#New Kings - Picking Up Neil - Pt. 2
jtl-fics · 1 year
New kings au please!!
WIP Wednesday (7/12/23) - Closed | New Kings AU
Wymack watches as Andrew crosses the lawn. It was the second fastest that Wymack had ever seen his goalie move, the fastest was still at the Championship match during Neil’s first year.
He watches as Andrew collides with Neil like a freight train though Wymack doubts a freight train has ever clung to someone the way Andrew clings to Neil in that moment. He doubts even further that someone would cling to a freight train the way Neil clings right back.
He sees Andrew’s hand in Neil’s brown hair.
He sees Neil’s shaking hands cling to Andrew’s shirt.
He sees Andrew press his face into Neil’s neck and take a deep breath.
He sees Neil’s knees start to buckle.
They slide down to their knees together.
“What in the world is going on?” Wymack looks over and sees Coach Hernandez coming out of his house. Wymack makes his way over.
“My Goalie knows Neil.” He says and Coach Hernandez gives him a look.
“No shit.” Coach Hernandez says with a roll of his eyes as he looks at the reunion on his lawn.
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margareturtle · 4 months
I haven’t seen this in a fic yet (pls send me links if you have!!) so I’m doing it myself:
How Jeremy+Cat+ Laila find out about the 80% deal (set after the news about Jean’s family has already been released) (pt 1)
The gang is in the kitchen:
Jeremy: Jean, I’m telling coach to bench you for just this one match! You’re sick (or minorly injured). Just take a break and you’ll be back next match!
Jean: No! I’m fine! There are scouts for Court coming to this game!
Jeremy: yes and you’re just getting over the flu (or a twisted ankle idk)! Just take a rest, the Court scouts will be back next year!
Jean: I’m good to play! I need to play! I need to sign to court!
Jeremy: And I’m sure you will be! Kevin was just signed, no one doubts you will be signed as well ! What difference does a year make?
Jean: what difference does a year— I need to prove myself or they’ll think I can’t and— I can play! I will play!
Jeremy: no— I already told the coaches you aren’t playing— they’re in support
Jean: YOU WHAT? *panicking* they’re gonna kill me they’re gonna kill me
Jeremy: *softening* oh Jean it’s ok. You’re with the trojans remember. You’re not at the nest. You’re safe. Riko is dead. Tetsuji is gone. Everyone respects your right to a break. You’re free of the Moriyamas now.
Jean: You insolent fool! I will never be free of the Moriyamas!
Jeremy: ok Jean, I know it may feel like that sometimes. But you are free with us now. There are no more Moriyamas that will hurt you.
Cat: *thinking* well there’s Ichirou
Jeremy: *glares at Cat*
Cat: what? As smart as you are Jere you still haven’t learned to take the things Jean says at face value. He just said “I will never be free of the Moriyamas”
Jeremy: yeah but that’s not— Ichirou is a business man, all he cares about is money and his new fiance!
Laila: yeah but what really is the Moriyama family business? I haven’t really thought about it before but Ichirou looks rich af so it’s gotta be smth good…Jean you must now what it is.
Jean: *doesn’t respond to non questions*
Jeremy: Come on, this isn’t related to why Jean is so freaked out he can’t play today!
Cat: judging by his silence rn it def is! So what is it Jean? What’s the Moriyama business? You must know!
Jean: *stressed* it’s not important
Laila: clearly it is, now you can tell us or I’m happy to start guessing!
Jean: don’t—
Laila: let’s see it’s prob smth shady if you won’t say. Let’s see, do they deal in exotic Animals? Is Ichirou secretly tiger king?
Jean: No?! Just stop!
Laila: Or is it some business offensive to french culture? Oh no Jean, is their business in wine? Do they sell prosecco and call it champagne?
Jean: it’s not—
Laila: Oh or it has smth to do with why you learned so many languages while you were there? They’re secretly in the spy industry training to be spies??
Jean: of course not! Now stop asking I won’t tell you.
Cat: oh jean 😭 way to get us all more intrigued.
Jeremy: yeah let’s return to the topic of—
Laila: *who’s been thinking for a sec* pfft I know *sarcastically* Ichirou is secretly a mob boss too who has been in kahoots with—
Jean: *flinches*
Laila: your dad and neil’s dad which means—
Laila: Wait what the fuck?!! I was joking—I know the Moriyama’s business is just some boring corporate shit! But you just—What the fuck? WHAT THE FUCK!! You only flinch when I land spot on I—
Jean: *lunges for a knife with one hand that Jeremy catches. Lunges for his throat with the other that Cat gets a hold of first*
Laila: holy shit. No way. What. You’re kidding— I can’t. I wAs jOkinG !! Do the foxes know? Kevin must know if you do—
Laila: *picks up Jeremy’s phone he left in the kitchen counter*
Laila: *calling kevin*
(Pt 2 call with kevin coming soon)
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kevingayimeanday · 3 years
AFTG Headcanons (Pt.4)
PART 1 || PART 2 || PART 3 ||
Andrew sucks at telling his emotions apart bc ✨trauma✨ so he starts picking up habits to help him. He tucks his thumb into his fist when he’s hurt but leaves it on the outside if he’s angry. If he isn’t sure, he just has to look down at his hands to figure it out.
Kevin has a vague grasp of the rules of chess at best and has never won a game in his life
On the subject of chess, Nicky buys Kevin the drinking game version of chess (the one where all the pieces are shot glasses) for his birthday
One day, Andrew discovers a new fear: walking past a group of teens and having them all coincidentally laugh just as he goes past
Neil’s really good at reading expressions and eventually he has to do an hour long presentation for Matt about the different types of side glances the girls do bc Matt doesn’t understand how they’re doing that and he wants in on their secrets
Nicky and Allison are mean together. They don’t often get along, but the odd days they do, someone is going to regret their life choices
Speaking of the two of them being mean, clearly trying to explain to Neil that he can’t dress like he’s homeless didn’t work and neither did trying to use Andrew as leverage so they just try to bully him into doing better. It doesn’t work because Neil doesn’t give a shit what anyone says about him if it’s not about Exy
Kevin models for a promotional Exites event, but the pictures are like, super cringey for the foxes because they know him and ew. Upon finding out that even Kevin hates them, Dan and Allison (and Renee who will vehemently deny she was a part of it) bully their way into getting one of the ten foot posters and stick it to the outside of fox tower where it stays for two months
When the freshman first start, the foxes set up a challenge. Andrew and Aaron dress identically and every freshman has to guess which twin is which. Those who get it wrong have to do a forfeit decided by the twins. Punishments range from buying Andrew enough cigarettes and ice cream for a month to having to run through the library naked at a peak time
Aaron is king of sitting in weird positions. He’ll be studying at his desk crouched like a little gremlin or watching tv with his legs in a W shape. Sitting in positions like that has made him oddly flexible, and Katelyn is the only person in the entire world who will ever know that Aaron can easily do the splits
Renee is excellent at being patronising. She’d never argue with someone directly, that’s not her thing, but if you get on her bad side, be prepared to be patronised for weeks. That little false smile and “sure, sweetie” is enough to drive anyone mental
((I have more, but they’re going in a separate, sad hc post bc I want to keep this one lighthearted))
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jemej3m · 4 years
Alice in wonderland fix but I really don’t know what character Andrew would be. Like the twins seem so obvious but I think the Cheshire Cat would be better bc of the smile and also how extremely unhelpful he is? Or maybe the mad hatter idk. Riko’s definitely the queen of hearts, and Kevin’s the white queen. I just think the concept of Neil running from his parents and falling down a rabbit hole is neat.
(i didnt bother with the anthropomorphic shite because effort)
Neil flattened his palms on the hem of his sky-blue skirt, wondering how the hell he was going to get out of this place. He’d followed a harrowed-looking man with three red hearts tattooed and a pocket-watch clutched in his hand into a rabbit hole, and now he was standing in a field of talking flowers after growing to the size of his father’s manor and back down to an eighth of an inch. 
His father would be furious. He’d vanished from a very important gathering, of which Nathan Wesninski’s son was expected to attend. Then again, his mother would be relieved he’d found an escape, even if it meant she paid the price for his absence. 
Neil was terrified of his father, but he didn’t want his mum to bear the weight of his actions in his stead. So he had to find a way back. 
“Why,” said a voice. “Are you lost, young one?”
Neil looked up. Perched on a large mushroom was a woman, not too much older than himself. She had a head of golden ringlets and a superior-esque smile: between her fingers she held a pipe, smoke drifting and curling in an absent breeze. 
“Who are you?” Neil demanded. He was sure she hadn’t been there a moment ago.
She shrugged. “People call me Allison. You can, if you like. Would you like a puff?”
Neil, who missed his mother already, reluctantly nodded and clambered up the mushroom to sit beside her. 
“A lovely day for a stroll,” she said, slotting her pipe between his fingers. 
Neil took a drag. “What is this place? How did I get here?”
“How would I know?” Allison retorted. “I’m just a girl sitting on a mushroom, smoking. Breathe out, won’t you?”
He did: she curled her finger and he watched in awe as the smoke warped and rippled, forming shapes in the air. The young woman frowned, squinting. 
“Change is imminent, boy. You’d best be off.” 
“How did you -” 
“Goodbye, Neil,” she said, taking back the pipe and disappearing behind a cloud of smoke. He blinked. How had she known his name?
He slipped off the mushroom and lost a black slipper on the way. He walked around the dirt pathway’s bend and found a large, gnarled tree, the path splitting around it and veering off into two directions. Both were shrouded in darkness. 
Neil huffed. Refusing to overthink it, he veered towards the left. 
A new voice stopped him. “I wouldn’t go that way, if I were you.” 
“Well, you’re not me,” he said, petulant. The voice had come from above him: looking up, he spotted a short man, perched on the old tree’s thinnest branch. Another blonde, another strange place, another cryptic message. Neil was beginning to understand this place: it sucked. 
The man hummed, eyebrow arched. “Not many have been stupid enough to ignore me. What did you say your name was?”
“Neil,” Neil snapped. “And I want to go home.” 
“Really?” He fell backwards off the branch and swung, holding on with his knees to look at Neil whilst upside-down. “Why are you here, then, if you’re so keen on where you once were?”
“I just followed the man with the watch,” Neil argued. “I wasn’t looking to get stuck here. Wherever here is. Which is where, exactly?”
“Everywhere,” the man said, voice flat and ineffectual. “Nowhere. You’ll never find answers with questions like those.” 
“Fuck you,” Neil said with false cheer, walking around the man and continuing on the path he’d been told not to take. Spite was a powerful motivator, after all. 
“Neil,” said the man. “Say hello to Betsy for me, won’t you?” 
Neil flipped him off: the blond barked out a single laugh, which echoed in the darkness. 
Neil wasn’t afraid. There were worse things than the dark. His own skin was proof of that. 
Wherever he was going, he hoped to never encounter blonde men lazing on tree branches again. This day was already strange enough: he didn’t need a headache on top of that. 
A house appeared on the edge of the darkness, the dilapidated cottage on a cliff overlooking a large forest. In the distance was a looming castle, shrouded by a melancholic cloud that occasionally sparked and rumbled. A gust of wind sent shivers down Neil’s spine and he curled his arms around his stomach, wishing for a cardigan. 
Behind the cottage was a long table, set for tea. Despite the dozen spots, only three individuals were present, each one as perplexing as the next. 
The first was a tall man, bronzed, hair curling around his ears. He was practically hopping up and down in his chair, talking a million miles a minute. 
The second was a tiny man, sleeping inside of a teapot on the table. With dismay, Neil realised he looked exactly like the blond man who he’d encountered in the dark woods. How had he already arrived, when Neil had just spoken to him?
The third was a woman, oddly calm and composed. She was plump with greying brown hair and smile-wrinkles around her eyes. When the bronzed man poured the teeny blond into his cup of tea, she plucked him out and sat him in a teacup full of sugar cubes. 
“Who are you?” said the tall man, finally acknowledging Neil’s presence. “Are you here for tea? Betsy! We have another guest!” 
“Quite,” the woman said, smiling. Neil didn't trust that smile one bit.
“So you’re Betsy,” he said. 
“Ah,” she nodded. “Come across Andrew, did you?”
“He said to say hello,” Neil curled his fists in the hem of his dress, ignoring the tall man’s lavish stares. 
Betsy’s laughter tinkled like bells in the wind. She readjusted her hat. “Sit Neil. We were just about to serve tea.” 
“Next time, don’t serve me,” the tiny blonde grouched, crossing his arms. He wasn’t Andrew, Neil decided. It was rather plain to see, now that Neil had heard him speak.
“That’s Aaron,” Betsy said. “Andrew’s twin. This is Nicky, their cousin. I am Betsy, though you already knew that. Sugar?” She picked up the cup that Aaron was still in, ignoring his squawk. 
“No, thank you,” Neil said, remembering how his father would pinch his side if he forgot his manners. “It’s an odd time for tea, isn’t it?”
“We are always having tea,” Nicky said, voice saddened. “We are doomed to a constant tea party, where no one ever shows. But it is what it is!” He and Betsy clinked their teacups together and took a sip. “How about you, Neil? What did you do to the King?”
“I’ve done nothing to the King,” Neil said, affronted. “I don’t even know who he is!” 
“But you will,” Aaron said, clambering out of the teacup. “Not knowing him is a grievous offence. Everyone must know and adore the King.” 
“But I’m not from here,” Neil said, miserable.
Without the constraints of a teacup or teapot, Aaron grew to a normal (albeit still short) size, identical to that of his brother. He immediately yawned and ignored the broken crockery and spilled milk, curling up for a nap. 
“Don’t mind him,” Nicky said. “It’s better that he sleeps. He is brilliantly angry when awake.” 
“None of this makes any sense,” Neil insisted. “I just want to go home. Where can I find the man with the pocketwatch? He was the one I followed.”
“Three hearts on his cheek?” Betsy inquired. Neil nodded. She looked over her shoulder at the large castle. “You’ll find him in the castle. He is cursed to never be quite on time: you should be able to catch up with him, if you hurry.” 
Neil looked at the castle’s horrid silhouette. “You’re mad.”
“Yes,” Betsy agreed. “But aren’t we all?”
“I’m not going there. I don’t want to die.” 
“Craziness or death,” Nicky said, sullen. “You can’t escape your fate, and there's only two options.”
“You should visit the Queen before you go to the castle,” Betsy advised. “He may be able to help.”
Nicky was right: Neil was still alive here, so he had to be going insane. “He?” 
“Indeed,” Nicky said. “Why, is there something wrong with that?”
Neil just blinked. There was something wrong with everything here. He hadn’t once encountered something that behaved in a way Neil could predict. “No. Let’s go visit the Queen.” 
in a hypothetical pt. 2, we’ll meet the others!
(renee as an enslaved human form of the Jabberwocky??? anyone????)
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billyhargrovesbabe · 5 years
you should see me in a crown | teaser
Here’s a little teaser to a series I’m thinking about writing. It’d start with Billy’s entrance in season 2, and follow his adjustment to Hawkins as he tries to take over the social scene. It seems like it’ll be easy until something throws him for a loop: you. Your murky dating history and the rumors that surround you intrigue our soon-to-be King of Hawkins. Read on to let me know what you think, and let me know if you want to be tagged!
Also, no one can convince me Billie Eilish’s song you should see me in a crown wouldn’t have been Billy’s anthem when it came to Hawkins High so that’s the name inspiration here.
Words: 924 (remember, it’s just a little teaser)
Warnings: Cursing. Lots of cursing (but it’s Billy, so does that shock anyone?).
intro | pt. 1
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Billy was no stranger to being the new kid. Between his mom and Neil’s divorce, Susan and her brat joining their “happy little family”, and his “behavioral issues”, the blond had been to more than his fair share of new schools. Throughout his time jumping from one school to another, he learned a few things: always maintain the badass vibe, never get too attached to anyone, figure out who ran the place quick, and dethrone them. Hawkins was just a drabby, pathetic excuse of a high school in the middle of bum-fuck-nowhere. He’d taken over bigger— and far fucking nicer—schools than this in weeks. The California blond took one look at the school and knew it’d only be a matter of time before he had the student body of this shithole just begging to bow down. Billy figured he’d barely have to do any work, that he’d have the information down before the end of the first week.
He was right. He had it in three days.
The funny thing about people growing up together, staying best friends with the same kids since pre-school, and all that other sentimental bullshit is that it makes them pretty easy to read. And if there’s one thing Billy Fucking Hargrove could do, it was read people. It was like reading through a kid’s book: the cliques and groups were so clear, it made California high schools look complicated (and those were some bitchy kids who didn’t even pretend to give a fuck about anyone outside of their little circles). Billy had his first target’s name before lunch on day one was over. Steve Harrington: the King of Hawkins High. By the end of the day, he managed to get all the gossip out of these two chicks who were just drooling over him in study hall. He sent them one smirk, and they were practically sitting in his lap by the end of the period. He knew Harrington’s basketball stats, his girlfriend, hell he probably could’ve even gotten the kid’s address. It was almost laughable how easy it was.
His second target was harder to suss out.
Every king has a queen, and Billy knew the social picture wouldn’t be complete until he figured out who the queen bee of this joint was. He assumed it would just be Harrington’s girl, but it quickly became clear that was very wrong. Whatever social status she must’ve had to snag Harrington seemed to have gone out the window the year before Billy got there (some shit about a missing kid, a crazy mom, and a stalker with a camera). It took him the first half of day two to figure out she wasn’t his second target. It took him until the end of the day before he’d heard another girl’s name enough to realize who the queen was.
(Y/N) (Y/L/N).
He’d heard it in a couple of rumors being thrown around, had seen it in a few articles in the pathetic excuse for the school newspaper, and had even heard it in a class or two of his. It didn’t really catch his attention until he heard some guys in the locker room going on and on about this chick after gym. He tuned into the conversation only halfway through, his ears picking up the name that had been thrown around so much that day.
“Sure, Stacy’s hot, but did you see (Y/N)’s ass in those shorts? Fuck man. That’s where it’s at.”
That was when it clicked. Nancy Whatsherface might’ve been dating the current king, but she was just the spoilt little princess of Hawkins High. You, however, were the fucking queen. It was sorta weird for some chick whose only relationship to the king was her friendship with his girlfriend, but Billy didn’t waste any time thinking too much on it. Hell, if anything it just added at least a little intrigue to this boring fucking town. Something he was more than happy to discover.
Billy spent all of day three gathering as much information about you as possible. And he learned a lot. You were the captain for the Hawkins High cheer squad (which meant you were fucking fit). You were “close” friends with all the girls on the squad, closer still to Harrington’s chick, but didn’t really have any one best friend. You were apparently “nice,” and “super sweet,” and “bubbly” and some shit like that. Every time Billy heard about how smart or decent you were, he was thrown a little more. Girls didn’t usually become the top of the food chain by being “nice,” but he chalked it up to just being some weird result of being stuck in fucking Hawkins, Indiana. All of that was easy to overlook when he heard what he was really looking for: you were (supposedly) a freak in the sheets.
Not that anybody really knew for sure. Apparently, you refused to date anybody since your first boyfriend. Which was fine by him, since Billy didn’t want anyone’s sloppy seconds. All anyone knew were the whispered rumors, started by your ex and maintained by your cheer squad as they hissed back and forth about your “adventures” last summer. Honestly, Billy didn’t give a fuck about how easy you were to get in the back of his Camaro. There were plenty of girls to keep him occupied in the meantime. He just knew he wanted you there by the time the school year was up.
After all, what better way to unseat a king than by fucking the queen?
//tag list:
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zed-air · 5 years
CKUA - The Midway: 2019
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The Midway was a special program which typically aired from 9:00am-12:00pm (or sometimes 10:00am-2:00) on CKUA from 2016-2019 during statutory holidays.
Click “keep reading” below for my 2019 Midway playlists.
Explore my playlist history for other dates and programs.
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2019-02-18 - 10:00-14:00 - The Midway
The Midway returns: February 18, 2019. The theme: escaping the winter with a radio road trip. Dandy dancers, groovy goodies, and seldom-seen souls await.
^^ listener recommendation ++ selected from CKUA’s “house blend” playlist ~~ today’s featured album: Various Artists: Ethiopian Urban Modern Music Vol 1 - Soul & Groove
Monday Morning • Pulp • Different Class • Mon 10:02AM
Backsliders • King of Foxes • Salt & Honey • Mon 10:06AM
In The Heat Of The Moment! • Noel Gallagher • Chasing Yesterday • Mon 10:09AM
Oh, The Wind Will Blow • Doug Hoyer • Walks With The Tender & Growing Night • Mon 10:14AM
Glory Hallelujah • Give ‘Em Hell Boys • Barn Burner • Mon 10:17AM
Tao Distante • Rei Rei Rei • Rei Rei Rei • Mon 10:24AM
Pluto’s Lament • The Olympians • The Olympians • Mon 10:31AM
What’d I Say (Pt. 1&2) • Ray Charles • Atlantic Gold: 100 Soul Classics • Mon 10:36AM
Sunny Afternoon • Tom Jones & Space • Reload • Mon 10:42AM
Tired Of Waiting For You • The Kinks • Kinda Kinks • Mon 10:47AM
Stayin’ Alive • The Bee Gees • Saturday Night Fever • Mon 10:49AM
The Man Who Sold the World • Lulu • B-Sides • Mon 10:57AM
Lipstick on Your Collar • Conny Froboess • German Rock & Roll • Mon 11:01AM
Yegenet Muziqa • Getatchew Mekurya • Ethiopian Urban Modern Music - Vol 1 • Mon 11:06AM ~~
Where Do You Belong? • Digits • Where Do You Belong? • Mon 11:09AM
Brazilian Flower • Jean-Jacques Perrey • World Bouquet • Mon 11:13AM
Backseat Heroine • Emma-Lee • Backseat Heroine • Mon 11:16AM
Breaking Down • Florence & The Machine • Ceremonials • Mon 11:20AM
Freeze, Melt, Boil • Quantum Tangle • Shelter as we go… • Mon 11:25AM ++
Tobacco Road • Mercury Rev • Bobbie Gentry’s The Delta… • Mon 11:31AM ++
Two Winters Long • Irma Thomas • We Sing The Blues • Mon 11:35AM
Static Resistance • Hookworms • Microshift • Mon 11:38AM ^^
The Ipcress File • Laika & The Cosmonauts • The Amazing Colossal Band • Mon 11:41AM
This Blue World • Elbow • The Take Off And Landing Of Everything • Mon 11:46AM
Driver’s Seat • Sniff ‘n’ the Tears • Driver’s Seat • Mon 11:53AM
Cold • Tanya Tagaq • Retribution • Mon 11:59AM
Cold Water • Matthew Good • Chaotic Neutral • Mon 12:06PM
4AM • Our Lady Peace • Clumsy • Mon 12:12PM
Muziqawi Silt • Wallias Band • Ethiopian Urban Modern Music - Vol 1 • Mon 12:17PM ~~
Flowers Become Screens • Delerium • Voice: An Acoustic Collection • Mon 12:21PM
Yes, I’m Your Angel • Yoko Ono • This Is 40 • Mon 12:27PM
As Tears Go By • Andrew Loog Oldham Orch • The Rolling Stones Songbook • Mon 12:32PM
Hasabe • Ayalew Mesfin • Ethiopian Urban Modern Music - Vol 1 • Mon 12:35PM ~~
Sunshine On My Back • The National & Sharon Van Etten • ______ • Mon 12:38PM
Galipoli • Beirut • ______ • Mon 12:48PM
Bury Me Deep • Kim Lenz • ______ • Mon 12:50PM
Satin Devil • The Dirty Dirty Devils • The DDD EP • Mon 12:52PM
Warm and Sunny Days • The Dears • No Cities Left • Mon 12:54PM
Runnin’ Down A Dream • Tom Petty • Greatest Hits • Mon 01:00PM ^^
Up The Wooden Hills To Bedforshire • The Small Faces • Absolutely The Best • Mon 01:06PM ^^
And She Was • Talking Heads • Little Creatures • Mon 01:08PM ^^
Blue Hawaii • The 427’s • Surf Noir (EP) • Mon 01:12PM ^^
Afternoon Delight • Will Ferrell & The Channel 4 News • Anchorman • Mon 01:16PM ^^
Drive • Lera Lynn • Resistor • Mon 01:20PM ^^
Que je suis • Thomas Dutronc • Eternels jusqu'a demain • Mon 01:23PM ^^
Poetry In Motion • Johnny Tillotson • Greatest Hits • Mon 01:29PM ^^
Hold the Line • Osyron • Hold the Line • Mon 01:33PM
Aynotchesh yerefu • Samuel Belay • Ethiopian Urban Modern Music - Vol 1 • Mon 01:40PM ~~
Michelle • Chet Atkins • Chet Picks on the Beatles • Mon 01:45PM
Suck It and See • Arctic Monkeys • Suck It and See • Mon 01:46PM
The Letter • The Arbors • Rock Archive • Mon 01:50PM
I’ll Be Seeing You • Francoise Hardy & Iggy Pop • Triple Best • Mon 01:53PM
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2019-04-19 - 09:00-12:00 - The Midway
The Midway returns for its annual one and only Friday show of the year, April 19, 2019. The theme: funeral songs. For some, a sombre or pithy reflection. For others, a sentimental soundtrack - or even a jolly celebration. Some of these songs have become legends unto themselves, while others have birthed new traditions. Enjoy a wickedly woke wake as we explore some famous funeral tunes, and invite listeners to get in touch with their own bury melodies.
^^ listener recommendation
Friday on My Mind • The Easybeats • Rock Hits • Fri 09:00am
Morning Has Broken • Cat Stevens • Best of • Fri 09:03am
Life on Mars? • David Bowie • Hunky Dory • Fri 09:08am
Nunca Es Sufciente • Natalia Lafourcade • Hasta La Raiz • Fri 09:12am
Anne of 1000 Days • John Moore • Knickerbocker Glory • Fri 09:21am
Johnny Remember Me • John Layton • Joe Meek Anthology • Fri 09:24am
Don’t Think Twice (It’s Alright) • Heinz & the Wild Boys • Joe Meek Anthology • Fri 09:26am
Telstar • The Tornados • Joe Meek Anthology • Fri 09:28am
Señor Burns • Tito Puente and his Latin Jazz Ensemble • Go Simpsonic With the Simpsons • Fri 09:33am
Don’t Look Back in Anger • Oasis • (What’s the Story) Morning Glory • Fri 09:39am
Changing Times • Iwan Rheon • Iwan Rheon • Fri 09:42am
Instant Crush • Daft Punk • Random Access Memories • Fri 09:45am
Strange Brew • Cream • Disraeli Gears • Fri 09:51am
Layla • Le Onde Bleu • Italian Rock & Roll Hits • Fri 09:56am
He’ll Have To Go • Jim Reeves • Greatest Hits • Fri 10:00am ^^
We’ll Meet Again • Johnny Cash • American IV • Fri 10:05am
When I Go Away • Levon Helm • Electric Dirt • Fri 10:08am ^^
Play Hank Williams At My Funeral • The Give ‘Em Hell Boys • Barn Burner • Fri 10:14am ^^
When the Deal Goes Down • Bob Dylan • Modern Times • Fri 10:17am
To Catch a Shad • The Modern Folk Quartet • Quartet • Fri 10:24am
Stairway To Heaven • Neil Sedaka • Greatest Hits • Fri 10:27am
Don’t Dream It’s Over • Sixpence None the Richer • ______ • Fri 10:31am
The Winner Takes It All • ABBA • Gold • Fri 10:39am
Luckenback, Texas • Waylon & Willie • Biggest Hits • Fri 10:42am ^^
Quarter on the Ground • Matt Andersen • Halfway Home By Morning • Fri 10:46am
Leave Your Body Behind You (live) • Richard Hawley • Live at the Devil’s Arse • 10:55am ^^
My Way • Frank Sinatra • My Way • Fri 11:00am
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life • Monty Python • Sings • Fri 11:06am ^^
Monster Mash • Bobby “Boris” Pickett • Cool Goul • Fri 11:12am ^^
Bear Cat • Rufus Thomas • Mojo Rock Rock • Fri 11:14am ^^
Your Long Journey • Robert Plant & Allison Krauss • Raising Sand • Fri 11:18am ^^
Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien • Edith Piaf • Anthologie • Fri 11:22am ^^
Leaving the Table • Leonard Cohen • You Want It Darker • Fri 11:25am ^^
Last Kiss • Coeur de Pirate • Trauma • Fri 11:31am ^^
Heart of Gold (live) • Colleen Brown & Amy Van Keeken • Live at CKUA • Fri 11:38am ^^
Motion Picture Soundtrack • Radiohead • Kid A • Fri 11:43am
Without You • Badfinger • Greatest Hits • Fri 11:44am
Don’t Worry, Be Happy • Bobby McFerrin • Best of • Fri 11:50am ^^
Lay Me Low • Nick Cave • Let Love In • Fri 11:55am
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2019-05-20 - 09:00-12:00 - The Midway
Today’s theme: we’re diving under the covers once again - featuring some of our favourite cover versions throughout this three-hour program. We’re also featuring several tracks from the upcoming new album Further from Richard Hawley. As always, listeners are invited to get in touch with their favourite cover versions of songs, many of which we’ll feature in the final hour of the show. There’s also an abundance of leftover listener recommendations from the last Midway, so I’ll be peppering this program with some of the more relevant pieces. 
^^ listener recommendation ++ selected from CKUA’s “house blend” playlist ~~ today’s featured album: Richard Hawley: Further
My Little Treasures • Richard Hawley • FURTHER • 11:56am ~~
Tweeter And The Monkey Man • The Headstones • PICTURE OF HEALTH • 11:52am ^^
It Don’t Mean A Thing (If It Ain’t Got That Swing) • Joe Jackson • THE DUKE • 11:47am ^^
I’ve Been Working On The Railroad • Buckwheat Zydeco • CHOO CHOO BOOGALOO • 11:43am ^^
Wild Horses • The Flying Burrito Brothers • HOT BURRITOS! • 11:37am ^^
Darling Be Home Soon • Tedeschi Trucks Band • EVERYBODY’S TALKIN’ • 11:30am ^^
Ornament 3 • Vanessa Wagner • INLAND • 11:26am
Slow Show • Coeur De Pirate • TRAUMA • 11:21am ^^
Say You Don’t Mind • Colin Blunstone • SAY YOU DON’T MIND • 11:17am ^^
Save the Last Dance For Me • The Shanes • ANTHOLOGY • 11:16am
Oh Well • Billy Gibbons • JUST TELL ME THAT YOU WANT ME • 11:10am ^^
Hang On To Your Ego • Frank Black • MAMA TOLD ME NOT TO COME • 11:06am ^^
Fille ou Garcon • Stone • FRENCH ROCK HITS • 11:05am ^^
Oh! Darling • Robin Gibb • SGT. PEPPERS LONELY HEARTS CLUB • 10:58am ^^
Alone • Richard Hawley • FURTHER • 10:55am ~~
Maps • Yeah Yeah Yeahs • FEVER TO TELL • 10:50am
Over The Rainbow & What A Wonderful World • Israel Kamakawiwo'ole • FINDING FORRESTER • 10:43am ^^
Ashes to Ashes • Lassigue Bendthaus • POP ARTIFICIALE • 10:39am
Get Back • Laibach • LET IT BE • 10:34am
Let It Be • The Beatles • LET IT BE • 10:28am
Michelle • Chet Atkins • PICKS ON THE BEATLES • 10:24am
The Best Is Yet To Come • Frank Sinatra & Count Basie • SINATRA & BASIE • 10:21am
Blue Jean Bop • Gene Vincent & the Blue Caps • MORE KINGS OF ROCKABILLY • 10:17am
Hey Hey, My My • Ume • TOO BIG WORLD EP • 10:14am
Cuidado • Grupo Fantasma • AMERICAN MUSIC: VOL VII • 10:07am ++
Angel • Lucette • DELUXE HOTEL ROOM • 10:05am ++
Changing Times • Iwan Rheon • IWAN RHEON • 10:00am
You Showed Me • The Turtles • GREATEST HITS • 9:56am ^^
Turn Off the Moon • The Primitives • ECHOES AND RHYMES • 9:51am
Heart of Stone • The Rolling Stones • GRRR! • 9:46am
Heart of Stone • Ashes and Dreams • HEART OF STONE • 9:41am
Journey • Sarah Nixey • NIGHT WALKS • 9:37am
Off My Mind • Richard Hawley • FURTHER • 9:35am ~~
Backsliders • King Of Foxes • SALT & HONEY • 9:31am
Chain Gang • King Curtis • Chain Gang • 9:26am
Doris Day • Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps • SOMETHING FOR EVERYBODY • 9:23am
All Along The Watchtower • Jimi Hendrix • ELECTRIC LADYLAND • 9:19am
Rock This Town • Brian Setzer Orchestra • THE DIRTY BOOGIE • 9:13am
I Call Your Name • The Buckinghams • GREATEST HITS • 9:11am
Bye Bye Blackbird • Ringo Starr • SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY • 9:06am
Monday Morning • Pulp • DIFFERENT CLASS • 9:00am
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2019-07-01 - 09:00-12:00 - The Midway
Today’s theme: live music season is here, and we’re featuring celebrated live recordings on the program. Heck, as soon as I finish Monday’s show, I’m hitting the road to Edson to play a concert myself! As always, listeners are invited to get in touch with their favourite live concert memories and live albums, many of which we’ll feature in the final hour of the show. Let us know what you’re most looking forward to seeing and hearing this festival season, and what CKUA listeners simply mustn’t miss!
^^ listener recommendation ~~ today’s unexpected theme: odd Kraftwerk coincidences for historical events from July 1st.
Tour de France (live) • Kraftwerk • MINIMUM MAXIMUM • 11:55am ~~
Famba • Mbira Renaissance Band • FAMBA • 11:49am
EGBG (single edit) • Boreal Kinship • EGBG • 11:44am
High Hopes (live)  • Pink Floyd • PULSE • 11:35am
Hallelujah • Leonard Cohen • LIVE IN DUBLIN • 11:27am ^^
Changes • Phil Ochs • IN CONCERT • 11:21am ^^
I’ll Get You (live) • The Beatles • ANTHOLOGY • 11:17am
The Hour • Valerie June • PUSHIN’ AGAINST A STONE • 11:13am ^^
Impossible Germany (live, 2012) • Wilco • ASHES OF THE AMERICAN FLAG • 11:04am
Not the News • Thom Yorke • ANIMA • 10:59am
Dream • Rebekah Higgs • SHA LA LA • 10:55am
Vitamin C • Nicole Atkins • VITAMIN C • 10:51am
Kometenmelodie (live) • Kraftwerk • AUTOBAHN (LIVE) • 10:44am ~~
Tao Distante • Rei Rei Rei • TAO DISTANTE • 10:37am
Dirty Eyes • Sweet Vintage Rides • ROAD TRIP • 10:30am
Love Shack • The B-52’s • GREATEST HITS • 10:23am
Breathing Underwater • Metric • SYNTHETICA • 10:19am
Keep the Customer Satisfied • Simon & Garfunkel • OLD FRIENDS • 10:14am
Northern Lights (live, 2012) • Doug Hoyer • REC-YEG PROJECT - CONCERT SESSIONS • 10:10am
Honky Tonk Women • The Rolling Stones • GET YER YA-YA’S OUT! • 10:05am ^^
Last Year’s Prom Dress • The Bolt Actions • TBA EP • 9:59am
I Shall Be Released • The Band • MUSIC FROM BIG PINK • 9:54am
S.O.S. • ABBA • GOLD • 9:50am
Hound Dog • Elvis Presley • GREATEST HITS • 9:45am
Hanging On The Telephone • Blondie • ATOMIC BLONDIE • 9:40am
The Telephone Call • Kraftwerk • TECHNO POP • 9:33am ~~
Crash Years • The New Pornographers • TOGETHER • 9:25am
Hippy Hippy Shake • Chan Romero • AMERICAN ROOTS OF THE UK INVASION • 9:23am
Everybody Needs Somebody To Love • The Blues Brothers Band • BLUES BROS • 9:19am
Wang Dang Doodle • Willie Dixon • WANG DANG DOODLE • 9:15am
Maggie’s Farm (live, 1965) • Bob Dylan • NO DIRECTION HOME • 9:11am
Polka Dot Undies • Bowser and Blue • DR. DEMENTO 30TH • 9:04am
Monday Morning • Pulp • DIFFERENT CLASS • 8:59am
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2019-08-05- 09:00-12:00 - The Midway
Today’s theme: celebrating the life and legacy of music documentarian D.A. Pennebaker, who died last week. He was the man behind two iconic Bob Dylan films in 1965-1967, as well as The Monterey Pop Festival, Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars, and more. Get in touch with your favourite concert films; listener recommendations featured in hour 3.
^^ listener recommendation ~~ today’s theme: music related to the documentary films of D.A. Pennebaker, who died a few days ago.
Holiday (2012) • The Bolt Actions • THE BOLT ACTIONS • 11:56am
Let Down (Remastered) • Radiohead • OK COMPUTER • 11:51am ^^
Comfortably Numb • Pink Floyd • PULSE • 11:40am ^^
Peaches En Regalia • Zappa Plays Zappa • ZAPPA PLAYS ZAPPA • 11:37am
Carry On • Doug Hoyer • CHARACTER WITNESS • 11:30am
At The Hop • Sha Na Na • WOODSTOCK (SOUNDTRACK) • 11:25am ^^
30 Century Man • Scott Walker • SCOTT 3 • 11:23am ^^
I Will Follow • U2 • Greatest Hits • 11:19am ^^
Don’t Look Back In Anger • Oasis • DON’T LOOK BACK IN ANGER • 11:14am ^^
This Must Be The Place (live) • Talking Heads • STOP MAKING SENSE • 11:07am ^^
Rock ‘N’ Roll High School • Ramones • LOUD, FAST RAMONES • 11:05am ^^
Life is a Carnival • The Band • THE LAST WALTZ • 11:00am ^^
Tears Begin to Fall • The Persuasions • THE PERSUASIONS SING ZAPPA • 10:58am
When You Wore a Tulip • Bill and the Belles • DREAMSONGS, ETC • 10:55am
Ram Rod • Duane Eddy • COLLECTION • 10:49am
Boys Night Out • Patti Page • COLLECTION • 10:47am
Rock 'n’ Roll Suicide • Black Box Recorder • WORST OF BLACK BOX RECORDER • 10:44am ~~
Look Back in Anger • David BowIe • LIVE AT THE BBC • 10:38am ~~
The Man Who Sold The World • Nirvana • MTV UNPLUGGED IN NEW YORK • 10:33am ~~
Sabotage • Beastie Boys • ILL COMMUNICATION • 10:30am
Tomorrow Never Knows • The Beatles • REVOLVER • 10:25am
Wild Thing • Jimi Hendrix • LIVE AT WINTERLAND • 10:20am ~~
California Dreamin’ • The Mamas & The Papas • MONTEREY POP • 10:17am ~~
Shake • Otis Redding • OTIS BLUE • 10:14am ~~
My Generation (Stereo) • The Who • MY GENERATION • 10:11am ~~
Having a Wild Weekend • The Dave Clark 5 • GREATEST HITS • 10:07am
Over Under Sideways Down • The Yardbirds • ROCK: THE TRAIN KEPT A ROLLIN’ • 10:04am
Hang On Sloopy • The McCoys • CLASSIC ROCK: 1965 • 9:59am
Goodbye To You • Scandal • JUKEBOX MEMORIES • 9:54am
Emilina Says • Richard Hawley • FURTHER • 9:49am
Crying • Julian Lage • LOVE HURTS • 9:41am
Ballad of a Thin Man • Bob Dylan • HIGHWAY 61 REVISITED • 9:35am ~~
25 Minutes To Go • Johnny Cash • LIVE AT FOLSOM PRISON • 9:30am
Beat Surrender • The Jam • GREATEST HITS • 9:24am
You Spin Me Round • Dead Or Alive • ROCK ALMANAC • 9:19am
Shy Boy (Don’t It Make You Feel Good) • Bananarama • NEW WAVE HITS • 9:16am
Too Shy • Kajagoogoo • 80’S WAVE • 9:12am
Hush • Deep Purple • ROCK LINE 3 • 9:06am
Monday Morning • Pulp • DIFFERENT CLASS • 9:02am
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2019-09-02 - 09:00-12:00 - The Midway
Today’s theme: “bad ideas?” (please note the question mark). Some ideas begin with the best of intentions, but you know what they say about good intentions. Strange side-projects, dumbfounding duets, questionable concepts, clunky covers, and more - as well as some bona fide gems. Albums; songs; musicals; crossovers; you name it. Get in touch with your favourite wayward labours of love and potentially bad ideas; listener recommendations featured in hour 3.
^^ listener recommendation ~~ today’s theme: were these songs bad ideas?
Cliffs of Dover • Eric Johnson • GREATEST HITS • 11:56am
Satumaa • Frank Zappa & the Mothers • YOU CAN’T DO THAT ON STAGE ANYMORE • 11:53am ~~
Satumaa • Reijo Taipale • LEGENDAT • 11:48am
Bohemian Rhapsody • The London Symphony Orchestra • CLASSIC ROCK • 11:42am ~~
I Can’t Get Behind That • William Shatner & Henry Rollins • HAS BEEN • 11:39am ~~ ^^
Spinning Wheel • Engelbert Humperdinck & Gene Simmons • ENGELBERT CALLING • 11:33am ~~
I Walk the Line • Dolly Parton • THE GREAT PRETENDER • 11:27am ~~
Save the Last Dance For Me • Dolly Parton • THE GREAT PRETENDER • 11:23am ~~ ^^
Another Bad Idea • Bob Schneider • A PERFECT DAY • 11:18am ~~ ^^
Everybody Loves Somebody • Wayne Newton • EVERYBODY LOVES SOMEBODY • 11:16am ~~
We Wish You a Merry Xmas • Border Brass • TIJUANA XMAS • 11:11am ~~
I Want You (She’s So Heavy) • The Assembled Multitude • S/T • 11:08am ~~
Lucy In the Sky With Diamonds • William Shatner • THE TRANSFORMED MAN • 11:02am ~~
California Sun ‘65 • The Rivieras • THE RIVIERAS • 10:56am ~~
The Story of the Return of the Red Baron • The Royal Guardsmen • HAVE A MERRY SNOOPY CHRISTMAS • 10:52am ~~
Downtown • Mrs Miller • DR DEMENTO’S 30TH • 10:49am ~~
Devil In Disguise • Richard Hawley • LIVE AT THE DEVIL’S ARSE • 10:44am
Don’t Think Twice (It’s Alright) • Elvis Presley • OUR MEMORIES OF ELVIS VOL 2 • 10:40am ~~
Are You Satisfied? • Clint Eastwood • SINGS COWBOY FAVOURITES • 10:39am (Mystery Artist #3) ~~
Hellcat Smoke • The Dirty Dirty Devil’s • SATIN DEVIL DIARIES • 10:28am
Child In Time • Ian Gillan • CHILD IN TIME • 10:21am ~~
Under My Thumb • Streetheart • GREATEST HITS • 10:14am ~~
A Little Dab’ll Do Ya • Brylcreem • VINTAGE COMMERCIALS • 10:13am
Do You Remember These? • The Statler Brothers • ALL THOSE YEARS AGO • 10:11am
Coming Right Up • Bruce Willis • THE RETURN OF BRUNO • 10:08am (Mystery Artist #2) ~~
Gimmie Dat Ding • Pipkins • SUPER HITS OF THE 70S • 10:03am
Bear Cat • Rufus Thomas • MOJO (DECEMBER 2004) • 9:58am ~~
Blistered • That Pedal Show Band • OX EP • 9:53am
Love On A Farmboy’s Wages (2001 • XTC • LOVE ON A FARMBOY’S WAGES • 9:47am
Love Machine • The Miracles • MOTOWN GOLD • 9:42am
Here Comes the Night • The Beach Boys • DISCO SINGLE • 9:41am (Mystery Artist #1) ~~
Sunny Afternoon • The Kinks • ANTHOLOGY • 9:29am
Bonanza • Johnny Cash • RING OF FIRE • 9:26am
Love Potion No 9 • Nancy Sit • JAPANESE GIRL GROUPS • 9:25am ~~
Per vivere insieme (Happy Together) • Brenda Bis • ITALIAN 60S BEAT • 9:18am ~~
Witch Doctor • Warner Hass • LOST GERMAN POP HITS • 9:16am ~~
This Is The Place • Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds • THIS IS THE PLACE (SINGLE) • 9:09am
End Of A Centuary • Blur • THE BEST OF BLUR • 9:06am
Monday Morning • Pulp • DIFFERENT CLASS • 9:02am
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2019-10-14 - 09:00-12:00 - The Midway
Today we’re featuring fashion-forward favourites, along with a few thrifty threads and recycled rhythms along the way. And, of course, we’d be remiss to not include at least a few covers under the circumstances. Get in touch with your favourite stylish songs; listener recommendations featured in hour 3.
We’ll also be featuring an interview and music from Edmonton band The Dirty Dirty Devil’s, who will be making their theatrical live debut at Festival Place on October 30.
^^ listener recommendation ~~ today’s theme: songs relating to fashion and style to make you smile ++ featured album: The Vogues’ re-recorded Greatest Hits from the mid-1970s
Monday Morning • Pulp • DIFFERENT CLASS • 09:03
This Is The Place • Noel Gallagher’s High Flying Birds • THIS IS THE PLACE • 09:09
Blue Monday • New Order • 20 YEARS OF NEW ORDER • 09:13
She Blinded Me With Science (remix) • Thomas Dolby • ______ • 09:18
Sci-Fi • Cliff Richard • ROCK & ROLL JUVENLILE • 09:23
She Bop • Cyndi Lauper • SHE’S SO UNUSUAL • 09:30
It’s My Party • Dave Stewart & Barbara Gaskin • IT’S MY PARTY • 09:35
Atomic • Blondie • ATOMIC BLONDIE • 09:39
Happy Together • The Vogues • GREATEST HITS • 09:47 ++  ~~
You’re the One • The Vogues • GREATEST HITS • 09:50 ++  ~~
Holding On • The War On Drugs • A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING • 09:53
Who Stole the Keeshka? • Frankie Yankovic • SUPER POLKA • 10:00
Wild Horses • The Flying Burrito Brothers • 20TH CENTURY MASTERS • 10:04 ^^
Last Year’s Prom Dress (2012) • The Bolt Actions • THE BOLT ACTIONS EP • 10:09
Pink Pedal Pushers • Carl Perkins • RESTLESS • 10:18 ~~
Lippenstift Am Jacket • Conny Froboess • GERMAN ROCK & ROLL FAVOURITES • 10:21 ~~
Style • Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby, Dean Martin • SINATRA IN HOLLYWOOD • 10:23 ~~
Heroes / Helden • David Bowie • CHRISTIANE F. • 10:29
Hellcat Smoke • The Dirty Dirty Devil’s • THE SATIN DEVIL DIARIES • 10:36
Interview • The Dirty Dirty Devil’s • DIRTYDIRTYDEVILS.COM • 10:38
Ain’t No Stopping Love Now • The Dirty Dirty Devil’s • THE SATIN DEVIL DIARIES • 10:41
Interview • The Dirty Dirty Devil’s • DIRTYDIRTYDEVILS.COM • 10:48
Satin Devil • The Dirty Dirty Devil’s • THE SATIN DEVIL DIARIES • 10:51 ~~
My Chainsaw • Gurf Morlix • THE SOUL AND THE HEAL • 10:54
Red Right Hand • Nick Cave • LET LOVE IN • 11:01 ^^ ~~
You Can Leave Your Hat On • Joe Cocker • THE LIFE OF A MAN • 11:09 ^^ ~~
Long Cool Woman (In A Black Dress) • The Hollies • SOUNDS OF THE 70s • 11:13 ^^ ~~
Dedicated Follower Of Fashion • The Kinks • SINGLES • 11:18 ^^ ~~
Short Skirt/ Long Jacket • Cake • COMFORT EAGLE • 11:21 ^^ ~~
In These Shoes? • Kirsty MacColl • TROPICAL BRAINSTORM • 11:24 ^^ ~~
These Boots Are Made for Walkin’ • Nancy Sinatra • BOOTS • 11:29 ^^ ~~
Sharp Dressed Man • ZZ Top • ELIMINATOR • 11:33 ^^ ~~
Fashionable People • Joel Plaskett • ASHTRAY ROCK • 11:39 ^^ ~~
New Shoes • Paolo Nutini • THESE STREETS • 11:43 ^^ ~~
Groovin’ • The Vogues • GREATEST HITS • 11:48 ++ ~~
Five O'Clock World • The Vogues • GREATEST HITS • 11:50 ++  ~~
Nobody Does It Better • Carly Simon • CLOUDS IN MY COFFEE • 11:54
In Four Dimensions • Delerium • SPHERES II • 11:57
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2019-11-11 - 09:00-12:00 - The Midway
The final Midway of 2019 will be bisected at 10:00 by a special hour-long program in observation of Remembrance Day. We will bookend the special program with music, stories, and the spoken word. Get in touch with your favourite unsung heroes; listener recommendations featured in hour 3.
^^ listener recommendation ~~ today’s theme: spoken word pieces
Monday Morning • Pulp • DIFFERENT CLASS • 09:01
Common People • William Shatner (w/ Joe Jackson) • HAS BEEN • 09:05 ~~
It Kills • Afghan Whigs • DO THE BEAST • 09:13
Heart of Stone • Ashes and Dreams • HEART OF STONE • 09:15
High In The Satellite • Dustin Bentall • HIGH IN THE SATELLITE • 09:20
Vlamertinghe: Passing the Chateau • Edmund Blunden • WAR POEMS • 09:24 ~~
The Ballad of Hollis Brown • David Lynch • THE BIG DREAM • 09:29 ~~
Entanglement • Imogen Heap • SPARKS • 09:37
The Dug Out • Sigfried Sassoon • WAR POEMS • 09:41 ~~
Trouble • Coldplay • PARACHUTES • 09:41
On a Clear Day (You Can See Forever) • Matt Monro • BEST • 09:49
Hard Times • Olenka & the Autumn Lovers • HARD TIMES • 09:51
Memories • The Burning Hell & Katie Baggs • THE BARD OF MONTREAL • 09:55
>>> No Stone Left Alone Remembrance Day Special • 10:00-11:00
Silence • 11:00
The Rouse • T. Lee • CEREMONIALS • 11:02
In Flanders Fields • Leonard Cohen • LEGION • 11:02 ^^
In Flanders Fields • Farnham Youth Choir • BBC SONGS OF PRAISE • 11:03
Łyßqi (Whisky) • Van Der Zyl • EARLY WORKS • 11:07
Remembrance • Delerium • KARMA • 11:11
Watertrance • Tuatara & Coleman Barks • THE HERE AND THE GONE • 11:18 ^^ ~~
R. Kipling: If • Michael Caine • READS KIPLING • 11:24 ~~
If • Pink Floyd • ATOM HEART MOTHER • 11:26
Theme From Cyrano • William Shatner • THE TRANSFORMED MAN • 11:33 ~~
Mr. Tambourine Man • William Shatner • THE TRANSFORMED MAN • 11:37 ^^ ~~
The Band Played Waltzing Matilda • The Pogues • THE VERY BEST • 11:42 ^^
Dulce Et Decorum Est • Wilfred Owen • ECCLESTON READS OWEN • 11:50 ~~
Warrior • Steve Earle • THE REVOLUTION STARTS NOW • 11:52 ^^
Happens To The Heart • Leonard Cohen • THANKS FOR THE DANCE • 11:56 ^^
1 note · View note
Costa Blanca South Bowls Roundup has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2019/03/17/costa-blanca-south-bowls-roundup-4/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2019/03/17/costa-blanca-south-bowls-roundup-4/
Costa Blanca South Bowls Roundup
Horadada Bowls Club by Irene Graham On Monday in the Discovery Division the Falcons were at home to Vistabella Eagles and we really needed a far better result than what was achieved considering we were playing the team at the bottom of the division.  The teams were quite well matched throughout with one rink cancelling out another.  It was down to the last rink to finish to see which side got the overall shots.  Horadada were holding 5 shots with one bowl to come. Their skip came in with the best of bowls and stole them all from us.  We won on 2 rinks and lost on 3 with Vistabella obtaining the overall shots.  The final result was 91 shots for to 95 against giving us 4 points to 8 against.  Our winning rinks were: Wayne Jackson, Les Davies and Mick Kirby 27 – 19, Tracey Paffett, Ken barber and Roy Thomson 18 – 14 Well played to both of our winning rinks.  There are two matches left to play in the winter league, both at home.  We can still do this Falcons. There are only 4 points between us and the team above us in the table, so all to play for in these final games.  We have the knowledge, we have the skill, we have the man power and most of all we have that drive to succeed. On Friday in the Southern League the Royals were at home to San Luis Leopards.  What a beautiful sunny warm morning and it certainly shone on the Royals.  Most of the rinks were nip and tuck with the lead changing back and forth a few times.  Horadada just pulled ahead in the closing ends.  Friday’s result made it three in a row for the Royals.  Our winning rinks were: John Goddard, Mick Kirby and Bryan Eatough 20 – 13 Carol Linehan, Wayne Jackson and Sheila Westwood 33 – 13 Irene Graham, Alan Miller and Terry Hucknall 21 – 16 Dave Bracken, Jack Linehan and Barry Evans 22 – 10 We just missed a clean sweep by two shots. The final result was 116 shots for Horadada to 74 against giving us 10 points to 2 against. Very well played to all of our players.  Our last match is against the top of the table, but we are at home so let’s make it count Team Horadada. Horadada offers a warm welcome to new or experienced bowlers, and provides the necessary equipment.  Our roll-up days for this friendly club are Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday mornings.  Please contact Fred Trigwell on 659139129 for more information. La Siesta Bowls Club By Rod Edgerton Disappointing Monday for our 3 teams on Monday in matches against teams from San Luis. In the Enterprise Division Apollos lost by 103 shots to 64 with the single winning rink coming from Dawn Taylor, Dave Davies and Irene Managan by 19-13 In the Voyager Division Sputniks at San Luis lost by 95 shots to 85 against the Romulans with wins  from with wins from Wendy Ralph, Sheila Millward and Jim Eastwood 21-11 and Joe Kocsis with Noel and Catherine Morrisroe winning31-8. Pioneers at home to the Vulcans had a similar result losing by 71 shots to  64.Wins came from Jo Elkin, Derek Smith and Rab Logan 24-11 and Barbara Cooper, Irene Laverick and Sue Jordan 13-9. In the Winter League  La Siesta at home to Vistabella lost by 84 shots to 67 and despite several close rinks the single win came from Derek Smith, Tony Campbell with Florence and Mike Edwards. In the Fed 4’s the Parakeets were at home to Greenlands Ash and won by 51 shots to 35 picking up a 6 points to 2 victory.Winning rinks for the Parakeets came from Ann and Robert Heath with Pat Harman and Jean Cooper 22-7 and  Ros Stockell, Brian Gardiner,Brian Harman and John Ball 15 shots to 12.  In Division A Blues at home to Emerald Isle Claymores had a great 103 shots to 65 victory winning on all rinks. Best winners ere Ann & Robert Heath with John Ball 23-12 whilst Brian Gardener, Brian Harman with George Richardson won 18-8.This was closely followed by Dave Davies with Harold Charleton and Irene Mangan 19-10.So a 12-0 victory for the Blues. In Division B  Golds  away at Country Bowls Geckoslost by 116 shots to 64 winning on the rink of Barbara Cooper with Irene & Dave Laverick 20 shots to 7. In Division C  Silvers away to Emerald Isle Roundheads and managed a win on the rink of Hilary Clark with Rod Edgerton and skip Alan Ralph in a close match decided on the last end by 15 shots to 12. In a topsy game the rink of Wendy Ralph with Sheila Millward and Jim Eastwood drew 19 shots apiece, So 3 points to the Silvers. For information about joining visit our website at : The La Siesta Bowls Club - Google Sites Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club Sponsored by The Pub, Bowling Abroad, Avalon, Lounge D, Rogers, La Piazza and The Belfry.  Monte Mar Matadors v  Quesada Diamonds Away at Quesada the Matadors won on two rinks. Well done to the winning rinks of Keith Simpson, Pauline Merry skip Chris Merry, Gina Hindle, Danny King skip Alan Ashberry. Shots 70 – 87, Pts Matadors 4 – 8 Diamonds Monte Mar Toreadors v Quesada Rubies. The bowling by both teams reflected the lovely March weather as the bowling was excellent. It was a shame the Rubies were a rink short nevertheless all the rinks were very tight. On three rinks the winning team won by one shot while on the fourth rink the Rubies won by four shots. The match was a draw as the Toreadors won the shots. Shots 68 – 63, Pts Toreadors 6 – 6 Rubies. WINTER LEAGUE Monte Mar v Quesada At home to Quesada on a lovely March morning Monte Mar won on two rinks and only lost by one shot on another. Well done to the winning rinks of Jan Soars, Steve Hindle, Jan Gatward skip Mick Soars 14 – 13. Lynne Armitage, Jean Chamberlain, Jack Burrell skip Dave Melville 17 – 13. Shots 62 – 93, Pts Monte Mar 4 – 8 Quesada. Monte Mar Toreadors v San Miguel Boxers A beautiful sunny Morning saw the Toreadors away to San Miguel. After a tough mornings bowling the Toreadors managed to win on one rink. Well done to Sheila Roberts, Sue Bounds skip Phil Goble. Shots  68 – 118, Pts Toreadors 2 – 10 Boxers. Monte Mar Matadors v El Rancho Broncos At home to El Rancho Broncos it was a very good result for the Matadors winning on all rinks. Well done everyone. Shots  126 – 43, Pts Matadors 12 – 0 Broncos For further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website  www.montemarbowls.com or email us at [email protected]. We are also on Facebook San Luis Bowls Club Sheila Cammack Another up and down week; just hanging in there hopefully. SA League Monday 11th Klingons away v LS Apollos, good result; 10pts-2, 103shots-64. Winners: Colin Jackson, June & Keith Jones 22-17, Giuseppe Galelli, Ann Holland, Ray Pollock 21-11, Kath Reid, Pam Lockett, Ian Kenyon 17-14, Bob White, Sabrina & Russell Marks 30-3. Trekkers home v EI Titans, close on shots 79-81, 4pts-8. Winners: Ros Holmes, Jo & Jules Pering 20-10, Pat Bird, Judy Carroll, Graham Bird 20-10. Vulcans away v LS Pioneers, good result 8-4, shots 71-64. Winners: Audrey Ford, Ian Ross, Brenda Brown 22-13, Derek Barker, Sue Ross, Drew Russell 19-14, Dennis Jackson, Cas Blay, Ken Dullaway 10-0 (no opposing team) Romulans home v LS Sputniks, a good result 8pts-4, 95shots-85. Robert Hicks, Mary Fromson, Lyndon Johnson 23-9, Chris Phillips, Allan Lever, Ralph Jones 17-15, Dee Hoey, Pat Barnes, Tom Fromson 36-9. Wednesday 13th Winter League:  a good result home v Benitachell, 10pts-2, 99shots-70. Winners: Pam Lockett, June Jones, Peter McEneany, Keith Jones 24-16, Kath Reid, Giuseppe Galelli, Neil Morrison, Ian Kenyon 17-14, Jan Pocock, Drew Russell, Sabrina & Russ Marks 31-12, Ann Holland, Ray Pollock, Jo & Jules Pering 13-10. Our Berleen team: Ros Holmes, Barry Edwards, Dave Blackie, Brian Pocock had a great win; 21-13. FED 4’s League: Thursday 14th Ospreys away v SM Mohawkes, a great result 8pts-0, 56shots-32. Winners: Ray & Margaret Clarke, Dave Blackie, Scott Malden 18-13, Pam Lockett, June Jones, Peter McEneany, Keith Jones 21-9, William Holtham, Janet McEneany, Ann Holland, Ian Kenyon 17-10. Condors: BYE Southern League: Friday 15th Lions home v EI Cavaliers, shots 79-91, 6pts-6. Winners: Colin Jackson, June Jones, Keith Jones 19-17, Kath Reid, Pam Lockett, Ian Kenyon 18-14, William Holtham, Peter McEneany, Ray Clarke 18-14. Tigers, a tough match away v LM Ospreys, 71shots-90, 2pts-10. Winners: Margaret Roseveare, Bill Webb, Barry Edwards 17-11. Leopards away v HO Royals, a tough game: 2pts-10, 74shots-116. Winners: Ray Watmough, Dave Tilley, Drew Russell 22-20. Pumas: BYE. We are a competitive but friendly club; you're welcome to join in "Vic's hamper" on Saturday & some Tuesday mornings. For more information & calendar, check SLBC website at: www.sanluisbowls.byethost7.com We welcome new & experienced bowlers, come along & see us, or for more help contact June Jones, Club Captain: 691903773. San Miguel Bowls Club - Barry Jones San Miguel Pointers were away to Greenlands Chestnuts, winning 10 - 2 (119 shots to 71), best winning triple Ann Allen, Dave Young and Stuart Hemmings 27 - 9. San Miguel Alsatians were home to Vistabella Drivers winning 11 - 1 (92 shots to 71), best winning triples were Tony Sansom, Linda Plaisted and Cliff Plaisted 20 - 12, and Ken Hope, Paul Hayward and Mike Douglas 18 - 10. San Miguel Dalmatians were home to Mazzaron Mariners winning 8 - 4 (97 shots to 82), best winning triple Stan North, Bob Graham and Bob Donnelly 24 - 10. San Miguel Beagles were away to Vistabella Albatrosses winning 10 - 2 (103 shots to 70), best winning triple Noel Davis, Carol Broomfield and Steve Cantley 33 - 7. In the Winter League San Miguel were away to La Marina drawing 6 - 6 (82 shots to 81), best winning team James Cutting, Val Collier, Chris Collier and Stuart Denholm 17 - 10. In the Fed 4’s San Miguel Apaches were away to Emerald Isle Leprechauns losing 6 - 2 (50 shots to 43) on the winning rink were Paul Hayward, John Staden, Ann Allen and Dave Greenland 15 - 10. San Miguel Cherokees were away to Quesada Panthers sharing the points 4 - 4 (57 shots to 56) best winning team Noel Davis, Carol Broomfield, Gail Willshire and Fred Willshire 20 - 9. San Miguel Mohawks were home to San Luis Ospreys where they had a bad day at the office losing 8 - 0 (56 shots to 32). On Friday San Miguel Boxers were home to Montemar Toreadors winning 10 - 2 (118 shots to 68) best winning triple Bob Hanton, Jim Jarvie and Brian Errington 42 - 9. San Miguel Bulldogs were away to Vistabella Lanzadores also having a bad day at the office losing 12 - 0 (102 shots to 61). Congratulations to the 2019 Championship winners: Gents Singles - Mike Douglas Ladies Singles - Mary Dyer Gent’s Nominated Pairs  - Alan Booth & Mike Douglas Ladies Nominated Pairs - Ann Allen & Mary Dyer Mixed Pairs - Gail Willshire & Fred Willshire Mixed Triples - Noel Davis, Gail Willshire & Fred Willshire Mixed Fours - Noel Davis, Gail Willshire, Lynn Greenland & Fred Willshire We wish them all good luck for the Champion of Champion’s Competition to be held at SMBC from 15th - 21st April. For further information on San Miguel Bowls Club please contact the President Stuart Hemmings on 965720461, or the Secretary Gail Willshire on 965020492. Vistabella Bowls With Lynne Bishop sponsored by TV Choice & Venture Fleet. SOUTH ALICANTE ENTERPRISE LEAGUE. The Albatrosses were away to San Miguel Beagles, they kept the game tight on four rinks with the fifth struggling to keep up, the end result didn’t reflect the effort they put in. Shots, VB 70(2) - 103(10) SM. The Drivers at home got mauled by the San Miguel Alsatians, Their only point came from a drawn game, I’m sure they would like to forget this one. Shots, VB 71(1) - 92(11) SM. DISCOVERY LEAGUE.The Eagles played their final fixture away to the Horadada Falcons...and what a great result to finish with...wins on four rinks we can’t complain with that! Shots, VB 95(8) - 91(4) H. WINTER LEAGUE. Away to La Siesta and it’s tricky rinks, changeable wind directions making matters worse but with a lot of determination the team did well once again, four wins with another not far behind. Shots, VB 84(10) - 67(2) LS. SOUTHERN LEAGUE Div A. Lanzadores. Wow.. a great win this week which means the team have won the league. Playing San Miguel Bulldogs at home we won on all five rinks, great...well done everyone! Shots, VB 102(12) - 61(0) SM. Last game next week just go out and enjoy. Picadors away at El Rancho didn’t do very well losing on all rinks. VB 60(0) - 123(12) EL. Div C Conquistadors away to Emerald Isle Outlaws had a couple of good wins, a fair result from their final game. Shots, 65(4) - 93(8) EI. The Swingers were last to finish with an afternoon home game against Greenlands Cedars, they won on three rinks and also the long game. Shots, VB 87(8) - 79(4) G. COUNTRY BOWLS CLUB Firstly, many apologies with a mistake made regarding the names of one of the winning teams. Last Monday in the match against El Rancho, rink 3 should have read Graham Richardson, Pat Ray & Brian Ray 44 – 4. Again apologies to Pat & Brian Ray, a tremendous result. The Flamingos travelled to El Rancho to take on the Raiders this Monday. Not withstanding the tricky rinks there was a strong wind blowing, making conditions extremely challenging. As you would expect the home team made the most of the conditions and the Flamingos struggled to show their own craft. In the end it was the ‘old dependable’s’  Graham Richardson, Pat Ray & Brian Ray who collected our only points. Well done. There were some very hard games being fought but sadly the Flamingos came out second best. Better luck next time Flamingos. The Geckos, today welcomed the La Siesta Golds to their club for a return match. Having lost 9-3 away at La Siesta earlier in the season, the Geckos were out for revenge today. La Siesta Golds are currently 4th in the league so it was going to be a tough game but the Geckos were determined to take the shine off the Golds!! The game was nip and tuck for the first half with the Golds giving as well as they were getting. At the end the Geckos had achieved their revenge in bucket loads with a 10-2 win and shots of 116-64. The victors were: Sylvia Rennie, Jean Turner, Jim Rennie 29-9; Viv Brown, Pat Ray, Brian Ray 28-7; Carole Donnellan, Les Turner, Den Birkett 31-13; Graham Richardson, Pat Emmett, Geoff Paylor 21-15. A great win for Country Bowls Geckos. In the penultimate game of the season 5th place Country Bowls Cubs had their work cut out against 3rd place La Marina Merlins in their away match on Friday afternoon. Games flowed back and forth and the standard of bowling was exceptional. The Cubs were hoping to take leave with some points in the bag and managed to win on 2 rinks giving them 4 points which was not too shabby a result for the newcomers to the league. The shots were 90 to 72 in La Marinas favour with the overall score being 8 - 4 to the home team. Well done Cubs. Winning rinks were Joel Fernandez, Agnes Burke, Lynne Bryce and Chris Stevens, Craig Dyson, Andrew Bryce. For more information on Country Bowls Club visit www.countrybowlsmurcia.com email [email protected], or tel 966191552/635086742 El Rancho Bowls Monday morning found the Palominos entertaining the Saturns from Emerald Isle and put in an excellent effort in taking 4 rinks and the overall shots, just the job for the old feel good factor. Helga Schiffman, Janet Wright and David Wright 19-16. Tony Abbott, Debbie Ham and Adrian Ham 15-12. Dolly Ford, Carol Gray and John Richards 16-14. Gary Dunstone, Tony Robinson and Mike Ager 17-21. Ngaio Baldwin, Ann Abbott and Pete Baldwin 21-16. The Pintos were at La Marina playing the Pathfinders were a stiff breeze caused a little consternation, but the Pathfinders took advantage of the home mat, taking 3 rinks to the Pintos 2. But 2 rinks away from home is always a good result. In the afternoon the Raiders played host to Country Bowls Flamingos and also put in a great effort, taking the rinks by 4 to 1 and the overall shots, a great result. Monday morning found the Raiders at Greenlands playing the elms and put on a good show in taking 2 rinks, a good away result, well done all. Meanwhile the Broncos had a tough fixture at Montemar against the Matadors, always a difficult opponent, though a favourite of mine. Although the Broncos came away without a point, they put in a good effort and played well. The Mustangs were playing host to the Picadors from Vistabella and what a splendid morning’s bowls we had, with opposition leads all over the jack from the start, just shows our opponents just need to try. Though the home team will always have the mat advantage. The Mustang played well, as did the Picadors, but in the end a hard fought match brought all the rinks to the Mustangs. For further membership information contact Sheila Cox at [email protected] or Brian Taylor on 965077093 or at [email protected] Emerald Isle Bowls with Elwyn Morris Titans travelled to play San Luis Trekkers on Monday and won 8-4, aggregate of 81-79, winners were  S Johnson, K Jolliffe, M Odell 22-9, D Jones G Odell, I Brewster 23-17, S Kavanagh R White B Kavanagh 16-13 Neptunes played at home against top of the table Greenlands Maples and had a great 8-4 win aggregate 93-74  winners were C Ayling B Eldred P Heaney 31-12, A Brown S Watson C Warner  22-10, M Malcolm S Wickens H Rhodes 14-13 The Moonrakers were at home to Greenlands Sycamores and lost 2-10 aggregate 76-85 winners were L Harris   P Willicott  R Clive 17-16, Saturns played at El Rancho Palaminos and slipped to a 2-10 aggregate 80-88 defeat, winners were      J Horne R Andrews E Shepperd  21-17 Leprechauns played at home in Fed4s against San Miguel Apaches and won 6-2, aggregate 50-43, winners were A  Miles J Gregory H Rhodes G Ponsford 21-13, S Kavanagh  R Adams S Watson B Kavanagh 19-15,. Friday took the Cavaliars to San Luis Lions and they came away with a credible 6-6 draw, aggregate of 91-79, winners were D Leeming M Veale C Lindgren  27-10, M Riley G Odell M Odell 19-14 Claymores played at La Siesta Blues and lost 12-0 aggregate of 65-103 Outlaws played at home against La Siesta Silvers and they won 8-4 aggregate of 93 -65 winners were L Freeman T Dix E Bennett  29-8, L Harris B Smith M Willicott  26-7, D Close T Harris G Ponsford 19-10. La Siesta 'Silvers' failed to field a full team. Greenlands Bowls Club In the Voyager Division, the Chestnuts were at home to San Miguel Pointers. Final score, shots 71 - 119. Points 2 - 10. Winning rink was, B White, V Young, skip M Cassidy. 16 - 14. In the Discovery Division the Maples were away to Emerald Isle Neptunes. Final score, shots 74 - 93. points, 4 - 8. Best winning rink was S Cordell, R Cordell, skip C Harris. 17 - 10. Also in the same Division, the Sycamores were away to Emerald Isle Moonrakers. Shots, 85 - 76. Points, 10 - 2. Best winning rinks, Z Wilcock, R Stansfield, skip T Hill. 19 - 16. B Tomlin, V Duchart, skip J Wilcock. 19 - 16 In the Winter League we were at home to Javea Green, final score, shots 68 - 90. Points 2 - 10. Winning rink was C Rudge, D Giddings, D Toozer, skip L Rudge.  20 - 8. In the Fed 4s, the Ash were away to La Siesta Parakeets, Final score was, shots 35 - 51. Points, 2 - 6. Winning rink was, S Cordell, J Dowell, R Cordell, skip A Eagle. 16 - 14. In the Southern league A division, the Oaks were away to Quesada Swallows. Final score was, shots 71 - 94, points, 4 - 8. Best winning rink, A Toozer, J Obrien, skip C Dewar, 16 - 12. In the C division, the Elms were at home to El Rancho Rangers. Final score was, shots, 100 - 78. Points, 8 - 4. Best winning rink was, D Watt, C Stobbart, skip G Watt. 36 - 6. The Cedars were away to Vistabella Swingers, final score, shots, 79 - 87. Points, 4 - 8. Best winning rink, J Hamill, D Dudding, skip S Hamill. 20 - 9. For all inquiries please telephone Chris Dewar on 698 418 987 or visit our website - greenlands-bowls.wixsite.com/greenlandsbowlsclub
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rcsportstalk-blog · 6 years
NBA Season Preview ’19  (Pt.1)
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By Anwar Jones
What. is. GOOOOD!?!?! It’s October and you already know what that means. The NBA Season is upon us and its about to get crazy. You thought last year was wild??? Check yo self, we got our Annual ‘NBA Season Preview’ below!
Be sure to hit us with your comments & subscribe to our Full Episodes at rosecitysportstalk.com
Pacific Division
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Golden State Warriors
So this off-season the Warriors mimicked Thanos in Infinty War to take it’s reign over the league to another level, while the other teams got their Star Lord on, allowing GS to obtain the last Infinity Stone, also known as Demarcus Cousins. Just like fans wanted to slap Star Lord, we should challenge our favorite teams’ GM to a duel for just sitting idle while the Dubs signed Boogie for the mid-level exception. It’s not hyperbole to say this is the best starting five ever. We may only witness this collection of stars for one season, with the rumblings of a KD departure and the inability to give a max contract to Cousins under league rules, this reign could be over with a snap of the finger. If that fate comes to fruition, the damage will already be done, as the Dubs will more than likely win their 4th title in 5 years and cement themselves as one of the top dynasties the NBA has ever seen.
Player to Watch - Can KD win a MVP on this stacked squad Record - 63-19
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Los Angeles Lakers
The Magic Man has been dropping dimes in La La Land for almost 40 years, so it’s only fitting he assisted the Lakers in escaping basketball purgatory. Magic has brought Lebron James aka Maximus to battle in the Staples Center Colosseum. As if Laker Nation wasn’t already entertained by past Gladiators, like the great Black Mamba, the Big Aristotle, or the Goliath known as Wilt the Stilt, Maximus is here to restore past Showtime glory. To earn his freedom he must win the crowd and raise another banner to the rafters. King James will rely on some fiery young fighters looking to make a name for themselves in Ball, Kuzma, Ingram and Hart. He will seek wisdom from another gladiator, Rajon Rondo to help in his journey, but it will be up to Magic to bring in another established soldier to help the true King bring the trophy back to the Roman Laker Nation in the near future. It is why we are here. 
Player to Watch - Which Youngblood with be Lebron’s right hand man Record 53-29
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Los Angles Clippers
Jerry West is the Professor X of the NBA, the behind the scene orchestrator of multiple dynastic teams. But he will need to tap into his cerebral vortex to make the Clippers a champs. The Logo will find a way to rebuild this team quickly, his reputation speaks for itself. It’s safe to either rookie Shai Gilegous-Alexander or Jerome Robinson, if not both, will be steals in the draft because West always finds gems. They have set themselves for the future with the space for two max contracts and tradable assets like Tobias Harris, Sweet Lou and Patrick Beverly to land a disgruntled star. The Clippers window to jack the city from the Lakers came and went, so they might as well just head north to Seattle, bring back the Sonics and establish a new where they will be loved and embraced forever. Can’t be a side piece forever.
Player to watch - Will Shai Gileous-Alexander be the best point guard of the draft class Record- 34-48
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Phoenix Suns
GM Ryan McDonough caught the Jim Buss Holy Ghost during the off-season. His grand scheme of paying 35 million for the combo of Trevor Ariza and Ryan Anderson to help lead them to the playoffs was just delusional. It’s reminiscent of the Infamous summer of 16 and the tragedy that was the Deng and Mosgov. Trading an unprotected 1 st to move up 6 spots into the mid lottery is borderline criminal. The Suns won the lottery and added some solid young buildings blocks in Deandre Ayton, Mikal Bridges, Eli Okobo and Deanthony Melton, but Robert Sarver had enough. The fact that McDonough once had too many talented point guards to make happy a few years back to not having a starting caliber lead guard was too much to overcome. Sarver should’ve done it weeks ago so he focus on partying at the country club. Luckily Phoenix has a human bucket machine in Devin Booker, that they can convert to the point and hopefully create James Harden 2.0
Player to Watch - Can Ayton justify being the 1 st of the draft from day one Record 24-48
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Sacramento Kings
This is the dawn of the post apocalyptic season for the Kings faithful and they can look no further than the self proclaimed Vladefather. He is literally out here making offers teams can’t refuse, like giving up an unprotected 1 st rounder for the opportunity to sign Rajon Rondo, Wes Matthews or Monta Ellis. That’s insanity. Clearly Vlade’s favorite of the Godfather trilogy was the third rendition and he’s using his platform to create his own spoof. Yet again the Kings failed to add the necessary talent to even sniff the playoffs so it’s all about development this season. They have a little bit of hope with sleeper prospect Harry Giles. If he can stay healthy and continues to build off his promising performance during summer league they may have stumbled upon a gold mine. Fox has a nice future and Marvin Bagley should be able to score with ease considering his skill set. It’s not all bad for the Kings from a talent perspective but remember they are by far the worst team in the West and don’t have their pick. The Vlad-Father better avoid the desert.
Player to Watch – Will Marvin Bagley’s collegiate dominance translate to the pro game Record 20-62
Northwest Division
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Utah Jazz
The meteoric rise of Donovan Mitchell was one of the highlights of the 2017-18 season. Watching Spida Mitchell during his rookie campaign was eerily similar to Peter Parker testing out his web slinging potential, as he gradually realized he was a problem for the league. His coming out party came during a surprise upset against the Thunder in the 1 st round, where he looked virtually unstoppable. Now that he’s knows he has great powers, he has the responsibility of building on the momentum and lead the Jazz even further in the postseason. When Rudy Gobert is healthy, Utah is the most menacing defensive in the NBA, so as long as he stays on the court they will be successful. The Jazz had a quiet offseason, so they are clearly banking on their young talent taking a leap. We will see if one of the best coaches in the league, Quinn Snyder will help lead them to the next level.
Player to Watch - Is Donovan Mitchell at the superstar level yet Record 52-30
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OKC Thunder
Russell Westbrook isn’t human, he’s not a mutant either, but he is Wolverine. He’s virtually indestructible and although will miss the start of the year no one is overly concerned considering he is made out of adamantium steel. Even Wolverine needs time to regenerate. Year 2 of the Westbrook and PG13 duo will be drastically different and more successful than the first. Now that their roles will be more defined, Russ and George should thrive and play off each other more effectively in the half court without the task of sharing shots with Hoodie Melo. Defensively, this team could be a juggernaut once Andre Robertson gets into the fold, but even without him they can still be great. The addition of Dennis Schroeder was a sneaky move that will no doubt ease the burden of Westbrook and allow him to attack off ball and be able to score more freely. OKC is a sleeper WCF contender.
Player to Watch - Dennis Schroeder can be the third scorer this has desperately needed Record 47-35
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Portland Trail Blazers
The Blazers are wasting the prime years of Dame Lillard. The second round is this team’s ceiling and it shouldn’t be that way. It’s absolute travesty that Neil Olshey has failed to add the necessary pieces to help out his star studded backcourt. Portland needs a third star, but Olshey refuses to go all in to add one. Cough, Jimmy Butler, cough? The roster has an odd mix of players either ready for prime time or years a way from contributing. Portland needs 3 and D wings, but Olshey fails to address that gaping hole. The roster has taken a set back in a conference that is becoming increasingly more difficult to stay afloat. Maybe Mystique can warn Olshey the sentinels are coming to take Lillard to brighter lights and alter the fate of Portland. Otherwise the writing is on the wall. A miracle needs to happen for Blazers’ fans quickly or their future days are going to be spent reminiscing about the past dominance of Dame Time.
Player to Watch - Can CJ McCollum become an All Star Record 47-35
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Denver Nuggets
The Joker is the main reason why we should all take the the Nuggets playoff hopes so serious. Jokic flipped a switch and just blew up last season showing off his unique point-center skill set, reminiscent of another great international center, Arvydas Sabonis. Now it’s up to his backcourt, Jamal Murray and Gary Harris to take this team to the next level. Murray has the ability to be the go to scorer but he has to bring it every night. Denver have a plethora of young players that can get buckets, but they need to buckle down on defense. Coach Malone gained notoriety for his defensive philosophy, so it’s time for him to step up and earn that rep if this squad wants to be a serious contender in the West.
Player to Watch – The Rise of Jamal Murray Record 44-38
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Minnesota Timberwolves
The Jimmy Butler saga has wrecked the Wolves’ season before it even started. When Butler exposed Towns and Wiggins for being shook ones, halfway crooks, scared to death, scared to look, it was a wrap. The stakes were already high for KAT coming off his disappearing act in his first playoff appearance but his reputation as an upcoming superstar is on the line. Is he minor or major, a true star or just a stat stuffer are the questions that will be answered by seasons’ end. Thibs is undoubtedly stubborn but he has pull the trigger on a Butler deal before he loses all the leverage for the All NBA performer. Thibs will more than likely going lose his job after the season and so next just ride or die with Jimmy and disregard the future. If that happens it will this will be a lost year for the Wolves. If KAT and Wiggins have any heart they better show it now or the will never shake the soft label.
Player to Watch - Make or break year for Andrew Wiggins Record 37-45
Southwest Division
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Houston Rockets
Daryl Morey, why not just bring it back, rewind, pon de replay on a roster that was a CP3 injury away from knocking off the evil empire. This was a confusing off-season for the Rockets, by letting Ariza and Mbah a Moute walk, they lost the defensive switch abilities that made them so special. Adding T.R.O.Y Olympic Melo would’ve been perfect if they maintained there defensive prowess but without it, the squad has taken an unnecessary step back. They will still be in the top 2 or 3 record wise in the West but their championship hopes have dwindled significantly. Morey is a wizard with trades, so it’s a possibility the Rockets still have a chance. I highly doubt Houston will stand pat, the question is will whatever move they make be enough to get one of those rings and things they sing about.
Player to Watch - Can Cp3 avoid his injury playoff curse Record 59-23
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New Orleans Pelicans
The theme song for the Pelicans is Biggie’s “One More Chance” but the writing may already be on the wall. Even if the Brow plays at a historic level, New Orleans won’t even make the WCF. Shunning Boogie during free agency was a head scratcher because he was the only chance of pairing the Brow with an elite talent, even with his recent injury history, they had to bring him back. While they were successful without Cousins by playing at the fastest pace in the league and added a perfect compliment to that style of ball in the summer in Julius Randle, it’s just not enough to put them in chip contention. The holes at the wing position and the lack of a second guard will be this squad’s downfall. This season is shaping up to be a long kiss goodnight for the Pellies (turrrbile nickname) with AD signing with Klutch Sports, the rumblings off a Showtime Introduction with the Brow singing “I’m going, going, back, back to Cali, Cali” is on deck.
Player to Watch – Is Playoff Jrue the real Jrue Holiday Record 45-37
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San Antonio Spurs
The death of a dynasty is upon us all. Jay-Z once said “It’s a secret society, all we ask is trust,”and within a season we saw that trust erode in San Antonio, thus tarnishing what is known as the Spurs Way in the process. Acquiring the somehow grossly undervalued bucket getter Demar Derozen for a disgruntled Kawhi Leonard was actually a great pickup during the summer. Ask Thibs if he would take that now. The problem that the Spurs have is surprisingly identity. With Kawhi, Parker, Ginobli, and the long gone Duncan, the framework of the championship blueprint is now absent. Pop is looking around the locker room like Will in the last episode of Fresh Prince. The injuries to Dejounte Murray, Lonnie Walker, and Derrick White couldn’t have came at a worst time, leaving them scary thin of playmakers on the roster. The Spurs 21 year playoff run is officially in serious jeopardy. I’ll never count out Popovich, but he needs to find a point guard ASAP to salvage this season.
Player to Watch - Demar Derozen Revenge Tour Record 44-38
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Memphis Grizzlies
Running out this Grizzlies team is like churning out another Fast & Furious, we just roll are eyesand say to ourselves “ Really, another one.” The Grit n Grind crew still has familiar faces on the cast, but the culture is gone and it was replace with nothing but random pieces. The biggest flaw with this teamhas been outside shooting which still hasn’t been addressed which is a Tyrese-like head scratcher. Their best bet is to flip Gasol and Conley so they can get value for their aging stars. The West is so stacked, Memphis would have to play out of their minds to sniff the playoffs. Going out on a limb here but the Slow Mo and Garrett Temple acquisitions just don’t seem like enough to do it.
Player to Watch - Jaren Jackson Jr looks like the real deal Record 30-52
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Dallas Mavericks
The Mavs are trying to reboot their success with another international phenom after 20 plus years of the same mega star. Dirk was the Dark Knight of European prospects and nothing will top his epic trilogy. Luka Doncic will have to mimic Bain’s childhood rise from the prison to even challenge the reign of his predecessor. There’s a ton of hype surrounding Luka, but Dallas will be satisfied if he is just a Michael Keaton type of Bruce Wayne, but if he is on that Ben Aflek level, the Mavericks are in trouble. Deandre Jordan finally escaped the barricaded door of the Clippers franchise but it’s couple years too late from him to have a major impact. Dallas has good talent on the roster, the Doncic nd Smith Jr will be fun to watch, but a playoff birth is wishful thinking.
Player to Watch - Will Luka Doncic be the transcendent player his pegged to be Record 30-52
That’s a wrap for the Western Conference Preview, be sure to check back for Pt. 2, the Eastern Conference Preview, and do us a solid and share this article!
(Rose City Sports Talk is an unfiltered, laid-back, adult-adaptation of a sports network. If you’re interested in contributing, feel free to reach out. Be sure to check out our Podcasts, Webisodes, and to follow us @rosecitysportstalk503)
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yatterzuk · 7 years
Mighty Morphin Griffin Rangers Phase 3 is LIVE!
The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers are now going into their third Phase of play in our silly lil games. What madness will this Phase 3 bring? Let’s take a look at the new content for Mighty Morphin Griffin Rangers!
For the overall information for the Entire Event, GO HERE.
Keep in mind we put up the LIVE posts as soon as we can after it hits our games, however we do still have to play through the game ourselves to pull info and verify accuracy of content before supplying it to you. Be patient and keep checking the post and refreshing it as we will update it as we play along. Also I’m starting this live post, not Bunny as she’s unable to do so, and I don’t have access to Bunny’s test game to get verified info as quick as she does. Lotty & I are pulling what we can from our games as quick as we can, but please remember we’re just ordinary players like yourselves.
But I do understand you want the Blue Power Rangers unlock requirements and the Water Kaiju’s Heart and Reward details asap, so I will update the post regularly with info as I get it.
First up, the Basics
Players will need to have completed Power Conned Pt. 8
Players will need to be on the App Market Version 1.43.2 or higher in order to see the event.
Players will need to have at LEAST District 3 Unlocked and Al’s complete.
Players will only see this on the Mobile App Version (iOS, Google, Amazon, Facebook). NOT Windows Stand Alone
PLAY THE GAME! Items unlock in stages and as you progress, so if you do not see an item it is most likely you have not progressed far enough in the Main Questline to unlock it. Check details below for more specifics on unlock points
Don’t have a TON of Tasks open in your Task Menu. If you have too many open, no new ones can arrive. (Keep it under 10). If you do not see new Tasks popping up, clear out some incomplete Tasks already on your List to make room for more.
Info per the iOS App Page for Family Guy: The Quest For Stuff
What’s New in Version 1.43.2
Get ready to do some “mighty morphin” with the Griffin Family when the Power Rangers come to Quahog!
– Defend Quahog against kaiju attacks! – Help the Power Rangers fend off Rita Repulsa! – Use new character-combining features to build Zords!
All work and no cosplay make for a dull Quahog. Pick up your Power Con passes and play the “Mighty Morphin Griffin Rangers” event now!
*This event is not available in these countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Macau, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma), Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam; Israel, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan, Syria and Afghanistan.
Leaderboards went live in Phase 2, you’ll find a post on them HERE.
Power Medals (These are what you will collect around the game to move up the Leaderboards):  Zord Tasks OR Battle Kaiju
The Ra king Prizes are:
Prize #1: Mystery Ranks 1-500
Prize #2: Zords United Ranks 501-1000
Prize #3: Zordan Ranks 1001-5000
We still cannot confirm if prizes #2 & #3 are decorations, we’ll tell you any info as we get it.
Triceratops DinoZord Statue: 240 Clams, $70 & 45xp every ??hrs, Always Drops Blue Shark Plushy trying to verify if the drop is 10hrs or 16hrs, as conflicting information in the game
Sabretooth Tiger DinoZord Den: 38 PowerCon Coins
Black Battle Bike: 100 PowerCon Coins
White Shark Cycle: 58 PowerCon Coins
Tyrannosaurus DinoZord Cockpit: 74 PowerCon Coins
Blue Zeo Subcrystals (4): 32  Clams
Blue Zeo Subcrystals (8): 58  Clams
Blue Zeo Subcrystals (16): 109  Clams
Yellow Ranger Bonnie: 240 Clams. Can clear Blue Ranger Cosplayers
  Blue Ranger Joe (Costume): Requires 2 Blue Spray Paint  (Common): Defeat Water Kaiju 32 Triceratops Power Coins  (Common): Clear Putty Cosplayers 11 Power Lance Toy  (Rare): Bruce Be A Good Listener OR Pudgy Pig Out Food Truck 6 Anti-Foam Gun Toy (Rare): Triceratops DinoZord Cockpit
Blue Ranger: His Costume will trigger at Pt. 2 of the Main Questline where you will be required to find him, and be warned he is a TIMED CHARACTER!!! As soon as you “repair” you will only have 7 days to collect all Materials for Blue Power Ranger. You can delay this by not repairing him until you’re ready. My advice is to build up some Blue Zeo SubCrystals first. Requires
****Still Verifying****
This will be the Main Currency you will be collecting throughout the Event. You will find the Counter for it in the Top Middle of your Game Screen.
PowerCon Pins: Red Rangers OR Putty Patrol OR Questlines OR Zord Tasks OR Fight Kaiju OR Carl Wear A PowerCon Wristband OR Neil Goldman Sell Knockoff Wristbands OR Lyle Worship Alpha 5 OR Diabeto Roll to PowerCon OR Cleveland Jr Fear Cosplay Monsters OR Steve Smith Visit PowerCon
These are the New “Bad Guy” for this Phase of the Event. They appeared in Pt 1 of the Main Questline, Ranger Danger. I started with 2 on my play area, but soon had 4 in total.
Blue Ranger Cosplayer: You will need to use Characters to clear them from the play area. Just tap on them to see who and chance payouts
Characters Used: Yellow Ranger Bonnie Goldar Brian
Time for Task: 4hrs
Chance Drops: +1 Blue SubCrystals +1 Triceratops Power Morpher – Will only show as potential once you repair the Blue Power Ranger
Spawn Amount: Spawn every 4 hours up to 4 MAX.
Here is where you will use Materials acquired to Craft Buildings & Decorations that will help get you Items you will need during this Phase of the Event. Just scroll through the list of available items and tap on the one you want to see what it’s cost will be (it will be highlighted in Yellow).
Pudgy Pig Out Food Truck : $30 & 20xp every 4hrs, Chance Drop x2 Power Lance Toys Cost~ 200  PowerCon Pins 27 Thunderbolt Keychains 1 Blue Shark Plushy
Triceratops DinoZord Cockpit : $20 & 15 every 2hrs, Chance Drops x2 Anti- Sonic Foam Gun Toys Cost~ 64 PowerCon Pins 3 Red PowerCon T-Shirts 5 Green Souvenir Cup
Blue Ranger Workshop: $20 & 15xp every 2hrs Cost~ 58 PowerCon Pins 2 Red PowerCon T-Shirts 2 Blue Shark Plushy
Power Forge: Cost~ 76 PowerCon Pins 5 Green Souvenir Cup 1 Blue Shark Plushy
Kaiju Stunt Show Stage: $30 & 20xp every 4hrs, Chance Drops x2 Triceratops Morpher Belt  Cost~ 94 PowerCon Pins 4 Red PowerCon T-Shirts 30 Thunderbolt Keychains 4 Blue Shark Plushy
Yellow Ranger’s Greenhouse : $30 & 20xp every 4hrs, Chance Drops x2 Angel Grove Notebooks Cost~ 102 PowerCon Pins 7 Green Souvenir Cup 5 Blue Shark Plushy
Power Ranger Bumper Boats: $40 & 25xp every 6hrs,  Cost~ 180 PowerCon Pins 5 Red PowerCon T-Shirts 3 Blue Shark Plush
Drive In Kaiju Film Festival: $45 & 30xp every 8hrs,  Cost~ 300 PowerCon Pins 24 Thunderbolt Keychains 2 Blue Shark Plushy
Red PowerCon T-Shirt (Rare): Defeat Flame Kaiju OR Pterodactyl Dinozord Statue
Thunderbolt Keychain (Rare): Power Rangers Command Center (Kaiju Battles) OR Clear Putty Patrol OR Clear Red Ranger Cosplayers
Green Souvenir Cup (Common): Kaiju Battles OR Tyrannosaurus Dinozod Statue
Blue Shark Plushy (Rare): Defeat Water Kaiju OR Triceratops DinoZord Statue
Just like Phase 1 & 2, here is where you will use your Zeo Crystals to make your Quahog Characters turn into Zords so you can Attack Kaiju and gain more needed Materials for the Event. For Phase 3, the Triceratops Dinozard will be added as well as other Characters to use to combine with them.
Triceratops DinoZord (also known as the Blue Zord): Comes with 3 Energy
Blue Zeo SubCrystals Used to Combine: 4 Blue Zeo SubCrystals
Characters Used to Combine/Increase Energy Blue Ranger Joe~ +5 Energy Blue Power Ranger~ +7 Energy
Basic Tasks *still in progress***
Task: ?? Time: ?? Cost: ?? Payout: ??
Task: ?? Time: ?? Cost: ?? Payout: ??
***Still in Progress****
You started to see Kaiju during Phase 1 in The Family that Cosplays Together Pt. 6. The first one you saw was the Earth Kaiju. For Phase 2 it was the Flame Kaiju and during Phase 3 the Water Kaiju will be introduced during Ranger Danger Pt. 3.
Flame Kaiju: Will appear in the Upper Right Event Area Heart Meter: Verifying Timer: Vedifying Chance Payout: Vedifying Cool Down: Verifying
Characters Used: Triceroptops  DinoZord
Pterodactyl Zord Tasks Attack Water Kaiju – ?? Damage Time: ?? Cost: ?? Payout: ??
Attack Water Kaiju – ?? Damage Time: ?? Cost:  ?? Payout: ??
Attack Water Kaiju – ?? Damage Time: ?? Cost:  ?? Payout: ??
Heart Levels
?? Heart Level Payout: ??
?? Heart Level Payout: ??
?? Heart Level Payout: ??
?? Heart Level Payout: ??
?? Heart Level Payout: ??
There you have the overall Basics running through the third Phase of the Mighty Morphin Griffin Rangers Event. As Insaid I am still updating so keep checking back.
What do you think of it so far? Any item(s) you are looking forward to? Any suggestions for fellow Players? Let us know.
~Russian Tigger
Mighty Morphin Griffin Rangers Phase 3 is LIVE! was originally published on Yatterz
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COSTA BLANCA BOWLS ROUNDUP 12 JUNE 17 has been published at http://www.theleader.info/2017/06/11/costa-blanca-bowls-roundup-12-june-17/
New Post has been published on http://www.theleader.info/2017/06/11/costa-blanca-bowls-roundup-12-june-17/
 Wednesday morning found El Rancho entertaining Horadada in the VCL and found themselves with an uphill battle, not quite getting to the top, but they did however take the 2 rinks matches and drew the pairs. Ladies singles: Sheila Cooper 9-21. Gents singles: Brian Harris 4-21. Pairs: Jan Bright and Shirley Edwards 13-13. Trips: Bob Easthope, Ron Edwards and Richard Needham 8-26. Rinks: Diane Yates, Emma Walsh, Barry Bright and David Whitworth 17-8. Rinks: Brian Taylor, Pam Harris, Ann Taylor and Jim Taylor 20-16.
On Friday the Buckskins played host to San Luis Hercules, with a gusting breeze causing a little consternation, but we add fun and the company was great. The Buckskins took 4 rinks against Hercules 2 and also the overall shots. Richard Needham, Bob Easthope and Jim Gracie 11-16. Graham Day, Brian Harris and John Skipper 18-9.
June Whitworth, Sheila Cooper and Carolyn Harris 18-16. Gary Dunstone, Malc Sykes and David Whitworth 10-16. Marion Haynes, Dave Haynes and Richard Lee 36-9. Jan Bright, Jane Hamill and Stew Hamill 24-16. . For membership details contact Brian Taylor on 965077093 or  at [email protected] or Carolyn Harris on 966774316 or at [email protected]
Tuesday brought the HighJackers to the Isle and the home side won 15-3,taking 6 trips and a draw aggregate 130-60, highest winners were T Capewell R Fooks G Dyer 27-2
Wed in the VCL La Siesta visited the Isle and were well beaten 14-0, aggregate of 127-71  winners were  AM Stevenson 21-13,,C Lindgren 21-11, M Veale D Gerrard 22-7  J Parkes R White P Parkes 18-17, S Wickens J Westall D Close M Odell  26-8, M Whitelock S Johnson M Stacey S Westall 19-15
On Friday E I Victors travelled to San Miguel Christians and the Christians may have had some divine help as they won game 9-5  aggregate 106-100. E I winners were C Parsons C Highland D BIrkett  23-9, S Johnson Mike Veale M Odell  19-14 and M Whitelock K Jolliffe M Stacey 18-18
Emerald Isle Vulcans  V Monte Mar Torro winners: Elwyn Morris, Barbara Eldred, David Jones 19-10,  Robin Adams, Alan Brown, Frank King  25-11 asd the one drawn match John Jarvis, Graham Dyer, Ed Shepherd 14-14. Aggregate 102-101, pts 7-7
In the LLB Men’s 4 wood pairs versus Quesada, home result – 21 shots for.  19 shots against. Away result – 11 shots for . 22 shots against. In the South Alicante Hurricane Division, The Gladiators were at home to Quesada Lancasters. Final score – – Total shots for – 104. against 106.  Points for – 6.  Points against – 8. Winning rinks were – Sheila Stead, Dave Giddings, skip Jim Oliver. 22 shots to 13. Janet Bliss, Margaret Dewar, skip Dave Dudding. 19 shots to 15. Vic Young, Mary Lockley, skip Mel Brown. 30 shots to 21. Greenlands B. C. have vacancies for new members for the forthcoming new summer and Winter Leagues. For all enquiries please telephone Haley on 966 84 4399.
To be honest I didn’t know the 4 wood Pairs League was going on but I am glad to say I believe we could be top at the moment after beating Vistabella  4 – 1. Tom Spencer and Peter Parsons had a good draw whereas the two Dave’s, Taylor and Hadaway won 19-14. Keep it going.
On to the VCL and there we languish at the bottom but watch out.  We went over to Quesada the Numero Uno and won 8-6. We could have had another two points as Quesada only had the overall score by two shots.  Shot of the match has to be Captain Colin on the last end when his team of Lynne Armitage and Martin Butler had dropped a four on end 17 only to pick up a five with Colin’s last wood to win 25-24.  Well done to the Parsons both playing the Singles,(not together), it seemed to carry on as in real live and be together as they both won 21-16.  Last but not least came Barbara Forshaw, Mike Smith, Wendy Latham and Barry Latham who played an ex La Marina player and great friend, Fred Roberts.  In an intense game right until the last end we managed to win by just two shots.
The Pilots got well and truly blown away, away at the Vistabella Greeners green by 10 points to 4.  Our only two winners were Dave O’Sullivan, Arthur Cronk and Dave Hadaway 23-12 and Jean Tregoing, Peter Bailey and Mike Smith 14-11.  No doubt they will be fighting back next week.
I have to say it is nice think we are a caring club when you saw the Union Jack flying at half-mast on both days the tragedies happened in the UK. Thank you Alex Whyte
 Following the finish of the Spanish National Championships the league matches resumed with La Siesta playing two matches in the VCL League against Greenlands Jasmines and Emerald Isle. Wins for Pat Reilly and Irene Mangan in the singles produced wins backed up by a 28-12 victory for Jack Burrell, Trish Reilly, Pat Harman and Mike Edwards in the Rinks. However, losses in the Pairs, Triples and other rinks match saw an overall loss by 120 shots to 102 to the Jasmines with La Siesta picking up 6 points to their opponents 8. Unfortunately the result against Emerald Isle was not as good with a 127 shots to 71 loss with our opponents picking up a maximum 14 points.
A great result for the Wasps in the South Alicante Spitfire Division with a 107shots to 86 win away at San Luis getting 11 points to their opponents 3. Star place goes to Irene & Dave Laverick with Brian Harman who from the 6th end never looked back from, where they picked up six shots. Dave Davies with Florence & Mike lead from the start to win convincingly whilst Ramsey Sinclair, Irene Mangan and Alex Morrice picked up a 3 and then 6 to stay ahead for the whole of the game. Joy Gardiner with Bill and Sue Jordan managed to win with the last wood of the game. Sheila Chorley, Brian Gardiner & Jean Cooper came back from 7 – 11 down to gain a 17-17 draw. Jo Elkin, George Richardson and John Taylor were behind for most of the game and then came back steadily to be 11 all on the 16th end, only to lose the last 2 ends by 1 shot each.
Disappointment for the Hornets in the Harrier Division falling to a 10-4 home loss to Country Bowls Badgers by 120 shots to 84, picking up 4 points to their opponents 10. Wins for La Siesta came from Hilary Clarke, Trish Reilly and Vic Mahomet by 22 shots to 16 whilst Ron Sheldon, Sue Mahomet and Rab Logan who were winning easily only to get stuck on unlucky 13 shots. However, having managed to get a shot to go 14-13 up they went on to win. The La Siesta Invitational Triples with sponsorship from Quesada Fish & Chips took place last weekend with semi-finals seeing two La Siesta Triples facing each other in one half of the draw whilst in the other half two Monte Mar teams met each other. The semi Final losers for La Siesta were Harold Charleton, Sue Mahomet and John Taylor beaten in a close match by Dave Davies with Mike and Florence Edwards. The final was an exciting match with Bill Young for Montemar pulling out a great win on the last end for him and his partners Jean and Don.(see picture of winners below)
SAN LUIS BOWLS CLUB REPORT 02.06.17. + 09.06.17.
I’m catching up after the excitement of the National Championships, and a belated “well done” to all the competitors and the worthy winners. The weather and the summer leagues are heating up well. Wednesday 31st May VCLeague, SL Falcons were away at La Marina; taking some useful points 8-6, shots 106-94. Winners: singles; Russell Marks 21-15, pairs; June & Keith Jones 29-9, triples; Lynne Morris, Sabrina Marks, Tom Hill 18-7. Wednesday 7th June Falcons were away v VB Vikings; a good result, points 10-4, shots 117-78. Winners: singles; Pam Lockett 21-15, triples; Lynne Morris, Sabrina Marks, Tom Hill 28-5, rinks; Ann Holland, Neil Morrison, Suzi Cooper, Roy Cordell 19-13, Shirley Verity, Kath Reid, Les Bedford, Jules Pering 24-10.
Spitfire Division: SL Wellingtons Friday 2nd June, were away v VB Fairways, shots 81-114, points 5-10. Winners: Allen Bowen, June & Keith Jones 15-13, Carol Lowry, Les Bedford, Keith Lowry 21-16, Mags Haines, Ray Pollock, Phil Morrachan 14-14. Friday 9th Wellingtons at home v LS Wasps, had a bad day at the office 3points-11, shots 87-107. Winners: Allen Bowen, June & Keith Jones 13-11, Bob White, Giuseppe Galelli, Charlie Marigold 17-17.
Harrier Division: SL Hercules Friday 2nd away v Horadada Hawks, had a hard fought match for 4 points -10, shots 74-130. Winners: Jim Wright, Chris Brooks, Dave Steadman 17-9, Helen Hammond, Dave Tilley, Scott Malden 18-17. Friday 9th Hercules were away v El Rancho, always a tough venue, points 4-10, shots 82-117. Winners: Tom Fromson, Ian Ross, Robin Harker 16-10, Mary Fromson, Harry Epsom, Sue Ross 16-11.
We are still looking for new members to join us for the 2017/18 winter season. We are aiming to enter an extra team in the leagues this year. With 4 teams there should be plenty of games for everyone. We welcome all bowlers, from the most experienced to those who want to step up from purely “social” bowling to the league challenge. We are a competitive but friendly club and Casa Ventura itself is a hub for the local area, offering a wide range of non-bowling activities.
For more information please check: www.sanluisbowls.byethost7.com or contact June Jones, Club Captain: 691903773.
Sheila Cammack
Sponsored by The Belfry, The Pub, Bowling Abroad and Avalon
Saturday – Monday June 3rd – 5th
For the second year running Monte Mar Bowls Club were successful in winning the three day La Siesta mixed trip competition. The team consisted of Jean and Rod Chamberlain and skip Bill Young. After winning all their group games they came up against another Monte Mar team in the semi-finals, Ronnie Cairns, June Young and   skip Dave Melville. It was a close fought game but Jean, Rod and Bill were the winners they then had to play one of La Siesta’s strongest teams in the final. La Siesta needed two to draw on the last end, thy were holding two but Bill Young with his last wood drew the shot to win the competition. Well done to Monte Mar. 
Friday June 9th.
The Torros visit to Emerald Isle face the Vulcans produced a very competitive
match. The Torros won on three rinks and the Vulcans won on two rinks. The sixth rink was a draw. It was disappointing for the Torros to lose the shots by 102 to 101, so it was honours even with 7 points a piece. Congratulations to our winning and drawing rinks.
For further information about Monte Mar Bowls and Social Club check out our website www.montemarbowls.com or email us at [email protected]. We are also on Facebook.
San Miguel Deputies played Greenlands Jasmine away in the VCL winning 10 points to 4.  Shots were close, 106 to San Miguel and 102 to Greenlands.  Well played everyone!!  Results were:  Ladies Singles, Anita Brown 21-4:  Mens Singles, Carl Eagle 21-15:  Pairs, Pat McEwan, Gary Raby drew 19 across;  Triples, Bob Nesbitt, Dave Champion, Dave McEwan lost 19-20;  Rinks, Paul Hayward, Sue Milner, Ann Eagle, John Raby drew 14 across;  Rinks, Ken Hope, Stan North, John Marshall, Alan Campbell 38-4.
In the Southern League, San Miguel Christians had a good result at home against Emerald Isle Victors winning 9 points to 5.  Shots were again close with 106 to San Miguel and 100 to Emerald Isle.  Jan Allen, Lee Sinclair, Steve Cantley 19-17;  Paul Hayward, Tom Dalgleish, John Raby 20-10;  Pat McEwan, Dave McEwan, Gary Raby 26-13;  Ken Hope, Brian Allen, Reg Cooper drew 18 across.
No other results received.
For further information on San Miguel Bowls Club, please contact the secretary Pat McEwan, telephone 966714257
VCL. The Vikings suffered in the talons of the San Luis Falcons this week, playing at home they just scraped four points which was disappointing. Martin Foulcer, men’s singles won 21-12 against one of San Luis’s star players as did the Pairs duo of Lynne Bishop & Bill Pain winning 14-11. Shots, VB 86 (4) – 117(10) San Luis.
The Saxons played San Miguel Sheriffs and did brilliantly to win this away game. Men’s singles, Ian Kenyon won 21-10. Pairs, Del Gunning & Peter Whitehall won 19-12 and Rinks, Mike Irwin, Sheila Cox, StJohn Broadhurst & Les Barber won 19-11. Shots, VB 78(8) -91(6) SM.
S.A. Spitfire League Fairways travelled to Quesada on Friday, wins on two rinks and a drawn game. Lynne Bishop, Jenny Bowman & Ian Kenyon won 19-15. Eve Blythe, Charlie Watkins & Bill Pain won 16-15. Geoff Paylor, Arthur Brown & Ken Cuthbert drew 17-17. Shots, VB 86(5) – 99(9) Q, Hurricane League Greeners welcomed the La Marina Pilots to Vistabella and enjoyed a great result. Mike Irwin, Sue Norris & Pat Rafferty won 22-13. Del Gunning, Dave Chaplin & Dave Jenkins won 20-11. Frank Barclay, Peter Cadwell & Barry Norris 19-12 and Ron smith, Brian Pointon & Bill Corbishly 22-16. Shots, VB 106(10) -89(4) L M.
The league tables make interesting reading, keep up the good work everyone.
Sponsored by Venture fleet, Rivingtons Restaurant, One-way services & TV Choice.
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