#Neil Josten you babe
chryseiswriting-blog · 5 months
Wymack: Another Raven is dead.
Kevin: Who?
Wymack: Grayson Johnson.
Nicky: How?
Wymack: Toaster in the bathtub.
Neil: Huh.
Wymack: The fuck you mean huh.
Neil: I didn’t pay for the soap and spark package. They must have given me an upgrade.
Dan, Matt, Kevin, Nicky: WHAT
Neil: what?
Wymack: For fuck sake, how many times do I have to say it? Next person to confess to murder in the game room will be running triathlons until the day they die.
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I was re reading AFTG and ran across this gem, please excuse my horrible underline job I was laughing really hard when I did it.
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Calling him a psychotic midget, saying he'd be easy to handle then ending the book with this man down bad and making out with him and agreeing to do what Neil wants. BRO WAS NOT LYING AKFHANFNSLFNJSK
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be-queer-do-arson · 2 years
Imagine watching Andrew get so panicked and angry over Neil disappearing that he chokes out Kevin, who he famously will not let anyone lay a finger on and still assuming what Andrew and Neil have is just hate sex. RIP to Nicky but some of us have some common sense
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purpleishpandas · 1 month
The physical need to make an edit of Neil josten to nobody's soldier by hozier
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one of Neil's funniest qualities is when he's psychoanalyzing a person he just met or someone's behavior or whatever and he wraps it up with basically "in conclusion. they must be clinically insane."
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chaoticas-hell · 1 year
Anytime Neil calls the Twinyards short, or pint-sized etc, all I can think is "those are some big words for someone who also needs a step stool to reach the top shelf"
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orionchildofhades · 8 months
I find it incredibly entertaining and sometimes funny to see how andrew's 'you don't add up' and neil's 'im not a math problem' can apply to various aus where Neil is not a runway hiding from his mobster/serial killer father. he's not just a random kid with normal-person issues but he's also, you know, not living through his 23rd name and fearing for his life at every second
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catboygretzky · 6 months
Exyblr Dashboard Simulator based on what I personally see on sportsblr:
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📜 realexyblog
haiku because exy is back:
GOD, why are my teams
SO fucking bad at exy?
FUCK this FUCKING sport.
#and i watch sports for why? entertainment? no way
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♛ queen-of-exy
💃fox-me-up follow
queen on the court, pillow princess on the mattress amiright
♛ queen-of-exy
ive never felt more understood, I am kissing you w tongue
#marry me tumblr user fox me up
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🌞 blonde-jeremy-knox
i'm just gonna say it. i know we're all thinking it. jeremy knox eats ass like it's his JOB.
👁 jean-mor-uhoh
babe literally no one was thinking that but i'm proud of you for speaking your truth
#we're friends but what cost. when all u talk about is jeremy knox eating ass.
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🧚 goalie-stan
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#dan wilds #psu
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🌄 softkevinday follow
He lived. He served cunt. He died. He was Resurrected. Served more cunt.
#kevin day
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👸🏻 kevindazed follow
absolutely busted a fucking nut watching kevin day switch hands like that oh my god my nut was so forceful it created a new dimension.
🏳️‍🌈 gay4stickball follow
hey can i join you in that dimension
👸🏻 kevindazed follow
Sure, just bring some snacks or something
🏳️‍🌈 gay4stickball follow
hell yeah!!!!!!
#thanks youre the best do you like doritos?
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😎 foxyknoxy
the best exy team in the nation is a LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE how many of those students even go to the games when your school is full of artists and theater kids. your student section must be wACK
😎 foxyknoxy
*sorry, 2nd best exy team in the nation
#fuck you theater kids!!!!!!!! can't even appreciate a good sport !!!!! anyway go trojans
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🙈 ittybittyminny follow
Andrew Minyard should get a little bite and chew. As a reward. Maybe a small gnaw. nomnomnom Maaaaaybe as a treat he can rip a throat out, but only if he's really really good
#only if he's REALLY GOOD and maybe tests negative for rabies but whatever you can't win em all
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🏳️‍🌈 gay4stickball follow
favourite exy rarepair????
☀️ usctrojanny
ACTUALLY !!!!! was thinking about this earlier and while ive never seen anyone talk about it.......aaron minyard and neil josten would be 👀 kinda cute???
🏳️‍🌈 gay4stickball follow
omg wait why have I never thought about guys before!!!!!!!! noooo why did you say this, i can totally see it!!!!!! Neil would probably have to lean down to kiss aaron 🥺 do u think he has ever had to lean down to kiss someone 😭
☀️ usctrojanny
And obviously, u know me, im always here for a striker/backliner matchup
🏳️‍🌈 gay4stickball follow
this is all i'm going to think about for the rest of my life now, thanks, fuck you
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👅 nastyneiljosten
I want to put neil josten in a jar and shake the jar so violently he turns into sludge and then pour a drop of that sludge on to a petri dish so I can see what kind of bacteria he produces.
🦩 exyonmymind follow
what happens to the rest of the sludge?
👅 nastyneiljosten
*sluuuuuuurp* *swallowing sounds* *sluuuurp* *gargle gargle* *more swallowing sounds* yummy yummy in my tummy
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🐋 sexyexy
headcannon that neil josten is so feral bc andrew bit him and gave him rabies so now he's a literal rabid dog
👢exyinaphonebooth follow
You can't make headcannons about real people don't be freaks
🐋 sexyexy
exy players aren't real they're my little dolls that I can put into any situations I want and you can't stop me
#thanks anyway did u know andrew minyard gave neil josten rabies
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🧸 mreow-bearcats-mreow
#exy lb
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👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻 talk-exy-to-me
Kiss cams are only acceptable during sporting events if they zoom in on two players
🗣️ jeremyknoxes follow
ok but what if they're wearing a face mask
👨🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻 talk-exy-to-me
smash your cages together obviously, don't be a pussy #love wins
🗣️ jeremyknoxes follow
fair enough
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🌸 softexy
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Andrew and Aaron Minyard
#exy #andrew minyard #aaron minyard #palmetto foxes #psu #web weave #poetry
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bea28 · 1 month
Can we talk about how Hozier's "From Eden" is such an Andreil song?
Andrew to Neil:
Babe There's something tragic about you Something so magic about you Don't you agree?
(Him knowing something is up with neil, but Josten being a pipe dream nonetheless)
Neil to andrew:
Babe There's something lonesome about you Something so wholesome about you Get closer to me
(Neil knowing andrew only pretends he doesn't care about anyone, but he does care in his own way)
No tired sighs, no rolling eyes, no irony No 'who cares', no vacant stares, no time for me
(stop with the "i don't care" act, i don't have time for it)
Andrew to Neil:
Honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword Innocence died screaming, honey, ask me I should know I slithered here from Eden just to sit outside your door
( Andrew seeing the desperation in neil, the same he saw in himself )
Babe There's something wretched about this Something so precious about this Where to begin?
(i don't know what we have, and it's probably not the usual relationship, but it's precious and i want to keep it)
Babe There's something broken about this But I might be hoping about this Oh, what a sin
(our "this" might me broken and frail, but i want it, even tho i shouldn't want anything)
To the strand a picnic plan for you and me A rope in hand for your other man to hang from a tree
I see this as them saying "we'll keep our "this" and everyone else be damned"
two broken men who found comfort in each other, and in the end their broken pieces and ragged edges fit just right
I don't know, it might just be me, but in my head it makes so much sense
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boatshoesdude · 4 months
A collection of the sunshine court quotes I highlighted for some reason or another
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Jean is going to be a sassy fucker for sure
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I don’t know why out of all things but this hurt. This really really hurt
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A common Neil occurrence
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Oh babe…
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This man is trying so desperately to find comfort in anything. I’m rooting for him.
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The family which the foxes have built :,) I’m so proud of them
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Jeremy. I can tell he going to take good d care of this boy. I like him.
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This entre page made me just viscerally angry. Oh boy this wasn’t even the beginning of it.
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He is looking out for him 07 good man
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This is another page that hurt. He’s trying. He’s trying so hard and he’s so tired.
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Jean Moreau. You deserve the world but the world does not deserve you.
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He… he had a sister. He had a sister and he took good care of her. I’m okay. I’m so okay.
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also it’s the the scars themselves that are the problem, Jean, it’s how you got them, Jean. TRANS REP LETS GOOOOOOOO
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Yes babes let’s go
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I love that feeling
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Kevin once again being jeans lifeline is something that can be very personal actually
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Canonically a drown rat 😭😭😭
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Mother Hen TM Jeremy is a favourite of mine
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This describes everything you need to know about our boy Neil Josten
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He knows how to sew. He sewed up her dress. I’m going to cry, he’s so caring and loving and sweet and the world had been nothing but cruel to him
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I’ll take care of you; it’s rotten work; not to me, not if it’s you
overall 8/10 book I love Jean and Jeremy and Cat and Laila and can’t wait to see them in the next book as Jean continues to heal but I hope to cry less next time
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aftgficrec · 4 months
Hi, can you recommend fics with Andreil being discovered by the new foxes?
Here you go! -A
also see:
freshmen react to andreil 1 here, 2 here
freshmen react/pov outsider here
latest foxes react to andreil here
‘Me and You’ series here
‘midnight love,’ ‘flashes of intimacy ch 14 “devotion,”’ ‘Forever Is A Big Word,’ and ‘Master post for Fluent Freshman AU’ here
‘Allison asks how andreil got together’ here
‘AFTG/TFC minifics…Ch 21’ here
‘Teaching a caged bird to fly’ series here (particularly part 4)
you may also like:
Jack & Sheena being assholes here
Neil fights with Jack here
fics featuring the freshmen here
they match by Ani_Rygaard [Rated G, 2869 Words, Complete, 2021]
Baby Fox finding out about Andrew and Neil cause Neil called Andrew babe.
tw: alcohol, tw: homophobia
Never Have I Ever by hismiley16 [Rated T, 4332 Words, Complete, 2023]
The foxes induct the freshman with a post-preseason drinking game. Things get out of hand and Andrew shuts everybody up.
tw: alcohol, tw: homophobia
The Palmetto State Foxes Rules by Overherenow [Not Rated, 1536 Words, Complete, 2018]
A summary of rules for all freshmen for the Palmetto State foxes Exy team. And some upperclassmen who might forget.
The most beautiful thing ever by poly_pr1nce [Rated T, 1055 Words, Complete, 2018, Locked]
Kevin gets sent a clip from the last winter banquet, and when Allison sees it she agrees all the Foxes need to see it, especially the Freshmen/Cubs so they know what to expect when they piss Neil off or say stuff about Andrew
there's no way JOSTEN has a girlfriend by itadoriminyard [Rated G, 3246 Words, Complete, 2021]
“But it has to be her! Neil literally doesn’t spend time with anyone outside of this team. Like at all. Who could he possibly be dating? Someone on the team?” She asked sarcastically. She was met with silence. “Wait… are y’all serious?” Nicky was positively ecstatic at this turn of events. -- [The freshmen are determined to find Neil's secret girlfriend. Neil and Andrew are unwilling to aid their quest.]
The 5 times Neil wore Andrew's jersey and the 1 time Andrew wore Neil's by Hand_of_the_Alex [Rated T, 2489 Words, Complete, 2016]
Neil hadn’t meant to do it the first time, he just saw orange and white and slipped it on for his late night exy practices with Kevin. Kevin didn’t give any reaction further than an eye roll and a scoff before getting back to exy, so Neil finished the practise wearing Andrew’s jersey.
tw: homophobia, tw: nightmares 
five times christmas meant something by nomadicdeer (someonestolemycoffee) [Rated G, 2359 Words, Complete, 2017]
Neil Josten asks Andrew if they can celebrate Christmas. He decided he likes Christmas quite a bit.
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mieeaahhh · 4 months
All for the game characters as songs but only songs from my playlist and most of it doesn’t have any reason, It’s just the bugs living on my shoulder whispering it into my ear.
Neil Josten
-Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine
-Dead Girl Walking from heathers
-That’s Life by Frank Sinatra
-Hounds Of Love by Kate Bush
-am i being followed…? By emily jeffri
Andrew Minyard
-forwards beckon rebound by Adrianne Lenkar
-Love Will Tear Us Apart by Joy Division
-Dizzy Miss Lizzy by the Beatles
-Never Saw The Point by Cults
-I Wanna Be Your Dog by Mephisto Walz
Aaron Minyard
-emo boy by Ayesha Erotica
-Cool About It by boygenius
-William, It Was Really Nothing by The Smiths
-Nintendo 64 by Alex G
-Mama’s Boy by Dominic Fike
Nicky Hemmick
-HOT TO GO! By Chappell Roan
-I Don’t Wanna Be Funny Anymore by Lucy Dacus
-White Teeth Teens by Lorde
-Back To That Old House by The Smiths
-It’s Called: Freefall by Rainbow Kitten Suprise
Kevin Day
-Bubblegum Bitch by MARINA
-Literal Legend by Ayesha Erotica
-A Pearl by Mitski
-Army Dreamers by Kate Bush
-Me and the Devil by Soap&Skin
Renee Walker
-Big Mouth Strikes Again by The Smiths
-Ptolemaea by Ethel Cain
-Good Looking by Suki Waterhouse
-P.U.N.K Girl by Heavenly
-Just A Girl by Florence + The Machine
Allison Reynolds
-Maneater by Nelly Furtado
-Good Luck, Babe! Chappell Roan
-all-american bitch by Olivia Rodrigo
-Paper Bag by Fiona Apple
-Funnel Of Love by Wanda Jackson
Seth Gordon
-Silver Soul by Beach House
-The Killing Moon by Echo & The Bunnymen
-Lights Out by Mindless Self Indulgence
-Breathing by Kate Bush
-Climbing Up The Walls by Radiohead
Matt Boyd
-Rollin’ by Limp Bizkit
-This Charming Man by The Smiths
-My Hero by Foo Fighters
-The Great Big Gig In The Sky by Pink Floyd
-Sweet Child O’ Mine by Guns N’ Roses
Dan Wilds
-Rue by girl in red
-Lovers Rock by TV Girl
-Girl Anachronism
-Christian Woman by Type O Negative
-Limp by Fiona Apple
Jeremy Knox
-Destroyed By Hippie Powers by Car Seat Headrest
-Heroes by David Bowie
-Jigsaw Falling Into Place by Radiohead
-The Perfect Girl by Mareux
-Starman by David Bowie
Jean Moreau
-insomniac by Memo Boy, Chakra Efendi
-Fireworks by Mitski
-Stupid MF by Mindless Self Indulgence
-The Murder Mystery by The Velvet Underground
-Down By The Water by PJ Harvey
Laila Dermott
-Howl by Florence + The Machine
-White Teeth Teens by Lorde
-Call Me by Blondie
-Bored by Laufey
-Mirror by The Last Dinner Party
Catalina Alvarez
-Burn Alive by The Last Dinner Party
-Shut Up And Drive by Rihanna
-Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen
-Hey Jude by The Beatles
-Pools by Glass Animals
Katelyn Mckensie
-Oh! You Pretty Things by David Bowie
-My Kind Of Woman by Mac DeMarco
-Valerie by TV Girl
-Good Vibrations by The Beach Boys
-Oh Woman, Oh Why by Paul and Linda McCartney
Cody Winter
-Exceptionally Sadistic by Monument Of Misanthropy
-Bullet With Butterfly Wings by The Smashing Pumkins
-It’s Only Sex by Car Seat Headrest
-Buried Alive by Radio Werewolf
-Chop Suey! By System Of A Down
Also I’m super cool and hip and cool so this is my playlists
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mostlymaudlin · 10 months
hi please can you rec some good long aftg fics i am DESPERATE i need to read about these people soooooo bad but i just am struggling to find things
so I think I have a lower barometer for “long” than a lot of people 😂 but here some longer ones from my bookmarks!
canon compliant:
if you really love nothing by @seasy33 / 40k / andrew and neil’s first “fight” of sorts (heart wrenching and beautiful)
The Later Parade by hourafterhour / 41k / kevjean that WILL change your life
Secrets and Honesty by fullyvisible / 42k / hilarious minyard-josten rivalry
On the impossibility of reality by defractum (nyargles) / 56k / inception au!!
Dear Advice Guy by fuzzballsheltiepants / 60k / paramedic!neil gets a lil obsessed w the local advice columnist… and also meets a guy named andrew:)
Where The Wild Things Are by @justadreamfox / 27k / maybe 27k isn’t technically long? but this soulmate au is so BIG and immersive that it gives that same fic hangover effect you seem to be searching for!
In My Defense, I Have None by @likearecordbb / 65k / my favorite hs au! and in general one of my fave fics
Can We Burn Something, Babe? by @pipedream-darling / 65k + extras! / the messiest, most earnest kandreil ever written
I don’t read as much fic as I used to but one of my fave ways to find fics that are well-suited to my taste is to trawl the ao3 bookmarks of authors I like! OR look at the bookmarks of my favorite fics, and go to the profiles of the people who left the most exuberant bookmarks.
Also if it’s post-canon you’re hunting, may I suggest checking out the @aftgthenandnow fest collection if you haven’t already 👀 most of the fics are shorter, but there’s TONS and they’re all canonverse (and very good!!)
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joanyio · 2 years
“junkie” being the most well-known andrew’s nickname for neil in the fandom (and overused by au/fic writers) but he canonically called him a lot of things like rabbit, raccoon, Pinocchio. years down the line the list just keeps getting longer and the nicknames becoming more obscure. at first neil didn’t think much of them but finally realized andrew made it into a little game of coming up with his own brand of endearments. andrew is very creative, he has to be because he can’t start calling neil babe or baby or honey or dear or love. he just can’t! it’d be too… couple-y. that’s not their thing, they wouldn’t be able to stand it. until one day neil goes “you know you can just call me baby right? you know, to be consistent.” and andrew wants to punch a wall, “387%, josten.”
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victor-v · 5 months
well i finished reading the sunshine court so here you have my thoughts on it. idk if i can say yet, but i think it's my favourite book of aftg so far (or maybe second idk).
remember this? because i love this. 2017.
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how far we've come. everything else i have to say is under the cut byeee
‌oh dear jean...... you will need EONS of therapy
‌the patience these people have, wymack and abby deserve everything
‌the meticulous and careful explanation of how he comes to himself is so beautiful
‌sorry but andrew and jean are the two side of the extreme trauma coin
‌the cult trauma this guy is facing who suffered more moreau or jesus christ
‌having a normal person (jeremy) is so refreshing bc you can clearly see the fucked up by contrast
‌jeremy knox so gansey coded ??????
‌pffff jean calling the trojans unsettling and unhealthy??? dude like you haven't spend the past 5 years in the fucking nest
‌im quite much screaming internally at "andrew taught me"
‌the way he sees neil as a cold insane bitch is the realest ever
‌i absolutely adore how neil arrived to everyone's life to turn it upside down and fixNO more like set everything on fire. as he should.
‌the farewell scene of jean and renee is so insanely charged with love
a beautiful boy leaning close to say will you teach me when he's not watching? had me in tears
‌nb character lets go!!!!!!
‌the cardboard dog making an appearance 😭
‌i got so into the book i forgot to write here
‌no babe...... we know what happens whenever the character go on their own...... don't go.....
‌neil clever as fuck and his cero emotional intelligence and tact is incredible. 100% represented
‌i love that he picks up cooking as a new hobbie (or so i understood) because it's a great activity for grounding you when anxiety kicks, but also it's a tricky sad thing when you have an ed you get a sense of "control" of everything you are eating and it can backfire 💀
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halfpintpeach · 1 year
But BLAST it is all Math related puzzles and you skipped out on your last session with MATH TUTOR NEIL Josten because the blond guy from the Exy team looked like he would stab you if you interrupted his time with him. - @jtl-fics
Tutor Neil || WIP Wednesday 10/11/23 (closed)
It wasn't even a lie. He was busy most evenings whether he liked it or not. Most of the time he was juggling his own course assignments and building lessons for his tutoring sessions. When it wasn't school related it was Babe Ruth. They went on a long evening walk at the same time every night around their apartment complex. There was a small dog park where Neil would throw a ball a few times to wear off any excess energy. If he had free time it was usually spent in the gym of his apartment. Stuart had had Neil fitted for a running blade over the summer and Neil had spent all his free time on the treadmill since. Still, there was the looming memories of a large black building and small court shoes scuffing the polished floor. Sometimes he could watch games, but far too often for his liking his mind took a walk down a bloody memory lane.
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