#New York Excelsior
mizushibart · 2 years
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#31DaysofOWLtober Day 2! Favourite team!! This one goes to NYExcelsior !! my main + my fav team <3333
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overwatch-1eague · 8 months
2018 (Inaugural Season)
Stage 1 Playoffs
Final: London Spitfire vs New York Excelsior
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jacks-weird-world · 1 month
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"The Great Seal of the State of New York". A banner above shows the New York State motto Excelsior, Latin for "Ever Upward", and the secondary motto E Pluribus Unum, Latin for "Out of Many, One" —adopted in 2020.
📂Source: Wikipedia.
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9jacompass · 2 years
Geneseo State University of New York Merit Scholarships For International Students - Apply Now
Geneseo State University of New York Merit Scholarships For International Students – Apply Now
Applications are currently invited from interested and suitably qualified students for Geneseo State University of New York Merit scholarships for International Students who wish to start their academic program at the University for 2023-2024 academic session. For the 2023-24 academic year, SUNY Geneseo has increased funding to merit scholarships. New students who have been admitted to Geneseo…
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poppetsisters · 2 months
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So that map shows us some key locations. I was wondering what that tall building was in the pre-vis, and it's confirmed that that's the Baxter Building. The version in the pre-vis didn't have the 4 logo, so it's either going to be added after their rocket launch, or it's just for us to identify the FF headquarters on the map. Cute that their rocket is called the Excelsior Launch Pad, not just because it's Stan Lee's catchphrase, but because Excelsior literally means "ever upward" fitting for a rocket.
Time Square is featured. I can see a world symbol on the main corner building, but I also see a space themed establishment next to an ABC building, so despite taking place in an alternate New York, there will be products and brands from the real world making an appearance. I wonder if ABC is the people recording all that archival footage in-universe.
The Flatiron building is featured, but it doesn't appear to have any significance to the FF in the comics. It did serve as the headquarters for Damage Control though.
Yancy Street is front and centre on the map, I can see a deli, a synagogue, and a few apartment complexes. I'm very happy that Ben Grimm's jewish heritage is on display, even if the star of david is one of those blink and you'll miss it parts of the poster.
Speaking of blink and you'll miss it, right under Wall Street is a label for Subterranea!! Cute reference or foreshadowing to a Mole Man appearance in the movie? I think they should absolutely fight a Kirby monster in the opening of the movie.
The Williamsburg and Brooklyn Bridge are also featured. Other than the scene from 2005 Fantastic Four where they save a fire truck, I can't think of any significance this may have for the team.
We also have the Statue of Liberty, but on Govenor's Island is The FF Clean Energy Complex. I have no doubt this EBCOT looking area is gonna have some significance for the plot of the film. Maybe an explosion caused by a bad guy? Maybe Galactus drains the nuclear fission cells dry? Who knows.
If y'all noticed anything else from the poster, let me know.
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kay9leo · 1 month
It's hard being the new kid...
Sort of "modern" HL AU
Meet Iñaki "MC" Martinez Cariaga! She's the new transfer student from the United States. She was late for the sorting ceremony so she's currently houseless right now, hence the gray tie. Unfortunately for MC, her ancient magic is a magnet for attracting trouble and getting her into situations she rather not be in, sort of like Percy Jackson.
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Fun Facts:
Normally her eyes are brown, but ever since she ended up in the UK, if she's around the presence of high Ancient Magic activity, her own ancient magic activates, turning her eyes a magical blue. They also turn that color when she's using it. At the advice of Prof. Fig, she tries to keep a small flow of it running consciously if she's not at a nearby ancient magical source.
She's also big runes fan! Since her family comes from both Central and South America, she has a big love of studying Mayan glyphs and Incans quipus (they use that instead of runes to conducting their magic). She also knows some indigenous words in Kaqchikel and Quechua; some for fun and some for spell casting. Seeing Norse runes in person was the one thing she was definitely looking forward when going to Hogwarts.
While she doesn't originally goes by MC back in the States, it became her deferred nickname/shorten version of her double surname Martinez Cariaga to use at Hogwarts. She's gotten tired of both professors and peers taking too much time to say it or have them accidently butcher her surnames (or first name even). Her nickname of MC is used so often that it gets to the point that barely anyone remembers that her name is Iñaki 🤣
Ancient Magic & Hogwarts Castle
I headcanon that the Hogwarts Founders were ancient magic users who build Hogwarts and never told anyone about their abilities. Since the place is humming with Ancient Magic, MC's eyes are always a constant magical blue. It's when she leaves Hogwarts grounds that she has to focus on maintaining that magical flow.
The Big Move, Fourth Year & the Reserved New Girl
Unfortunately, Iñaki's dad lost his job during the first layoffs of the Great Recession in early 2008. Thankfully, he had a buddy who hooked him with a new temp job in London, causing the Martinez Cariaga family to move across the pond from New York to London during the end of summer. While she loved the idea of traveling and going to Europe (and maybe even learn more about the different ancient runes used there), she wasn't too pleased at the idea of moving abroad and leaving everything she knows and loves.
Instead of starting her freshman year with her close friend group at Excelsior (NYS magical school system, Ilvermorny is the New England private magical prep school - the most famous, oldest and only school most people know outside the US), Iñaki is starting 4th year at Hogwarts.
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Note: The words between "< >" is spoken in Spanish. MC comes from a Spanish-speaking Latino household. If the words are not in between "< >" assume she's speaking English.
6: At the end of MC's first week:
<¡Hola Mami!>
< I'm fine. ¿And you? >
< Nothing interesting happened this week. >
< ¡NO! ¡It wasn't like I fought a dragon or a troll this week. >
< ¡Just because I faced the Jersey Devil in 6th grade or the Headless Horseman in 7th OR befriended Champ at Lake Champion in 8th doesn't mean weird things always happens to me! >
<¡I'm fine Mami! Nothing happened...>
<¡I had to Mami! ¡He told me he wanted to give me a "proper Hogwarts welcome" before we started! I told him "That's how we say 'Hello' in New York." Made it too easy for me by saying his spells out loud. The prof said I was a great example of how magical duels are different in the New World with our non-verbals...>
<He was cool with losing. ¡Sebastián even gave me a tour of the magical village nearby and introduced me to the "dueling club" the school has! >
< We dueled together…¡It was fun! I almost forgot how much I miss home… >
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< I still want to go home. >
< No Mami. I don't mean visiting you guys back in London. Home as in New York. >
< ¿Why should I make friends if we're only going to be here for a year?>
< ¿It's only a year...right? >
< ¿Right? >
< I gotta go...I promised my classmates I'll study with them for our exam next week. >
< I love you too. >
*Flips phone closed*
*Ends call*
MC's trying...but she is rather homesick.
She's now stuck in Hogwarts and isn't too keen on making friends since she has no clue whether she'll be there for a year or not - it all depends whether if they extend her father's work contract and she's isn't keen on making friends if she's only there for a few months in her mind. It gets to the point where Sebastian trying to friend her is like an unstoppable force meeting an unmovable object. (He ends up winning though when she accidently slips up and calls him her friend later on in the year).
For now though, MC is a very angsty teen right now and had her world flipped upside down.
At least she can take out her angst in dueling club 😅
I want to thank @myokk for listening to my ideas about my MC and to my sibling who needed to borrow my laptop for work (leading me to doodle and actually make a digital drawing on my tablet -that I use as a second monitor for work- since I couldn't edit some papers on those days). Without them this drawing wouldn't have happened.
I'm never doing this ever again because I a bit too perfectionist for art and I hated the number of layers I needed. It was supposed to just be a SIMPLE digital doodle!!!! Instead I made this 😭. Never again. I'm sticking to my pen doodles. I was bored out of my mind and I was either reading or doodling while my sis was testing out her new laptop and I was on stand by in case she needed me.
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todaysdocument · 1 year
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Ratified Indian Treaty 19A (first and last pages), April 11, 1793. 
This treaty with the Six Nations (Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Mohawk, and Tuscarora) included this wax Great Seal of the State of New York. 
Record Group 11: General Records of the United States Government
Series: Indian Treaties
Image description: A circular seal, just over three inches in diameter, made of wax covered with paper. Depicted in the center is a sun with a face, rising over hills. Below the hills is “EXCELSIOR”. Around the border of the seal is “THE GREAT SEAL OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK”. There is a hole through the seal at the top. 
Image description: Reverse of the circular seal. In the center are spiky rocks jutting out of the water. There are letters at the top of the border, but it’s difficult to see what they say. At the bottom of the seal is an ink “X”. There is a hole through the seal at the top. 
The People of the State of New York, by the Grace of God, Free and Independent: To all to
whom these presents shall come, Greeting  Know ye that We having inspected the Records remaining in
our Secretary's Office do find there certain Indian Deeds recorded in Book of Indian Deeds commencing
in the year 1748 in the Words Characters and figures following, to wit, "To all to whom these presents
"shall come or may concern: Know ye that We Peter Ojistarare, Johan Jesry Towahangaraghkou, Rawhistoni,
"Paul Tewasgwadeghkow, John Skanondonagh of the wolf tribe, Peter Oneyanha, Joseph Kanaghsaterhon, Cornilius Okonyota, John Onontiyo, Nicholas Sagoyatokare of
"the Turtle Tribe; Lodowick Kaghsaweta, Paul Kanyatashayea and Peter Agwirontongwas of the Bear Tribe,
"Sachems and chief Warriors of the Oneyda and Tuscarara Nations, by and with the advice and consent and in
"the presence of the said Nations at a public Treaty held at Fort Herkimer in the county of the Montgomery with
"his Excellency George Clinton Esquire Governor of the State of New York and the other Commissioners of In-
"dian Affairs of the said State for the consideration of the sum of Eleven Thousand five hundred Dollars
"in Goods & Money to us in hand paid at and before [illegible] ensealing and delivery of these presents, the receipt whereof
"We do hereby acknowledge  Have Given, Granted, Bargained and Sold, and by these presents  Do fully freely and
"Absolutely Grant Bargain and Sell unto the People of the State of New York all that certain Tract of Land situate
"in the said State and on the West Side of the Line commonly called the Line of Property established at a
"Treaty held at Fort Stanwix in 1768, and on the North Side of the Pensylvania Line, Beginning at the
"Mouth of the Unadilla or Tianaderha River where the same empties into the Surquchanna River, thence up
"the said Unadilla or Tianaderha River ten Miles measured on a straight line, thence due West to the Chenen-
"go River, thence Southerly down the said Chenengo River to where it empties into the said Sasquchanna River
"& to the said Line called the Line of Property, thence along the said Line to the place of Beginning so as to comprehend
"all the Lands belonging to us the said Oneyda and Tuscarora Nations lying South of the said Line to be run from
"the said Unadilla or Teanaderha River to the Chenengo River and North of the Division Line between this State
"and the State of Pensylvania, Together with all Ways, Waters, Water courses, Rivers, Riverlets, Creeks and Streams
[page 2]
"Onaakaronton his x mark LS Tehoghweakaronto his x mark LS Kaghnunrayen his x mark LS Agwirontong-
"waghs his x mark LS Anonghsighraghtha his x mark LS Oniatariyoo his x mark LS Kaneyaggh his x mark
"LS Geo: Clinton LS Pierre Van Cortlandt LS Ezra L Hommedieu LS Abm Ten Broeck LS Peter Gansevoort-
"Junr. LS Richd. Varick LS Witnesses Present Sam Kirkland Missry. Interpreter John Lansing Junr. Jos.
"Brant, David Hill, John Tayler, Malachi Treat, Abm Hardenbergh, Peter Otsiequette, Aghwistonisk his x mark,
"Oneyanka his x mark, Coll. Honyery his [mark] mark, Oneida Chiefs. Onangaiekhon his x mark, Fhoghnawayen
"x Senekas. - Be it Remembered that on the Twenty fifth day of November in the year one thousand seven hundred and
"ninety one before me John Sloss Hobart one of the Justices of the Supreme Court of the State of New York came Samuel Kirkland,
"Clerk, Missionary and Interpreter to the Six Nations of Indians, who made oath that he was present and did see the Twenty
"-Eight Sachems, Chiefs and Warriors of the Onondaga Nation of Indians whose names are written opposite to their respec-
"tive Seals severally seal and deliver the within written Ratification as their Voluntary act and deed for the purposes and uses therein mentioned,
"he having previously thereto faithfully and truly interpreted the Contents of the same from the English into the Indian Language unto the said
"Sachems, Chiefs and Warriors in such a manner that it was fully understood by them and that he also saw the Commissioners on the part of the
"State of New York in the said Ratification Mentioned severally seal and deliver the same as their Voluntary act and deed for the purposes and
"uses therein mentioned, and that John Lansing Junr. and the Eleven other persons whose names are signed as Witnesses were present and did see
"the said parties Seal and deliver the said Ratification; and I having Examined the same and found no material alteration therein do al-
"low it to be recorded Jno. Sloss Hobart. The preceding Instrument refers to the Treaty recorded in pages 150 & which is dated the 12th.
"of September 1788, and is a true copy of the Original, Examined and compared therewith this 5th. day of April 1793 (the words "alias Land Car-
"rier" in page 170 being interlined) By me Robert Harpur D Secry."
    All which WE have caused to be Exemplified by these Presents: In Testimony whereof
We have caused these our Letters to be made patent and the Great Seal of our said State to be hereunto affixed Witness
our Trusty and well beloved George Clinton Esquire Governor of our said State General and Commander in chief
of all the Militia and Admiral of the Navy of the same, at our City of New York; this Eleventh day of April in the year of
our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Ninety-Three, and in the Seventeenth year of our Independence.~
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 4 months
"The first public reference to Klan activity in Canada appeared in the Montreal Daily Star, which announced the organization of a branch of ‘the famous Ku Klux Klan’ in Montreal in 1921, and reported that ‘a band of masked, hooded and silent men’ had gathered in the northwest part of the city behind the Mountain. In 1921, the Klan set up an office in West Vancouver, and British Columbia newspapers began to publish solicitations for Klan membership. KKK crosses were sighted burning across New Brunswick: in Fredericton, Saint John, Marysville, York, Carleton, Sunbury, Kings, Woodstock, and Albert. James S. Lord, the sitting member of the New Brunswick legislature for Charlotte County, becamea highly publicized convert. Later the Klan would infiltrate Nova Scotia, burning ‘fiery crosses’ on the lawn of the Mount Saint Vincent Convent, and in front of St John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church at Melville Cove near Halifax’s North-West Arm.
Reports of Klan activities surfaced in Ontario as well, where white American organizer W.L. Higgitt began a tour in Toronto in 1923. In the summer of 1924, a huge Klan gathering took place in a large wooded area near Dorchester. Cross-burning, designed to intimidate the village’s few Black residents, was carried out with great pomp and ceremony. In Hamilton in 1924, police arrested a white American named Almond Charles Monteith in the act of administering initiation rites to two would-be Klanswomen. Monteith was later charged with carrying a loaded revolver. Along with the revolver, police confiscated a list of thirty-two new members (‘some of them prominent citizens’), correspondence regarding thirty-six white robes and hoods, and a $200 invoice for expenses for ‘two fiery crosses.’ Monteith denied any involvement in recent cross-burnings on Hamilton Mountain, and was convicted on the weapons charge. The day after Monteith’s conviction, the arresting officer received a letter bearing a terse message: ‘Beware. Your days are numbered. KKK.’ Monteith’s conviction did nothing to put a crimp in the Klan’s membership drive. Between four hundred and five hundred members paraded through Hamilton in a KKK demonstration in the fall of 1929.
By June 1925 there were estimates of eight thousand Klan members in Toronto; headquarters were installed in Toronto’s Excelsior Life Building. The summer of 1925 witnessed hundreds of crosses burned across Chatham, Dresden, Wallaceburg, Woodstock, St Thomas, Ingersoll, London, and Dorchester. A group of hooded Klansmen tried to proceed en masse through the chapel of a London church to show their appreciation of the anti-Catholic address that had been delivered to the congregation. At a rally of more than two hundred people at Federal Square in London, J.H. Hawkins, claiming to be the Klan’s ‘Imperial Klailiff,’ proclaimed:
‘We are a white man’s organization and we do not admit Jews and colored people to our ranks. [ … ] God did not intend to create any new race by the mingling of white and colored blood, and so we do not accept the colored races.’
More than one thousand showed up at a similar rally in Woodstock.
At what was billed as the ‘first open-air ceremony of the Klan’ in Canada, two hundred new members were initiated at the Dorchester Fairgrounds in October 1925, in front of more than one thousand avid participants. The ‘first Canadian Ku Klux burial’ took place in London the next year, as robed and hooded Klansmen, swords at their sides and fiery crosses at hand, showed up to perform a ritual at the graveside of one of the Drumbo Klan. Ontario chapters sprang up in Niagara Falls, Barrie, Sault Ste Marie, Belleville, Kingston, and Ottawa. New headquarters appeared in a Vancouver mansion in 1925, and local chapters called ‘Klaverns’ sprang into existence in New Westminster, Victoria, Nanaimo, Ladysmith, and Duncan. Klan bonfires lit up Kitsilano Point. By 1928, the Vancouver Klan was soliciting signatures for a petition to demand that Asian Canadians be banned from employment on government steamships. A ‘Great Konklave’ was held in June 1927 in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, where an estimated ten thousand people stood by as hooded Klansmen burned a sixty-foot cross and lectured to them on the risks of racial intermarriage. Demanding an immediate ban on marriage between white women and ‘Negroes, Chinese or Japanese,’ the Klan proclaimed: ‘one flag, one language, one race, one religion, race purity and moral rectitude.’ The Saskatchewan group would later disaffiliate from Eastern Canada, to create an entirely separate western wing that was credited with signing up 25,000 members. In Alberta, ‘Klaverns’ came into existence in Hanna, Stettler, Camrose, Forestburg, Jarrow, Erskine, Milo, Vulcan, Wetaskiwin, Red Deer, Ponoka, Irma, and Rosebud. Alberta membership peaked between 5,000 and 7,000, but the Klan newspaper, The Liberator, produced out of Edmonton, purported to maintain a circulation of 250,000. Nor were the activities of the Klan restricted to rallies and cross-burnings. In 1922, the Klan was linked to a rash of torchings that wreaked more than $100,000 damage upon three Roman Catholic institutions: the Quebec Cathedral, the rest-house of the Sulpician order at Oka, Quebec, and the junior seminary of the Fathers of the Blessed Sacrament in Terrebonne. In 1922, threatening letters signed by the Klan were delivered to St Boniface College in Winnipeg. Before the year was out, the college burned to the ground, causing the death of ten students. In 1923, similar letters, signed by the Klan, were sent to local police and Roman Catholic authorities in Calgary. In Thorold, Ontario, the KKK intervened in a local murder investigation in 1922, issuing a warning to the town mayor to arrest an Italian man suspected of the crime by a specified date or face the fury of the Klan. The letter continued: ’The clansmen of the Fiery Cross will take the initiative in the Thorold Italian section. Eighteen hundred armed men of the Scarlet Division are now secretly scouring this district and await the word to exterminate these rats.’ In 1922, the Mother Superior of a Roman Catholic orphanage in Fort William received a letter signed ‘K.K.K.’ threatening to ‘burn the orphanage.’ The mayor of Ottawa was mailed a vitriolic letter, demanding he pay more attention ‘to Protestant taxpayers’ or the Klan would take ‘concerted action.’ Two Klansmen stole and destroyed religious paraphernalia from the tabernacle of the St James Roman Catholic church near Sarnia. The Ancaster Klan attempted to intimidate the African Brotherhood of America from erecting a home for ‘colored children and aged colored folk.’
The Belleville Klan visited the office of the Belleville Intelligencer, demanding that the manager dismiss a Catholic printer employed by the paper. The Sault Ste Marie Klan launched a concerted campaign to force the big steel mills to fire their Italian workers. A rifle bullet was fired at George Devlin during a wedding reception in Sault Ste Marie, with a blazing cross left behind to claim responsibility for the act. In 1924, local Klansmen surrounded the Dorchester home of a white man believed to be married to a Black woman. Threats were made to burn a cross outside the house of a white Bryanstown resident reputed to be involved with a Black woman. In 1927, several crosses were burned on the lawn of a white family believed to be running a brothel in Sault Ste Marie. The family was forced to flee their home.
Klan activities were also responsible for the removal of a francophone Roman Catholic postmaster in Lafleche, Alberta. The Alberta Klan promoted boycotts of Catholic businesses. The Drumheller KKK, which boasted a membership embracing forty of the town’s most prominent businessmen and mine owners, burned a cross on the lawn of a local newspaper columnist after he wrote a satirical comment about the Klan. Alberta Klansmen used bullets and flaming crosses to try to intimidate members of the Mine Workers Union of Canada during their bitter labour dispute in the Crow’s Nest Pass. Lacombe Klansmen wrote to the editor of the Alberta Western Globe after he opposed the Klan, threatening ‘severe punishment including the burning of his house and business to the ground.’ The same group kidnapped, and tarred and feathered a local blacksmith.
Throughout these activities, white police and fire marshals stood by, often present at the incendiary meetings and cross-burnings, content to reassure themselves there was ‘no danger.’ Despite the widespread evidence of lawlessness, Klan authorities tended to claim official disengagement whenever there was property damage or personal injury. Eschewing responsibility, they insisted that their organization had nothing to do with such events. Remarkably, the authorities largely respected these assertions of innocence, concluding that, without definitive proof that would tie named Klan officials to specific threatening letters or violent deeds, nothing further could be ascertained. Apart from the arrest and conviction of Almond Charles Monteith for possessing an unauthorized revolver, the only Klan event that attracted legal attention was the dynamiting of St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church in Barrie, Ontario, in 1926. On the evening of 10 June 1926, a stick of dynamite shattered the stained-glass windows and blasted a four-foot hole through the brick wall of Barrie’s St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church. Buffeted about by the explosion, Ku Klux Klan flyers were scattered throughout the street, strewn among the brick, glass, and wooden debris. Barrie was a major stronghold of Ku Klux Klan activity, and organizers had drawn a crowd of two thousand to watch hooded Klansmen conduct a ritual cross-burning on a hill outside of Barrie several weeks earlier. At that ceremony, thirty-year-old William Skelly, a shoemaker who had emigrated one year earlier from Ireland, swore fealty to the tenets of the Klan, to uphold Protestant Christianity and white supremacy. He was initiated as a member in good standing. It was Skelly whom the police arrested for the bombing days later.
Skelly voluntarily admitted his Klan membership to the police, and confessed that, the night before the bombing, Klan members met to discuss ‘a job to be pulled off.’ There was a drawing of lots, and when Skelly drew the ‘Fiery Cross,’ he realized he was the designated man. Skelly claimed that he was intimidated by fellow Klansmen, who ‘made [him] drunk with dandelion wine and alcohol,’ and forced him to carry out the deed under threat of bodily harm. In fact, he told the police, he had joined the Klan in the first place only because he ‘had had considerable difficulty in securing steady work,’ and was told that, if he joined, the Klan ‘would look after him,’ finding him employment. Skelly also implicated two other Barrie Klan officials, Klan ‘Kleagle’ William Butler and Klan Secretary Clare Lee. Criminal charges of causing a dangerous explosion, attempting to destroy property with explosives, and possession of explosives were laid against all three white Klansmen.
This time the Ontario attorney general’s office issued an official statement that ‘no group can take into its own hands the administration of the law.’ The white deputy attorney general, Edward J. Bayly, became involved personally when he made arrangements for a leading white Toronto barrister, Peter White, KC, to prosecute the trio on behalf of the Crown. Skelly, Butler, and Lee were all found guilty at a jury trial in October, and sentenced to five, four, and three years, respectively. Officials from the Toronto headquarters of the Ku Klux Klan denied all responsibility, claiming throughout that Skelly ‘acted on his own initiative,’ despite all the evidence to the contrary." - Constance Backhouse, Colour-Coded: A Legal History of Racism in Canada, 1900-1950. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1999. pg. 183-193.
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puckpocketed · 8 months
Tagged a millennia ago by @dijkstraspath and @cataroo sorry this was obliterated from my mind at the time </3
✨ noº1 team?
No number 1 team. I am a fickle creature whose heart is easily swayed by narratives!! My beloved teams, plural, are the Sharks, Kraken, Ducks, Wild, and recently the VGK! We have a soft spot a mile wide for losers and girlfailures. I am easily bamboozled by Antics and Shenanigans. Assume no teams are safe from my love. I always say: I have NO enemies in ice hockey except the refs/situation room <3
🥅 your favourite goalie?
My whole heart belongs to the oppressed goalie tandems on basement tier teams (Gibson/Dostal, Kahkonen/Blackwood, Soderblom/Mrazek)
Fav goalie to watch, who will always have a place in my heart? Joey Daccord! He has anime-protagonist levels of skill and he is a joy to watch in net. Truly creative, proactive, and unique. I see him going very far.
🔟 what would be your jersey number?
17! For the first two serial numbers of the Enterprise NCC-1701
🏒 what team would you love to play for?
PWHL New York, because women+teal <3
❤️‍🔥 who is your favourite player currently?
Thinking endlessly about Brock Faber. Girlies (gn) know I’ve been writing an essay about him for like a month, which has blossomed into something well beyond the scope of what I originally wanted to write.
👀 a trade that hurt you emotionally?
I haven’t been around ice hockey long enough for a trade to hurt me yet, but I’m not unfamiliar with trade heartbreak!
I have been in esports for years, and the first trade that fucked me up was support player ArK getting traded from the New York Excelsior to the Washington Justice. It was 5 years ago, the meta had shifted away from ArK’s best heroes, and the bombshell dropped on twitter. I was devastated. The NYXL core had been together through so much, I thought. They existed pre-Overwatch League, as LW Blue and LW Red. They were a family.
They reunited, briefly, during OWL All-Stars, and every moment of it hurt. ArK retired in 2020 after leading the Washington Justice to the North American Division Playoffs, where they came 3rd.
Many such trades and team implosions happened after ArK, but you never forget your first! 
🌈 what is your experience on hockeyblr so far?
Pretty amazing! I wrote a whole love letter to the kraken, sharks tag has some very funny characters who are very unserious about everything but very lovingly devoted to our losers, I’m too shy to talk in the wild tag too often but I hope this changes, the ducks tag is a wasteland populated by me and maybe 2 other people and we never seem to be blogging at the same time, and the one (1) person currently active in the vegas tag is quite possibly the sweetest person alive (!!!) they’ve been so excited to tell me about them, to welcome me and share their love!!!
The PWHL holds a very very dear place in my heart, I feel very tender and protective about it so I’m pretty quiet — but when I do venture into the tag it’s been a fun time!!!
I am putting out tentative feelers for the AIHL and the handful of people who’ve chimed in to show their support has been incredibly heartening and I look forward to writing propaganda for them when the time comes!!! <3
tag people you'd like to know these about ☺️🏒🖤
its. way way way way too late to be doing this but i guess im reviving the meme! absolutely feel no pressure to participate: @wehaveagathering @puckinggoalies @skybluerin @ppepohappy @belowthedepths if you'd like to participate consider yourself tagged by me!
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Episode 599 - Mirana Comstock
This one's all about legacies: familial, literary, cultural & institutional! Mirana Comstock joins the show to celebrate the publication of The Algonquin Round Table: 25 Years with the Legends Who Lunch (Excelsior Editions/SUNY Press), by her grandfather, the late literary lion Konrad Bercovici. We get into how Mirana discovered this manuscript, what it meant to edit it & write the intro, what it was like to help bring the Algonquin scene & Konrad's writing to life for a new generation of readers, and the experience of growing up in a multigenerational household of compulsive artists & writers. We talk about why her grandfather's immense literary stature diminished, the nature of charisma and The Aura, the scandal of Chaplin stealing Konrad's script for The Great Dictator, how the Algonquin habitués were the influencers of their time (only with something to say), how the Algonquin scene was like Vienna café society transposed into New York & American capitalism, Mirana's discoveries as she researched the figures in the book, and why there'll never be another book like this one. We also discuss the New-York Historical Society's acquisition of Konrad's papers, her New York and how it's changed, her idea for transforming her family's writing into a meta-stage production, and a lot more. More info at our site • Support The Virtual Memories Show via Patreon or Paypal and via our e-newsletter
Check out the new episode of The Virtual Memories Show
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denimbex1986 · 3 months
'What would “Ripley” be without its transfixing style, from the palpable isolation of a squalid New York apartment to the shadowy charms of ancient Italian streets?
Writer-director Steven Zaillian’s acclaimed eight-hour Netflix series isn’t merely a new adaptation of Patricia Highsmith’s enduring thriller about an American tourist in coastal southern Italy embracing deceit and murder: It’s a coolly gorgeous black-and-white pleasure bath of sights, shades and textures. Beauty with darkness. Modern touches in ancient spaces. Art for con artist’s sake.
To achieve his vision of a 1960s Italy that would sweep viewers away right along with Andrew Scott’s dangerously impressionable protagonist, Zaillian assembled a murderer’s row (ahem) of design collaborators: Oscar-winning cinematographer Robert Elswit, who’d worked with the director on the miniseries “The Night Of”; production designer David Gropman, an alum of Zaillian’s 1993 film “Searching for Bobby Fischer”; and Italian costume designers Maurizio Millenotti and Gianni Casalnuovo.
Elswit makes no bones about how important everyone’s set contributions were to the look and feel of “Ripley.” “It was such a clear ensemble of decisions based on Steve’s original ideas that we pursued for the whole [show],” he says. “We wanted to underlie the drama, be part of the storytelling, part of the emotional life of it.”
The production design
“A dream job” is how Gropman describes working on “Ripley,” starting with what Zaillian’s 400 dialogue-sparse script pages evoked, and ending with myriad locations across New York, Italy and at Rome’s fabled Cinecitta studios.
Early research led Gropman to the kinds of images that called out to be re-created. “When you’re doing Tom on the train from Cherbourg to Naples, and you pull up David Seymour’s photograph of Ingrid Bergman going from Naples to Cannes on the Orient Express, you know exactly what that train car looks like in black and white.” Another inspiring source was Piergiorgio Branzi, revered for his naturalistic postwar pictures of life in Italy. “Any photograph of his would fill a moment in [‘Ripley’].”
Months of scouting the Amalfi coast for the sleepy town holding Dickie Greenleaf’s villa led Gropman to quiet but picturesque Atrani. Three elements cinched it: The views from the road above were stunning, the piazza charmed, and what would become something of a location star for rapt viewers, “the incredible network of stairs, alleys and passageways.” The actual villa, however, was discovered in Capri, and completely outfitted in midcentury furniture and assorted antiques and artwork.
You can get to 200 locations and sets easily when a character is constantly on the move, and the norm is to crib from many places to suggest one. “For the Excelsior hotel in Rome,” says Gropman, “the exterior was the Hassler, the lobby was the Plaza, and two suites were an amazing 16th century palazzo in the middle of Rome.” And where exterior period authenticity couldn’t be counted on, CGI filled out plenty of backgrounds. “Train platforms, views out windows, and ferry docks were all big visual effects set extensions,” Gropman says.
As for what was built at Cinecitta, two favorite sets for Gropman were Tom’s New York hovel and his well-appointed, furnished Rome apartment. For every set, though, walls were never moved for the camera’s sake, “so you’re true to the claustrophobia,” says Gropman, and in the case of the dingy New York SRO, “the meanness of that space.”
Props were nearly as important, and Zaillian spent two days looking at demos. One story item, however — a Murano glass ashtray whose importance won’t be spoiled here — had already been chosen. “The ashtray is on one of Steve’s side tables at home in California,” says Gropman, laughing. “That will tell you a lot about Steve, and his ‘Ripley.’”
The cinematography
“Steve is the most meticulous, focused, precise director you could ever work with,” says Elswit of his “Ripley” writer-director. “He had a very clear concept of shooting in black and white, making a designed movie formally organized around tonal structure and graphic images.”
Elswit, who’s previously worked in black and white (“Good Night and Good Luck”), explains why cinematographers love the monochrome palette. “You can exploit the extremes between the brightest white and the blackest black. You exaggerate the contrast in their faces. You can feel it. Sense it. You really do create tension and anxiety through lighting. It’s been done since the beginning of movies.”
It’s even baked into Zaillian’s script. Ripley’s fascination with Caravaggio allowed the Italian master’s famed tenebrism — intense darkness and pockets of equally intense light — to also become a guiding aesthetic for Elswit. Caravaggio “was also obsessed with quality of light, its direction and the reality of it. Like a spotlight on what was interesting.”
Elswit says Italy’s very physicality lends itself to such extremes of light and shadow. “There’s so much texture when you’re looking at walls, streets, the surfaces of buildings, the cobblestones, stairways. It’s granite, plaster, rock, marble, whatever it is, and in black and white, it emphasizes the texture.”
Caravaggio and his era’s peers influenced the show’s look in another way. Elswit and Zaillian gave themselves an unusual rule in framing, to keep Renaissance and Baroque art’s straight-ahead perspective and avoid converging vertical lines, as would happen if a camera tilted up or down. It’s why so much of “Ripley” is a crisply edited procession of static shots, with only humans providing movement.
“That was built into every setup, indoors and out,” Elswit says. “We were going to have the picture plane parallel to the walls of structures we were shooting, always. The buildings couldn’t have converging lines. Steven wanted that formal graphic design.”
Zaillian also preferred overcast days, to avoid any sun-kissed hint of romance and warmth. But Elswit made great portentous use of a hot sky for when Ripley first encounters Dickie and Marge, lying on the gravel beach. “We had a high shot where we had Tom walk by them, and his shadow goes over them,” Elswit says. “I was thrilled. I’m not sure if Steve was at the time, but he ended up being happy with it. That was a wonderful advantage to a sunlit day!”
The costumes
Italy in the ‘60s may have been a fashion mecca, but that wasn’t how Millenotti and Casalnuovo saw the job Zaillian set out for them. “There was a focus on subtlety,” Casalnuovo wrote via email, speaking for the duo. “The costumes shouldn’t be flashy or distracting. Steve’s vision emphasized creating a sense of character and story through the clothing.”
Casting a wide net in their research — with a little over four months of pre-production time — the pair pored over photo books, archives, even vintage albums found in street markets, “searching for a nuanced understanding of the period,” Casalnuovo says. Their rummaging unearthed one socked-away trove containing unpublished pictures of everyday life in the story’s key cities. “This provided invaluable insight into the social fabric and atmosphere. This allowed us to create costumes steeped in authenticity and narrative depth.”
That meant capturing a moment when the world was turning away from formality, while areas like southern Italy still reflected class divisions. Lighter fabrics such as linen and cotton are presenting themselves, and yet the privilege Dickie Greenleaf (Johnny Flynn) represents hasn’t gone away. “Dickie’s wardrobe would be more tailored and polished. In contrast, characters of lower social standing would wear simpler, more practical clothing.”
With a black-and-white palette, however, certain scenes needed extra consideration, as when Tom Ripley’s swimsuit needed to set him apart at the beach. Highsmith wrote about a garish yellow/black checkered pair of trunks, but, says Casalnuovo, “a color contrast wouldn’t translate.” (As the final decision ultimately showed, an eye-opening fit and pattern humorously did the trick.)
Of course, when it came to Ripley overall, charting his sartorial trajectory, not surprisingly, was the designers’ most enjoyable project. “Ripley’s wardrobe is a chameleon’s act. Initially, his casual American style clashes with Dickie’s European flair. He subtly incorporates elements like polo shirts and loafers, mirroring Dickie to gain acceptance.” Getting from high-priced mimicry to Tom’s own personal style toward the end was a particular challenge, but the kind costume designers live for. “It was a process that demanded focus and a deep understanding of the character, but seeing it all come together was incredibly rewarding.”'
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overwatch-1eague · 9 months
2018 (Inaugural Season)
Stage 1, Week 5, Day 4
Match 1 - New York Excelsior vs London Spitfire
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ironchef13 · 11 months
Characters that I think should star in a Spiderverse Fanfiction
Ok so in previous chapters I wrote about characters that Miles Morales would meet, team up with, or fight as Spider-man. Mostly Bailey Briggs aka Spider-Boy and the Gwen clones from the Spider-Gwen: Shadow Clone saga. And in some Spiderverse stories he is seen fighting the Tinkerer (Phin Mason) from the Spider-man: Miles Morales video game. However, there are many more characters in the Marvel comics that may not be as well-known, but I think should be featured in a Spiderverse fanfiction. Maybe Miles can team up with them, maybe he can fight them, the possibilities are up to you the fanfic writers. So here is a list of Marvel characters that I think should star in a Spiderverse fanfiction and why. Hope you enjoy.
1.) Ellie Ellison aka Necroko from the "Extreme Venomverse" Comics Ellie Ellison is a shy high school student who had bonded with a Venom symbiote and became a Sailor Moon-themed superhero known as Necroko. When I first discovered her, I never thought someone could look both scary and Adorable at the same time. For more information about Necroko you may check out the link below.
2.) Itsy Bitsy from the "Spider-man/Deadpool" comics Itsy Bitsy is an unnamed woman that willingly let herself become mutated with the combined abilities of Spider-man and Deadpool. Now in the original comics Itsy Bitsy almost gaslighted Spider-man into killing her which caused Deadpool to intervene and stop him. But in a Spiderverse fanfic I was thinking maybe instead Itsy Bitsy would be kidnapped, forcibly mutated, and have her mind erased. Which would then lead Miles to discover her and team up with her while trying to help discover who she used to be. As for her personality I was thinking she would be like DC Harley Quinn, Crazy but funny. For more details about Itsy Bitsy you may check out the link below
3.) Billie Morales from the Miles Morales: Spider-man comics Billie Morales is basically Miles Morales baby sister that was born when Miles is in High school. It would be interesting and fun to see how Miles tries to handle school, Spider-man and being a big brother. Plus, I'm sure the rest of the Spider-Gang would absolutely adore her, and Mayday would love to have a new playmate. See the link at the bottom for more details.
4.) New Agent Venom Variant In the Marvel Universe many people have taken up the mantle (and symbiote) of "Agent Venom" People like Flash Thompson, Eddie Brock, Anne Weying, Eugene Thompson, Even Peter Parker. But I have an idea for a new OC Agent venom and that person is Addy Brock. Now Addy Brock was a character in the "Edge of Spider-Geddon" comics. She was a student with Peni Parker and the pilot of the VEN#m suit. Unfortunately, she was killed when the VEN#M suit went rouge and consumed her along with Peni's Aunt May. I guess this was considered one of Peni's "Canon Events". It would be interesting to see how Peni would react to meeting a new Variant of her deceased friend with a perfect bond with her symbiote, since I'm going to assume Peni would have some form of PTSD with any kinds of symbiotes.
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5.) Gwenpool from the Gwenpool comics because why not?
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6.) The Guardians of the Galaxy
This one is mostly because hey, Space Adventure so why not you know?
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that's all I have for now. Hope you find these ideas inspiring. In the Immortal words of Stan Lee
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thisisnotthenerd · 10 months
second sequel season: the unsleeping city chapter ii
quick episode descriptions:
the mystery of the haunted subway: halloween monsters. cody ages 20 years. antipopuli. sofia casts silence. ricky and iga teleport forward. ricky loves safety enough to be able to stop a subway.
trouble at the tunnel: bazathrax summoned the jersey devil. the questing blade goes to cody. jj gets buffed. cody gets attacked for flipping off the jersey devil. ricky counterspells the jersey devil. kingston's remote access tesla. cone of cold & synaptic static. cody freaks out and later becomes the jersey devil.
parade of peril: thanksgiving day parade. sofia fails to tail tony simos. true clowns kidnap wally claus. chaos damage. running on balloons in louboutins. nothin' bad is ever going to happen to us. nat 20 to shoot the balloon with a gun. wild magic surges. iga using an air elemental to transport her box with herself and wally in it. lay on hands through luna. cody's shuriken failures. kingston and sofia fall into the headquarters of excelsior dynamic homes.
fight at the museum: the thirsting blade hungers for blood. pete meeting 53\/3N. jj stealing back native art. fighting historical armor. banishing the unicorn. summoning alejandro! conning emily into using her reaction. cody stealing weapons and wiping out on his moped. minor illusion dysentery. alejandro's cucumber habanero juul. ricky taking the katana to give the samurai the honor of not dying at cody's hand. ricky is the protector of new york. cody pulls out the dark excalibur/thirsting blade.
the battle of the hot dog cart: cody's no good very bad day. ketchupults. nat 1 to lift thirsting blade dark excalibur mega genesis. the worst turn in d20 history. kingston's lightning bolt. nat 1 to attack with the triple sword. pete's cone of cold. kingston's nat 20 intimidation. cody apologizing to ricky. summoning kugrash.
history checks and lost dex: not a part of the battle but this is when sofia met jesus. also when pete hid nod in his spleen. ellis island--looking for the seven items that null had destroyed. get stunned or lose an ability. ricky and kingston's family. kingston and holly. throw one right down the middle, champ. pete's turn with haste and the gotham timepiece. iga taking all the damage.
for the hoard!: iga blasts null. null crits on iga and banishes her to the demiplane where all those it has consumed have gone. siobhan is back as rowan. end of episode is the start of the fight at gramercy.
treachery at gramercy: fighting around the umbral engine. ricky's bat counterspell. pete surges twice. cody is a mounted combatant who read dante's inferno. tony simos is a crazy level 20 open hand monk. pete has subtle spell. ricky says tony get fucked and does 90 damage. kingston's spirits of the city. sofia stunning everyone. cody meets lucifer and makes a new contract. sofia pulls dale out of the past and into the present.
two sides of the same coin (part 1): dale has a wife guy aura. sofie beats the shit out of tony. pete gets esther out of banishment. tony tries to get pete's concentration and can't. pete is feather beard merlin and has an umbilical cord tied to sofia. sofia does 97 points of damage to tony and kills him. ricky counterspells the last dispel. they listen to feather beard merlin. 2nd half is exploring the hoard. the ancient automat, the mysterious apples. mom squad has the perception. animate objects with a train. ricky summons the spirits of the city. ricky and cody share the moped.
two sides of the same coin (part 2): cody and ricky ride through sofia's darkness to attack the sparties. two sides of the same coin. beating their way through bots and the corporate wraiths with 67 hp. KINGSTON'S DIVINE INTERVENTION WITH PETE'S BEND LUCK. i think brennan just actually came. the city rising up. advantage on everything plus resistance to everything. and then the baby is born with rowan's help! cute baby art. and iga comes back! pete does 81 with disintegrate, while cody does 120 over three attacks. iga blasts null out to the deep dreaming with her kids. and the battle ends with langston brown.
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nyexcelsior · 2 years
did not watch more than like half an hour of the matches today, but i DID give a presentation in front of my english writing class about why you should not become a fan of the new york excelsior. so. i was vaguely on topic
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czarinaofficial · 2 years
Just like many artists, I often doubt myself and my own work. Whether I’m on the correct path or if I should be making music that has a broader commercial appeal. I’m gender fluid/non-binary and sometimes I wonder in order to become successful, I should play up more of my feminine side to gain more attention and air time and diminish my identity.
I made a point to stop doubting myself and actually make the music and art I wanted to create; To express myself as genuine as possible and to push my own capabilities and boundaries. I was finally able to produce a record that’s true to who I am, with a sound that I can proudly call my own. The result was my sophomore record, Arcana, which came out February of this year.
My favorite song in Arcana is “Excelsior,” named after New York’s motto, my old home: To go above and beyond and aim high no matter what. The song embodies this gnosis in both lyrical meaning, song structure and performance. And to have this song land on Number 3 on Synthpop Fanatic’s Top 100 Synthpop Songs of 2022, means the world to me and gives the reassurance that staying true and genuine to oneself is really the only way to be.
Thank you Chris Brandon for this greatest honor. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
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