#Neurodivergent brain
drivenbydopamine · 21 days
Too much or not enough.
As a neurodivergent person, trying to work within the parameters set by a neurotypical world feels like trying to get the light switch to balance in the middle between on and off.
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king-wilhelm · 2 years
I can't focus for shit in loud places because sensory overload and I can't focus for shit in quiet places because mind wanders. I have to have noise but it has to be noise that I specifically chose and approved. U get me?
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stormy-mogai · 2 years
"ew no REAL nd person would be that cringe"
Gee, it's almost like neurodivergent people are autonomous human beings who can make their own decisions, and not little robots that solely exist to perform their disability Well Enough for NTs! /s
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thatcreepydoll · 3 months
chat i’m working on getting lotf content done i swear i have an idea for a jalph piece im just all over the place trust chat i will be putting art out there
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adhdxxsdiary · 2 years
The late diagnosis neurodivergent urge to immediately start doubting your diagnosis as soon as your psychiatric treatment starts working.
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burythecarnival · 2 years
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a collage of my superb social skills.
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zelphafrost · 1 day
I don't need people in my life who won't let go of the things I've done. I already have myself to shame and guilt me for every awkward and awful thing I've ever done on a regular basis.
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siedertreestudios · 1 month
How did no one know I was neurodivergent
I just made a CHART of how my fixations work. With notes.
And no one could tell I was neurodivergent. No one caught on.
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obsessed-sketches · 1 year
Does anyone else at school feel as if they're missing something? Like, let's say everyone's brains are cars. Everyone has a slightly different one and all work slightly differently but are all relatively similar.
So, Does anyone ever feel as if they've been given their Brain Car but not the knowledge or ability to drive or take care of it? Where do I find the User Manual?!
Right now, every time my Brain Car breaks down or I crash I am just stuck waiting on the side of the road until someone is able to stop and help me right myself again.
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funniest thing about mental illness and neurodivergence generally and specifically the rsd thing is that like I kinda assume that everyone else is experiencing the same sort of nonsensical brain thoughts that I am and act accordingly and it’s weird bcuz I am not in fact the world standard for brain thought s procedures I am somewhat the opposite (having audhd, bipolar disorder, ocd, and like some other stuff) and that. No in fact nobody else is thinking about this nonsense. Everyone else in this conversation is doing fine and will not implode if I ask them to move over a bit cuz I’m uncomfy
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drivenbydopamine · 6 days
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"If you only have 20% left in your tank don't give 100% of it away. It's like taking the last of your food to work for lunch and then giving it all away. You will be starving when you get home and your pantry will be empty." ** You can't keep running on empty. Save something for yourself.
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king-wilhelm · 1 year
Uh so. I might also have a touch of autism sjdkskk. K thx bye
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Don’t you love it when you drink caffeine to give you energy but you have fucking ADHD so it makes you super tired 😍
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creativegearsinc · 2 years
Things That Constantly Run Through My ADD Driven Brain Everyday
1. Gravity Falls
2. Darkwing Duck
3. My Own OC and Story Ideas
4. Batman and/or Spider-Man (it switches up a depending on the day)
5. My Boyfriend aka the Love of My Life
6. Whatever the Fuck Brennon Lee Mulligan is doing
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adhdxxsdiary · 2 years
Honestly the answers I give to any personality/ADHD/Autism test I take online, really depend on my mood that day
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Serious question:
Are shows accurately depicting reality when they show people witnessing something and they instantly jump to conclusions? And they don’t stay around long enough to get the full story and they don’t ask for clarification about what they saw??
Because I’m a very straight forward person. If I saw romantic partner of mine kissing someone else I sure wouldn’t walk off and leave my imagination to go wild, and I also wouldn’t be passive aggressive by giving them the silent treatment either. I would wait to see wtf is going on and then I’d confront them. Are other people not like this? I can’t say I’ve experienced this situation from the liar’s perspective so I’ve never had anyone confront me about lying but I imagine if I did do something like that I’d be confronted by the other person.
Idk. I’ve just never understood this writing choice, especially in teen shows. Btw I’m watching The Lying Game so every single character is terrible with communication lol. On an unrelated note why do all the main characters of these shows dress like they’re in Sex and the City but everyone else dresses like a normal teenager? Pretty Little Liars is a good example.
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