#Nephrology specialist for bladder stones
felix-healthcare · 6 months
The Best Bladder Stones Hospital in Noida: Quality Care for All
In Noida, India, individuals facing the discomfort and complications of bladder stones deserve access to exceptional medical care delivered with compassion and expertise. Bladder stones, though not uncommon, can significantly impact one's quality of life if left untreated. Therefore, identifying the best hospital in Noida for bladder stones treatment is paramount to ensuring timely diagnosis, effective intervention, and optimal patient outcomes. This comprehensive guide aims to spotlight the leading bladder stones hospital in Noida, renowned for its commitment to quality care, advanced treatments, and patient-centered approach.
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Understanding Bladder Stones: Before delving into the specifics of the top hospital, it's essential to understand bladder stones and their implications. Bladder stones are hardened mineral deposits that can form in the bladder due to various factors, including dehydration, urinary tract infections, or underlying medical conditions. Symptoms may include pain during urination, frequent urination, blood in urine, and discomfort in the lower abdomen. Prompt diagnosis and treatment are essential to alleviate symptoms and prevent complications such as urinary obstruction or infection.
Introduction to the Best Bladder Stones Hospital: The best bladder stones hospital in Noida is a beacon of excellence in urological care, renowned for its comprehensive services, state-of-the-art facilities, and skilled medical professionals. With a commitment to patient-centric care and innovative treatments, this hospital stands at the forefront of bladder stones management, catering to patients of all ages with compassion and expertise.
Core Values and Philosophy: At the heart of the best bladder stones hospital in Noida lies a set of core values and a patient-centric philosophy that guide every aspect of care delivery. These values emphasize compassion, integrity, excellence, and innovation, ensuring that patients receive personalized attention, respect, and support throughout their healthcare journey. The hospital's philosophy revolves around empowering patients with knowledge, involving them in treatment decisions, and fostering a collaborative partnership between patients, families, and healthcare providers.
Multidisciplinary Team of Experts: The best bladder stones hospital in Noida boasts a multidisciplinary team of urology experts comprising board-certified urologists, nurses, technicians, and support staff. These dedicated professionals bring together years of experience, specialized training, and a passion for excellence in urological care. Whether it's diagnosis, medical management, or surgical intervention, patients can trust in the expertise and dedication of the hospital's urology team.
Comprehensive Diagnostic Capabilities: Diagnosis is the cornerstone of effective bladder stones management, and the best hospital in Noida leaves no stone unturned in this regard. Equipped with advanced diagnostic technologies such as ultrasound, CT scans, and cystoscopy, the hospital ensures accurate and thorough evaluation of bladder stones. Furthermore, the hospital offers prompt and efficient diagnostic services, minimizing wait times and facilitating timely intervention.
Advanced Treatment Modalities: When it comes to treating bladder stones, the best hospital in Noida offers a diverse range of advanced treatment modalities tailored to individual patient needs. From minimally invasive procedures like laser lithotripsy and ureteroscopy to open or laparoscopic surgery for complex cases, the hospital employs cutting-edge techniques to achieve optimal outcomes while prioritizing patient safety and comfort.
Patient-Centered Approach: What sets the best bladder stones hospital in Noida apart is its unwavering commitment to a patient-centered approach. Every aspect of care delivery is designed with the patient's well-being, preferences, and concerns in mind. From personalized treatment plans to empathetic communication and support services, the hospital strives to create a healing environment where patients feel valued, heard, and empowered throughout their treatment journey.
Emphasis on Education and Support:Recognizing: the importance of patient education and support, the best bladder stones hospital in Noida offers comprehensive resources and services to empower patients and their families. Educational materials, counseling sessions, and support groups are available to help patients understand their condition, treatment options, and post-operative care requirements. Additionally, the hospital provides access to nutritional guidance, lifestyle modifications, and follow-up care to promote long-term wellness and prevent recurrence of bladder stones.
Commitment to Quality: and Safety:Quality and safety are non-negotiable priorities at the best bladder stones hospital in Noida. Rigorous quality assurance protocols, adherence to evidence-based guidelines, and continuous staff training ensure that patients receive care of the highest standard. Moreover, the hospital maintains a culture of transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement, actively soliciting patient feedback and implementing measures to enhance the quality and safety of care delivery.
10.Accessibility and Affordability:
Access to quality healthcare should be accessible to all, and the best bladder stones hospital in Noida strives to make this a reality. Located in a centralized area with easy access to public transportation, the hospital ensures that patients from across the region can avail themselves of its services conveniently. Furthermore, the hospital offers flexible payment options, transparent pricing, and assistance with insurance claims to alleviate financial burdens and ensure affordability for all patients.
In conclusion, the best bladder stones hospital in Noida epitomizes excellence in urological care, combining advanced treatments, compassionate care, and patient-centered principles to deliver superior outcomes. With a multidisciplinary team of experts, comprehensive diagnostic capabilities, advanced treatment modalities, and a commitment to quality and safety, this hospital sets the standard for bladder stones management in the region. By prioritizing patient well-being, education, and support, the hospital ensures that every individual receives personalized attention and achieves the best possible outcome in their bladder stones treatment journey.
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bluebliss1 · 2 years
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fuhdubai · 8 days
What is urology and nephrology? Urology Meaning: معاني المسالك البولية
“A Comprehensive Guide to Urinary and Reproductive Health”
Urology is a crucial branch of medicine that specializes in the health and treatment of the urinary tract system and male reproductive organs. The urinary system, which includes the kidneys, bladder, ureters, and urethra, plays a vital role in filtering and expelling waste from the body. Urologists are highly trained medical professionals who diagnose, manage, and treat a wide range of conditions affecting these organs. These conditions can range from common issues like urinary tract infections (UTIs) and kidney stones to more complex problems such as bladder cancer, prostate disorders, and male infertility.
أطباء المسالك البولية هم متخصصون طبيون مدربون تدريباً عالياً يقومون بتشخيص وإدارة وعلاج عدد كبير من الحالات التي تؤثر على هذه الأعضاء.
يمكن أن تتراوح هذه الحالات من المشكلات الشائعة مثل التهابات المسالك البولية (UTIs) وحصوات الكلى إلى المشكلات
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Urologists also address male reproductive health, including conditions like erectile dysfunction, testosterone deficiencies, and varicoceles (enlarged veins within the scrotum). Their expertise extends to both surgical and non-surgical treatments, providing patients with comprehensive care tailored to their specific needs. Whether you are dealing with discomfort from a urinary issue or need specialized care for reproductive health, urologists are the go-to specialists for these concerns.
Urology and Nephrology: What’s the Difference?
Urology vs. Nephrology:
الفرق بين جراحة المسالك البولية و أمراض الكلى
Understanding the Differences and Their Roles in Healthcare
فهم الإختلافات بينهم و دور كلا من التخصصين في الرعاية الصحية
While urology and nephrology are interconnected fields, they serve different purposes within healthcare. Nephrology is a subspecialty of internal medicine that focuses exclusively on the kidneys and their functionality. Nephrologists are experts in diagnosing and treating kidney-related diseases such as chronic kidney disease (CKD) مرض الكلى المزمن, acute kidney injury (AKI), glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the kidney’s filtering units), and kidney infections التهابات الكلى. They also manage electrolyte imbalances, hypertension (high blood pressure), and other conditions that directly impact kidney health.
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On the other hand, urology encompasses a broader range of concerns. While urologists also treat kidney-related issues, they extend their expertise to the entire urinary tract and male reproductive system. Urology includes surgical interventions, such as the removal of kidney stones, treatment of bladder and prostate cancer سرطان البروستاتا, and surgical correction of reproductive health issues. Urologists are skilled surgeons who can perform procedures like vasectomies, prostatectomies, and bladder surgeries, addressing both the functional and structural aspects of the urinary and reproductive systems.
Comprehensive Urology Care at Fakeeh University Hospital Dubai مستشفى فقيه الجامعي دبي
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Fakeeh University Hospital Dubai مستشفى فقيه الجامعي دبي, the urology clinic is equipped with cutting-edge technology for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. Whether you’re suffering from chronic kidney stones, dealing with recurrent urinary tract infections, or facing a more severe condition like bladder or prostate cancer, the hospital provides tailored treatment plans that are both effective and minimally invasive. Their urologists are also skilled in managing male reproductive health, offering treatments for conditions such as erectile dysfunction, infertility, and testosterone deficiencies.
مستشفى فقيه الجامعي، عيادة المسالك البولية مجهزة بأحدث التقنيات للتشخيص الدقيق والعلاج الفعال. سواء كنت تعاني من حصوات الكلى المزمنة، أو تعاني من التهابات المسالك البولية المتكررة، أو تواجه حالة أكثر خطورة مثل سرطان المثانة أو البروستاتا، فإن المستشفى يوفر خطط علاجية مخصصة تكون فعالة وبأقل تدخل جراحي. يتمتع أطباء المسالك البولية أيضًا بالمهارة في تخصص الصحة الإنجابية للذكور، ويقدمون علاجات لحالات مثل ضعف الانتصاب والعقم ونقص هرمون التستوستيرون
The hospital’s commitment to patient-centered care ensures that every patient receives personalized attention, from initial consultation through treatment and recovery. With a multidisciplinary approach, the team at Fakeeh University Hospital collaborates closely with nephrologists, oncologists, and other specialists to provide holistic care that addresses all aspects of a patient’s health.
https://cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2FwAMJ_6rkng0%3Ffeature%3Doembed&display_name=YouTube&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DwAMJ_6rkng0&image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FwAMJ_6rkng0%2Fhqdefault.jpg&key=a19fcc184b9711e1b4764040d3dc5c07&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=youtubeFakeeh University Hospital collaborates closely with nephrologists, oncologists, and other specialists to provide holistic care that addresses all aspects of a patient’s health.
Why Choose Fakeeh University Hospital Dubai مستشفى فقيه الجامعي for Urology Treatments?
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Whether you need treatment for a simple urinary infection or require complex surgery, Fakeeh University Hospital provides a supportive and compassionate environment where you can receive the care you need. By choosing Fakeeh University Hospital Dubai مستشفى فقيه الجامعي دبي, you are opting for excellence in medical care, ensuring the best possible outcomes for your urological health. Don’t wait to address your health concerns — schedule a consultation today and take the first step towards better health.
سواء كنت بحاجة إلى علاج لعدوى بولية بسيطة أو تحتاج إلى عملية جراحية معقدة، فإن مستشفى فقيه الجامعي يوفر بيئة داعمة ورحيمة حيث يمكنك الحصول على الرعاية التي تحتاجها. باختيارك مستشفى فقيه الجامعي دبي، فإنك تختار التميز في الرعاية الطبية، مما يضمن أفضل النتائج الممكنة لصحتك البولية. لا تنتظر معالجة مخاوفك الصحية — حدد موعدًا لاستشارة اليوم واتخذ الخطوة الأولى نحو صحة أفضل.
Read More Related Article: https://www.fuh.care/patient-education-article/transurethral
Related FAQs
What are the differences between a nephrologist and an urologist?
Do kidney problems come under urology?
What do you mean by Nephrology?
Should I see a urologist or nephrologist for kidney stones?
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What diseases does a nephrologist treat?
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qualitysoulobject · 1 month
Finding the Best Urologist in Jaipur: Why SRK Super Specialty Hospital is Your Top Choice
When dealing with urological issues, finding a top-rated specialist is crucial for effective treatment and optimal outcomes. If you’re seeking the best urologist in Jaipur, look no further than SRK (Shri Rama Krishna) Super Specialty Hospital. Renowned for its exceptional medical care, advanced technology, and patient-centered approach, SRK Hospital stands out as the premier destination for urological services in Jaipur.
Why SRK Super Specialty Hospital Features the Best Urologists in Jaipur
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Cutting-Edge Technology: Being recognized as the best urologist in Jaipur involves access to the latest medical technology. SRK Super Specialty Hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment tools, including advanced imaging systems and minimally invasive surgical instruments. This ensures that patients receive precise diagnoses and the most effective treatment options available.
Comprehensive Urological Care: The urology department at SRK Super Specialty Hospital offers a comprehensive range of services, addressing both common and complex urological conditions. From kidney stones and urinary tract infections to prostate cancer and bladder disorders, the hospital provides a full spectrum of care. This includes diagnostic testing, treatment planning, surgical procedures, and post-treatment follow-up, ensuring a seamless and effective care experience.
Multidisciplinary Approach: Urological health often intersects with other medical specialties, and SRK Super Specialty Hospital excels in providing a multidisciplinary approach to care. The urology team works closely with specialists in nephrology, oncology, and radiology to develop integrated treatment plans that address all aspects of a patient’s health. This collaborative approach enhances the effectiveness of treatments and improves patient outcomes.
Patient-Centric Focus: One of the hallmarks of SRK Super Specialty Hospital is its commitment to patient-centered care. The hospital prioritizes patient comfort, satisfaction, and overall well-being. From the moment you walk through the doors, you’ll experience a supportive environment where the staff is dedicated to addressing your needs and ensuring that you receive the best possible care.
Beyond Urology: Comprehensive Medical Services at SRK Hospital
While SRK Super Specialty Hospital is celebrated for its urology department, it also offers a range of other specialized services, making it a comprehensive healthcare facility. The hospital is home to expert departments in:
Eye Care: The ophthalmology team provides advanced treatments for various eye conditions, including cataracts, glaucoma, and refractive errors. ENT Care: The ENT specialists offer care for issues related to the ear, nose, and throat, including sinus infections, hearing loss, and throat disorders. Orthopedic Care: The orthopedic department addresses bone and joint issues, including joint replacements and sports injuries, with advanced surgical techniques and rehabilitation options.
For anyone searching for the best urologist in Jaipur, SRK Super Specialty Hospital stands out as a top choice. With its team of expert urologists, advanced technology, and comprehensive care approach, the hospital provides exceptional treatment for all urological conditions. Additionally, the hospital’s range of other specialized services ensures that you can receive comprehensive care in one location. Trust SRK Super Specialty Hospital for the highest quality of urological care and a compassionate, patient-focused experience.
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urologyclinicntx · 4 months
The Role of a Urology Specialist Group in Modern Healthcare
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In the realm of healthcare, a Urology Specialist Group stands as a pivotal entity, dedicated to addressing and managing a spectrum of urological conditions that affect individuals across diverse demographics. Comprising a team of highly skilled urologists, nurses, and support staff, the Urology Specialist Group operates with precision and expertise to deliver comprehensive care tailored to each patient's unique needs.
The foundation of the Urology Specialist Group rests upon its collective knowledge and experience in diagnosing and treating various urological disorders. From urinary tract infections to complex kidney diseases, the specialists within the group possess a deep understanding of the intricacies of the urinary system. Their expertise extends to conditions such as kidney stones, prostate issues, bladder cancer, and erectile dysfunction, among others.
One of the distinguishing features of a Urology Specialist Group is its multidisciplinary approach to patient care. Recognizing that urological conditions often intersect with other medical specialties, the group collaborates closely with professionals from fields such as oncology, radiology, and nephrology to devise comprehensive treatment plans. This integrated approach ensures that patients receive holistic care that addresses not only the immediate symptoms but also the underlying causes of their condition.
In addition to diagnosis and treatment, the Urology Specialist Group places a strong emphasis on patient education and support. Understanding that navigating a urological condition can be daunting, the specialists take the time to educate patients about their diagnosis, treatment options, and self-care strategies. Through clear communication and compassionate guidance, they empower patients to actively participate in their healthcare journey, fostering a sense of partnership and trust.
Advanced technology plays a significant role in the practice of a Urology Specialist Group, enabling them to offer state-of-the-art diagnostics and minimally invasive treatments. From robotic-assisted surgery to laser therapies, these cutting-edge interventions not only enhance patient outcomes but also minimize discomfort and recovery time. By staying abreast of the latest advancements in urological care, the group ensures that patients have access to the most effective and least invasive treatments available.
Beyond clinical practice, the Urology Specialist Group is committed to advancing the field of urology through research and education. By conducting clinical trials and contributing to scientific publications, the specialists actively contribute to the collective knowledge base, driving innovation and improvements in urological care. Furthermore, they play an integral role in training the next generation of urologists, sharing their expertise and insights to inspire excellence in the field.
A Urology Specialist Group stands as a beacon of excellence in the realm of urological care, providing comprehensive, patient-centered services to individuals with a diverse range of urological conditions. Through their expertise, collaboration, and dedication to advancing the field, these groups uphold the highest standards of quality and compassion in modern healthcare.
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lifewithhealth · 10 months
Urology Health - Konic Healthcare
Suffering from urinary problems and searching for all available options in your town for urinary treatments! Visit Konic HealthCare - A Digital Platform - website : https://www.konichealthcare.com  - Phone +91 7696 416 416
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Any conditions related to urinary tract in both males and female affecting kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra come under urology. As Urinary tract is closely connected to reproductive organs so sometime urology conditions may affect reproductive system. Searching for excellence in urology, Konic Healthcare - A Digital Search Portal provides search options to search a doctor and hospital in your city from which you can choose doctor and hospital of your choice, specialized, empathetic care which can provide you treatment of all urinary tract and related issues from the team of expert, experienced and best urologists. Konic healthcare is leading digital medical searching platform providing options for urology treatment from one of the best Urology Department, having team of highly qualified urologist and support staff treating range of urinary tract problems such as pain while urinating, bleeding, renal disease, infectious disease, kidney stone problem, paediatric urology, reconstructive urology surgery, laparoscopic urology surgery, critical care nephrology, peritoneal dialysis, overactive bladder, urinary incontinence, pelvic organ prolapse and cancer. Urology treatment in men is not limited to only urinary tract infections but also sexual disorders such as prostate disease, infertility, erectile dysfunction, pain in testicles, painful and frequent urination, blood in urine. Konic Healthcare provides you option to get treatment from highly respected specialist team on board which makes patients comfortable so that, they can openly discuss about such issues without hesitation. So, if someone is having urology related issues, now search and can get best treatment, Konic Healthcare - A Digital Search Platform.
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Q1: What is urology?
A1: Urology is a medical specialty focusing on the diagnosis and treatment of disorders related to the urinary tract and the male reproductive system.
Q2: What are common urology problems?
A2: Common urology problems include urinary tract infections (UTIs), kidney stones, enlarged prostate (BPH), erectile dysfunction, prostate cancer, and bladder issues such as overactive bladder or urinary incontinence.
Q3: When should I see a urologist?
A3: It's advisable to consult a urologist if you experience persistent pain in the lower abdomen, changes in urinary habits, blood in urine, symptoms of an enlarged prostate (in men), or any other concerning urological symptoms.
Q4: What are the symptoms of kidney stones?
A4: Symptoms of kidney stones may include severe pain in the back or lower abdomen, pain during urination, frequent urination, and the presence of blood in the urine.
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Q6: What is BPH, and how is it treated?
A6: Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is an enlargement of the prostate gland. Treatment may involve medications, lifestyle modifications, minimally invasive procedures like TURP, or, in severe cases, surgery.
Q7: Can urology problems be prevented?
A7: Some urology problems can be prevented or their risk reduced through maintaining a healthy lifestyle, staying hydrated and addressing symptoms promptly.
Q8: What does a urologist do during the initial evaluation?
A8: During the initial evaluation, a urologist will conduct a thorough examination, discuss your medical history, and may order diagnostic tests such as urine analysis, blood tests, or imaging studies.
Q9: Is blood in the urine always a sign of a serious problem?
A9: While blood in the urine (hematuria) should always be evaluated by a healthcare professional, it may not always indicate a serious problem. However, it can be a symptom of various urological conditions, and a proper diagnosis is essential.
Q10: Can lifestyle changes help manage urology problems?
A10: Yes, lifestyle changes such as maintaining a healthy diet, staying physically active, managing stress, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can contribute to the management and prevention of certain urological issues.
Always consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice and treatment options tailored to your specific urological condition. Visit Konic Healthcare
Website : https://www.konichealthcare.com
Phone  :  +91 7696 416 416
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specialist44 · 1 year
Best Kidney Doctor in Haryana
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Your kidneys are fist-sized organs located at the bottom of your rib cage on either side of your backbone. They fulfill a range of activities. Most importantly, they cleanse your blood by removing excess water, waste, and other impurities. These waste components are deposited in your urinary bladder and subsequently excreted through urine. Your kidneys also regulate your body's pH, salt, and potassium levels. They also produce hormones that regulate blood pressure and regulate the growth of red blood cells. Maintaining kidney function is critical for overall health. If your kidneys are healthy, your body will filter and eliminate waste adequately, as well as produce hormones to help your body function correctly.
Dr. Sucheta Yadav, DM Nephrology, and Dr. Sharad Chauhan, M Ch Urology founded SS Kidney & Urology Hospital in Rewari, Haryana. They decided to go back to their roots and serve the residents of Rewari after obtaining their respective qualifications and working with some of the best renal sciences centres in the country, including the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi, the Fortis Memorial Research Institute in Gurugram, Haryana, and the IKDRC (Institute of Kidney Diseases and Research Centre) in Ahmedabad. In 2018, they opened a modest 10-bed hospital complete with an operating and procedure room, dialysis equipment, and a laboratory. They chose to improve the facility in order to meet the ever-increasing demand for Nephrology and Urology treatments.
Dr. Sucheta Yadav, the director of the nephrology department, is a well-known expert in the field with numerous years of experience. She is the Best Kidney Doctor in Haryana. SS Kidney Hospital is without any doubt the greatest hospital given that its team of specialists is committed to providing the best treatment at the most inexpensive prices so that everyone may afford a necessity like healthcare. Kidney diseases, such as kidney stones, cannot be addressed any better than at SS Kidney Hospital. To obtain the best outcomes, we combine compassion, skill, and commitment, that's why all of our patients, whom we regard to as family, warmly recommend us.
For more info: sskidneyhospital.com
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Are you looking for a Urologist in Delhi? Apollo hospitals in Delhi are considered one of the best medical centres for Urology in India. Apollo Hospitals have an experienced panel of urologists who are experienced in treating a wide range of urological conditions. Their team includes specialists in the fields of urology, urogynecology, endourology, pediatric urology, andrology, and nephrology. At Apollo Hospitals, the best urologists in Delhi provide comprehensive care for patients with a range of urological conditions.
They are experienced in treating urinary tract infections, urinary incontinence, kidney stones, enlarged prostate, prostate cancer, bladder cancer, erectile dysfunction, and more. In addition to providing medical care, the doctors at Apollo Hospitals also provide education and counseling to help patients understand and manage their urological conditions. Apollo Hospitals in Delhi are equipped with advanced medical technology and equipment to provide the best care. They have well-equipped operation theatres, imaging departments, and modern diagnostic and treatment facilities. The team of experienced urologists use the latest techniques and technologies to provide the best possible care for their patients.
The urologists at Apollo Hospitals also provide comprehensive care for patients who require reconstructive surgery, including urethroplasty, cystoscopy, and pyeloplasty. They provide both surgical and non-surgical treatment options, depending on the patient's condition and needs. If you are looking for a reliable Urologist in Delhi, Apollo Hospitals is the perfect choice. Their team of skilled and experienced urologists provides comprehensive care to patients with a range of urological conditions. They provide the best-in-class care and use the latest technologies and techniques to ensure the best possible outcomes for their patients.
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mghospital · 2 years
Kidney Infection (Pyelonephritis) Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment | Mahathma Gandhi Hospital
Kidney health is everything when it is to maintaining a quality life. In this world of Kidney Month, Mahathma Gandhi Super Speciality Hospitals raises concern over the kidney-related issues that are to be sorted and the various supplements that are to be taken to eradicate issues. Get to understand and have good health all along.
Pyelonephritis (Kidney or renal infection) is a type of urinary tract infection (UTI).
Your urinary tract consists of kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. If any of these parts of your urinary tract is infected, you will get a urinary tract infection. When the bacteria travel up your Ureter and infect one or both kidneys, you will get a kidney infection. Untreated urinary tract and kidney infections can cause life-threatening consequences.
Symptoms of Kidney Infection
Untreated lower urinary tract infections can lead to kidney infections. Some of the symptoms you may experience are- back pain, fever, chills or shivering, nausea or vomiting, pain in the side and groin., pain and burning sensation when urinating, pain in the lower abdomen, inability to completely empty the bladder, frequent urination, foul-smelling urine, cloudy urine or blood in the urine.
Symptoms will be similar in both men and women. However, women are more prone to kidney infections compared to men. Even pregnant women are also more likely to develop a urinary tract infection or a kidney infection.
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Causes of Kidney infection
A urinary tract infection mostly occurs when bacteria enter the urethra and then multiply and infect the bladder. In some cases, a bladder infection can spread to the ureter and then to the kidneys, causing kidney infection.
The risk factors for kidney infection include diabetes, pregnancy, kidney stones, untreated lower urinary tract infection, having a urinary catheter, and a weak immune system
Kidney infection (pyelonephritis) Treatment
Based on the severity of the infection, the doctor makes a decision on whether you would need Inpatient or Outpatient treatment.
The usual course of treatment for a kidney infection is antibiotics, either in tablet form or injection form. The duration of treatment can vary from 7-14 days depending on the severity of the infection
Your doctor prescribes the antibiotics based on the urine cultures.
If you have a urinary tract infection, you should see a specialist doctor and get it treated early. Don’t delay in seeking treatment even if you think that the symptoms are mild as there is a risk of causing damage to your kidneys.
In many untreated cases of kidney infection, the potential risk of kidney damage and kidney failure is very high. In addition, kidney infection has the potential to spread into the bloodstream and can be life-threatening.
Get Appointment
Call: +91 8647230007
Visit: https://mahathmagandhihospitals.com/service/nephrology/
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felix-healthcare · 7 months
The cost of kidney dialysis in Noida may vary depending on factors such as hospital/consultation cost, diagnostic tests, type of room, type of dialysis, and medicines prescribed. Dialysis sessions may be scheduled once, twice, or more weekly, depending on the patient's condition. It is administered under the care of a Nephrologist. In Noida, the cost of kidney dialysis starts at 1500, while the average cost of dialysis is 3750, and it can go as high as 5000.
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bluebliss1 · 2 years
Dialysis assists your body by executing the functions after there are issues in the kidney and it is not being able to perform the same. When it comes to the kidney, it has many roles but the most important job of the kidney is to maintain the body’s fluid balance.
If the kidneys are unable to effectively filter the blood, fluid and waste products will build up to a critical level. This is when you might need to opt for dialysis treatment. The two main reasons for kidney failure are high blood pressure and diabetes. When the amount of waste products in the person’s body becomes high it can make you feel sick and then you might need dialysis. The build up time is very slow. Doctors will go for a urine test to check with the kidney function levels. There are many other indicators as well that decide the need of dialysis. If you are unable to get rid of excess body water, or are having issues with the lungs, heart, or stomach then you might be suggested to go for dialysis.
When it comes to Dialysis, it is of two types:
Peritoneal dialysis
How does hemodialysis work?
This treatment uses a special type of filter and an external machine to completely expel the excess water and waste products from the blood.
How peritoneal dialysis works?
This treatment uses a patient’s abdominal cavity fluid through a plastic tube that is acknowledged as a peritoneal dialysis catheter to expel excess fluid and waste products.
For the treatment for hemodialysis, you will have to go to the hemodialysis unit. This place is well equipped with machines that will help you with the dialysis treatment. This unit is the place where you can receive help with social requirements and dietary counseling. You will have to go to the dialysis unit three times a week for treatment and it lasts from 2 ½ to 4 hours.
Peritoneal Dialysis:
For Peritoneal dialysis the patient has to maintain a clean surface on the catheter and abdomen, where treatment will be monitored to avoid any kind of infection. This process usually takes half an hour to accomplish and needs to be performed four to five times a day.
If you are still thinking about the benefits you will be getting while opting for dialysis treatment, then take a look:
As and when there is any kind of issue with your kidney, dialysis will help you keep your body balance in good condition
It will completely remove the waste in the form of water and salt that will prevent them from taking space and building up in your body
It will keep the chemical levels maintained in your body like sodium, potassium, bicarbonate. All these aspects will keep your blood pressure under complete control
If you are thinking about learning more about the dialysis approach then you can always reach out to the specialists at Blue Bliss Hospitals. You can also get maximum information while browsing about the same on the internet and going through the different videos available online.
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ainuhitech · 4 years
Best Nephrology Hospital | AINU | Hyderabad,Hi-Tech City
Bladder stones are solid quantity of minerals in your bladder. They rise when the minerals in concentrated urine crystallize and form stones. This happens when you are frequently with emptied bladder, Minor bladder stones may go without treatment, but sometimes bladder stones require medications or surgery. If that is continued like that infections arises in bladder and leads other problems
Bladder stones will increase in bladder when your bladder is not empty totally. This leads to urine to enhance concentrated urine, and then it will go through crystallization of urine and form stones. There will be some infections in the bladder they cause bladder stones sometimes depends on conditions that the bladder remains, let in or let out urine can results formations of stones.
Bladder operations
 Bladder should not be in empty
Expanded prostate
Nerve destruction
Symptoms represent bladder stones
Stomach ache
Color urine
Urine with blood
Pain during urination
Involuntary urine ejection
Breaks while urination
bladder stones diagnosis
Urine assessment 
Imaging test (CT scan, X-ray, ultrasound)
creatinine clearance test
bladder stones treatment:
A transurethral cystolitholapaxy is the best method to solve this problem, i.e. there will be a camera sent inside our urethra through small tube it guides us to know where are stones located in bladder.
AINU is known for the best urology hospital in India by providing world-class healthcare experts to help from all urological problems for men and women of all ages. AINU is also known for the best nephrology hospital in India by providing comprehensive treatment for all nephrological problems.
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kidneycarecentre · 4 years
Online Nephrology Consultation from Dr Rajesh Goel
Dr Rajesh Goel is a renowned specialist in the field of nephrology. He is the founder of Kidney Care Centre with hospitals in Saket, Delhi and Faridabad, Haryana. With over 18 years of experience and his exceptional skills, he has successfully completed thousands of kidney transplant surgeries and has treated patients with Chronic Kidney Diseases and End-Stage Kidney Diseases. 
There are times when it becomes infeasible for people to visit and consult a doctor at their clinic or hospital. At such times, it is helpful to receive online consultation with doctors from the comfort of our homes. If you are dealing with any kidney problem and want to get online consultation from a kidney specialist, Dr Rajesh Goel is the one to help you. Apart from the hospital, Dr Goel provides consultation online and over a phone call as well. You can consult him over a video call where you will be able to communicate with him face-to-face.
You can visit the website www.kidneycarecentre.in to book your online consultation with the best kidney doctor in Delhi. You can get an online nephrology consultation from Dr Rajesh Goel. He will provide you with the best guidance to help you get the most effective treatment for all your kidney-related problems. Kidney Care Centre provides outpatient consultation for all types of kidney diseases such as Acute Kidney Injury or AKI, Chronic Kidney Disease or CKD, nephrotic syndrome, kidney stones and stones in urinary bladder and ureter, Urinary Tract Infections(UTI), kidney cysts, hyponatremia, hyperuricemia and gout, hypertensive nephropathy, pre and post-kidney transplant management, lower urinary tract symptoms and more. Dr Rajesh Goel adheres with the principles of professionalism and ethics in his medical practice. He considers the detailed history of the patient, performs all necessary examinations and makes the diagnosis to provide the most efficient treatment. He works with empathy towards the patients and their families and the words of his patients have proved this. While providing consultation, he communicates effectively to understand the patient, their pain and condition. He offers effective guidance to the patients related to their diet and lifestyle to help them live a healthy life.   If you live in the remote areas or travelling is not feasible for you or if you are engrossed in busy schedules and want to get a consultation from the best doctor for any of your kidney-related problems, then your search online for nephrology doctors in India ends with Dr Rajesh Goel and his Kidney Care Centre where you will get expert advice and the best treatment for your ailment. You can book an appointment with Dr Rajesh Goel or an online consultation easily by visiting Online Consultation Kidney Specialist and filling up the form provided. Many patients have benefitted from the consultation with Dr Rajesh Goel. He provides the best advice for all kidney-related issues and is the most reliable nephrologist for online consultation. Book an online appointment at https://www.kidneycarecentre.in/online-consultation!
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simo852321 · 4 years
If Your Kidneys Are In Danger, Your Body Will Give You These 25 Signs
If Your Kidneys Are In Danger, Your Body Will Give You These 25 Signs Your kidneys play an essential role when it comes to keeping you healthy, filtering waste products out of your body and promoting the growth of healthy red blood cells. Unfortunately, despite how important healthy kidneys are to your overall well-being, the signs of kidney problems are often so subtle that many people don’t realize there’s an issue with these vital organs until it’s too late. If you want to stay healthy, read on to discover the symptoms of kidney problems you can’t afford to ignore. And for more ways to safeguard your health, make sure you know the 20 Most Commonly Overlooked Cancer Symptoms, According to Doctors. 1 Pain under your ribs While many associate kidney problems with lower back pain, it’s actually pain near your rib cage that’s more likely to indicate a kidney problem. “Your kidneys are actually higher than you think and anatomically positioned beneath your ribs,” explains Jennifer Linehan, MD, urologist and associate professor of urologic oncology at the John Wayne Cancer Institute at Providence Saint John’s Health Center in Santa Monica, California. 2 Side pain Kidney stones, which are hard deposits of salt and minerals that form inside the kidney, can be extremely painful when they pass through the ureter and bladder. The Mayo Clinic says that you’ll know the pain you’re experiencing is from kidney stones when it’s in your side and comes in waves. If your pain is caused by kidney stones in particular, “the pain can be very severe and usually changing position does help or hurt,” says Linehan. And for more pains to pay attention to, check out 25 Common Pains You Should Never Ignore. 3 Nausea When a kidney stone moves from your kidney to your ureter, it can block the passing of urine. When this happens, you may experience “swelling and pain, which can be accompanied by nausea and vomiting,” says S. Adam Ramin, MD, a urologic surgeon and medical director of Urology Cancer Specialists in Los Angeles. 4 Blood in your urine If you notice blood in your urine or you notice it looks even a little bit red or brown, it’s important that you get to a doctor before any potential problems get worse. “Blood in your urine may indicate kidney stones, a tumor, a kidney or bladder infection, or irritation anywhere in the urinary system,” explains Leann Poston, MD, of Invigor Medical. And for more signals of serious health issues, check out 30 Warning Signs Your Heart Is Trying to Send You. 5 A metallic taste in your mouth When your kidneys stop adequately filtering toxins from your blood, waste products often show up in unexpected places, including some surprising symptoms north of the neck. In fact, “if these wastes build up in the blood, it may… make food taste like metal,” explains Poston. 6 Bad breath Similarly, Jennifer Schau, DDS, notes on her website that when your kidneys are unable to filter out the excess urea in your bloodstream, you may notice a “foul odor” being emitted from your mouth—in other words, you have bad breath. And for more about your oral hygiene, check out 23 Things You’re Doing That Would Horrify Your Dentist. 7 Gum disease A metallic taste and bad breath aren’t the only ways in which kidney disease can manifest in your mouth. According to Schau, kidney issues can also cause gum disease, “leading to the decay and loss of teeth.” A 2013 meta-analysis published in the Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences found that patients with chronic kidney disease are far more likely to have periodontal disease, as well as other issues like overgrown gums and dry mouth, than those without serious kidney problems. 8 Swollen hands and feet Since the kidneys are responsible for filtering excess water from the body, when they aren’t performing this function properly, that excess fluid can redistribute, particularly in your extremities. “Swelling of your legs, ankles, and feet may be a sign that the kidney is not removing excess fluids or sodium from the body,” says Poston. “When the kidneys leak too much protein into the urine, swelling may result.” 9 Loss of appetite If your favorite foods have suddenly lost all appeal, that could be a sign of serious kidney problems. While Ramin says that early stage kidney cancer has few symptoms, when the disease is more advanced, “kidney cancer may cause sensation of fullness in the abdomen loss of appetite.” And if you’re noticing you can’t keep weight on, check out 11 Subtle Signs Your Rapid Weight Loss Is Something Serious. 10 Constipation According to oncologist Przemyslaw Twardowski, MD, kidney cancer can also cause “disturbances in body chemistry”—namely, an overabundance of calcium in the bloodstream, which can lead to constipation. If you’re experiencing this issue and think it’s a sign of a bigger problem, talk to your primary care provider about having your calcium levels checked. 11 Fever That high fever you’ve been battling may be more than just a symptom of a cold or flu coming on. “Infection of the kidneys usually cause flank pain and fevers,” says Ramin. He says that someone with a kidney infection will usually see their temperature rise and fall instead of staying constant. Want to protect your liver, too? Discover these 20 Warning Signs of Liver Damage to Never Ignore. 12 Confusion You might not associate your kidney function and your cognitive function, but if the former starts to decline, it may cause serious changes in your mental state. “Patients who develop sudden onset of kidney failure will have fluid retention and build up toxins in their blood such as urea nitrogen,” explains Ramin. He says that sudden kidney failure can cause both “mental fogginess or confusion,” so if tests have ruled out a neurological issue, ask your doctor for an assessment of your kidney health, too. 13 Anemia Your recent anemia diagnosis may not just be a sign that you could use some more iron-rich foods in your diet. Ramin says that in rare cases, it can be the result of kidney problems. “If blood testing shows anemia and/or if the urine is visibly clear, but under microscopic exam, blood is found in the urine, then a CT Scan is the best test to confirm presence of renal fracture,” Ramin explains. 14 Dizziness Feeling suddenly unsteady on your feet? It could be your kidneys telling you to get to the doctor. “Dizziness and loss of concentration can result from anemia brought on by kidney failure,” according to Dr. Lam Coaching, a team of licensed physicians specializing in adrenal fatigue syndrome. They explain that anemia reduces the amount of blood and oxygen going to your brain, causing that woozy feeling. 15 High blood pressure Those off-the-charts blood pressure readings might be a sign that your kidneys aren’t functioning at optimal levels. “Even though a person with kidney disease may have no symptoms and only discover their condition through bloodwork, there are some symptoms that definitely point to this condition,” including difficulty controlling high blood pressure, according to Dr. Lam Coaching. 16 Fatigue While the early stages of kidney disease may present with few symptoms, “fatigue is an often-experienced symptom of kidney disease, especially in the later stages,” write the experts at Dr. Lam Coaching. This is often the result of lower red blood cell production associated with kidney health issues, which leads to inadequate blood and oxygen supply throughout the body. “A reduced amount of oxygen to the cells leads to feelings of fatigue,” according to Dr. Lam Coaching. 17 Itchy skin That dry, itchy skin isn’t necessarily a sign you need to be more diligent about your moisturizing routine. “When kidneys fail, there is a build-up of waste in your blood, called uremia, that is known to cause your skin to become very itchy,” explains Alain Michon, MD, medical director at Ottawa Skin Clinic. In fact, a 2015 paper published in Seminars in Nephrology notes that up to 40 percent of patients with end-stage kidney disease develop pruritus, or chronic itching. 18 High blood sugar According to the National Kidney Foundation, diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure, accounting for 44 percent of new cases. Due to the toll diabetes takes on the kidneys as a result of the damage it does to the body’s red blood cells, diabetics are also at risk of developing diabetic kidney disease, a condition that further reduces kidney function. 19 Chronic nosebleeds Granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA) is a disease characterized by swelling of the blood vessels in the kidneys, nose, sinuses, throat, or lungs. According to the American Kidney Fund, the first sign of this condition is usually a runny nose or frequent nosebleeds. Though GPA doesn’t always affect the kidneys, any case that does can lead to chronic kidney disease or even kidney failure, so it’s important to speak to a doctor if nosebleeds become a regular occurrence. 20 Frequent urination If you find yourself heading to the restroom with increased frequency, it could be a sign that something is up with your kidneys. “If the kidney filters are damaged, it can cause an urge to urinate, especially at night,” says Renee Matthews, MD. Considering that frequent urination is also associated with health issues like diabetes and urinary tract infections, this symptom definitely merits a trip to the doctor. 21 Foamy urine Often when kidney function is impaired, your “urine has bubbles that won’t go away when you flush the toilet,” says Matthews. “This foam is similar to the foam you see when scrambling eggs because the protein found in urine is albumin, which is the same protein that is found in eggs.” 22 Swelling around your eyes According to the Mayo Clinic, kidney disease can create “extra fluid and sodium in your circulation,” which often leads to swelling around the eyes. In the case of nephrotic syndrome, in which too much protein is secreted through the urine, swelling also occurs due to lower levels of albumin in the blood. 23 Inability to eat meat and dairy Interestingly enough, advanced kidney disease can make protein-rich foods like meat and dairy taste absolutely terrible. According to the Kidney & Urology Foundation of America, that’s because these foods break down into nitrogen and creatinine, waste products that unhealthy kidneys are unable to filter out of the bloodstream. 24 Unintentional weight loss Weight loss isn’t always a good thing, especially if it’s unintentional. If you’re shedding pounds for no reason, it may be because your kidneys aren’t functioning properly. After monitoring nearly 4,000 patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD) for nearly six years, researchers behind a 2018 study published in the Official Journal of the National Kidney Foundation found that “significant weight loss relatively early during the course of CKD.” 25 Shortness of breath When your kidneys aren’t properly filtering and excreting waste products and fluid, the Urology Care Foundation notes that shortness of breath can occur, particularly if fluid has built up in your lungs. https://read.2positivet.com/2020/10/30/if-your-kidneys-are-in-danger-your-body-will-give-you-these-25-signs/
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ainubanja · 4 years
Best Urology Hospital in India | Banjara Hills | AINU
Paediatric Urology Paediatric Urology is a surgical subspecialty of medicine dealing with the disorders of children’s genitourinary systems. Paediatric urologists provide care for both boys and girls ranging from birth to early adult age. The most common problems are those involving disorders of urination, reproductive organs and testes.
common problems: Most people are unaware of the common urological problems of children. This is because they are not often discussed outside the family. Most people have heard of urinary tract infections, but do not know that these infections are associated with anatomical abnormalities in approximately 30% of all children who have them, and even a higher percentage in boys. Among the genital defects, abnormalities of the penis are the most common followed by undescended testicles.
care for Paediatric Urological Problems: Paediatricians often manage medical problems of the urinary tract and genitalia. Nephrologists are specialists in medical diseases of the kidney, and endocrinologists specialize in endocrine problems affecting the kidneys, like diabetes, and of some problems of the genitalia, like ambiguous genitalia. Patients may be referred to urology after seeing a paediatrician.
Some of the problems deal with are:
Bladder control problems such as bedwetting and daytime urinary incontinence
Undescended testes (cryptorchidism)
Urolithiasis (bladder and kidney stones)
Chordee and other minor malformations of the penis
Urinary obstruction and vesicoureteral reflux
Neurogenic  bladder (e.g., associated with spina bifida)
Antenatal   hydronephrosis
Tumours and cancers of the kidneys
Repair of genitourinary trauma
Genitourinary malformations and birth defects
Prune belly syndrome
Cloacal exstrophy, bladder exstrophy, and epispadias
Ambiguous genitalia and intersex conditions
 Asian Institute of Nephrology and Urology (AINU) is the best kidney hospital in India, providing world-class treatment for all your renal problems. AINU hospitals successfully completed 500 robotic surgeries and proven that they are the best kidney transplant hospital in India.
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Kidney Stone Symptoms And Causes
Amongst several problems of the kidney, kidney stones are one of the most common and serious ones. Kidney stones are solid crystal masses that originate in the kidneys. Kidney stones can also occur in the urethra, bladder, and ureters. 
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Some of the common symptoms of kidney stones include:
●     Severe pain in the kidneys. In most cases, pain starts to occur when the stones move down to the ureters from the kidneys. The pain usually occurs in one side of the back and/or in the abdomen.The pain is characterised as renal colic.
●     Men commonly experience kidney stones pain in the groin area.
●     Urges to urinate on a frequent basis. In most cases, the urine is in small amounts.
●     Having periodic fever and chills
●     Nausea accompanied by vomiting
●     Presence of blood in the urine, causing the urine to have a red or brown colour.
If you notice these symptoms, make sure not to ignore them and consult with a qualified doctor. For consulting with a qualified and experienced kidney specialist in Siliguri, visit Neotia GetWel Healthcare Centre. Learn more about the hospital’s department of nephrology at https://www.neotiagetwelsiliguri.com/nephrology/.
Causes of kidney stones
Kidney stones commonly occur as a result of lack of water in the body. Individuals who drink less water stand at a higher risk of kidney stones. When there isn’t sufficient water in the body, urine becomes more acidic as the uric acid present in it isn’t diluted.
Risk factors of kidney stones
There are a number of medical conditions that increase the risk of kidney stones. These conditions include:
●     Urinary tract infection
Urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection of the urinary tract. The infection can occur anywhere in the urinary tract; it can also occur in the kidneys and ureters. Some of the common symptoms of UTIs include bloody urine, cloudy urine, frequent urge to urinate, and burning sensation when urinating.      
●     Crohn’s disease
Crohn’s disease occurs when there’s an inflammation in the digestive tract. In most cases, the inflammation leads to fatigue, poor diet, severe diarrhea, and abdominal pain. The condition also causes mouth sores and blood in the stool as symptoms.  
●     Hyperparathyroidism
Hyperparathyroidism is presence of parathyroid hormone in excess amounts due to hyperactivity of one of the four parathyroid glands. The overproduction of hormones result in high calcium content in blood which, in turn, increases the risk of kidney stones.
●     Renal tubular acidosis
Renal tubular acidosis is a condition in which the kidneys fail to excrete acid through urine which increases acidic content in the blood. This, in turn, increases the risk of formation of kidney stones.
Get your kidney health checked in Siliguri
Neotia GetWel Healthcare Centre has some of the best nephrologists in Siliguri who use advanced diagnostic procedures to precisely identify the severity of the kidney-related problems and choose the right treatment option
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