#National Day of Remembrance Ceremony
coochiequeens · 2 years
A Canadian college invited a trans-identified male to speak on violence against women in observation of the 33rd anniversary of an act of mass femicide.
Fae Johnstone, a trans-identified male, gave a keynote address today at Durham College in North Oshawa, Ontario as part of the school’s National Day of Remembrance Ceremony marking the anniversary of a massacre that left 14 women dead.
Johnstone, who describes himself as “trans feminine and non-binary,” is the Executive Director at Wisdom2Action, an LGBT-focused consulting firm. Johnstone’s website lists him as a “public speaker, consultant, educator and community organizer on unceded, unsurrended Algonquin territory.”
On Twitter, Johnstone announced his speech was part of the school’s “16 Days of Activism” to end “GBV [gender-based violence].”
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The event Johnstone spoke at today is described on the Durham College website as commemorating the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women in Canada.
The Day was first inaugurated by Parliament in 1991 as a way to honor the lives lost during the École Polytechnique massacre, which took place on December 6, 1989 in Montreal, Quebec. On the campus of the scientific university, a man identifying as an “anti-feminist” targeted female students for slaughter. 
Prior to shooting all of the women in a mechanical engineering class, Marc Lépine, born Gamil Rodrigue Liass Gharbi, told the male students to leave the room. He then told the women he was “fighting feminism” and expressed a hatred of women’s rights to an education.
“You’re women, you’re going to be engineers. You’re all a bunch of feminists. I hate feminists,” Lépine said, before opening fire on the female students. Lépine later committed suicide on the campus after taking 14 women’s lives, and injuring 10 more people.
In total, Lépine murdered 14 women in an act that has since been recognized an act of terrorism.
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After his speech at Durham College tonight, Johnstone was confronted by Jennifer Anne, a Canadian women’s rights advocate who has been working to secure the release of the analysis that was done on gender self-identification legislation in Canada. 
Anne attended the event and recorded some of Johnstone’s address before proposing a question when given the opportunity by the event’s host. 
“Today is the day we mark 14 women who were killed in Montreal by a man who subjected them simply because they were female. It is sex-based violence, not gender based violence. I am a female,” Anne is heard saying, before listing off examples where self-identification lead to the victimization of women.
“I am wondering why, on this day, we would have a man dressed in women’s garb to talk to us about sex-based violence and keeping women safe? How can women stay safe in this environment?”
Johnstone replies curtly: “Thank you. Next question!”
“Really? So you’re not going to answer it because you know I’m right?” Anne responds. The host of the event, as well as other administrators, are then heard trying to discourage Anne from continuing to assert her question.
Anne uploaded the recordings to her Twitter account.
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Johnstone’s consulting firm, Wisdom2Action, marked the anniversary of the women’s deaths by posting an infographic titled “Queering GBV,” which asserted that “gender based violence disproportionately impacts 2SLGBTQ+ people who are BIPOC, transfeminine, bisexual, youth, newcomers, disabled, homeless, and/or involved in sex work.”
For Canadian Women’s History Month in October, Johnstone was “honored” by a Government ministry for his work with “2SLGBTQI+” people.
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Johnstone had previously slammed the Canadian Femicide Observatory for “retweeting TERF and TERF rhetoric.” TERF is a derogatory term most frequently applied to women who acknowledge two distinct sex groups.
He also claimed the Declaration on Women’s Sex Based Rights was a “roadmap for erasing trans people from public life, denying our rights and restricting our healthcare.”
Johnstone is not the first trans-identified male be given a platform to speak on the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence against Women. 
Last year on December 6, the Prince Edward Island Advisory Council on the Status of Women invited Anastasia Preston, a biological male who identifies as a woman, to speak on “gender-based violence” at a vigil honoring the women murdered in the École Polytechnique massacre.
Preston, a “trans community outreach coordinator” at a sexually transmitted disease resource service, became the subject of widespread outrage on social media after he was interviewed by the Prince Edward Island branch of the CBC and claimed that trans-identified males were not given enough opportunities to speak on violence against women.
“For decades, trans women have been kept out of the conversation around gender-based violence,” Preston was quoted as saying, going on to assert that he intended to “speak about some of [his] experiences of harassment on P.E.I.” at the event memorializing the 14 women who were murdered.
After the article began to circulate, CBC P.E.I was so inundated with backlash they had to turn off their Twitter comment section. Johnstone defended Preston at the time, calling him a “hero and a champion.”
By Jennifer Seiland Jennifer is a founding member of the Reduxx team, writing with a focus on crimes against women and sex-based rights advocacy. She is located in the American south where she is a passionate animal welfare advocate and avid coffee drinker.
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defensenow · 4 months
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binduspoint · 4 months
Honoring Heroes: A Global Perspective on Memorial Days and Martyrs' Commemorations
Introduction Across the world, nations set aside special days to honor and remember their military personnel and martyrs who have sacrificed their lives for their country. These observances not only pay tribute to the bravery and dedication of soldiers but also remind us of the profound impact of their sacrifices on our freedoms and way of life. This article explores how different countries…
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nexility-sims · 8 months
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𝐍𝐎. 𝟏   ❛ 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 ❜   |   VARIOUS LOCATIONS, LATE 1990 - EARLY 1991
❧  𝐛𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠  /  𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬  /  𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭.
❛ In early March, the Office of the Crown released its first personal statement since the funeral. It resembled the releases that had followed other deaths: ' With the mourning period ended, our family is eager to return to public life. We have spent our time away in the traditional manner. Our ancestors understood the loss of a loved one demands total acknowledgment. Public ceremony is one component, but life cannot resume without granting the wound time to heal. This is reality for even those of us blessed with tremendous responsibility. We expect to always bear the scar of remembrance, just as we know the nation will, but we remain grateful for this time of recovery. Each of us has engaged in true reflection. We intend to recommit to Uspana and its People with clarity and appreciation. This is what our beloved Princess Safya would have wanted. '
❧ i did kinda phone this one in, but akjfsdh it's a nice montage, i think.
𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 ↓
In truth, the family’s practice of mourning varied enough to warrant a white lie to the public. Some did indeed take the traditional approach. Rodrigo, Matias, and Leonor all sequestered themselves away to a degree; they engaged in that esteemed “true reflection” with only their selves and their memories as company. For others, the dictates of tradition mattered less. Their mourning looked like clinging to routine, revisiting familiar places, seeking comfort in the presence of others. Beatriz returned to Yaas for the first time in years, welcoming for once the way her childhood haunted it. Contemplation could find its way into these activities—in the tranquil baking Olalla did or the letters Mateo wrote to his father—but not everyone was willing to allow it. They formed a spectrum in their grief, one that none policed or much noticed.
The only requirement was that they maintain privacy. Whether at Alam Palace, in the residential quarters of Nakawe Palace, or retreated to personal homes and hotel rooms, they were to be reclusive. An uneasy but time-honored truce existed with the media. Whether the respectable evening news journalists or the scrappy tabloid photographers, all kept their distance. The Crown’s official policy nonetheless remained: they were untrustworthy. The intrepid would seek gossip from launderers and groundskeepers and couriers. The foolish would trespass, slinking along unmarked trails and hoping for glimpses of impromptu promenades through gardens and on private beachfronts. Temporarily, the embargo held. Pop stars, politicians, actors, and socialites dominated the headlines. The media cultivated a surreal alternate reality for the public in which Princess Safya had never existed because Uspana had no royal family of which to speak. All the while, they stockpiled stories to inaugurate the eighty-first day.
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afeelgoodblog · 2 years
The Best News of Last Week 🐧
1. ‘Robin Hood’ energy strikers give free power to French schools, hospitals, low-income homes
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Amid national strikes in the energy sector, some workers in France have found a novel way to protest. On Thursday, "Robin Hood" operations – unauthorised by the government – provided free gas and electricity to schools, universities, and low-income households throughout the country.
Among the facilities provided free energy were public sports facilities, daycare centers, public libraries, some small businesses and homes that had been cut off from power. 
2. UK scientists discover method to reduce steelmaking’s CO2 emissions by 90%
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Researchers from the University of Birmingham have developed an innovative method for existing furnaces that could reduce steelmaking’s CO2 emission by nearly 90%.
The iron and steel industry is a major cause of greenhouse gasses, accounting for 9% of global emissions. That’s because of the inherent carbon-intensive nature of steel production in blast furnaces, which currently represent the most-widely used practice.
3. Watch this cargo ship fly a giant kite to save fuel and cut emissions
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The 2,700-square-foot parafoil is helping to tow the cargo ship and lessen the workload of the massive diesel engines — reducing the ship’s use of dirty fuel.
4. Scientists discover emperor penguin colony in Antarctica using satellite images
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A newly discovered emperor penguin colony has been seen, using satellite images of one the most remote and inaccessible regions of Antarctica.
The colony, home to about 500 birds, makes a total of 66 known emperor penguin colonies around the coastline of Antarctica, half of which were discovered by space satellites. Emperor penguins are the only penguins that breed on sea ice, rather than land, and are located in areas that are very difficult to study because they are remote, inaccessible and can experience temperatures as low as −60C
Kowalski, analysis!
5. Dungeons & Dragons Scraps Plans to Update Its Open Game License
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Wizards of the Coast, publisher of Dungeons & Dragons, announced yesterday that it will no longer be pursuing deauthorization of the Open Gaming License 1.0a. The deauthorization of the OGL 1.0a was a huge sticking point for fans and third-party publishers who made a living using a license that was granted nearly two decades ago.
6. Turning problem sea algae into a replacement for plastic
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Excessive outbreaks of seaweed and microalgae are clogging up waters from the Caribbean to the Baltic. Now both are being harvested alongside farmed crops to create ingredients for cosmetics and food products.
7. German parliament officially commemorates LGBTQ victims of Nazi regime for first time.
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The German parliament for the first time on Friday focused its annual Holocaust memorial commemorations on people persecuted and killed over their sexual or gender identity during World War II. Campaigners in Germany have worked for decades to establish an official ceremony to commemorate the LGBTQ victims persecuted under the Nazi regime.
“Today’s hour of remembrances focuses on a group of victims which had to fight for a long time to achieve recognition: people who were persecuted by the National Socialists because of their sexual orientation or their gender identity,” Baerbel Bas, president of the Bundestag lower house, said while opening a ceremony marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the anniversary of Auschwitz’s liberation.
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That's it for this week. If you liked this post you can support this newsletter with a small kofi donation:
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Have a great week ahead :)
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eretzyisrael · 5 months
by David Harsanyi
People love to bemoan the fate of dead Jews who were unable to defend themselves. They’re not too crazy about the living ones who do.
On Holocaust Remembrance Day, Israel entered Rafa in Gaza to clear out remnants of a modern-day Nazi organization that’s embedded itself among women and children. Joe Biden, who is giving a speech at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Days of Remembrance ceremony in Washington today, tried to stop them.
Holocaust remembrances can often be little more than empty virtue signaling. It takes no moral courage to condemn crimes of the past if you’re not willing to stop the crimes of today. Save your sympathy.
Indeed, perhaps the most self-destructive myth within the modern Jewish American community is that the best way to temper hate is to fund more Holocaust education. It probably causes the opposite reaction. If the Holocaust taught us anything, it’s that Jews can’t wait for others — not even the most educated people in the world — to protect them. As Jeff Jacoby notes, “Israel doesn’t exist because there was a Holocaust. There was a Holocaust because Israel didn’t exist.”
And if keffiyeh-wearing Hamas cheerleaders weren’t moved by Oct. 7 videos of Jewish women being sexually tortured and slain, they sure aren’t going to be shocked into decency by 80-year-old grainy black and white pictures of bodies piled in pits. Do we really believe the Hamas apologists on major newspaper editorial boards, in the State Department, on Ivy League campuses, and in Congress don’t know this history? Of course they do. They often appropriate this past Jewish suffering by risibly accusing Israel of Nazi war crimes.
For the left, even minor political setbacks can be likened to Nazi Germany—but don’t you dare point out that cosplay revolutionaries on campus are trying to reenact Kristallnacht. Oh, it’s not about the Jews? Where are the “peace” protesters when Syria deploys chemical warfare against civilians? Or when the Chicoms open internment camps for Uyghurs? Or when the mullahs crack down on Iranian women? On foreign policy, the social justice warrior has an exceptionally narrow focus. It is not happenstance.
Perhaps it’s because Jews are too “white.” Maybe it’s because Jews have been successful and capitalistic and thrive in meritocratic Western nations. Perhaps it’s because the alleged victims of fictitious Jewish “colonialism,” “apartheid,” and “genocide” are brown and poor and Muslims.
Or perhaps it’s because Israel is more powerful than its enemies. This, of course, is due to the Jewish state having to fight and win wars instigated by its foes. Every time Israel repels new aggression, as it has for seven decades, the would-be invaders demand everyone rewind history to a time more convenient to their cause. In this one case, Westerners always seem to oblige.
Whatever drives the hate, it speaks to the violent stupidity and immorality of contemporary identitarian beliefs.
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aimeedaisies · 4 months
Wednesday 5th June - Thursday 6th June 2024
Their Majesties The King and Queen, joined by other Members of the Royal Family, will mark the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings.
Wednesday 5th June 2024
The King and Queen, accompanied by The Prince of Wales, will attend the UK's national commemorative event in Portsmouth to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings.
The Princess Royal, Colonel-in-Chief of The Royal Regina Rifles, accompanied by Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, will unveil a statue of a Second World War Canadian Royal Regina Rifleman and attend a Reception in Normandy with members of the Regiment, to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day Landings.
At the Bayeux War Cemetery, The Princess Royal and Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence will join Normandy veterans and French representatives at a Royal British Legion Service of Commemoration.
As President of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC), The Princess Royal, accompanied by Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, will attend an annual service of remembrance at Bayeux Cathedral. This will be followed by a service and vigil later that evening where Her Royal Highness will give a speech in remembrance of those who lost their lives during the operation.
Thursday 6th June 2024
The King and Queen will attend The Ministry of Defence and the Royal British Legion's commemorative event at the British Normandy Memorial at Ver-sur-Mer to mark the 80th anniversary of D-Day. His Majesty is Patron of the Royal British Legion.
The Prince of Wales will attend the Canadian commemorative ceremony at the Juno Beach Centre, Courseulles-sur-Mer, hosted by the Government of Canada. His Royal Highness will join Canadian D-Day and Second World War Veterans, as well as Canadian Armed Forces personnel, cadets, and wider youth representatives at the event.
The Prince of Wales will attend the international commemorative ceremony at Omaha Beach, Saint Laurent sur Mer, joining over 25 Heads of State and veterans from around the world in marking this historic anniversary.
At the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire, The Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh will join veterans and their families at the Royal British Legion's Service of Remembrance.
The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester will attend 'D-Day 80: Remembering the Normandy Landings', an evening of music-led, multi-generational storytelling, reflecting on the Second World War at the Royal Albert Hall.
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mariacallous · 3 months
Thousands of people braved intense heat to commemorate the anniversary of the 1995 Srebrenica genocide and attend the mass burial of 14 recently identified victims at the Srebrenica Memorial Centre in eastern Bosnia on Thursday.
They were killed in July 1995 in a series of massacres by Bosnian Serb forces that left more than 8,000 Bosniak boys and men dead. The massacres have been classified as genocide by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, ICTY.
Munira Subasic, president of the Mothers of Srebrenica association, warned that the world “has not learned anything” since World War II.
“Srebrenica is proof of that, and we mothers strive to send a message and warn others so a crime like Srebrenica is never repeated,” Subasic said, speaking in front of foreign and domestic delegations gathered for the memorial event at the Srebrenica Memorial Centre.
She also warned of genocide denial, which remains widespread in Bosnia and Herzegovina and across the former Yugoslav region.
So far, 6,751 genocide victims have been buried at the Srebrenica Memorial Centre. Another 250 victims have been buried at local cemeteries on the decision of surviving family members.
However, in Bosnia, a day of mourning for Srebrenica is only officially commemorated in the country’s Bosniak and Croat-dominated Federation entity. Bosnian Serbs have blocked the state-level Council of Ministers from declaring a day of mourning across the whole country.
After the UN General Assembly voted in May to establish July 11 as an International Day of Reflection and Commemoration of the 1995 Genocide in Srebrenica, the 29th anniversary is being marked in other countries too. For the first time, it will be commemorated at a high-level event at the United Nations in New York.
In Serbia on Wednesday evening, peace group Women in Black held a silent vigil in the centre of Belgrade, urging Serbia to establish annual an Srebrenica Genocide Remembrance Day, although the government refuses to classify the massacres by Bosnian Serb forces as genocide.
In Montenegro, President Jakov Milatovic wrote on X that the suffering of “the innocent Srebrenica victims serves as a painful warning to today’s generations that the evil of July 1995 must never be repeated.” The anniversary was also marked by the country’s Bosniak Council in the capital Podgorica on Thursday. Council president Suljo Mustafic said at the event that “Srebrenica is the saddest word in our language, and Potocari [where the bodies of thousands of victims are buried] is the biggest grave in our history”.
The event was attended by some representatives of ruling and opposition parties and by the mayor of Podgorica, Olivera Injac.
In Pristina in Kosovo on Thursday, parliament held a special session in commemoration of Srebrenica genocide victims and approved a statement on the UN resolution. On Wednesday, Prime Minister Albin Kurti joined a commemoration ceremony organised by the Institute of History.
In his speech, Kurti expressed solidarity and support to Bosnian people. “This crime left open wounds for thousands of Bosnian families, just as it left wounds on humanity’s conscience. Therefore, every anniversary renews the pain, not only for the Bosnian people, but also for us, the people of Kosovo, who experienced the horrors of war 25 years ago,” Kurti said.
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan issued a presidential decree on Wednesday declaring that July 11 will be commemorated as Srebrenica Genocide Remembrance Day.
“July 11, accepted as the ‘International Day of Reflection and Remembrance of the Srebrenica Genocide,’ will be commemorated in our country to share the pain, condemn genocide and crimes against humanity, and raise global awareness through special remembrance events, educational activities, and public awareness initiatives in honour of the victims of the Srebrenica genocide,” the decree said.
In recent years, opposition parties and Turkish Bosniak NGOs have been calling on the Turkish government to recognise the Srebrenica massacres as genocide and to declare July 11 a genocide remembrance day.
In 2023, however, parties in Erdogan’s alliance rejected an opposition bill to recognise the 1995 massacres as genocide, sparking angry exchanges in the Turkish parliament and disappointment in Bosnia.
People in North Macedonia will also participate in the July 11 commemorations. On Thursday, in the capital Skopje, the Bosniak National Council will organise its annual commemorative March for Srebrenica.
Memorial events are also being held in some Western European cities, including Bradford in England, where a “Remembering Srebrenica” flag is being raised in the City Park.
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world-of-wales · 9 months
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1 NOVEMBER - Catherine visited Dadvengers. She was later spotted at Prince George's Football Game. 2 NOVEMBER - The Duchess of Rothesay and The Duke were received by His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Moray (Major General the Hon. Seymour Monro) at Burghead Primary School. Afterwards, they visited Brodieshill Farm. Subsequently William and Catherine visited Day1 and were received by His Majesty's Lord-Lieutenant of Inverness (Mr. James Wotherspoon). 8 NOVEMBER - Catherine visited the 1st The Queen's Dragoon Guards Regiment at Robertson Barracks as their Colonel-in-Chief. 11 NOVEMBER - Catherine and William attended the Royal British Legion Festival of Remembrance at Royal Albert Hall. 12 NOVEMBER - The Princess of Wales along with Prince William and other members of the Royal Family attended the Remembrance Day Service of Remembrance at the Cenotaph. The broadcast of the 2023 Earthsot Awards, featured a video of Catherine and William snorkelling with Coral Vita in The Bahamas from their tour. 14 NOVEMBER - Catherine received Mr. Jack Shonkoff (Director, Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University) at Windsor Castle. In the evening, she attended a Shaping Us National Symposium Reception at the Design Museum. Finally, Catherine and William attended King Charles's Private Birthday Party at Clarence House. 15 NOVEMBER - Catherine held a Symposium on Early Childhood at the Design Museum. 16 NOVEMBER - She held a Meeting at Windsor Castle. 17 NOVEMBER - Catherine appeared in a video message to open BBC's Children In Need. 18 NOVEMBER - Kensington Palace released a new photograph featuring Catherine decorating a Christmas Tree to announce the 'Together At Christmas' Carol Concert. 21 NOVEMBER - Catherine and William welcomed The President of the Republic of Korea and Mrs Kim Keon Hee at the Four Seasons Hotel. They then accompanied the Presidential Couple to Horse Guards and were met by The King and Queen for the official welcome ceremony. Afterwards, they viewed an Exhibition of the Royal Collection items relating to the Republic of Korea. Finally, they attended the State Banquet thrown in the honour of the President and First Lady at Buckingham Palace. 22 NOVEMBER - Catherine and William held a Reception at Windsor Castle. 24 NOVEMBER - She was received by Mr. Martin Russell (Deputy Lieutenant of Greater London) at Sebby's Corner in Barnet. 30 NOVEMBER - Catherine and William received Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden and Prince Daniel of Sweden at Windsor Castle. Afterwards, they were we're joined by Victoria and Daniel for the Royal Variety Performance.
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c-consiousness · 3 months
As I, most likely, won't be able to do this until the completion of the second arc of my story, I have chosen to provide a brief summary of the timelines within 'Through Flesh and Metal'. Enjoy.
Original timeline:
100 AG: Prince Zuko assumes the throne as Fire Lord.
102 AG: Fire Lord Zuko weds Lady Mai.
103 AG: Princess Izumi is born, and Lady Ursa's remains are discovered interred in the royal palace garden.
104 AG, Day 19: The Fire Nation Civil War erupts.
104 AG Day 22: Fire Lord Zuko visits his father in prison and, after a conversation, decides to end Ozai's life.
104 AG, Day 47: Fire Lord Zuko and Fire Lady Mai flee the Fire Nation, while Princess Izumi is captured.
104 AG, Day 51: Fire Lord Zuko voyages to the Earth Kingdom seeking aid to free his homeland.
104 AG, Day 73: Fire Lady Mai departs the Earth Kingdom to locate and rescue Princess Izumi.
104 AG, Days 75 to 90: Fire Lord Zuko is captured by the rebel forces.
104 AG, Day 116: On his twentieth birthday, Fire Lord Zuko meets his demise through execution.
Time unspecified: Fire Lord Zuko encounters the mighty spirit of Agni within the spirit realm and forges a pact with him.
Unspecified Time: Through considerable effort, Zuko's former self manages to alter the timeline significantly, leading to his future self being rescued by Azula.
Following the timeline alteration, Fire Lord Zuko becomes ensnared in a recurring loop, compelled to replay his final days repeatedly until the actions of his prior selves result in enough changes for him to evade execution.
Changing Timeline:
104 AG Day 94: Princess Azula is captured by insurgents, but negotiates a deal with them. She agrees to deliver Crown Princess Izumi to them in exchange for meeting with Kyzel and seeing her brother.
104 AG Day 103: Princess Azula reaches Ba Sing Se and locates her uncle, but the insurgents launch an attack on the city using her name. Despite this, she successfully locates Crown Princess Izumi and escapes the city.
104 AG Day 114: Princess Azula, accompanied by Crown Princess Izumi, arrives in the devastated capital and is later transported to a village located a few hours away from the capital, where she reunites with Adviser Kyzel and is reunited with her brother.
New Timeline:
95 AG, Day 149: Prince Zuko experiences a nocturnal vision while wandering through the palace, only to be discovered by Princess Azula.
95 AG, Day 212: After nearly three months of recurrent visions, Prince Zuko's experiences persist.
95 AG, Day 217: Prince Lu Ten meets his demise during the siege of Ba Sing Se.
95 AG, Day 231: Fire Lord Azulon passes away peacefully in slumber.
95 AG, Day 232: A ceremonial week in remembrance of Fire Lord Azulon commences.
95 AG, Day 239: The ceremonial proceedings draw to a close, culminating in Ozai's ascendancy to the throne
96 AG Day 178: Crown Prince Zuko enlists in the military and embarks on a mission led by Zoron to a secluded island, tasked with identifying and eliminating traitors.
96 AG Day 192: Following a two-week voyage, Crown Prince Zuko and his squadron reach the island and engage in a fierce confrontation with the traitors. Amidst the operation, Prince Zuko uncovers crucial information regarding the heinous genocide of the Air Nomads, which he preserves upon the mission's completion.
96 AG Day 207: Upon his return from the mission, Crown Prince Zuko reunites with Princess Azula and shares a night with her. The next morning, he is summoned by the Fire Lord, who elevates him to the position of commander on his vessel and assigns him to forthcoming missions.
97 AG Day 58: Two days prior to the banquet honoring Adviser Kyzel, Prince Zuko, disguised as the enigmatic Blue Spirit, clandestinely meets Lady Zin, a revered member of the White Lotus, and acquires ten vials of poison from her.
97 AG Day 60: At the banquet, Fire Lord Ozai appoints Adviser Kyzel as Chief Adviser and proclaims his betrothal to Princess Azula. Subsequently, nine esteemed advisers, alongside the Crown Prince, are subjected to poisoning. The event is thereafter infamously known as the Banquet of Lies.
97 AG Day 63: The sweeping purge of all individuals implicated in the Banquet of Lies, encompassing their entire families, commences, sparking unrest and discontent throughout the nation.
97 AG Day 66: Crown Prince Zuko eventually awakens following the poisoning, emerging as the solitary survivor of the fateful incident.
97 AG Day 81: Adviser Kyzel delivers a national address concerning the repercussions stemming from the Banquet of Lies.
98 AG Day 12: Fire Lord Ozai dispatches Crown Prince Zuko and General Iroh, accompanied by a fleet, to the Fire Nation colonies with the objective of quelling the burgeoning rebellion.
98 AG Day 13: Disguised as the mysterious Blue Spirit, Prince Zuko convenes with his operatives and issues directives for the day following his departure.
98 AG Day 16: General Iroh, alongside Master Piandao and Commander Zoron, approach Admiral Zhao with a proposition to join them on their expedition to the colonies.
98 AG Day 18: The fleet of Particular Justice sets sail from the capital towards the colonies.
98 AG Day 19: In accordance with Prince Zuko's instructions, twenty-three noblemen, four advisers, and two Fire sages meet their demise; one of the assailants is apprehended and interrogated by Fire Lord Ozai and Princess Azula.
98 AG Day 22: Upon uncovering a potential link to the White Lotus, Fire Lord Ozai deploys both Adviser Kyzel and Princess Azula on a mission, exploiting Azula as a means to extract the desired information.
98 AG Day 31: While en route to the colonies, the fleet of Particular Justice becomes embroiled in a skirmish with pirates, during which Prince Zuko inadvertently discloses his proficiency in manipulating black fire.
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raindroppoetry · 18 days
Stars Above Home
I knew you the moment that I saw you
Joshua and Dion met as children, their connection ignited by an immediate spark. Both the future rulers of their nations, they can only love each other in secret, stealing away fleeting moments in each other’s arms.
One day Joshua receives a stolas from Dion urging him to come meet him in their Hideaway. Yet when Joshua arrives he finds only an empty cabin.
Back in Rosalith dire news awaits from Sanbreque: Emperor Sylvestre Lesage has declared a war on Rosaria— a war that would pit Joshua and Dion against each other on the battlefield.
Worried and driven by the disconcerting feeling of the strange ripples that travel across his soul, Joshua embarks on a journey to Oriflamme with a small party of friends to meet Dion and to prevent the war. But as the mystery of the ripples unwinds, instead of protecting his country, Joshua finds himself fighting for Dion's life.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2: The Ripples
In the next days, Joshua led their way through the unfamiliar moorlands. 
He hadn’t been to Oriflamme in five years, not since Sylvestre called off the annual Remembrance Ceremony between their two nations. The ducal caravan’s sluggishly moving carriages had taken well over a fortnight to arrive at the city, but Joshua was determined to cut off days from that estimate. 
The scenery was much different now in the middle of the wilderness than it had been through the small carriage windows. The rambling roadside meadows, trees and a coat of dust that obscured the villages and hamlets rolling by with a nose–tickling haze, were replaced with damp air and sloshing footsteps, the earth teeming with life even now when summer’s verdant green had faded and the underbrush tinctured with a pallid hue. Much like the moorlands now, he’d also teemed with excited energy, fidgeting on the satin seats, waiting to meet Dion for a day after yet another year apart. 
Straying from the marked roads into the wilderness and its many pathless shortcuts meant braving the wealth of creatures that dwelled in the moorlands. They came across a pack of goblin muggers that forced them off chocobo back and into a fight as well as a large gigas who they couldn’t shake without a fray. 
Joshua wielded the Phoenix’s fire in these battles with the expanding knowledge that it’d come to an end the moment they’d cross the border. This was why delivering the final slash that felled the creature with his sword offered him some confidence though the blade had been aflame. 
”Is the bruise still bothering you?” Jill asked a couple days after the encounter.
”Not at all.” The gigas’ bludgeon had only scraped his side and the Phoenix’s flames had healed the bruise quickly.
”Is there another reason then for the way you keep clutching at your side?” 
Only as it was pointed out, Joshua noticed how his fingers pressed at the space under his ribs. He returned his hand back on the reins. 
”Perhaps the riding is affecting me,” he said, dismissing the subject. 
The moorlands had morphed into a thick forest of evergreens where underbrush grew dense and forced them to a dragging rhythm. As if the slowed down pace wasn’t an annoyance enough, the frequency of the ripples had increased, and with them came a sharp pain that lingered a while and dissipated slow. His flames had no influence over them and their origin remained a mystery. The ripples disheveled him, and not only because of the pain alone. 
Jill chatted idly. Torgal trotted by their side, maw open and ears alert leaving a path of swaying ferns in his wake.
”What is it you believe is happening in Oriflamme?” Jill asked.
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defensenow · 4 months
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ddaome-kr · 4 months
Memorial Day in Korea: A Day of Remembrance and Reflection
Note: this was supposed to be uploaded on Memorial day in Korea (June 6th) but we started our tumblr blog a bit late compared to our instagram, so here's a slightly late but hopefully still interesting post :) Also, here's the link to our instagram post!
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Hello, dear readers. Today’s post is going to be a little heavy and solemn as it is about Memorial Day in Korea. Known as "Hyeonchung-il" in Korean, this national holiday is commemorated on June 6th each year. This solemn day holds great importance in Korean culture and history as a time to honor and remember the brave men and women who sacrificed their lives in service to their country. In today’s post, I will introduce some interesting and meaningful information about ‘Hyeonchung-il’ from its history, and meaning to its modern-day commemorations.
First I will explain the name of Memorial Day in Korean. It is called ‘HyeonChung-Il’(현충일). It means the day of showing unswerving loyalty. Interpreting each of the characters is as follows: ‘Hyeon (현)’ means to show, ‘Chung (충)’ stands for loyalty, and ‘Il(일) is a day.’
Now let’s move onto the specific date. In 1956, the Korean government announced the date of Memorial Day to be on June 6th, three years after the signing of the Korean Armistice treaty. There are different theories about why the establishment of Memorial Day came to be on June 6th. One is that June 6th is around one of the solar terms, ‘Mang-jong’, which is when the barley ripe and rice planting newly begins. Korea, historically being an agrarian society considered it to be the best day of the year, and therefore chose this day to remember and perform rituals for the fallen heroes since ancient times. Another story is that since June is the month when the Korean War broke out, they chose an appropriate day for it. Also referred to as ‘the 6.25 War’, the Korean War had a significant influence on Korea then and still. So, in remembrance of this historical event that sacrificed millions of human lives and resources, the government deliberately associated Memorial Day with the Korean War. Nevertheless, Memorial Day in Korea is dedicated to all who showed bravery and sacrifice with their lives for the nation.
On this day people in Korea ‘hyun chung’ in various ways. The most common is putting up a half-staff national flag at each home and institution. It should be a half mast since it’s not a day of celebration but a day of commemoration. Also, siren rings at 10 a.m. on that day for 1 minute signaling for the citizens to participate in a silent tribute, praying for the fallen heroes. In addition, many also visit places like National Cemetery, War Memorial, and Independence Hall where the fallen soldiers lay take part in the national ceremony and offer flowers, incense, and prayers as a gesture of respect and gratitude. It is a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by those who fought for Korea's freedom and peace. Furthermore, TV shows, livestreams of national ceremony, and movie in related theme are broadcasted. Lastly, through various educational programs and community events, the significance of Memorial Day is taught to children, ensuring that the sacrifices of the past are never forgotten.
However, in recent times, some critique that the sincerity of remembering the national spirits has decreased and the day is only seen as an extra day to rest. Saying that this may be due to the times being past and the society changing with generations that have not experienced direct war as the larger part. Nevertheless, people still put efforts into remembering this day. Such as doing a silent tribute before an event during this day or posting relevant information on social media. (Like this post that you’re reading right now!)
In this aspect, I recommend that you visit these places, watch the programs and shows, and follow along with the activities that will provide you with a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in Korean culture and history. By attending commemorative events, exploring historical sites, and learning about the stories of Korean war heroes, you will be able to gain a deeper appreciation for the resilience and spirit of the Korean people who showed courage, loyalty, and patriotism that are integral to Korean identity. I will add the links down below.
I hope you found this post interesting. See you in the next post!
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hebrewbyinbal · 5 months
As the sun sets tonight, Israel enters a period of profound reflection and celebration, marking the transition from Memorial Day to Independence Day with a deep national significance.
Tonight, we begin with /'e-rev yom ha-zee-ka-'ron/ ערב יום הזיכרון, the eve of Israel's Memorial Day, followed by /yom ha-zee-'ka-ron/ יום הזיכרון Memorial Day tomorrow, dedicated to remembering the brave men and women who have fallen in defense of the country, as well as those who have lost their lives to acts of terrorism.
It’s a day of national mourning, where the entire country comes together in collective memory, attending ceremonies and visiting the graves of the fallen.
The air in Israel is heavy with the poignant melodies of memorial prayers and the somber notes of the siren that sounds throughout the country, bringing everything to a standstill. This deep reflection underscores the high price of freedom and the sacrifices that have shaped the nation.
As the sun sets tomorrow, the mood shifts dramatically with the commencement of /yom ha-ats-ma-'oot/ יום העצמאות, Israel’s Independence Day.
This transition is one of the most profound and unique aspects of Israeli culture. In just a matter of hours, the solemnity turns into celebration, reflecting the resilience and determination of the Israeli people.
Streets that were quiet in remembrance are soon filled with the sounds of music, dancing, and fireworks, celebrating the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.
This juxtaposition serves as a poignant reminder of the costs of peace and the joys of freedom, binding the past with the present and the dreams for the future.
It’s a powerful expression of Israel’s journey, a nation that remembers its past sorrows while also celebrating its achievements and aspirations.
These days remind us of the duality of life—sorrow intertwined with joy—and the strength of a community that honors both with equal fervor.
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clarabosswald · 8 months
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Choosing Rebirth Over Revenge After My Release From Gaza
By Liat Atzili Artwork by Haley Jiang
Ms. Atzili is a high school teacher in Kiryat Gat, Israel, and an educator at Yad Vashem, Israel’s national Holocaust remembrance center.
In Israel, the Shoah, or Holocaust, has often been spoken of in recent years alongside tekumah, meaning rebirth, after the survivor generation chose to rebuild a nation rather than lose itself to grief and vengeance. Molded by that spirit, Israel became a refuge for Jews in danger the world over, and has healed its relationships with Germany and other nations that perpetrated or enabled the Holocaust. I work at Israel’s national Holocaust remembrance center, Yad Vashem, where I teach Israeli 12th graders about the Shoah and prepare them for school trips to Poland. As the last remaining members of the survivor generation dwindled among us in recent years, my focus has been on how best to teach students about the Shoah when the eyewitnesses are gone. While preserving the memory of the horrors and losses the Shoah wrought remains important both for young Israelis and for children around the world, the concept of tekumah is also a central component of Holocaust education. Tekumah provides us with the vital life lesson of how to move on with dignity and purpose after experiencing a tragedy, and it is perhaps the most important gift that the survivors gave us. On Oct. 7, the Jewish people suffered our greatest tragedy since the Holocaust. That tragedy came to my own home in Kibbutz Nir Oz, which was burned down as I was taken to Gaza as a hostage. I was held in a home with Gazans and Hamas fighters, with no news of the outside world. Terrified, alone and unsure of the fate of my family, I kept myself going for nearly two months, promising myself I wouldn’t miss the graduation ceremony of the class I teach and imagining reuniting with my husband, Aviv, and our three children. I am a dual citizen of Israel and the United States, and I was released after 54 days thanks in large part to the intervention of President Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken. My children, thankfully, survived — one after terrifying hours in hiding, one by sheer luck of having been elsewhere that day, one who staved off the attackers by holding the door of a safe room closed. But my home of 30 years was burned beyond recognition, and the home of my heart — my husband, Aviv — was among the 1,200 killed by Hamas in Israel on that terrible October day. So immense was the destruction, I found that terrorists had even killed my dog, Revi.
When I got out of Gaza, I discovered there was no Kibbutz Nir Oz to return to. I am living in what is called a “temporary arrangement” apartment in the southern city of Kiryat Gat; as of now I can stay here for three years, perhaps longer. My children are of an age when they are leaving the nest, and I am experiencing that bittersweet rite of passage as a new widow, without a home. Now is the time for the world to demand and secure the release of the remaining hostages in Gaza. I want to be reunited with my neighbors. Then will come the time for mourning what we have lost. Neither of these missions ends our work. Beyond the horizon of our pain, we must recommit ourselves to tekumah with the same determined optimism of the Holocaust survivor generation. I see no alternative. Without tekumah, we will only sink further into the cycle of mutual anger and victimhood that has plagued our relationship with the Palestinians for too long. That is not the approach that the survivor generation chose, and in their spirit I do not seek revenge for what I have been through. I am humbled by how my fellow Israelis put their lives at risk to fight my kidnappers, but I do not feel any catharsis in seeing the destruction of Gaza. Instead, I want to focus on building a better future for my three children — and for the children of Gaza. After the Holocaust, a new generation rose up in Israel, focused not on the past but instead on making the future bloom. Tekumah for Israel after this war will mean rebuilding our national identity and moving past the divisive politics that marked the year leading up to Oct. 7. Our adversaries may be dangerous, but no one has the power to destroy our country more than we do ourselves. But for me tekumah is not only about Jewish lives, it’s also about all those lives that shattered on Oct. 7 and after — including those of my non-Jewish neighbors, Israeli citizens, who have been caught up in the battles ever since. It also means working toward a rebirth for Gaza. While I cannot influence the choices that Gazans will make for themselves, I hope those responsible for launching this war are replaced with people who want a better future alongside Israel. After seeing the investment Hamas made in its underground city, it is easy to understand that so much was squandered in Gaza over the past 18 years. Gazan citizens, too, deserve a rebirth, one that imagines a future not of combat but of shared existence. One more arena in which tekumah is sorely needed is in the diaspora. Antisemitism, which is as old as Western society, these days seems to seep into much of the public discourse around Judaism, Jewish people and Israel. I am not blind to my country’s failings, but it is deeply troubling how this conflict, which was started in the most violent way by Hamas, has contributed to a rise in violent antisemitic acts. Tekumah in the diaspora would allow for the full expression of Jewish life without fear, both in Israel and around the world. If the young people among the decimated European Jewish population were able to face the future with optimism after the Holocaust, we, too, can find the strength to repair what has been broken.
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phoenix-flamed · 8 months
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A certain someone and I were talking, and she brought up so many good points that I hadn't thought of -- so thank you for sharing your views with me on this subject! As always, if you read this and don't agree with my opinions, please don't worry; I won't be offended, and I would actually love to hear your views too!
As much as I hate to say it, at the end of the day, yeah -- Elwin wasn't a good ruler. He was a great man, with great intentions, and his plan for the future of Rosaria wasn't necessarily a bad plan!
It just wasn't practical in Valisthea's political climate at that time. I know I make way too many comparisons between his ambitions and the story of The Founder, but I'll do it one more time, because I really do believe that the parallel is there, even if it is just speculation on my part --
The reason why building what would become Rosaria from the ground up worked out at the time The Founder set in motion that process was because there was no war. There was no conflict. Following the aftermath of what became known as The Sins of Dzemekys, humanity was said to be living in fear. But The Founder grew tired of that life, and he left to find a nice little spot, where he began building a home for himself. More and more people saw what he was doing and joined in as time went on, and what had started as that one little shack eventually became a town, and this continued until what would eventually become The Grand Duchy of Rosaria came into existence.
In present-day Valisthea, and just in the continent of Storm alone, this wouldn't work, at least not nearly so easily. It would require, much like back with The Founder, unity and generational effort, but given the political climate of Storm...... You probably see where this is going.
Just look at how many times Rosaria was taken advantage of. This extends to before Elwin took the throne, yes -- but we'll focus on during his reign. Rosaria was part of alliances on two separate occasions; the first time was with Dhalmekia, who abandoned them on the battlefield to contend with Waloed's army on their own in the conflict for Kanver's independence. The second time was Sanbreque's betrayal of Rosaria under the orchestration of Anabella and Sylvestre, which was kicked off by The Night of Flames, and we all know what happened there. That took place while Rosaria was in an alliance with both Dhalmekia and Sanbreque, hence the Remembrance Ceremony a year before which was in commemoration of aforementioned alliance. You even have the fact that while the Kanver situation was going on, the Northern Territories decided to pay Rosaria a visit, which, fortunately, Elwin and his troops were able to push them back, and we have the story of how Elwin calmed the tribes of the north down and unified them so that they'd work together for the betterment of their people, at which time he took Jill to Rosalith with him.
If, theoretically, Elwin was trying to be a merciful ruler, which it does seem like it considering he strove for a peaceable solution to the Northern Territories situation rather than going there and destroying them or forcing them to submit to Rosarian rule, and the fact that when the flashback at the start of the game takes place, we find out from Elwin and Rodney during the throne room scene that Rosaria has been taking in refugees from the north who are fleeing the continued progression of the Blight, as well as offering the north resources to aid them. Unfortunately, because of this, Rosaria's own resources are being stretched thin, and even places like Rosalith are running out of space to take in more refugees.
In other words, Elwin tried to help their neighbors to the detriment of his own nation.
Okay, I kind of sort of got carried away with rambling and lost track of the original point. Uh. So yeah, in short, Elwin was a great man, with great, wonderful intentions! But we all know how the saying goes: the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
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