling a little too wildly as he mentions Peko being flirted with by Teruteru.
You had your suspicions but when he turned and you saw the intensity swirling in his eyes…
“Did…Are you jealous, Nagito?”
Your breath catches as he backs you up against the wall Fuyuhiko had been leaning on moments before, making your face heat. 
This was a different side to him.
You still couldn’t bring yourself to break eye contact though.
“I know someone as awful as me shouldn’t have the right to touch you but I-”
Annnnnd he was back to his old self.
Fed up with his self-deprecation and also getting a little desperate you roughly grabbed his hands and tugged them toward your sides with pleading eyes.
A small smirk tugged at his lips at the action and he lightly fluttered his fingers underneath your shirt, making you instinctively squeak at the coldness of his fingers as well as the tickling before you tried to squirm in his grip. And then he teased.
“Hm? What’s wrong baby? I thought you were all desperate for me to tickle you…why are you struggling?”
It wasn’t much…but it was a start. 
Hajime Hinata:
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Observant boi!! 
Calls it out the second it happens with too much nonchalance. 
“Oh sorry, didn’t mean to tickle you; I just needed to grab my drink.”
When you tease him for his love of orange juice he smirks a little and 
 sets his drink down with purpose before approaching and scribbling your sides. 
“If you wanted me to continue, you could’ve just asked nicely you know. Now I have to punish you~”
Does this adorable evil laugh before continuing to play around with you until you’re a panting mess.
Leaves you on the floor as he nonchalantly sips at his juice and pretends he doesn’t notice the cherry red blush on your face. 
Absolutely files the information away for later. 
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu:
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Baby gangsta is not the type to initiate physical contact, even once you’ve started dating.
At least not in public. 
He’s the Ultimate Yakuza after all; like Hell is he risking your life just to show PDA. 
If shown with affection he tends to curse and go red, especially in public. Even little things like holding his hand or sneaking a peck on the cheek. 
In private it’s a little better he typically will just grumble but begrudgingly return it in his own way. 
He starts gradually letting you when surrounded by your close friends which is what leads to him finding out.
Another big brother, but with a very different dynamic than Makoto with Komaru. 
Fuyuhiko actually ends up getting tickled first, by his sister, and you find yourself face to face with a seemingly enraged yakuza heir when you let a giggle slip. 
Big mistake. 
“You think that’s funny do you?”
His sneer turns to a familiar smirk and your heart skips a beat as he easily overpowers you, raising your arms with one hand before he claws your tummy and his sister joins in as she gets your underarms. 
You don’t stand a chance. 
Have fun dying. 
Uses it to make you smile and/or fuck with you from then on. 
As a treat after a hard day. 
Or to remind himself you’re alive and with him and he’s got you when the nightmares make him awake with a scream instinctively muffled by his hand. 
And if you notice the tear streaks when you awake with a scream of laughter you certainly don’t say anything. 
Besides, you’ll have matching ones by the time he’s done with you.
He’s lucky you love him so much. 
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weirdronpa · 9 months
My Lil' Gays (guys)
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I always meant to finish these, but never got to it. Honestly, I think they look good as is :) Even though I spent 7 hours on backgrounds that will never be used-
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galaxity · 8 months
Some doodles!!
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Komahinanami for the soul
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Also kinda liking saioumatsu rn
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Komaru and Toko if they were in future foundation!
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And I think I wanna rewrite Tokos character a little bit so that she has a better representation of DID. Also I just think genocider syo could look cool even without the weird tongue thing
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sockonaleash · 1 year
Can i ask for Hajime, Makoto, Nagito and K1-B0 x reader that’s the Ultimate Unlucky Student? If this isn’t too much ^^ take your time because four characters can be a lot sometimes
hajime, makoto, nagito and k1-b0 with an s/o who's the ultimate unlucky student
type : headcanon, gn!reader
note : i'm assuming this is supposed to be in a headcanon format (sorry if not,,), this is overall just cute stuff :} i got a lil carried away, hope you don't mind! i apologize for the wait, i've been getting into fnaf lately,,,, springtrap,,,
requested : yes! greetings simp :D
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Hajime Hinata
hajime would be very confused at first, he'd ask if it's similar to nagito's ultimate and if it's a cycle of good and bad luck. when you told him it wasn't and shit was just constantly hitting the fan, he got a little worried.
it's usually small things like you falling face first on the ground because you forgot to tie your shoes, every animal known to man constantly attacking you or the coins falling out of your wallet whenever you tried to buy anything from a vending machine to be never seen again. yet sometimes, it would ruin dates the two of you wanted to have.
one time - when the two of you started dating - you decided to go to the beach to have a date. it was the middle summer and there weren't any clouds in the sky, yet the moment the two of you finished setting everything up it started raining. the worst part is as soon as both of you went home the sky cleared. hajime would be the type to awkwardly show up at your doorstep right after the failed date, soaking wet, asking if "you had room for two in your house".
overall, i don't think he'd take it too hard. even if some hangouts fail there's always room for more. he'd worry, of course, but not to the point where he'd restrict your movement and choices (only if you have the risk of getting ran over or something).
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Makoto Naegi
he's definitely the type to be constantly worried. although he is the ultimate lucky student he can only hope that his ultimate is enough to balance yours out (which usually just ends up the two of you sharing lucky and unlucky experiences).
before going out he'd tie your shoes extra tight, make sure you have a jacket if it's cold out or an umbrella if it's raining - with a smaller, spare umbrella inside your backpack if the first one broke. bought by the man himself! he'd be the type to grab your hand before crossing the road but not let you cross unless everything was right. by this i mean, no cars in the street, shoes tied, hand held, nothing in the way.
at the start of your relationship makoto thought he was being a bit too much but when you almost got ran over as you crossed the seemingly empty road he decided he could never be too sure.
altogether, he's worrying a lot. not in an annoying way, more of a "you're my troublesome child and i'll never let you out of my sight" type of way.
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Nagito Komaeda
oh no. the good luck? still there. not a lot though. the bad luck? double. the cycle is still there, it's just that now whenever something bad happens it's two times worse.
nagito would be very nonchalant over both your talents and not let it get in the way of your dates. for example, if it started raining heavily during a walk and he noticed it was starting to flood the streets he'd try to convince you to go buy floaties to float down the street together. hopefully his good luck comes around quickly! you don't feel like getting stuck somewhere or drowning.
if you did get hurt he'd degrade himself - even if why or how you got hurt had nothing to do with him - and pay for your hospital bills. i feel like nagito would be the type to pamper his partner a lot with little gifts and try to carry you up the stairs if you broke your leg(s). And fail miserably at doing so.
he'd get into shit with you to just go "haha, my bad. how could i let this happen?"
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kiibo. my sweet baby. like hajime, he'd ask a lot of questions when first meeting you! throughout time he'd get used to it and do his best to help you out. your gloves got ripped up by unknown causes and it's snowing? he'll use his hairdryer function to "breathe" onto your hands to quickly warm them up and when the two of you get home he'll sew them back up.
if you get hurt he wouldn't be able to carry you or anything (he's not particularly the strongest and his back pain doesn't help) but he'd take care of you afterwards! be it cooking meals, or cleaning the house.
everytime you get home he'll stop you at the door while concentrating reallyyy hard to use his zooming function to see if you're alright. doesn't do much, but you let it slide if it helps calm his worry.
so even if he's not able to support you during your spikes of your bad luck, he'll gladly lend you a hand afterwards!
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no-m4gic · 2 years
Hi! I'm the anom who asked for the autistic reader and I loved your writing! So may I request the same THH characters but with a reader who's try to be the sunshine in their lives (example: help Chihiro to be himself), but is secretly depressed and hide It from them cause reader doesn't want to seem fragile?
Sorry If Is complex XD thx!
i have limited free time so i know im probably never gonna complete (another) request(s) today. also i discovered i have no idea how to write for hifumi and yasuhiro, so i'm gonna blacklist them and replace them with mukuro. felt like this request seemed like a good prompt for nagito and also i feel like i could replace ishimaru's one with komaeda's as an apology.
sorry if you wanted the girls too, i'll get on them as soon as i finish my work- i didn't have enough time to write for them. i'll write for ishimaru, too. sorry for missing a lot of characters!
p.s thanks guys for your support !! i appreciate it sm <33
that's a long title 😨
the tags are such a PAIN
~ mod sitaya
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"damnit s/o, why didn't you tell me earlier? you know i wouldn't judge you."
money = happiness to him, so he wouldn't fully understand your pain. he'll still support you though, if you need anything he'll send one of his workers to get it for you.
i mean if you were gone, yeah, he'd definitely be upset, so whenever he couldn't understand, he'll just imagine how he'll be like if you died or something.
he'll hire a personal therapist for you, unless you want him to be your therapist... which trust me, he is not good at.
bro can't even comfort anyone without making them cry more.
since he can't comfort someone psychologically, he'll comfort them physically, though he'll only show displays of affection at home or when you guys are alone, n e v e r in public.
honestly at this point, he won't give a shit if you stain his rich people clothes with your tears, he can buy the same new clothes again.
he's not that desperate, but can you imagine byakuya singing his s/o a lullaby?
not really, but he'll tuck you into bed himself personally if you fall asleep while sobbing your eyes out.
if you don't, he'll ask if you wanna fly out of japan for awhile, on his rich people private jet.
it's the least he could do to repay you for helping him during his dark times.
"s/o. how could you hide this from me? did you think i was going to criticize you...?"
he wouldn't ask the million questions running through his head first, he'd hold you first.
you come before anything.
he'll hold you for as long as you'd like, letting you cry in his shoulder while he rubs your back and pats your head.
since you helped him show the others he isn't an 'omega male' and also chased everyone who bullied him away, he'll return the favor.
he'll tell the teacher that you weren't feeling well and needed some time to rest in your room.
also he'll bring you your homework so you don't have to get it yourself and do tons of paperwork at once after coming back.
you don't need a therapist, you have naegi tell them as your therapist.
he'll listen to you go on for the entire day, and if you need to break down, you can jump into his arms and break down, using his shirt as a handkerchief.
"damnit... who did this s/o?!"
honestly he might just break down too.
but then he'll tell himself he's gotta be a man, with balls in front of his s/o.
he'll put his coat around you and hug you, telling you that it's alright and you can let everything out.
you can take that in any way.
he feels really guilty whenever he has to leave you for training or a competition.
but he'll always come back with a gift and your favorite takeout.
if you ever wanna cuddle, go find him. he'll be more than happy to have a reason to hold you.
daily compliments whenever you two meet up.
"s/o, it's okay. you're not hopeless, you're filled with hope, you still have so much more potential,"
he'll offer to accompany you to do some activities to keep your mind distracted and also to cheer you up.
something maybe like styling your hair and making it look ridiculous by putting tons of bright, glittery accessories on your hair.
he'd ask if sharing his own insecurities would help, maybe just so you know he has other countless insecurities than just him fearing showing the others he's a guy.
if making your hair look worse than junko's didn't cheer you up, chihiro would make up some stupid games like hop like a bunny into mondo's room or sing one of sayaka's songs outside makoto's room while he's showering.
speaking of sayaka's songs, he'll blast all her upbeat pop songs in the room and you two can dance your heart out.
"i figured. now come here i'm gonna cuddle your sadness away!"
leon would definitely try to remain positive
the only good side would be that he could skip his daily weekday baseball training, since y'know he likes hates baseball.
but no, really, he'd have NO idea on how to comfort someone properly.
he'd ask what he could do to make you feel better.
as well as bring you out to get ice cream.
while you guys are out you may or may not encounter celestia's cat wandering around aimlessly... and bring it back to leon's room.
obviously you guys return her, maybe style her a little, watch leon get scratched by her and so on.
overall at least you recovered quickly and now everyone can see you smile again <3
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"oh s/o. you didn't have to hide it from me, hopeless trash like me don't have the right to judge hopeful people like you,"
well now it was his turn to have his clothes stained with tears.
countless outfits of yours have been stained with his tears, because whenever you'd return late (which was always) he'd think you left him or something, and the closest thing he has to you are your clothes.
he's clingy.
and he'll become clingier.
everywhere you go he'll follow you like a lost puppy.
lost puppy literally. he won't just follow you, he'll beg for your attention.
anyway... back to you, once you even mention you were upset he'd pull you into a tight hug.
imagine how long that tight hug would be with depressed.
verrrrrry verrry long.
he'd wish he didn't have to let go of you.
and he wouldn't. you'd have to literally wait for him to fall asleep just to work your way out his arms.
he'll shower you in compliments and bless you with encouragements.
if you wanted he could ask gundham for a cat or dog or something, or he'd blackmail gundham just to "borrow" the four dark devas of destruction for like 10 minutes before giving them back even though nagito would lie and say they'd forever be gone.
you want, he buy. literally, you just have to say "i want this" and you'll have it.
no more despair only hope.
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otakusparkle · 1 year
Identity V x Danganronpa Collaboration Official Fanart
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Illustration by smymji6 (Twitter)
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Like or reblog if you ship Makoto/Nagito!
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kotton-kandy953 · 11 days
What yandere themed songs do you associate with some of your favorite yan danganronpa boys?
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➛ yandere!male headcannons × fem/gn!reader
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title page┆word count: 0.3k┆warnings: second-person pronouns, manipulation, murder, obsessive behavior, yandere themes┆a/n: I barley post abt byakuya so I had to put him in the banner
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dr boys and their yandere ! songs x g/n ! reader
➤ 𝐃𝐑𝟏
❝ I want to go on walks with you, I want to have long talks with you ❞
I Want To Be Your Boyfriend - Hot Freaks
this isn't exactly a "yandere" song (I think) but it's Makoto-core I guess
Makoto would be more a "soft yandere." or a yandere who doesn't want to kill off "threats." He just wants you to love him back.
❝ told her, ‘pick out any bag, it’s not too much’ ❞
Wet Dreams — Odetari ft. Nimstarr
He’s rich asf
Byakuya would be an overprotective and possessive yandere. Only wanting to protect you from anyone and everything that could possibly hurt or harm you.
➤ 𝐒𝐃𝐑𝟐
❝ they don’t love you like I do ❞
Love Taste - Jamie Paige ft. Moe Shop, Shiki
He'd be like super overprotective and possessive as a yandere as well. Quite similar to Byakuya but not exactly like him.
❝ I just can’t function without you ❞
Functioning Alcoholic - Odetari
I feel like Nagito is so crazy and obsessive that he can’t go seconds without being with you. Hence this song being picked for him
➤ 𝐃𝐑𝐕𝟑
❝ you’re so upset with me but I’m so obsessed with you ❞
I’m so crazy for youuu </3 - Rebzyyx
It was either this or "all I want is you" by Rebzyyx
According to my own personal beliefs, Shuichi would be an over-obsessive and delusional yandere. Like Nagito but toned down 1,000%
❝ If I can’t have you, baby no one else in this world can ❞
Jealous Girl - Lana Del Rey
I could NOT decide on a song for his lying ass
Due to his compulsive lying, it would be easy for Kokichi to manipulate you. Especially if you both were close friends. And not to mention that he'd be hella jealous of anyone you seem fond of. Platonically or Romantically.
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lilypadding · 8 months
the komaeda bodypillow
Crossposted on AO3 | Word count: ~3.5k | Credit for divider
⋆ pairing: hajime hinata x nagito komaeda
Summary: Wherein Hajime stresses about Nagito taking longer to wake up from the Neo World Program.
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There is a body pillow of Nagito Komaeda. 
Now, Hajime wouldn’t have known that before this afternoon. In fact, he probably would’ve never found out about such an item— or ever had to touch it— or interact with it at all. 
And the idea of living in that blissful ignorance sounds heavenly. But, unfortunately, it’s unattainable. The ignorant world in which Nagito Komaeda’s body pillow goes undiscovered is out of reach for as long as Hajime holds the same pillow in his hands. So, he drops it with a loud:
“Oh my fucking God—“
The pillow lands on the floor of Hajime’s cottage. Makoto and Hina laugh sheepishly on the other end of the video call. 
“Ah, yeah, I figured you’d react like that…” Makoto says, clearly a bit embarrassed.
The palms of Hajime’s hands press into his eyes. He groans, loudly, maybe too loudly, to get his point across.
“What the fuck did I just lay my eyes on?” Hajime’s rhetorical question is pointless. He was hoping for Makoto to deny what he just saw— to somehow clear everything up, to cleanse the air and state that it’s not a fucking body pillow and that Nagito’s goddamn face and body wasn’t on it. 
“It’s a body pillow,” Makoto says instead; Hajime dissipates into himself, “Of Nagito.”
“Why.” Hajime finally lifts his hands off of his own face and stares into the computer screen. His face is burning red by now. He can feel that the pillow is right over his feet and he refuses to offer it a second glance. 
“Well, I mean,” Makoto shrugs heartily and rubs the back of his neck. Hina is sitting to his left, and her grin is undeniably more than amused. 
“I noticed that you’ve been having a hard time,” Makoto finally finishes, and somehow, his sincere smile makes everything feel that much worse, “And I figured you’d like something related to him.”
“And a body pillow was what your bright mind came up with?” Hajime’s face sours considerably. “You could’ve gotten me, like, a photo of him! Or, I-I don’t know! Anything but a…”
He finally looks down. The sight of Nagito— albeit, impressively well drawn— staring up at him with a small grin makes something in his stomach twist uncomfortably. This is downright creepy. 
“Oh my God,” Hajime draws out, grimacing. His pose… 
One of Nagito’s arms is draped over his head, sinking into the drawn lines of the sheets presumably beneath him. His other arm is covering his torso, and why on Earth is the hem of his shirt hiked up to expose part of his stomach—
“Who drew this?” Hajime tears his eyes off the pillow. 
“Oh, Ryota did!” Hina chimes in, her voice fighting off the urge to break into hearty laughter.
She’s clearly having fun. It makes Hajime want the Earth to swallow him whole. 
“Oh, yeah, he was a great help!” Makoto smiles, somehow proud of saying it. Somehow proud that he supplied Hajime with something so… questionable. 
“Makoto,” Hajime leans closer to the computer, propping an arm on the table holding it, “This is not a good present.”
Makoto and Hina both break into laughter at that. Hajime’s too busy in the thought of how embarrassing this item is to own, to have, to touch. What if someone finds out about this? 
“Seriously, why…”
“Listen, Hajime,” Makoto’s laughter has let up. The smile he wears is sweet. It makes Hajime want to pound his skull into a wall.
“I know I could’ve gotten you photos of him,” He continues, sincerity seeping out of his words, “But… you can’t do much with photos, y’know? If I gave you photos, all you’d do is stare at them and think too much. I wanted to get you something more tangible. Something you could hold.”
“Aha,” Hajime breaks into laughter, lost in disbelief, “Huh? Tangible? Hold? I- You’re acting like I need emotional support right now…”
Makoto and Hina stare at him. They look at each other. Then back at him.
“O-Okay, fine,” Hajime caves at their looks, “Maybe I do. But, I mean, don’t you think this is—“
He points at the pillow at his feet. They can’t see it from the angle of the webcam, but he refuses to touch it again.
“—Too far? An entire body pillow of him? I mean, you’re acting like I’m obsessed with the guy…”
Makoto and Hina stare at him again. They look at each other again. Then back at him.
“No,” Hajime immediately shuts down, “I’m not obsessed with him.”
“Well…” Makoto and Hina start at a high pitched voice. 
“I’m not!”
“Okay, you’re not,” Makoto agrees weakly, “But you’re clearly concerned about him.”
Hajime scoffs, “I— yeah, who wouldn’t be?”
“Hajime, you visit his pod every morning and night,” Hina says, her voice quiet and concerned. It’s almost condescending. 
“Because I want to be there when he wakes up!” Hajime says like it’s obvious, but his voice sort of dies when he finishes the sentence, “I mean- it’s been—“
“Three months,” Makoto finishes for him. Hajime’s thought process freezes in place. 
Has it really only been three months? Shit… 
“Since Hiyoko woke up, right?” Hina doesn’t ask anyone in particular. Makoto and Hajime nod. 
“And he’s the last one,” Hajime supplies emptily. “I thought he’d wake up a bit after Hiyoko, because everyone woke up within a few weeks of each other, but… nothing. He's still asleep.”
Those last words come out a lot angrier than anticipated. He almost regrets it, but he remembers every time that he’s woken up at odd hours of the night. Every time that the thought of Nagito waking up anytime soon bugged him enough to go down there himself. Every time he’d stared into his sleeping face. And every time he’d fallen asleep while there, slouched in the chair he dragged near the pod. 
It’s been happening a lot more recently. 
He didn’t need to do it. In fact, if Nagito were to wake up, he would be the first person to know. He set up the pod to signal an alarm device, which had been sitting on his nightstand since he made it. Like a baby monitor, but for comatose arsonists. 
Still, the idea of being able to be there right when Nagito opens his eyes is a lot more appealing than seeing him when his eyes have already opened.  
“Hey, cheer up!” Hina calls out, casting Hajime out of his thoughts, “He’s going to wake up, y’know. It’s just a matter of time.”
He almost laughs in her face but his self control proves stronger than expected. Just a matter of time. How many times has he heard that sentence now? How many times has he used it to reassure himself, despite how stupid he felt? 
“Yeah,” He agrees. How many times has he agreed to it anyways?
Hajime looks at the body pillow again. Nagito’s drawn smile is a bit daunting to stare at. But…
“Why did you have to pose him like that…” Hajime scans Nagito’s body. 
Hina giggles as Makoto starts talking:
“Posed like what? He looks like he’s relaxing.”
“He looks like he wants to fuck me,” Hajime argues with a flat voice. Hina goes into a new fit of hysterics while Makoto snorts. 
“Ryota drew him quite accurately, then,” Makoto says. It sends Hina into doubling over.
“What?” Hajime frowns into the computer screen.
“Anyways, if I’m being honest,” Makoto fights through a laugh, “I don’t know. I commissioned Ryota for a body pillow, and that’s what he gave me.”
“D-Do you even know what a body pillow is?” Hajime gapes. Hina finally starts calming down. 
“Um, no,” Makoto admits, scratching his cheek, “I wanted to get you a small plushie of him, actually. But that would’ve taken a lot longer to make, and it’d require resources we don’t have right now.”
“Y-You don’t even know the implications of having a body pillow of someone?” Hajime’s voice raises a few pitches higher than usual. 
“What? I mean, the worst thing you can do to a pillow is hug it…”
“It’s a harmless gift!” Hina insists with a bright smile, “I’m sure you’ll look back at this and laugh. Maybe you can even show it to Nagito once he wakes up!”
“I…” The idea of showing this to the living and breathing Nagito Komaeda is less than appealing. Many, many levels less than appealing. He doesn’t want to imagine how he’d react. Or act. Knowing him, though, he’d probably offer a weirdly knowing smirk to Hajime, teasing him without having to say a word.
God. Even the Nagito in his head is mocking him. Annoying. 
“Wow, did I break you?” Hina leans into the screen, her voice more prominent, “You’re red.”
“No!” Hajime fumbles and waves his hands, denying her, “I just thought of something.”
Hina seems unimpressed by the excuse as Makoto begins talking again.
“Well, we’ll let you go,” He says with a smile, “A meeting is coming up, and me and Hina both have to be there. We just wanted to quickly check in on you.”
“And get me to react to the worst gift ever…”
“Man, I hope you don’t hate me,” Makoto rubs the back of his neck, an embarrassed blush sprawling on his face. “Well, we’ll check in next week, okay?”
“Yeah!” Hina chirps up, “See you then, Haji!”
“Have fun with the pillow!” She sing-songs, and before Hajime can let out a stuttering mess of protesting syllables, the call ends and their faces disappear. 
A sick and nervous feeling rides up his stomach as he processes the call.
Shame explodes in his chest when he looks down at the body pillow again.
Nagito Komaeda, animated, and posed a little too languidly stares up at nothing in particular. It’s hard to look at his face, because he’s grinning in a weirdly flirty way and he’s lively and it’s the last kind of expression that Hajime wants to see on a drawing of someone that’s been in a coma for a little too long. So, Hajime tries to stare at his chest instead. As if it made the idea of picking him up off the floor any easier. 
Christ. It’s just a pillow. 
Hajime kneels on the ground and grabs the top corners of it, hauling it up in his arms. The end of the pillow shuffles the lengthy box on the floor that it had been delivered in, knocking it on its side with a miserable flop. Holding it like this, the top of the pillow is just about level with his height, and the bottom barely scrapes the ground. Life size.
Disgusting. But just a pillow.
Hajime can’t shake the tense feeling of hugging it to his chest in this way. Like he’s admitting defeat and accepting the fact that this is fine in any way. As if hugging the incarnate pillow version of Komaeda is socially acceptable. The idea of anyone finding out he owns this crosses his mind and sends a cold breeze down his spine. He should throw it away. Any sensible person would. 
But it was a gift from Makoto. Albeit, misguided and naive. It would be rude to burn something… heartfelt. 
With a dissatisfied huff, Hajime twists in his place and makes his way to his bed— halting the second that his eyes catch his reflection in his full length mirror across the room. 
“What the—”
He hadn’t seen the other side of the pillow until now. It’d been facedown on the ground for the entire video call, and its existence had gone completely unnoticed. But it’s hard to disregard when it is staring back at him from the mirror. 
Hajime hurriedly pushes the pillow away from him, maintaining it at arm’s length and flipping it around. When the sight hasn’t disappeared and is instead staring back at him, his jaw drops. 
On this side, there’s a shift in Nagito’s pose. His head is turned to one side, offering a clear view of a side profile, an undeniable red flush drawn over his face. One of his hands is pressed over his mouth and cheek, palm facing up, as if defensively covering himself. His other arm is in a similar position to the first version of him, but his shirt is hiked up higher, leaving room for his pale hand to rest on his exposed torso. Hajime freezes at the sight, unable to move. Discomfort flickers in Hajime’s chest and his eyes avert the image immediately. Hajime’s stomach flips nervously and he rushes to flip the pillow around, refusing to give the drawing a second look. 
Seeing Nagito in any state like that felt wrong. Even if it was some drawing. 
Drawing. Ryota really had to draw all that, didn’t he?
“Well, n-no, I didn’t,” Ryota is fumbling over his words, his voice soft enough to nearly go unheard. He’s fidgeting with his own fingers, unable to maintain proper eye contact with Hajime. For brief moments in time, his hands find the tweed sweater he’s wearing only to pick at it.
Hajime sighs through his nose, looking around them. They’re walking near the pool of the hotel lobby, right after Ryota had joined the group for breakfast. Everyone had peppered him with questions about his life at Future Foundation, the conversation keeping a semblance of politeness. 
Words and mentions about the killing school life and high school memories went mostly unspoken, even now. Everyone’s voices always hesitate before bringing it up, and the conversations about it always end so quickly that it’s like they never started. So, they welcome their former classmate with open arms, infinitely opting for the positives instead of the past they can’t erase. 
After everyone finished their meals, they had scattered and pawned off private conversations with Ryota as if he were a valuable item, Hajime finally got to claim some time with him for himself by trailing after him from the diner. 
Ryota didn’t seem to mind at all— that is, until Hajime was glaring at him, refusing to let up. And Ryota didn’t have to ask why. 
“Then why did you have to draw him like— like that?” Hajime mutters in a low voice, despite the fact that the pool area was empty and bare, and no one was around to eavesdrop. Ryota stops in his tracks and spins around, his eyes drooping and stance slouching. The bright sun beats down on them, clouds having barely parted from the morning rain. 
“Listen, I was really weirded out with the commission at first,” Ryota replies, his voice still trembling, eyes darting. Wind picks up around them and Ryota’s hair flips into his face. “But who was I to question it? Makoto said he wanted a body pillow, so I complied.”
“Okay, well, didn’t he tell you it was for me?”
“Um, no, not until I finished drawing it…”
Hajime laughs, exasperated, facepalming with both hands. 
“Listen!” Ryota hurries the words out of him, “I offered to redraw it. I really did. But Makoto looked at it himself and said it was fine.”
“Y-Yeah. I mean, he kind of laughed, but said that it works fine. I even asked him if he’s shown the work-in-progress to you. When he said it was for you, I thought you’d commissioned it—”
“Why would you assume that?!”
“Makoto didn’t clarify that you didn’t know about until he shipped it out! I thought you wanted one, like, for real.”
“I— No! I never— Why— Why would I—”
“I don’t know!” Ryota protests, his shoulders hiking up, “I didn’t question it, okay? It’s just a commission. A weird one, but I’ve drawn weirder, so it really didn’t matter.”
“D-Didn’t you feel even weirder knowing this is a real person? That you’ve talked to before?”
“Uh, I tried not to think about that. Seriously, though, it’s not that weird.”
A new voice joins: “What’s weird?”
“Gah—!” Hajime jolts and spins around, hurriedly backing away. “S-Soda.”
“Am I interrupting?” 
Yes, a million times, yes.
“No. Not at all.”
“Cool,” Soda grins happily, “What were you guys talking about? Some weird thing?”
Hajime’s heart sinks to his stomach. 
“It’s just about a commission I made for Hajime,” Ryota says, far too casually, way too easily. Hajime shoots him a death glare. Ryota crumbles in on himself at the look, and starts stuttering,
“I-I mean, it’s—”
“A commission!” Soda pronounces, clearly impressed, “Man, I really wanna see more of your art.”
He turns to Hajime, his pink hair swaying, and asks: “What’d you commission him for?”
Hajime freezes. And is probably visibility deflating. 
“Oh. It’s— nothing, really—”
“Just a pillow.”
“A pillow?” Soda gives the two of them a deeply confused frown, but focuses on Ryota, “Um, I thought you did animations and drawings, that sorta shit.”
“I-I made some artwork for a pillow.”
“It’s really nothing!” Hajime yells despite himself. Ryota and Soda both stare at him as he fumbles, fighting to continue. 
“It’s not that big of a deal,” Hajime can’t look them in the eyes, “I just found his drawings calming, and— I thought it might help me get more sleep at night, if his art was… in front of me…”
The excuse dissipates into the air, vaporizing alongside Hajime’s weakened voice. He clears his throat when both of them don’t say anything.
Soda walks up to him, but Hajime keeps his eyes away, trained on the ground.
A warm hand meets his shoulder, and Hajime has to force himself to look up. 
“You haven’t been able to sleep well, huh?” Soda’s face is genuinely compassionate and concerned. Hajime jerks at the sincerity, shrinking in on himself, a rise of embarrassment clouding his mind. 
“Yeah,” Soda nods slowly, his voice quiet. He stays silent for a second before tightening his hold on Hajime’s shoulder, reconnecting their gaze. 
“If you ever need to talk, I’m here, okay?”
Hajime feels frozen in place by the intensity of the eye contact, but manages a feeble nod regardless. 
Soda smiles softly and nods, letting go of him and saying:
“You’ve been having some trouble with Nagito, right?”
“When he’s gonna wake up,” Soda supplies, shrugging easily, “Well, at this rate, if he’s going to wake up.”
Hajime swallows a lump in his throat.
“Ah, sorry,” Soda forces a smile, “I shouldn’t say that. Actually, you shouldn’t even worry about it! He has ultimate luck, after all. So he’s sure to wake up. Well, unless it’s luckier not to wake up from the dream he’s having…”
Hajime blinks at Soda. 
Soda blinks at Hajime. 
“I’m not helping, am I?” Soda says nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. 
Hajime can’t bring himself to respond. 
“Shit, man, sorry,” Soda winces at himself, “Don’t give such a sad look! Cheer up. He’ll wake up. I mean, all of us woke up. He just has more—”
“Mental instability,” Hajime emptily chants. The words have been used to describe Komaeda’s state (and the reason for remaining in the pod for so long) so often that they’ve drilled a permanent stop in Hajime’s head. 
“Yeah, no kidding,” Soda mutters, shaking his head, “Plus, his—”
“Health complications,” Hajime emptily fills in again, “I know.”
“Hey, c’mon!” Soda nudges Hajime’s side. He winces at the hard touch, but Soda continues, “You’ve said that if he wakes up, there’s a chance his body’ll be better! That’s something to look forward to, huh?”
Hajime stares at him. Soda is acting impossibly optimistic.
“Yeah, you’re right,” Hajime nods, clearly not assured of himself. Soda takes it anyways. 
“Right on!” Soda grins, clearly satisfied. Soda turns to Ryota and shoots him a grin while Hajime recuperates, having realized Ryota had been there the entire time. 
“Well, I’m off,” Soda announces, throwing up his hands and beginning to walk off, “I’ll talk to you later, Hajime!”
Hajime nods at him shortly, unable to get his voice to work, before returning his attention to Ryota. 
Ryota stares at him, offering absolutely no reaction for the conversation that just occurred. But it looked like he was forcing himself not to react, which was slightly annoying. 
Hajime takes a breath, tosses a glance at Soda’s retreating figure, and looks back at Ryota. 
“It’s not that bad, is it?” Hajime asks. 
“U-Um, what do you mean?”
“The way that I worry about Nagito,” Hajime immediately regrets the word worry, “Everyone’s acting like I’m obsessed with him or something.”
Ryota blinks at him. “Well…”
“Oh my God,” Hajime shakes his head, exasperation slapping him across the face. “You guys- You guys are impossible. Just because I care about the guy. Unlike everyone else, apparently. Just because I’m worried for him, I’m obsessed with him, right?”
He begins to walk away with a final, “Don’t bother answering that.”
Ryota doesn’t reply or follow Hajime back to his cottage. 
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nabateaprodigy · 9 months
Hellooo!! Could I have headcanons of the dr1 and dr2 boys (you can choose whichever ones but pls add Makoto and Nagito) with an afab s/o who loves laying/hugging the boy's head on/into their chest when cuddling? (if you're comfortable with that ofc). They'll also love petting their hair a lot while doing it, too. Thank you!! Remember to take good care of yourself. <3
DR1 and DR2 Cuddling Headcannons
Series: Danganronpa.
Characters: Makoto, Chihiro, Hajime, Nagito.
Genre: Fluff.
Proofread: Yes.
Reader: afab.
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Let's get this out of the way first and foremost Makoto loves cuddling! Although I could see him being a little hesitant to ask he'll soon enough work up the nerve to ask to cuddle with you!
At first, I felt like Makoto would be pretty awkward with cuddling. He wasn't used to being held in such a romantic way before meeting you so this was all rather new to him. For the first few times, the both of you cuddled a blush could be seen on his face.
To put him more at ease you would play with his hair and it helped a lot! It was very relaxing for him to have you run your fingers through his hair. Careful though you might poke yourself on his ahoge!
When cuddling with you Makoto feels a sense of peace he's safe he's happy when he's cuddling with you. There's just no better comfort than being held by the one you love most.
You know Makoto gets flustered easily and you can't help but take advantage of it. By just laying his head on your chest you get to see his cute flustered face. It's almost as if he stops functioning no matter how many times you do it but you can't help yourself he's just so adorable!
Cuddling with Chihiro is something that happens a lot. Unlike Makoto, I don't think he would be afraid to ask for cuddles. He would mostly cuddle with you when he's finished programming.
Since he's tired he loves it when you play with his hair. It puts him at ease and makes him feel sleepy. Before you know he's fallen asleep right in your arms!
I can see Chihiro cuddling with you daily. He's tired from programming and you love cuddles. So both of you have worked it into your schedule.
While you cuddle he likes to ask you about your day and how it's been. In return, you ask the same if even a lot of that time is spent programming you don't mind.
When you lay his head on your chest he might be a little flustered but I don't think he would mind that much. He would find it too comfortable and he's just happy if it means being closer with you.
Hajime has always had doubts about himself and you've known this. Regardless the undeniable fact is that you deeply care for and love Hajime. Cuddling is something Hajime has always wanted to try especially with you.
However, he doesn't want to rush anything he doesn't want to make you feel overwhelmed. He goes back and forth if he should ask or not. When he's having these doubts you offer for him to cuddle with you.
You hold him in your arms telling him that it's okay to do this and there's no need to ask. Hajime loves you he loves you so much. How did end up with you someone so kind and caring?
I feel like Hajime would prefer to be the big spoon just to hold you in his arms knowing you are safe with him. I feel like he's pretty warm all the time so it's easy to fall asleep while cuddling him.
As for when you decided to rest his head in your chest well I'm afraid our deer Hajime almost stopped functioning. His face was so red the first time you rested his head on your chest. He wouldn't admit but it was very comfortable.
Even though this man is your boyfriend he feels like he doesn't deserve cuddles. Why? No idea but that's Nagito logic for you.
It's not that he doesn't want to Nagito is more than happy to cuddle with you! But he just feels like his luck could hurt you in some way.
You love running your fingers through Nagito's hair it's just so fluffy and soft! You ask him how he has his hair like that but he doesn't seem to have an answer.
He loves cuddling with you it makes him feel so warm and relaxed. He loves cuddles when the both of you come home from school just too tired to do anything else.
About you resting his head in your chest I don't think he would be all that flustered or shy about it. Although he may feel like it may make you uncomfortable resting his head there. But you a sure him that's no issue and who is he to no to his beloved?
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akito666us · 9 months
Original artist: 夢見屋@カンガルーキック
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kura-tsuki · 10 months
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Smooch ~ 😘
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problamticsideanna · 4 months
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No Chihiro discourse I made the choice to include them here to even out the poll options
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mushi-shield · 5 months
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