#Neuvilette Genshin Impact
flan-tasma · 4 months
He's a gentle lover
💖~ It was just Diluc, but then everyone fell into the same hole. I'm not complaining about that btw.
I have just finished a homework assignment of almost forty pages and my hand is hurting, my very strong and beloved menthol has carried me through the whole week.
Warning: Smut, not very dirty, lovely I guess idk(?, Fem!Reader maybe | English is not my native language, so if I have made any mistakes in the translation, I am open to corrections | Content in spanish and english!
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Él era tierno, gentil. Con sus manos que te brindan calor con cada caricia, cuando levanta tu mentón para que lo veas y le permitas besarte. Siempre es tan gentil, un amante cuidadoso que te desviste con lentitud y traza tu piel con sus dedos.
Le gusta cuando no lleva guantes, pues sus manos toscas y rasguñadas te sostienen con firmeza y confianza, sabiendo cuál es el curso adecuado para que suspires contra sus labios.
Adora besar tu cuello, chupando y lamiendo la carne hasta que llega a tu escote y muerde, siempre buscando tus ojos para saber que te gusta lo que hace.
Jadea cuando ve que arrugas las sábanas, hundiendo tu cabeza contra la almohada con los ojos cerrados y cristalinos. Él bebe la sal y el azúcar de tu imagen, de tu piel y se emborracha hasta que sólo puedes chillar cuando se hunde en tu interior, descansando después de haberte arruinado lo suficiente.
No necesitas pensar, no necesitas meditar, ni elegir. Él lo hará por ti, él te cuidará con la mayor dulzura posible que se le resbala de la garganta mientras te mira a los ojos, esperando que tú también lo veas y que lo ames de la misma forma que él te ama.
No necesita que lo montes o que lo dejes follarte la boca, eso puede quedar para otra ocasión. Solo míralo con la misma adoración, sostén su rostro mientras te hace el amor lentamente y acaricia tus tetas y tus hombros, déjale escuchar tus gemidos como susurros en sus oídos. Él quiere ser egoísta contigo, guardarte para que nadie más que él pueda verte de esta manera, sollozando y llamando su nombre, mientras que él te responde con ternura y te hace suspirar.
No quiere que nadie se robe tu figura, ni la luna ni las estrellas que se asoman por la ventana. Solo quiere retenerte para él, hoy y siempre, así que déjalo hacerte el amor en la oscuridad, solo compartiendo su unión por las pocas velas que los alumbran y les reflejan los ojos cuando llaman al otro.
Diluc, Zhongli, Xiao, Baizhu, Kazuha, Tighnari, Alhaitham, Neuvillette.
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He was tender, gentle. With his hands that give you warmth with each caress, when he lifts your chin so you can see it and allow him to kiss you. He is always so gentle, a careful lover who undresses you slowly, tracing your skin with his fingers.
He likes it when he doesn't wear gloves, because his rough, scratched hands hold you firmly and confidently, knowing the right way for you to sigh against his lips.
He loves kissing your neck, sucking and licking the flesh until he reaches your cleavage and bites, always searching your eyes to know you like what he is doing.
He gasps when he sees you crumpling the sheets, burying your head back in the pillow with your eyes closed and glassy. He drinks the salt and sugar from your image, from your skin, getting drunk until he can only scream as he sinks into you, resting when he has ruined you enough.
You don't have to think, you don't have to meditate, you don't have to choose. He will do it for you, he will take care of you with the greatest possible sweetness that slips from his throat as he looks into your eyes, hoping that you see it too and that you love him as much as he loves you.
He doesn't need you to ride him or let him fuck your mouth, that can be left for another time. Just look at him with the same adoration, hold his face while he slowly makes love to you, caressing your tits and shoulders, letting him hear your moans as whispers in his ears. He wants to be selfish with you, to hold you so that no one but him can see you like this, sobbing and calling out his name as he responds tenderly and makes you sigh.
He doesn't want anyone to steal your shape, or the moon, or the stars that look out the window. He just wants to keep you for himself, today and always, so let him make love to you in the dark, sharing your union only with the few candles that illuminate you and reflect your eyes when you call the other.
Diluc, Zhongli, Xiao, Baizhu, Kazuha, Tighnari, Alhaitham, Neuvillette.
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ichomp · 10 months
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neuvillette x male!reader
♡ ; reader has a dick, blowjob, dom! reader
a/n: i like seeing grown men cry idk
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there’s something so mesmerizing about neuvillette’s eyes. that sharp glare of his, how well his makeup compliments them, and how cute they look filled with tears.
your hands lay on his head, keeping him in place with his lips wrapped around your cock. you both knew very well that he could break out your grasp at any moment, but where’s the fun in that?
you could feel neuvillette swallow around you as you forced more of yourself down his throat—only making you buck your hips into him, forcing a gagged moan out.
it’s only now you realize how close you are, moving his head up and down your length faster than before—stopping when he’s taken you all the way to the base. your grip in his hair tightens when you finally come, your other hand moves to his cheek, thumb smearing the already messed up makeup from his crying. he looked so fucking tempting like this.
your thumb came to his eye again, wiping his tears. neuvillette looked up at you, trying his best to not gag again. you slowly pull him off your cock, letting it rest by his cheek, your seed coating his lips.
taking a handkerchief out his pocket, he wipes both his mouth and the part of your pants that got dirty during your..actions. he fixed you up before cleaning his own self, making sure his hair didn’t look too disheveled.
after cleaning, he stood up, shot you a glance-and left the room. you both knew, however, that it wouldn’t be too long before he game back.
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cosmicisms · 1 year
neuvilette drabble
no warnings but there’s one suggestive joke
a/n: spent all my neuvilette funds on lyney’s stupid bow AND DIDN’T EVEN GET IT. anyways. wrote this in like fifteen minutes in between homework so. it’s not my best work.
“you’re still awake?”
the pleasant sound of neuvilette’s voice causes your stiff shoulders to slacken and for you to put your quill down with a heavy sigh. “…yeah.”
“what did we talk about, my dear?” neuvilette wasn’t berating you by any means, though it might have seemed that way given his rigid and oftentimes stern demeanour, but your boyfriend was truly concerned for your wellbeing.
you rubbed your heavy eyelids, sparing a glance at the fancy grandfather clock that furnished your office. it sure was quite late… or early, at this point.
neuvilette raised his eyebrow at your lethargic state, swiftly crossing the room to get to your side. his gloved hands held yours, and when you looked up, his spellbinding eyes took you away.
“you’ve worked hard enough for today.” he said, gently pulling you up out of your chair, not missing how you winced as you tried to loosen your stiff and sore joints.
without hesitating, neuvilette scoops you into his arms, secretly deriving enjoyment from hearing you yelp.
“wa-wait! i can walk on my own!” you protested, suddenly snapped awake by his sudden movement.
“i am well aware.” he answered, making you huff slightly. still, you made no efforts to wriggle free of his grasp, letting him carry you bridal style down the halls of your cozy home and into your shared bedroom.
neuvilette treated you like you were the most valuable treasure, (in his eyes, you are) gently setting you down on the bed as if you were made of porcelain.
your cheeks couldn’t help but to flush red as he offered to pamper you further and change you into your night clothes for you. his fingers left lingering touches on your skin as he worked you of your clothes, eyes so full of love and appreciation.
(if it had been a time where you weren’t so fatigued, he would have acted on his desires to worship your body).
after having finished with your nightly routine, neuvilette tucked you into bed, drawing the blanket up to your chin and gazing down at you with love. gods, what have you done to this dragon? to make him so hopelessly enamoured with you.
“i love you…” you whispered, fading fast as the comfiness of your bed overpowered your will to stay awake.
you are everything to him. words which he professes to you whilst sliding up next to you in bed, wrapping his strong arms around you to cradle you close to his chest. you can hear his heart beat away in his chest. all for you…
“rest well, my love.” he murmurs, a small smile gracing his elegant features as he watches you fade into a peaceful slumber.
neuvilette will always be there for you, not sparing a single second in opening his arms for your weary soul.
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Hello, I wanted to ask, how about Furina or Neurvillete with a Reader who is a lawyer but loves to praise them at the trial, like: "Objection, the judge is too gorgeous for me to focus on ***Wink Wink***", but they do a good job.
"I accuse the Judge of being a handsome, guilty 1000 times"
As you requested it a few hours before I realized that I'm planning the priority event I decided to do make this one count for it (and also because Furina is stealing my brain)
Neuvilette and Furina with a lawyer S/O who flirts with them in court
Reader here is gender neutral
He honestly doesn't know what to do with you. He explains to you every time to stop yourself from your flirting.
It's confusing to him. Especially since at some times your lines go over his head. Which is quite often.
"Objection! Judge is too cute for me to focus" would be met with "objection overruled" and then he'd ask you if you need a recess.
He doesn't understand why you're doing this. Being his lover doesn't protect you from penalties... And yet you continue to do what you do?
You're not getting much of a reaction from him either. Since he's very professional. Deep down he's flattered but he has his full focus on the trial.
Still, you can catch him smiling a bit more later on for unknown reason- to him. But seeing your face is enough to make him happy by default so he's not thinking too much about it.
"Please leave personal matters out of the courtroom" is something Neuvilette had to say at least once every trial when she was your opponent in court.
And when she's just an audience member and gush about her openly she often talks back to you- obviously being quite embarrassed.
Both of you also got countless penalties for it- which was worth it. Her flustered reactions are worth every possible penalty.
Furina literally sets herself up for every single one of your lines. It's a CRIME to NOT use that!
The moment you finish your sentence she turns into a stuttering mess. She tries to save her situation but that's usually when Neuvilette steps in to call out your behavior.
After the trial she will either avoid you to calm down, but if you weren't so ruthless with your flirting she'd challenge you to make up for her embarrassement (translation: take her out on a date).
~Mod Lisa
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stars-and-cows · 11 months
Do you ever look at Neuvilette and think "What's going on in his head?"
I just wanted to draw my favourite genshin character ever.
No thoughts, head empty, only otters
Here's the pic without the otters
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Voice line:: Lyney about Neuvilette
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moccajelly · 13 days
Neuvi and Itto (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
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iamcassian · 3 months
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"Ah, the hour of my execution is finally here. For the sinner, the curtain call has come. I know I may not sound like it, but... faced with death, I- I find myself a little afraid. Perhaps this is one thing both gods and humans have in common. Hehe, farewell, Neuvilette, I hope you've enjoyed the part you've played these five hundred years."
that's such a banger line????
(not a ship btw idk if I need to add that)
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genshinxoxo · 9 months
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Neuvilette from behind
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astaraxion · 6 months
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hydro dragon hydro dragon dont cry
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azelle-intermisson · 1 year
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i got him :)) he really grew on me after the last archon quest and now i'm in love with him. i'm going for his weapon too bc getting staff of homa would be kinda cool
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mlem0817 · 2 months
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Too much work
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flan-tasma · 8 months
With a Baby! (Neuvilette x Fem!Reader)
💖~ Hey, I'm back!
Yeh, I'm not dead, I just disappeared a lot.
Warning: Nope now💖, light spicy at point three, Female Reader | Google Translate sponsors me (it's a lie) If I made any mistakes in the english translation, I would be happy to read your comments! | Content in spanish and english
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Neuvilette ha pensado antes en tener una familia contigo, siempre que te comportas tan bonita como siempre con él, cuando cuidas de alguna Melusine que encuentran en el camino a casa o cuando haces cosas tan normales como preparar algo de comer. Siempre piensa en ti como una madre fabulosa.
La idea de que seas una figura cariñosa con posibles hijos suyos pasa desde los escenarios más dulces y adorables, verte cargando a un pequeñito parecido a él y llamándolo tu amor, levantarse y verte arrullar a una niñita con sus ojos. Está en las nubes cada que lo imagina.
Luego todo lo dulce se va filtrando a la necesidad de que tengas a sus hijos, la necesidad de verte con el vientre abultado por su escencia, la necesidad de criarte. Y eso es exactamente lo que hace.
Luego de que logran tener un descendiente, creo que Neuvillette tiene problemas a la hora de llamarlo. Le dices que es un bebé y él dice que es una cría, con el tiempo aprende a llamarlo bebé, pero sigue susurrando que es una pequeña cría formándose en el vientre de su mamá, todo mientras acaricia tu estómago.
Durante el embarazo se vuelve muy sobreprotector. No quiere que te muevas mucho y te canses, no tienes que levantarte a cocinar porque puedes quedarte, no debes agacharte, él recogerá lo que tiraste o te conseguirá otro. Solo no quiere que te hagas daño.
Definitivamente hace una especie de nido con ropa vieja y cómoda, almohadas y deja alguna piedra brillante porque brilla y cree que te gustará.
Sigue preguntándose si pondrás un huevo o no, solo espera que no te duela mucho. Se prepara mucho para dar la bienvenida al pequeño nuevo ser que tendrá su sangre, ya eligieron un nombre, ropa y juguetes divertidos.
Estuvo muy enfocado en decorar la habitación del bebé, quería que los colores le dieran paz y que le gustara su habitación.
Cuando el bebé nace, casi está rezando a todas las deidades que conoce o conoció porque no quiere que sufras, pero se calma cuando le dicen que todo está bien y que el parto está llendo con naturalidad.
¡Felicidades, tienen un adorable bebé! Al inicio puede ser extraño, tal vez incómodo y doloroso, pero hey, estás dando a luz a un dragón.
Literalmente un dragón, largo y escamoso, con pelo muy corto y casi inexistente. Parece un pequeño perrito, pero Neuvilette dice que es normal, aprenderá a tomar forma humana cuando crezca.
Lleva al bebé y a su pareja a casa y los hace descansar mientras se toma su tiempo analizando al drahoncito que tiene en brazos, cómo se retuerce entre sus brazos y cómo su respiración se siente en su mano. Está casi llorando y lo sabes porque algunas gotitas empiezan a resbalarse por la ventana.
Está muy feliz, abraza a la cría y lo acurruca en su pecho, dándole calor, recordándole que su papá estaba con él. Que nunca estaría solo, siempre tendría a alguien que cuide de él.
Cuando pasa un tiempo y el pequeño ya abre los ojos, Neuvilette está decidido. Te mira con toda la seriedad del mundo y te pide dos o tres crías más. Quiere una camada.
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Neuvilette has thought about having a family with you before, whenever you behave as nice as ever with him, when you take care of some Melusine you meet on the way home or when you do things as normal as preparing something to eat. He always thinks of you as a fabulous mother.
The idea that you are a loving figure with possible children of his comes from the sweetest and most adorable scenarios, seeing you holding a little boy who looks like him and calling him your love, getting up and seeing you cooing at a little girl with his eyes. He is in the clouds every time he imagines it.
Then everything sweet filters into the need for you to have his children, the need to see yourself with a bulging belly due to his essence, the need to breed you. And that's exactly what he does.
After you manage to have an offspring, I think Neuvillette has problems calling the baby. You tell him it's a baby and he says it's a offspring, eventually he learns to call it a baby, but he keeps whispering that it's a little baby growing in his mother's belly, all while caressing your stomach.
During pregnancy he becomes very overprotective. He doesn't want you to move a lot and get tired, you don't have to get up to cook because you can stay, you don't have to bend over, he will pick up what you threw away or get you another one. He just doesn't want you to get hurt.
He definitely makes a kind of nest with old and comfortable clothes, pillows and leaves some shiny stones because it's shines and he thinks you will like it.
He keeps wondering if you'll lay an egg or not, he just hopes it doesn't hurt too much. He prepares a lot to welcome the little new being that will have his blood, you have already chosen a name, clothes and fun toys.
He was very focused on decorating the baby's room, he wanted the colors to give them peace and he wanted them to like their room.
When the baby is born, he is almost praying to all the deities he knows or knew because he doesn't want you to suffer, but he calms down when the doctor tell him that everything is fine and that the birth is going naturally.
Congratulations, you have an adorable baby At first it may be strange, maybe uncomfortable and painful, but hey, you are giving birth to a dragon.
Literally a dragon, long and scaly, with very short and almost non-existent hair. He looks like a small dog, but Neuvilette says it's normal, he will learn to take human form when he grows up.
He takes the baby and his partner home and makes them rest while he takes his time analyzing the little dragon in his arms, how he squirms in his arms and how his breath feels on his hand. He is almost crying and you know it because some droplets start to slide down the window.
He is very happy, hugs the baby and snuggles it into his chest, giving it warmth, reminding him that his father was with him. That he would never be alone, he would always have someone to take care of him.
When some time passes and the little one opens his eyes, Neuvilette is determined. He looks at you with all the seriousness in the world and asks for two or three more offsprings. He wants a brood.
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iamakinniecollector · 6 months
stop making fanfics about characters raping and sexually assaulting y/n, you are fucking disgusting people who romanticize a serious crime that happens every day to children and women
"but that's just reading dark romance" that's not a dark romance, that's just the stuff of a horrible fetish, IF YOU HAVE A RAPE FETISH, GO SEEK FOR FUCKING PSYCHIATRIST HELP!!!!!!!!!!
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miothle · 1 year
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Font of All Waters⚖️🌊 (comms for tnbee)
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hello hello! I saw you were wanting some requests for Genshin men. And doing some thinking, I got something for you!
How about Neuvilette with an S/O who is a God(dess) of Order? Like, they're a Geo-aligned deity, and serve a sort of Bailiff/Marshal in the court (since Neuvilette is the judge, Furina is typically the Prosecutor. Why not fill out another position in the court as well :D?)
I think I might be the only blog that writes for all playables and almost never gets to write for the guys lol
Neuvilette with Bailiff S/O
Reader here is gender neutral and also a deity!
He remembers how you joining the court of Fontaine was a scandalous event for many. A deity suddenly appearing wasn't something people were going to ignore... But in the end people were quick to accept you as a part of the system.
And if Neuvilette's authority didn't make everyone behave... Your presence sure did. You were probably the most intimidating person in the room.
He can always rely on you. But he's also always ready to lend you his aid should things get too intense. After all... The audience should be protected in case things really get out of hand on rare occasions.
You truly were an unstoppable duo. If the public knew of your relationship you'd be called an absolute power couple. Both of you strong and serious...
Of course there were a few rumors trying to invade your private lives. It's not like you hid your relationship... But more that you didn't go around and telling everyone.
Which made it even funnier considering that you and Neuvilette were total sweethearts with each other.
Of course during work and official matters you were all sorts of professional... But when that "play" was over it was like nothing could separate you two.
He was never big with expressing himself. He isn't sometimes even sure how he should go about his feelings for you. But you just go for what feels right at the moment.
~Mod Lisa
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su-rodriguez · 5 months
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all water tastes different for some reason and I'm not open to debate
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