adrianomaini · 11 days
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Lasciando Via Gradisca (sempre a Nervia di Ventimiglia) per tornare sulla Via Aurelia si noteranno il retro dell'abbandonato distributore di benzina e la casa dove abitava la maestra molto amata dai suoi alunni....
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panseemia · 9 months
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nuts deleted
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xarology · 1 year
Sometimes I forget it’s okay to be cringe on my own blog. Learning to unlearn my normal mask to embrace the true nerd inside of me
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fevered · 1 year
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Croton Nervia; Codiaeum variegatum
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beatricecenci · 1 year
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Claude Monet (French, 1840-1926)
Vallée de la Nervia
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saturniasxenos · 27 days
Eternaunivian & Cosmos ID/NPT Pack
Ee - Tur - Nuh - Yoo - Nuh - Vee - Ihn
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Eternaunivian is ETERIN and a subterm of the Eternalgender System. Those who identify as eternaunivian may feel as if their gender, or even their whole identity, has a deep, never-ending connection to the universe and anything apart of it (including but not limited to: Dark Matter, Stars, Planets, Galaxies, Black Holes). This can be used as an umbrella term for any space-related eternic genders. You could be a star and eternal, an eternal quasar, an eternalized planet, an eternal that likes the cosmos, a constellation eternal, and similar.
This gender may be constantly fluctuating and fluid between any space-related and eternic genders. This gender would be considered under the agender umbrella, but can be used by anyone regardless of femininity, masculinity, and neutrality.
Created and Coined by me. There is no correct way to use this flag and term.
Keep reading for Etymology & Cosmos ID Pack (Titles, Names, & Pronoun suggestions)
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Etymology: Eternal, Universe, -ian (suffix),
Pronoun Suggestions:
Title Suggestions :
(X) Who Watches The Stars
The Guardian of The Quasar
Emperor of The Moon
(X) Who Dances Amongst The Galaxy
The Child of Andromeda
(X) Who is Made of Stardust
The Lover of The Cosmos
The Will of Luna
The Eternalized Constellation
Song of Neptune
Melody of Jupiter
Love of Venus
The Flame of The Sun
(X) Who is Infinite
The Eternal Galaxy
(X) Who Was Born From Black Matter
Name Suggestions:
Some names may not be fem or masc, I just organized what I thought sounded the most masc, neu, or fem!! Many names originate from named stars in the galaxy! See this site for more named stars.
Fem: Ankaa, Aniara, Alasia, Aurora, Ayla, Astrid, Astra, Astraia, Ariel, Andromeda, Arista, Bellatrix, Danica, Dawn, Calypso, Celeste, Celestia, Cordelia, Cressida, Electra, Eris, Estrella, Gaia, Helene, Irena, Itonda, Luna, Lunar, Lyra, Maia, Merope, Mimosa, Mira, Nova, Nervia, Pleione, Phoenicia, Phoebe, Pandora, Seren, Selene, Stella, Starla, Solana, Star, Sunniva, Shaula, Thea, Umbriel, Venus, Vega, Veritas,
Masc: Alpheratz Archer, Apollo, Aries, Atlas, Ash, Altair, Altais, Antares, Arcturus, Taurus, Cyrus, Cosmo, Castor, Cepheus, Celestio, Draco, Eros, Fafnir, Felis, Galileo, Hunter, Jericho, Kiran, Kepler, Leo, Luca, Mars, Nox, Neptune, Oberon, Phoenix, Perseus, Pollux, Sterling, Sirius, Sol, Stellan, Titan, Theo, Zenith, Veritate,
Neu: Ancha, Aiolos, Artemis, Aster, Acrab, Algieba, Acrux, Atria, Achrid, Axólotl, Borea, Borealis, Cetus, Chertan, Comet, Cassiopeia, Crescent, Eden, Europa, Eclipse, Fulu, Funi, Galaxy, Graffias, Haedus, Io, Libra, Lynx, Lesath, Libertas, Moriah, Musica, Orbit, Orion, Polaris, Polis, Pisces, Phobos, Regulus, Rasalas, Denebola, Saturn, Solstice, Seraph, Scorpius, Scorpii, Soleil, Sargas, Spica, Sceptrum, Solaris, Tevel, Virgo, Vesper, Zephyr, Zosma
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brockitty-goober · 6 months
music CHALLENGE‼️‼️
this requires a bit of work!
Type the first five songs on your playlist.
Find the music videos for each of those songs. If there is no music video for it, pick the next song!
screenshot your favourite frame or scene from the video. It’s okay if you can’t find your favourite, you can pick whichever you like.
Tag mutuals!
And if you want, you can type the reason why, in the post or in the image alt text. here are my songs:
Don’t Stop Me Now - Queen
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2. ..well, better than the alternative - Will Wood
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3. Undone/The Sweater Song - Weezer
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4. Sharks With Legs - justan oval
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5. Hell’s Greatest Dad - from Hazbin Hotel
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@cheesygubbin @mrfroggie @anotherhumanperson @softlyproblematic @spottedstatic @beebstagram @blasez-faire @raccoon-in-a-dumpster @awakentrashpanda @fl3shc0us1n @nervias
@midi-png @kiwikewt
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bigarella · 11 months
Dolceacqua (IM): una vista sino a colline di Vallecrosia, a Nervia di Ventimiglia e a Camporosso
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magauda · 11 days
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botallo · 3 months
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La storia più o meno è questa. Più di 50 anni fa, una locomotiva a vapore di manovra veniva avviata dal deposito (Campasso) sito in zona Nervia, levante di Ventimiglia, verso la stazione della città di confine. Ci fu subito dopo da fare una fermata. I due addetti ne approfittarono per scendere dal mezzo e mettersi a chiaccherare con colleghi operai impegnati ai binari. Senonché, la vaporiera lemme lemme iniziò a muoversi verso ponente. Si diffuse il panico. Qualcuno, più pronto di altri, ricorse ad un telefono da campo di servizio. Quel rimorchiatore di treni venne così deviato dagli scambisti su di un binario morto, dotato di soffici respingenti, su cui si accomodò il piccolo mostro. C'era una foto dove compariva uno di quei distratti macchinisti. Non più da me ritrovata, talvolta sono ricorso ad uno scatto d'archivio. Grande il mio stupore a ritrovare immagine similare a quella che cercavo sulla attuale recinzione dell'ex Campasso. Adriano Maini.
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bagnabraghe · 5 months
Isolabona (IM): il torrente Nervia nei pressi del paese
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adrianomaini · 11 days
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Nella parte di levante - quasi pietra incastonata sul citato mezzo anello - di Via Gradisca (ancora a Nervia di Ventimiglia) è da tempo sbarrato il passaggio al greto del torrente, che, come già raccontato, consentiva tante possibilità, ad esempio, il lavaggio più o meno lecito di automobili (Arturo Viale docet!)...
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panseemia · 10 months
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The pearl siblings of Nacre soleil
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xarology · 1 year
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Trying to get used to drawing with a fountain pen I think it’s going well
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collasgarba · 5 months
Dolceacqua (IM): il torrente Nervia subito a valle del paese
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condamina · 5 months
Ventimiglia (IM): Via Nervia
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