#Nana D
qqqq-q-to · 3 months
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Nana Ayano / 彩乃なな
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dxzziie · 9 months
previous part here :3
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happy holidays :]
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I'm not saying everyone should watch Revue Starlight, but I'm definitely saying everyone should watch it.
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verianal · 1 year
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Started rewatching 6teen and i love them <33 they r so silly and UghUGH 😭😭😭
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Projecting on fictional characters is not enough anymore i need to be loved
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cerubean · 8 months
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- vita
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wolha · 7 months
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MY MAN IS CUPID 내 남자는 큐피드 2023—2024, dir. Myung Hyun-Woo, Nam Tae-Jin
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oatmealmika · 4 months
I felt like, female Law. Idk. But i feel like she's a bit opposite from usual Law. If she was in relationship, she might do PDA and flirt in front others.
And damn, if we have cat, Law would be super jealous of it whenever he was a man or woman. Like, when you guys gonna makeout, Meow...
You stop what you're doing and might put the cat away while Law scoff and rolled his eyes how this tiny fluffy ball interrupt him with you
anyways, fem law 😍😍😍 i honestly get a very nana osaki vibe from her…
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I WILL BE HER HACHI 🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️🙋🏽‍♀️
but anyways, she is definitely much more flirty and calm as a woman. sort of like pre timeskip law, actually… and i do love myself a good greasy woman.
but damnit, whenever things are getting spicy with law, of either gender, and the cat meows… law can’t ignore it. it irritates them to know end, and they might just end up putting the cat outside the bedroom door and shutting it.
whenever you tell them they’re being over-dramatic, they instantly are like, “ummm… NOOO?? THAT LITTLE PERV’S TRYING TO SEE SOMETHING!!”
both law and the cat are very cute, make sure law knows that.
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qqqq-q-to · 6 months
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Nana Owada / 大和田南那
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nana2009 · 10 months
so, you made that art abt yandere Dave (the latest one) what’s the backstory behind it???
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you sea, sweetie, when daddy loves mommy very much but they arent together, drastic measurements have to be taken......fortunately, dave has been trained his whole life, and knos exactly what to do! :D
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theserenityinviolence · 2 months
Ne, Nana..
"no matter how close you are, everyone has their own life, and i know it's impossible to make someone belong to you but there are times i feel so terribly sad about it." -Nana Osaki
That was quote from Nana, to Yasu. A part of me, too large for my pride to admit, relates. I wish I had the skill to wield a pen, but my heart lacks courage for even that. So, here; my selfish desire, put into words however I can manage.
Those close to me have often heard I'm "the jealous kind", "the possessive friend", and so on and so forth. I'm known to "gatekeep", I am a coward. My insecurity commands me.
I'm told I'm easy to talk to, to open up to. Why then am adamant in the belief any knowledge disclosed to me is public? Public, insignificant, worthless.
Sometimes, I feel I cannot love properly. Gray, bleak and plain. Sometimes, my obsession is unhealthy. Painfully, wholly, strongly. Sometimes, I am too tired of myself to think I'm worthy of feeling.
Why do I so passionately wish to have a person.. my person? Someone belonging to me? Mine, someone who everyone in my world knows as mine. I want to belong. "You're my tribe", and she knew.. and he knew.., in those letters, within that fine print, she belonged. And he belonged.
"I just need her to need me..", Hachi told Jun. I don't want much else. Just have reason to keep me around. Have a reason to need me. Depend on me, use me.
Ne, Nanas, tell me, Why? Why do you deprive yourself of the one thing you most desperately need?
@kaalboisakhi I did tell you I do not know how to write, but eh, what's there to lose? Here you go, friendo. Ps: you still have to finish translating that song for me ;D
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lawqual1ty · 7 months
Hey, Law... (FEM! Law x FEM! Reader)
Pov: You decide to begin your journey as a pirate which ends up making you meet quite an interesting girl... You don't think much of it until fate drags you back on the same path...
This is written as if it was a sort of letter directed towards Law mixed with some flashbacks.
I just watched Nana and got inspired to write this lol, hope you guys like it!
This fic will have a part two!
Warning: Sort of spoilers for Nana and One piece, curse words, a bit of ooc Law(?)
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Hey, Law... Do you remember how we first met? I wouldn't be surprised if you had forgotten by now... It happened a while ago yet I still remember it as bright as day...
I remember I had just begun my journey as a pirate, I began at a place where not many people would say it's a good start since for many it's a middle point yet there I was... Besides if I had grown on the grand line I might as well start there right...? I was walking around looking for some supplies and other things that might help me out on my new journey since I didn't have much of a clue on how to start, at the time I didn't know but you were also there together with some significant faces I would get to meet later on...
"Excuse me but where can I find a library?" I asked one of the locals for directions, a library was a good start since in there I could find some maps and books of the grand line and new world if I was lucky enough. The small old man pointed towards the main train of Shabondy and I smiled softly at him muttering a quick thank you before heading off towards the train.
I waited in the station for it to arrive with a bit of impatience, I looked around trying to understand the people that surrounded me and immediately found you... A rather tall girl that seemed to be in her own world, you didn't even look back at me you just kept on silently waiting for the train just like me. I couldn't help but stare in that moment, you were pretty attractive and mysterious... It got my curiosity peaking that I didn't even notice that you had turned to look at me with a slight frown.
"Uh... Do you need anything?" Your voice caught me by surprise, it was nothing like what I had imagined you had a low husky voice that matched perfectly with your style. I blushed immediately and shook two apologetic hands in front of me.
"Oh gosh no sorry about staring..." I felt so dumb in that moment, yet all you did was let out a soft chuckle.
"No need to apologize."
"No really! I shouldn't have" I tried to make quick excuse, after all I was a tad bit ashamed of myself in that moment. "It's just... You're pretty dashing have they ever told you that?"
"I'm sorry" you answered quickly not even looking back at me "But I'm not into woman..."
My eyes widened at your comment, it was unexpected yet it didn't make me uncomfortable much rather I laughed taking you by surprise although I didn't quite notice.
"Why would you assume I was going that way??"
"And why are you laughing...?!" Your voice sounded so confused yet somewhat relieved as you spoke, where you happy I didn't see you that way at the start? I had no clue yet I was enjoying that interaction way too much to actually ponder deeper into your reactions.
I stopped laughing as soon as the train arrived, both of us made our way onto the train almost side by side. I checked my ticket for my seat and started walking towards it not noticing that you had not left my side at all... I looked over at my side as soon as I arrived to my seat finding myself with your dark greyish eyes. I flinched a bit yet I managed to smile in a sort of friendly yet teasing manner.
"Didn't you say you weren't into woman...?" I spoke with a bit of a playful smirk yet your expression didn't waver at all.
"My seat is next to yours..." You answered bluntly as you pointed to what was your seat on the train. My eyes followed your finger until your seat with a bit of shock, I immediately smiled as I turned to look at you.
"Ah, that means we'll be sitting together!"
"I suppose so..." Your voice lowered a bit much to the excitement of mine. I immediately made my way over to the side so that you could enter your seat before I took my own.
The trip wasn't exactly meant to last long but almost as if destiny had wanted for us two to keep at each others path there had been a lot of issues that dragged the trip on. We didn't specifically started off as chatty, you were cold and analytical, every interaction you partaked in was measured to a degree, but I didn't know that at the time... All I knew was that I was curious about you and your mysterious nature that seemed so drawn away from me at that point.
I took it upon me to start chatting with you although it wasn't hard for a conversation to start... If anything you started it, I don't know if you remember that...
"It seems the train is facing some issues..."
"Pardon?" I didn't want to admit it in that moment but I was so drawn by you that I didn't even hear you the first time, luckily you didn't take it the wrong way at all.
"We haven't moved..." You spoke gently as you looked out the window, I followed your eyesight confirming what you had said previously. We hadn't moved much since the main station which was unusual considering where we were. I couldn't help but pout a bit.
"Eh... Guess you're right..." I sighed softly and let myself lean back on my seat, you looked over at me with curiosity in your eyes.
"You were rushing somewhere...?"
"Hm?" I looked over at you with wonder. I smiled softly. "Oh, no... I just was a bit impatient to begin my journey I didn't believe I would start off so badly..."
I remember how you tilted your head to the side with a questioning gaze, almost a tad bit judgemental if I say so myself. "Your journey...?"
I nodded with a proud smile on my lips. "Yeah, I'm going to become a pirate and have great adventures, maybe make some friends too!"
I didn't know what you were thinking in that moment, you probably were shocked by the fact I didn't recognize you and just out loud said that I wanted to be a pirate in front of what at that point was one of the members of what was known as 'the worst generation' but yet... You hummed softly, a soft smile gracing your lips.
"A pirate...?"
"Don't you think that's a bit of a violent path for someone like you?"
"Hmph, it's only violent if you decide it as such..." I hugged my bag with a bit of a frown "I don't need to harm people or kill them... I just need to explore and learn a long the way in my own terms..."
The way you laughed at my small comment made my heart turn ablaze... It wasn't because it was unusual to hear you laugh but much rather because it...was your lips and mouth the one producing it. Although you were laughing at me I didn't mind, I just enjoyed being with you and making you smile... I thought it was normal at the time but I was so wrong... I wish I had realized that sooner...
I still don't know whether it was because of your company or because of the ambiance but I hadn't even realized at the time how long the trip had dragged on for... I just felt so comfortable chatting with you, you would listen to me yapping on and on about my dreams and the different people I had met with a soft smile on your lips, those rosy characteristic lips that spilled magic every time they opened... You were, still are, so straight forward with what you liked and what you wanted which was rare for someone like me who always switched from one thing to another...
"I just want to aid as many people as I can..." You said ever so softly, the characteristic sound of the can of beer opening interrupting your words with a soft tsk. I looked over at you from the top of my can of beer as I took a sip out of it, your words sounded so heroic... I didn't know who you were at that point for me you were just a stranger that had somehow up put with my shit and even willingly told me about your own shit.
I gulped down the sip I had been taking before gently smiling at you. "That sounds like a good reason to travel..."
"you think?"
"Yeah!" I beamed "I wouldn't be capable of doing it for one... So I really admire that about you!"
Your smile at that moment is still implanted in my mind, it was sort of... Bittersweet, almost as if you had remembered something or... someone, I'm still not sure who or what it was... Hey, Law, have you ever thought of telling me...? The mystery that held your brave, broken heart in chains...? The past that made you whither like a beautiful rose...? It didn't seem like it at the time but I'm not mad about it... Much rather it makes me admire you more.
It wasn't long before the train finally reached what, as funny as destiny is, was our destination... We, together with other passengers, got off our seats and onto the exit. I didn't want to end our meeting there yet I didn't even know if you felt the same
"Why bother...?" Was what I thought to myself as I got my bag and headed to the exit of the train together with you, you didn't even take any bag out, only your giant sword which you told me was named Kikoku. It struck me as odd yet I didn't think much of it... It was rather cute how you hugged that sword constantly.
We both stepped out of the train, I was about to say goodbye to you when I suddenly noticed two guys and a Polar bear walking up to you, you turned your back on me that time and headed over towards them.
"Captain!" One of the guys with an orca hat yelled out before saluting you.
"Captain...?" I tilted my head to the side as I watched the scene play out, both the Polar bear and the other guy with a penguin hat followed the orca guy in saluting you. You didn't even budge.
"Everything is ready to head to the Auction house!" The Polar bear yelled out.
"Perfect then let's get going..."
"Aye aye Captain!"
I was taken aback by the scene in front of me... My mind didn't fully processed what had happened until I saw our surroundings... Everyone was looking at you with fear in their eyes, some even wanted to pounce on you but didn't budge due to their will to live.
Hey, Law...
When were you going to tell me you were a pirate...?
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zharizard666 · 7 months
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mombound drafts :]
figured that if I'm not finishing them I might as well just post my sketches.
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weirdtakoyaki · 1 year
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Just did a big ol’ update of my shop with limited stock of what’s immediately on hand and pre order options for the hotter ticket items! Thank you all for your support!!
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shih-coulda-had-it · 10 months
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not a holder
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caramelmochacrow · 1 year
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this didn't leave my mind until i drew it. here. take the junnana.
(bonus one under the cut!)
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^ this was too cute to leave out
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