#Nina rants
heartshapedness · 1 year
to everyone with mommy/daddy/parental issues, do you all ever find yourself emulating a mannerism that is unique to your parent or parents when you're deep in conversation with someone else, and this could be a small thing, like the tilt of your chin or the way the curve of your smile is more inclined towards one side more than the other, and the fact that it is something that came from your parents takes the breath out of you and leaves you in a spiral of self-loathing and it feels like your skin is crawling and being picked at by pincers, and suddenly it feels like they're right there in the room with you, jeering and mocking your voice and facial expressions and sneering at your vulnerability and how you could be so stupid and
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forestgreenrambles · 2 years
sorry that wasn't very we're just friends of me
(embarrassing moment I needed to vent abt)
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autumnmobile12 · 4 months
Worst Anime Dad?
So I saw a TikTok the other day posing the question: Who is the worst anime dad?
And I knew the answer. And the first thing I did was go to the comments and confirm what I already knew. Scrolling and scrolling, all I see is Shou Tucker's name on repeat. Occasionally, an honorable mention of other terrible dads slipped into the mix to liven things up, but the overall general opinion is Shou Tucker.
Everybody gives the same answer because it's the only 'correct' answer of the anime community.
The worst anime dad is Shou Tucker. It's always going to be Shou Tucker. We laid that question to rest for eternity in 2001 (yes, this chapter was originally published in 2001.) I'm not even in the FMA fandom and it is almost a thing of united morbid beauty of how much this moment is still referenced and how widespread it is. Nobody is going to let this go anytime soon.
All the abusive fathers, neglectful fathers, absent fathers...all terrible in their own unique and despicable way, but they didn't turn their child and dog into a monster for sick scientific curiosity and self-preservation. I'm not saying Shou Tucker makes all the other schmucks the fathers of the year, but we're not going to be talking about what Endeavor did to Shouto as much as people are still probably going to be crying about Nina and Alexander for another twenty years.
The very mention of Shou Tucker's name just triggers the internet. The dubious prize has been won, case closed, go home.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 3 months
My sister has been borrowing a lot of my books recently so I (incredibly unsubtly) left Six of Crows in her room. Now we wait...
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addictivestardom · 14 days
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white mealspo ♡
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mooniemilkieway · 6 months
the way people act towards her and her creator on the internet makes me so upset
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first off, IT IS COMPLETE OKAY TO NOT LIKE NINA THE KILLER !! i may love Nina but I do have a lot of problems with her but the hate for her was just literally insane.
im actually planning on making a post where i call out the misogyny in the creepypasta fandom because it’s just ridiculously bad. like seriously.
i was going through my deviantart page to look at some nina fanart to reference off of and I saw a stamp that was well… an “anti nina the wh0re stamp” which…UM I THINK NINA IS A MINOR HELLO??? And the only character she gets with is Eyeless Jack…she was a fan of Jeff but the author never said that they DATED. and even if they did WHOOOO CARESSS ITS A FICTIONAL CHARACTER!! ITS A FANTASY THE AUTHOR HAS!! that doesn’t make Nina nor the author a whore or a homewrecker.
also THE RACISM IVE WITNESS. okay so the author is latina if i am correct and ofc her english isn’t going to be perfect. but. oh. my. god. the way so many people were literally ripping apart Nina’s story because of it’s “bad english” instead of fucking HELPING THE AUTHOR just infuriates me to no end. and it bothers me that these are the same people who’s first language is English and would still fail their English classes like PLEASE HUMBLE YOURSELF OMGGG.
this reasoning isn’t as abhorrent as the other ones but the way people keep calling her a “Jeff Ripoff” when she’s…spoiler alert…A JEFF FANGIRL. NO SHIT SHE WOULD LOOK LIKE JEFF THE KILLER LIKE THATS HER WHOLE POINT
anyways sorry for this rant it just has been bothering my for like YEARS and I’m so glad that Nina is getting some love and appreciation but just knowing that the hate for her was so bad that it even negatively affected the creator of her makes me so so upset.
i PROMISE imma make fanart soon just lemme get through my college classes lol
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sundeum · 1 year
EVERYTHING about the second season of good omens that we have seen so far has me completely obsessed. it is literally everything i have dreamt of and i can't believe i get to just watch it all unfold before my two very eyes. jealous crowley??? give it to me !!!! the slow realization that they've been in love this whole time??? yes!!!! the painful pining, tiptoeing around each other because they just don't know how to proceed, this whole time they've had an excuse for being around each other because essentially they had to 'thwart' one another and had the arrangement but now they are completely free of their respective offices and now comes the question of 'oh, what actually are we?'. not to mention that they're celestial beings whose relationship exceeds any human understandings so they don't even know how to go about defining each other. and in the new clip released today we see aziraphale hesitate when he says 'he and i...go back a long time', because perhaps he wanted to say more but he isn't sure where they stand either and what crowley is okay with and i want to HUG neil gaiman for creating the most delicious dynamic i've ever seen in any piece of media. them eventually and finally coming together in the end will make me explode with the pent-up feelings of having to watch them slowly realize that their beings are interlaced and one can't exist without the other; they exist only because the other exists and they only make sense together. and they will find their ultimate purpose and meaning in love and in each other.
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3storyofmylife3 · 1 month
A problem I find in fiction nowadays is that female main characters don’t seem real.
They’re too perfect, too untouchable.
Even their flaws aren’t really flaws.
They’re insecure, they don’t believe in themselves, but they are perfect in every other way.
The main character will be pretty but she wouldn’t know it. She’s fit a perfect aesthetic that little girls who read the books try to attain and it just wouldn’t work.
They’re badasses because they have a few “witty” one liners, but they’re mean and rude to everyone else. They judge other girls and mean to guys because girls are better than guys obviously (yay girl power).
They’re have a ridiculous amount of trauma but it doesn’t affect their health in anyway.
Writers are often too focused on making badass female characters that they forget to actually write a character.
Their are exceptions to this of course.
Like Lucy Carlyle in Lockwood and Co, despite being written by a man (Jonathan Stroud) she’s probably the most realistic female main character i’ve ever read about.
She gets jealous and petty sometimes, she gets insecure, she’s mean, she makes dumb mistakes, but she LEARNS and she GROWS.
She doesn’t just repeat the same mistakes bcuz there are no consequences to them and the male love interest will back her up no matter what 💅.
And she has friends and crushes and enemies and she’s just…normal. No incredible beauty, and amazing personality. Just a girl who tries her best with what’s been given to her. She’s a hard worker and is very talented (and she knows it, she just doesn’t really understand the reality of it).
Or Eleanor Shellstrop from The Good Place. An arizona trash bag, the worst person you will ever meet, but she tries to change no matter how long it takes her and tries to do good. And you have love her because she’s smart and relatable and even though she’s selfish sometimes she cares about her friends and is willing to do anything for them by the time the series is over, and it’s not like she goes all perfect of a sudden, she still makes mistakes and learns from them. Because the most important thing is to try.
Anne from Anne with an E. You will never get more second-hand embarrassment from a character besides Anne and still love her, because she’s just a teenage girl who has hopes and dreams and a big imagination.
Alex and Red from The Land Of Stories.
Cress from TLC.
Mabel from Gravity Falls.
Inej and Nina from SOC.
And there are so many more, i wish we’d give characters like this more times than characters like SJM heroines 🥲.
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zoyalaisobachka · 2 months
It makes me genuinely sad when people draw our queen Nina Zenik skinny. We already have so little plussize representation and when we do, it's usually comedic relief. Not Nina. She's a character with depth, she's confident, she's not ashamed to love food, her friends are worried about her when she doesn't eat due to parem, they're happy for her when she finally starts eating again, she's a powerful character. AND PEOPLE DRAW HER SKINNY. Like...to every plussize art there are like 30 skinny arts. Please for the love of Saints, don't do this lol
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blessedsweetgirl · 3 months
The Crows should have had a separate show with a good theme song so if they decided to make a cameo in the Shadow and Bone series, their theme song would start playing as they appeared and it would have been so dramatic and metal as hell
Plus I think they should have had left the SoC books alone and showed their adventures before the books happend if they wanted to combine the Shadow and bone with Six of Crows
Netflix' Shadow and Bone did not do the crows justice
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mikaikaika · 1 year
Dude as a person whose fav egg was and still is Juanaflippa this is such a convoluted and heart wrenching situation I'm really not sure how to feel and I can't even think how Charlie feels. On one hand, just seeing Flippa here just moving and walking just takes you back to the good ol' days where everything was perfect and she was here backflipping and thriving. On the other hand, seeing this situation from Phil's side really made me realize how fucked up of a situation this is.
Blinded by the initial wave of grief and nostalgia we just ignored everything that was wrong about this. And now just seeing this fake copy being just a mere shell of what the real Flippa was makes me feel disdain for this copy trying to stand in the same shoes where our lil Juana stood. No matter the intentions or the interactions, she was never Juana and she could never be and no matter her attempts it still just hurts so goddamn much.
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tacticaldiary · 9 months
"There's no strong female characters!", "Give us complex women!", "We want to see a range of female personality!"
They gave you Abby Anderson. Nina Zenik. Annabeth Chase. Shauna Sadecki.
It's been a gruelling fight to get crumbs of what we want, but frankly you don't deserve them. You don't deserve them if you're going to call for complexity, then whine about how they're too 'complicated'. How those women are 'too much' and 'not enough' at the same time. How they could have been better, how they should have been changed.
You hate Abby for being too strong, you hate Nina for being too forward, you hate Annabeth for being a leader, you hate Shauna for being a child.
You're given women that are complex, that are morally grey, that can't be stamped with a 'good' or 'bad', and how do you treat them? No, even better, how do you treat the people that advocate for them?
It's fine for the men to be morally gray, but God forbid a woman step into that role like you asked.
I'm sick, and I'm so tired, and this is exactly why I love writing morally grey women. Strong women, women that are unapologetic and powerful.
Grow up.
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Ok I’m back.
*Good Omens series 2 spoilers*
I slept on it and I’ve settled a bit with the kiss scene. Even though I still feel ripped open and aching over the whole thing. It was giving us what we wanted but in the most excruciating way. (Thanks for that, Gaiman)
In all seriousness, I loved the season. The entire story and smaller stories throughout. I know it’s building for something greater too. I trust Neil implicitly to make it right in s3. I’m just gonna be in panic mode until it’s confirmed. And by make it right I mean literally Crowley and Aziraphale making amends. I don’t mean to say what happened is in any way wrong. It’s exactly how it would play out, it’s just not happy and fluffy. It’s REAL. Neil did an amazing job (hurting us ha) bringing that to the screen. And Michael and David.
I’ve wrapped my head around the idea a bit more and it makes sense that Aziraphale would still fight it. It’s his m.o. He needs time to acclimate and catch up to Crowley. It just hurts. I’m hurting as Crowley. He’s always ready to jump. To make the move. He always put his heart on the line for Aziraphale, albeit a bit more subtly. He wants Aziraphale to choose him like he’s done for the angel so many times before. Wants to be loved and accepted. By the only person who would, could and SHOULD. Ow.
But honestly it’s been this long and they’ve gone through so much together a little longer isn’t too bad, right? And hey, we got ineffable bureaucracy canonized???? That’s… incredible. I won’t even get started on that here and now. This season WAS romantic. For so many different reasons and pairings.
Nina and Maggie are another good example of relationships done realistically. Not like in the movies. Neither avoiding rain under a canopy or dancing at a ball is going to make Nina magically move on from her seemingly very toxic (narcissistic/abusive?) recent ex. And if she did it wouldn’t be a very healthy start for her and Maggie.
Once again, praise Gaiman, for somehow mixing traditional notions of romance and love with reality so seamlessly. It didn’t have that feeling of cold reality some movies and shows do when trying to prove the point of “not all endings are happy.” And it wasn’t just ooey gooey either. Brilliant. The man’s just brilliant.
Ok, I’m gonna wrap this up cause I could go on. There’s sooooo much more I could touch on and this was supposed to be short. After decompressing a bit I’m looking forward to rewatching the whole thing again knowing how the storylines all play out.
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marblejack · 1 year
WHB chapter 3-91 spoilers
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Bro, the way I couldn't realize Leamas is Samael backwards, he didn't even try to hide it 😭😭😭
i guess i really am that kind of person who gets surprised by disney twist villains
And the way none of you royal demonic bitches couldn't realize there was an angel right in front of you, what's your excuse?
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seireitonin · 10 months
Rant about Creepypasta Ages/ misinformation
(istg this is the first and last time I’ll mention this on tumblr)
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“Toby’s a minor🤡” Since when is 19 a minor? He’s not even 19 anymore he’s 29 almost 30. Begging you guys to think before you open your mouths. Same w Jeff that man is literally 29-40. Even in the Woods story where he was 13 it literally says “it’s unknown how old he is now” because he’s on the run and has been for years. No ones keeping track of the man’s birthdays bc he’s a criminal but it’s implied he’s a grown ass man bc literal years pass. The stories where they’re 17 and 13 are called origin stories. That means it explains how they got the way they are and why they behave the way they do. Not that they’re age locked at 13 and 17. Especially Toby bc kastoway said multiple times that he’s in his 20s and even drew him as such. There’s literally a whole age chart for Toby. This is all literally surface level information. You guys are showing me every day that you guys don’t actually read or research the characters you claim to love sm. Especially with BEN who’s literally evil computer code. Not Ben the 12 year old boy. The only minors are Sally who passed at 8 so she’s permanently 8. Ben the 12 year old boy who passed at 12 so he’s 12. Not BEN, the evil entity. Lulu who’s age locked at 15 and Lazari if you wanna count them. Everyone else is in their late 20s-early 30s. Or like Bloody Painter and Jane in their 40s/almost 40. Again begging yall to do research before you speak. The misinformation is crazy. (Again idc if you hc them as minors hcs don’t bother me at all!! The only reason I bring it up is bc ppl get mad at ppl for shipping certain characters together or call them awful things bc they think nsfw content of certain characters is sexualizing minors when it’s not. Bc they’re not minors. I just want the fandom to be as peaceful and unproblematic as possible. (Impossible ask, ik) and try to use my platform for good. But if you are gonna make Creepypasta nsfw art/content make sure you use the adult designs. Also if you are sexualizing minors/ proshipping you need to be in jail and shamed.Idc. It’s literally not hard to do research and be a normal human especially if you’re an adult like me.)
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Appreciation post for the characters who are doomed from the beginning and whatever they do their tragedy cannot be overturned
For Example Regulus Black and Matthais Helvar, ik it seems like a stretch but hear me out for a second plz
Both characters grew up in a toxic environment and were essentially brainwashed (Regulus with the Black Family and Matthais with the Druskelle)
They both lost people dear to them at a very young age (Matthais his whole family in a fire caused by Grisha and Regulus his brother Sirius)
They both fell in love with the "enemy" (Matthais fell in love with Nina who is a Grisha while he is a Grishahunter and Regulus fell in love with James who is a Gryffindor, and essentially stole his brother and is everything the Black family is against)
The person they fell in love with made them realise their own prejudiced views and their wrongdoings encouraging them to change
Doing everything possible to change while fighting their own personal demons (The Druskelle and the Black family weren't good but at the end of the day they were the only family they had ever known)
Dying while trying to fight for the right side and redeeimg themselves bcoz at last they see that they have a chance at a better life (Matthais died while trying to save Grisha and Regulus died while betraying Voldemort)
Bcoz in the end it didn't matter that they tried everything in their power to change, they were destined to die and the most tragic part is that their deaths have no meaning!! Them dying doesn't change the story. They were as helpless on the day they died as they have been their whole life when they were not given any choice.
The one time they try to do something for their own self, fall in love and see this sliver of light, of the life they could have, they meet their tragic demise.
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