#Natural Air Humidifier
absolutearomasindia · 2 years
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Introducing Aroma-Clock Ultrasonic Diffuser - for Luxury Home Fragrance Experience
Grab Yours a Special Launch Price Of Just Rs. 2799!
A premium Ultrasonic Diffuser from England's Top Aromatherapy Brand!
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mathysphere · 2 years
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Winter Sampler, part 9/16: Snowy Night
I tried to capture the look of snow falling in the night, but if I could I would bottle up the sound of it, too-- that magical, comfortable silence.
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exquisia · 7 days
Discover the Magic of Nature Indoors 🍄🍄‍🟫🍄
Transform your space into a serene sanctuary with the Rain Cloud Mushroom Air Humidifier. This unique humidifier, mimicking a gentle rain cloud, is not just a functional device but a stylish addition to any room. Its modern design and soothing water drop sounds create a tranquil atmosphere, perfect for relaxation and stress relief.
Breathe easy with the cute Mushroom Air Humidifier! 🍄 Discover it through the https://exquisia.shop/mushroom-air-humidifier/ 🌿
#HomeEssentials #AirHumidifier #fresair
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leafie-draws · 9 months
plant care masterpost ⋆˚✿˖°
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part 1 Types of Plants: plants come in all shapes and sizes and each plant has specific needs! so here's some quick tips to keep in mind while picking out a little plant friend!
a general rule of thumb when choosing a plant is considering how the plant thrives in it's natural habitat and providing that with your care, whether it's in a sunny spot in your window or in your garden outside. Succulents and Cacti need more sun and dry conditions than tropical plants that enjoy more wet and humid conditions. keep this in mind while growing many different types at once!
if growing plants in a terrarium make sure there is plenty of light and air circulation to prevent moisture buildup and rot. do not seal the plants inside! you'll want to be able to remove them in case they get sick.
all plants have unique grow-times and dormant periods. for example plants native to the northern hemisphere go dormant (hibernate) while plants in the southern hemisphere are growing, and vice-versa. plants in their peak grow-time require more water and care than dormant ones.
some tropical plants have very specific needs; like staghorns, orchids and air plants so I recommend researching those thoughroughly before getting one.
I don't have a lot of experience with trees, fruits and vegetables so I'm skipping those for now.
Watering: the amount of water a plant needs depends mostly on what type of plant it is and which climate it's in. remember that growing plants need more water and dormant plants need less!
plants only drink when they're awake! roots are most active during the daytime so water your plants in the morning, afternoon or evening. watering at night will cause too much water to sit in the pot and will rot the roots.
tropical plants are picky needy guys and enjoy very damp, humid, rainforest-like conditions. humidifiers help keep moisture in the air as well as routine misting with a waterbottle, just make sure there's proper ventilation so the plants aren't too wet for too long.
arid plants like succulents and cacti are pros at storing water and need less watering than other plants. (I water mine every 2 weeks. 3 weeks in the winter.)
no plant likes having wet feet! make sure your pots and containers have drainage holes to allow airflow to the roots and so excess water can escape.
it's always better to under water than to overwater! it's easier to save a dried-up plant than a rotten one. so if your plant seems sick it's better to hold off on watering it for a while.
most plants die from getting too much water! overwatering leads to rot, infections, mold, and even attracts bugs! it's a bad time! so only water your plants when the soil is dry and make sure there's proper drainage.
an overwatered plant will look sickly. it might turn yellow or pale, drop it's leaves, or be squishy to the touch. some plants like succulents or cacti may have swollen, cracked stems from absorbing too much water.
an underwatered plant will look droopy and the leaves will feel dry, crispy or wrinkled. water the plant throughroughly until water drains out of the bottom of the container and give it some time to recover. if your plant is severely dehydrated you might want to completely soak it, spraying the entire plant and putting the pot in a basin or tray of water so it can absorb water as needed.
Soil: the type of soil depends on the type of plant, but all plants require nutrients in order to grow. it's important to use well-draining soil and provide airflow to the roots.
typically you want soil that's a mix of organic matter and grit (like pumice or lava rock.) the organic matter provides nutrients while grit helps keep the soil loose so it doesn't compact and rot the roots while watering. (I've been using Bonsai Jack's gritty mix for years and I swear by the stuff.)
keep in mind that thick, organic soil holds water longer than a loose, gritty mix and takes longer to dry out so you should water your plants less. likewise, gritty mix drains faster and may require more watering, especially in the summer.
seedlings require more nutrients and have less developed roots so highly organic soils or coco coir works best. (more organic matter = more prone to rot though so be careful!)
worms are friends. like seriously. earthworms in your pots are a good thing! not only does it mean your soil is rich in nutrients plants love, but worm tunnels help create air pockets in the soil so your plant's roots can breathe easier and helps prevents rot. they won't hurt your plant at all and only eat decomposing matter. if you don't want them in your house though they'll do wonders for your garden!
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bepisbee · 15 days
i had ideas 👀 about vio getting addicted to dark magic and being the monster instead
plz lmk if you think its worth a fic :)
He doesnt even realize it becuase he spent so long around Shadow/the dark mirror openly diffusing dark magic like a humidifier. Until after they all finish the quest and suddenly hes not around it anymore and he gets sweats, shakes, mood swings, blood pressure drops. He doesnt know why until he visits the tower becuase hes sad and misses shadow. falls asleep there. 
the symptoms are gone when he wakes up.
he does his best about it. never tells the others and never goes back to the tower. He hides between the library and his room and becomes nocturnal to avoid the others seeing him. eventually the major shock and withdrawl symptoms stop but theres still thst itch he cant scratch thats always crawling under his skin. constsnt anxiety thst theres part of him missing now.
when they get older he cant take it anymore and gives in. he spends a day at the tower with the shattered mirror and hunts for material. resources, magic wells, heavy spots, books, studies, scrolls, spells. When hes in the dark magic for more than an hour his eyes start doing weird shit. not that he knows that rifht away ofc. they turn black in the sclera and slowly the ice blue turns purple.
He doesnt return for weeks
trying to amass some sort of personal portable dark magic source thst doesnt bring about the end of the world via dark mirror power well. preferably with an on off switch. he manages to be able to condescne some into a liquid form and bottles it for testing later. planning on trying it in a space not affected by “shadow ozone” for potency and relaiablility and effect length. he stays on it longer by channeling the magic in the air through himself
the colors come to find him and they think hes fucking possesed or smth.
he ends up having to tell them or they were gonna execute him for turning evil. hes worried they still might. They warn him off building a magic well and offer to help him kick his magic addiction.
he declines. he realized earlier if he can command a small enough power well that is disconnected from the sacred realm he might even get shadow back. (using different source, twilight realm over dark world?) plus he LIKES the feel of the magic and he isnt having different thoughts than before.
colors are obviously SUPER SUS about this plan but dont want to push him away. once hes determined he WILL do it. if they disagree he’ll just do it behind their backs and be unsafe and possibly hurt himself. or worse connect it too big of a source and attract the attention of gannon or other awful evil beings. reluctantly they all agree to help or at least let him be with this with more warnings to be careful af.
super worry squad
they leave him alone so they dont also get dark magic addicted (they cant though, only vio is susceptible becuase he is the part of link that holds his bad/evil thoughts or is even capable of using dark magic).
he takes his research home when he isnt succesful by the time hes out of food and supplies. he takes his liquid shadow essences bottled up with and goes home with the colors.
theyre there to support him this time around. 
he keeps researching and testing his essence on himself and channeling dark magic and using it to create sources. on accident he overdoses himself and gives himself permanent changes (hand claws, black gradient fades into his skin tone, sharp teefs, eyes remain black sclera) locks himself in his room in shame and fear and when it doesn't go away, panic. Eventually they get vio to let them in and he tells them about it. cue supportive family moment. Red helps file their claws down and Vio practices how to talk without cutting his tongue or biting it or his lips. It’s a struggle with the claws until they get filed down. They flare back out when he gets emotional though.
This ends up giving him a boost, altering his body, altering his magic channels. He now naturally flows dark energy in his magic. he gets to making a small source from a pendant he makes. Hs fuels enough power (with permission and supervision) and summons back Shadow and uses up his source to create a shadow body of dark magic mixed with earth and light magic. (essentially a gollum/elemental ) shadows body is dependent on Vio’s magic instead of the mirror now but it's not a problem since the alterations. If he gets hurt Vio can just fix him by feeding his body magic.
happy ending vidow :) and vios the monster this time!
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pokemonshelterstories · 5 months
Do you have any tips for mitigating static from Electric-types in the winter? My Yamper gets really staticky and I know it's an inevitable side-effect of his type, but I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to reduce it.
I know it's not winter, at least not when I'm sending this, but I only recently found this blog.
plenty of things you can do for that! one of the biggest culprits for too much static buildup is dry air and fur. you should hopefully already be regularly brushing with an anti-static spray like elec-away, but baths with moisturizing fur conditioner will also help. keeping a humidifier in your house can also keep static buildup at bay.
i also recommend that any household with an electric type pokemon keep a static-discharge self-grooming pole. these poles will discharge static buildup when your pokemon touch them, but they also have gentle ridges (kind of like a grooming glove) to encourage the pokemon to scratch themselves. you can spray a little pheremone spray on it to encourage investigation. they can be a little pricey, but they're a great way to encourage natural behaviors while also reducing static shock!
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montammil · 3 months
June of Doom Day 18 - "I'm fine."
| Self-defense | Allergies | Headache |
Characters: Lawrence, Marshall
Just a hurt/comfort fic with Lawrence (carewhumper). May have passed out during a blood draw today, but good news is I'm switching onto sub-q injections, so I'm pretty hyped for that.
CW: Carewhumper, stockholm syndrome, parental whumper, infantilzing whumper
The last thing Marshall wanted was to let Lawrence know he had bad allergies and headaches, so he kept quiet when he needed medicine or stayed in bed when the headaches kicked in. Lawrence had just started trusting him alone on his own again, and he didn't want to ruin that progress. So he suffered through the pain, waiting until the symptoms subsided again.
Usually it wouldn't be an issue. He could power through the allergy season and his migraines would calm down by themselves. It was nothing he wasn't used to dealing with.
But this year was different.
For some reason, his symptoms were getting worse every day. The air outside was chilly, making his nose run all the time, which made his sinuses hurt worse than usual.
Maybe it was because he used to be living in the big city, and now he was living in an area surrounded by much more nature than he was used to.
Who knows, but whatever it was, it was irritating as fuck.
His nose was stuffed constantly. It made him lightheaded and dizzy, and he would accidentally walk into the walls. His headache worsened the more he sneezed, and he would wince just from the sound of his own voice.
Talking aggravated his throat, and every swallow felt like sandpaper. He was starting to get anxious from all this discomfort.
While Lawrence was at work, Marshall figured he could make use of the house to make himself more comfortable. He raided the bathroom cupboards and drawers for any sort of allergy medicine, but everything was locked, as per usual.
He huffed. He supposed he'd have to make due without it.
Marshall put a humidifier in the living room to make his nose less dry and grabbed an extra blanket to curl up in. He decided to make a blanket fort to read in, so he spent his time carefully laying out the cushions and pillows in a circle on the floor. After he was satisfied with how it looked, he went back to his room to grab his books, blankets, and a flashlight.
He was careful to set everything up in a way that wouldn't collapse, as he planned on spending most of his day inside it.
It looked flimsy and rushed compared to Lawrence's blanket forts, but it would do.
He hid his head beneath the mountain of pillows, sighing in content at the moisture in the air. This made it much easier to breathe. He blew his nose, which only helped slightly, and opened one of his books.
By the time Marshall had finished, he fell asleep with his book splayed open on his chest.
He used to get nothing but nightmares every night, but once he accepted his life with Lawrence, things were starting to turn up. Now it was only occasionally he'd get one. He considered that a success.
When he woke up, he saw a tall figure standing in the entrance to his fort. He flinched back until he realized it was only Lawrence, who was giving him an amused smile.
"Hi, kiddo. I see you've been busy today."
"Hey." Marshall sniffled. "Uh, I was just reading. Sorry, I guess I kind of took over the whole room. I'll clean it up."
Lawrence crawled under the fort to join him. "Oh, don't even worry about it. I like seeing you do your own thing when I'm away." He put a hand to Marshall's forehead, frowning in concern. "Are you feeling sick at all?"
Marshall leaned into the touch. He really did appreciate when Lawrence checked up on him, though sometimes it annoyed him. "I think it's just allergies or something. I kept my window open all day yesterday and forgot that ragweed is, like, everywhere at this time of year." He sighed when Lawrence's frown deepened. "I'm fine."
"My poor baby." The blond combed the hair from his face. "How about I grab my laptop, and we watch a movie in here? And I'll fix us some dinner."
It was rare he allowed Marshall to have food anywhere that wasn't at the table, but he enjoyed being spoiled every now and then. Marshall nodded eagerly.
Lawrence chuckled. "Alright, I'll be back." He pressed a kiss to his forehead and then slipped out of the fort. Marshall sat up and watched his silhouette leave.
He listened to the faint sounds of dishes clanking and the tap turning on, letting his eyes close. His head ached, but at least he was breathing through his nose again. He made himself as small as possible beneath the sheets and buried his face in his pillow.
A few minutes passed before he heard Lawrence return, pulling him back into reality. He shuffled in after him, placing the laptop in between them. He then handed him his dinner plate.
"What is this?"
"Chicken couscous."
"Which is...?"
"Okay, Mr. My-entire-diet-consists-of-chicken-nuggets-and-Kraft-macaroni, it's kind of like pasta. Just try it." Marshall pouted at him but did so anyway, taking a small bite. He hummed at the flavor, nodding in approval. Lawrence grinned and ruffled his hair. "See? It's not that hard to eat something other than chicken nuggets, is it?"
"I can't believe you're mocking me while I'm dying of allergies," Marshall joked.
Lawrence perked up. "Speaking of." He grabbed a bottle of meds from his pocket and shook two pills into his palm. "Take those, and your allergies should clear up in a bit."
Marshall took them with the glass of water he was handed, and then dove back into eating. He watched Lawrence scroll through a bunch of movies. It took Marshall a moment to figure out he was waiting for him to pick one.
"Finding Nemo?"
Lawrence smiled. "Good choice, kiddo." He clicked on the movie and picked up his food, leaning back against the propped up pillows. The younger man mirrored him, tucking himself beneath the blankets again.
Halfway through the movie, he could feel his eyes getting heavy. He stifled a yawn, hoping Lawrence wouldn't notice. But of course, he did.
The blond pulled him closer, allowing him to rest his head on his shoulder. He played with his hair, making Marshall's eyelids droop. Marshall pushed his forehead against his shoulder in attempt to ease the headache trying to make an appearance again.
"Get some rest. I don't mind."
Marshall shifted uncomfortably. "'Kay, Dad."
Once the word slipped past his lips, he tensed and slowly glanced at Lawrence to gauge his reaction. Lawrence beamed and planted a kiss on his head.
Marshall pretended to be disgusted and squirmed in his hold. Lawrence laughed. "Oh, Marshie, don't be like that. I thought you'd never say that." He peppered his face in kisses, his slight facial hair scratching him, proof he hadn't shaved in record time.
"Stoooppp!" Marshall giggled. He hid under the covers again, his cheeks reddening from embarrassment. As humiliating as Lawrence could be, his real parents hadn't given him this kind of comfort in years. "You're evil."
"Say it again, please?"
"Pretty please? With a cherry on top?"
"That you're evil?"
Marshall secretly enjoyed how Lawrence seemed more wrapped around his finger than the other way around. He could ask for anything and the blond would give it to him without a second thought, as long as it wasn't freedom. And honestly? He truly didn't want that anymore.
This felt more freeing than being trapped in his old house, with all his worries and fears from the outside world slipping away.
"You're so annoying... Dad."
Lawrence buried his nose in Marshall's hair. He could feel his smile against his scalp. "I love you so much, kiddo."
Marshall stopped himself from reciprocating the words. He felt like Lawrence would have a heart attack right then and there if he did. Instead, he just basked in the comfort, listening to Lawrence's steady heartbeat and the movie playing in the background.
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aobkorea · 16 days
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Skin can become dry and dehydrated when it loses water too quickly—not unlike our bodies on a scorching summer day or after a grueling cardio workout. When our skin loses that water, it’s called transepidermal weather loss (TEWL). For those of us with dry skin, that means our skin cells have a hard time keeping water in. Add to that environmental aggressors like sun, wind, pollution, polar/cold climates and the skin barrier can also be compromised - making skin drier and more fragile and susceptible to cracking and irritation. A few common characteristics of dry skin include dullness, flakey-ness, tightness, itchiness, redness, and just (sigh) general discomfort. In short, dry skin is no fun. But it is common—and almost everyone will grapple with it at some point.
Some people are genetically predisposed to dryer skin and deal with it even as teenagers, when skin typically overproduces oil. Others battle parched complexions seasonally (particularly in the dry depths of winter) or situationally (e.g. long, hot showers, certain medications and even overly aggressive skincare can all cause excessive moisture loss). And of course, all skin becomes drier as we age, so even if you’ve never considered your skin on the dry side, it will be…eventually.
The good news is dry skin doesn’t have to stay dry. There are lots of simple, easy-to-adopt strategies that will soothe and soften almost instantly. Here are 7 dry skin tips to set you on the path to smoother, more supple skin.
1. Turn On A Humidifier
Dry skin can be caused—or exacerbated—by central heating, fireplaces and wood-burning stoves. If you live in a climate that dips below 50 degrees during the winter, you’re likely well aware of this. Turning on a humidifier overnight—or placing a small one near your work space during the day—will consistently mist and hydrate the air, helping to mitigate the moisture-zapping properties of all that exposure to indoor heat.
2. Ease Up On The Steamy Showers
Yes, it does feel so good—especially on a frigid day. But too much time in a long, hot shower or bath can remove natural oils from your skin, as well as disrupt your skin’s protective barrier function (which can cause you to lose moisture even outside the shower). So, as a general rule, try to suds and rinse in less than ten minutes and keep the water temperature closer to warm than hot.
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3. Choose A Gentle Cleanser
Using a harsh antibacterial soap, which is designed to remove sweat and oil, will also strip moisture from your skin, leaving it itchy and dry. This result is often worsened in the winter months when skin is most vulnerable. So, try to stick to body and face cleansers that are creamy and moisturizing, like Korean skincare , which effectively removes makeup and impurities, but does it without stripping moisture from the skin or disrupting the skin’s barrier function.
4. Slather On Moisture Asap
Layering on moisturizing serums and creams, immediately after cleansing will help seal water into the skin, as well as support the skin’s barrier function. Same goes for your body: Aim to always apply a hydrating cream right after showering or bathing—and massage in a nourishing hand lotion, Such as Korean skincare every time you wash up. Note: To maximize the hydrating potency of the aforementioned formulas, always blot, rather than rub, with a towel after showering or cleansing. Blotting gets rids of any dripping water but still leaves a light film of moisture for your serums and creams to seal inside the skin.
5. Slough With Care
Slathering on moisturizer is crucial in treating dry skin, but if the buildup of dead skin cells on your face has become nearly impenetrable, those formulas can’t permeate and nourish your skin. So, it’s also imperative that you use a gentle scrub or an exfoliating toner, such as K-Beauty to routinely remove dead surface skin cells. Do this step a few times a week after cleansing, but before moisturizing.
6. Take Cover
In bitter-cold climates, the skin can lose moisture at an accelerated rate—as much as 25 percent more than it does in a moderate climate. So, If your home state’s winter weather can become quite harsh, try to prioritize covering as much skin as possible whenever you head outdoors. Scarves, hats, knee socks and gloves should be considered as essential as shoes.
7. Drink Up
Keeping your skin hydrated starts with quenching your body’s thirst for water. So, try to down the expert-recommended 64 ounces of liquid each day (non-caffeinated beverages like tea or seltzer also count). And feel free to toss back more, if you're still thirsty. Also, try to limit both caffeinated and alcoholic drinks to no more than two per day, as both are diuretics and can accelerate water loss, undoing all the good-skin deeds, above.
Though we commonly discuss dry skin during the colder, drier winter months, it’s actually a year-round problem. The key to curbing your skin’s moisture loss is both making small lifestyle changes, and sticking to a soothing, hydrating skincare regimen.
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ciameth · 2 years
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A few Pernese dragon head concepts, based on different animal skulls, the author's descriptions, and Michael Whelan's art. To meet the book descriptions, Pernese dragon must have eye ridges, head knobs instead of ears, a wide field of vision through multifaceted eyes, smooth suede-like skin, and jaws capable of both grinding stone and predating large animals. I also decided to play around with the spectrum of Bronze while coloring the designs. I decided the Bronze palette should be a blend of Gold, Green, and Brown.
Equine: Classic horse headed Pernese dragon. Anne McCaffery described her dragons as having 'horse-like' heads, which could mean anything from wedge-shaped with large cheeks to recognizably equine.
Giraffine: This is how I pictured the dragons while reading the books as a kid. Giraffe and Okapi skulls look very draconic, have both knobs and ridges, and big globular eyes.
Ursine: Leaning more into the predatory nature of fire lizards and dragons, here is a design with bite power. Based on a Giant Panda skull with the snout elongated. This design has a bulky skull with massive jaws. A well-developed cranium, zygomatic arch and sagittal crest.
Varan: As much as Anne McCaffery insists her dragons are not reptilian, a monitor lizard skull makes a great design base. They have wedge-shaped heads with incredible bite force, perfect for crushing firestone. The fire lizard progenitor to the Pernese dragon is a coast scavenger and piscivore; a monitor head shape is perfect for both tasks. Perhaps fire lizards would look more delicate, like a tree monitor, while dragons would look more like a rock monitor.
Whelan-like: Michael Whelan's amazing cover art was what drew me to pick up Pern books in the first place. But his designs do not have head knobs and the anatomy is very 'shrink-wrapped' so I've tried to address those issues while keeping it recognizably "Whelan."
Alien: Not based on any earth skull. Bulbous eyes oriented high on the head to see Threadfall. Large surface area for nasal turbinates to warm/humidify the vast quantities of air required by a flying creature, and to filter out Thread char. Head knobs less bony, more fleshy and flexible. Still vaguely "horse-like" shape to the head.
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skin-care-news · 10 months
8 Skincare Hacks a Dermatologist Recommended for Winter Radiance
As the winter chill sets in, our skin often undergoes various challenges that can leave it feeling dry, dull, and irritated. To combat these seasonal skincare woes, I recently had the privilege of consulting a dermatologist who shared invaluable tips to keep skin healthy and radiant during the colder months. Here are eight expert-approved skincare hacks to incorporate into your winter routine.
Hydration is Key: One of the fundamental principles emphasized by the dermatologist was the importance of hydration. Cold weather, indoor heating, and hot showers can strip the skin of its natural moisture. Combat this by incorporating a rich, hydrating moisturizer into your daily routine. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic acid and glycerin to lock in moisture and keep your skin supple.
Gentle Cleansing: Avoid harsh cleansers that can further dry out your skin. Opt for a gentle, hydrating cleanser that effectively removes impurities without compromising your skin's natural barrier. Consider cleansing your face with lukewarm water to prevent excessive drying.
Humidify Your Space: Combat the dry indoor air caused by heaters by using a humidifier in your living space. This simple addition helps maintain optimal moisture levels in the air, preventing your skin from becoming overly dry.
Protective Layers: Don't skimp on sunscreen just because it's winter. Harmful UV rays are still present, and snow can reflect sunlight, intensifying its effects. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and apply it to exposed areas, including your face, neck, and hands.
Exfoliate Wisely: Exfoliation is essential to slough off dead skin cells and encourage cell turnover, but too much can exacerbate winter dryness. Opt for a gentle exfoliant with ingredients like alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) or beta hydroxy acids (BHAs) once or twice a week to maintain a healthy glow.
Lip Care: Chapped lips are a common winter woe. Combat this by using a nourishing lip balm containing ingredients such as shea butter, beeswax, or coconut oil. Apply it regularly to keep your lips soft and hydrated.
Invest in a Night Cream: Nighttime is when the skin undergoes repair and regeneration. Enhance this process by using a richer night cream during the winter months. Look for formulations with ingredients like retinol, peptides, or ceramides to promote overnight rejuvenation.
Stay Hydrated from Within: Hydrating your skin goes beyond topical treatments. Ensure you're drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day to maintain overall skin health. Herbal teas and water-rich fruits and vegetables can also contribute to your hydration levels.
As winter brings its unique challenges to skincare, implementing these dermatologist-approved hacks can help you achieve a radiant complexion despite the harsh weather conditions. Remember, a consistent and thoughtful skincare routine is the key to keeping your skin healthy and glowing throughout the winter months.
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roarsaidthedinosaur · 22 days
how are the other items on your todo list going?
i was going to be like A SMASHING SUCCESS I DID IT ALL a little bit tongue in cheek and leave it at that bc it’s been a hard year actually but it turns out i really have intentionally done a lot of these things?? so i got excited and now i want to share!!! thanks pal for asking i appreciate it 💕
the only thing i haven’t done as i intended is the first one, i have been managing ~*~an illness~*~ and it’s not comfortable for me to go out or host folks while under the weather so i will say my IRL friendships have been mostly me texting my friends that i love them and keeping up with my pocket friends but not planning a lot of visits/travel. i DID manage to make it to europe to visit my bff due to some last minute convenient timing and a lucky week of feeling well enough to get on a plane. and when i am feeling mostly alright i do make a point to hang with my brother & my dnd pals in person!! so really i am completing this one in spirit even though it wasn’t how i pictured it when i wrote it (hanging out with friends once a week)
but yeah like - the rest of it i’ve made very distinct choices to do (or not!!!)
i’ve cut back on the time i gave to one extremely old friendship where every conversation became a therapy session and was making ME feel like i needed to go back to therapy just to get the tools to help this person and that was causing me a lot of stress. but instead i was simply like “i don’t have time for this” and so i stopped making time for it and it allowed me to free up so much energy & brainpower to give to my other pals. we still talk but it feels so nice to not have to walk on eggshells with every interaction, or get the feeling of dread in my stomach every time i saw a text from them.
big lady & the boy have become so much more snuggly with me now and i honestly love it lol like i hate the cat hair floating around the house and being in my nose but i love when i’m sitting on the couch and honey picks MY lap to sit in and cooper lets me scoop him up and parade him around the house like he’s my little babydoll
i have been working real hard on setting boundaries with family members and not keeping my mouth shut when my folks say something out of pocket but also in general i’ve been trying to be kind in interactions rather than just placating people. this has kinda been hand & hand with energy vampirism ignoring like this one lady from work kept asking me to hang out outside of work because “you’re the only person who’s nice to me” and i was like “and i will continue to be, but i do not want to hang out outside of work” because she only ever talked about herself lol. and THAT has been super freeing, not doing things that i don’t want to i mean
i recommend everyone gets a humidifier for next to their bed, 10/10 improved my breathing at night especially during the dry season!!!! just make sure you clean it weekly
i dance around my house pretty much once a week if i’m honest, usually while waiting for nuggies to finish in the air fryer
im still obsessed w my girl as i was on day 1 and i can’t wait to marry her someday. i’m gonna be the guy that’s always like ‘MY WIFE—’ lol building a home with her has been so natural and fun over this year and it helps that we have similar taste in things but really i have been declutterring so much of MY stuff to make room for OUR things and it’s been so. rewarding sounds dumb but it’s like there’s no doubt that we are always on the same team and it’s so great. i still very much have the things that in love squirreled away like my edward cullen and katniss everdeen barbies and my digimon figurines but i’m trying to be very intentional about what i keep vs give away vs throw away and it’s such a project but i’m excited about doing it
keeping my inner peace has become weirdly easy since i have a VERY clear picture of what’s important to me in my life since this flare up started. my priorities are: my health, amelia, my family & friends, keeping my house nice/reducing stress in my life, and THEN work. it’s still a priority but like no i’m not missing my gf’s birthday dinner because you suck at planning meetings across timezones. and no i’m not doing 42hours of travel to india because you think it’ll be good for me to have experience on their computer station rather than the one in my home office. figure it out lol
on top of all of it, my new year’s resolutions i wrote down in my actual journal were to open a high yield savings account and start saving (for a house??? an airstream?! who knows not me yet tbh) and also to read one book a month, and i’ve done both of those things so far!! i’m actually up to 11 this year and about halfway thru my next one and it’s only september
so despite this year being a little crappy health-wise i’ve actually done so much work to be happy. thanks for the reminder i didn’t know i needed!! :-)
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hazedwords · 5 months
Chaos Club Headcannons (Lucius Ver.):
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Lucius Malfoy:
᪥ Wears clear lipgloss
᪥ Naturally sensitive to the cold
᪥ Can not sing for the life of himself
᪥ Started to like Narcissa around their third year (they started to date in the end of their fourth year)
᪥ Has to go through an extensive night routine for his skin
᪥ Sleeps with an essential oil air humidifier (he likes lavender the most)
᪥ Will flip if anyone touches his hair
᪥ Needs a full 10 hours of sleep or else he wakes up with eye bags and looks like a zombie risen from the dead
᪥ Everyone thinks his favorite class is potions, when it is actually Ancient Runes
᪥ Carries around a satchel (for his books) that has his family crest embroidered smack dab in the middle of it (gets one custom made for Narcissa and eventually Draco)
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adastri · 7 months
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Environmental Science in Academia
I often see posts about how STEM pursuits are underrepresented in the dark academia community, but as an environmental science student I get disappointed when the only sciences talked about are bio, chem, and physics. So, I decided I’d take matters into my own hands! Below is a non-comprehensive list of things you could romanticize about life as an environmental major.
(Disclaimer: some sustainable practices are also included, because of course they must be)
Airy button down tops tucked into cargo pants for field work, hair pulled back hastily to get a closer look at the specimen your professor is pointing to.
Piles of case studies and research papers stacked on your desk, the already-read ones covered in annotations
Using vintage/old technology because it’s more sustainable and cheaper to buy secondhand (plus it adds to the aesthetic—wired headphones, anyone?)
Rushing into the lab a minute late, coffee in hand, long coat billowing behind you.
Studying outdoors when the weather permits, and by a window when it doesn’t. Nature inspires you, and you make a point to get out into it as much as possible.
Thrifting clothes at your campus’s donation center (because you obviously picked a school with its sustainability priorities in order)
Reading Silent Spring by Rachel Carson; rereading it over and over, the margins now gray with pencil annotations.
Trying to identify trees as you walk across campus.
A well-worn, but sturdy, pair of lace up boots that can withstand the elements, worn with slacks and a spotless knit sweater.
Classical music while you work on research.
Pressing leaves and flowers between the pages of your books and textbooks for the next reader to discover.
Attending climate protests in the nearest city, and bringing a carefully crafted sign to hold.
Biking everywhere.
Watching nature documentaries with your friends, seeing who can do the best David Attenborough impression.
A bedroom full of plants so you can continue your personal studies and observations outside of the lab.
Scolding your friends who smoke because you’ve studied air pollution and you can list every disease smoking causes.
Closing yourself and your lab group in a small room with a humidifier to measure air quality for a lab. Later wondering whether you all just inhaled mold because the lab results showed that indoor particulate matter increases with humidity. (It should be fine… right?)
Drawing out diagrams of specimens, food webs and nutrient cycles in your notes.
Feel free to add anything else that suits your fancy!
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moonlitcomet · 11 months
Cierian culinary culture
Blackwatch food is strong. Strong smelling, strong flavor, and oftentimes strongly spicy too. Think southern USamerican food kicked up to 100. A common experience for Blackwatch-going tourists is to go to some back-alley Blackwatch restaurant whose food and atmosphere just makes your eyes water and sting. It's usually overpowering to non-residents, but a minor upside is that restaurants in the city usually have atmospheric humidifiers which cause water droplets in the air to bind to the sulfuric compounds that fill the city, instead of irritating your eyes and nose.
Streets with lots of restaurants are either filled with near-inedible levels of strong spice and flavor, or junky ass trash food meant for people who can't afford anything else. Even still, despite how much their food can barely be eaten by tourists, people who live there[and, interestingly, dragons who visit] swear by it being absolutely delicious. It's pretty common for Blackwatch residents who leave the city to try foreign food and view it as bland and flavorless. Blackwatch has, somehow, managed to make a profit out of prepackaged frozen exported foods for this reason.
Faun food depends on the faun culture you're interacting with. Ch'chkun fauns, the city ones, have made their city entirely self-sustainable and they're one of the first inventors of lab-grown meat and fruits. Lots of their city is dedicated to layered greenhouses and the only animals they farm are bees and other pollinators. Fauns are typically omnivorous with a preference for plants, but the invention and standardization of lab-grown meat makes it way easier to mass produce food for their extremely population dense city- Ch'chkun City almost has more residents than the three biggest southern cities combined. Lab-grown meat with their methods is more humane and more sustainable than farms.
Fauns in the east, in more rural areas, are usually foragers. This is partially a lifestyle choice and partially an agreement for preservation of the ecosystem- whatever they take will be given back in time, so most of the stuff they eat will be wild fruits, nuts, and wild game they hunt themselves. This is important for the environment too, because fauns will hunt game animals like lagomorphs that otherwise have had most of their natural predators hunted out of the area by settlers and would overpopulate without them.
As for the actual food they make, fauns love grains. Unenchanted rice, oats, wheat, millet, barley, among other grains will make their way into almost every single cultural dish they make. It's cheap, it's easy, and so easy to make delicious with sauces and spices. If you're meeting a faun buddy who's making dinner for you, hope you like grains. If you do, you're in luck, because you're about to have the most bangin' grain dishes you've ever had.
A very popular snack for faun children is flavored puffed millet.
Bahp's culinary culture centers around making something that is both delicious and arcane. Many foods in Bahp are enchanted and have magical effects on those eating them, which is a remnant of the days of old when the country knew how to grow enchanted RICE. With such an ability long gone, their focus has shifted to general dishes.
There are restaurants all over the country that specialize in different enchantments for their food - some focus on dishes that power you up, others that make you feel alert and healthy, yet others can temporarily change physical aspects of your body. This culture and cuisine has become especially profitable with the large numbers of duelists that have their humble beginnings here.
With the diversity in their enchantments comes diversity in food. Bahp's culinary culture takes in aspects from all over the world, even from usually "undesirable" food cultures such as Blackwatch and Drustown. Bahp has access to all sorts of locally grown crops and livestock, including exotic livestock such as those raised in Khartes Trichier. This makes it one of the few places on the mainland where you can buy and eat the mild, sweeter cheeses made from khormun milk as well as hirba honey, which is a staple in the enchanted Bahp foods.
Being herbivores, sorcerers primarily cook with plants and plant matter, including leaves, fruits, nuts, and other crops. They use a lot of unique spices in their dishes, often putting in tons of time and effort to extract flavors from spices through long cooking processes. Cooking techniques typically include boiling, simmering, and frying in pots and woks, as well as cooking over wood fires.
Sorcerer food comes in many flavors, though sweet, sour, and savory dishes are the most common. Sweet & sour foods are a staple in sorcerer culinary arts, with natural sweeteners like milk or honey being used over granulated sugar.
Homemade tea is another popular aspect of Sorcerer culture, with their access to a variety of herbs and spices giving them many options for special tea blends and brews.
Due to how many of their foods use ingredients only grown in Khartes Trichier, it can be difficult to create authentic dishes outside of the sorcerers' land. Imported sorcerer ingredients are rare and expensive, with only cheese and honey being readily available. Many people attempting to make sorcerer-invented dishes end up having to make substitutions, which leads to lower-quality imitations of the originals.
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writers-requiem · 1 year
boyfriend!/husband! Wolf O'Donnell x Reader headcannons
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First off. Very much a macho kinda guy in public. He'll be all gruff and tough to his teammates on a regular basis and to the general public he's that way too. But when it's just you two, he will not keep his hands off of you. No literally, this man will have his hands on you at ALL times when you're alone.
When you're cooking or cleaning? He's there to help you out. Taking a shower? Makes sure you got everything. Taking a fricking BATH? Man will give you the spa treatment: nature ambience, vanilla scented candles, mist-making humidifier, the works. And believe me, he WILL wash every inch of you expect the areas you deem off limits.
When he cuddles you, he'll try to be as gentle as possible. He's much stronger than you and he knows it, so he tries to be soft when it's cuddle time.
When he has to leave for a job, he won't do it without kissing you goodbye first. And he also promises to at least being back a souvenir even though you tell him not to.
He usually doesn't care much for his hygiene, though he still showers regularly, he makes an absolute EFFORT to look his best for your sake. Even the moment he first saw you, he spent months practicing better hygiene routines so he could impress you when he presented himself to you.
When you met for the "first" time, he wore a full blown tuxedo. Blazer, vest, tie, even the shoes were freshly polished.
It had been a very uneventful day for you and you were just about to cook dinner when you heard a knock at the door. You opened it up and you felt your heart sink. Wolf O'Donnell, leader of the mercenary group Star Wolf was right at your door. But he looked well dressed for some reason. Why? You didn't know.
Wolf: "Wow... You're even more beautiful up close..."
You felt your face burn up. You were blushing. The fearsome Wolf O'Donnell had said you're beautiful. And- wait. Did he say 'up close'? Had he seen you before? If so, when? And why didn't YOU see HIM?
Wolf: "Could you go get changed into your best clothes? I made a reservation for us at your favorite fancy restaurant."
HOW DID HE KNOW MY FAVORITE FANCY RESTAURANT!? You thought to yourself. You did as he said however, not wanting to aggravate him. You put on your fancy clothes and he looked at you with a look of awe as a blush crept onto both of your faces.
Wolf: "Wow. You're so beautiful I'd propose to you now if I had a ring."
He lent you his arm like a gentleman and you took it, walking to his car. (He only flew the Wolfen to get to your place from another planet.)
When you got there everyone was oddly calm about Wolf being there. He was a feared criminal all over Lylat. But for some odd reason, you didn't mind. He did all of the gentleman-like things, pull out your chair, use his manners, things like that. He frequently asked if your food or drinks tasted off for you. You did admittedly feel a little lightheaded, and that's when you fainted.
Wolf cradled you in his arms, shielding you from any potential attackers until the paramedics arrived. They checked your pulse, you were alive, but only just.
You woke up a few days later to see Wolf walking in with a bouquet of roses and a get well soon card.
Wolf: "Hey sweetheart..."
Y/N: "Hey Wolf..."
He set the flowers and card on your bedside table. But the whole time he was with you, you saw he had this look of disappointment and self loathing on his face.
Y/N: "You okay?"
Wolf: "I should be asking you that... I'm probably the reason you got poisoned in the first place..."
He grabbed your cheeks gently and told you something.
Wolf: "I love you. But I don't think we can-"
Before you let him finish, you remove the oxygen mask and kissed him. He fought against your advances, but gently. When you felt yourself gasping for air he noticed and laid you back on the bed and put on your oxygen mask.
Wolf: "Sweetheart. Don't do that again, you could've died."
Y/N: "I know, but I love you too."
You couldn't believe the words you were saying. You two barley knew each other, more accurately you barely knew him, and yet you already want to be with him. He could tell, you wanted to be with him as much as he wanted to be with you.
The next day you were sent out of the hospital and Wolf came to pick you up. When you two got back to your place, he stayed and looked after you. And when it was nighttime. He made his move. He returned your earlier gesture and kissed you while you laid in bed. He climbed into the bed and took off his jacket and tank top as you took off your clothes on the top half of your body.
He pressed you onto the bed as you both felt each other. His hands slowly but passionately moving were moving all over you, as your hands did the same. You felt his back muscles through his fur. You felt utter bliss, and so did he. The two of you fell asleep, right there in your bed.
Back to headcannons!
He would absolutely not trust ANY of his teammates around you. Not Leon, not Andrew, not Pigma, not even Panther.
He would definitely give you surprise gifts, and it would be anything you take interest in.
If you're touch-starved, he will absolutely give you comforting touches: Hugs, kisses, he'll even tickle you if you like that.
I see his love language as both touch and praise. He'll try to show off for you anyway he can. High Striker? Easy chance to flex his strength (Dude is JACKED.) Shoot the targets? He'll get all bullseyes.
As for touch, please. Hug him, scratch behind his ears.
If you ask about his eye patch (or visor in some iterations) he gets apprehensive about it. Saying things like "That's a story I don't feel comfortable sharing doll..."
If by some miracle you DID see what's under that thing, you may be horrified. His eye is gone, gouged out, an empty hole is all that's there.
When he notices that you saw the open eye socket, he covers his eye and looks concerned. You were frightened out of your mind. A billion questions pertaining to how he lost his eye ran through your head.
After a bit you calmed down and he covered his eye with his eye patch (or visor) for your ease of mind.
After that incident, he'd always let you know if he had his eye exposed so you didn't see the bloody gapping hole in his face where his eye was.
He really does care about you and would do absolutely ANYTHING to make sure you're alright. Anyone try to push you down, he'll make it clear that he WILL destroy them in the ways that matter to them most.
All in all, great boyfriend AND husband material! 9.8/10! Would recommend!
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pure-ablution · 2 months
Tips for a good night of beauty sleep?
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I use aromatherapy to relax me and go to sleep at night, and I use it to wake me up and energise me in the morning. It’s a really powerful tool, especially when used over a long period of time and with high-quality products. These are my personal favourites: I use the balm on my wrists and temples, the oil in my nightly bath, and the pillow spray on my bedlinen. I suspect that I’ve essentially just Pavloved myself into good sleep but if it works, then it works.
Clear breathing
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I desperately need a rhinoplasty but I can’t have one yet, so this is my makeshift solution. I tape my nose and mouth and use the magnetic nasal dilators to keep my airways as clear as possible during the night, and I have my air purifier/humidifier on 24/7. The air circulation and quality in my dorm is really not the best (the purifier shouted at me the first time I turned it on) but I’ve found that everyone sleeps and breathes better with the Dyson, my roommates and I suffer from fewer infections and colds, and the dorm is probably as good as it’s going to get.
Block out noise and light
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I grew up in a small rural area where the only noise at night was the sound of the wolves, and even though it’s been almost ten years since I left, I still can’t sleep with the sound of a city in the background. I survived on cheap earplugs for a while, but eventually took myself down to the audiology clinic near me and paid up for some custom-made plugs. They make a huge difference to me and block out just the right amount of noise—I’m able to ignore my roommate crashing in at 4am, but I still wake up to the sound of my alarm. I also like sleeping in complete darkness, and our curtains are pretty bad, so buying a silk sleeping mask which cups around my eyes to protect my lashes and block out light was a wonderful investment.
Make sure you’re comfortable
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If you’re a student like me, I can almost guarantee that your bed is uncomfortable. I’m obviously not sleeping on a cloud right now, but I do what I can to make my sleeping space as comfortable as possible. I researched the best mattress toppers and found this one from a company called Simba, which contains a hybrid of memory foam and springs for better support. Pure foam mattresses don’t support my joints enough, and I like a hard mattress; this topper isn’t as hard as I’d like, but it’s a significant improvement and I sleep much better. I keep my bed extremely clean, I air it out every morning and change my linen twice a week, and I make sure to have a weighted blanket and fresh pyjamas that are comfortable and breathable.
Natural sleeping aids if needed
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I have a confession: I was completely addicted to cough medicine during my first year. I had a chest infection in the first month of uni, and was given something that contained a mixture of codeine and diphenhydramine. I was entirely hooked on it for the rest of the year, and couldn’t sleep without it, until I forced myself to go cold turkey over the summer. I use more natural sleeping aids now, but I think I’d still struggle without them and I wouldn’t recommend taking anything unless you really need it.
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